[9fans] troff diversions

2009-05-15 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I think of myself as pretty proficient with troff, but I never get
diversions right.

One fairly useless task I set for myself was to write a smart quote
macro. By that I mean that I want the macro to put the quoted text
into a diversion, check how many lines the quote would be when
formatted as a block quote, and then output a block quote if the
number of lines is >= block-quote-threshhold or output an
inline quote if it's not.

Actually this is not so useless if you are writing something that may
or may not be published in a variety of places that have different
page layout conventions for block quotes, and you're a lazy person
who doesn't want to make adjustments to even the rare borderline
case by hand.

Do you see what I have in mind? Any ides on how to achieve it?



[9fans] (no subject)

2009-05-28 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
[acme.dump bin/ devel/ doc/ guide lib/ sys/ text/ tmp/]
Subject: eqn and unicode

I noticed that sometimes my troff-related questions don't
generate much interest. I hope they aren't considered bad
form, because I am curious about another thing.

If you write the eqn-word for a greek letter, "GAMMA" for
example; eqn passes the unicode character (the output of
Alt-*G) to troff. If, on the other hand, you type Alt-*G in eqn,
it passes `"\f2Γ\fP' to troff, thus producing, by my lights anyway,
a nicer looking character. I was just wondering if this was
intended as a way to give people both a roman-greek letter
and an italic one, or if it was intended to discourage the use
of eqn's letter names in favor of unicode, or if it just sorta
happened. Perhaps none of the above. Anyone know?

My problem is that I developed the habit of using eqn letter-
words, and the output isn't very nice. (Yes, I know I can
define GAMMA %"\f2Γ\fP"%, but I'm still curious.)



Re: [9fans] eqn and unicode

2009-06-02 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
> On Thu May 28 19:07:48 EDT 2009, r...@swtch.com wrote:
>> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 4:08 AM, Gregory Pavelcak
>>  wrote:
>> > If you write the eqn-word for a greek letter, "GAMMA" for
>> > example; eqn passes the unicode character (the output of
>> > Alt-*G) to troff. If, on the other hand, you type Alt-*G in eqn,
>> > it passes `"\f2Γ\fP' to troff, thus producing, by my lights anyway,
>> > a nicer looking character. I was just wondering if this was
>> > intended as a way to give people both a roman-greek letter
>> > and an italic one, or if it was intended to discourage the use
>> > of eqn's letter names in favor of unicode, or if it just sorta
>> > happened. Perhaps none of the above. Anyone know?
>> Eqn should not generate different output for GAMMA vs Γ.
>> Feel free to fix it.
> this is an interesting case.  fonts are not applied to symbols
> in the resword table.  the following fix does solve the problem
> with historical correctness.  if the font is ugly, perhaps a better
> font is in order. :-)
> - erik

Hmm. I submitted a patch so that fonts would apply to resword
rather than making it so that they don't apply to greek letters,
and I'm not even sure I did that right.

diff -c /sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c /usr/gp/sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c
/sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c:83,89 - /usr/gp/sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c:83,90
else if (t == TAB)
p = "\\t";
else if ((tp = lookup(restbl, p1)) != NULL) {
-   p = tp->cval;
+   sprintf(cs, "\\f%s%s\\fP", ftp->name, tp->cval);
+   p = cs;
} else {
lf = rf = 0;
lastft = 0;

Now I don't know what's right. What if, for example, you
use "gfont H"? Shouldn't that really make Γ get passed to
troff as "\fHΓ\fP"?


Re: [9fans] eqn and unicode

2009-06-02 Thread Gregory Pavelcak

You're reply and some reflection convinced me that my first
approach is just wrong. I don't understand the next-to-last
paragraph though. I tried creating gktbl and making the change
you suggest to text.c, and it seems to work. Why does
isalpharune() need changing?


