Re: [AI] towards 2020

2007-03-06 Thread Taraprakash
That's very interesting.
So does he attribute it to a 6th sense?
Why does he do that? Can you Please provide more details about that guy? 
Please post your responses offlist to me, I will not be receiving the list 
mails in the near future.


- Original Message - 
From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 10:08 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020

> In gujarat, an ophthamologist  goes walking blind folded. He doesn't bump
> into objects. Actually this doc is much better in negotiating 
> objects/turns
> than we blind persons.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 10:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
>> Unconsciously is perhaps the right word. We unconsciously use one of the
>> available senses like smell, sound and touch, there is no scope for a 6th
>> sense here.
>> If you have seen the movie "The Phantom of the Opera" you will notice 
>> that
>> this 6th sense is not exclusively linked with the disabled persons. The
>> main
>> protagonist, the phantom, is a sighted person who has spent almost all 
>> his
>> life in a dark building. He manages so well in the dark that he is never
>> arrested, never bumps in to things and can always avoid traps set to
>> capture
>> him. He is supposed to have some magical power, but it is not so.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 5:49 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
>>> My point that blind can unconsciously recognise objects, movements,
>>> sometimes expressions is supported by this research. The more we blind
>>> persons do guess work, it is highly possible that we get the things
>>> rights
>>> compared to those blind persons who do not do any guesswork at all.
>>> Chances
>>> of slipping/falling are always there. But if we are confident in
>>> ourselves,
>>> this type of chances are considerably less compared to tentative 
>>> persons.
>>> Researchers uncover blind's 'Sixth Sense'
>>> Julie Wheldon
>>> The phenomenon had left scientists in the dark for generations.  How
>>> could
>>> the blind sometimes seem able to unerringly avoid obstacles in their 
>>> path
>>> or
>>> even discern the facial expressions of those nearby?
>>> It used to be thought they simply developed better hearing.  Now
>>> researchers
>>> claim to have solved the puzzle by uncovering a kind of 'sixth sense'.
>>> They found that when the main part of the brain needed for sight is
>>> blanked
>>> out, many people can still detect objects in front of them with
>>> surprising
>>> accuracy.  This suggests there may be other areas of the brain, yet to 
>>> be
>>> pinpointed, which unconsciously process information about what we see.
>>> The experiments, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
>>> Sciences, were designed to test a phenomenon called 'blindsight'.  This
>>> is
>>> found in those with damage to part of the brain called the primary 
>>> visual
>>> cortex.
>>> They report a total loss of vision yet some can still detect objects in
>>> front of them.  One 52-year-old doctor who lost his sight after two
>>> strokes
>>> was even able to detect different emotions on faces.
>>> This suggested to scientists there must be other connections in the 
>>> brain
>>> that allow unconscious sight.
>>> To test the theory, scientists from Rice University in Houston, Texas,
>>> used
>>> an electromagnetic device to temporarily shut down the primary visual
>>> cortex
>>> in 12 sighted volunteers and then presented them with a series of 
>>> images.
>>> In the first test, they were asked to say whether a bar was horizontal 
>>> or
>>> vertical.  They were also asked to say how confident they felt about
>>> their
>>> decision, ranging from one

Re: [AI] Accident at Hyderabad

2007-03-06 Thread Taraprakash
There is one simple law of the road applicable universally. You were 
provided with a break which you should have known to apply in such 
situations, before coming on to the road. I am still surprised that the 
victim was tested for alcohol in his blood. What might have been the reasons 
behind it!

Well, yesterday is a history.
As well as a mystery.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 8:38 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Accident at Hyderabad

> Hey Harish,
> You have done a commendable job of taking action, which is making the
> situation clear. I can't tell how much I appriciate you moving out of your
> comfort zone and taking some action than just sitting and contemplating on
> the insidence.
> And now I will be doing the contemplating as can't do more than that
> .
> I agree that we may be cautious about the findings as sometimes they are
> manipulated to suit a perticular outcome, but this is also important to
> understand that people who are walking on roads are equally responsible 
> for
> road safety as people who are driving.
> Just because someone is walking, cycling or any other form which is
> considered weak, they do not get licence to be careless. Same as someone 
> who
> has big vehicle does not get licence to kill.
> In night, driver might not have seen the person, and usually the impact of
> such an insidence is so great that even if there was no pit, person would
> not have survived.
> But I condemn the existence  of that pit on the road and the accident, and 
> I
> think we need more information before handing out our verdict.
> Regards
> Dinesh
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 9:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Accident at Hyderabad
>> (Accident *by* a blind person?) seems to be an error.
>> While there is no particular reason to suspect this, there is no reason 
>> to
>> accept this result of your inquiry. This is for the first time we are
>> being
>> told that a victim of an accident had alcohol in his blood. Generally the
>> suspect is tested for alcohol level in the blood to see if it is a case 
>> of
>> drunk driving. Now let the victim be punished for drunk walking?
>> We generally hear of somebody being run over by a vehicle, if your 
>> sources
>> are authentic then the unfortunate victim did not die on account of the
>> collision with the vehicle, he was found in the pit, isn't it?
>> If someone has to be held responsible for such things, let it not be the
>> powerful one. Let the money change hands. This is what matters today,
>> money,
>> or some other kind of power like being close to the administration or the
>> politicians, isn't it? So we look for the softest target for
>> accountability.
>> Kill your fellow MP and blame the nuxalites, who are outlaws and
>> therefore,
>> can't speak for themselves legally.
>> The question again is why was there a pit open and unbarricaded, for the
>> alcoholics to jump in to it?
>> We must think again, the case is weak, or the victim *was* weak.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "harish kotian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 3:22 PM
>> Subject: [AI] Accident at Hyderabad
>>> Hello all
>>> Regarding the unfortunate accident by a blind person who succumbed to an
>>> accident after falling into a pit dug for built for constructing a
>>> flyover
>>> at Hyderabad.
>>> I made some enquiries about it. What I gathered was the victim had
>>> strayed
>>> in to the middle of the road. He was hit by a lorry and got thrown out
>>> into the pit. His blood contained alcahol.
>>> This makes the case very weak.
>>> Harish.
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] Information Request

2007-03-06 Thread Taraprakash
Hey Vetri. Why disturb the moderator/s and other listers. It is in your 
stars to receive such mails. Be rational, be *scientific*. It is March 6, 
2007, number 9 is not favourable to many.

I wanted to say more but the astrology, my Horoscope, suggested the 

Your Horoscope for Tuesday, March 6th

There's a challenging aspect from the moon, which happens to be in your 
sign; this suggests that you might do well to take a definite step back from 
emotional issue or problem today.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2007 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Information Request

> It's interesting that there are so much of deviations from the list's
> objectives: E.G. from Blindness to astrology, from astrology to the
> relevance of astrological research methods... And yet it remains
> unchallenged neither by list members nor by the moderator.
> Vetri.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Dr. Vipin Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 11:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Information Request
> The science of numerology and astrology have deep
> rooted laws which can not
> be negated.
> that is true that people have cheated innocent people
> by projecting its
> fear and making untrue predictions.
> One of the side effect of these kinds of research and
> studies is that one
> gets prone to his luck and fails to deliver his utmost
> potentials it is
> always recommended that one . should not be fatalist
> by believing in these
> sciences. but they have their own utility which should
> not make us
> discarding their potentials and scientific outcome.
> If a fan can be rotated by magnetic force why not your
> brain gets affected
> with celestial influences.
> With regards,
> Vip
> .
> - Original Message - 
> From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 10:04 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Information Request
>> You shouldn't never the sciences of Astrology,
> Numerology, Ayurveda, etc.
>> If
>> you don't get the calculations right, then the
> results are bound to be
>> wrong.The Indian systems as a said above cannot and
> should never ever be
>> dismissed as unscientific. In fact, its the other
> way a round, modern
>> medicine, science, tec., are basically irrational
> and unscientific. Modern
>> allopathic medicine and doctors says there aren't
> any cures for several
>> diseases. But you come to Ayurvedic System of
> medicine, There is cure for
>> all the diseases. I am telling all members out of my
> own experience.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 10:11 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Information Request
>>> As far as my opinion is concerned, and I believe
> that is also the
>>> majority
>>> opinion, the causes for blindness are purely
> medical. Numerological and
>>> astrological  reasons have nothing to do with it.
> In the past, even I
>>> have
>>> made some accurate predictions on the basis of what
> I knew of numerology
>>> about a person's life, it is purely unscientific.
> We should not encourage
>>> such researches, they might be counterproductive in
> strengthening some
>>> stereotypes.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 10:58 AM
>>> Subject: [AI] Information Request
>>>> Dear List members
>>>> This mail may seem off topic but since Accessindia
> is the only source of
>>>> reaching to a large number of VI persons, I am
> sending this information.
>>>> Members, please send all your responses and
> queries only to the email
>>>> address given below.
>>>> A Numerologist is conducting a research on the
> astrological aspects of
>>>> visual impairment. He has requested for birth
> related data of 30-40
>>>> blind
>>>> persons so that he can conduct his research
> properly. I request you to
>>>> provide the following information only on the
> email ID -
>>>> 1) Name

Re: [AI] Information Request

2007-03-06 Thread Taraprakash
I never said a word against Ayurveda.
But putting the discussion in to the original context about astrological 
and numerological  causes for blindness, I still have a different opinion 
and I am surprised that so many blind people think that way. More 
interestingly karma doctrine, expressed here on the list, is still 
unchallenged by any mail.  You are blind as you committed some sins in your 
previous birth, seems to be an accepted view.
I have nothing more to say.

- Original Message - 
From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 10:04 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Information Request

> You shouldn't never the sciences of Astrology, Numerology, Ayurveda, etc. 
> If
> you don't get the calculations right, then the results are bound to be
> wrong.The Indian systems as a said above cannot and should never ever be
> dismissed as unscientific. In fact, its the other way a round, modern
> medicine, science, tec., are basically irrational and unscientific. Modern
> allopathic medicine and doctors says there aren't any cures for several
> diseases. But you come to Ayurvedic System of medicine, There is cure for
> all the diseases. I am telling all members out of my own experience.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 10:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Information Request
>> As far as my opinion is concerned, and I believe that is also the 
>> majority
>> opinion, the causes for blindness are purely medical. Numerological and
>> astrological  reasons have nothing to do with it. In the past, even I 
>> have
>> made some accurate predictions on the basis of what I knew of numerology
>> about a person's life, it is purely unscientific. We should not encourage
>> such researches, they might be counterproductive in strengthening some
>> stereotypes.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 10:58 AM
>> Subject: [AI] Information Request
>>> Dear List members
>>> This mail may seem off topic but since Accessindia is the only source of
>>> reaching to a large number of VI persons, I am sending this information.
>>> Members, please send all your responses and queries only to the email
>>> address given below.
>>> A Numerologist is conducting a research on the astrological aspects of
>>> visual impairment. He has requested for birth related data of 30-40 
>>> blind
>>> persons so that he can conduct his research properly. I request you to
>>> provide the following information only on the email ID -
>>> 1) Name
>>> 2) Father's name
>>> 3) Mother's name
>>> 4) Date of birth
>>> 5) Time of birth
>>> 6) Place of birth
>>> 7) Blind/Low Vision
>>> 8) Occupation
>>> 9) Correspondence Address
>>> 10) Contact No
>>> Thanks,
>>> Prashant Ranjan Verma
>>> Project Manager
>>> National Association for the Blind
>>> Sec-5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi- 22 India
>>> Website:
>>> Office Phone: +91 11 26102944
>>> International Trainer for DAISY DTB Production
>>> Moderator DFAResource mailing list
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

[AI] mobilespeak 3

2007-03-05 Thread Taraprakash


The latest version of Code Factory's famous screen reader for Symbian-based
Series 60 2nd and 3rd Edition mobile phones integrates a full-screen
magnifier, supports more Braille devices, languages and grades, improves
stability, and much more.

