Re: [AI] (Ritinitities pigmentosa) Clerical job in SBI- VH Quota

2009-01-26 Thread ashok
Hello sir,
  I am from Karnataka, my brother has 85% eye problem disease of RP but he 
has no poblem in reading & writing and he  selected in SBI Interview(VH-Quota) 
and after that they conduct medical examination on 26-12-2008 and  once again 
on 03-01-2009. and today means 27-01-2009 they told to my brother that your 
"eye problem is progressive" so we cannot give job to you. But in application 
all the conditions of VH-Quota  are suitable to my brother, he alone pass the 
exam without taking scribe and doctor also told that he has no problem upto 
50years, he is 28 now. 
  by the only point that " eye problem is progressive" they didnot give 
job, but i saw in internet that many treatments are there for RP like Gene 
therapy,retinal therapy...etc, today it is not 100% gurantee but after few 
years there may be full treatment for RP. So, Plz help me regarding this what 
to do. I am waiting for your reply
Thanking You 


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[AI] How long before all-out cyberwar?

2009-01-26 Thread Sanjay
  How long before all-out cyberwar? What kind of damage could
  a cyberwar do, and how can we guard against it?

Michael Reilly, Palo Alto

THE first cyber-battle between superpowers was shadowy and nearly
bloodless. In April 2001, a US navy plane caused an international
incident when it collided with a Chinese jet fighter. The Chinese
pilot lost his life, while the American plane made an emergency
landing on China's Hainan Island, where it was detained. After 11
days, the plane and crew were returned safely, but accusations of
blame persisted on both sides.

Publicly, both governments did little more than squabble over the
issue, but for the rest of the month both suffered a number of
harmless but annoying attacks on their computer networks.
Websites also sprang up with instructions on how to run programs
aimed at disabling government computers.

American officials claim that the attacks almost shut down
California's electrical grid, but neither government has owned up
to launching the assaults. "There were a number of
cyber-skirmishes and hack-backs originating in China and America
right around that time," says Herbert Lin, a software specialist
at the US National Research Council (NRC) in Washington DC. "Were
they state-sponsored? Who knows."

Since then sporadic reports have emerged of attempts on several
national networks, each one as murky as the last . Meanwhile, the
US and China appear to be taking the issue seriously. In 2000,
Dai Qingmin, an army general and head of the Chinese government's
communications department, advocated the use of pre-emptive
cyber-attack, while Daniel Kuehl of the National Defense
University in Washington DC says the US military is exploring the
use of cyberweapons. Considering the dependence of stock markets,
power grids, phone networks and banks on computers, a
cyber-attack might seem very tempting to a nation with an axe to
grind. "Americans feel very secure, but they shouldn't," says
Adriel Desautels of software security firm Netragard in Mendham,
New Jersey.

To tackle the issues surrounding the prospect of cyberwar -
including how to retaliate and whether cyberweapons could or
should be used - Lin is leading a study sponsored by the NRC,
Microsoft and the MacArthur Foundation. The results are not due
until the summer, but Lin revealed some details at a workshop on
technology and warfare at Stanford University in Palo Alto,
California, last month.Less-lethal weapons?

One issue his team will tackle is ethics. Currently unregulated by
international law, it is unclear where computer viruses and
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks slot in on the scale that ranges
from "less-lethal" weapons such as CS gas and Tasers, through
guns and bombs up to chemical, biological and nuclear arms.

The answer might seem obvious: cyberweapons are harmless compared
with their bloodier counterparts. Even an all-out cyber-attack
couldn't possibly do the same damage as a conventional air raid
or ground invasion, says Michael Vlahos of Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore, Maryland. "If ruling regimes have a
dispute, cyberwar can be a great way to signal that without
killing people," he says.

Others argue, however, that as countries increasingly rely on
computers, the cost of a successful cyber-attack will be measured
in human life just as an air raid or ground attack is.
"Cyberwarfare has been sold as cleaner, but things like power
plants and air traffic control systems are vulnerable to attack,"
says Thomas Wingfield of the US Army Command and General Staff
College in Fort Belvoir, Virginia. A recent study by the US
Department of Homeland Security found that electrical generators
could be hacked into and induced to self-destruct, raising the
threat of large-scale physical damage to critical infrastructure.
"Cyberweapons are now rising to the level of weapons of mass
destruction," he says.

One crucial aspect of computer viruses and worms is their ability
to spread uncontrollably. Such a weapon could inadvertently
infect hundreds of thousands of home and office computers,
causing economic and social mayhem. Impossible to contain within
national boundaries, a virus could end up back in the country
that launched the attack. Because of this, Wingfield says
cyberweapons could be banned from war just like chemical and
biological weapons, poisoned and exploding bullets, and blinding
lasers. "It's possible to imagine cyberweapons being on that
list," he says.

