Definately does the biz - was going to ask about this myself, 
after hearing Stacey drop it at The End on Saturday.
Awesome, driving, raw - get me this record!
Love the way Stacey reacts to it when he plays it too...


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, July 03, 2000 2:22 PM
> To:
> Subject:      [313]       Stacey Pullen 'The Stand'
> *Stacey Pullen presents Black Odyssey "The Stand" on Black Flag Records*
> ...does anyone know what happened to this tune?  It was last seen about 5
> months ago in full 
> white label disguise, but has yet to come out of hiding.  It is considered
> to be very 
> dangerous, causing mass devistation in underground dance halls by means of
> relentless driving 
> funk and should be approached with extreme caution.  Rumours have abounded
> about its imminant 
> release into the community, but yet no confirmed sightings have been
> reported.  If anyone has 
> seen this item on the streets or has any relevant information of its
> whereabouts, then contact 
> me in order that I may seek out the criminal beast and secure it for an
> indefinite period of 
> incarceration in my record box.
> ...a reward of #7 or equivalent will be given to anyone handing me the
> offending item.
> ))\ ))  o  ___  )) ))
> (( \(( (( ((_(, (( ((...
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