Terrassa, Barcelona, March 5th, 2007

Code Factory is glad to announce the immediate release of Mobile Speak v3.0
for Symbian-based Series 60 2nd and 3rd Edition phones, available for
download from March 5th in its website at

Mobile Speak is a fantastic screen reader that converts the visual
information into speech output, in order to make mobile phones accessible to
the blind and visually impaired.

New users are invited to download the free trial version to discover how
Mobile Speak allows them to convert their mobile phone into an essential
communication tool in their personal and professional lives. Users of
previous versions of Mobile Speak (v2.03, v2.91, and v2.92) are welcomed to
update them by downloading Mobile Speak v3.0 in their current mobile phone
and find out how the product is continuing to improve.

A list of Code Factory's distributors is also available at
archivos%20recibidos/> .

Always aiming to increase its customer's satisfaction, Code Factory releases
Mobile Speak v3.0 with exciting new features and significant improvements:

* Integration of a much-improved full-screen magnifier with unique
features such as smoothing, cursor customization, status shortcuts and more.
* Improved general stability.
* Braille support for more devices, languages and grades. Support for
12 braille devices from Baum, Optelec and Humanware. Support for Grade 1 and
2 literary braille as well as 6-dot and 8-dot computer braille for both
input and output. Support for over 30 braille translation tables for several
languages and variants including English (US and UK), Welsh, Spanish,
French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch (Netherlands and Belgium),
Norwegian, Swedish, Czech, Polish, Geek and Hindi.
* Faster Text to Speech (TTS) response.
* Option to customize the secret editors (e.g. PIN code). Users can
choose to either speak the * character (as with previous versions), speak
the actual character being entered, or to remain silent while entering
secret editor characters.

In addition to these new features, the following problems have now been
fixed in Mobile Speak v3.0:

* Problems with occasionally not speaking an item have been fixed.
* Problems on startup have been fixed. The PIN code screen will now be
announced as soon as it is entered, and the Standby screen will be announced
when it is entered as well.
* PIN code screens inside the Settings application will now be spoken.
* Problems with using Mobile Speak shortcuts inside the standby screen
have been fixed.
* Problems of not speaking inside running applications, which
sometimes occurred when pressing Stop Mobile Speak and Start Mobile Speak,
have been fixed.
* Mute on Keypad Lock has been fixed.
<> .

Remember that with Mobile Speak, the blind and visually impaired have access
to applications that allow them to:

* Receive and make calls.
* Access call lists and contacts.
* Write, send and receive SMS, MMS and emails.
* Browse the Internet.
* Play media files.
* Manage calendars
* Set reminder alarms.
* Change profiles and phones settings.
* Connect to other devices by Bluetooth, WiFI, or Infrared.
* And more.

Mobile Speak v.3.0 supports:

* Symbian 3rd edition mobile phones: Nokia 3250, Nokia 5500 Sport,
Nokia E-series (E50, E60, E61, E62, and E70), and Nokia N-series (N71, N73,
N75, N80, N91, N92, and N93).
* Supported Symbian 2nd edition mobile phones: Nokia 3230, Nokia 3650,
Nokia 3660, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6600, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6630, Nokia 6670,
Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6682, Nokia 7610, Nokia 7650, Nokia N70, Nokia
N72, Nokia N90, Nokia N-Gage, Nokia N-Gage QD, Samsung SGH-D720, Siemens
SX-1, Panasonic X700, Panasonic X701.

For more information, feel free to contact Code Factory S.L.:

Code Factory, S.L., Rambla d'Egara 148 2-2, 08221 Terrassa (Barcelona) Tel.
+34 93 733 70 66,

Tel: 1.407.381.2868
12013, Solon Dr, Apt. 214, Orlando, Fl. 32826
To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] towards 2020

2007-03-05 Thread Taraprakash
Unconsciously is perhaps the right word. We unconsciously use one of the 
available senses like smell, sound and touch, there is no scope for a 6th 
sense here.
If you have seen the movie "The Phantom of the Opera" you will notice that 
this 6th sense is not exclusively linked with the disabled persons. The main 
protagonist, the phantom, is a sighted person who has spent almost all his 
life in a dark building. He manages so well in the dark that he is never 
arrested, never bumps in to things and can always avoid traps set to capture 
him. He is supposed to have some magical power, but it is not so.

- Original Message - 
From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2007 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020

> My point that blind can unconsciously recognise objects, movements,
> sometimes expressions is supported by this research. The more we blind
> persons do guess work, it is highly possible that we get the things rights
> compared to those blind persons who do not do any guesswork at all. 
> Chances
> of slipping/falling are always there. But if we are confident in 
> ourselves,
> this type of chances are considerably less compared to tentative persons.
> Researchers uncover blind's 'Sixth Sense'
> Julie Wheldon
> The phenomenon had left scientists in the dark for generations.  How could
> the blind sometimes seem able to unerringly avoid obstacles in their path 
> or
> even discern the facial expressions of those nearby?
> It used to be thought they simply developed better hearing.  Now 
> researchers
> claim to have solved the puzzle by uncovering a kind of 'sixth sense'.
> They found that when the main part of the brain needed for sight is 
> blanked
> out, many people can still detect objects in front of them with surprising
> accuracy.  This suggests there may be other areas of the brain, yet to be
> pinpointed, which unconsciously process information about what we see.
> The experiments, reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
> Sciences, were designed to test a phenomenon called 'blindsight'.  This is
> found in those with damage to part of the brain called the primary visual
> cortex.
> They report a total loss of vision yet some can still detect objects in
> front of them.  One 52-year-old doctor who lost his sight after two 
> strokes
> was even able to detect different emotions on faces.
> This suggested to scientists there must be other connections in the brain
> that allow unconscious sight.
> To test the theory, scientists from Rice University in Houston, Texas, 
> used
> an electromagnetic device to temporarily shut down the primary visual 
> cortex
> in 12 sighted volunteers and then presented them with a series of images.
> In the first test, they were asked to say whether a bar was horizontal or
> vertical.  They were also asked to say how confident they felt about their
> decision, ranging from one for a total guess and nine for extremely sure.
> If people were blindfolded and simply guessed, chance alone would suggest
> they would get half right.
> But during the test, volunteers typically got around three quarters 
> correct.
> Some said they were simply guessing.  But others said they had a 'feeling'
> of seeing something, despite having no conscious idea of what it was.
> This was backed up by their confidence scores.  Those who felt more sure 
> of
> themselves got more answers right.
> In a second test, using green and red dots typically, volunteers got 
> around
> eight in ten correct.  Researchers concluded: "It is likely the case that
> after damage or disruption to the primary-visual pathway of the brain, 
> many
> other pathways or structures are still functioning."  In the past,
> scientists looked at how sound can help blind navigate their way around.
> They found they were better able to detect subtle changes in tones, which
> enabled them to create virtual sound maps of the world around them.
> Experts still do not know the precise functions of around 90% of the 
> brain.
> Earlier this year, researchers at Washington University identified an area
> of the brain called the anterior cingulated cortex that may help us
> unconsciously pick up warning signs and steer clear of danger.
> The Times of India
> November 2, 2005
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 10:59 PM

Re: [AI] Information Request

2007-03-05 Thread Taraprakash
As far as my opinion is concerned, and I believe that is also the majority 
opinion, the causes for blindness are purely medical. Numerological and 
astrological  reasons have nothing to do with it. In the past, even I have 
made some accurate predictions on the basis of what I knew of numerology 
about a person's life, it is purely unscientific. We should not encourage 
such researches, they might be counterproductive in strengthening some 

- Original Message - 
From: "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 10:58 AM
Subject: [AI] Information Request

> Dear List members
> This mail may seem off topic but since Accessindia is the only source of 
> reaching to a large number of VI persons, I am sending this information. 
> Members, please send all your responses and queries only to the email 
> address given below.
> A Numerologist is conducting a research on the astrological aspects of 
> visual impairment. He has requested for birth related data of 30-40 blind 
> persons so that he can conduct his research properly. I request you to 
> provide the following information only on the email ID - 
> 1) Name
> 2) Father's name
> 3) Mother's name
> 4) Date of birth
> 5) Time of birth
> 6) Place of birth
> 7) Blind/Low Vision
> 8) Occupation
> 9) Correspondence Address
> 10) Contact No
> Thanks,
> Prashant Ranjan Verma
> Project Manager
> National Association for the Blind
> Sec-5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi- 22 India
> Website:
> Office Phone: +91 11 26102944
> International Trainer for DAISY DTB Production
> Moderator DFAResource mailing list
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] Accident at Hyderabad

2007-03-05 Thread Taraprakash
(Accident *by* a blind person?) seems to be an error.

While there is no particular reason to suspect this, there is no reason to 
accept this result of your inquiry. This is for the first time we are being 
told that a victim of an accident had alcohol in his blood. Generally the 
suspect is tested for alcohol level in the blood to see if it is a case of 
drunk driving. Now let the victim be punished for drunk walking?
We generally hear of somebody being run over by a vehicle, if your sources 
are authentic then the unfortunate victim did not die on account of the 
collision with the vehicle, he was found in the pit, isn't it?
If someone has to be held responsible for such things, let it not be the 
powerful one. Let the money change hands. This is what matters today, money, 
or some other kind of power like being close to the administration or the 
politicians, isn't it? So we look for the softest target for accountability. 
Kill your fellow MP and blame the nuxalites, who are outlaws and therefore, 
can't speak for themselves legally.

The question again is why was there a pit open and unbarricaded, for the 
alcoholics to jump in to it?

We must think again, the case is weak, or the victim *was* weak.

