Re: [abcusers] Update to jaabc2ps

2000-10-26 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, John Atchley wrote:

 I've uploaded an update at
 I cleaned up the source and used preprocessor definitions so it should 
 compile on various platforms without warnings (except for one unused 
 function that I haven't looked at yet, just ignore it).  Thanks Guido!

er... it won't compile with gcc without changes... you forgot to add #ifdef
_MSVC to all sources but abc2ps.c. No real problem tho. Another little thing
that ought to be fixed is the "gets" thing, which really makes gcc angry.
From the gets(3) man page:

  Never use gets().  Because it is impossible to tell with­ 
  out knowing the data in advance how many characters gets()
  will read, and because gets() will continue to store char­
  acters past the end of the buffer, it is extremely danger­
  ous to use.  It has been used to break computer security.
  Use fgets() instead.

 I also fixed a horizontal spacing problem that sometimes occured when 
 voices with different note lengths were combined.


 Also improved the %%jsastem= implementation to avoid stem collisions 
 between voices.


 I implemented M:none.  You have the choice of having M:none display "none," 
 "free," "free" over "meter," or "fm."  I have no formal music training -- 
 if there is something else that really should be displayed let me know and 
 I'll add an option for it.

another option should be simply not to display a thing; it shouldn't be hard
to implement...

 John Atchley

thank you very much for your work!
 Guido =8-)

Dr. Guido Gonzato ggonza at - Linux System Administrator
My public PGP key is at

"It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard
a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young."
 -- Konrad Lorenz

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Re: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-26 Thread Frank Nordberg

Mark Vandenbroeck wrote:
 Is there any documentation on the Finale format (text or binary). I might give this
 abc2finale a try.

The Finale text format is called ETF (Enigma Transportable File). It was
an early - and rather half hearted - attempt to create a common file
format for notation program. It hasn't had any practical uses for a
while (Coda claimed that you needed the format to transfer Finale files
between Windows and Mac computers, but that isn't true), but recently
somebody published a ETF-Lilypond converter (se the links Ewan A.
Macphearson provided). I've seen some of the results from that
converter. It doesn't seem to work very well at the moment, but it's
certainly promosing for the future.

The ETF format is vastly more complicated than ABC. It contains all the
layout data to recreate exactly the postscript output from the original,
a complete set of midi functions and much much more - and all in a
syntax that is more primitive and far less intuitive than ABC.
I suppose an ABC-ETF converter should be possible (using a stationary
file for all the functions not covered by ABC). The other way would be
more difficult.

Coda Software has released the ETF specifications as a 133 KB PDF file.
I can't post that here, but I'll send it to anybody who asks me for it.

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[abcusers] abc on Lilypond home page

2000-10-26 Thread Guido Gonzato


has anybody noted that the source file to Paddy O'Rafferty on Lilypond's
home page is actually an abc file?

I don't know how we should interpret this... :-)

  Guido =8-)

Dr. Guido Gonzato ggonza at - Linux System Administrator
My public PGP key is at

"It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard
a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young."
 -- Konrad Lorenz

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Re: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-26 Thread Philip Rowe

Mark Vandenbroeck wrote:
  Is there any documentation on the Finale format (text or binary). I 
 might give this
  abc2finale a try.

I had a quick look at the feature list for the free Finale.
It supports mouse input but not the keyboard or midi input
that the non-free versions of Finale have.
The idea of selecting every individual pitch and length using
a mouse seems very tedious to me.
I think abc2finale would be an essential tool for anyone wanting
to do notation with the free Finale. Otherwise, it would be
hard work to use it as anything other than a viewer for
Finale files created by other people.
It would be wise to make sure that this Finale text format
will import into free Finale before putting any effort into
a converter.

Is the printed output better than anything the ABC community can
offer? If not, what's the point?



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Re: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-26 Thread Guido Gonzato

On Thu, 26 Oct 2000, Philip Rowe wrote:

 Is the printed output better than anything the ABC community can
 offer? If not, what's the point?

I have made a few quick tests, and although I must say that FinaleNotePad is
a nice gift for undemanding users, abc is IMHO better. One thing for all:
FinaleNotePad does not do PostScript unless you have a PostScript printer.
Not to mention that actually typing notes is (to many of us, at least)
quicker and more fun.

So, to sum up: I think we should spend our time improving and completing
abc, instead of writing convertion tools of questionable value. IMHO.

