Re: [9fans] Fwd: Does sam have browse command

2008-02-28 Thread Martin Neubauer

 I checked the upe, and also the document of GNU ed.  It seems that the
 `b' command is really a new feature.  Then, when such a browse command
 was not here yet, how conveniently did users browse in page to page
 manner in ed or sam -d?

Re: [9fans] Fwd: Does sam have browse command

2008-02-28 Thread Martin Neubauer
Well, for what b provides this is probably good enough. You can use .+,.+20p for
disjoined chunks, or .+-,.+20p for what b does in ed. It's all in the man
page, though.

* Hongzheng Wang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Thanks.  But it seems that this instruction only works in ed.  With
 sam, however, the printed area will be increasely expanded each time
 rather than be disjoined ones.
 On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 4:58 PM, Martin Neubauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I checked the upe, and also the document of GNU ed.  It seems that the
`b' command is really a new feature.  Then, when such a browse command
was not here yet, how conveniently did users browse in page to page
manner in ed or sam -d?

Re: [9fans] awk, not utf aware...

2008-02-26 Thread Martin Neubauer
Awk is one of the few programs in the ditribution that is maintained
externally (by Brian Kernighan) and is pulled in via ape and pcc (it might
actually be the only one - I didn't bother to check.) A quick glimpse at
lex.c suggests that awk scans input one char at a time. In hindsight I'm a
bit surprised that I haven't got bitten by this, but I probably didn't split
within multibyte sequences. It's probably not too hard to change awk to read
runes for the price of creating ``the other one true awk.''


* Gorka Guardiola ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I think this has come up before, but I didn't found reply.
 If I do in awk something like:
 split($0, c, );
 c should be an array of Runes internally, UTF externally, but apparently,
 it is not. Is it just broken?, is there a replacement?, is it just the
 builtins or
 is the whole awk broken?.
 Example, freqpair
 #!/bin/awk -f
   n = split($0, c , );
   for(i=1; in; i++){
   pair=c[i] c[i+1]
   for(h in f)
   printf(%d %s\n, f[h], h);
 % echo abcd|freqpair
 1 ab
 1 cd
 1 bc
 % echo aícd|freqpair
 1 cd
 1 �c
 1 í
 1 a�
 where the ? is a Peter face...
 - curiosity sKilled the cat

Re: [9fans] troff -man prints poorly

2008-02-26 Thread Martin Neubauer
The problem most likely is the missing font informations. If you just use
``dpost -f'' (or the equivalent aux/download ... mentioned earlier) you
should get just what you want. The reason the page display looks good is
that you have access to the fonts as long as you don't leak the postscript
outside a Plan 9 system.


 I've been writing a man page and wanted to see how it looks
 when formatted with troff and printed, so I tried:
 troff -man file | dpost | lp
 only to find that the printout was extremely ugly. Words seem
 to have run together in some very strange ways; if I had a scanner
 handy I could show what I mean. Anyway, the same thing happens
 when I do:
 troff -man /sys/man/1/cat | dpost | lp
 but not when I do:
 troff -ms /sys/doc/ | dpost | lp
 Am I missing something simple and fundamental, or is troff/dpost
 just broken?

Re: [9fans] New to plan 9: what next?

2008-02-19 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Pietro Gagliardi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 First off, finish learning to use rc, rio, and acme. You'll need both  
 of them :-)

For large values of two, two equals three, for small values of three.

Seriously, it's probobly easiest to understand how Plan 9 works and why it
is the way it is by reading what you find in /sys/doc. Start with and
work yourself through the rest. A few things aren't really necessary to
get started, but reading the titles and abstracts helps to sort things. The
wiki is nice and contains quite a few descriptions of getting things done
but provides little reasoning about design (notable exceptions are the
pages on the colour scheme and the mouse vs. keyboard debate - there's
really no need to carry this one back to the list.) 

Oh, and the man pages are great for reference.

Re: [9fans] How to move to rc from sh/bash

2008-02-12 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Uriel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 It is more likely that the information you want is not even in the man
 page, gnu man pages are severely crippled, and if you want the real
 documentation you have to travel to info hell which is likely to
 contain ten times as much (mis)information and be ten times harder to
 And there you have the greatest innovation GNU has ever brought to
 unix, in gnu systems I rarely even bother checking the docs, because
 even random trial and error usually takes much less effort than
 navigating the fetid info swamp.

Damn, I was just going to ignore that mess.

Re: [9fans] How to move to rc from sh/bash

2008-02-11 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 i would think that the reason to do this would be for consistency.  i
 don't know that that's a compelling argument.  but i can see the
 attraction of all or nothing; it would be nice if either none of the
 scripts used getflags or all of them did.
 - erik

That's actually quite compelling to me. I'd be just in favour of some kind
of `lazy evaluation' (if some script needs to be changed, put in getflags;
ditto for new ones.) And I admit that if one is really tght pressed on space
(which might still happen nowadays, if not nearly as often than a couple of
years ago) it won't really matter havin to put in some effort to customise
what's in /bin/rc. I'm still amused by the argument that getflags is faster,


Re: [9fans] Hello Assembly

2008-02-10 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Eris Discordia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 That is probably because assembly was never intended for moving from one  
 platform to another all the time, but for squeezing the most out of a  
 given platform whose nooks and crannies you ken well.

Nah, that's only what the intel assembler is for. Originally, assembly
language was devised for not having to type in machine opcodes directly.
With the advent of high level programming laguages its main merit became the
ability to write those bits of operating system code that just cannot be
written in a high level language. (Research) Unix was influential in that
regard and showed that those parts are really small (and should be).


