Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

2004-06-09 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Em Seg 07 Jun 2004 20:12, Richard Walker escreveu:
 There are keys like X:, T:, C:, N:, K:, etc. for everything
 except the body of the tune.  Is there a left over symbol
 that could precede the body of a tune?  ... or with the huge
 collection of abc tunes that already exists, is it simply
 best to write a program to do the check?

No need for that.  The body always begins just after the first K: 
field and is over at the first blank line.  So, a first K: field 
immediately followed by a blank line means an empty (by default) 
Paulo Tibúrcio
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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

2004-06-07 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Em Qua 02 Jun 2004 14:26, Phil Taylor escreveu:
 Interesting.  If you look at the html source for the first tune in
 that file it looks like this:

 p class=MsoNormal style='margin-right:.5in;tab-stops:.6in 1.1in
 1.6in 2.1in 2.6in 3.1in 3.6in 4.1in 4.6in 5.1in 5.6in'span
 lang=EN-GB style='mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'Xspan


 It's a long way from abc.  I suspect it's actually microsoftml, and
 probably written in
 MS Word.

Surely is, with all that redundance in the 'mso' style tags.  You see, 
this garbage is intended to solve MS Office's problems of 
interoperability, not to produce anything convenient or suitable for 
the Web. (In fact, if you check the source code for the page, you can 
see a META element saying it was generated by Microsoft Word 10.)

The right way to HTMLize it would be something like

pre class=music abcnotation
 title=ABC notation of A. A. Cameron's Strathspey in A Mix
T:A. A. Cameron's
K:A Mix
|:eA3 A4 B3Gd3B|eA3 A4 d3g (3f2e2d2|eA3 A4 B3Gd3B|
% And so on ...

(Of course, you'd have to substitute amp; lt; and gt; for any   
and  characters respectively in the source.  Defining presentation 
of the ABC segment would be simply a matter of defining a style for
a CODE element which is a child of a PRE element with classes 'music' 
and 'abcnotation' set.  It would also be straightforward to parse.)

Maybe the standard should state (or at least recommend) how ABC source 
code should be embedded in HTML/XML.

Paulo Tibúrcio
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Re: [abcusers] this tune intentionally left blank

2004-06-07 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Em Qua 02 Jun 2004 12:47, John Chambers escreveu:
 Jack Campin writes:
 |  The  problem  is how best to say this.
 |  There  is a list of headers that could contain a code for no
 |  notes. This field already uses a double quote to indicate that
 |  accompaniment chords are present. I wonder if there's a good
 |  single char that could stand for notes, or maybe for no
 |  notes?  Perhaps  '*'  (asterisk) could be used for this, as it
 |  doesn't seem to have any other use, and it is conventionally
 |  used to indicate an explanatory  footnote.
 | That sounds pretty good.

 Maybe I'll try implementing it.

I don't think that would be a good idea.  IMHO any characters that 
might still be available should be reserved to signal new, more 
productive contexts.  The no notes context can be easily be 
indicated by a pseudocomment as long as a standard one be agreed 
upon.  E.g.

%% End of tune


%% No notes


%% End of X:tune identifier

Of course, this would be just a redundant way of telling parsers that 
the transcriber _hasn't_ made the mistake of signaling the end of 
tune prematurely.

Paulo Tibúrcio

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Re: [abcusers] Gregorian chant in abc

2003-02-03 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Phil Taylor wrote:
 Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio wrote:
 I'm in need of some to encode
 Gregorian Chant, for instance, and I think I'll have to add more variety
 the already existent for that).
 Have you looked at
 This scheme is followed by BarFly and by Melody/Harmony assistant, and
 involves minimal changes to allow abc to represent Gregorian Chant.
 (Basically, it's just an addition to the K: field to specify which of
 the eight possible clefs is in use, and some reinterpretation of the
 standard abc symbols when a Gregorian clef is specified.)

Thanks for the link, it's a good starting point.  I tried to check your
references on the page ( and ), but they seem to be gone.

I'm a member of the Coral Gregoriano de Belo Horizonte  (Minas Gerais,
Brazil - ), maintained by the Father Nereu
de Castro Teixeira Cultural Society where I've been a student of
Gregorian Chant for the past seven years.