There are good reasons to avoid cyberweapons, but how should a
country that is attacked by one respond? Under the Charter of the
United Nations, a nation has the right to use force as
self-defence only if it is attacked using force. Wingfield says
the term "force" might be applied to a cyber-attack if it caused
significant financial or physical damage. He concludes that any
country that suffers a sufficiently severe cyber-attack is within
its rights to respond with conventional weapons such as bombs.

Retaliation, however, raises anot

Re: [AI] Spam Re: Congratulations Dr. Saibaba Goud and Rajesh Asudani

2009-01-26 Thread sweety.bhalla
Heartiest congratulations from my side to both of them.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Vedprakash Sharma 
  To: ; 
  Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 9:01 AM
  Subject: Spam Re: [AI] Congratulations Dr. Saibaba Goud and Rajesh Asudani

  If this email is not spam, click here to submit the signatures to FortiGuard 
- AntiSpam Service. 
congrets from me too!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Ch. Srinivasu 
  Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 8:31 PM
  Subject: [AI] Congratulations Dr. Saibaba Goud and Rajesh Asudani

  Hi all,


  Most of you would be aware Devnar School for the Blind at Hyderabad and its
  founder is Dr. A Saibaba Goud. It gives me great pleasure to inform you all
  that Dr. Goud is one of the recipients for prestigious "Padmashree" Award
  for this year. Congratulations Dr. Goud.


  Secondly, Congratulations to Rajesh Asudani, our dearest friend for PD
  Kambhatta Award that is given at National Association for the Blind.


  Congrats again. 


  Thanks & regards,


  Ch. Srinivasu | Access Consultant
  BarrierBreak Technologies
  Cell: +91 9177 383855
  HO: +91 22 26860485 / 86 


  Please do not print this email unless it's really need to; this will
  preserve our trees on the planet


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Re: [AI] Circular for conveyance allowance todisabledemploeesofcentral government/banking sector

2009-01-26 Thread Dr. Vipin Malhotra
Most of the judgements and circular are there on our
With Regards,
Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra
Legal Counselor, Legal Aid Cell, 
Society for Child Development,
M-63 Ground Floor, Lajpat Nagar II,
New Delhi-110024.
Phone: +91-11-41727004.
Helpline No. 011-46579691
You could talk to me on every Monday and Thursday 
between 2-4 P.M.


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[AI] Your help & guidance urgently required?

2009-01-26 Thread Saravanan Ramadoss

Hello  AI friends,
Please read this forwarded message, your help and proper guidance is 
urgently need to my friend. He need some details about  any 
visually-challenged persons got placement in I.T.I. or any other Engineering 
colleges as a tutor? He  required those details urgently, because he has to 
provide the evidence in Tamilnadu High-court first week of next month. To 
know more about his case, please read below. I request you all,  please 
share this info with your friends  & help him to win the case.


Respected sir,
Subject: visually handicapped seeks legal ideas
my name is sudarsanan.
I am visually impaired person (partially blind). I completed my diploma in 
mechanical engineering in 1991 and diploma in refrigeration and air 
conditioning in 1998. I suffered genetic problem of retinitis pigmentosa in 
both eye during the period of
End of 1980's (on set of disablitity is from 1983 as per medical panel 
report of vocational rehablitation center for handicapped by govt of india 
photocopy of report with me). They issued ID card in 1993. I registered as a 
partially blind in special employment exchange for handicapped in 1992. I 
took technical teaching line as a instructor (junior training officer) to 
teach in theoretical subjects in mechanical related trades like A/C 
mechanic, fitter, turners extra in director general of employment and 
training, new delhi,under union ministry of labour approved private 
industrial training institute from 1994. This post comes under the group C. 
In December 8, 2000 government of Tamil nadu announcing the recruitment of 
237  junior training officer post in government run industrial training 
institutes by diploma holders on the basis of seniority in employment 
exchanges. So as per equal oppurtutinities of people with disability act 
1995 they should give
3% for handicapped  persons that is 1% for ortho 1% for hearing impaired 1% 
for visually impaired which means two posts must be allocated for visually 
handicapped persons. I approached the appointing authority of above said 
post director of employment  and training through the letter in January 
2001. they didn't respond to me so , I sent advocate notice to them. After 
that they stating that allotted 6 post for physically handicapped is 
sponsored up to 1985, your seniority comes only 1992 because of that you are 
not considered for sponsoring. But they didn't answer how many visually 
handicapped persons appointed?
So I approach madras high court for justice by filing writ petition in 2001 
but it was dismissed because of the technical ground that petitioners not 
challenge the lack of seniority reason of the government side reply so that 
writ petition is not sustainable and petitioner given liberty file another 
writ petition. In such situation one advocate firm comes to help me with the 
help of that firm  I filed another writ petition in 2003, It was again 
dismissed on petitioner does not able to clear what statutory provision the 
petitioner have irrespective of seniority government side bound to sponsored 
him?but section 33 clearly says 3% quota for disabled and section 36 clearly 
says if no disabled person is found in recruiting year it should be carry 
forward in to next years successively in pwd act. Both writ petition does 
not give answer about 1% visually handicapped quota. So I filed another writ 
appeal  in 2004. Mean time, I approached the director of
employment  and training  in 2007 asking information about how many 
visually handicapped person appointed in junior training officer post under 
the right to information act 2005 they told in their letter no visually 
handicapped persons appointed because of their inability further they say 
visually handicapped quota is filled by the normal person. Now it very clear 
they did not follow 1% quota for visually handicapped persons.on19-01-09 
present writ appeal  came for final hearing court accept our above said 
matter  is accepted and directed them to submit seniority of ph persons and 
next hearing posted for first week of feb 2009.with my present vision , I 
can able to write and draw the diagram in the black board. our advocate says 
during the argument time they might raise inability issue.
I here by asking our visually impaired friends for guidance in the above 
matter. Kindly note above stated matter is in court so please take this as 