> i'm pretty sure that's wrong for reswords like "≥" or "and".
> a font change would also change the appearance of existing
> documents.  my change also changes the appearance of
> existing documents, but only those that use the relatively-
> new unicode input.
> on the other hand, for Γ to be treated the same as G,
> one would need a new table gktbl() that would be added
> here
> /sys/src/cmd/eqn/text.c:85,91
>   else if ((tp = lookup(restbl, p1)) != NULL) {
>   p = tp->cval;
>   } else {
> + if (tp = lookup(gktbl, p1)) != NULL)
> + p = p1 = tp->cval
>   lf = rf = 0;
>   lastft = 0;
>   nclass = NONE;  /* get started with no class == no pad */
>   csp = cs;
> one would also need to modifiy isalpharune to return
> true for greek letters.  or just use the system isalpharune.
> i'm sure one could find a number of other bugs.
> the reason i didn't suggest this is because it changes old
> documents.  perhaps we should just take our lumps and
> fix the problem.
> - erik

[9fans] eqn and unicode -- Again

2009-06-06 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I should probably just drop it because I reveal my ignorance
when I post, and erik is the only one who has shown any interest,
but ...

I guess what I want is for eqn to sort of immediately convert
GAMMA to Γ and then go about its business with Γ, as if it
never saw the word GAMMA, got it?

So, I was looking at eqn -d to get some more feedback
and it seems that a user definition does that. Here's some

cpu% eqn -d
... eqn version Oct 24, 1991
.lf 1 -
define Gamma %Γ%
.   lex token = |define|
.   name Gamma defined as Γ
.   lex token = |Gamma|
.   found Gamma|=Γ|
.   lex token = |Γ|
.   57346text: S11 <- \f2Γ\fP; b=0,h=1,lf=2,rf=2,ps=10
.ds 11 "\f2Γ\fP

cpu% eqn -d
... eqn version Oct 24, 1991
.lf 1 -
.   lex token = |Γ|
.   57346text: S11 <- \f2Γ\fP; b=0,h=1,lf=2,rf=2,ps=10
.ds 11 "\f2Γ\fP

Of course, I don't know if the treatment is the same in other
contexts, but I'm wondering if a simple solution is to make
gktbl and treat it like deftbl in lex.c instead of like restbl in


Re: [9fans] Guide to using Acme effectively?

2009-07-06 Thread Gregory Pavelcak

Hilarious. Are the helmet and flame-retardant jumpsuit included?

On Jul 6, 2009, at 6:32 AM, mattmob...@proweb.co.uk wrote:

Ethan Grammatikidis wrote:

I can't help laughing at the thought of one of these wheels hooked  
up to a plan 9 machine!

think big


[9fans] sort strangeness

2009-09-27 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Just noticed this

cpu% cat tmp/sorttest
cpu% sort tmp/sorttest
cpu% sort -u tmp/sorttest
cpu% sort -n tmp/sorttest
cpu% sort -n -u tmp/sorttest


Re: [9fans] sort strangeness

2009-09-27 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I think you and Richard are right. Looking at the man page,
the behavior is not unexpected. I mis-read what my own
experiment did and thought sort -n actually sorted 2.1.4
and 2.1.1.  I guess it's more of a 4am-on-a-sleepless-night
problem than a sort problem.



[9fans] Ken's FS: WORM Superblock read failed

2010-05-30 Thread Gregory Pavelcak

I've been messing around with setting up a Ken's file server with old
hardware that's accumulated over the years.

Yesterday, I configured a file server with two IDE drives as ch0fh2. The
setup seemed to go OK, but one of the last things on the screen before it
brought the server up is in the subject line: WORM Superblock read failed.
It also said something about block 2 (I know the numeral `2' was in there).

When I booted this morning and let it go through the whole process, I got:
   tag = Tnone/0: expected Tbuck/2697 -- flushed (2697)
   panic: cwinit: ??? tag c bucket

(Embarrassing. The "???" indicates where I can't read my own handwriting.)

Any insight would be appreciated.