We follow the school of Abbaye Saint-Pierre de Solesmes,
whose aim is to restore the performance of the pieces as close as
possible to the original medieval interpretation based on the study of
the paleographic manuscripts.  Their findings have been gradually
incorporated to the typesetting of the Church's official GC books in
square notation;  some of these also carry the paleography for the
pieces (e.g., the _Graduale Triplex_).

As our repertoire is in the official chant books (available),
them for the choir is not the issue.  But we offer courses in Gregorian
Chant, and production of handouts mixes typesetting the words and
calculating white space to add the musical samples to a paper copy,
so the document can't be computer-stored as a whole.

The requirements I am trying to meet are the following:

1.  A typesetting style compatible with those of the past 50 years,
making possible as close a representation as possible of one or
other printed version so the samples in the handout matches what
the student will find in the official chant book available;

2.  A typesetting for the paleographical notation, at least for the
neumatic signs of Saint-Gall;

3.  Automated audio rendering of the notation in MIDI (including as
much of the semiological tokens as feasible) as a learning aid;

4.  And, of course, typesetting in modern notation according to the
the conventions usually followed by the Church books (useful for
studying GC choir conduction and for typesetting pieces for
occasions when a large group of non-gregorian singers are expected
to join in).

To me, abc matches Gregorian Chant in simplicity, so it is a better
candidate for creating sources than an entirely new system I might
design;  also it is an open format, so GC coded in abc would be
accessible to a large community.  Then, the problem I face is to
represent GC in abc so as to meet my needs and at the same time
keeping the code fairly readable by existing pieces of software.

Some of the solutions you designed for BarFly are good;  others are
likely to comply with one style of singing while excluding others
(e.g., repeated pitches on the same syllable, which you tie up for
one long note as in some schools, should be, according to Solesmes,
sang as as many repeated notes, i.e., as written).

I like the way you indicate liquescence;  that was one problem I
was still trying to solve.  Also I like the S and Q in the beginning
of the new melodic fragment (I was using !shortphrase! and the
like, but these are required to be attached to the last note of
the previous fragment, which I find distracting).

Now, to represent all that information in abc would require a lot of
extensions and the notation might get a little cluttered.  I'd like
to make the source readable and easily editable (that's the reason
I've chosen abc, in the first place;  SGML/XML might be usable, but
would make code more complex to edit by hand).  Maybe I'll have to
think of splitting the information among several layers (as abc does
for lyrics).

More ideas are welcome.

(BTW, when you talk about the horizontal episemata (K in BarFly),
you seem to imply that they always apply to the whole block of notes
that follow.  Well, they don't always;  in fact, almost any note
in a group may be episematic, i.e., the episema is a feature of
the note to which it is attached, applying to the next only in
specific cases.  Also you shouldn't miss a horizontal episema
in the modern notation, as it generally indicates that the note is
to be slightly hold or to receive some expression or emphasis;  not
so for the vertical episema, because while the former is represented
in the manuscripts, the latter was introduced in the modern square
notation as an aid to rhythm and is under revision.)

Thanks again.

Paulo E. Tibúrcio

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Re: [abcusers] Musicians and techies

2003-02-02 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
John Chambers wrote:
 Kurt wrote:
 | On 30-Jan-2003 John Chambers wrote:
 |  ...The Internet can't be killed, but there is
 |  still a chance that it can be made illegal for you and me to put  our
 |  own stuff online. If they can do this, they can then force us to sign
 |  over our rights to our own stuff to get it  online,  and  they'll  be
 |  back in the saddle.
 | I followed you this far. But are there any laws or technical proposals being
 | made right now that would make it impossible to put your own stuff online? Or
 Well, here in the USA, a lot of  ISPs  have  licenses  that
 include  a  no  servers rule.  They generally aren't well
 enforced, but they can kick you off if you have any program
 listening  on  any port.  
[skip lots]
 In most of the country, the local ISP is a monopoly. If you
 don't  like  them,  well,  you  don't have to have internet
 service, now do you?
 (And note that if you put your own recordings online on  an
 ISP's machine, you may be handing over the copyright to the

This hemisphere things are not different.  When I signed up with
my then (really) local ISP I was told I had an amount of disk space for
a personal home page and that what I put there was up to me.
The ISP has, since then, been sold to foreign corporations twice
before I could set up my HP, and the deal on that matter has changed.
In short, a lot of what I would want to put on the net would
violate the terms.  Then what?  Let's look for a free space
provider!  So far, if I publish anything via their servers, I am
surrendering all my author rights and I would still be subject
to the aforementioned limitations.