I want to know any visually handicapped person working as a junior training 
officer or instructor in government industrial training institute or related 
sectors if anybody is there please send the information to me  about him or 

Answered required following question may arised
1. how vh person can do technical training job?
2. how vh person can be appointed in unidentified post like group c  post of 
junior training officer?

Matter is very urgent.

My residential address
Old no 80, new no 42, padavattamman koil street,
Tamilnadu st

[AI] Need solution for a PC problem

2009-01-26 Thread Viji
Respected Access Indians, 

some times, in between my work, my PC suddenly   shutts down & immediately 
restarts by itself after the disk check. This happens once in 1 or 2 months. 
Any solution for this? Why this happens? I'm using XP service pack 2 Pro 
version with Jaws 8.

Thanks in advance,

With best regards,
Web page: 
My songs link in

"Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together 
Jai Hindh


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[AI] What changes should we make so that Outlook Express does not download the sent messages?

2009-01-26 Thread Amar Jain
Respected Listers,

Whenever I downloaded mails in Outlook Express, it also downloads the
sent messages and shows in the inbox.

I have unchecked the option of Keep copy of sent messages in the sent
items folder. Is it because of that?

I want to turn off this option so that Outlook Express does not
download the sent messages it only download the messages from inbox.
Amar Jain.

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Re: [AI] How to read an excell file?

2009-01-26 Thread Amar Jain

Very very useful. I have few files which contains some information.
Now the problem is that how shall I read that information? Since there
are various colums and rows, how do we know that in which colum and in
which row the information is given?

Any command for that?

Amar Jain.

On 1/27/09, Wael  wrote:
> Excel is one of the office package applications which deals with spread
> sheets.
> when you open a word document you open a blank document to write in.
> when you open a excel workbook you open a file that contains three basic
> sheets by default, and you are free to add, or delete from those sheets.
> to move around the three default sheets you may use the control key in
> combination with the page up and page down keys to go to the next and to the
> prior sheet.
> you may imagine the sheet when you touch the floor in your home as you find
> rows and columns paved in a cronological order, sheets are same, you will
> find rows from top to bottom numbered from 1 to 65536, and from left to
> right numbered alphabetically from A until IV, which means 256 columns and
> 65536 rows.
> the top left corner contains the cell entitled A1 which means that it is the
> top cell and so numbered as 1, and the first left cell and so numbered as A.
> when you go down with your arrow key, you will find the numbers are moving
> up, as u find, A2, A3, A4, etc, and when you move to the right direction
> with your arrow key you will find the letters are moving up as in A1, B1,
> C1, D1, etc.
> you may fill in each cell with a little piece of information about your
> friends' name, their age, phone numbers, emails, etc. but remember that
> cells may carry various type of information and so you can change the type
> of the cell accordingly, for example: a cell containing the phone number
> should not exceed 10 digits, while a cell containing a postal zip code
> should not exceed 5 digits, in another cell carrying birth dates, the date
> format may differ from the phone numbers, etc.
> in Excell we call the sheets: spread sheets, as all cells of the current
> sheet are sensitive to the other cells relatively, for example:
> if you settled an equasion of employers' salaries, and in one day you
> changed the equasion to include some new fees, all relevant cells wil
> automatically change accordingly.
> for more information feel free to ask me either through the list or off
> list.
> hth
> Wael Zakareya skype: m0100649426 msn:
> google: mobile: 0100649426
> --- On Mon, 1/26/09, Amar Jain  wrote:
> From: Amar Jain 
> Subject: [AI] How to read an excell file?
> To:
> Date: Monday, January 26, 2009, 11:39 PM
> Listers,
> I know its a basic question but I have never ever dealt with excel
> earlier in my life and have never ever red the tutorials.
> Now time has come and I need to learn reading excell file.
> So how shall I start?
> When I open an excell file it says alphabet and counting. But how to
> read the info given there?
> Anything else you would like to add for teaching me?
> Thanks and Regards,
> Amar Jain.
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> the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please
> visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to with
> the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please
> visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] How to read an excell file?