- Original Message - 
From: "harish kotian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 3:22 PM
Subject: [AI] Accident at Hyderabad

> Hello all
> Regarding the unfortunate accident by a blind person who succumbed to an 
> accident after falling into a pit dug for built for constructing a flyover 
> at Hyderabad.
> I made some enquiries about it. What I gathered was the victim had strayed 
> in to the middle of the road. He was hit by a lorry and got thrown out 
> into the pit. His blood contained alcahol.
> This makes the case very weak.
> Harish.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] towards 2020

2007-03-01 Thread Taraprakash
I am wondering who funded that research. A religious organization?

- Original Message - 
From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020

> sometime back, an Israeli research had suggested that blind could 
> recognise
> objects in front of them from some distance termed as Sixth Sense.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 4:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
>>I agree with regard to trees, objects above ground,  and polls, but 
>> to know about open holes. A cane is designed to protect us from things on
>> ground, but then how can I miss a hole? My question is only exploratory,
>> as
>> don't want to figure it out if possible, can anyone clarify it? I am not
>> taking any sides.
>> Regards
>> Dinesh
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Dr. Vipin Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 4:28 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
>>> My friend is right!
>>> Cane is not a full proof system for mobility.
>>> One has to take in to consideration the amount of time
>>> which one could spare
>>> for covering a distance.
>>> On foot paths there are so many branches of the trees
>>> which hit your
>>> forehead and you start profusely bleeding and some
>>> times you have to go for
>>> stitches to stop the same.
>>> There are many electric polls too which hit you and
>>> are not generally
>>> covered by the stick.
>>> In the given circumstances, where citizens are not
>>> enlightened and civic
>>> authorities are sleeping.
>>> A disabled person will have to take risk of his life
>>> when he adventures to
>>> go out for his day to day work.
>>> With regards,
>>> Vip
>>> Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra
>>> President,
>>> Delhi University Physically Challenged Teachers'
>>> Association (DUPHCHTA),
>>> Reader,
>>> Deptt. of Political Science, Sri Aurobindo College,
>>> Delhi University
>>> Mobile: +91993958
>>> Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Skype Id. vipin.malhotra
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Vedprakash Sharma"
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:57 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
 it is very good that you do not have to face such
>>> situations. but after
 precautions, some times, one may get in trouble.
>>> many visually impaired
 injured due to open gutters. many face a head on
>>> collision with trucks etc
 which are not touched by the long canes, after all
>>> precautions. therefore,
 the visually impaired persons should care of all
>>> mobility issues but it is
 also the duty of the civic bodies to take care of
>>> such situations.
 - Original Message - 
 From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020

>I never had such a situation, although I am a bit
>>> fast in walking, which
> makes me prone to such a senario and by chance
>>> never faced this. Although
> I
> have bumped in to footpaths, but never in some hole
>>> and footpath bumping
> was
> also due to the fact that I did not use cane at
>>> that time i.e. just after
> getting down from the bus (It is also a mistake to
>>> get down from bus
> without
> cane).
> so anyone who has faced it would you be able to
>>> explain why it would
> happen
> if you are using the white cane? My thinking is to
>>> use long white cane,
> rather then small once. I have a cane which reaches
>>> my sholder when it is
> straight, so it gives me long reach when I extend
>>> it for exploring.
> Regards
> Dinesh
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Neeraj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Vedprakash Sharma"
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:20 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
>> its a really said news,
>> once I had also got same experience, but by my
>>> little good luck somebody
>> good god fellow, will see me, and he had save me,
>>> immediately.
>> that is why I m here.
>> other wise I also met with same.
>> please tell us what is the solution for these
>>> types of accidents?
>> With Regards
>> Neeraj Manglik
>> Mobile number: 9312902018
>> Yahoo id:
>> msn id:
>> skype id:
>> neerajmanglik
>> Put those things you truly care about into action.
>>> And your actions will
>> surely bring magnificent results.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Vedprakash Sharma"
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 5:12 PM

Re: [AI] towards 2020

2007-03-01 Thread Taraprakash
I remember of bumping in to the cycle-rickshaws despite the cane. They are 
designed that way, your cane moves under the rick and your chest hits the 
back of the rick. (and some time you hear "zara dekh ke) isn't it 
I also remember of falling in to a pit dug by mtnl close to Stephens 
college. that too despite the cane. In fact, in an familiar area, where you 
are very confident, if there is a new activity , like digging or a parked 
car in front of your college entrance where it has no business to be, the 
cane mostly fails to defend you.

- Original Message - 
From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 9:30 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020

> Usually, we blind persons can make  out objects that are bigger and which
> are upto or in line with our face level by observing the echoes emitted as 
> a
> result of the sound produced by the cane. But now as the traffic has
> increased manifold, the vehicular noise is extremely high which in effect
> impedes.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Dr. Vipin Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 4:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
>> My friend is right!
>> Cane is not a full proof system for mobility.
>> One has to take in to consideration the amount of time
>> which one could spare
>> for covering a distance.
>> On foot paths there are so many branches of the trees
>> which hit your
>> forehead and you start profusely bleeding and some
>> times you have to go for
>> stitches to stop the same.
>> There are many electric polls too which hit you and
>> are not generally
>> covered by the stick.
>> In the given circumstances, where citizens are not
>> enlightened and civic
>> authorities are sleeping.
>> A disabled person will have to take risk of his life
>> when he adventures to
>> go out for his day to day work.
>> With regards,
>> Vip
>> Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra
>> President,
>> Delhi University Physically Challenged Teachers'
>> Association (DUPHCHTA),
>> Reader,
>> Deptt. of Political Science, Sri Aurobindo College,
>> Delhi University
>> Mobile: +91993958
>> Skype Id. vipin.malhotra
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Vedprakash Sharma"
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 3:57 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
>>> it is very good that you do not have to face such
>> situations. but after
>>> all
>>> precautions, some times, one may get in trouble.
>> many visually impaired
>>> get
>>> injured due to open gutters. many face a head on
>> collision with trucks etc
>>> which are not touched by the long canes, after all
>> precautions. therefore,
>>> the visually impaired persons should care of all
>> mobility issues but it is
>>> also the duty of the civic bodies to take care of
>> such situations.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Dinesh Kaushal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:02 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020
I never had such a situation, although I am a bit
>> fast in walking, which
 makes me prone to such a senario and by chance
>> never faced this. Although
 have bumped in to footpaths, but never in some hole
>> and footpath bumping
 also due to the fact that I did not use cane at
>> that time i.e. just after
 getting down from the bus (It is also a mistake to
>> get down from bus

 so anyone who has faced it would you be able to
>> explain why it would
 if you are using the white cane? My thinking is to
>> use long white cane,
 rather then small once. I have a cane which reaches
>> my sholder when it is
 straight, so it gives me long reach when I extend
>> it for exploring.


 - Original Message - 
 From: "Neeraj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: "Vedprakash Sharma"
 Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:20 AM
 Subject: Re: [AI] towards 2020

> its a really said news,
> once I had also got same experience, but by my
>> little good luck somebody
> good god fellow, will see me, and he had save me,
>> immediately.
> that is why I m here.
> other wise I also met with same.
> please tell us what is the solution for these
>> types of accidents?
> With Regards
> Neeraj Manglik
> Mobile number: 9312902018
> Yahoo id:
> msn id:
> skype id:
> neerajmanglik
> Put those things you truly care about into action.
>> And your actions will
> surely bring magnificent results.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vedprakash Sharma"
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2007 5:12 PM

Re: [AI] Nice suggestion but:

2007-02-28 Thread Taraprakash
I remember someone told me about such a plan for teachers' union at the 
national level during Access India conference. If the organization is 
already there, why start a new one? But someone will have to mail to inform 
that the plan did materialise.
Personally I don't see any use of yet another organization and that too at 
the national level. Moreover the organizations lose momentum or turn 
individual centric so I did not show much interest that time, and my opinion 
hasn't changed yet. But it's a negative opinion and I wish any such 
organization well.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dr. Vipin Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 10:43 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Nice suggestion but:

> Dear BV.
> Its a nice idea!
> We have so many organisations for visually challlenged
> persons but not for
> teaching fraternity at large!
> With regards,
> Vip
> Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra
> President,
> Delhi University Physically Challenged Teachers'
> Association (DUPHCHTA),
> Reader,
> Deptt. of Political Science, Sri Aurobindo College,
> Delhi University
> Mobile: +91993958
> Skype Id. vipin.malhotra
> .
> - Original Message - 
> From: "B.V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 9:00 PM
> Subject: [AI] Nice suggestion but:
>> Hai Vipen,  I agree with your suggestion. It is
> inevitable  to have
>> association for physically challenged, not only for
> the teaching employees
>> but also for people of all walk of life. Let us have
> federation of various
>> categories.  BV
>> To unsubscribe send a message to
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make
> any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.
> Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
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[AI] management related material

2007-02-27 Thread Taraprakash
Hi all. in the forgotten past some of you have written to me privately for 
management related books. I generally don't like when I am unable to arrange 
for an e-text of a book. When it comes to management related books I don't 
think there is much material available in the electronic format, at least I 
don't have any. I recently discovered a long lost friend and also that he is 
part of some firm which makes such books available online. They have contract 
with firms like McGraw hills and god knows who else and they have soft copies 
of all the important books, even those which are not going to be put on the 
web. I can try to obtain soft copies of such books, if they are not available 
elsewhere. Please write to me off list and name some important books. If they 
are easily available now, please let me know off list so that I don't have to 
take a favour.
Tel: 1.407.381.2868
12013, Solon Dr, Apt. 214, Orlando, Fl. 32826
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Re: [AI] Fw: Coming up on Main Menu and Main Menu Live for the weekofFebruary 28, 2007

2007-02-27 Thread Taraprakash
The program is available on demand on ACB radio so no need to sacrifice your 

- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 1:49 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: Coming up on Main Menu and Main Menu Live for the 
weekofFebruary 28, 2007

