FC3 Richards wrote:
> anything going on in Melborne from the 17th -19th??  or sydney from the 21st
> to the 25th???
> what are the good clubs there??  i need some good info on that sort of
> thing, being a foreighner and all.  thanks

http://www.beat.com.au/ has some info available for melbourne - there is
a printed version of this plus another paper called Inpress that has
whats on. These are available in a lot of clubs, cafes, music shops etc.

I haven't been out much at all recently, but DJs I like that play around
town are:

DJ Toupee
Jeff Tyler
Damian Laird
Jason Digby
Jase Knipe
DJ Pixelton
  • land of oz?? FC3 Richards
    • Re: [313] land of oz?? Duncan Robertson

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