Our problem:  we have laws that state very clearly what terms
the seller imposes when you by a, say, TV set that might be
considered abusive;  still we have no such regulations regarding
ISP omnipotence.  ISPs and other corporations are lobbying for their
interests;  Brazilian copyright law has recently been changed to
comply with transnational CD, book, software and what-have-you industry
exploitation and that is what they are modelling:  the idea is to
turn your computer screen into a better resolution extension of
a TV receiver.  Awkwardly, some judge has recently issued a sentence
that withdraws the requirement of someone being a licenced journalist
(legal here so far) to write on the press;  nevertheless, ISPs still
rule when it comes to write on the net.

Paulo E. Tibúrcio

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Re: [abcusers] abc in web pages

2003-02-02 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Karl Dallas wrote:
 No I'm a Human Shield volunteer.

God bless you and keep you.

Karl Dallas wrote:
 So if I understand what you're saying about option 1: I display the abc
 code (of a file called as text but if the user clicks on it,
 instead of hearing proper abc, what they actually hear is tune.mid.
 Seems a bit like cheating, but I suppose it'd work (and MIDI's not all
 that bloated, compared with WAV or even MP3 or WMA).

Really it's not cheating.  abc is neither a playing nor a display
system, but a descriptive encoding system.  It so happens that nowadays
have systems available designed to specifically encode information meant
be played (MIDI, Wave a.s.o.) or viewed/printed (PostScript, TeX) while
originally meant to communicate melodic information via
media, has been extended so as to generate some kind of output or other
(right now, I am planning yet another byproduct I need).

 Chris commented:
[skip lots]
 3. Send the ABC to the client and have it converted there.  This only
 works  if  the client has conversion software installed and has their
 browser configured correctly, which is  only  feasible  for  a  small
 crowd who can coordinate their software. It can't be made to work for
 a general public site.
 I've worked on a few projects that use approach 3. But there are some
 major  problems  with this.  One is that no sensible user will permit
 downloaded code from  a  web  site  to  run  automatically  on  their
 machine.   This is how you get things like the email viruses that are
 the plague of the Microsoft portion of the Net.   [skip lots]

I am selective about plugins myself.  I get especially irritated with
some promissing ones that simply cease to read code they usually did if
you don't upgrade to whatever NEW!!! version they release every six or
four months (each one generally 50% bigger in HD space requirements).

However, some users might like a seamless integration of the rendering
application with the browser and that means a plugin if the browser
have built-in support (I think they'll hardly ever have for abc) or if
the other options (server-side execution, pluriformat storage) don't
Netscape has a section on NS plugin writing at

Those plugins might work with other browsers (Opera [],
for instance, according to their documentation).

Anyway, I think such a plugin would be of limited usability, as abc is a
very loose standard (remember, it was conceived for human consumption
processed output as a byproduct) and a lot of the files available on the
net use encoding features that do the task but must rely on specific
software for that (and some may use custom features allowed by the
but hard to be predicted by programmers;  I'm in need of some to encode
Gregorian Chant, for instance, and I think I'll have to add more variety
the already existent for that).  This situation might be improved with
evolution of the abc standard itself and of initiatives such as The ABC
Project []

Once feasible, a plugin might be a solution, regardless of Chris's
as far as the abc community is concerned (i.e., inside the abc world at
least, the developers are known and trusted), but for the common surfer
would always apply, so that the option to download the source or a
format should still be provided.

Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio

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Re: [abcusers] more abc interpretation questions

2003-01-19 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
  [TCEGc] for [!thrill!CEGc]
 I really like the concept of a !thrill! ornament. It makes the music really 
 Sorry, I just couldn't resist.

The funniest part is that the typo was consistent throughout the message
(I didn't cut and paste).

Believe me, Freud *has* much to say about that!  Who might think abc had
something to do with psychoanalysis?