2009-01-26 Thread Wael

Excel is one of the office package applications which deals with spread sheets.
when you open a word document you open a blank document to write in.
when you open a excel workbook you open a file that contains three basic sheets 
by default, and you are free to add, or delete from those sheets.
to move around the three default sheets you may use the control key in 
combination with the page up and page down keys to go to the next and to the 
prior sheet.
you may imagine the sheet when you touch the floor in your home as you find 
rows and columns paved in a cronological order, sheets are same, you will find 
rows from top to bottom numbered from 1 to 65536, and from left to right 
numbered alphabetically from A until IV, which means 256 columns and 65536 rows.
the top left corner contains the cell entitled A1 which means that it is the 
top cell and so numbered as 1, and the first left cell and so numbered as A.
when you go down with your arrow key, you will find the numbers are moving up, 
as u find, A2, A3, A4, etc, and when you move to the right direction with your 
arrow key you will find the letters are moving up as in A1, B1, C1, D1, etc.
you may fill in each cell with a little piece of information about your 
friends' name, their age, phone numbers, emails, etc. but remember that cells 
may carry various type of information and so you can change the type of the 
cell accordingly, for example: a cell containing the phone number should not 
exceed 10 digits, while a cell containing a postal zip code should not exceed 5 
digits, in another cell carrying birth dates, the date format may differ from 
the phone numbers, etc.
in Excell we call the sheets: spread sheets, as all cells of the current sheet 
are sensitive to the other cells relatively, for example:
if you settled an equasion of employers' salaries, and in one day you changed 
the equasion to include some new fees, all relevant cells wil automatically 
change accordingly.
for more information feel free to ask me either through the list or off list.
Wael Zakareya skype: m0100649426 msn: google: mobile: 0100649426

--- On Mon, 1/26/09, Amar Jain  wrote:

From: Amar Jain 
Subject: [AI] How to read an excell file?
Date: Monday, January 26, 2009, 11:39 PM


I know its a basic question but I have never ever dealt with excel
earlier in my life and have never ever red the tutorials.

Now time has come and I need to learn reading excell file.

So how shall I start?

When I open an excell file it says alphabet and counting. But how to
read the info given there?

Anything else you would like to add for teaching me?
Thanks and Regards,

Amar Jain.

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[AI] Code Factory at ATIA 2009

2009-01-26 Thread Gopalakrishnan
Code Factory at ATIA 2009

Stop by booth 121 to meet with Code Factory staff!

Terrassa (Barcelona), Spain, January 26, 2009

Code Factory, the global leader in development of products designed to
eliminate barriers to the accessibility of mobile technology for the
blind and visually impaired, is proud to be an exhibitor, in booth
121, at the 2009 ATIA Conference, taking place from January 28th to
February 3rd at the Caribe Royale All-Suite Resort and Convention
Center, Orlando, Florida.


Greg Gladman, our Chief Technical Officer and Melanie Endres, our
Sales Director will be happy to walk you through all of the many new
features and advantages of our accessible solutions, including:

Mobile Speak V3.80:  New version of Mobile Speak released on the
occasion of ATIA. Support for the latest Samsung and Nokia phones, new
Acapela voices, new built-in user dictionary feature and much more.
Mobile Geo, CES Best of Innovations 2009: World's first accessible GPS
navigation software for mainstream Windows Mobile Smartphones and
Pocket PCs, powered by GPS and mapping technology from the Sendero
Group. Maps and POIs available for 18 countries; compatible with more
than 300 Windows Mobile devices and phones operating on GSM, CDMA and
WCDMA networks; works with external Bluetooth and built-in GPS
Mobile DAISY Player: Electronic book reader for Symbian-based phones.
It allows both sighted and visually impaired mobile users to take
books in Digital Accessible Information System (DAISY) format with
them wherever they go.
The User-Centered Licensing system which allows users to transfer
their license of Code Factory's Windows Mobile screen readers from one
device to another free of charge, anytime, anywhere, through an
internet connection or via SMS.
Support for the Symbian third edition web browser including virtual
cursor, moving to elements, and read to end functionality with Mobile
Speak for Symbian phones.


Greg and Melanie will be waiting for you along with Mike May, CEO of
Sendero Group, at Code Factory's booth, number 121.


Assistive Technology Vendor Panel - The Direction of Assistive Technology

Thursday, January, 29 at 3.30 PM - 4:30 PM.
Moderated by Michael Takemura, Director, HP Accessibility Program
Office, Hewlett Packard Company.
This session will consist of a panel of leading assistive technology
manufacturing executives who will discuss their vision for the future
of their products and assistive technology in general. This session
will be highly interactive so that the audience can pose questions
they may have relating to implementation of assistive technology, the
challenges of interoperability, and other accessibility needs.  To
attend the breakout session you must be registered for the ATIA
Leadership Forum which runs from 1/29-30.  It is NOT open to
registrants for the main conference, only the Leadership Forum.
The ATIA Leadership Forum on Accessibility is an exciting two-day
Forum providing an excellent venue for discussion of the business case
for accessibility and its associated technologies.  The Forum uses a
case-study format to provide corporations, colleges/universities, and
government agencies of all sizes with unique insights into how other
industry-leading organizations are integrating accessibility to
improve workplace productivity and extend their market reach to
include both people with disabilities and mature consumers.
Organizations can derive real value from the enterprise-focused
approach, which allows organizations to see first-hand how
accessibility can benefit their bottom line.
Location: At the Caribe Royale All-Suites Resort in the Martinique Ballroom II.