  Guido =8-)

Dr. Guido Gonzato ggonza at - Linux System Administrator
My public PGP key is at

"It is a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard
a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young."
 -- Konrad Lorenz

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Re: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-26 Thread Laura Conrad

 "Guido" == Guido Gonzato [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Guido So, to sum up: I think we should spend our time improving
Guido and completing abc, instead of writing convertion tools of
Guido questionable value. IMHO.

I wouldn't waste my time on conversion to a non-free, questionably
stable format, no.  

But converting to other free formats lets us take advantage of a lot
of work that ABC programs haven't even begun to do.  

Let's not forget that the very first ABC program was a converter
between something typeable and readable and MusicTeX, which is
neither, but allows a very complete description of printed music.

So I've been looking hard at both abc2mtex (with John Walsh's help)
and abc2ly.  And I think they both have a lot of potential to give abc 
users options they aren't going to get out of abc2ps and relatives any 
time soon.

Note that conversion *from* a widely used, non-free format would be a
great idea, if anyone wants to work on it.  People who want to publish 
work which is currently in finale or encore (or sibelius) should have
a path open to them that doesn't require their public to buy a

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )

(Note the email and homepage address changes; please update your
address book, bookmarks, and links.)

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Re: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-26 Thread John McChesney-Young

Frank Nordberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I've tried to find out something about the present state of Encore, but
hasn't succeeded yet


Although I have nothing worthwhile to say about the virtues or demerits of
the program(s), I found this status report dated July 31, 2000, at the Gvox
web site:

At this time, depleted stock levels of existing
products - coupled with a need to create an
advanced, Internet-based software delivery
system - have forced a temporary moratorium
on the distribution of our programs Encore,
MusicTime Deluxe and Master Tracks Pro.
Within the next few months you will be able
to purchase your favorite GVOX software on-line
via ESD (Electronic Software Download). Please
check our website occasionally for updated
information on our progress as it becomes available.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this
temporary product unavailability may cause you.

Longtime users will be pleased to know that new
versions of these products are currently being
developed as well. The software that you love
making music with will be updated to be compatible
with the newer operating systems, as well as receive
numerous feature enhancements and additions. If
you have any suggestions for product improvements,
please email them to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

(end quote)


John McChesney-Young  ** [EMAIL PROTECTED] **  Berkeley, California, USA

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RE: [abcusers] Update to jaabc2ps

2000-10-26 Thread John Atchley

On Thursday, October 26, 2000 1:26 AM, Guido Gonzato [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

 er... it won't compile with gcc without changes... you forgot to add 
 _MSVC to all sources but abc2ps.c.

Hmmm, don't know how I missed all those the first time I searched for 
"process.h" -- must have had a typo in the search string.  Interesting that 
GCC for Cygwin didn't catch it even with the -Wall flag.  I don't really 
trust windoze ports of unix stuff, I guess I'm going to have to look into 
building a Linux box again.

 No real problem tho. Another little thing
 that ought to be fixed is the "gets" thing, which really makes gcc angry.
 From the gets(3) man page:

   Never use gets().  Because it is impossible to tell with-
   out knowing the data in advance how many characters gets()
   will read, and because gets() will continue to store char-
   acters past the end of the buffer, it is extremely danger-
   ous to use.  It has been used to break computer security.
   Use fgets() instead.

This is one of those cases where you have to really understand what's going 
on, rather than slavishly follow well-meant but not necessarily "good" 
advice from whoever wrote the man page.  Yes, gets() can be misused, but 
that doesn't mean it should *never* be used.

gets() is only used in one place (in the original abc2ps code, at that). 
 Where it is used is in the interactive function and it is used to get user 
input to select tunes.  The buffer is 500+ characters, and it's *highly* 
unlikely that the user is going to enter more characters than that.  If 
they should, the only thing that will happen is that the program will 
crash.  The only time there would be a security problem is if gets() was 
being used in a login process or other security-sensitive code.  Even then, 
any security problem is really in the underlying operating system and not 
in the application.  Any operating system that allows access beyond a 
user's permissions just because a program crashed has a SERIOUS security 
problem but it's NOT the fault of the application that crashed!  In other 
words, gets() in this instance has a slim chance of causing a problem, and 
any problem that it does cause is not a security concern.  I suspect that 
the security problem mentioned in the man page is probably a carry over 
from very early unix systems that were riddled with security issues.

