Re: [abcusers] chords writing in abc/little V: comment

2001-07-10 Thread Phil Taylor

John Chambers wrote:
Bryan Creer hath writ:
| I can see that we're going to end up having to write smart software
| which can figure out the right answer from anything which looks like abc.
| Or, alternatively, we can all work to the same standard and save ourselves a
| lot of trouble.

Fat chance.  Even if we try that, experience so far  has  shown  that
there  are  serious  incompatibilities  possible between two programs
that follow the standard. This is inevitable in any standard that's
written in English, which is hopelessly ambiguous.  Lawyers have been
trying for centuries to develop a clear, unambiguous English  subset,
and  their  general  failure  is shown by the huge number of cases in
which the courts have to decide what a law means.

True.  An additional problem is one which you yourself pointed out
recently:  users often write abc which is intended to be read only by
human readers.  In other words they are treating abc as a natural
language.  In this context any variation on abc syntax is OK as long
as it's obvious what is meant.  I've always been in two minds as to
what programmers should do about this.  Coping with all the possible
variations of syntax whose meaning is obvious is an interesting
programming challenge.  On the other hand, to allow too many variations
is to contribute to the deterioration of the language.

Phil Taylor
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Re: [abcusers] chords writing in abc/little V: comment

2001-07-10 Thread Bryancreer
Phil Taylor said -

The standard is abc v1.6. There's also a proposed draft
standard which is still under discussion. Neither of them even
mentions multivoice abc. Does that mean that nobody is allowed
to post tunes which use the V: field to this group, which is
devoted to the discussion of the abc language?

Read your own postings Phil. A couple of days ago you said -

1. Anything but the most simple extension needs some experimentation
to find out what works. You've got to do it first, then try it out with
a lot of music to see if it's a good idea.
2. If we had to wait for agreement nothing would ever get done.

The draft standard doesn't consist of proposals it consists of extensions 
that someone has already implemented and they aren't being discussed. They, 
and other extensions such as middle= and the various versions of V:, are 
already in the public domain and are being used. Are you prepared to say 
that if a vote was taken that went against one of your favourite new 
developments you would be willing to withdraw it? Or that if a proposal 
such as, for example, the !symbol! notation was adopted into the standard you 
would be happy to incorperate it into BarFly?

John Chambers said -

Fat chance. Even if we try that, experience so far has shown that
there are serious incompatibilities possible between two programs
that follow the "standard". 

...and a great deal more beside.

So because we can't make it perfect we shouldn't try to make it better?

The new, more formal standard will presumably fix a lot of this sort
of problem,

Er? From whence does this come? Did you read Laura Conrad's posting?

Programmers will implement
subsets for the sort of music that they know.

That isn't a problem for anyone except themselves and the users of that 
particular software. The problem that concerns me is extensions beyond the 
standard which make tunes inaccessible to all but the software that was used 
to produce them, especially if, as in the case of V:, there are several 
incompatible versions.

abc could be a top class act. All it takes is goodwill but, as Laura's 
gratifyingly honest description of the achievements of the standards 
committee shows, that seems to be somewhat lacking.

Bryan Creer

[abcusers] C Compilers (was linux only ?)

2001-07-10 Thread James Allwright

My favourite would be DJGPP:

which is a port of GCC and comes with lots of useful tools. If you
want something that with fit on a single disk, I would suggest
trying Pacific C

Both of these will run under Windows, but don't have any special
support for it. If you want that, you might try MINGW, which is
a port of DJGPP:


James Allwright

On Mon 09 Jul 2001 at 10:26AM +0100, flos wrote:
 Right, where do I get a C compiler for Windows 98 SE?
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[abcusers] barlines at the beginning of a staff

2001-07-10 Thread Jack Campin

 At the other end of the staff, I've received  several  messages  from
 people  complaining about some of my files that put a bar line at the
 start of the staff.  They insist that this is illegal.  It isn't,  of
 course,  and  is  in  fact  common  practice  in some musical circles
 (mostly those who also write partial measures at the end of a staff).

The problem is not just that the barlines are at the start of a line.
That would just be a stylistic preference, albeit an irritating one.

What you do very often in your files is write two consecutive barlines
with no music in between them; one at the end of a line and one at the
beginning of the next line.

I don't care whether it is legal, it's a timewasting pain in the arse
that makes BarFly's (and probably Bryan Creer's) error checking utilities
gag - if you say your tune is in 4/4, 0/4 is not a legitimate bar length.
I have to edit this out before re-running the error checker to look for
more significant problems.  Support for error checkers is not mandated
by the ABC standard, but making it impossible to use them is not going
to do anything to help get ABC accepted or to improve the quality of the
ABC corpus.