Microsoft Educational Theater

Code Factory session title: The World in your Pocket: Mobile Geo, the
first accessible GPS application for Windows Mobile devices.
Friday, January, 30, 10.30 AM - 10.50 AM.
Location: AT Educational Theater which is located in the Caribbean
Exhibit Hall (Caribbean Ballrooms III-IV) in the Convention Center.


Reading on the go with accessible mobile phones (F1706)

Friday, January 30, 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM.
By Greg Gladman.
Location: Boca IV Room
Presentation Outline:  What do we mean by "electronic books"?; How to
convert your mobile phone into much more than just a phone?; 2 types
of electronic books: audio and digital text format; Mobile Daisy
Player V2.0; Mobile Speak's built-in Braille Reader.

 Explore your World with Mobile Geo, Code Factory's GPS application (S1102)

Saturday, January 31, 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
By Melanie Endres.
Location: Curacao 3 Room
Presentation Outline: -Understand GPS technologies; Mobile Geo, a
collaboration between Code Factory and Sendero Group; Overview of
Mobile Geo features;  What can you do with Mobile Geo; Compatibility
with Mobile Speak Smartphone and Mobile Speak Pocket.

[AI] How to read an excell file?

2009-01-26 Thread Amar Jain

I know its a basic question but I have never ever dealt with excel
earlier in my life and have never ever red the tutorials.

Now time has come and I need to learn reading excell file.

So how shall I start?

When I open an excell file it says alphabet and counting. But how to
read the info given there?

Anything else you would like to add for teaching me?
Thanks and Regards,

Amar Jain.

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[AI] information needed

2009-01-26 Thread Niki Vaid
Hi friends,

 kindly respond to the following questions as your responses will be highly 
valuable for a project that I have undertaken.

The title of the project is 
"dealing with differently abled employees  at work."



  1.. name 
  2.. name of the organization currently working 
  3.. department 
  4.. designation 
  5.. working since 
  6.. how difficult was it for you to search your current job 
  7.. how did you convince your prospective employer during your interview 
about your ability to perform the work inspite  of  your handicap? 
  8.. how do you commute to your work place 
  9.. how comfortable are you moving in your work place 
  10.. what all technological assistance do you use at work 
  11.. how is the attitude of your boss, colleagues and subordinates 
  12.. how frequently do you have to travel out of  town for your work? Does 
anyone  accompany you there? If not then how do you manage? 
  13.. are you given equal challenges and responsibilities like your sighted 
  14.. how often are you required to sign a document? How easily Can you do it 
jus by trusting a reader? 
  15.. were there any special arrangements/ facilities provided to you by your 
  16.. do you operate independent bank account? 
  17.. What recommendation will yu suggest to make the corporate world more 
disable- friendly? 
  18.. Any other experiences/ suggestions you would like to share?


Kindly send your responses off-list to my personal e-mail id 



Thanks and regards,

Nikita Vaid.


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[AI] Now, read your favourite book on an MP3, mobile or laptop

2009-01-26 Thread Renuka Warrier
The Hindu News Update Service
News Update Service
Monday, January 26, 2009 : 2000 Hrs   
Now, read your favourite book on an MP3, mobile or laptop 

Jaipur (IANS): As life hurtles on the fast lane, the publishing industry is 
opening up new, cost-effective and easier reading formats for literature buffs.

The traditional space-eating bookshelves and libraries at home and in public 
spaces will soon be replaced by audio books, mobile telephone books, e-books
and video clips of famous novels, which are available either at the click of a 
mouse or a dial tone away with the mobile telephony provider - thanks to
the new age tech-savvy publishing wizkids. 

The concept, already a rage across Europe, is making its maiden inroads into 
India, which boasts of one of the biggest publishing industry in terms of 
(over US$11 billion). 

And Indian authors figure high on the list of publishers of alternative books. 

According to industry representatives, audio books, which are yet to be 
retailed in Indian music and book stores, can be downloaded from e-vendors like
Britain-based Waterstones, Amazon and HMV. 

This week, Britain-based Heavy Entertainment, one of the country's largest 
manufacturers and producers of audio books, will launch an abridged audio 
of Salman Rushdie's "Midnight's Children" - a six-volume CD novel, spanning 
over eight hours, with voiceover by Lyndam Gregory, a veteran British 
Corporation radio drama performer. 

The book, priced at 15.99 pounds sterling, can be heard over any MP3 device. 

In October, the company collaborated with the Britain-based John Murray and 
Hachette Publishers, which has just set up its India arm, to produce Amitav
Ghose's global best-seller, "Sea of Poppies", as an audio novel. It is a 
four-CD book, spread over five hours, with Lyndam as the story teller. 