Here's some more setup info:

Motherboard is ECS L4S5MG with SiS 650/961 chipset
Hard Drives are both Western Digital WD800JB (80G ATA drives)
The kernel is 9fsfs64 from /sources/extra/kensfs.tgz. I don't know if Erik's
fs has mods that are relevant. I haven't tried his contrib version yet.


Happy long weekend to those of you who have one.


[9fans] PCI SATA Controller Cards

2010-05-30 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
On  a file-server related note, I almost feel committed to SCSI drives
because I have a nice Tekram controller. However all of my drives are so old
that I'm suspicious of them and buying new SCSI is expensive.

It looks like I could switch to SATA controller and drives for less money
than a couple of new SCSI drives as long as I don't have to spend hundreds
to get a decent SATA controller.

Anyone have any recommendations for a PCI SATA controller card that will
work with Plan 9?



Re: [9fans] Ken's FS: WORM Superblock read failed

2010-05-30 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I didn't try recover, but since the config I really want is a partitioned
one like you suggest, and the errors I reported didn't make anyone
immediately think "dying hard drive"; I think I'll try getting your (Erik's)
fs from contrib.

I assume I can do something like this:

Put the two hard drives destined to be on the file server on my existing
fossil-only machine (I have a hard drive with that somewhere from the last
few days of experimentation).

Diskpart and diskprep those drives with, for example, 9fat, cache, and worm
on the drive destined to be h0 on the server and 9fat, other and worm on h2.
Using some appropriate sizes (approx 10% of disk size going to cache and
other with h0."worm" and h2."worm" the same size for mirroring).

Put 9load, plan9.ini, a kernel from fs on h0.9fat (Something missing? I
guess I just want to emulate what pc/bootfloppy would do for me, but I want
to copy those things to h0.9fat.)

Move the disks to the file server, boot, watch everything come up just fine,
and config something like:
  filsys main cph0."cache"f{ph0."worm"h2."worm"}
  filsys dump o
  filsys other ph2."other"

I'd appreciate it if someone would let me know if I'm way off base here.
Otherwise, I'll probably give this a shot this afternoon or tomorrow.



On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 11:56 AM, erik quanstrom wrote:

> > Yesterday, I configured a file server with two IDE drives as ch0fh2. The
> > setup seemed to go OK, but one of the last things on the screen before it
> > brought the server up is in the subject line: WORM Superblock read
> failed.
> > It also said something about block 2 (I know the numeral `2' was in
> there).
> >
> > When I booted this morning and let it go through the whole process, I
> got:
> >tag = Tnone/0: expected Tbuck/2697 -- flushed (2697)
> >panic: cwinit: ??? tag c bucket
> if you booted from one of these drives, you may have stepped on
> the partition table and/or configuration.
> have you tried "recover main" at the configuration prompt?
> i'd recommend making the cache relatively small.  p10.10 might be
> a good plan.

> >
> > Motherboard is ECS L4S5MG with SiS 650/961 chipset
> > Hard Drives are both Western Digital WD800JB (80G ATA drives)
> > The kernel is 9fsfs64 from /sources/extra/kensfs.tgz. I don't know if
> Erik's
> > fs has mods that are relevant. I haven't tried his contrib version yet.
> if you do use it, you can partition the drives with prep and/or
> fdisk and use partition names.  percentage is pretty sloppy when
> you get to an 80gb drive.  i found that absolute sector numbers
> are error prone for humans to type and sharing an aoe target
> makes sense.  here's my main configuration
>filsys main cpe2.0"kcache"e2.1
> - erik

Re: [9fans] Ken's FS: WORM Superblock read failed

2010-05-30 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Thanks Erik.

Yeah, the "f" device is just a consistent brain tic for me. Once upon a time
I thought for some reason that "f" always went with "c" unless you were
using a real jukebox, and now I can't seem to get rid of that
misapprehension when I write my configs.