> It will be 6:30 AM on Wednesday March first according to IST.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vishal M Jain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "accessindia" 
> Sent: Monday, February 26, 2007 3:34 AM
> Subject: [AI] Fw: Coming up on Main Menu and Main Menu Live for the week
> ofFebruary 28, 2007
> Hello friends, I would like to know  which is the time do we follow in
> India, Eastern,Pacific or universal as given in the below message.
>> Coming up on Main Menu and Main Menu Live for the week of February 28,
>> 2007
>> By Jeff Bishop
>> Hello Everyone,
>> Have you ever wanted to push the keyboard away from your desk and simply
>> use your voice to control your computer?  Wouldn't it be nice to be like 
>> a
>> doctor and simply dictate your email messages, letters and other work
>> using your voice?  The possibilities are here.  This week on Main Menu we
>> talk all about the new release of J-Say Professional Version 5.0 from T&T
>> Consultancy.
>> Brian Hartgen joins us in the first hour and gives us a demonstration of
>> some of the new features of J-Say Professional 5.0. In the second hour of
>> Main Menu Live we bring on Terry Clasper from T&T Consultancy and Sue
>> Martin from the Veterans Administration.  Terry is one of the developers
>> of J-Say Professional and Sue is a trainer and user of J-Say 
>> Professional.
>> We will talk to them more about J-Say Professional. One of the things we
>> want to explore is whether or not they will support the new Vista speech
>> recognition features.  Most importantly though, you will be able to talk
>> to our guests on Main Menu Live.
>> We will open the phone lines at the top of the hour to allow you to call
>> in and ask any questions you have for our guests.  The number to call 
>> into
>> the show is 866-400-5333.  You can also email your questions to
>> Would you like to interact with a group of Main Menu listeners about the
>> topics heard on Main Menu and Main Menu Live? You can do this by joining
>> the Main Menu Friends email list.  The address to subscribe is:
>> Come join an already lively group of users.
>> Main Menu and Main Menu Live can be heard on Tuesday evening at 8:00
>> Eastern, 5:00 Pacific, and at 1 universal on Wednesday morning on the ACB
>> Radio Main Stream channel.  Don't forget that this will be a 2 hour show.
>> Jeff Bishop
>> Main Menu Producer
>> --
>> BlindNews mailing list
>> To contact a list moderator about a problem or to make a request, send a
>> message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> The BlindNews list is archived at:
> Regards,
> Vishal Jain
> Ph : 080-41140564
> Website :
>> To address a message to all members of the list, send mail to:
>> Access your subscription info at:
>> To unsubscribe via e-mail: send a message to
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word unsubscribe in 
>> either
>> the subject or body of the message
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with
> the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please
> visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] Skype Scripts

2007-02-27 Thread Taraprakash
Hi all. Punit, for the latest skype scripts go to
- Original Message - 
From: "srini vasan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Skype Scripts

> Hi Friend,
> What's ur e mail id?
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Punit Diwan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 9:11 PM
> Subject: [AI] Skype Scripts
>> Hi Friends,
>>Can any one provide JAWS for Skype Script . I
> request you if you
>> have, pls send me on my personal ID as well.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Regards
>> Punit Diwan
>> To unsubscribe send a message to
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make
> any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast
> with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] A question

2007-02-08 Thread Taraprakash
If you are blind, as well a woman, the exemption given to blind adds up to 
the exemption allowed to the women. I am not sure of the exact figure, you 
might be getting some more answers soon. But I think it should be up to 225 

- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 3:45 PM
Subject: [AI] A question

> Hi everyone,
> Could someone give me details regarding income tax relaxation for visually 
> impaired women? To be precise, I am trying to find out the exact income 
> per Annam up to which women are exempted from paying income tax. Thanks in 
> advance. I would also appreciate any further info regarding the source to 
> get official documents on this subject.
> Vetri.
> Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam,
> PhD candidate,
> Department of sociology,
> The New School for Social Research,
> 65 fifth avenue,
> New York, New York 10003.
> Home
> 610 West 145th Street,
> APT 1N,
> New York, New York 10031.
> Phone: 1-919-457-3251.
> E-mails:
> Skipe ID: vetrivelmurugan
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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visit the list home page at

[AI] Fw: AccessIndia post acknowledgement

2007-02-05 Thread Taraprakash
I am forwarding a message from access India about receipt acknowledgement.
Is everyone getting this return message on sending a message to the list?

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 10:30 PM
Subject: AccessIndia post acknowledgement

> Your message entitled
>Re: [AI] Very important !!! and plz do informothersalso.
> was successfully received by the AccessIndia mailing list.
> List info page: 
> Your preferences: 

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Re: [AI] Very important !!! and plz do informothersalso.............

2007-02-05 Thread Taraprakash
Hi all. BBC is celebrating "India rising week". Almost every program on bbc 
for this week are india centered. If you have realplayer installed, you can 
listen to the programs on your computer
go to
for more details.
- Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 9:51 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Very important !!! and plz do 

> For those who can spare sometime for a good laugh. An Indian's view about
> Britain. A video comedy. Don't mind the profanity in the last comment. It 
> is
> acceptable these days.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 8:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Very important !!! and plz do inform
> othersalso.
>> This is off topic. Please avoid sending these messages to the list.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Dattu Agarwal Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 5:55 AM
>> Subject: [AI] Very important !!! and plz do inform others
>> also.
>>  Please Read Very Carefully -  INFORM ALL YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY MEMBERS.
>>  India has become a dumping ground for banned drugs; also the business 
>> for
>> production of banned drugs is booming. Plz make sure that u buy drugs 
>> only
>> if
>> prescribed by a doctor(Also, ask which company manufactures it, this 
>> would
>> help  to ensure that u get what is prescribed at the Drug Store) and that
>> also
>> from a  reputed drug store. Not many people know about these banned drugs
>> and consume  them causing a lot of damage to themselves. We   forward
>> Jokes
>> and
>> and other  junk all the time. This is far more important.
>>  Please Make sure u forward it everyone u know.
>> .
>> The most common ones are D cold, action 500 & Nimulid.
>> This is a pain-killer. Reason for ban: Bone marrow depression.
>> Brand name: Novalgin
>> ___
>> Acidity, constipation. Reason for ban : irregular heartbeat
>> Brand name : Ciza, Syspride
>> Anti-depressant. Reason for ban : Irregular heartbeat.
>> Brand name : Droperol
>> __
>> Antidiarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Cancer.
>> Brand name : Furoxone, Lomofen
>> _
>> Painkiller, fever. Reason for ban : Liver failure.
>> Brand name : Nise, Nimulid
>> Antibacterial cream. Reason for ban : Cancer.
>> Brand name : Furacin
>> Laxative. Reason for ban : Cancer.
>> Brand name : Agarol
>> cold and cough. Reason for ban : stroke.
>> Brand name : D'cold, Vicks Action-500
>> Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Reason for ban : Bone marrow
>> depression.
>> Brand name : Sioril
>> ___
>> Anti-worms. Reason for ban : Nerve damage.
>> Brand name : Piperazine
>> Anti-diarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Damage to sight.
>> Brand name : Enteroquinol
>>  --
>> Christopher Columbus didn't need directions, and neither do I
>>  Regards
>> Prof Dattu Agarwal
>> President Bharatiya Welfare Association For The Blind Gulbarga
>> Personal e-mail Id [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Mobile +919886678744
>> Skype id dattu.agarwal57

Re: [AI] Very important !!! and plz do inform othersalso.............

2007-02-05 Thread Taraprakash
For those who can spare sometime for a good laugh. An Indian's view about 
Britain. A video comedy. Don't mind the profanity in the last comment. It is 
acceptable these days.

- Original Message - 
From: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Very important !!! and plz do inform 

> This is off topic. Please avoid sending these messages to the list.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Dattu Agarwal Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 5:55 AM
> Subject: [AI] Very important !!! and plz do inform others 
> also.
>  Please Read Very Carefully -  INFORM ALL YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY MEMBERS.
>  India has become a dumping ground for banned drugs; also the business for
> production of banned drugs is booming. Plz make sure that u buy drugs only
> if
> prescribed by a doctor(Also, ask which company manufactures it, this would
> help  to ensure that u get what is prescribed at the Drug Store) and that
> also
> from a  reputed drug store. Not many people know about these banned drugs
> and consume  them causing a lot of damage to themselves. We   forward 
> Jokes
> and
> and other  junk all the time. This is far more important.
>  Please Make sure u forward it everyone u know.
> The most common ones are D cold, action 500 & Nimulid.
> This is a pain-killer. Reason for ban: Bone marrow depression.
> Brand name: Novalgin
> ___
> Acidity, constipation. Reason for ban : irregular heartbeat
> Brand name : Ciza, Syspride
> Anti-depressant. Reason for ban : Irregular heartbeat.
> Brand name : Droperol
> __
> Antidiarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Cancer.
> Brand name : Furoxone, Lomofen
> _
> Painkiller, fever. Reason for ban : Liver failure.
> Brand name : Nise, Nimulid
> Antibacterial cream. Reason for ban : Cancer.
> Brand name : Furacin
> Laxative. Reason for ban : Cancer.
> Brand name : Agarol
> cold and cough. Reason for ban : stroke.
> Brand name : D'cold, Vicks Action-500
> Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Reason for ban : Bone marrow
> depression.
> Brand name : Sioril
> ___
> Anti-worms. Reason for ban : Nerve damage.
> Brand name : Piperazine
> Anti-diarrhoeal. Reason for ban : Damage to sight.
> Brand name : Enteroquinol
>  --
> Christopher Columbus didn't need directions, and neither do I
>  Regards
> Prof Dattu Agarwal
> President Bharatiya Welfare Association For The Blind Gulbarga
> Personal e-mail Id [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Mobile +919886678744
> Skype id dattu.agarwal57
> -
> Here's a new way to find what you're looking for - Yahoo! Answers
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with
> the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please
> visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] Should you change to Vista? If so, at what cost

2007-02-04 Thread Taraprakash
2 things that are great about the new Operating system are the voice 
recognition and support for surround sound system. Another thing which 
personally I like is in the list of programs in add/remove programs in 
control panel, you can move to the desired program by pressing its first 
letter. You can use vista with jaws if you change start menu and view to 
classic style.
But without 1 gig ram, you shouldn't think of moving to vista.
XP works great and will remain great for at least next 5 years.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dattu Agarwal Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 9:46 AM
Subject: [AI] Should you change to Vista? If so, at what cost

