[9fans] 9base ports to unix

2005-08-19 Thread Anselm R. Garbe
Hi there,

just wanted to let you know, that I ported following base tools of plan9 to Unix
in a single package, based on Russ' plan9ports:

basename, cal, cat, cleanname, cmp, date, dc, diff, echo, eqn, factor, fmt,
fortune, freq, fsize, grep, idiff, join, ls, mkdir, p, rc, readcons,
rm, sed, seq,
sleep, sort, split, strings, sum, tail, tee, test, time, touch, tr, uniq, wc, xd

All binaries are statically linked (also with the host-OS libraries)
by default. I included libregexp, libbio, libutf and libfmt into lib9
to simplify the build process (the libs are still in separate
directories though, just a question of linking).
All tools don't need mk to be build, because I wrote Makefiles to get
rid of the mk dependency (which would make the package bigger). The
whole package is a tarball with 260kb and can be downloaded here:


(Note, bash-3.0 has about 2,3mb(!!!))

I did so, because for writing rc scripts, which is my favorite
scripting language already, it sucked to be dependent on dynamically
linked bloat binaries from GNU. I measured that a simple sleep call to
the default sleep program of Debian consumes about 2MB memory. Since
sleep might be rarely used, the problem of GNU test still occurs,
which needs the same amount. With times(1) I measured running
equivalent scripts (nearly doing the same) written in bash and rc,
bash using the GNU tools, rc using these 9base tools, and conclude
that rc is about 50 times(!) faster. My suspicion is, that this might
be related to dynamic linking and the overhead on process forks, but
also due to the unnecessary bloat contained in a shell, which has
2,3MB compressed source code.

Before the base port I created a 9rc package, which I already
announced in an earlier stage and which is available separately for
those who are only interested in the original rc (without libregexp
and libbio inclusion to lib9). This package can be downloaded here


  Anselm R. Garbewww.ebrag.deGPG key: 0D73F361

Re: [9fans] 9base ports to unix

2005-08-19 Thread Steve Simon

 I did so, because for writing rc scripts, which is my favorite
 scripting language already, it sucked to be dependent on dynamically
 linked bloat binaries from GNU. I measured that a simple sleep call to

Not wishing to troll, but genuine interest - why do you prefer a port
of plan9's rc to a staticially linked version of Byrons rc rewrite?

For me there is nothing to chose unless you have a lot of scripts from
a plan9 system that tickle the changes Byron made. I find the differences
between Plan9 and Linux sed more of a pain.


[9fans] plan9 and the Unicode Consortium definitions

2005-08-19 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky
I am just wondering whether any API to access more complete set of
character properties defined by Unicode.org is available in Plan9. So
far I have seen only library functions like isalpharune(2) defined in
runetype.c, but it does not cover all the character categories defined
by the Unicode Consortium. Something might be expected in the Section
7 of manpages, might not it?

BTW I've got some code I wrote earlier for Hugs and Glasgow Haskell
Compiler, which is autogenerated from UnicodeData.txt (runetype.c
seems to be manually hardcoded, or at least there is nothing in the
mkfile that shows how it was generated). If there is any interest, I
may send a link. My code is based on the same princilpes as I see in
runetype.c: binary search over sorted lists of character ranges.

Another question: is (historical) 16-bitness of runes a limitation of
the C runtime library only, or is the kernel rune-size-aware, too?
Because what Unicode.org defines is wider than 16 bits, as everybody

Unless there is any intentional divergence from the Unicode.org definitions.

PS I looked at the sources mirror at 9grid.de, and manpages at the
Bell Labs website. Outdated?

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web

Re: [9fans] plan9 and the Unicode Consortium definitions

2005-08-19 Thread Christoph Lohmann
Good day.

On Fri, 19 Aug 2005 10:51:07 -0400
Dimitry Golubovsky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PS I looked at the sources mirror at 9grid.de, and manpages at the
 Bell Labs website. Outdated?

From this morning.



[9fans] plan9 and the Unicode Consortium definitions

2005-08-19 Thread Dimitry Golubovsky

Andrey wrote:

 I am just wondering whether any API to access more complete set of
 character properties defined by Unicode.org is available in Plan9.

you mean things like diacritics?

I mean character categories defined in 


Abbr.  Description
Lu Letter, Uppercase 
Ll Letter, Lowercase 
Lt Letter, Titlecase 
Lm Letter, Modifier 
Lo Letter, Other 
Mn Mark, Nonspacing 
Mc Mark, Spacing Combining 
Me Mark, Enclosing 
Nd Number, Decimal Digit 

etc., total about 30 or so. isxxxrune distinguishes only among 5 categories.

This would probably inlcude diacritics, but my question was more
general (maybe even philosophical): there exists a recommended set of
Unicode character properties, APIs, and interfaces (Unicode.org).
Plan9 which probably influenced some aspects of Unicode to be
implemented in other systems does not follow. Is there any historical
/political /technical /other reason? Related man pages mention The
Unicode Standard though in SEE ALSO section.

What is more interesting to me (technically, as I asked in my first
message) - is 16-bitness of runes hardcoded anywhere in the kernel, or
only in libc?

Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web

Re: [9fans] 9base ports to unix

2005-08-19 Thread Scott Schwartz
I like Byron's version a lot.  The best feature: you don't have to
backslash lines inside a parenthesized list!

[9fans] acme core

2005-08-19 Thread quanstro
i fat fingered some combination of b2 and something else and got this core:

is this a linuxthreads vs. nptl problem?



; found 0 at 2 (h=1)
myperproc 1: cannot find self

; ls -l /home/quanstro/src/elocate/core.31684
-rw---  1 quanstro users 11911168 Aug 19 17:07 
; stack  /home/quanstro/src/elocate/core.31684
abort()  called from myperproc+0x82 
myperproc() /home/quanstro/plan9/src/libthread/Linux.c:368 called from 
_threadproc() /home/quanstro/plan9/src/libthread/Linux.c:395 called from 
needstack(n=0x200) /home/quanstro/plan9/src/libthread/thread.c:380 called from 
chanalt(a=0xb7995230) /home/quanstro/plan9/src/libthread/channel.c:253 called 
from _chanop+0x32 
_chanop(c=0x810ff50, op=0x1, p=0xb7995310, canblock=0x1) 
/home/quanstro/plan9/src/libthread/channel.c:327 called from chansend+0x2a 
chansend(c=0x810ff50, v=0xb7995310) 
/home/quanstro/plan9/src/libthread/channel.c:333 called from _ioproc+0xf3 
_ioproc(arg=0x810ff08) /home/quanstro/plan9/src/libdraw/x11-mouse.c:134 called 
from threadstart+0x18 
threadstart(y=0xb7955008, x=0x0) /home/quanstro/plan9/src/libthread/thread.c:93 
called from makecontext+0x44 
; core /home/quanstro/src/elocate/core.31684
stack /home/quanstro/src/elocate/core.31684
# Fri Aug 19 17:07:54 CDT 2005
# acme -f /home/quanstro/plan9/font/code2000/code2000.12.font