I used "h2" because I intended to have the drives on separate controllers.
Are you saying it should be "h1"  even if there is no primary slave, or are
you recommending that I put the drives on a single controller?

Getting optimistic about trying this.

It seems to me from my lurking around the groups that Erik is almost
single-handedly keeping Ken's FS alive. I would just like to voice my
appreciation for that.


On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 12:53 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:

> >   filsys main cph0."cache"f{ph0."worm"h2."worm"}
> >   filsys dump o
> >   filsys other ph2."other"
> should be
>filsys main cph0"cache"f{ph0"worm"h1"worm"}
>filsys dump o
>filsys other ph1"other"
> also recommend against using the "f" fake worm device.
> it makes changing the size of the device (say by 1 sector)
> excessively difficult, and i'm unclear on the actual upside;
> if the fake worm device saves you, things are already
> pear shaped.
> - erik

Re: [9fans] double spacing troff documents

2010-09-07 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I think that, if you're using -ms, the value probably gets reset.
Try setting VS too. E.g. .nr VS 24.


On Tuesday, September 7, 2010, EBo  wrote:
> One of my reviewers always prefer to get documents double spaced.
> How do you do this in troff?  I tried .v and .vs (with 2, 12pts and 24pts
> arguments) as implied by Ossanna and Kernighan's Troff manual...
>   EBo --

Re: [9fans] native lbl, long text in troff, bold italics in eqn

2010-09-16 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I think you would have to use two passes of troff. The first pass would
generate the info you needed to define the crossref macro.

For example:

.NH 2
Middle of Paper
.tm crossref: .if "$1"middle" see sec. \*(SN

I have the label 'crossref:' in case you are generating definitions for
macros, and you want to grep the standard error to treat different lines in
different ways. If you're using -mpm, for example, and you like running
that change with section number changes, you need to use a method like
this to define a running-head macro. If crossrefs turn out to be the only
that need this treatment, you can obviously leave the label out.

Do a pass with troff -ms mypaper >[2]crossrefs.

So crossrefs will look like

.de CR
.if "\\$1"middle" see sec. 3.7
.if "\\$1"differentsection" see sec. 7.2.6

Then read in crossrefs on the next pass, and all of your refs in the doc
.CR middle
.CR differentsection
should work.

Putting thought into a text processing mkfile is probably worthwhile here.

Although it's another example of bibliographic references, Russ Cox once
posted some scripts using rc, awk and a mkfile that used this two pass idea.
It would probably be worth
looking at his example too. It's quite brief.


I think this is roughly right; I haven't used troff in a while. I'm sure
else will chime in if there's an easier approach.



On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Rudolf Sykora wrote:

> > There's two versions of refer in contrib. One version is
> forsyth/refer.tgz,
> > which is just refer, 'slightly improved,' and the other version is
> > steve/refer, which is refer from forsyth with bin2ref and the plan 9
> > bibliography from the University of Utah. They can be installed with
> contrib.
> > Hope that's what you need.
> If I understand, refer is primarily meant to manage bibliographical
> references.
> I need cross-references within a document, like to pictures, pages,
> figures, equations, ...  --- that's why I mentioned 'lbl' and asked
> whether there is a native port. Or more generally, what others use. I
> can't believe it'd be possible to write a longer document without
> automatically managing such things.
> Ruda

Re: [9fans] troff macro II

2011-03-24 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Typing from phone so I'll be brief.

Just put the header at the bottom of the page and pipe the .ps output
through sed to change the vertical position.

I found this easier than moving back up the page in troff.


On Mar 24, 2011 12:56 PM, "Rudolf Sykora"  wrote:

Hello 9fans,

since in the previous thread started by me ('troff macros for
typesetting books/longer texts') nobody touched my question about
producing wanted headings, I started experimenting, but so far has not
been quite successful.

