Open a form with a listbox. I am looking at an array based listbox, don't
know if this is true for selection based but I suspect so.

Make an edit in a cell but DO NOT press tab, or enter or click anywhere
else in the form. Now add something to the listbox via drag and drop (or
perhaps some other programatic event).

Because you did not trigger the focus to change the on data change event
doesn't fire either and the contents of the cell revert to whatever they
were before the entry. Tech Support has confirmed this as the expected
behavior and suggested I might use On after keystroke. Not really an easy
option given the calculations that run as the result of data change. Not to
mention the opportunity for erroneous calcs based on incomplete data. And
in the context of one keystroke to another there's no way to tell which one
was the last one.

That last point is important because the next event is going to take place
in the context of itself. Meaning if I use some other event, On drag over
looked promising, with POST KEY to hit the tab -- it still doesn't trigger
a data change event on the cell that was edited. Other things like on
deactivate do not fire for an object or subform.

It appears the only solution is to set a 'shadow' object for the listbox
and at each keystroke update it with the row, column and new data.
C-objects will let me store any data type so at least there's that. Then On
data change and On drop use that object for updating and saving if it's not
empty. Seems like a lot of workaround to accommodate data entry with drag
and drop.

​This only comes up rarely but it's a problem when it does.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

*- Edmund Burke*
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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