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Re: [abcusers] more abc interpretation questions

2003-01-19 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
John Chambers wrote:
 Phil Taylor writes:
 | 2. L=1/4 and [FG/]G , what beat is the second 'G' on? 2 or and-of-one?
 | Undefined, I'm afraid.
 | MusicXML has an interesting construct to deal with this kind of situation.
 | The backup and forward tags have the effect of moving the time point,
 | so you can use backup to go back to the start of a measure in order to
 | add an extra layer of notes.  This means that you can deal with temporary
 | voices which appear and disappear in the course of a piece.
 | Maybe we need something similar in abc?
 I sorta  recall  reading  about  just  such  a  feature  in
 abc2mtex,  with  a  comment  that it probably wouldn't work
 with other abc programs.  I've never read about anyone else
 ever implementing it.
 Now what was that syntax? ...

ABC2MTEX v. 1.6.1 User Guide section 4.2 allows multistave input with
syntax similar to MusicTeX's as illustrated below (sample from the

  DEFG  ABcd  A4  e2 c2 |

equivalent to a two-stave system as this:

  [V:1] ABcd e2 c2 |
  [V:2] DEFG A4|

(i.e., groups joined by '' make a set where the groups are rendered in
vertical sequence upwards in diferent staves aligned on the first note
while '' signals the start of the next -joined group set). 
Nevertheless, it says nothing about temporary voices (section 2.2.14,
Chords  unisons, on the regular abc construct for chords, also shows
same-length voicings only).

What, I think, comes closer to

 [...]  a  comment  that it probably wouldn't work
 with other abc programs [...]

is UG section 2.3.2 New notation, on the use of letters H-Z to
generate whatever TeX input the user ultimately assigns to the letter in
the header.tex file or in the abc file, but still it doesn't address
the problem of different-length temporary voices directly.

Perhaps what Phil Taylors suggests might be achieved by combining the
- ABC2MTEX extension with the x-rest extension included in some
packages for an invisible rest, with the additional rule that the group
sets belong to the same staff, e.g.

   x4  CDEF  xc  x2D2  GABc  BAGF  % and so on

or maybe, allowing for longer segments of chords with temporary voices,

   MVSTART x4 x2D2 ...  CDEF GABc ...  xc BAGF ... MVEND

(where MVSTART and MVEND are placeholders for start and end delimiters
of the multivoice staff segment, e.g. !chordphrasestart! ...
!chordphraseend!, and the ... indicate omission of irrelevant matter).

That way the meaning would be clear even in case voices crossed.

Paulo E. Tibúrcio

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Re: [abcusers] more abc interpretation questions

2003-01-16 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
 1.  The draft standard allows U: to replace a string with another string.  But if, 
for example,
 U:T = !trill!
 always worked, then the T: header would go to !trill!  Are there any tunes that use 
the U:
 and what do they expect?  I haven't come across any.

In principle, I don't think it should if the T: header came on a line of
its own, because the context in which both constructs would occur would
then not be the same. Also if you inlined the T: header, the ':' should
prevent the T from being interpreted as a symbol, as you can't have
[!thrill!:Part II].  Other header letters also works as a symbol (H: =
history vs. H = !fermata!, L: = unit note length vs. L = !accent!,
etc.).  This just requires the parsing algorithm always to read ahead
for context before deciding the meaning.

If I got the draft standard right, header field letters used as symbols
work normally as if implicitly redefined in a U: field.  Seems to me abc
grammar is _not_ as context-free as one might think;  then the parser
should always check the context it is in.  Up to the point where it has
just read a 'T' after a '[' it is in state 'standby' (to allow e.g. both
[T:Part II] for a part title and [TCEGc] for [!thrill!CEGc]);  if then
it reads in a ':', the context changes to 'just-read-a-header', else, to

 2. L=1/4 and [FG/]G , what beat is the second 'G' on? 2 or and-of-one?

You had better say




as the meaning may be.

The way it is coded does't make it clear at all.  Either way the beat
count for both voices doesn't balance (i. e, the sample looks

(1)  G/ G/- G/
 F/-F/  ?

(2)  G/ ?   ?  ?
 F/-F/  G/-G/

It *might* make sense if standing for something like this (after
splitting the parts):

[V:1] G/ G A/ B2 |   % A/ B2 added just to complete
 % the voice melody in measure
[V:2] F E D2 |   % E D2 added just to complete
 % the voice melody in measure

This *should* be codable as

[FG/] [EG] [A/] [D2B2] |

but then it would be expected from the parser to figure out that

- in [EG] the E should start a half beat after the G and that
- in [A/] the chord is filled by the remaining half beat of the E.