Since text to appear in my headings is to mirror section names, like
'1.2', and a beginning of such a section appears somewhere lower on a
page---definitely below the page heading---, I must create a page
heading just after the very page is filled, i.e., as I feel, the
heading could actually be produced when the ms .BT macro (usually used
to typeset footings) is called. So I naively tried to redefine the .BT
macro, actually, by just appending 4 extra lines:

.de BT
.nr PX \\n(.s
.nr PF \\n(.f
.ft 1
.ps \\n(PS
'lt \\n(LTu
.po \\n(POu
.if \\n%>0 .tl \(ts\\*(LF\(ts\\*(CF\(ts\\*(RF\(ts
.ft \\n(PF
.ps \\n(PX
.tl 'a'b'c'

Please consider this just as an experiment (no point-size changes,...).
This for some reason doesn't work.
Since some of you probably have experience, could sb. tell what is wrong?

Thank you

[9fans] Rio windows size and location

2008-07-04 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Here's the summary for the window command in the man page.

window [ -m ] [ -r minx miny maxx maxy ] [ -dx n ] [ -dy n ]
  [ -minx n ] [ -miny n ] [ -maxx n ] [ -maxy n ] [ -cd dir ]
  [ -hide ] [ -scroll ] [ -noscroll ] [ cmd arg ... ]

If I do

window -r 200 200 1000 900,

I get the same result as

window -minx 200 -miny 200 -maxx 1000 -maxy 900,

which, frankly, believe it or not, was not what I expected.  Given
that -r allows one to specify the exact corners of the window, the
result I expected, and would like, from the second form is just to
create a rectangle on the screen, smaller than the screen size, to
which the new window that opens is confined.  So, my thought was every
time I execute the first form, I get a new window of that exact size
and location right on top of its predecessor, while repeated
executions of the second form give me new windows of the default
(600x400?) size but contained within the bounding box defined by me.

The reason this came up is that I have a wide monitor, and I find
myself moving windows to the center (as if it's a chore to look to one
side or the other!?), so I decided to open clock, winwatch, stats along
the right side of my screen (about 1520,0,1680,1000) and open new
windows with the restriction -maxx 1520.  For example, "window -dx 800
-dy 800 -maxx 1520" means give me a window that size anywhere you want
as long as it doesn't go farther right than 1520.  But, as I've
already suggested, that command doesn't have the expected effect.
Actually, just clicking on the window command I wrote resulted
in this window (from wloc): "window -r 112 112 912 512".

Anyway, the point is I started looking at wctl.c to see if I could get
the behavior I want.  I just thought I would ask if this is a stupid
idea; or if it has already been done, and there's a way to get the
effect I want that I'm missing.



[9fans] Rio windows size and location

2008-07-04 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Sorry for the self follow-up, but it did just occur
to me that a simple solution is to start a new instance
of rio within a window withe the boundaries I want,
then, obviously, all subsequent window-openings
will take place in there.



Re: [9fans] Rio windows size and location

2008-07-04 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I know that this self-conversation is getting silly, but I thought
I would report that, as far as just starting a new rio, the winwatch
that I'm trying to keep uncovered doesn't show windows opened
in the new rio, sort of defeating the purpose. So, I guess I'm
back to the original question.

Now, I promise not to post again for at least 24 hours or until someone
replies with a question directed to me!


Re: [9fans] CPU Server Wiki, auth/keyfs, and password for the machine.

2008-07-26 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Thanks Russ for the typically thoughtful and informative reply. You  
are perhaps the most valuable resource on any mailing list anywhere.  
There ought to be an award or something.

The reason I ask is that I missed that step the first time I tried to  
set up the CPU/Auth server, but I've since gone through it all again  
carefully more than once, and I stll get "connection rejected" with  
my Ken's file server. (Yes I know fossil/venti is the current  
standard, but what can I say, I'm, perhaps irrationally, or at least  
non-rationally, attached to the old file server.)

The problem is, other than going through the Wiki and 9fans archives,  
which I've done, I don't have any notion of how to find out where I  
went wrong. I successfully set this up in the past. I did remember to  
add IL back to pccpuf, and, as  I said, I followed the Wiki. I'm at a  

Any pointers appreciated.


