Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-14 Thread John Chambers
Phil Taylor writes:
| More's the point, how could I have discovered the existence
| of col for myself?  The biggest problem with getting things
| done in Unix seems to be that you keep hitting these barriers
| where you can't figure out the solution and you just have to
| go and ask someone who knows.

This is a long-standing problem in the computer field.   If
you  know  the  name  of something you can usually find out
about it. This means you can easily answer questions of the
form  I  sure  would like to use the FOO command; I wonder
what it does?

But if you're like most people,  you  never  find  yourself
asking questions like this.  Mostly, you have a description
of what you'd like to do, in words that make sense to  you,
but  you  don't find anything with the same keywords in any

So you start asking around, until someone  tells  you  Oh,
you  need the FOO command; it does just what you want. You
never would have guessed that, but you look it up,  and  in
the  middle  of  the  doc you find something that describes
what you want (though in very different words from yours).

You can see this sort of language problem all the  time  in
our  abc  discussions.   Every  musical  style uses its own
jargon,  a  mixture  of  standard  musical  terms   (with
slightly   different  meanings  in  different  groups)  and
idiosyncratic terms that musicians in the next  group  over
won't understand.  Figuring out how any particular chunk of
software deals with your  musical  concepts  is  difficult,
because  the software's author(s) used different terms than
you do.

There has been some study of this sort of problem with  the
advent of computer GUIs. Any study quickly proves that most
of the  users  use  only  a  tiny  fraction  of  the  GUI's
capabilities.  The reason is that they don't know about the
other semi-magical things that they could do.   They  don't
suspect  that most of the capabilities even exist, and they
don't know how to ask or what to ask for.  Watching someone
else  doesn't help much, because you usually can't see what
they did with the keyboard or mouse, and you don't see  any
pattern in what changes on the screen. And most of it isn't
documented anywhere.  What documentation exists  is  mostly
incomprehensible to users.

If anyone comes up with a good solution to this problem, it
will be a major advance in documentation.

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-14 Thread I. Oppenheim
On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

 $ apropos backspace
 Nothing found

 There probably is a keyword that will get it, but I couldn't find one.

$ apropos filter
which does the same thing as:
$ man -k  filter

But the best solution is to go to:

It has an engine that can do a full text
search on all man pages.

You can also install such an engine on
your own computer:

I use it all of the time.

 Irwin Oppenheim

 Chazzanut Online:
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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-14 Thread Laura Conrad
 Phil == Phil Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Phil More's the point, how could I have discovered the existence
Phil of col for myself?  

I would have guessed man -k backspace might do it for you, but it
doesn't on my LINUX system.  man -k filter does come up with both
col and colcrt.  Filter is unix jargon for the kind of program you
would expect to need for the job.

Phil The biggest problem with getting things done in Unix seems
Phil to be that you keep hitting these barriers where you can't
Phil figure out the solution and you just have to go and ask
Phil someone who knows.

What's wrong with asking someone who knows?  In the UNIX world, people
who know just love being able to tell people who don't know.  Once you
know, you will too.

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-07 Thread Bob Smither
On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Jack Campin wrote:

:The paper editions of the Unix manuals used to have a keyword-in-context
:index of all the commands - usually browsing that would give me an idea.
:I presume there is an electronic copy of the same thing somewhere on all
:Unix systems.


$ apropos keyword

Bob Smither, PhD   Circuit Concepts, Inc.
   Friendly relations with all nations, entangling alliances with none.
 --Thomas Jefferson
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.C-C-I.Com  281-331-2744(office)  -4616(fax)

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-06 Thread Phil Taylor
John Chambers wrote:

There has been some study of this sort of problem with  the
advent of computer GUIs. Any study quickly proves that most
of the  users  use  only  a  tiny  fraction  of  the  GUI's
capabilities.  The reason is that they don't know about the
other semi-magical things that they could do.   They  don't
suspect  that most of the capabilities even exist, and they
don't know how to ask or what to ask for.  Watching someone
else  doesn't help much, because you usually can't see what
they did with the keyboard or mouse, and you don't see  any
pattern in what changes on the screen. And most of it isn't
documented anywhere.  What documentation exists  is  mostly
incomprehensible to users.

While this is true to some extent of any computer system, it
is much, much less of a problem with a GUI than it is with
a command-line system.  GUI-based programs have menus with
meaningful words which describe the commands that they can
execute.  If you are looking for a way to perform some operation
that you've never done before, you just pop up all the menus
until something catches your eye which looks as if it might
be appropriate.  Then you try it, secure in the knowledge that
if you are doing something dangerous the program will a)
warn you, and b) give you an Undo command or c) work on a
copy of the original data so you don't lose anything.

With a CL interface you issue commands by typing, and typing
long complicated words is a drag, so the common commands are
very terse.  Because they're terse they are necessarily
cryptic.  If I didn't know how to rename a file in Unix, how
would I ever guess that the command is mv?  I might guess
that that means move (which it does), but not that re-naming
the file is a side effect.  If I want to perform the same
operation in Windows or Mac OS I just click on the file name
to highlight it and type the new name.  Of course, mv will
allow me to do more complicated things like moving/renaming
a whole bunch of files at once, but that's a sufficiently
uncommon operation that I'd have to go and read the blasted
man page to remind myself of how to do it:-)

If anyone comes up with a good solution to this problem, it
will be a major advance in documentation.