Re: [9fans] How to move to rc from sh/bash

2008-02-10 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Pietro Gagliardi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 - The seq statement is standard
   for (i in `{seq 1 10}) echo $i

Nope, seq is an external program (subject to the environment). On the other
hand, as Byron's rc is rather extinct by now, chances are if rc is available,
so is seq.

 - aux/getflags is faster than while getopt (no loop involved)
   My next plan is to rewrite all of /rc/bin to use aux/getflags. Any  

Well, that isn't so much about rc's advantages. Keep in mind though that
this would force getflags to be present whenever you need a shell script.
For most installations this isn't an issue, but for those running Plan 9
embedded it is. And with space constraints providing some of /rc/bin might
be reasonable, providing aux/getflags might not. Besides, if a script
doesn't use more than two or three different options getflags doesn't reduce
much complexity (if you aren't writing a new script). And concerning speed,
if command line parsing dominates the execution time I honestly wouldn't

 And what I dislike:
 - [2=] is not the same as [2]/dev/null (some programs crash with  
 the former

I don't think it should be the same. Both are special cases for two
different operations.

But what's really great about rc:
% man bash | wc -l
% man rc | wc -l
If I'd want to check the bash man page for some specific information,
chances are that I'm sound asleep before anything interesting comes up.


Re: [9fans] managing windows in rio

2008-02-08 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Eris Discordia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I have had similar questions about ways to streamline my Plan 9 experience  
 since like... a week ago (that is when I began using it).
 Plan 9 interfaces I have seen (rio itself, the window to rc, acme) are too  
 mousy, and I used to (and still do) curse Windows (and adore *BSD) for  
 just that reason. The line editor, ed, on the other hand makes good use of  
 the keyboard, but I really preferred the vi (vim, actually) way; I know,  
 vi was originally built around ed.

Well, the general attitude around here is that mouse interfaces aren't
necessarily bad (and the Plan 9 ones are particularly effeicient once you
get a grip on them). Also, the main applications (rio, acme, sam...) not
configurable except by hacking the code is a design feature to encourage
consistent behaviour across sites. That way I can sit down at about any Plan
9 machine and don't have to guess how the environment behaves.

I'll still tackle a few of you specific questions:

 1. to change the focus except by mouse?
 2. to change acme's chording behavior?
See above; chording is especially carefully crafted. It's probably more
gratifying in  the long run to just learn the standard chording methods.

 3. to change acme's focus model from point-to-type to click-to-type?
That's a tricky one. It would certainly be possible to change the focus
behaviour, but that would cripple acme to a more conventional user
interface. One of the things that make working with acme so pleasant is the
fact that you don't have to click too much. Also, it could lead to
inconsistencies (for example right click on a file name to open it: should
the focus move to the new editing window because you'll likely want to edit
the file content or should it stay on the drectory view (or whereever you
have been) because you clicked there?) This might be a trivial case that
could be easily decided on, but you'd inadvertently get less obvious corner

 4. to recall commands typed in an rc session without resorting to the  
 middle mouse button (snarf+paste)?
Erik Quanstrom(?) has a modified rc with basic readline behaviour in his
contrib directory.

 5. to make rc auto-scroll for programs that output many pages of text, e.  
 g. a du on a deep directory tree, and to not block them after a single  
Rc doesn't block (cf. p(1) ); rio windows do, though. Rio(1) explains how
you can handle this (and more).

 6. to make rc auto-complete with the [tab] key, instead of the [ins] key?
 7. to make rc auto-complete commands and not only file/directory names?
That, too, is a feature of rio, not rc. The effect is that auto-completion
isn't restricted to the shell, but there really isn't a sensible way to
decide whether to complete file names or commands. And it's actually quite
convenient to be able to juste type tab characters. You can use ctrl+f,

 8. to make the [del] key delete the character at the caret as it does in  
 many other environments?
Del actually is the traditional interrupt key. I think Berkeley changed it
to ctrl+c, but in the Plan 9 lineage leading back to 1st ed Unix it's been
del all the time. Plus, you already have bs, and I'd conjecture that you are
mor likely to delete what you have already typed than what you are going to

 9. to search a manual page while reading it, and not by piping it through  
You could just open the man page in acme. The usual search options are
available then. Plus, you can then open related man pages with a single

Hope I could help a bit,

Re: [9fans] A newbie question...

2008-02-04 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Anant Narayanan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 The fact that the late-adopters, myself included, have had previous  
 development and/or everyday use experiences with GNU stuff and that  
 they ask of similarities and differences, unawares of whatever  
 animosity towards the GNU thing has been brewing in your mind  
 through the years, should not have anything to do with their need/ 
 want to learn about Plan 9. They do not need your smart-alecky  
 quoting of Rob Pike. What they need is some guidance in their  
 transition, regardless of their purpose or previous experiences. If  
 you are not kind enough to help, you can at least stand by while  
 others do that.
 It helps to search the archives before posting. The issues concerning  
 GNU or C++ have already been discussed several times before -  
 rekindling the flames can only bring the old-timers to respond as they  

Another issue is the implicit assumption that a new environment which
doesn't provide all the familiar things one is grown accustomed to is
automatically defective. It's actually not that hard to just get to know
things for a few weeks (Plan 9 really is pretty accessible) and then attempt
to tackle usability issues that have arisen rather than trying to recreate a
linux environment (particularly as there already is a perfectly adequate
linux environment out there - it's called linux.) Perhaps Andrzej
Rosłanowski put it best (speaking about set theory, though): ``If you want
to read mathematics, first learn its language, get educated, don't complain
about your willies.''