On Jul 26, 2008, at 12:15 PM, Russ Cox wrote:

In the Wiki on configuring a standalone cpu server, there is a  
part that
says to run auth/keyfs to provide a password for the machine.  

a fresh install, this is done while logged in as glenda.

Is this really necessary? Is it different from zeroing the nvram and
then entering authid, password, etc.?

Yes, and yes.

Auth/keyfs is the authentication database.
It holds key info for every user in the
authentication domain it serves, including
whatever user the cpu server itself runs as.

Filling out the nvram sets the info that gets
used to initialize the cpu server's factotum.
Like any other factotum, it needs to have a key
that matches the one in authentication database.

Auth/keyfs could plausibly preinitialize the
entry for the host owner using the nvram key,
and that would be fine most of the time, but
not always.  (It is possible to boot in one auth
domain but load an auth/keyfs and be an auth
server for a second domain.  This is why, for
example, users with accounts on the auth
server sources.cs.bell-labs.com can mount
its fossil but not cpu to the machine.)


Re: [9fans] CPU Server Wiki, auth/keyfs, and password for the machine.

2008-07-27 Thread Gregory Pavelcak

On Jul 26, 2008, at 3:10 PM, Russ Cox wrote:

You can test connectivity using aux/9pcon:

cpu% aux/9pcon -n tcp!web.mit.edu!9fs
aux/9pcon: dial: connection refused

If it does connect (which I doubt)


brain# aux/9pcon -n il!!9fs
aux/9pcon: dial: connection rejected

Interesting thing here. I'm working on a standalone CPU/Auth server  
so that I can mount my file server and populate it. (I had a recent  
question about recovering from an old pseudo worm, but after trying  
for a while, I became convinced that I had used those disks when I  
messed around with DragonFlyBSD, and I re-reamed). So, the kernel I'm  
trying is based on pccpuf. In anticipation of taking /root from the  
file server, I also made a kernel based on pccpu. I did the same  
thing to both: added "il" under "ip" and under "boot" (of course  
that's just uncommenting in pccpu), put il.c in /sys/src/9/ip/, and  
added Logil and Logilmsg to ip.h. Build went fine. Copy to 9fat.  
Menuitems in plan9.ini, and I'm good to go.

The reason I'm boring you with that information, and the part I found  
interesting, is this. Just for the heck of it I selected my "CPU,  
File Server Root" option, i.e. I booted from 9pccpu instead of  
9pccpuf. Of course, the CPU server reboots because there are no files  
on the file server yet, but I do seem to get past the il connection  
in this case. The file server says:

il: allocating il!!43095
authentication failed: NeedTicket: unknown user
hangup connection timed out-3 43095/

Gee. Nice to have some indication that I will have authentication  
issues too, once I get il to connect.

Any thoughts (other than "man you really botched this  
installation!") :-)


Re: [9fans] CPU Server Wiki, auth/keyfs,

2008-07-27 Thread Gregory Pavelcak

On Jul 27, 2008, at 10:55 AM, Skip Tavakkolian wrote:

to recap, you can mount the fs from a pccpuf - with the root coming
from a local fs, i assume - but can't boot with the root coming from

Nope, I cannot mount the fs from my CPU server with a local root.  
And, perhaps I should change the subject at this point, because while  
I had assumed it was an authentication problem, Russ pointed out that  
there was no il connection established, so authentication isn't  
really relevant (yet).

What I thought was interesting was that it appears that the il  
connection is established when I try to boot my CPU server with a  
file server root. Though nothing much more happens because the file  
server is not yet populated with the distribution.

On Jul 27, 2008, at 10:42 AM, erik quanstrom wrote:

does /net/il exist?  you may want to check with snoopy
to make sure packets are making it out, too.
cs and a few other programs have had il-ectomies.