That is confusing and the standards don't even mention this
possibility:  both the standards v. 1.6 (abc2mtex's User Guide included)
and draft v. 1.7.3 illustrate the construct with same-length examples. 
Once in an arrangement I did code something like that and the typesetter
(abcm2ps, probably, but I'm not sure, it was long ago) didn't render it
as I expected -- and it wasn't the programmer's fault.  From then on, I
always spell such things out, like

[F/-G/] [F/G/-] [E/-G/] [E/A/] [D2B2] |

and all is pure joy.

I think the standards should be reviewed so as to state that this chord
construct *must* contain notes/pauses of the same length only, with ties
to the next chord as needed.  That would make meaning clear and leave to
the typesetting application rendering details.

This approach seems to me the most appropriate, because some
instruments, e. g. classical guitar, can make heavy use of chords
representing voices, some of which start from nowhere and end wherever
they feel like it (that is, the pauses are not written out).  The
voicings may be clear on a typeset staff, but in abc it would be hard to
algorithmically assign the notes to the intended melodic line in all
cases but the simplest ones.

Paulo E. Tibúrcio

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Re: [abcusers] Correct syntax for right repeat bar line after a second time ending?

2003-01-07 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
 ... I have first and second time endings, after
 which I need to start a repeat.  But what is the correct syntax for this?

Repeats are signaled like this:

   A B c d :|
   ^^\(repeat everything so far)

   D E F G |: A B c d | c B A G :| F E D C |]
   ^^   ^^\_(repeat from '|:' to this point)

   A B c d | c B A G :: F E D C :|

A B c d | c B A G |A B c d | c B A G | F E D C | F E D C |

   A B c d |: c B A G :: F E D C :|

A B c d | c B A G | c B A G | F E D C | F E D C |

The source of confusion seems to be the use of [ and ] to mean a thick
when used with | meaning a thin bar ('[|' and '|]' indicating structure
alternative 1st/2nd/... repeat boxes after a bar (|[1, |[2, etc.).

When it comes to signaling repeats, ABC doesn't care to depict how they
are displayed, i.e., it doesn't mimic printed music that closely.  Only
the points where the repetition starts and/or ends are marked as needed
and the typesetting program does the rest.  The repeat signs are:

   Sign   Meaning
   |: you will repeat from this point on when you meet
  repeat-back sign (':|' or '::')
   :| repeat from the last '|:' or start over if
  there is no last '|:'
   :: repeat from the last '|:' or start over if
  there is no last '|:' and come back to this
  point when you see a repeat-back (':|' or '::')

You would profit by reading ABC's specifications (v.1.6 and the draft,
available at the ABC Homepage
abcm2ps's documentation.  If you installed one of Guido Gonzato's RPMs,
you should find it in your /usr/share/doc/abcm2ps-version directory
(including the draft).  If for some reason you don't have the doc files,
is worthwhile to download the package again just to get them.  They
how to tweak your sources so that abcm2ps does things that ABC alone

Hope this clarifies.

Happy 2003!


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Re: [abcusers] ABC for Linux

2003-01-05 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
John Barnaby wrote:
 I have been an ABCwin user for some years but am now switching from
 windows to linux. 

Welcome to the promised land!

   Can any lister please tell me which abc program that
 runs on linux most closely approximates ABCwin in functions. Thanks.

I'm afraid you'll have to get used to the Unix/Linux way of getting some
things done, that is, use several different packages, each one designed
for a specific task:  one for printing/viewing (done in *n*x with TeX or
PostScript, both of which you should already have right from the box in
Linux) output, another for getting MIDI output, others to manipulate the
abc source (transpose, separate parts multivoice tunes, and so on), some
to get special output (tablature, ...).

To begin with, I'd advise to get:

  - for viewing/printing sheet music:

Converts abc to PostScript.

Same;  also generates tablatures.
Win source/EXE zips and Linux RPMs available.

Generates PostScript and lute/guitar tablatures.  Site
has other useful programs (add-ons, scripts) to make
specific tasks easy (number PS output pages, add abc
mode to editors, extract parts, etc.). Source and
binaries (Linux RPM, zipped for Win).