Should you change to Vista? If so, at what cost
  Anand Parthasarathy
  New operating system software comes with a pre-loaded starter edition
  - Photo: Special Arrangement
  VAST VISTA: A choice of three consumer versions of Windows confronts 
  Bangalore: Three versions of Windows Vista confront buyers. That is not to 
say that PC owners - at last count there were about 50 million of them in 
9 out of 10 being users of an earlier Windows version - know quite what to 
do now.
  This is partly because Microsoft, while asking us to say `wow!' at all the 
new features, has been rather coy with practical details - like who must 
who would be better off upgrading - and how much it is all going to cost.
  Launch event
  The main launch event in Mumbai was replete with Bollywood `masala' - but 
scant on earthy details such as how much each of the confusingly plentiful 
of Vista will set us back in rupees.
  Here's some help: There are three consumer versions of Vista that one can 
buy off the shelf - and a fourth called Starter Edition that is special to 
It will be only be sold pre-installed on entry-level PCs marketed here.
  The three `shrink wrapped' versions range from the Home Basic, for those 
who browse the Net, write letters and e-mails - and do little else with 
their PC.
If your PC has multimedia attachments that allow you to watch movies, play 
music and play graphics-rich games, the Home Premium version is for you (It
corresponds roughly to what was called Windows XP Media Centre Edition).
  For those who want to mix business and pleasure - the full suite of office 
functionality as well as infotainment features - there is Windows Vista 
But, you still need to separately install the latest version of the 
productivity suite, Microsoft Office 2007, to get most of the common 
business features.
  Basic hardware
  Microsoft says the basic hardware required is a modern chip (that is 800 
MHz or faster); 512 MB of memory, 20 GB of hard disk and a graphics 
processor with
what is called DirectX 9. This might just work for the Starter edition - but 
except allowing you to search both your desktop and the Internet with a 
or two, it will miss out on most the features that take Vista beyond the old 
  Our take: If so, why bother to upgrade? For the Premium and Ultimate 
versions, Microsoft recommends 1 GB of memory and a graphics card with at 
least 128
MB of its own memory. It also suggests at least 40 GB of hard disk. All 
three versions will take up about 15 GB of your disk space. After trying out 
evaluation editions, we think users will need at least 2 GB of RAM to (as a 
famous petrol slogan of yesteryear went) ``fill up and feel the 
  The difference is mainly the much-touted Aero effect where 3D combined 
with a translucent `glass' effect has all your pages and open applications 
to stand up in a see-through file on the screen. All versions boast of 
extremely user-friendly `parental controls' to monitor kids' surfing - and 
security features against junk mail (spam) and malicious mail - but it is 
too early to say how effective they are. And be warned: you still need to 
a third party anti-virus software - unless you like to live dangerously.
  Key question
  Now the key question: Which Vista will work on your present PC? Microsoft 
has created a special download called Vista Upgrade Adviser at,
which examines your hardware and software and recommends what will work best 
for you. When I tried it on my AMD Athlon XP 2400-based PC currently running
Windows XP, it suggested I could go in for Home Premium but it warned that 
my Xerox laser printer and Nero software for a Samsung Combo CD-DVD drive 
not work. It has no issues with my HP deskjet printer.
  Common peripherals
  This is likely to happen with a lot of common peripherals. Our feedback is 
that the problem will bug many users for at least 6-8 months more since 
are hardly any accessories or PC devices that include a Vista driver today.
  So finally: Who should upgrade? If you are currently running a version 
older that XP - like Win 98 - then you have no choice since you are stuck 
with a
`dead' version: You might as we

[AI] interesting news recruiters seek disabled students

2007-02-04 Thread Taraprakash
Recruiters Seek Disabled Students

"Untapped" pool of potential employees called on to fill posts

By Jimmy Tobias January 30, 2007

As Fortune 500 companies continue to diversify their offices with different
types of top-tier students, candidates with disabilities may prove to be the
next target audience.

Last week, PepsiCo - the parent company of Pepsi, Frito-Lay and Tropicana -
visited the University specifically to recruit students with disabilities,
both physical and mental, for employment positions.

The recruitment effort, which included a dinner and formal presentation, was
facilitated by Morris Street Partners, a New York-based organization that
currently has projects with PepsiCo and Merrill Lynch and aims to increase
the number of disabled persons in the corporate workplace.

To help companies draw in students with disabilities, Morris Street Partners
hosts events that are just like standard on-campus recruitment ones but are
exclusive - and tailored - to disabled students.

Last week's initiative was PepsiCo's first disability-focused recruitment
project with Morris Street Partners, said PepsiCo Director of Executive
Staffing John Delpino, who heard about Morris Street Partners through a
disabled executive at PepsiCo.

After deciding to "get [their] tail wet," Delpino said, PepsiCo officials
deemed the disabled a "very important population" and decided to go after

And those students taking advantage of Morris Street Partners' services are
singing the company's praises.

"The idea behind the company is inspiring," said College freshman Julie
Gutowksi, who does marketing for the company on campus. "Hopefully, [it]
will take hold on college campuses, as well as in the business world," she

Gutowksi began working at Morris Street Partners after attending one of
their recruitment sessions last semester with Merrill Lynch.

One Wharton senior, who is currently utilizing Morris Street Partners'
services - and who refused to disclose her name because of the sensitive
nature of her own disability, an auditory- processing disorder that impairs
hearing - is currently in the early stages of recruitment at PepsiCo.

She called Morris Street Partners' work "very insightful," adding that, "as
long as the disability does not affect [the person's] performance as an
employee," why not hire them?

Still, officials at Morris Street Partners say they are not offering these
services just for the sake of being considerate.

"It is not about being nice - it is about being smart," said Susan Lang, the
CEO of Morris Street Partners.

Lang added that the non-profit organization approaches its work from a
business perspective.

Rich Donovan, who started the organization last March, added that "Morris
basically aims to bring disabled individuals into the market economy."

Donovan, who has cerebral palsy, called the disabled a significant national
minority and pointed out that "this is something that hasn't been attempted
before in a meaningful way."

Morris Street Partners is active on five campuses and is in contact with 15
others. It will return to campus next year with a new, although
not-yet-chosen, name.

Career Services, which typically organizes on-campus recruitment events,
advertised this event, but most of the planning was done by Morris Street
Partners themselves, Barbara Hewitt, associate director of Career Services,
wrote in an e-mail.

Source: ) Copyright 2007 The Daily Pennsylvanian

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2007-02-01 Thread Taraprakash
Dear list and Srinivasu.
Sorry Srinivasu.
I am bringing it back to the list as there is no point our discussing this 
problem between you and me. The person/persons  who can solve the problem 
will have to know the problem to take any action towards solving it.
Pasted below are 2 mails which should have been written on the list earlier. 
I didn't realize that Srinivasu wrote to me off list.
First one is mine followed by the one it is a response to.

The problem remains that apparently some mails are not reaching me. For
instance, Geetha's mail, in stead of which, you said, you replied Rakesh's
mail, did not reach me. The mail apparently reached you and others. Unless,
of course, if the message was not sent to the list, there is a problem and
some messages are not reaching me.

- Original Message -
From: "Srinivasu Chakravarthula" <

To: "'Taraprakash'" <

Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:34 AM
Subject: RE: [AI] subscribe in

> I'm afraid, it was my mistake that instead of replying to Geetha's mail, I
> replied to original message of Rakesh. Moreover, I always reply directly
> to
> the concerned person in order to help them in my little way. But
> accidently
> this time it went to list.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ch. Srinivasu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Taraprakash'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:20 PM
Subject: RE: [AI] subscribe in [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Yes Tara, I guess at times even I am also not receiving some mails. Don't
> know the what could be the problem. As far as Geetha's mail is concerned, 
> it
> was sent to list and not off list.
> -Original Message-
> From: Taraprakash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 01 February 2007 20:51
> To: Srinivasu Chakravarthula
> Subject: Re: [AI] subscribe in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The problem remains that apparently some mails are not reaching me. For
> instance, Geetha's mail, in stead of which, you said, you replied Rakesh's
> mail, did not reach me. The mail apparently reached you and others. 
> Unless,
> of course, if the message was not sent to the list, there is a problem and
> some messages are not reaching me.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Srinivasu Chakravarthula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Taraprakash'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:34 AM
> Subject: RE: [AI] subscribe in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Tara,
>> I'm afraid, it was my mistake that instead of replying to Geetha's mail, 
>> I
>> replied to original message of Rakesh. Moreover, I always reply directly
>> to
>> the concerned person in order to help them in my little way. But
>> accidently
>> this time it went to list.
>> Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
>> Good day...
>> Srinivasu
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Taraprakash [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 1:40 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AI] subscribe in [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Well, not that it sounds too relevant, but I missed the entire background
>> to
>> this thread, it seems, I too am losing some messages from the list.
>> More interestingly, from Shrinivasu's mail it seems there should be a 
>> mail
>> reaching the entire list below the message Shrinivasu is responding to.
>> However, the given message reached me in isolation, it didn't seem that
>> Mr.
>> Rakesh was replying to any particular message. Unless something happened
>> off
>> list which is now being discussed on the list, I am not receiving all the
>> messages.
>> Everybody seems to be moderating the list, so everybody, there seems to 
>> be
>> a
>> problem and some messages are remaining undelivered.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Ch. Srinivasu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 12:16 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] subscribe in [EMAIL PROTECTED] in
>>> Hi Rakesh,
>>> As per below mail you have already added with your Gmail ID. Also, 
>>> please
>>> use appropriate subject lines to avoid mis guidance. It is not mistake 
>>> of
>>> Geetha but as per your subject line, she sent you the way to subscribe 

[AI] podcast on Vista with Jaws

2007-01-31 Thread Taraprakash
The subject line remained incomplete in the below message., hence 
so visit

- Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 9:11 AM
Subject: [AI] podcast on Vista

> Please go to
> Taraprakash
> Tel: 1.407.381.2868
> 12013, Solon Dr, Apt. 214, Orlando, Fl. 32826
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

[AI] podcast on Vista

2007-01-31 Thread Taraprakash
Please go to

Tel: 1.407.381.2868
12013, Solon Dr, Apt. 214, Orlando, Fl. 32826
To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at


2007-01-31 Thread Taraprakash
Well, not that it sounds too relevant, but I missed the entire background to 
this thread, it seems, I too am losing some messages from the list.
More interestingly, from Shrinivasu's mail it seems there should be a mail 
reaching the entire list below the message Shrinivasu is responding to. 
However, the given message reached me in isolation, it didn't seem that Mr. 
Rakesh was replying to any particular message. Unless something happened off 
list which is now being discussed on the list, I am not receiving all the 
Everybody seems to be moderating the list, so everybody, there seems to be a 
problem and some messages are remaining undelivered.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ch. Srinivasu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 12:16 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] subscribe in [EMAIL PROTECTED] in 

> Hi Rakesh,
> As per below mail you have already added with your Gmail ID. Also, please
> use appropriate subject lines to avoid mis guidance. It is not mistake of
> Geetha but as per your subject line, she sent you the way to subscribe to
> the list without noticing the from field and actually your message is just
> asking for confirmation of your email.
> I hope I am clear.
> Thanks,
> Srinivasu
> -Original Message-
> From: Rakesh Kumar Gupta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 31 January 2007 20:40
> To:
> Subject: [AI] subscribe in [EMAIL PROTECTED] in place
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> Please kindly give confirmation on my new e-mail address 
> in place of [EMAIL PROTECTED] for which I will be heartily grateful to
> you.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Rakesh K. Gupta,
> Cell: 09868250258,
> LL: 0120-2611158.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with
> the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please
> visit the list home page at
> -- 
> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.16.2/613 - Release Date: 01/01/2007
> 14:50
> -- 
> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.16.2/613 - Release Date: 01/01/2007
> 14:50
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] Request for The Alchemist e-book

2007-01-31 Thread Taraprakash
You didn't say if you need either of them.
I could have sent some of them including the Alchemist.
Please feel free to write off list.