The audio novel,, which is available across stores in 
Europe, is priced at 15.99 pounds in shops and at 7.99 pounds on the net. 

Last month, Heavy Entertainment unveiled the audio format of Booker prize 
winning novel "White Tiger", by Arvind Adiga, across Europe. 

"The novel, which has five CDs has a voiceover by Kerry Shale, a veteran 
presenter, who enacts all the characters in the novel like Lyndam did for the 
two Indian best-sellers," Davy Nougarede, director of Heavy Entertainment, told 
IANS at the DSC Jaipur Literature Festival. 

The producer of alternative books is in India as part of a contingent of young 
publishers to explore the opportunities of alternative publishing. This is
part of an Indo-British cultural exchange to promote creative entrepreneurs. 

The industry for alternative books - both audio and e-books - said Davy, has 
grown by 800 percent in Europe in the last six months since it was officially
launched in Britain 14 months ago. 

"It was a trial. A collection of 100 classics written over the last 75 years 
and an e-book reading device was offered to readers at 199 pounds. An e-book
reading device is a B-format paperback size computer where the screen serves as 
a page, operating through touch. One can store at least 2,000 books on
the device instead of having four to five books in your bag. The device, 
developed by Sony, is known as Kindle," Davy explained. 

The market for audio books, however, is more brisk. It is growing at a rate of 
20 percent every month. "That is because of the comfort factor. Many people
find it difficult to read and easy to hear the stories being read out by 
someone else. The first lot of audio books were published in Britain and the 
20 years ago," Davy said. 

The best-selling audio novel in the West now is "Barack Obama: Dream From My 
Father" which sold 25,000 copies since it was launched four months ago. 

The alternative book formats are price-wise because they do not involve 
printing costs and incur minimal distribution costs. 

Davy, who released 50-80 audio novel titles in his country every year, now 
produces around 350 titles annually. In India, Davy works with Shoda Tales, an
audio publisher based in Chennai, to manufacture audio books of short stories 
and poetry for students of the English language across the country. 

Peter Collingridge, the young founder of Apt Studio, another British firm that 
specialises in innovative publishing formats, is ready with his first three
mobile books - The Barack Obama biography, a novel, "The Death of Bunny Murro" 
by rockstar Nick Cave and "Homicide" by David Simon, which was made into
a popular tele-serial in Britain. The mobile version of the Obama biography, in 
collaboration with Apple, will hit the telephony market in May. 

"I would love to transcribe Chetan Bhagat's 'Five Point Someone' into a mobile 
telephone novel. The book has such a vast scope and is so inspiring," 
told IANS. India, with six million mobile phone subscribers, is a challenging 
market, he said. 

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Re: [AI] Text scanner for mobile phone

2009-01-26 Thread Prashant Verma

Tried out this software on Nokia N82. Talks can read out the recognised 
text. However, the recognition both from camera image & image file was 
extremely poor. It is also not running properly & giving repeated errors.
However, it promises to be a great utility if recognition is improved 
significantly. It will be great if someone keeps an eye on the development 
of this tool & informs the list if there is any further progress.


From: "Amar Jain" 
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 2:22 PM
To: ; 
Subject: Re: [AI] Text scanner for mobile phone

Respected Sir,

Is the captured text through immages accessible with Talks or any
other talking software?
Amar Jain.

On 1/26/09,  wrote:
Hello friends! Hope you all very well. First i feel sorry for not taking 

active part  to the mailing list. But now i have an important information
regarding the mobile phones. Some of you may be familiar with it. Friends 
few days back i got a news that a software called multiscanner can be 

to obtain text from an image captured through a mobile phone or a digital
camera. The software comes in built with nokia e71 and nokia e66. 
However, i

assume that the application may be instaled on some other nokia s60 3.1
devices. Please note that i have tested the application on e71 and the
result was satisfactory. I also tested it on my current phone ie nokia 

c but it did not work may because of the fact that its s60 3.2. For more
detail please visit

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Re: [AI] Free Internet Radio

2009-01-26 Thread M. Chandra Shekar
hello friend, greetings happy republic day of india. please visit:  where, you can find not only news and other important 
programs. you can download and listen them.

with best regards
- Original Message - 
From: "Amarjit Powar" 

Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Free Internet Radio

Hello dear AccessIndians:
Does All India Radio have any website for listening to their webcasts? 
Could somebody please provide the full link?
As well, I  tried looking at BBC's Hindi service for listening to  their 
Hindi programming, but I couldn't see the link.  Could somebody please 
send me the same.  If there are any other Hindi/English streaming audio 
services which originate from India, I would esteem it a favor if the 
listers could provide these too.

With deepest gratitudes,
- Original Message - 
From: "Dr. Homiyar Mobedji" 

To: "Access India" 
Cc: "Mukesh Mafatlal Patel" 
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:20 AM
Subject: [AI] Free Internet Radio

Checkout the site and it promises to offer a lot.

