Michele Baldessari wrote:
> Hi all,
> some time ago the sources for jss could be found here:
> http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/security/jss/releases/
> Now they seem to have disappeared. Anyone know if they're in some
> branch over at hg.mozilla.org?
> Similar question for ldapjdk. It used to be available through the following 
> command:
> cvs -d :pserver:anonym...@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot co 
> -rLDAPJavaSDK_418 DirectorySDKSourceJava
> This still works, but I wonder if that is still to be considered the
> "official" upstream.
> Thanks,

I've been complaining to the Mozilla guys for a while about the lack of 
jss tarballs and haven't gotten anywhere.

I pull jss with:

cvs -d :pserver:anonym...@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot export -r 
JSS_4_2_6_RTM -d jss-4.2.6 -N mozilla/security/coreconf mozilla/security/jss

I don't know about the ldapjdk source.

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