Re: [389-users] New 389 ds install - cannot logon to adm console

2011-01-14 Thread Brian LaMere
well hello all, seems I'm having this problem myselffresh install, and
when I go to the configuration tab of the 389-console it tells me:

The user uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot
does not have permission to perform this operation.

When I click ok, a box appears asking for DN/pass.  If I put the password in
the continues on with no errors (thus the mind annoyance).  Then
again, if I just click ok and then cancel (meaning, I don't put in new
credentials) the config tab works then too.  I don't actually see in the
logs either what it is that I'm not being allowed to do, it seems to just be
a superfluous re-prompting for the password.  On a lark, I tried putting in
the /wrong/ password...which it did indeed not like, telling me invalid
credentials.  Clicked ok, then cancel...and I'm able to access the
configuration tab even after putting in the wrong pass and not correcting
it.  I'm assuming it is just using the original credentials that should have
prevented the initial error in the first place, even though I tried putting
in new credentials...

Again, fresh install, on a fresh build of Fedora14.  I am tunneling the
console, but that shouldn't matter (?).  Is this just a bug in 389-console?
 Should I open a ticket?  I'm going to continue past it, since it...doesn't
seem to be stopping me from doing anything.  I'm using the standard repos,
everything is current:


Did I miss the response about what might have been causing this?


On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 4:00 AM, trisooma wrote:

  On 11/30/2010 04:33 PM, trisooma wrote:
  On 11/30/2010 02:32 PM, Trisooma wrote:
  On 11/30/2010 10:23 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:
  On 11/30/2010 02:20 PM, trisooma wrote:
  If i am reading the code correctly (and looking at the logging
  below), the
  line that has a severity of 'crit' should dump info for the ldap
  server we
  are connecting to.
  In my case (and Eric's too) only 'ldap://:389' is printed; sometimes
  with an odd number like 23395496 (see Eric's first post).
  [Tue Nov 30 22:01:43 2010] [crit] openLDAPConnection():
  failed for ldap://:389
  [Tue Nov 30 22:01:43 2010] [warn] Unable to open initial
  LDAPConnection to
  populate LocalAdmin tasks into cache.
  [Tue Nov 30 22:01:44 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.17 (Unix) configured
  resuming normal operations
  [Tue Nov 30 22:01:44 2010] [crit] openLDAPConnection():
  failed for ldap://:389
  [Tue Nov 30 22:01:44 2010] [warn] Unable to open initial
  LDAPConnection to
  populate LocalAdmin tasks into cache.
  The code that logs this error looks like this
 ap_log_error(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_CRIT, 0 /* status */,
  openLDAPConnection(): util_ldap_init failed
  data-secure ? s : ,
  data-host, data-port);
  It seems that the struct 'data' is not filled with the correct
  That's why I asked for your /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/adm.conf -
  My bad, see
  First, upgrade to the latest versions of these components from the
  testing repo
  yum upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing 389-admin 389-ds-base
  Then, run -u
  Then try
  ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// -D
  uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot -w
  youradminpassword -s base -b cn=389 Administration Server,cn=Server
  ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// -D
  uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot -w
  youradminpassword -s base -b cn=admin-serv-icicle,cn=389
  Server,cn=Server Group,,
  Using the above i can confirm that i can now use the console to log in
  administer my DS (though i had to remove selinux-policy-targeted). The
  command ' -u' ran without a hitch.
  the results of both ldap queries are below:
  [root@icicle /]# ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// -D
  uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot -W -s
  base -b cn=389 Administration Server,cn=Server
  Enter LDAP Password:
  dn: cn=389 Administration Server,cn=Server

Re: [389-users] superior attributes (not object classes)

2010-09-02 Thread Brian LaMere

 You can't have an attribute use an objectclass as it's superior.  An
 attribute can only use another attribute as it's superior.  The same
 restriction goes for an objectclass.  An objectclass can only use another
 objectclass as it's superior.

 I wrote up an email about how that was just a mistake in the example, but
that the original entries themselves didn't have that problem.  But no, no -
in my original, the attributes I was wanting to be inherited I did in fact
put SUP top in them.  I have no idea why I did that...I know that an
attribute can't inherit from an objectclass.

So apologies - for this particular issue, it was just a PEBKAC.  The other
issues remain and are more legit, however ;)

That said, they all may boil down to the fact that the currently active
389-ds in the official Fedora repos is an alpha that snuck in.  Those are
the attributes from 00core.ldif that jumped in to my 99user.ldif for some
reason (which I'm unsure still if I should do a bugreport for, since it only
happened once) and then the 3 bug reports I put in bugzilla (625327, 625335,
and 629149).

I am willing to do a disaster recovery test to facilitate doing a fresh
reload of everything once that alpha 389-ds package is replaced in the
repos; then I can just see if those problems (two of which I can reproduce
easily, the third is a problem I can't get to go away) still exist.

Thanks, and sorry!

Brian LaMere
389 users mailing list

[389-users] superior attributes (not object classes)

2010-08-31 Thread Brian LaMere
Regarding superior attributes, I found this email from 4 years ago:

In it, Mike said Seems that my schema conversion tool doesn't support
attribute inheritance...[snip]...I will keep this in mind for a feature

rfc2252 defines superior attributes, and it was something I was using in my
schema definition since I have a lot of new attributes and all but 4 of them
had one of 5 different configs of EQUALITY|ORDERING and SYNTAX.  Not
only was it cleaner to be able to just inherit the syntax and matching
rules, it also was faster ;)  Obviously, it doesn't keep me from doing

Was this ever looked at again for a feature enhancement?  Is it already
available, if I do X thing?

During the schema reload, I got this error (for context):

dse - The entry cn=schema in file
/etc/dirsrv/slapd-(server)/schema/97hosting.ldif is invalid, error code 21
(Invalid syntax) - attribute type nocastr128: Missing parent attribute
syntax OID

I got it because I was using SUP nocastr128 in an attributeType, after
defining an attributeType of nocastr128 with the base components I wanted to

Brian LaMere

ps - I have 2 more emails I'm sending; since they are on different subjects,
I thought I'd break them into different emails.  Please let me know if this
was a bad idea and I won't do it again.
389 users mailing list

Re: [389-users] attributes from 00core.ldif put in 99users.ldif after schema update

2010-08-31 Thread Brian LaMere
On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 8:52 PM, Rich Megginson wrote:

 That was an early alpha version that was only in testing and should not
 have been pushed to stable (not sure how that happened).  I strongly
 encourage you to use 389-ds-base-1.2.6-1.  This is now in the testing
 repos and will be pushed to stable at the end of this week.

oops - well, maybe that will explain the other (actual) problem I had after
the schema update.  I'll post on that when I get back to work tomorrow and
can describe it; it's something that I can only find/see within the

 Yes, bugzilla does allow you to mark attachments as private.  But is it
 possible to reproduce this issue with just some dummy data to avoid the
 risk entirely?  And if it is indeed a bug, we should open a bugzilla for
 this issue.

I didn't create any actual entries, it was just definitions for
attributetypes and objectclasses.  I don't really see much of a risk
(necessarily?) unless my schema was just insanely broken; I don't use those
two attributes anyway ;)  happy to send the schema to whomever to try on
their own, or I could just spin up a new EC2 instance and reload it fresh
again and see if it happens again if loaded on an ec2 i686 instance...

However, if what I'm using is an unstable version, it could just be that it
was triggered by doing a reload (regardless of content), and had nothing to
do with my schema at all.  Is that more likely?

Brian LaMere
389 users mailing list