Ed Skinner wrote:
> 1) Is there a FAQ?

If you mean on abc notation itself, please check John Chambers'
"Frequently Asked Questions about ABC Music Notation" <url:

> 2) Is there a way to get automatic measure numbering?

Yes, but it is package dependent. J.F. Moine's abcm2ps, for instance,
lets you specify that either of three ways: in the command line, in a
format file or in the tune itself; please check files 'New.Features' and
'format.txt' for details (in abcm2ps's doc directory, e.g.,
/usr/share/doc/abcm2ps-<version>/). For portability, it would be
advisable not to code this information in the abc file you intend to
store tunes on a permanent basis.

Lots of abc software references may be found at the Abc Home Page <url:
http://www.gre.ac.uk/~c.walshaw/abc/> sorted by operating system and
other criteria.

Best regards.

   Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
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