Re: [abcusers] Re : Abacus 1.0.0 launch

2002-08-02 Thread Steve Mansfield

>>(File currently on disk was already up to date)
>I would have thought most people wouldn't have it and those with less
>computer expertise would be put off by lots of technical jargon along the
>lines of "If you've got this file do this but if not do that."

Windows XP (Pro) includes msvbvm60.dll as standard. I'd *guess* that it 
comes along with 2K and ME as well (on the line of reasoning that they 
were released after VB6), but until I'm back at work next week I can't 
confirm that.

On the principle that most users confident enough to download a 
programme and install it will know what version of Windows they're 
running (), you could perhaps get some more evidence then give a 

'if you're running Windows 95 or 98 you'll also need to download this 

Which is what Jim does for Abc2Win (for vbrun300.dll) IIRC.


Steve Mansfield
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - abc music notation tutorial,
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Re: [abcusers] Re : Abacus 1.0.0 launch

2002-08-02 Thread Jack Campin

>> ... I don't know why it's
>> not in the standard, with for example a rule saying that in such a
>> notation the longest note prevails in the counting of the times,
>> for example  
> I've gone for highest note prevails in the counting of the times so
> you can do things like -
> X:1
> T:The Cotillion
> C:Trad (Bosham Band)
> M:4/4
> L:1/8
> K:G
> [G4D4][d4B,4]|[B2D4]AB [G2B,4]AB|[c2E4]B2[A2D4]G2|[FD4]GAF [D3A,3]D|
> Perhaps it should be by length of the first note in the chord.

This is a very good idea, but the semantics I'd need in every instance
where I've wanted it would be that the *shortest* note counts.  This is
more reliable than hoping you don't get pedal notes above the melody.
(I suspect that most keyboard arrangements of "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring"
would have zillions of those).  If you insist on the first note for
counting you're probably going to clash with other uses of note order
within chords, e.g. the way BarFly uses it to let you specify ties or
slurs to and from notes within the chord.  This is the sort of thing
you can do:

[(BG(D2] A) [(cAE2)] B)|

which draws slurs
   B  -> A
   D2 -> E2
   c  -> B
and gets the timing right.

I'm not sure quite how expressive BarFly's slur/tie mechanism for chords
is; I haven't yet encountered anything I can't do with it, but it's not
something I make much use of, and the syntax is so strange there may be
non-obvious gotchas.

> Does any existing software attach any significance to the order of
> notes in a chord?

ABC2Win does too.  But there, it's a bug.

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[abcusers] Re : Abacus 1.0.0 launch

2002-08-02 Thread Bryancreer

I had said -

>Sounds like a bug in Windows to me.

Don Whitener said -

>I wonder... I get exactly the same presentation.  The application runs at 
>full (real full) screen, covering even the task bar, and the middle restore 
>button is grayed out and inactive.  I have no other application that does 

You've got it, Don.  I don't see why that should affect the task bar if it's 
marked always on top so it still sounds like a Windows bug to me but enabling 
the restore button gets round it.  I always use Auto Hide on the task bar and 
that works fine.

Fixed in next release.

Bryan Creer

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