It looks like /net/il is there. Here's some "stuff".

brain# ls -l /net/il
d-r-xr-xr-x I 0 bootes  bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/0
--rw-rw-rw- I 0 network bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/clone
--r--r--r-- I 0 network bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/stats
brain# ls -l /net/il/0
--rw-rw I 0 bootes bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/0/ctl
--rw-rw I 0 bootes bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/0/data
--rw-rw I 0 bootes bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/0/err
--rw-rw I 0 bootes bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/0/listen
--r--r--r-- I 0 bootes bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/0/local
--r--r--r-- I 0 bootes bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/0/remote
--r--r--r-- I 0 bootes bootes 0 Jul 27 14:43 /net/il/0/status
brain# srv il!!9fs pinky /n/pinky
srv: dial il!!9fs: connection rejected
brain# cat /net/il/0/status
Listen qin 0 qout 0 del 00050 Br 00100 md 00050 una 0 rex 0  
rxq 0 max 0

And here's snoopy when I run "srv il! pinky /n/pinky"

005784 ms
ether(s=0002b3079b14 d=003048119871 pr=0800 ln=60)
	ip(s= d= id=6d28 frag= ttl=255 pr=40  

il(s=36357 d=9 t=Sync id=31422 ack=0 spec=0 ck=f720 ln=18)
005786 ms
ether(s=003048119871 d=0002b3079b14 pr=0800 ln=580)
	ip(s= d= id=3980 frag= ttl=255 pr=40  

il(s=9 d=36357 t=Close id=0 ack=31422 spec=0 ck=f120 ln=18)



Re: [9fans] CPU Server Wiki, auth/keyfs,

2008-07-28 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
After expending all this time and energy, it turns out I was just  
getting the srv command wrong. And even after typing the command  
about 1000 times, hoping it would work, it never occurred to me that  
I should be using the port number. What a dope.



On Jul 27, 2008, at 12:48 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:

And here's snoopy when I run "srv il! pinky /n/pinky"

005784 ms
ether(s=0002b3079b14 d=003048119871 pr=0800 ln=60)
ip(s= d= id=6d28 frag= ttl=255 pr=40
il(s=36357 d=9 t=Sync id=31422 ack=0 spec=0 ck=f720 ln=18)

the destination port seems wrong.  try 17008 as in il!! 

- erik

[9fans] Venti arenas and index guidelines

2008-07-28 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Obviously I've had time on my hands to play with computers this week.

I have a fossil on an 18G hard drive, which from what I've seen, is
probably a much larger fossil than I need. However, I wasn't planning
on changing it unless it's really trivially easy to do so. I also have
another 18G drive and two 50G drives. I thought the thing to do would
be to mirror the 50G drives for venti arenas and that would leave the
18G drive for isects (and bloom?).

Any recommendations on how to proceed.



[9fans] Subject: Venti, redundancy, and hardware failure.

2008-08-02 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Sorry if this is a repost, but I haven't seen it show up on groups, so
I think I'm OK.

I recently asked about mirroring venti arenas and was told that mirroring
is generally a good idea.  It
occurred to me that, although I know how to mirror my arenas, I'm not
clear on how to recover from hardware failure.  That is, suppose sdD0
and sdD1 are dedicated to arenas, they are mirrored, and venti.conf
has something like 'arenas /dev/fs/arenas'.  Now suppose sdD0 goes
belly up.  Do I change '/dev/fs/arenas' to '/dev/sdD1/arenas', in
venti.conf and fossil conf?  Maybe rerun fmtindex?  I recall reading
about setting up venti and recovering fossil from venti, but I don't
remember seeing anything about this.

Also, I was looking at venti-backup.  I assume that using it to
'incrementally back up a Venti server to another Venti server' could
also include just copying the arenas to another device on the same
machine.  Is that right?  Even if I can use venti-backup tools in this
way, is mirroring preferable when it's possible?  Why or why not?