The link is below:

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Re: [AI] Congratulations Dr. Saibaba Goud and Rajesh Asudani

2009-01-26 Thread Balasaheb Londhe

Many many congratulations for this great achievement.
Balasaheb Londhe
- Original Message - 
From: "Vedprakash Sharma" 

To: ; 
Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:31 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Congratulations Dr. Saibaba Goud and Rajesh Asudani

congrets from me too!
 - Original Message - 
 From: Ch. Srinivasu

 Sent: Sunday, January 25, 2009 8:31 PM
 Subject: [AI] Congratulations Dr. Saibaba Goud and Rajesh Asudani

 Hi all,

 Most of you would be aware Devnar School for the Blind at Hyderabad and 
 founder is Dr. A Saibaba Goud. It gives me great pleasure to inform you 

 that Dr. Goud is one of the recipients for prestigious "Padmashree" Award
 for this year. Congratulations Dr. Goud.

 Secondly, Congratulations to Rajesh Asudani, our dearest friend for PD
 Kambhatta Award that is given at National Association for the Blind.

 Congrats again.

 Thanks & regards,

 Ch. Srinivasu | Access Consultant
 BarrierBreak Technologies
 Cell: +91 9177 383855
 HO: +91 22 26860485 / 86

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[AI] required-info on abbyy fine reader.

2009-01-26 Thread soloman s
hi everybody out there! i have installed the demo version of abbyy.
software recently. i need your guidance regarding the use of the
aforesaid scanning software. please respond to my query for i need to
do a lot of scanning and reading work from print materials. looking
forward to hearing from you all. with regards, solomon.

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  Resource Guide for Individuals with Vision Difficulties and 

About Vision Difficulties and Impairments

Vision difficulties and impairments include low vision, color 
blindness, and blindness. Among adult computer users in the United 
States, 1 in 4 (27%) have a vision difficulty (see study). There are 
many options for individuals with vision difficulties to modify the 
computer displays and appearance so it is more legible, or receive 
information through sound or touch. Those who are blind cannot use a 
computer monitor and but have the option to receive information from 
their computers through hearing or touch offered through screen 
readers and Braille displays.

Assistive Technology

Products compatible with Microsoft® Windows® operating systems, made 
by independent assistive technology manufacturers, are included in the 
assistive technology catalog. People who have vision difficulties and 
impairments may be interested in the following assistive technology:

Screen enlargers (or screen magnifiers) work like a magnifying glass. 
They enlarge a portion of the screen as the user moves the focus—
increasing legibility for some users. Some screen enlargers allow a 
user to zoom in and out on a particular area of the screen.
Screen readers are software programs that present graphics and text as 
speech. A screen reader is used to verbalize, or "speak," everything 
on the screen including names and descriptions of control buttons, 
menus, text, and punctuation.
Speech recognition systems, also called voice recognition programs, 
allow people to give commands and enter data using their voices rather 
than a mouse or keyboard.
Speech synthesizers (often referred to as text-to-speech (TTS) 
systems) receive information going to the screen in the form of 
letters, numbers, and punctuation marks, and then "speak" it out loud. 
Using speech synthesizers allows blind users to review their input as 
they type.
Refreshable Braille displays provide tactile output of information 
represented on the computer screen. The user reads the Braille letters 
with his or her fingers, and then, after a line is read, refreshes the 
display to read the next line.
Braille embossers transfer computer generated text into embossed 
Braille output. Braille translation programs convert text scanned in 
or generated via standard word processing programs into Braille, which 
can be printed on the embosser.
Talking word processors are software programs that use speech 
synthesizers to provide auditory feedback of what is typed.
Large-print word processors allow the user to view everything in large 
text without added screen enlargement.
Technical Support Articles

Vision-related computer issues and solutions
Adjusting Computers for Vision Needs

The following tutorials explain options helpful for individuals with 
vision impairments.

Accessibility Tutorials for People with Low-Vision

Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows Me
Windows 2000
Windows 98
Word 2002
Word 2000
Outlook 2002
Outlook 2000
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 5
Accessibility Tutorials for People Who Are Blind

Windows Vista
Windows XP
Windows Me
Windows 2000
Windows 98
Word 2002
Word 2000
Outlook 2002
Outlook 2000
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 5
Related Web Sites

Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic, Inc.
Courseware for Visually Impaired Students

Award Winner & Record Holder-International Biographical Note,

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[AI] This OS celebrates its 59th birthday