Putting a barline at every point where *you* want the start of a line
to be also makes it gratuitously difficult for your users to choose a
different layout, either because they want a different note density
than you or because they want to switch between portrait and landscape.
There are *some* pieces where a specific layout is hard to avoid, but
for the ordinary one-voice tunes that make up the bulk of the ABC on
the web (and the bulk of what's on your site) there's no earthly need
to hardwire this in.  (I need to print some tunes for children in the
next few months; the notation will have to be much less dense than the
norm for ABC printing applications).

I have sometimes seen ABC2WIN files where a linefeed occurs between the
two strokes of a double bar.  How is a buggy-ABC-fixer supposed to tell
that isn't what you did?

=== ===

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Re: [abcusers] linux only ?

2001-07-10 Thread Laura Conrad

 flos == flos  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

flos Right, where do I get a C compiler for Windows 98 SE?


Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139
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Re: [abcusers] chords writing in abc sources compiling

2001-07-10 Thread Forgeot Eric

Thanks to everyone who give some good advices for
displaying multible voices on one staff. The command
%%staves 1 (2 3) worked well with abcm2ps.

I thought I could be good to propose new features in
the abc format, for example, in the brackets for the
chords [], we could have symbolised different levels
with subdivisions of [] or (). But this would not
preserve compatibility with older software. ex : 

 [G2e2] [ce] [B2g2] [Af] | [A2e2][ce] [G3d3] :|
CB,C G,2 D | A,B,C G,3 :|

   \  /

 [G2e2[CB,]] [ce[C]] [B2g2G,2] [AfD] |
[A2e2[A,B,]][ceC] [G3d3G,3] :|

So I guess the future improvements of ABC should be
with commands such as %%staves 1 (2 3 4) etc., which
begin with %% that are not annoying for older
softwares. The problem with those commands is that
there is still no official standard yet. It could be
good to have an ABC draft with the most common ones
(like !trill! or !fine!, but for the improvements in
such programs like abc2ps or yaps). To be honest, I
had not tryied in deep abcm2ps because I thought the
rendering was not better than abc2ps, but if it has
some nice features, I'll cast a second glance on it. 
Concerning the problem of (homemade) compiled
c-sources, programmers should admit that it is not
easy for people new in computers to make it self (it's
not a criticism, I need the good work of programmers,
because I know so little on programming). The
advantage with unix (and unlike Window$) is that it
stimulates the user to make him think and improve his
knowledge. I've tryied linux, but still can't throw
away windo$$$s (unfortunatly), and I use abc on
windows right now. That's right, in order to use ABC
correctly, one have to download ghostscrip, ghostview,
and even a TeX package. I wanted to try Abcm2ps, so I
downloaded cygwin, and it was quite easy (and rather
fun :) ) to compile the source code, but I guess the
average computer user can't do all that. 
Christophe Declercq spoke about uploding on a website
a binary version of Abcm2ps, I can do that on my own
I have the one I compiled, but since I used cygwin,
one need cygwin1.dll in order to make it work. IS
THERE a special command, during the compilation, in
cygwin that could include this dll in the binary ?
I've tryed to compile the source with Borland Bcc
(free) compiler, but still don't have the necessary
knowledge for that, so Christophe could send me his
binary as well. I could add a batch file and
explainations to help people using this without


Eric. (updated 7/10/2001)

ps :
Til Frank Nordberg :

By coincidence I visited your site earlier today and
have to say your
work is really admireable :-)

Tusen takk, i like maate : Jeg har besökt hjemmesiden
din ogsaa i fjor, og funnet mange gode laater aa laste
ned der.

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Re: [abcusers] chords writing in abc/little V: comment

2001-07-10 Thread Richard Robinson

On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, John Chambers wrote:

 Modern GUIs are very well designed, for people with three hands. The
 real problem has been how slow customers have been to make necessary
 hardware upgrades to meet the requirements of the software.

Quite ;-)

Richard Robinson
The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes - S. Lem

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[abcusers] Three-handed job.

2001-07-10 Thread Phil Taylor

Richard Robinson wrote:
On Tue, 10 Jul 2001, John Chambers wrote:

  Modern GUIs are very well designed, for people with three hands. The
  real problem has been how slow customers have been to make necessary
  hardware upgrades to meet the requirements of the software.

Quite ;-)

You might be interested in the following quote from Apple:

We've done a cool $50 million of R  D on the Apple Human Interface.
We discovered, among other things, two pertinent facts:

   Test subjects consistently report that keyboarding is faster than
   The stopwatch consistently proves mousing is faster than

This contradiction between user-experience and reality apparently forms
the basis for many user/developers' belief that the keyboard is faster.