Re: [9fans] Serious Problem Running Plan 9 on Virtual PC

2008-02-04 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Eris Discordia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 The ISO image is the semi-official  
 snapshot of the latest (or close to latest, depending on where you  
 download the image from) Plan 9 4th Edition, which is not much of a  

Uhh, that's the way Plan 9 is released. It's been this way for quite a few
years now. Just as official as you'll get.

Re: [9fans] A newbie question...

2008-02-02 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Uriel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Autotools badness is way beyond most peoples wildest imagination...

Unfortunately, you don't have to imagine.

Re: [9fans] A newbie question...

2008-02-02 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Pietro Gagliardi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Autotools increases portability by 57%, but then decreases  

Actually, they increase the _impression_ of portability by 57%. The other
effects are real, though.

Re: [9fans] Re: Building GCC

2008-01-25 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Douglas A. Gwyn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Note that you still need the #ifdef PLAN9 ... #endif,
 since that isn't standard C.

Or you compile it with plan9port. Or you steal the ``#define USED...'' from
p9p and put it into a compatibility header. Or...

Re: [9fans] Inferno /sys/doc: PDFs are actually PS?

2008-01-18 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Wes Kussmaul ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 OpenOffice Writer can output to pdf.

But can it input from ps (or troff output?)


Re: [9fans] opera under linuxemu

2008-01-03 Thread Martin Neubauer
For one, I think opera-static doesn't mean it's a static binary but qt is
linked in statically. On the other hand, until just a couple years ago
static linking in linux was no problem at all. But around the time linux 2.6
came out, the glibc guys apparently decided nobody used static linking
anyway and merrily bollocksed it up. Great, now I'm depressed.

* Federico G. Benavento ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 getting real static binaries in linux is a bit tricky and no one seems to
 be doing so, they always need, libnss and others.
 cinap creates some kind of bundles that create a  fake ns in /tmp/$lbun
 with this ( or something
 like, but I know he got opera running in Plan 9.

Re: [9fans] bungetc error

2008-01-02 Thread Martin Neubauer
 I think after bgetc returns Beof, bungetc should change the state, but
 not decrement bp-icount.

I don't think so. Bungetc ungets the last character read, not Beof.

Re: [9fans] portuguese - european keymap support

2007-12-28 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Paulo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'd apreciate if someone is willing to help add support for the
 Portuguese - European keymap.
 What must be done?

In principle it's actually quite simple. First have a look at kbmap(1) and
kbmap(3), then put a new mapping together. You might want to start with one
already in /sys/lib/kbmap/ and work from there. (I don't know exactly, but
the spanish map might make for a good starting point.) Altogether not too
complicated, but still some gruntwork. And when you're done, don't forget
the patch.

Re: [9fans] Compressed filesystem

2007-12-23 Thread Martin Neubauer

Re: [9fans] 8c padding problem

2007-12-21 Thread Martin Neubauer
Not exactly answering your question, but I'm not sure 8c gives meaning to
#pragma pack. (I'm not starting to argue about exploiting the memory layout
of structs...)


Re: [9fans] rc: token buffer too short

2007-12-01 Thread Martin Neubauer
Apparrently in quoted strings each character (rune, actually) constitutes
one token. The lexical scanner only holds NTOK (==8192) tokens at a time and
sam and wc convince me you have a 8555 byte string you pass to awk. You
should probably put the awk stuff into a separate file eg.awk and just do
`awk -f eg.awk $*' in eg (cf. chem(1) ). You might have to fiddle with where
you put things, but that seems to be the easiest way out.


* Pietro Gagliardi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Run /n/sources/contrib/pietro/eg (a work-in-progress troff  
 preprocessor for graphs of equations). You get the error described  
 above on a line that contains simply else. What happened?

Re: [9fans] p9p mk issue

2007-11-22 Thread Martin Neubauer
I think what Russ meant was to put all complicated stuff that uses rc syntax
into a separate file with MKSHELL=rc on top and include that in yor mkfiles
(cf. mkone/mkmany on Plan 9).


Re: [9fans] troff ignoring .eo/.ec after first time

2007-11-21 Thread Martin Neubauer
ms(6) says:

Many nroff and troff
requests are unsafe in conjunction with this package, but
the following requests may be used with impunity after the
first .PP: `.bp', `.br', `.sp', `.ls', `.na'.

Maybe this helps,

* Pietro Gagliardi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hello. Try this:
   tbl /n/sources/contrib/pietro/ | troff -ms | page
 On about the third page, some code begins, but at the print()  
 statement at the end there is some strangeness. If you look inside  
 the .ms file, there are some .eo and .ec requests. .eo turns off \x  
 and .ec turns it back on. But why is it ignored after that first  
 page, which works correctly?

Re: [9fans] late to the party - Here docs

2007-11-07 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 but it doesn't work if you use curly braces

Of course it does; the syntax is somewhat unexpected, though:
for(i in 1 2 3){
cat !


Re: [9fans] late to the party - Here docs

2007-11-07 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 so if i wanted
   for(i in 1 2 3){
   cat !
   echo give me a break
 what contortions do i need?
 - erik

That would be

for(i in 1 2 3){
cat !
echo give me a break


Re: [9fans] Font

2007-11-06 Thread Martin Neubauer

has some hints on that topic.

Re: [9fans] A few installation questions...