(Hah!  Sounds like a quiz.  Bad college flashback.  :-))


[9fans] Quick ms macros question

2008-11-12 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
This is a bit more mundane than recent discussions, but I
noticed that the ms macros contain this

.ie h .ll \\n(LLu
.el \{\
.ll 5.0i
.if n .if \\n(TN .ll 29
.if t .if \\n(TN .ll 3.5i \}

as part of .de TL. What is '.ie h'? I thought the only single character
conditions were e, o, n, or t. /sys/doc/troff confirms this, and a look
at the sources left me wondering. So, again, what does '.ie h' mean?



[9fans] troff, refer, and diversions

2008-12-09 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I've been writing a paper using -ms macros and refer and refer seems
to work as advertised. Recently I decided I wanted to get references in
endnotes instead of footnotes, so I added some very simple macros,
like FS/FE, around a diversion, thus:

.de XS
.da XA
.de XE

Aside from defining some number registers, the footnote macros
FJ and FK really don't seem to have much more to them than XS/XE,
and the XS/XE pair work as expected when I use them in the text.
However, when I replaced the FS/FE pairing under [2 in tmac.srefs,
the references are output in the text where I had the tags for refer
instead of being put into the diversion. I messed around with
variations on the macros much of the day and can't figure out what
I'm doing wrong. I can't see why FS and FE will work in the sref
macros, but XS/XE won't!

Thanks and Happy Holidays. I can't believe it's almost Christmas


Re: [9fans] troff, refer, and diversions

2008-12-10 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
Well, I guess it's bad form to respond to your own post, but just for the
record, I realized that at least one of those number registers that gets set
in the footnote macro is important; namely, the one that says you're in a
footnote. In tmac.srefs, the macros that print the references use .IP, which
in turn calls .RT, which helpfully ends diversions that the user may have
forgotten to close. Of course, this all happens before the rest of the
reference macro, so the reference never ends up in the diversion.

The sad part is that it took me over 24 hours to realize it.


On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 10:43 PM, Gregory Pavelcak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I've been writing a paper using -ms macros and refer and refer seems
> to work as advertised. Recently I decided I wanted to get references in
> endnotes instead of footnotes, so I added some very simple macros,
> like FS/FE, around a diversion, thus:
> .de XS
> .ev2
> .da XA
> .br
> ..
> .de XE
> .br
> .di
> .ev
> ..
> Aside from defining some number registers, the footnote macros
> FJ and FK really don't seem to have much more to them than XS/XE,
> and the XS/XE pair work as expected when I use them in the text.
> However, when I replaced the FS/FE pairing under [2 in tmac.srefs,
> the references are output in the text where I had the tags for refer
> instead of being put into the diversion. I messed around with
> variations on the macros much of the day and can't figure out what
> I'm doing wrong. I can't see why FS and FE will work in the sref
> macros, but XS/XE won't!
> Thanks and Happy Holidays. I can't believe it's almost Christmas
> again!
> Greg

[9fans] Sources Gone?

2009-01-23 Thread Gregory Pavelcak
I usually try to avoid the "what happened to sources" email,
but what happened to sources? All I've been getting from
pull attempts for the past several days is

srv: dial tcp!sources.cs.bell-labs.com!9fs: connection refused
bind: /n/sources/plan9: '/n/sources/plan9' does not exist
servermount: bind 545911: bind

Could there be something wrong at my end?



Re: [9fans] 9atom and USB Keyboard Problem

2013-05-20 Thread Gregory Pavelcak

Thanks Erik. That helped. Now I only get multi-character
output periodically.  I don't know what triggers it,
but at least I can type.

Turns out the mouse has the same problem. Button-3 click
in acme sends the text flying by. I don't know how many
clicks are being sent.

erik quanstrom writes:
> can you try changing the default initial repeat from t = 160 to t = 500 (ms)?
> you will need to do a mk install in /sys/src/cmd/usb, and then rebuild your k
> ernel.
> let me know if this makes the output a bit more reasonable.
> - erik