Most importantly, changing this to scanf is NOT acceptable in this instance 
[I seem to recall your mentioning you'd replaced gets() with scanf() in a 
previous post].  Scanf stops reading a string on whitespace, and in this 
instance we want to read to the end of a line, allowing the user to select 
multiple tunes using whitespace delimiters.  Michael designed this function 
so that it cleverly uses the command-line parsing code to interpret the 
user input in interactive mode.

How about following the man page advice and using fgets()?  Well, that can 
be made to work but it unnecessarily complicates the code.  gets() strips 
the trailing newline, while fgets() doesn't.  (Thanks KR.  See, Bill 
Gate's boys weren't the first to introduce oddball inconsistencies 
seemingly intended solely to trip up programmers!)  That means that if we 
switch to fgets() we also have to provide additional code to detect and 
strip a newline character, and that may be further complicated if we want 
to ensure cross-platform compatibility.  So, put simply, in this case I 
think gets() is the best solution, which is probably why Michael used it to 
begin with.

I did add some comments to the code, explaining the above.

  I implemented M:none.  You have the choice of having M:none display 
  "free," "free" over "meter," or "fm."  I have no formal music training 
  if there is something else that really should be displayed let me know 
  I'll add an option for it.

 another option should be simply not to display a thing; it shouldn't be 
 to implement...

Actually, it's very easy and I initally set this up to do just that.  Then 
I realized that there were two problems.  First, no time signature 
generally means 4/4 time, at least in all the music books I have.  Second, 
it would certainly be a problem in the case of meters that change in the 
middle of a tune.  If you're changing from some meter to free meter in the 
middle of a tune you have to print *something*, right?

I can offer it as an option though.  Next time I upload the code 
FreeMetStyle 4 will cause it to output nothing.  It'll be up to the user 
to use that option intelligently, though ;-)

John Atchley

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Re: [abcusers] Egregious example of line wrapping

2000-10-26 Thread jc

Phil Taylor suggested:
| Jack Campin wrote:
| BarFly is AppleScriptable, isn't it?  So, if you've got a Mac on
| your network somewhere, you should be able to tell it to:
| - open the file
| - go into split-screen mode
| - do Print Preview
| - save as PICT
| The other problem would be in figuring out how to write a CGI
| to run on a unix machine which can assemble and transmit
| AppleEvents to a remote Mac.  I'm sure it can be done, but
| I haven't a clue how.

Ah, I can see it now.  Someone asks my Tune Finder for  a  tune  that
happens  to  be in BarFly format.  So my CGI scripts, running here on
trillian, locate a nearby Mac that some poor victim is busily  using,
and  downloads  BarFly  into  it  (if  it's not already there from an
earlier request).  The victim's screen then  goes  into  split-screen
mode,  and  displays  a  page  of  music,  which is then saved on the
victim's disk, while the victim sits there wondering why the Mac  has
suddenly gone berserk. My CGI script then downloads the PICT file and
send it off to the person who asked for it.  After a while,  all  the
Macs  at  MIT  will  have their disks cluttered with these mysterious
PICT files that contain pages of music.

This would make me really popular around the campus, once they traced
these events and files back to my Tune Finder!

(Actually, I wonder if a Mac could be commandeered this way.  It does
seem to be possible with Windows, as all the recent email macro virii
have demonstrated. Can Apple have missed such a powerful feature? ;-)

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RE: [abcusers] Egregious example of line wrapping

2000-10-26 Thread Richard L Walker

I would pay money to watch that scenario.

"Richard L Walker"[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pensacola, FL 32504-7726 USA

-Original Message-
...Ah, I can see it now...

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Re: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-26 Thread Frank Nordberg

Philip Rowe wrote:

 Otherwise, it would be
 hard work to use it as anything other than a viewer for
 Finale files created by other people.

I think that was Coda's idea - a Finale viewer rather than a music editor.
An ABC-to-Finale converter would change that drastically, of course ;)

 It would be wise to make sure that this Finale text format
 will import into free Finale before putting any effort into
 a converter.

It does.

 Is the printed output better than anything the ABC community can


Guido Gonzato wrote:
 I have made a few quick tests, and although I must say that FinaleNotePad is
 a nice gift for undemanding users, abc is IMHO better. One thing for all:
 FinaleNotePad does not do PostScript unless you have a PostScript printer.
 Not to mention that actually typing notes is (to many of us, at least)
 quicker and more fun.

That seems to me as an argument in favour of a ABC-to-ETF converter.
Then we can type in ABC *and* get the Finale output.