2007-10-30 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Poly-poly man ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Firstly, from what I've seen in the docs, there'll be no problem using that
 and not touching anything else, right? If you wipe my Gentoo, I wipe your
 face! The more important problem is booting. I have grub installed in the
 mbr (from my gentoo installation), and would really like to keep grub.
 Assuming I install plan 9 in hda4 (or whatever you call it ;) ), what steps
 would I have to take to get it to be able to boot plan9?

Installing in a dedicated partition next to some already installed system
should be no problem. I have done this before without any trouble. As usual,
check before writing a new partition table.

At the end of the installation you will be asked about the boot method. Just
leave the mbr alone and only write the plan 9 boot sector on the plan 9
partition. Then grub can use chainloading.

 2. I live in America, where the government was stupid enough to change what
 day Daylight Savings Time changes fall on. Unfortunately, release 4 was
 released back in 2002 - before the new law came into play. What will I have
 to do to fix the daylight savings time rules? This is a particular problem,
 because I am planning on installing within the week (and this week is the
 week that should have been an hour back already, but is not yet under the
 new laws... stupid country ;) ).

Nothing to worry about. You'd be hard pressed to get installation discs
dating back from '02, so the time zone rules should be quite current. If
not, just submit a patch.

Re: [9fans] detecting spam

2007-10-27 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Pietro Gagliardi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 How? When I put
   path=(/bin . /usr/pietro/bin)
 at the end of my /usr/pietro/profile, rc resets it.

You probably shouldn't do this too much towards the end. In the standard
lib/profile there is the line

exec rio

Whatever comes afterwards is irrelevant.


Re: [9fans] drawterm authentication failure

2007-10-23 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  I did specify the authserver (it's the same machine). Nat shouldn't be a
  problem, because all machines in question are connected through a single
  hub. It's just that cpu works, drawterm from the system next to it doesn't.
  Conversely, drawterm to mordor, which lies behind a NAT'ing router, gives no
 sounds like a name resolution problem.
 - erik

I'm not sure that's the issue. The host names are mutually known (as of last
night, admittedly) and cpu with mutually unknown host names succeeds.

I might be missing something obvious, though.


[9fans] drawterm authentication failure

2007-10-22 Thread Martin Neubauer
I've set up a new auth/cpu/fossil server via maht's make_cpuauth warlock.
Things went smoothly for the most part, but if I try to connect to it
drawterm does nothing for quite some time and finally prints:

cpu: can't authenticate: plan9host: auth_proxy rpc: p9any client get tickets: 
p9sk1: gettickets: Operation timed out

I don't quite have a clue what's going on (or, rather, not going on), but as
I can boot terminals off the system and cpu in from other plan 9 hosts it
seems that drawterm expects some network service cpu doesn't. Also, I dont
think my drawterm is broken. I can connect to mordor just fine, for example.


Re: [9fans] here document

2007-10-19 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  But for me the memory vs. temp
  file argument is largely irrelevant, due to ramfs.
 what does that mean?  surely you're not running ramfs from
 your profile.

No, but if you want here documents in memory you don't have to bother with
implementing that in the rc binary. Just starting ramfs before running the
script in question is enough. That takes care of almost all cases where that
might be useful. If someone uses here documents in the profile that are so
so big that those not being held in memory is a performance issue, there's
probably so much wrong going on that I wouldn't bother anyway. And I agree,
the rc quoting makes generating input quite painless. Personally, I usually
feel the need for here documents when writing shell scripts on systems where
no rc is available.


Re: [9fans] here document

2007-10-19 Thread Martin Neubauer
I think it is considerably easier to create here documents on the fly (eg.
awk output) than correctly quoted strings. But for me the memory vs. temp
file argument is largely irrelevant, due to ramfs.


* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 the main argument i can see for having here documents at all
 is that they can be arbitrarily long.  if you put the whole thing
 in memory, they would loose there reason for being.  why not
 just use quotes?
 - erik

Re: [9fans] troff ps output vs. double quotes

2007-10-18 Thread Martin Neubauer
Did you download the unicode postscript fonts? The invocation of
aux/download is somewhat intricate, but in the list archives is a message
from Russ(?) showing how it's done. I've got bitten before because of these
German umlauts we're using here.

* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 when i try using this
 “ 201cleft double quotation mark
 ” 201dright double quotation mark
 the postscript looks fine on plan 9 but not elsewhere.
 if i used `` and '' instead and use /sys/doc/cleanup, the postscript
 doesn't look right either.
 what's the secret?
 - erik

Re: [9fans] Page problems

2007-09-29 Thread Martin Neubauer
As I said, it is weekend and I've got a little time at my hands to look
into this. The problem is indeed with the cacheing. A quick fix is this
change to /sys/src/cmd/page/view.c:

   if(im == nil)
   if(im  resizing)

I'm about to submit a patch with that for the powers that be. I haven't
extensively tested the diff, but it is as unobtrusive as I could wish for.


Re: [9fans] Page problems

2007-09-29 Thread Martin Neubauer
I haven't read the mail properly. The diff is only aimed at my problem. I
didn't experience Greg's symptoms, but I doubt I affected those.


[9fans] page and plumbing

2007-09-26 Thread Martin Neubauer

After a pull two days ago I noticed that plumbing images to page does not
work any more. Page still starts but exits immediately before displaying
anything. Starting page manually works as expected. As postscript and pdf
files as well as other plumbing targets are unaffected led me to to suspect
the new image handling code somehow interfers with plumbing.

If nobody has a fix ready or some deeper insights, I might have some spare
time to look into this a little further during the weekend.