2009-01-26 Thread Subramani L
It was in 1950 the Operating System called 'Indian Constitution 1.0' was
booted up by the "chief architect" of the India project and his team of
efficient engineers. This OS ensured that its targeted customers could
use it to accomplish their hopes and dreams and enrich its eco system
called democracy. 
Ever since its date of operation, many have called this OS heavy and
unwieldy. Fortunately for its users, there haven't been newer versions
of it, though people entrusted with the job of its uninterrupted
functioning have tried plugging buggs and vulnerabilities through
smaller patches called 'amendments'. Though the initial team of
engineers who have developed have been blamed for almost every 'error'
or 'problem' in its functioning, no one realised that its strength has
somehow made its users accomplish things which they were set out to
accomplish; things like wealth creation, development and relative
prosperity. In fact, those who predict that the project would run into
difficulty and would eventually fail have come to acknowledge that it
has worked and continues to work despite flaws in almost each of its
Some of them don't even believe that this OS has a screen reader too.
Which is called 'Persons With Disability act'. And this, like other
screen readers, stammers and stutters. But it also serves its purpose in
its own limited way. 
Since this is created for, and in the name of, its users, and since we
are the largest network of V I community (amongst those existing in its
eco system), its our duty to wish 'Indian Constitution 1.0' best wishes
on its 59th birthday. Let's hope that this would continue to help more
people realise their hopes and dreams. 

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Re: [AI] Text scanner for mobile phone

2009-01-26 Thread Amar Jain
Respected Sir,

Is the captured text through immages accessible with Talks or any
other talking software?
Amar Jain.

On 1/26/09,  wrote:
> Hello friends! Hope you all very well. First i feel sorry for not taking an
> active part  to the mailing list. But now i have an important information
> regarding the mobile phones. Some of you may be familiar with it. Friends a
> few days back i got a news that a software called multiscanner can be used
> to obtain text from an image captured through a mobile phone or a digital
> camera. The software comes in built with nokia e71 and nokia e66. However, i
> assume that the application may be instaled on some other nokia s60 3.1
> devices. Please note that i have tested the application on e71 and the
> result was satisfactory. I also tested it on my current phone ie nokia 6220
> c but it did not work may because of the fact that its s60 3.2. For more
> detail please visit
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Re: [AI] pdf image files

2009-01-26 Thread phani srikanth
hi, fine reader might be a good option. fine reader 9 can perform OCR
on almost all of the pdf imaging documents.

On 1/24/09, d.s.rajan  wrote:
> you can try adobe reader. i am using adobe 9 for all p d f formats. it will
> take some time to open all the pages, after that you can save that file in
> text format using save as command in file menu.
> regards, d.s.raajan.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Asudani, Rajesh" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 14:39
> Subject: [AI] pdf image files
>> Sorry for bringing up the topic once again, but there seems to be no
>> efficient way of reading pdf image files apart from finereader 8 or later
>> which have to be purchased.
>> Does microsoft document imaging read them?
>> I was not successful to do so.
>> If there is any other way, please apprise me of the same, or else I will
>> have to take printouts of the said documents and scann them all over
>> again.
>> However, you will agree this is not an efficient way of dealing with such
>> nuissance like pdf image files, as if pdf itself were a lesser hurdle, now
>> everything is coming in pdf image!!!
>> Any efficient way, please.
>> Rajesh
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>> you have received this email by error, please notify us by return e-mail
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Re: [AI] few of my personal opinions and tips

2009-01-26 Thread Vijay Kumar P.V.S.

You can also download it from

With warm regards

"Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy
success."  A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

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Re: [AI] Information required for fire fox

2009-01-26 Thread phani srikanth
keyboard shortcuts in firefox:

Navigation  commands

Alt+Left Arrow
Alt+Right Arrow
Open File
Ctrl +R
Reload (override cache)
Current Page

Go to Bottom of Page
Control End
Go to Top of Page
Control Home
Move to Next Frame
Move to Previous Frame
Page Info   commands

Page Source
Save Page As
Zoom In
Zoom Out
Zoom Reset
Editing  commands

Select All
Search  commands

Find Again
Find As You Type Link
Find As You Type Text
Find Previous
Web Search
Windows & Tabs  commands

Close Tab
Close Window
Move Tab Left
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Move Tab Right
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Move Tab to Beginning
(when tab is focused)
Ctrl +Home
Move Tab to End
(when tab is focused)
New Tab
New Window
Next Tab
Ctrl+Page Down
Open Address in New Tab
(from Location Bar or Search Bar)
Previous Tab
Ctrl+Page Up
Undo Close Tab
Select Tab (1 to 8)
Ctrl+(1 to 8)
Select Last Tab
Tools  commands

Bookmark All Tabs
Bookmark This Page
Caret Browsing
Clear Private Data
Error Console
Miscellaneous  commands

Complete .com Address
Complete .net Address
Complete .org Address
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry
Full Screen
Select Location Bar
Select or Manage Search Engines
(when Search Bar is focused)
Alt+Up Arrow
Alt+Down Arrow

hope it helps

On 1/25/09, Ashwani  wrote:
> Hi friends
> I  have started using fire fox but not very familiar with this web browser.
> I need your support to know this browser better so that I can use it
> properly.
> Any help in this regard will be appreciable.Thanks.
> Ashwani Jassal
> Assistant Professor,  Department of Political Science
> Shyamlal College (EVE)
> Mob: 9958481481
> Skype ID:
> E mail:
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