But I have to say I agree to some extent. I had a look at Finale
NotePad, and although I was aware it was a scaled down version of
Finale, I didn't expect a *butchered* version.

 So, to sum up: I think we should spend our time improving and completing
 abc, instead of writing convertion tools of questionable value. IMHO.

 (FYI: I definitely can't claim to have an unbiased view here.
  I convert ABC to Finale most every day and I'd love to have
  a direct route instead of being forced to go through midi.)

I guess that depends on how much work it would mean. I'd definitely say
we need a path from ABC to some high-end notation system - or preferably
paths to as many high-end systems as possible.
The main attraction of the Finale solution is that it ought to be fairly
simple. After all we're "only" talking about remapping clearly defined
parts of one text file to clearly defined parts of another text file.
Also, Finale (the full-scaled version, that is) is at the moment the
most complete notation system in existence. Neither Lilypond nor
MusicTex nor Sibelius is even close when it comes to sheer number of
functions. (I'm not sure if that is too important, though. I have
difficulty imaging that anybody'd ever need Finale's full arsenal for
processing something that started out as a simple ABC file.)

That being said, there already is a convertion path from ABC to
Lilypond. Lilypond produces very nice postsrcipt output, probably has
all the functions needed for the music commonly notated in ABC and
unlike Finale it is an Open Source program. (Personally I couldn't care
less about the latter, but I understand it is *very* important to many
here at abcusers).

Laura Conrad wrote:
 I wouldn't waste my time on conversion to a non-free, questionably
 stable format, no.

I don't know what you mean with "stable", Laura. Finale has been around
for more than ten years now and has remained more or less the industial
standard for most of that period. I don't think any other notation
software system can claim anything like that. ETF files writeen ten
years ago are still fully readable by today's versions of Finale (and
soon Lilypond as well). There definitely is a compatibility problem, but
that's the other way round (older versions of the program can't read
newer files), and hardly relevant in this context.


 This is rather similar to the ongoing debate between plain  text  and
 all the various proprietary word-processor document formats. At first
 glance, word processors look flashy and impressive.  But only  people
 with  compatible  software  can  read them.  And in a very few years,
 those fancy documents will become unreadable as new versions  of  the
 word processor programs come out.  But plain ascii text from 30 years
 ago is readable just about anywhere, and will be readable  a  century
 from  now.   These  are  some of the reasons that so many people keep
 insisting on plain text in public mailing lists and archives.

And those are very good reasons.
Of course all music ought to be stored in a universal, standardized file
format, equivalent to ascii.
But there simply ain't no such thing, and the chances is that there
won't be for a while. ABC in its present form certainly doesn't fulfill
that need. XML might, but at the moment it looks more like a dream than reality.
In many ways ETF is the format that comes closest to that goal. It was
originally developed for that very purpose, and it seems to include
everything needed. Unfortunately it never cught on and right now Finale
and (to some degree) Lilypond are the only programs that support it.

 Formatting isn't important, and if we lose it, we  don't  lose  much.
 The  important  thing  is  the  information  content.

Yes, but in music notation it's usually impossible to draw a clear line
between information content and formatting.

Frank Nordberg
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Re: [abcusers] Gonna be off-list for a while

2000-10-26 Thread Frank Nordberg

Laurie Griffiths wrote:
 I have had an ambition to cross an ocean under sail for
 many years.  I am now going to attempt to do it.


Have fun Laurie!

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Re: [abcusers] Gonna be off-list for a while

2000-10-26 Thread Laurie Griffiths

I meant to add:
Any correspondence to do with Muse should go to 
where there will be someone to answer 
(my daughter, Rachel)


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Re: [abcusers] Gonna be off-list for a while

2000-10-26 Thread Jack Campin

 I have had an ambition to cross an ocean under sail for
 many years.  I am now going to attempt to do it. [...]
 It isn't safe to leave much sooner; you have to wait
 for the hurricane season(*) to end.

Here's something to sing on the way.  It comes from a daily
music broadside periodical produced in Leith around 1840 by
R.W. Hume.  It's obviously not Scottish, though; Hume printed
a lot of English music (and even ventured into Russian once).

T:One Night Came On a Hurricane
S:R.W. Hume, The Lyre no. 7
N:Sung by T.P. Cooke
Q:Non troppo presto
d|B G G G G G G G|A A d d B2  G||\
G|F A A A A A A A|d d e e f2  d||
d|d g g f e d c B|c c c e dc  B||\
G2 G2 G2 z2|d2 e f g e d B|A2 G2 G2|]

One night came on a hurricane, the sea was mountains rolling,
When Barney Buntline turn'd his quid, and said to Billy Bowling,
A strong sou-wester's blowing, Billy, can't you hear it roar now,
Lord help 'em, how I pities all unhappy folks on shore now.
   Bow, wow, wow, fal-lal-de-riddy-tiddy, bow, wow, wow.

