
We use 4D to send HTML emails
Until now we used 4D Write to generate the mail body, and convert it to HTML 
(WR SAVE DOCUMENT ($area;$docpath;wr HTML 4 document))

Now we want to convert this to 4D Write Pro.
In WP there is a command WP EXPORT VARIABLE to convert an area to HTML ("wk 
mime html" or "wk web page html 4D")
Because we don't use SMTP_QuickSend but SMTP_Send with SMTP_Body, we cannot use 
"wk mime html" but have to use "wk web page html 4D"

My questions :

  *   Am I right that we can't use use "wk mime html" but have to use "wk web 
page html 4D"?
  *   Is it true that the use of bullets in HTML is not supported when sending 
by email?



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