Re: [9fans] bind and namespace

2007-09-26 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Antonin Vecera ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 In my home profile is bind -a $home/bin/rc /bin .
 Why is not in my namespace line bind -a /bin /bin ?
 What is different between
  bind -a $home/bin/rc /bin
  bind -a $home/man/4 /sys/man/4  ?

Essentially because before there is something like
bind $cputype/bin /bin

That assures that that there already is something $home/bin/rc can be
unioned to.


Re: [9fans] Re: everything is a directory

2007-08-24 Thread Martin Neubauer
* jsnx ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I don't see how to architect the system I discussed without attributes.

It's not hard to conceive a system that requires _any- set of features. Not

Re: [9fans] Is there `cp -r fdir/ tdir/` equivalent?

2007-08-03 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Alexandre Vassalotti ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 The only thing that slightly bothers me, is that the standard Unix
 tools I am used to are relatively minimal.

Why not using the standard Plan 9 tools instead?

 Anyway, all that to ask if there is an equivalent of `cp -r fdir/
 tdir/` for making a copy of a directory. If not then it is not a
 problem, I will just add  the recursive option to cp(1) myself.

More seriously, the normal approach would be using tar. This and some more
can be found in the 9fans archives or at


Re: [9fans] Announce: standalone libixp

2007-07-03 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Enrico Weigelt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I don't see the parallels between communistic society and the concept
 of dynamic linking, neither on the absolute power of multi level council
 goverment, nor an stricly top-down (or V-model based) economy controlling.

Perhaps, because there are none?  (At least not at the level you are assuming
them to be.) Perhaps you should study literature a little before turning
casual analogies into political manifestos. And yes, I grew up in East
Germany, so I know what I'm talking about. If you take the same shallow
approach to programming, I'll take Roman's point more serious any day.

Re: [9fans] a quick and simple minded study of configure.

2007-06-17 Thread Martin Neubauer
* David Leimbach ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 it's not short, if you count the class implementation.  it doesn't
 convey the idea - the solution is not understood unless you
 understand each piece.
 I disagree, to the extent that it really is short, in that it's one line :-)

So is


And a much simpler one at that.

Re: [9fans] booting... which video modes will be accepted?

2007-05-26 Thread Martin Neubauer
Try different monitor settings. For example the documentation of my laptop
claims it to have a xga display. However, I have to set monitor=versalx to
have correct graphics. Xga should be the right setting for lcd displays
though. In my experience colour depth never was an issue (impacts on
performance of bitmap-heavy programs, notablysome in bin/games, aside).


Re: [9fans] booting... which video modes will be accepted?

2007-05-26 Thread Martin Neubauer
Reading the original mail again, it looks like the graphics card is not
recognised. Have a look at
(and submit a patch when you have found the right setting for your card).


Re: [9fans] Broken auth after replica/pull

2007-05-12 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Paul Lalonde ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] password.  I've been unable to find this string  
 anywhere in my config files anymore, and have rebooted the cpu server  
 and restarted the drawterm.  Could this (instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED])  
 be the source of my grief?  Is there a way to fix it?

Do you have a p9p factotum running on the machine you run drawterm on?

Re: [9fans] replica/pull -s / -v /dist/replica/network and rc error

2007-05-08 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Federico G. Benavento ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 diskparts (which is run by termrc) needs that /dev/sysname to
 be set and because it isn't you get that error.

I don't think that is quite correct. The error is indeed caused by an empty
sysname, but happens in termrc after diskparts is run. It probably bails at
the line

if(test -e /cfg/$sysname/termrc)

 add sys=yourmachine ether=yournickmacaddr to your /lib/ndb/local
 to find out yourmacaddr cat /net/ether0/addr.
 Federico G. Benavento

Re: [9fans] replica/pull -s / -v /dist/replica/network and rc error

2007-05-08 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Federico Benavento ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 exactly, because diskparts does
 sysname='{cat /dev/sysname}

I see. I didn't think about this, as that line happens to be in termrc, too.
(And before subsequent uses of sysname.) But after all the error is
independent of diskparts. But you're right, I should check my facts


Re: [9fans] Error booting from latest plan9.iso download

2007-05-07 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Wes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 hmm, echoing machinename to /dev/sysname doesn't seem to be persistent
 across reboots and adding it to termrc also doesn't seem to take.
 Will I have to do this every bootup?

The ``right'' solution would be to specify your network configuration in
/lib/ndb/local. If you have only a single plan9 machine you can get away
with ``echo hostname  /dev/sysname'' in termrc (or, rather, termrc.local).


Re: [9fans] bind error after today pull update

2007-05-05 Thread Martin Neubauer
 init: starting /bin/rc
 bind: #k: unknown device in # filename

This shouldn't be serious at all. The new diskparts script tries to bind the
fs device, whis isn't compiled into the standard terminal kernel, into the
namespace. I thought about making a patch to silence the bind, but it's
probably a good idea to have the error messages if you are using the fs

 rc: null list in concatenation
 init: rc exit status: rc 23: error

I'd like to make a wild guess here. Did you set up your network manually in
your old termrc? What does `echo $sysname' say? `cat /dev/sysname' ?


Re: [9fans] bell-labs website and plan9

2007-04-09 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Devon H. O'Dell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 The scenario being, I want to test my hypothetical replica/applylog
 action parser / diff generator. I run pull, which grabs stuff, but
 I've made changes to xyz.c and that file doesn't get modified because
 of local changes. So I want to roll back my log so I can run pull
 again with -s /sys/src/cmd/xyz.c
 This wouldn't be an issue if we added a '*' option to replica/pull for
 the -c and -s flags. But I'll send a patch for that shortly and see if
 that gets committed.