Fool-hardy chaps as live in towns, what dangers they are all in!
And now they're quaking in their beds for fear the roof should fall in.
Poor creatures, how they envies us, and wishes, I've a notion,
For our good luck in such a storm, to be upon the ocean.
   Bow, wow, wow...

Then as to them kept out all day on business from their houses,
And late at night are walking home to cheer their babes and spouses,
While you and I upon the deck are comfortably lying,
My eyes! what tiles and chimney pots about their heads are flying!
   Bow, wow, wow...

And often have we seamen heard how men are killed or undone,
By overturns in carriages, and thieves and fires in London;
We've heard what risks all landsmen run, from noblemen to tailors -
So Billy let's thank Providence that you  I are Sailors.
   Bow, wow, wow...

=== ===

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Re: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-26 Thread Gianni Cunich

Guido Gonzato wrote

 One thing for all:
 FinaleNotePad does not do PostScript unless you have a PostScript printer.

Maybe we should mention that - at least under Windows - you do not need a
poscript printer to produce PostScript output (and that's true for EPS as

The trick is having the drivers, and let Windows save to file the printer
output. You end up with a file called *.prn, that you can rename (*.ps or
*.eps, according to what you selected in the printer properties), and then
easily handle with Gosthscript.

Encore users already know this - that's the way Encore used to export to
EPS -, but this can be done with any Windows program, even abc2win
(especially it, I guess!).

If you wish to spend half an hour to configure it, try Free PDF: saves time
if what you actually look for are PDF files. Have a look at the web page, and after that have a look at the
forum too - there is some debate about the best poscript printer drivers (I
vote for the Adobe Poscript Printers with the Distiller PPD files, that
handles colour images and let you define the dimensions of the sheet you are
going to print).



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RE: [abcusers] free Finale

2000-10-26 Thread John Atchley

On Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 But plain ascii text from 30 years
 ago is readable just about anywhere, and will be readable  a  century
 from  now.

devil's advocate
Provided it's on an accessible physical medium.  30 years ago punched paper 
or mylar tape and ibm cards were a common storage medium, nine-track tapes 
were probably the most common storage, and disk drives of any kind were "on 
the cutting edge."

Now, you'd be hard pressed to find hardware to read your paper or mylar 
tapes and ibm cards outside of a museum and even equipment that can handle 
nine-track tapes is becoming rare outside of universities and government 

Finally, nothing stored on magnetic media is likely to be reliably readable 
a century from now even if you can find compatible hardware.  Even some 
optical media (writeable CDs) suffers from loss over time.  The best 
archival guarantee I've seen on "platinum" writable CDs is 100 years.

In short, anything that is not in a human-readable, durable format (i.e. at 
least acid-free paper properly conserved) can't really be considered 
reliable for long-term archives.
/devil's advocate

All that said, I agree with everything you said ;-)

I've been doing the family-history thing and what I finally settled on as 
the most probable format for longevity is HTML.  This allows some 
formatting and graphics (using PNGs or JPGs).  There is also a pretty good 
chance that basic HTML (the original HTML tags, no scripting or DHTML 
features) will remain backwards compatible for the forseeable future simply 
because so many companies have a lot invested in millions of pages of HTML.

It also offers the advantage that any platform that can read whatever 
physical media the files are stored on can display them.

John Atchley

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[abcusers] ABC Newbie questions

2000-10-26 Thread Jorge Meletti

I'm a Brazilian composer and I've studied ABC a couple of hours, but my thinking is 
still based on the conventional music notation. 

Do ABC work, in practical terms, with more complex music, like "Bossa Nova", with a 
lot of sincopations, tuplets and ties ? Do ABC work with orchestral scores ? I'm 
asking it because the tunes I found in ABC are quite simple melodies, based in just 
one voice. The softwares I'm using is Muse and ABC2win.

Is ABC a notation usefull just to send music in a free format, or is there a wish to 
use the ABC as a "real" music notation, so that people "think" directly in it ?

Just one more :)  Is there Bass clef in ABC notation ? (or octave lower indications ?) 
It seems bore to put lots of  to get lower notes.


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