Re: [abcusers] voice line (was Christmas ABC pieces)

2002-12-27 Thread Phil Taylor
ANewman wrote:

>I have a question, though:  which abc programs accept voice lines like this:
>V:1 program 1 40 volume 75

BarFly.  There are loads of parameters which can be specified in V: fields
in the tune header, including program, volume, tuning, stereo panning,
plus all the stuff that abcm2ps puts into the %%staves line.

>I am working on the voice header for iabc right now and I'm trying to
>figure out how the other programs do it.  Unfortunately this will be one
>area where I can't match all of the other programs, I am going to have to
>choose a way and go with it.  I am leaning right now towards requiring all
>voice commands to be in the format V: name=value... I'm also trying to
>decide whether or not to allow the V:1 at the beginning of the line, or to
>require what I think is the way proposed in the standard, which is [V:1]
>to change voices.

BarFly allows V: at the start of a line, but its a deprecated format - i.e.
I advise users not to use it since it won't work with other programs.

There ain't no standard for multivoice abc.  The best you can do is to check
out what all of the other programs do, and try to cooperate.

I did a comparison a while back, and while it's a bit out of date now it's
a good starting place:

Phil Taylor

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Re: [abcusers] voice line (was Christmas ABC pieces)

2002-12-27 Thread John Chambers
| I have a question, though:  which abc programs accept voice lines like this:
| V:1 program 1 40 volume 75
| I am working on the voice header for iabc right now and I'm  trying
| to figure out how the other programs do it. Unfortunately this will
| be one area where I can't match all of the  other  programs,  I  am
| going  to  have to choose a way and go with it.

You might have that luxury.  As the  one  who  made  the  mistake  of
telling people about my online "ABC Tune Finder", I now find that the
only thing I can do is try to learn about all the variants and try to
make my software do something sensible with them.  Telling people how
their online ABC should look is rather a waste of time that could  be
spent tweaking my abc2ps clone to handle what's Out There.

(Of course, then I do get accused of encouraging nonstandard  usages,
but I casually ignore this.  I built this tool for myself, and I find
it most useful for my own purposes if it minimizes the  hand  editing
that I have to do on other people's tunes.  It doesn't take very many
editing sessions until I calculate that I can save  time  by  putting
the editing into the web program.)

| I am leaning right
| now towards requiring all voice commands to be  in  the  format  V:
| name=value...

Yeah; that's a lot easier to parse, and it's what the  abc2ps  clones
use.   Too bad everyone didn't follow it.  But it's probably too late
now.  We're stuck with both.

| I'm also trying to decide whether or not to allow the
| V:1 at the beginning of the line, or to require what I think is the
| way  proposed in the standard, which is [V:1] to change voices.

A bare V:1 initially really only works if you  disallow  any  params.
The  brackets  are useful, because they unambiguously bound the voice
declaration, and params can be included. Some likely examples of this
are  [V:3 clef=treble] (for a viola player) and [V:2 nm=piccolo] (for
a flute/piccolo player).

So you should certainly recognize [V:1].  What I've  worked  on  (but
don't quite have working yet) is allowing a bare V:1 with the warning
that the space will terminate it and no params are recognized. If you
want  to  include  a  param,  you have to use [V:1 ...], which is the
general form.

ABC generators should probably always use [V:1], because  there  will
probably  always be programs that misinterpret it if the brackets are
missing.  Your ABC will be more widely usable with the brackets.

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Re: [abcusers] voice line (was Christmas ABC pieces)

2002-12-27 Thread ANewman110
Hi Ted, and thanks for these nice pieces, they all work very well.

I have a question, though:  which abc programs accept voice lines like this:
V:1 program 1 40 volume 75

or maybe you were just trying to make the point that this program should be used.

I am working on the voice header for iabc right now and I'm trying to figure out how 
the other programs do it.  Unfortunately this will be one area where I can't match all 
of the other programs, I am going to have to choose a way and go with it.  I am 
leaning right now towards requiring all voice commands to be in the format V: 
name=value... I'm also trying to decide whether or not to allow the V:1 at the 
beginning of the line, or to require what I think is the way proposed in the standard, 
which is [V:1] to change voices.
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