Sorry for this late message, but I have been sooo busy and tired I didn't
manage to do it earlier.

A big thanks to everybody who helped and accompanied me and my girlfriend
Annick when we were in Detroit. 

A special thanks to Kelli Kavanaugh for picking us up at the airport and her
kindness and hospitality. 
An even bigger thanks to her sister Kati, Rodney and Jay for having us over
for the days we were in Detroit. That was so kind, but you know you can
expect the same treatment when you get to Belgium! By the way, happy
birthday girls!!!!

A big thanks to John Sokolowski and Karie for being our guide in Detroit and
driving us around the whole place and of course for taking us to dinner.
Njammie, that Mexican food was pretty good! 

Thanks to Rodney for taking us to Submerge and driving us around and esp.
letting us in in the middle of the night. Thanks to Natan for driving us
around and for his dry humor. 

Thanks to the Dutch  guys (Hans, Otto, Pieter, Klaas-Jan) for their
friendship and expertise and simply a good time. 

Thanks Steven Lammers for offering to drive us around on Tuesday and
Wednesday. We managed fine Steve, didn't wanna bother you. Thanks anyway.

Thanks to everybody at Forans and The Butchers Inn for their kindness and

Thanks to Alan Oldham for inviting us to his place. Sorry it didn't work out
Alan. Maybe next year. Thanks for returning the interview so quickly and
elaborate. Never has an artist been so fast and extensive, even an intro!
Alan you're the man! Respect! 

Thanks to Dan Bell for agreeing on an interview a couple of hours before he
left for Berlin.

Thanks to all the other 313-members we've met. It was great meeting you all
and we had a great time! Hope to see all of you and more of the members next

Thanks to Linda G at Science for throwing a free party for the list!

Thanks to Gamall at Backspin Promotions, Tamara at 430West and Jonnie O at
Motor for having us as guests at their events and for all the help.

Thanks to Mike B, Cornelius, Rolando, Digital and everybody at Submerge for
their kindness and for the breakfast on Mondaymorning.

Thanks to all the people I may have forgotten (still extremely tired so...) 
Thanks to Detroit as a whole, you will always be in our hearts!!

John Osselaer & Annick Deklerck (technotourists Belgium)

P.S. Also a huge thanks to Dennis Donohue and Magdalena for having us over
when we were in Chicago, for driving us around and for taking us to dinner
several times. You have a royal treatment coming to you when you are in

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