My wife, who used to be computer-phobic, recently got a copy
of Photoshop 7.  This is a professional image editing system
of enormous power and complexity.  She hasn't asked me how to
use it, and the manuals are still in their clingwrap.
Nevertheless, she's showing me pictures where she's changed
the colour balance, added captions, removed objects that
spoil the composition etc.  How long would it have taken
her to achieve the same results if it had been a CL driven

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-06 Thread Phil Taylor
Bob Smithers wrote:

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Jack Campin wrote:
:The paper editions of the Unix manuals used to have a keyword-in-context
:index of all the commands - usually browsing that would give me an idea.
:I presume there is an electronic copy of the same thing somewhere on all
:Unix systems.


$ apropos keyword

Tried that earlier.

$ apropos backspace
Nothing found

$ apropos back space
Thousands of lines of hits containing either string.

There probably is a keyword that will get it, but I couldn't find one.

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-05 Thread Jack Campin
 To get rid of the backspaces from the man command, use the col

 man vi | col -b  vi.txt
 More's the point, how could I have discovered the existence
 of col for myself?  The biggest problem with getting things
 done in Unix seems to be that you keep hitting these barriers
 where you can't figure out the solution and you just have to
 go and ask someone who knows.

The paper editions of the Unix manuals used to have a keyword-in-context
index of all the commands - usually browsing that would give me an idea.
I presume there is an electronic copy of the same thing somewhere on all
Unix systems.

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760 * food intolerance data  recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM Embro, Embro.
-- off-list mail to j-c rather than abc at this site, please --

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-04 Thread I. Oppenheim
On Sun, 3 Aug 2003, Jeff Bigler wrote:

 Much simpler, using vi as an example, would be:

  man vi | cat  vi.txt

Maybe you have a super-cat installed on your system,
but my cats pass all those backspace sequences through,
so the above line would be simply equivalent with:
   man vi  vi.txt
which does not do the job.

However, the simple program that I wrote takes care of

 Irwin Oppenheim

 Chazzanut Online:
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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-04 Thread Geoff Allen
On Sunday, August 3, 2003, at 11:27  PM, I. Oppenheim wrote:

Maybe you have a super-cat installed on your system,
but my cats pass all those backspace sequences through,
so the above line would be simply equivalent with:
   man vi  vi.txt
which does not do the job.
To get rid of the backspaces from the man command, use the col 

man vi | col -b  vi.txt

Geoff Old Unix Weenie Allen

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-08-03 Thread Jeff Bigler
 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 01:45:32 +0200 (W. Europe Daylight Time)
 From: I. Oppenheim [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:
  Actually I'd rather have them as plain text, since I
  have any number of seraching and indexing programs I
  can use with that.
 If that's all you want, it's trivial. Open a text
 file, call it man2txt.c and give it the following

Much simpler, using vi as an example, would be:

 man vi | cat  vi.txt

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-07-24 Thread I. Oppenheim
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

 Convert all man pages to html, and use you're
 webbrowser to read them.

 er, how do I do that?

I forgot to answer this part. Just do:
man topic | man2html   outfile

If you dont have it yet, get man2html from:

 Irwin Oppenheim

 Chazzanut Online:
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[abcusers] man

2003-07-23 Thread I. Oppenheim
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

 (Sorry guys, not wanting to start a platform-specific flame war,
 but I'm having to learn to love unix, and man in particular is
 driving me crazy.)

Convert all man pages to html, and use you're
webbrowser to read them. If you've installed a search
engine like htdig on your computer, that makes it even
simpler to search for information.

And otherwise, you can use the info system.

 Irwin Oppenheim

 Chazzanut Online:
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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-07-23 Thread Phil Taylor
I. Oppenheim wrote:

On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

 (Sorry guys, not wanting to start a platform-specific flame war,
 but I'm having to learn to love unix, and man in particular is
 driving me crazy.)

Convert all man pages to html, and use you're
webbrowser to read them.

er, how do I do that?

Actually I'd rather have them as plain text, since I have any number
of seraching and indexing programs I can use with that.  Just as
an experiment I tried

man vi  vimanual.txt

and was pleased to get a text file out of it.  When I opened the
resulting text file in a text editor, however, the resulting
file had all the bold text in DDOOUUBBLLEE LLEETTEERRS, and all
the underlined text spaced out with _a_s_c_i_i _u_n_d_r_l_i_n_e
characters.  This stuff is actually formatted to be printed out
on a teletype, where the only way you can get a bold character
is to backspace and print it again!

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] man

2003-07-23 Thread I. Oppenheim
On Wed, 23 Jul 2003, Phil Taylor wrote:

 Actually I'd rather have them as plain text, since I
 have any number of seraching and indexing programs I
 can use with that.

If that's all you want, it's trivial. Open a text
file, call it man2txt.c and give it the following

#include stdio.h

int main (void) {

char prev = 0, cur = 0 ;

cur = getchar () ;
while (!feof (stdin)) {
if (cur == 8) {
cur = 0 ;
} else if (prev != 0) {
putchar (prev) ;
prev = cur ;
cur = getchar () ;
return 0 ;

save it. Then compile it as follows:
gcc -o man2txt man2txt.c

Now all you need to do is the following:

man vi | ./man2txt  vi.txt


 Irwin Oppenheim

 Chazzanut Online:
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