I'm not sure how serious that really is. You can always run ``pull -n''
(actually, I regularly do); and if you positively want to replace every
locally modified file you can pipe the output through some trivial awk.


Re: [9fans] Update on Fossil+Venti Stuff

2007-03-22 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Devon H. O'Dell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: con -l /srv/fscons
 prompt: fsys main snaptime
snaptime -a 0500 -s 60 -t 2880
 I should note that I've manually modified this to happen a few times a
 day. Each time, my usage goes down a couple gigs. Why doesn't it just
 go ahead and sync everything?

It does sync everything active. There are probably still some intermediate
snapshots there that are not written to venti. Those stay there until they
expire after 2 days (2880 minutes). You can always do an explicit snapclean
or try lowering the time snapshots are kept.


Re: [9fans] Update on Fossil+Venti Stuff

2007-03-22 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Devon H. O'Dell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 2007/3/23, Martin Neubauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 * Devon H. O'Dell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote: con -l /srv/fscons
  prompt: fsys main snaptime
 snaptime -a 0500 -s 60 -t 2880
  I should note that I've manually modified this to happen a few times a
  day. Each time, my usage goes down a couple gigs. Why doesn't it just
  go ahead and sync everything?
 It does sync everything active. There are probably still some intermediate
 snapshots there that are not written to venti. Those stay there until they
 expire after 2 days (2880 minutes). You can always do an explicit snapclean
 or try lowering the time snapshots are kept.
 I'm not disagreeing that this is supposed to happen, and I hate saying
 it's wrong, but it's not what I'm seeing, and I don't see anything
 invalid in my configuration. I can snap -a, and it won't go to venti.
 I ran snapclean and nothing went down. After that, I changed the
 snaptime so that it would run a Venti dump in 5 minutes. 10 minutes
 later, I see no difference.

For snaptime, -a means ``time when to take archival dump.'' So you probably
just made fossil dump 5 minutes after midnight. -s sets the interval (in
minutes) between intermediate snapshots, -t the time (in minutes) after
which old snapshots are discarded. If a snapshot of a file is referenced as
the current version but isn't yet written to venti it is kept until the next

 So I'm either missing something fundamental here, something's really
 broken, or I'm just dumb. I'm willing to concede the latter of the 3,
 but it would be really nice to be enlightened. Is there anything I can
 show you guys to help diagnose the issue further?

If it helps, it took some time for me to get a grasp of the workings, too.
(And I'm sure there are still plenty of pitfalls for me to run into...)


Re: [9fans] Update on Fossil+Venti Stuff

2007-03-21 Thread Martin Neubauer
Fossil is more like a write _buffer_ for venti. The interaction with venti
takes place during the nightly dumps (at 5am for a default install; can be
configured according to your needs). Fossil also regularly takes snapshots
that aren't archived to venti. (Again, for a default setup snapshots every
hour, kept for 8 days; can be configured otherwise.) The snapshots are taken
for files that changed since the last snaptime; dumps are taken from files
where the current epoch is greater than the last written to venti. Those
procedures are quite well documented.

The problems seem to arise when you write lots of new data between dumps
(more than the fossil size; can be less when taking into account
intermediate snapshots). I've been thinking about ways to cope with that
lately, but wasn't too eager to post here until I'd actually have time 
to really delve into it (next month, or so). At the moment those are little
more than some elaborations of possibilities already mentioned in the
archives. I could do a write-up of what I could think of so far later
tonight when I'm back home if there is wider interest in exploring possible
enhancements (I'm not thinking of those asfixes) to fossil. I think it
could be worthwhile, though.


P.S. I'm sure one could describe the current workings in more detail, but
I'm too much in a hurry now.

Re: [9fans] How can I shift a variable other than ?

2007-03-11 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 and more to the point, there have been no ideas yet that would
 break older rc scripts nor change the grammer or lexemes.  even list
 assignment would be a matter of handling a case that currently gives
 an error.  the grammer supports it.

Specifically, there are two arguments supporting the change. First, it isn't
really a new feature -- it just makes one already present more general (with
a striking resemblance to the for loop.) Second, it doesn't break scripts in a
harmful way (old scripts still run, new scripts run in an old rc abort -- if
a correctly written script runs successfully it does what was intended in
either case.)


[9fans] sources/contrib problem

2007-03-10 Thread Martin Neubauer
There seems to be a problem with the sources file server. When trying to
access a directory below contrib/user/ I get

venti i/o error block hash value

Regular files don't seem to be affected.


Re: [9fans] interesting potential targets for plan 9 and/or inferno

2007-03-08 Thread Martin Neubauer
Perhaps one should rephrase it as `you are most comfortable with what you've
already learned.' The main obstacle seems to be to acknowledge that your
current environment might not be the universally best. But it seems that
trend isn't really new, just increasing.

It amazes me to no end that those linux gnus continuously emphasise that one
has to spend some amount of time to grow comfortable with the command line,
keyboard navigation in window managers and editors, and whatever else their
current pet peeve may be, yet they aren't too willing to to the same about
an environment they're not accustomed themselves.


Re: [9fans] interesting potential targets for plan 9 and/or inferno

2007-03-07 Thread Martin Neubauer
* ron minnich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 The isses of Python and gcc are not simply academic. They're part of
 the DOE meal ticket.