- Original Message - 
From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Request for The Alchemist e-book

> Hai:
> I have read the book and it is certainly fantastic. Also, other books of
> Coelho like 'Veronica decides to die', 'The Pilgrimage', 'Zahir', 'By
> the river piedra, I sat down and wept', '11 minutes', and 'Warrier of
> light: a manual', all of which I have read, are wonderful books as well.
> Unfortunately, these are coperighted materials and so, it is very
> difficult to get e-copies, though some of our friends may help if they
> do find one.
> Subramani
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of reem s
> Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 2:43 PM
> To:
> Subject: [AI] Request for The Alchemist e-book
> Dear friends,
>  If any of you have an e-text of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, kindly
> send it across.
>  I have heard that the book is a fabulous one. Quite a lot of things
> are said in it, which should be considered as we go ahead in our lives.
>  Thanks for the kind support.
>  With love,
>  Reem
> -
> Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check.
> Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
> please visit the list home page at
> n
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] need info.

2007-01-29 Thread Taraprakash
Sorry for the German intervention.
I have discovered that You will have to change the mode of supervario 40, to 
mode 4 and
use it as RBT40 Braille display that is in the list of every Jaws software.
Write to me off list if that doesn't work.

You wrote

Thank you for the tip.
I have tried it and found the SuperVario 40 not in that list.
I have the drivers of that particular display in a CD but, didn't find
install.exe file to install them all.
Though I tried it through the add hardware devices, the result was not a
happy one.
The saddest things of all was that, when I tried to get into the
site, JAWS started to speak in German.

- Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] need info.

>I am not sure about this particular braille display. but you can try the 
> press insert j to reach jaws menu.
> under options, you will find
> braille...
> hit enter.
> From there you can add the display. generally all of them are listed and 
> you will find the list in the advanced menu.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Balaram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 8:21 PM
> Subject: [AI] need info.
>> Hi list,
>> It will be of great help if some of you can give tips regarding the 
>> Braille display (SuperVario 40) and how to work with it with JAWS.
>> As of now, I am able to work with the display with another screen reading 
>> software Virgo 4.5.
>> I have Windows XP installed in my computer with Service Pack 2 and the 
>> version of JAWS I am using is 6.0.
>> With best regards,
>> P. Balaraman.
>> Mobile : 9446361201.
>> Skype ID. chess.balaram1
>> "It is literally true that
>> you can succeed best and quickest
>> by helping others to succeed."
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
>> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] preparing for the graduate record exam

2007-01-29 Thread Taraprakash
Well, I never had that luck.
In fact, even the daisy playing softwares like TBP reader are not able to 
read rfb&d books.

- Original Message - 
From: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] preparing for the graduate record exam

> Just as all the other DAISY books, the RFB&D books which are in DAISY 
> format
> can be read using an ordinary MP3 player or on the computer.
> One will not be able to use any of the DAISY features, but the books as 
> such
> can be read.
> ----- Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 9:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] preparing for the graduate record exam
> Sadly, the members outside the US are not sent the digital books, books in
> daisy format. and after july they will stop sending books in cassettes. so
> practically, after few months RFB&D membership will be of no use to non US
> citizens/residents.
> If someone the list is willing to buy the software/player required to play
> RFB&D books, the material can be arranged from some sources.
> You are welcome to write off list.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Pranav Lal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:38 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] preparing for the graduate record exam
>>I am sending the following info to Pranav Lal, but it may be helpful to
>> others.
>> Recorded materials for the GRE general test are available from R.F.B.D.
>> They
>> are available in four track tapes and You need a membership from RFBD to
>> request the materials. NAB Delhi can help you in converting the regular
>> tape
>> recorders in to four track ones. Visit RFBD website to get further info
>> regarding membership:
>> Best,
>> Vetri.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Pranav Lal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 6:26 PM
>> Subject: preparing for the graduate record exam
>> Hi,
>>>From your message signature, I see that you are pursuing the graduate
>> in
>> the USA. Did you have to take the graduate record exam to enter this
>> course?
>> If
>> yes, how did you prepare for this exam? I ask since there seems to be a
>> lack
>> of
>> accessible preparatory material for this exam.
>> Pranav
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with
> the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please
> visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] preparing for the graduate record exam

2007-01-29 Thread Taraprakash
Sadly, the members outside the US are not sent the digital books, books in 
daisy format. and after july they will stop sending books in cassettes. so 
practically, after few months RFB&D membership will be of no use to non US 
If someone the list is willing to buy the software/player required to play 
RFB&D books, the material can be arranged from some sources.
You are welcome to write off list.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pranav Lal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] preparing for the graduate record exam

>I am sending the following info to Pranav Lal, but it may be helpful to
> others.
> Recorded materials for the GRE general test are available from R.F.B.D. 
> They
> are available in four track tapes and You need a membership from RFBD to
> request the materials. NAB Delhi can help you in converting the regular 
> tape
> recorders in to four track ones. Visit RFBD website to get further info
> regarding membership:
> Best,
> Vetri.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Pranav Lal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 6:26 PM
> Subject: preparing for the graduate record exam
> Hi,
>>From your message signature, I see that you are pursuing the graduate 
> in
> the USA. Did you have to take the graduate record exam to enter this 
> course?
> If
> yes, how did you prepare for this exam? I ask since there seems to be a 
> lack
> of
> accessible preparatory material for this exam.
> Pranav
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] need info.

2007-01-29 Thread Taraprakash
I am not sure about this particular braille display. but you can try the 
press insert j to reach jaws menu.
under options, you will find
hit enter.
>From there you can add the display. generally all of them are listed and you 
will find the list in the advanced menu.

- Original Message - 
From: "Balaram" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2007 8:21 PM
Subject: [AI] need info.

> Hi list,
> It will be of great help if some of you can give tips regarding the 
> Braille display (SuperVario 40) and how to work with it with JAWS.
> As of now, I am able to work with the display with another screen reading 
> software Virgo 4.5.
> I have Windows XP installed in my computer with Service Pack 2 and the 
> version of JAWS I am using is 6.0.
> With best regards,
> P. Balaraman.
> Mobile : 9446361201.
> Skype ID. chess.balaram1
> "It is literally true that
> you can succeed best and quickest
> by helping others to succeed."
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] A Burning Issue

2007-01-25 Thread Taraprakash
bumping into the blind man, then roughing him up. He promptly does so, 
shouting abuse in a disguised voice, before running off. This dramatic 
shocks the audience into nervous laughter. Picking himself up, the blind man 
bitterly confides to the stunned audience that he is "amazed at how 
from the man before this pitiless rascal was" (Kenny, 1989, p. 211); the 
double-edged irony forces the audience to laugh again in spite of itself. 
blind man's conduct throughout is a model of decent if naive human 
behaviour - no 'disability model' is required; but the sighted audience is 
by its own recognition that other people's trust and vulnerability may evoke 
sharply contradictory responses in oneself. The advanced model of human 
slips readily into the barbaric.


Blacker, C. (1975) The Catalpa Bow (London, Allen & Unwin).

Canton Dispensary (1833) Chinese Repository, II, pp. 276-277.

Ching, L. (1980, reprint 1982) One of the Lucky Ones (London, Souvenir).

Dixon, J.M. (1891) The habits of the blind in Japan, Transactions of the 
Asiatic Society of Japan, 19 (iii), pp. 578-582.

Farrell, G. (1956) The Story of Blindness (Cambridge, Harvard University 

Golay, J. (1973) Pathos and farce: Zat_ plays of the Ky_gen repertoire, 
Monumenta Nipponica, 28, pp. 139-149.

Goodrich, L.C. & Chaoying Fang (Eds) (1976) Dictionary of Ming Biography 
1368-1644 (New York, Columbia University Press).

Handlin, J.F. (1983) Action in Late Ming Thought (Berkeley, University of 
California Press).

Hanks, L.W. (1872) Blindness and the Blind (London, Chapman & Hall).

Hoe, S. (1991) The Private Life of Old Hong Kong (Hong Kong, Oxford 
University Press).

Hrdlickova, V. (1965) The professional training of Chinese storytellers and 
the storytellers' guilds, Archiv Orientalni, 33, pp. 225-248.

Kenny, D. (transl.) (1989) The Kyogen Book (Tokyo, The Japan Times).

Lockhart, W. (1861) The Medical Missionary in China (London, Hurst & 

Matisoff, S. (1978) The Legend of Semimaru, blind musician of Japan (New 
York, Columbia University Press).

de Mendoza, J.G., transl. R. Parke (1588, reprint 1853) The Historie of the 
Great and Mightie Kingdome of China (London, Hakluyt Society).

Yoshimoto, T. (1908) Past, present, and future of the blind in Japan, in: 
Report of the Second Triennial International Conference on the Blind and 
Manchester July 24th - Aug. 1st, 1908, pp. 174-181 (Manchester).

- Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 5:35 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue

> You are agreeing with what viraj hasn't said. Nowhere he maintained that
> women from this group should express their opinions about the issue, it is
> up to them and they are well with in their rights to maintain a silence.
> What he is trying to do is draw the attention back to the issue of the
> organizations meant for blind women being in fact against them. Some
> previous mails turned the focus of the discussion more towards women than
> the organizations. It seems to be in the interest of the organizations. To
> say that women should learn the martial arts is kind of divesting those
> organizations from their responsibility.
> That women haven't written their opinion is not surprising, what surprises
> is anyone not coming with a mail stating that it is our business, we will
> investigate it. There are members who claim to be working for the blind, 
> if
> there are some working for blind women may take this initiative. Or 
> someone
> could say, we work in this area and Smriti's statement is incorrect.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "rakesh kumar gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 5:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue
>> Hello to all,
>> Yes, I am agree with Viraj Kafle.
>> I think, this should be great surprising for our group that we have not
>> received any single comment from a single female in this regard till now,
>> even though after moderating this important and relevant issue, Smriti 
>> has
>> not given any such remark or direction for forwarding this talk, while it
>> is
>> very important that the girls should express their views, suggestions and
>> also their feelings in this regard.
>> Thanks,
>> Rakesh.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Viraj Kafle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 7:04 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue
>>> The debate going on about this issue is very insightful. However, As far
>>> as
>>> I feell, w

[AI] latest version of skype

2007-01-24 Thread Taraprakash
Skype version is now available and one place where you can
download it from is at
Here are the changes in this version:

bugfix: Cannot send SMS from contact menu in Chat window
bugfix: Updated Internet Explorer and Firefox plugins
bugfix: ActiveX objects cannot be created in eBay tab
bugfix: SkypeCheck did not work on clean 3.0 install

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Re: [AI] Seeking a suggestion

2007-01-23 Thread Taraprakash
Anywhere close Delhi, I will suggest NAB.
- Original Message - 
From: "Chetan Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Seeking a suggestion

