4D was returning an error ousted of the blob due to a typo in the request. I 
have it working now. One letter can sure waste a lot of one’s time.


John Baughman
1331 Auwaiku Street
Kailua, Hawaii  96734
(808) 262-0328

> On Sep 2, 2018, at 8:26 AM, JOHN BAUGHMAN via 4D_Tech <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> 
> wrote:
> I have a Web App running on the same machine as 4D Sever and all requests to 
> 4D are done over localhost. I am currently displaying PDFs by having the Web 
> App get the path to the pdf file from 4D then serve the file to it’s viewer 
> in the browser.
> This all works fine, but after some testing have found that it is 
> significantly slower than serving the blob directly from 4D with WS SEND 
> BLOB. I have only been able to get this to work if I make the request for the 
> pdf directly from the browser, not via the Web App. In other words using the 
> address bar of the browser or the HTML viewer of the Web App in the browser. 
> The problem is that this exposes the request including the path to the PDF on 
> the server. 
> I need to have the Web App on the server make the request to 4D over local 
> host then serve the PDF to the web app’s viewer in the browser.  The closest 
> I could get to being successful was by having the web app create a simple web 
> page with the returned data and send the page to the web app’s viewer in the 
> browser…
> //web app request
> pdfBlob = socket1.Get(""+docPath, 
> 30) //send request to 4D
> pdfBlob = EncodeBase64(pdfBlob,0)
> //create the web page
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html>
> <head>
> <meta charset="UTF-8">
> </head>
> <object data="data:application/pdf;base64,pdfBlob ” type="application/pdf" 
> width="100%" height="675px">
> </object>
> </body>
> </html>
> //send the page to the viewer in the browser
> //4D response:
> $path:=Convert path POSIX to system(WebRequestGetFormField ("path"))          
> C_BLOB($blob)
> DOCUMENT TO BLOB($path;$blob)
> WEB SEND BLOB($blob;"application/pdf")
> All I get, however, is “TESTING TESTING” followed by a grey block where the 
> pdf would be displayed. It has been suggested to me that the problem may be 
> encoding and the following was suggested for encoding the response…
> pdfBlob = EncodeBase64(DefineEncoding(pdfBlob ,Encodings.UTF8),0). //still a 
> grey block
> Not completely understanding how encoding really works I am not sure how to 
> ask this, but what encoding is 4D using to send the PDF blob. Or can somebody 
> explain why this doesn’t work.
> Thanks,
> John
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