I happen to have lost what respect was left for gcc a couple of weeks ago
when I tried to compile drawterm on a 64bit linux box. Gcc barfed on a
malformed typedef in stddef.h. It might be the right thing nowadays, but a
compiler not accepting a standard header (installed in a directory not only
specific to said compiler but also to the compiler version) certainly is a
bit gross.

To be fair, the problem probably was the result of the combination of a
64bit (intel) architecture, the organisation of that specific distro, and
the installed compiler, but I'm not sure it's even an excuse. (Testing,

So, while having a gcc port could be helpful for getting new users, the gcc
folks should get their act together, rather then churning out ever new
optimisation switches.


P.S. The problem with drawterm was trivially fixed by commenting out the
offending line as none of the drawterm code was using it.

Re: [9fans] interesting potential targets for plan 9 and/or inferno

2007-02-26 Thread Martin Neubauer
* ron minnich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I prefer to go optimistic. I'm looking at Qt to see what it would take
 to have it drive libdraw on linux, just out of curiosity. If Qt can
 work on libdraw, I wonder if it could ever be native to Plan 9.
 Hey, if we got Qt on Plan 9, we might actually have a GUI that people
 don't hate right away ... then we can slowly, gradually suck them into
 the system ... slowly ... gradually ... until they're running rio
 without noticing ...

One problem could be that Qt is C++ based. (Well, sort of, it uses an own
preprocessor which parses the source code and apparently hasn't been
updated to recognise some of the newer language features of the last twelve
years or so.) The reason I know this is that I have to wade through this
kind of things at work.

A Plan 9 or Inferno based phone would really be neat, though.


Re: [9fans] interesting potential targets for plan 9 and/or inferno

2007-02-25 Thread Martin Neubauer
* ron minnich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Interesting prospects. Especially as I've lost my cell phone recently.


Re: [9fans] acme executing |command from a guide file

2007-01-28 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Russ Cox ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 You can't put the |command in a guide file, but you can put it in
 the column tag (the one that reads New Cut Paste Snarf ...)
 or in the top tag (the one that reads Newcol Kill Putall Dump)
 and execute it when the desired window is current
 (is the last one you clicked on in that column or in the whole
 display, respectively).

Wouldn't it be possible to put the ``|command etc...'' in a guide file, with
a subsequent 2-1 chord on the Edit command in the tag line? It seems more
like what was asked (though, personally, I usually use the tagline myself).


Re: [9fans] Pull?

2006-12-28 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Aki Nyrhinen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 i just killed my system by doing a pull.
 pull does not work.

Did you interrupt the pull? I tried it and it looked suspiciously like a
problem that happened a few month ago - first about everything gets nuked
and then the whole thing gets repopulated. I recall that Geoff had quite
some work to get it fixed then.

The fact that this time it happened just before both the weekend and
christmas certainly isn't helping much.

Re: [9fans] /Library/LauchAgents/9pfs.plist

2006-12-21 Thread Martin Neubauer
* ron minnich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 of course , the gmail ads show this:
 at which point my brain starts to hurt.

No wonder. The first paragraph states ``This month we will continue in that
vein''. 'Nuff said.


Re: [9fans] system wide profile for rc(1)

2006-12-12 Thread Martin Neubauer

I'm not quite sure what you want to achieve there (well, maybe I'm just
slow). The net gain I see is two extra lines in rcmain and one additional
file (actually two files) doing more or less the same as before. The two
main usage scenarios I can think of would be a system used mainly by a
single person and a system (or network of systems) used by a potentially
large and diverse group of users. For a singleuser system that separation
is more or less useless. For a multiuser system it might look like a good
idea at first, but I value the convenience of having all settings I might
want to customise in one place (especially as I get it via newuser anyway).
The newuser script arguably is simpler, but the change really hasn't got
anything to do with a system-wide profile and as a downside makes it no
longer self-contained.

All in all it's a little exercise in establishing a system policy for those
who want it. Speaking for myself, it would certainly make me sad to see the
rise of the POSIX-rc...


Re: [9fans] system wide profile for rc(1)

2006-12-12 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Russ Cox ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 One could also simply
 . /rc/lib/profile
 at the top of the user's lib/profile if conformance was desired.

I also thought about that after posting. Has the additional advantage of not
forcing the view of the site admin on you.


Re: [9fans] termrc changes

2006-11-29 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 only two orders' magnitude difference.  we've got to work
 on that.  should be three.
 - erik

I'm not sure we have to. It will be anyway before too long...


Re: [9fans] Samterm up down key patch

2006-11-14 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 isn't that a bit of an overreaction?  readline is tens of kloc.  but it has 
 benefits.  how else would a linux user learn how to reboot a cpu server. ???

I'm just inherently pessimistic...


Re: [9fans] Samterm up down key patch

2006-11-14 Thread Martin Neubauer
* ron minnich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 this is a goofy argument.  i haven't seen we've always done it this
 way trotted out as an argument.  perhaps i missed it.
 If you change sam this way, it's inconsistent with rio and acme.
 reads to me like
 But it's always worked this way.

I'm just questioning _gratuitious_ changes. One way to prevent those is to
kick loose a discussion about them. (Side effects may include complete loss
of focus on the subject at hand.)


Re: [9fans] Samterm up down key patch

2006-11-14 Thread Martin Neubauer
* ron minnich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 On 11/14/06, Martin Neubauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not quite convinced of the merit of that behaviour. The most direct
 consequence is that it makes sam inconsistent with acme and rio windows.
 But maybe rio and acme are wrong.

Then so is sam (the standard one).