People new to the mouse find the process of acquiring it every time they
want to do anything other than type to be incredibly time-wasting. And
therein lies the very advantage of the mouse: it is boring to find it
because the two-second search does not require high-level cognitive

It takes two seconds to decide upon which special-function key to press.
Deciding among abstract symbols is a high-level cognitive function. Not
only is this decision not boring, the user actually experiences amnesia!
Real amnesia! The time-slice spent making the decision simply ceases to

While the keyboard users in this case feel as though they have gained
two seconds over the mouse users, the opposite is really the case. Because
while the keyboard users have been engaged in a process so fascinating
that they have experienced amnesia, the mouse users have been so
disengaged that they have been able to continue thinking about the task
they are trying to accomplish. They have not had to set their task aside to
think about or remember abstract symbols.

Hence, users achieve a significant productivity increase with the mouse in
spite of their subjective experience.

(Not wanting to start a GUI vs CLI war or anything - just thought you
might find it interesting.)

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] linux only ?

2001-07-10 Thread Gianni Cunich

On 06/07/01 at 13.02 James Allwright wrote:

. Perhaps we need someone to write a noddy
front-end that invokes an abc2ps clone, ghostscript and then an image
viewer to bring free abc typesetting to the masses.

Seymour Shlien has been doing that for quite a few years, and that currently Runabc is 
an excellent GUI for abc2ps, abc2mps, yaps, abc2midi and abc2abc, offering at the same 
time an excellent abc aware editor packed with a number of intersting features? And 
obviuosly calls GosthScript (from which you can converte the PostScript in Pdf 
format), and a couple of midi players to listen to the midi files generated thru 

In fact the addition of abc2mps is fairly recent - months I guess -, and made 
available for the first time in three or four years the progrma in a compiled version 
fo Windows users.

As someone underlined:

One of the basic ideas behind ABC is that it's for everyone, and - as
hard as it is for us to believe - there is, even today, a small minority
of computer users that feel slightly uneasy when asked to compile the
software themselves...

And this has nothing to do with blaming the developers because they don't supply 
binaries for a number of platforms.

The first real problem to bring the abc notation to the masses is the abc notation 
in itself - in other words the lack of un updated standard able to turn a limited 
number of conventions which works well for a quick transcription of simple 
(simplified?) melodies into an all purpose typsetting system.  

The second real problem, beyond the unavailability of precomplied softwares, is the 
quality of the available  ones (or rather their lack of it). The last Windows version 
of abc2ps is pretty old, and doesn't support a number of draft useful features that 
abcm2ps has implemented so far; yaps is simply a real mess; abc2midi insists on 
playing broken rythms with as 2:1 rather than a 3:1 ratio...

The evidence is under anybody's eye. Just a look at Frank's Nordberg comprehensive abc 
related software list at the musicaviva web site will show more than 60 different 
programs. Yet, once you have selected those which: 
a) aren't clones of other entries listed (not compatible of course with the prototype);
b) aren't abandoned full of bugs betas;
c) are cross platform projects which are really meant to be useful for the whole abc 
users community;
d) do something everybody needs (i.e. not just something their developers need, or 
eventually other programs don't);
e) are user friendly (i.e. they don't need a GUI to be useful to your average non 
computer addict folk musician);
..well you probably are lucky if you'll end up with an handful of them.. and a few, 
reliable but unfortunately not cross platform, notation packages that 'speak' abc! 

It's plain to see that the total lack of cooperation among the developers subscribing 
to this list has a lot to do with this, although I don't think there's anything we 
could do about it at this stage. If anybody still believes the abc notation could be 
taken in serious consideration outside the folk circles, the best for him. IMO, the 
endless debate on the sex of angels that has being going on this list for the past 
four years, and that has made any update of the standard impossible so far, was what 
actually gave it the kiss of death. How long those who are responsible for the 
notation demise will need to face this basic thruth is of course their own problem... 
not mine!  

And I don't see the point in asking why the standard committee keeps silent... the 
best for it!

Yet, I can't help regretting. As I can't help dreaming about what might have become 
the notation if only a number of developers rather than producing clones of one single 
program (or of other of its clones), introducing new fwtures that in turn the non 
standard abc written for it uncompatible with the original and the other clones, had 
been able to work together toward the goal of producing an all purpose tool for the 
whole community of the users.

What makes me feel sick (those who have read my last postings kown its my pavlovian 
reaction when I start discussing about the abc notation) is that, while we have been 
throwing away the baby with the bath water, someone else has built in concrete on 
Chris Walshaw's original intuition to create some excellent software.

If you wish a nice example of what I mean, have a look at this web site:

Zel, in fact, it's described as a language to create midi files from a text file, 
eventually to load them in a sequencer for further editing.. Everybody, having a look 
at the quick tutor on the site (the page is called Learn Zel in 10 minutes), will be 
able to see how much it has in common with the abc notation. 

Window users are warmly suggested to download the Zel Free edition - it's limited to 
1500 notes, which is probably not that much for classical or even pop music, but 
should be enough for most of the tunes available on the