   The father of them all.  Available DOS executables, DOS
   and Linux sources.

  - for MIDI, PostScript sheet music, source manipulation:

4 in 1 package:  abc2midi (converts abc to MIDI)
 midi2abc (tries to get abc from MIDI
 abc2abc  (transposes, checks,
 yaps (converts abc to PostScript)

Normally you get the sources (usually in C) to compile (your Linux box
has a C compiler, cc or gcc).  You might check Guido Gonzato's
precompiled  RPMs for abcm2ps and abcMIDI as well as his own programs
abcpp (a preprocessor to use conditional processing, macros and other
source manipulation), abcprt (to get a part from a multivoice tune)
and an abc add-on for Jed text editor, at

  The ABC Plus Project homepage

Except for Skink, these are command line programs.  If you don't feel
like using the shell, there are

 Allows you to edit, view and play ABC 1.6.  I couldn't get it
 to read more complex ABCs.  From what I read on ABCWin home-
 page, that's not quite the functionality you're used to.
 Java application.

 A front-end to most of the above and some more (PostScript
 viewers, MIDI players, builtin and user-defined editor) with
 interesting editing and finding functionalities.  Written in
 Tcl/Tk (which you should have in your Linux box).  Seems more
 like what you're looking for, as it integrates the many tools
 in something like an abc development environment.

These, I think, will do for quite a toolbox to play with.  Anyway, you
might wish to check

  The ABC Home Page

for some more Linux apps.  I myself as a rule download and try to
install or build whatever abc software I can get;  they seldom eat much
disk space and generally have some unique feature to accomplish
specific tasks.

I hope it has helped.

Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
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Re: [abcusers] ABC for Linux

2003-01-05 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Laura Conrad wrote:
  Paulo == Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Paulo   Skink
 Paulo  couldn't get it to read more complex ABCs.
 I hope you sent bug reports about the ABC's it wouldn't read.  Wil is
 a really responsive developer, and after I sent him some bug reports,
 it now reads my abc's, but unless you tell someone about the problems,
 it's going to go on having bugs.

Thanks for the advice.  I'll see to it from now on.


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Re: [abcusers] BarFly v1.3 available

2003-01-05 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Jack Campin wrote:

 iCab gives the downloaded archive a TEXT file type and iCab creator
 type.  I can't see how to set any preference in iCab to fix this;
 is it supposed to be under browser control?  ...

Servers usually send an header telling the MIME-type of a resource,
but ultimately the browser controls how the file is to be handled
(e.g., it may ignore the header and rely on local system's/user's

Seems you've already looked for a preferences section in your browser's
settings menu.  Maybe it is hidden somewhere; if the documentation
doesn't help, look for some section on *applications* or *file types*
or *MIME-types* both in your browser's and your system's configuration
files or databases (as file handling may be set application-specific or
system-wide).  On Linux, for instance, Opera, Netscape, Lynx, Galeon,
Konqueror all let you define associations of file extensions,
applications and actions to take in each case quite transparently.

 ... I can change it after
 downloading, using a file typer utility ...

It's not sure to work, because text files may be changed when transfered
between different systems (e. g., Mac - Unix, Win - Unix) so that
contents display properly, while binary files (must and) transfer as is.

Browsers usually recognize and manage long-time registered MIME-types
properly, but must be told how to deal with unrecognized ones; seems you
have to find how to configure this feature in yours.

Good luck.

Paulo E. Tibúrcio

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Re: [abcusers] Newbie Questions

2002-12-25 Thread Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
Ed Skinner wrote:
 1) Is there a FAQ?

If you mean on abc notation itself, please check John Chambers'
Frequently Asked Questions about ABC Music Notation url:

 2) Is there a way to get automatic measure numbering?

Yes, but it is package dependent. J.F. Moine's abcm2ps, for instance,
lets you specify that either of three ways: in the command line, in a
format file or in the tune itself; please check files 'New.Features' and
'format.txt' for details (in abcm2ps's doc directory, e.g.,
/usr/share/doc/abcm2ps-version/). For portability, it would be
advisable not to code this information in the abc file you intend to
store tunes on a permanent basis.

Lots of abc software references may be found at the Abc Home Page url: sorted by operating system and
other criteria.

Best regards.

   Paulo Eleutério Tibúrcio
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