 I guess we can worry about internal consistency in plan 9, but fact
 is, in the rest of the known universe, uparrow goes up a line,
 downarrow goes down, they move the cursor.

Don't I know it. Admittedly, it took me a while to get used to the way it
is, but the fact is I _like_ it that way. The last thing I want to start is
a cursor war. (I try to keep in mind I'm still considering my computer

 We've got page up and page down; we could always use them. It was bad
 enough when right arrow and left arrow did what they did 
 If we're halfway to readline, well, then, maybe people want it, and we
 should have it, and not having it was a mistake all along.  You should
 be different if it makes sense; otherwise, don't.
 But the worst thing we can do is fall into the 'it's always worked
 this way' mantra. At that point, you might as well be a Fortran

There isn't much to do than to agree with that. Perhaps I should work on not
getting around as too harsh. I didn't want to dismiss the change per se, but
just state my current opinion (which is liable to change any time without
prior notice).


Re: [9fans] Samterm up down key patch

2006-11-14 Thread Martin Neubauer

I'm not quite convinced of the merit of that behaviour. The most direct
consequence is that it makes sam inconsistent with acme and rio windows.
While acme could be altered analogously, as soon as you've arrived at rio,
you're halfway to readline. I'm not sure anybody would want that. Besides,
personally I feel quit comfortable with sam as it is. If I want a line-based
editor there still is ed.

But by no means feel discouraged. After all, it's only my opinion. And even
though I don't think it's the way to for the general distribution, there may
be enough people using Plan 9 and sam who would appreciate your patch.


Re: [9fans] scuzz doesn't like CD-RW?

2006-10-10 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Pawe?? Lasek ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Depending on the drive, you may also need to write multiples of 2048
 bytes, padded if necessary.  tar writes multiples of 512 bytes, so
 using dd to pad it might be necessary.  Even then, if you write
 directly to /dev/sdD0/data, you'll need to fixate (close) the disc.
 Typical drives accept only 2048 bytes/sector (or variations for
 certain types of recording where you write not only data but also have
 to supply all that additional data which makes CD a 700 MB instead of
 full 1 GB :).
 IIRC 2048 b/s is standard sector size for data in CD-ROM standard

Actually, the sector size is 2352 bytes, 2048 of which is data. The rest is
mainly for error correction (which is vital for data and not needed for

Re: [9fans] Binit and Bterm

2006-10-05 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Joel âcheskyâ Salomon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'm actually leaving the Bterm in the code for clarity; I was just making
 a joke about leaving brittle code about so it can't be copied without
 understanding it.

It will anyway.


Re: [9fans] linux il/ip

2006-09-26 Thread Martin Neubauer
* erik quanstrom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 from what i can tell, SCTP combines the limitations of il with the complexity 
 of tcp.
 i think porting il to linux would be more useful.
 - erik

Is there then a chance to get il extended ti ipv6?


Re: Importing mailboxes (Was re: [9fans] Accounts)

2006-09-21 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Joel Salomon ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 ??? Can I be more specific when importing /net?

I ususlly get away with just ``import /net/tcp''


Re: [9fans] APE fork()

2006-08-14 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Ronald G Minnich ( wrote:
 erik quanstrom wrote:
 it shaves several seconds off a build of libc on a 200MHz PPro.
 and then they use gcc.  kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
 yes, but think about it. It's so important!
 Why, a few seconds on a 200mhz machine is ... maybe .3 seconds on that 
 kernel build on a new machine. If you add up those .3 seconds enough, it 
 could be a year of your life.

Yes, makes you forget the decade sacrificed to gcc...


Re: [9fans] Environment variable

2006-08-09 Thread Martin Neubauer
 Thanks Martin,
 Then, how to bring up an environment variable a to a shell variable b?
 b=`{cat /env/a}
 does not work all the time.


I haven't tried, but
b=`{ifs='' cat /env/a}
might do the Right Thing.

Re: [9fans] Environment variable

2006-08-09 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Martin Neubauer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  On 2006/08/09, at 20:39, Martin Neubauer wrote:
  Well, now I have tried. It doesn't do the trick.
  b=`{cat /env/a}^''
  gives a warning if a is an empty string but works otherwise.
  b=$`{basename /env/a}
  is the cleanest solution, I think.
  The solution is same as
  this works if a is already a shell variable.
  c=''# null string
  cp /env/c /env/a
  then exec
  b=$`{basename /env/a}
 I see what you are trying to accomplish. Probably
 b=$`{cat /env/a}
 will do.

And iterating a bit further, I found this doesn't work with out a
tmp=`{cat /env/a}

Re: [9fans] Environment variable

2006-08-09 Thread Martin Neubauer
I was more thinking about this:
term% a=()
term% c=''
term% cp /env/c /env/a
term% xd -c /env/a
000  00
term% t=`{cat /env/a}
term% xd -c /env/t
term% b=$t
term% xd -c /env/b
000  00

Re: [9fans] Status of 3C589D driver (and BCM57XX)

2006-02-03 Thread Martin Neubauer
* Lyndon Nerenberg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Are there any known issues with the 3C589 driver?  I've been trying  
 to get a 589D PCMCIA card working on my laptop, with limited  
 success.  The card probes and net/ether0 appears, but I don't see any  
 data coming in.  The stats counters do show data being received, so  
 I'm a bit puzzled.

I actually had the same trouble with a 589E. I solved it by putting the card
into the second PCMCIA slot... Now the only thing is that the link indicator
stays off, but I couldn't care less.

Good luck,