> Hello Vetri,
> You can also consider Special school for the Blind  managed by AICB in
> gurgaon. at present   I  don't have their contact info but can arrange
> easily.
> Regards,
> Chetan Sharma
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 10:52 AM
> Subject: [AI] Seeking a suggestion
>> Hi everyone,
>> One of my relative's daughter is blind and she is three and half years
>> old. I am trying to place her in a good school. I am thinking of exposing
>> her to the CBSC syllabus from the beginning and I prefer the school to be
>> in a major city. Any suggestion?
>> Vetri.
>> Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam,
>> PhD candidate,
>> Department of sociology,
>> The New School for Social Research,
>> 65 fifth avenue,
>> New York, New York 10003.
>> Home
>> 610 West 145th Street,
>> APT 1N,
>> New York, New York 10031.
>> Phone: 1-919-457-3251.
>> E-mails:
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> Skipe ID: vetrivelmurugan
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
>> -- 
>> Internal Virus Database is out-of-date.
>> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>> Version: 7.1.407 / Virus Database: 268.12.8/455 - Release Date: 9/22/2006
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Re: [AI] Legal opinion required

2007-01-23 Thread Taraprakash
The number of sick leaves vary from job to job.
Some people are legally allowed to fall sick more often than others without 
having to forego their salary. . Isn't it weird?
It is one of the ways the government pampers its employees, in other words, 
the government employees pamper themselves. It may be useful in some cases, 
but the provision is mostly misused very often.
Generally the appointment letter mentions the number of sick leaves you are 
allowed. And since they are part of the terms and conditions of your job, 
any discrimination can be legally challenged.
- Original Message - 
From: "fayaz Pasha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:37 PM
Subject: [AI] Legal opinion required

> Hi friends,
> I have a few questions which possibly legal experts on the list can 
> answer:
> 1. The provision of sick leave that the people of organized sector are 
> entitled, does it have any statutory force or only guidelines issued by 
> the government. Does the law talk any thing about how the sick leave is 
> calculated and rules of it's applicability? I.E certain number of days in 
> a year against the number of days the employee has worked or the average 
> calculation.
> 2. These provisions are for only organizations under the government or 
> private firms and companies are also required to follow these employee 
> welfare measures.
> 3. If any policy or program is against the set legal norms can such 
> measures be legally challenged by the employees?
> Please shed light on the above mentioned questions and provide relevant 
> sources that talk about these issues in the light of Indian legal system.
> With regards,
> Fayaz
> Fayaz Pasha
> MIS executive for manifest info services PVTLTD Bangalore
> Mobile: 09845942395
> Skype ID: fayaz_PASHA
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Re: [AI] Seeking a suggestion

2007-01-23 Thread Taraprakash
Little Flower is definitely a great option if the girl is in Tamil Nadu.
- Original Message - 
From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Seeking a suggestion

> Are you looking for special school or a mainstream school? Considering
> the child's age, it will be ideal to start with a special school, where
> she would get to learn skills like Braille, mobility etc at a very early
> age. If Chennai can be considered, the girl can be put in Little Flower
> Convent, which does a good job in primary education for the blind. Or
> Rakkum School in Bangalore, which I heard, is equally good.
> Subramani
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vetrivel
> Murugan, Adhimoolam
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 12:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] Seeking a suggestion
> Hi Harish,
> Thanks for your suggestion, but I was not looking for any one's response
> regarding the issue whether a blind child should be raised by the
> parents or
> not. Rather I am looking for a workable suggestion and in fact a
> practical
> suggestion. Like the one by Rakesh.
> Vetri.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Harish Kotian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 7:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Seeking a suggestion
> Hi Vetri
> Ideally speaking it is always desirable the child is raised by the
> parents
> itself. In my opinion parental involvement would be all the more
> important
> in the case when the child is disabled.
> CBSE is a good choice and most towns do have a CBSE school. Good
> schools
> are also there in a state board school.
> It would be a good idea to check out which school provides fascilities
> and
> equal opportunity to disabled students.
> It would be better to check out with NGO's and meet up with some parents
> of
> disabled children to get a first hand account.
> Harish.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 10:52 AM
> Subject: [AI] Seeking a suggestion
>> Hi everyone,
>> One of my relative's daughter is blind and she is three and half years
>> old. I am trying to place her in a good school. I am thinking of
> exposing
>> her to the CBSC syllabus from the beginning and I prefer the school to
> be
>> in a major city. Any suggestion?
>> Vetri.
>> Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam,
>> PhD candidate,
>> Department of sociology,
>> The New School for Social Research,
>> 65 fifth avenue,
>> New York, New York 10003.
>> Home
>> 610 West 145th Street,
>> APT 1N,
>> New York, New York 10031.
>> Phone: 1-919-457-3251.
>> E-mails:
>> .
>> .
>> .
>> Skipe ID: vetrivelmurugan
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>> with the subject unsubscribe.
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>> please visit the list home page at
> n
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> the subject unsubscribe.
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2007-01-22 Thread Taraprakash
I shouldn't admit, but it hardly matters on this list, that is the case with 

I was forwarded this message about 2 months back and I immediately wrote 
back to suggest that it was a hoax.
And I am still confident that it is a hoax.

- Original Message - 
From: "Divyanshu Ganatra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:28 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: [Lovely Message] ATM PIN NUMBER REVERSAL (GOOD TO 

> It’s a hoax  according to me. What if the pin number is 1221?
> Will check the authenticity and revert anyways.
> Divyanshu
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Sathiyaprakash
> Ramdoss
> Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2007 1:53 AM
> To: access india
> Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: [Lovely Message] ATM PIN NUMBER REVERSAL (GOOD TO
> Hello Friends,
> As for as my knowledge is concerned, This technique  will work in U.S.
> and I am not sure about in India.
 "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/20/2007 11:20 PM >>>
> - Original Message -
> From: vijay singh
> Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 2:10 AM
> Subject: [Lovely Message] ATM PIN NUMBER REVERSAL (GOOD TO KNOW)
> If you should ever be forced by a robber to withdraw money from an ATM
> Machine, you can notify the police by entering your Pin # in reverse.
> For example if your pin number is 1234 then you would put in 4321. The ATM
> recognizes that your pin number is backwards from the ATM card you Placed 
> in
> the machine.
> The machine will still give you the money you requested, but unknown to 
> the
> robber, the police will be immediately dispatched to help you.
> This information was recently broadcasted on TV and it states that it is
> Seldom used because people don't know it exists.
> Please pass this along to everyone possible.
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[AI] news about mobilespeak

2007-01-17 Thread Taraprakash
Pasting from a message I received.

Mobile Speak Version 3.0 Public Beta Released

Symbian Series 60 3rd Edition Supported

Keeping the blind and visually impaired abreast with the latest in 
mainstream mobile phone technology, Code Factory releases a 
publicly-accessible beta
of Mobile Speak Version 3.0 that works on a wide range of Symbian Series 60 
3rd edition phones. This version gives Code Factory an extended list of 
mobile devices which is now even harder to match in the access technology 
market as it includes the largest number of Symbian and Windows Mobile 
as well as Pocket PC phones.

For years, Mobile Speak has been a highly recommended screen reading 
software well-known for its excellent performance, ease of use and 
configuration, reliability,
and competitive price. With internationally acclaimed and award-winning 
text-to-speech engines such as Acapela, Fonix and Loquendo available in 
20 languages, our distributors and customers worldwide continue to consider 
Mobile Speak as their much preferred screen reader on their Symbian phones.

Mobile Speak Version 3.0 offers the following exciting new features:

List of 8 items
• Support for Series 60 3rd Edition on the latest generation of mobile 
phones powered by the Symbian 9.x operating system.

• Access to the built-in MP3 player on Series60 3rd edition phones.

• Improved firmware independence (particularly on newer phones).

• A new Keyboard Help Mode which allows users to learn Mobile Speak command 
assignments and familiarize themselves with the phone's key layout.

• The ability to turn the speaking of secret numbers on and off.

• Improved stability of Braille support (coming soon).

• More Braille language tables including German and Swedish (coming soon).

• Support for more Braille devices from Baum, Optelec and HumanWare (coming 

list end

Like with phones running on earlier versions of the Symbian Series 60 
platform, Mobile Speak V3.0 lets users:

List of 10 items
• Make and receive calls.

• Write and read SMS, MMS, and e-mail messages.

• Browse the internet using the Services application.

• Manage call logs and the contacts list.

• Use the Calendar and To-Do list.

• Set the clock and alarms.

• Configure profiles and phone settings.

• Access other applications such as the Calculator, Converter, Notes, File 

• Run third-party applications for Symbian Series60 3rd edition.

• Connect with computers, mobile phones, and other devices.

list end

According to Code Factory CEO Eduard Sánchez: "We believe that Code 
Factory's commitment to assist the blind and visually impaired through our 
product line
is not limited to developing powerful screen reading and magnification 
software for a subset of existing phones, but also to continue providing 
them with
the best access technology solutions as more devices become available in the 
mainstream market."

Indeed, more phones are now accessible using Mobile Speak V3.0 as the device 
compatibility list now includes Symbian Series 60 3rd edition Smartphones 
as the Nokia 3250, the Nokia 5500 Sport, the Nokia E-series (E50, E60, E61, 
E62, and E70), and the Nokia N-series (N71, N73, N75, N80, N91, N92, N93, 

To download the 3.0 beta version (v2.91), visit the
Mobile Speak download page
and choose the version that corresponds to your Series 60 mobile phone. 
While visiting the site, be sure to also register for our new
Stay Tuned service,
which delivers product announcements and news directly to your phone, 
wherever you are.

New audio presentations, initially in English and Spanish, will likewise 
become available at our website,
concurrent with the release of Mobile Speak V3.0. Each track of these 
presentations will demonstrate the features of our product, as well as 
explain how
to use Mobile Speak from installation to licensing to configuring settings 
to enjoying the full functionality of the Symbian Smartphone. And this is 
the start of what our customers can expect from Code Factory's continuous 
efforts to create innovative technology products.

- Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 1:08 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Free Computer Training for VI

My organisation `Volunteers for the Blind Foundation` has been
involved with computer literacy programmes for the blind since the
past 12 yrs.

That's a news.
Can we have more details about this organization's modules? Where is the
office located? How many trainees have you on board right now? How many has
the organization already trained?
- Original Message - 
From: "Col. Pradeep Kapoor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Free Computer Training for VI

Dear Vidya Lakshmi,
My organisation `Volunteers for the Blind Foun

Re: [AI] Free Computer Training for VI

2007-01-17 Thread Taraprakash

My organisation `Volunteers for the Blind Foundation` has been
involved with computer literacy programmes for the blind since the
past 12 yrs.

