Re: Can't Save Record Mandatory field is null

2022-01-26 Thread Keisuke Miyako via 4D_Tech
you can "export structure" and parse the xml.

I cannot find a way to search for fields with "Reject NULL Values" set to
true. Surely this must be possible, so can someone please let me know how
to do it?

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Re: Can't Save Record Mandatory field is null

2022-01-26 Thread Alan Tilson via 4D_Tech
Hello again,
I cannot find a way to search for fields with "Reject NULL Values" set to
true. Surely this must be possible, so can someone please let me know how
to do it?
Thank you,

On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 12:26 PM Alan Tilson  wrote:

> Hello Sannyasin,
> I just got bitten by this same issue, so thank you very much for sharing
> the solution.
> We had a field that was accidentally marked to 'Reject null input values'
> over 15 months ago and today it started causing problems!
> But we are back up and running after searching for this issue. I had only
> looked at Mandatory fields previously.
> Much appreciated,
> Alan Tilson
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 4:19 PM Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami <
>> wrote:
>> Solved!
>> Tech support found that I had “Reject null input values” on by First Name
>> field! We must have checked that by accident at some point. Unchecking it
>> fixed the issue.
>> --
>> Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
>> On September 1, 2016 at 11:25:56 PM, Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami (
>> wrote:
>> Regarding the debug log, I was able to start and stop it from the
>> maintenance tab on the 4D Server administration window. That’s good enough
>> as I didn’t have any other activity at the logging time. Of course, I don’t
>> understand enough of what the log says to see any problem...
>> --
>> Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
>> **
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4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
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Re: Can't Save Record Mandatory field is null

2022-01-26 Thread Alan Tilson via 4D_Tech
Hello Sannyasin,
I just got bitten by this same issue, so thank you very much for sharing
the solution.
We had a field that was accidentally marked to 'Reject null input values'
over 15 months ago and today it started causing problems!
But we are back up and running after searching for this issue. I had only
looked at Mandatory fields previously.
Much appreciated,
Alan Tilson

On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 4:19 PM Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami 

> Solved!
> Tech support found that I had “Reject null input values” on by First Name
> field! We must have checked that by accident at some point. Unchecking it
> fixed the issue.
> --
> Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
> On September 1, 2016 at 11:25:56 PM, Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami (
> wrote:
> Regarding the debug log, I was able to start and stop it from the
> maintenance tab on the 4D Server administration window. That’s good enough
> as I didn’t have any other activity at the logging time. Of course, I don’t
> understand enough of what the log says to see any problem...
> --
> Sannyasin Siddhanathaswami
> **
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Re: 4D <-> Development

2022-01-26 Thread Jody Bevan via 4D_Tech

Thank you so much for that excellent description of the path you took. Though 
it is all hard work ahead doing it, as you point out, it will likely help 
getting my head wrapped around the new 4D language. For ADE (Argus Development 
Environment) I had the ADE create the documentation framework automatically for 
Users, Admins, and Developers. As my wife points out, I need to have the 
documentation on the web to be taken seriously today. So whether that is the 
first project I do, or the one for a current client I think that you have 
helped me make up my mind. I like that you even described the tools you are 
using, AND how you learned the languages.

I really liked Lightening, and Aparajita’s Active4D. They fit very nicely in 
with 4D. I think though I will try to go the harder route in the anticipation 
that it will take me longer, but will stand the test of time.

Thanks again for after a post so long ago that you thought to respond.


> On Jan 25, 2022, at 16:06, Dave Nasralla via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Jody,
> Well, I started completely from scratch (regarding frontend
> development) about 6 months ago. I'd been avoiding it and finally had
> a situation where it was needed.
> I don't know if this is the best route, but it's the one I took.
> Javascript:
> I choose for learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It's a
> remarkable platform for learning. The lessons are short and you can
> pause the lesson and insert your cursor into the code they are
> demoing, try stuff, then hit play and the code reverts. They have a
> frontend developer's path - I did the first 15-20% and got what I
> needed to get my project going. As I started to learn javascript I
> thought "This looks a lot like the direction 4D is headed"
> Framework:
> What I learned about frameworks, is that you need to pick one that is
> going to be supported. In scrimba, they picked REACT because they say
> it is maintained by Facebook. I did not take the time to learn REACT
> because my project was for mobile devices and I got some starter code
> from a developer that used jQuery Mobile. Of course, jQuery Mobile
> stopped development and maintenance back in Oct, but it's good enough
> to get me going. (Hence, pay attention to the framework you learn!)
> jQuery itself may have more longevity - I don't know.
> Software:
> Web Browers have AMAZING developer tools right in the browser. I chose
> Chrome. Just hit F12 (mac) and BAM, you have a full debugger. You can
> trace your Javascript, set break points, force the cache to always
> load from the server (key to testing), see all your variables. Pretty
> cool!
> Visual Studio Code (mac)
> Pretty powerful editor. It has features I wish 4D had like:
> - option-shift-down arrow: will instantly duplicate your line to the line 
> below
> - option-click: you can put multiple cursors on the same document.
> You can put 6 cursors in six places and when you type you type (or
> delete) in all six places at the same time.
> - support for Emmet. As best I can tell it's a standard set of macros
> for development. Remarkably powerful.
> Communicating with 4D:
> I chose JSON. It seems like a format both Javascript and 4D like. They
> literally have the same commands for converting objects to JSON and
> back.  On the web page I create an object in Javascript with all the
> data I am sending to 4D (including signon info, tokens, anything). You
> stringify it and send it to 4D with a Post command. I send it via
> 4DAction. The Object shows up directly in the 4D method and you parse
> it to a 4D Object. I rolled my own token system so I can know if the
> "user" is authorized for the method.  I essentially created an API for
> my app. The nice thing is that it completely separates 4D from the
> HTML. The advantage is I don't have to rebuild my 4D application to
> update the interface - since the interface is just HTML and Javascript
> files. If our web guy needs info, I just create a method for him that
> returns what he needs.
> The biggest leap for me in making calls from Javascript is that the
> calls should be asynchronous (synchronous calls have been deprecated
> in general because they mess with the web users experience). This
> means that before you make a call to 4D from a web page, you tell
> Javascript which function will (if it ever gets a response) run when
> the browser gets a reply. You make the call and then the webpage
> continues as if nothing happened.
> Good luck! I'll be curious which way you decide to go!
> dave
> -- 
> David Nasralla
> Clean Air Engineering
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 11:17 AM Jody Bevan via 4D_Tech
> <> wrote:
>> I have asked a similar question over on the FORUM, and got two responses. I 
>> know more people than two have developed web pages and 4D applications 
>> working together.
>> I really need to get into designing both.
>> - The advantage I