That's a news.
Can we have more details about this organization's modules? Where is the 
office located? How many trainees have you on board right now? How many has 
the organization already trained?
- Original Message - 
From: "Col. Pradeep Kapoor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Free Computer Training for VI

Dear Vidya Lakshmi,
My organisation `Volunteers for the Blind Foundation` has been
involved with computer literacy programmes for the blind since the
past 12 yrs.
 We have developed two modules for teaching basic computer
skills. One, is executed 6 hours a day for three months, six days a
week & the other for 2 hours per day for five months, six days a week.
So why should you have 6-8 months? Further, we developed multiple
tests during these modules. Tests, as you are aware, are crucial for
assimilation of knowlege. Further, our criteria is - a working
knowlege of English, typing speed of 25 words per minute & have passed
std 6. We have easily handled students with a rural background & most
students had been motivated enough to brush aside the difficulties of
hearing an american accent while they could barely speak the language.
The course content includes office management skills. The results have
been very encouraging.
   Your prerequisites are tougher & the course longer. Would you
like to review these requirements ? Could you also please send your
postal address?
  with best wishes
 yours sincerely
  Col P Kapoor
  General Secy.

On 1/16/07, Vidya Lakshmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Everybody!
>  As you may be aware, Enable India is a non profit organization 
> established in 1999. Our goal is to empower people with disabilities 
> through rehabilitation, supplemental education and employment. One of our 
> main focus areas is free computer training for the blind and visually 
> impaired.
> We are starting a new batch of basic computer training in the month of 
> February 2007. So we are looking for some candidates with following 
> criteria:
> 1.Should be able to understand and speak English.
> 2.People those who are studying towards any Degree or Diploma in 
> distant education can also register.
> 3.Even people those who have completed SSLC or PUC with good English 
> can expect openings for training.
> 4.Candidates should be able to dedicate their full time.
> The duration of the course is 6-8 months. We will also help them in 
> getting employment depends on their Education, interests and skills.
> Interested candidate can Contact Enable India on the following numbers:
>  080-41101390 or 080-25714842.
>  Interested people should register at Enable India before 25th January 
> 2006.
>  Evaluation for the selected candidates will be held on 25st Jan & 31st 
> January 2007.
>   Details of course:
> Courses Offered: Basic Computer training i.e MS Office and Internet 
> Explorer using JAWS.
> Course duration: 6 months to 8 months – Duration is based on English 
> knowledge and fluency and aptitude
> Goals of the course: The emphasis of the course is for students to gain 
> computer knowledge and use it effectively for employment, daily living and 
> recreation.
> Brief Curriculum Details: Windows, Basic Windows Applications, Windows 
> Explorer, Help, Word, Internet Explorer, Excel, Outlook Express, JAWS 
> features and utilities.
> Course fee: free – Refundable amount Rs.200 will be charged.
>  Accommodation: We will help them in getting accommodation in some hostels 
> or PG's
>  Looking forward for some responses.
> Cheers
> Vidya
> Computer Trainer
> Enable India
> Ph:9880708084
> -
> Bored stiff? Loosen up...
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2007-01-16 Thread Taraprakash

Perhaps, What he meant was, insert with page down key.
The first thing this command tells is page number where your cursor is.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:40 PM

> Insert plus delete is the command which tells the line on which the cursor
> is.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "rajpal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'hitendra'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 8:57 PM
>>I think insert+delete is the best command to know the page number in
>> Microsoft Word.
>> Rajpal
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of hitendra
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 11:35 AM
>> To:
>> press Insert+f1 to get the margin and Insert+page down to know the page
>> number in a word document.
>> - Original Message - 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 7:19 PM
>>> Hi list,
>>> I am using this keystroke for the following task in MS Word:
>>> Ctrl+insert+w to know the page numbers, header and footer and the 
>>> margins
>>> of the page. But I am unable to know these all things after using this
>>> keyboard command.
>>> It starts reading other unknown things which are not added by me. when 
>>> up
>>> or down aero is pressed.
>>>   Kindly guide me what should I do?
>>> Warm regards,
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>>> -- 
>>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>>> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
>>> Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.16.10/626 - Release Date:
>>> 1/14/2007
>>> 8:29 PM
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Re: [AI] Difficulty in sending mail

2007-01-16 Thread Taraprakash
Use of the word in an informal setting is all right, however, I am with 
Vetri in the request that some formalities be observed on a public platform 
like this list, where, even when you are replying a message, you are 
addressing every member.

Personallly, I wouldn't even like to be addressed as "associeates", I don't 
like the corporate feel the word entails, but I can't be too choosy about 
such things, and I don't like being in a teacher's role on the list.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Difficulty in sending mail

> Hi everyone,
> Could we be a bit careful while addressing a particular individual or 
> group?
> The word Dude is actually used in negative sense and I don't think that it
> is appropriate to use it in a forum like this. The word carries the
> following meanings according to the American heritage dictionary. I think
> that we can address to other queries in a bit civilized way. and there are
> millions and millions of such civilized words available to address group
> members and Sanjay in this case raised a genuine issue and his dignity
> should be respected while responding to him.
> 1. noun.  Informal.  An Easterner or city person who vacations on a ranch 
> in
> the West.
> 2. Informal.  A man who is very fancy or sharp in dress and demeanor.
> 3. Slang.
> A man; a fellow.
>  dudes. Persons of either sex.
> 4. transitive verb.  duded, duding, dudes.  Slang.  To dress elaborately 
> or
> flamboyantly: got all duded up for the show.
> 5. interjection.  Slang.  Used to express approval, satisfaction, or
> congratulations.
> 7. Our Living Language  Cowboys and the Wild West are indelibly set in the
> minds of many as typical of Americaan association borne out by several
> common Modern English words that originated in the speech of the
> 19th-century western United States. One is dude, now perhaps most familiar
> as a slang term with a wide range of uses (including use as an all-purpose
> interjection for expressing approval: "Dude!"). Originally it was applied 
> to
> fancy-dressed city folk who went out west on vacation. In this usage it
> first appears in the 1870s. The origin of the word is not known, but a
> number of other cowboy terms were borrowed by early settlers from American
> Spanish. These include buckaroo, corral, lasso, mustang, ranch, rodeo, and
> stampede. Buckaroo, interestingly, is an example of a word borrowed twice:
> it is an Americanized form of Spanish vaquero, which also made it into
> English as vaquero, a cowboy.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "amit bhattt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 4:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Difficulty in sending mail
> Hello dude,
> Seems, you are accessing your yahoo mail account direct from the site. 
> Some
> time back one or two members of our group were also facing the same snag.
> Anyway, you don't have any option but to fill it.
> Take help of any sighted person and this will be rectified.
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Amit Bhatt
> Voice-Off: 1-800-566-4604 Ext 560
> Mob: +91 935-006-3109
> "A player that makes a team great is more valuable than a great player"
> Quoting Sanjay Prasad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi Friends,
>> I recently created a yahoo account.  Whenever I compose and send a
>> mail, It is displaying a compose varification code which I cannot
>> see.
>>  How to get rid of it?
>> To unsubscribe send a message to
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject
>> unsubscribe.
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>> changes, please visit the list home page at
> --
> Top Online CJ Programs
> Get your Associate or Bachelor criminal justice degree while you work.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with
> the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please
> visit the list home page at
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> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] Need your guidance/suggestions

2007-01-16 Thread Taraprakash
That is not true. Even though, this is what, even MTNL tech support thinks.

If you have MTNL broad connection on your line and I too have it on my phone 
line, and somehow I come to know your password and log in name, I can use 
your account. and my usage will be added to your account. So, keep changing 
your password and don't tell people your password too often.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Need your guidance/suggestions

> although I am not bsnl or mtnl user, but i have come to know that 
> broadband
> facility cannot be accessed from any other line except that of the 
> customer.
> they have auser Id and a password which is necessary to login. thus if
> somebody by chance gets your user Id and password, he/she still cannot
> access it from any other line.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 1:49 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Need your guidance/suggestions
>> There used to be a locking facility that would ensure your phone line is
>> protected. I don't know if that would apply for the broadband
>> connectivity as well.
>> Subramani
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of fayaz Pasha
>> Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 4:44 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Need your guidance/suggestions
>> Even I have faced similar problem.
>> My Dataone bills do not reflect my usage. How do We make sure that no
>> one is
>> using the facility without authorization.
>> With regards,
>> Fayaz
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Harish Kotian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 2:47 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Need your guidance/suggestions
>>> Hi Pathakk
>>> If you are also browsing the net, your band usage goes up. In addition
>> if
>>> you are also doing some voice chatting etc., these are some other
>> tasks
>>> which would be consuming band width.
>>> Finally Windows update and Anti virus defination files could be
>> digging
>> into
>>> the usages.
>>> Harish.
>>> - Original Message -
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 1:21 PM
>>> Subject: [AI] Need your guidance/suggestions
>>> > Hello friends,
>>> >
>>> > Recently, I have started using Internet (MTNL Broad Band). I can
>> spare
>>> > hardly 30 minutes everyday on an average basis. During this
>> time-frame,
>> I
>>> > go through my mails with the help of Outlook Express. I use to
>> receive
>> 2-3
>>> > mails other than ACCESSINDIA. But my previous Broad Band bill shows
>> that
>> I
>>> > have used 1125 MB within a month. In my opinion, it is more than I
>> expect.
>>> >
>>> > I shall be obliged to have guidance/suggestions from any of my well
>>> > wisher.
>>> >
>>> > With warm regard.
>>> >
>>> > S S Pathak
>>> > (M) 09868114638
>>> > To unsubscribe send a message to
>>> > with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> >
>>> > To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other
>> changes,
>>> > please visit the list home page at
>>> >
>> n
>>> >
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
>> n
>> Send instant messages to your online friends
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
>> n
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>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
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> with the subject unsubscribe.
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> please visit the list home page at

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[AI] (off list) Re: Another political stunt

2007-01-16 Thread Taraprakash
It is an important information and the move is absolutely deplorable, 
however, I don't think the message is relevant to the list.

The news item seems to be suggesting that only Muslim families, even if they 
have more than 2 children, will be supported, however, that is not true.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 8:26 PM
Subject: [AI] Another political stunt

> Dear List,
> the yearn to win the popular vote amongst the political leaders is so 
> strong that they can go to any extent. would that there was somebody to 
> show them the mirror as Tulsidas was shown by his scholarly wife.
> read the article pasted below and enjoy as nothing else can be done:
> TOPIC: Family planning minister asks Muslim women to produce as many 
> healthy=20
> kids as they want, says Mulayam govt will pay Rs 1,400 per child
> Date: Mon, Jan 15 2007 12:08 =01am=20
> From: "Sangh" =20=0A=0A
>  Minister 'removes' 2-child norm
>  Family planning minister asks Muslim women to produce as many healthy
> kids as they want, says Mulayam govt will pay Rs 1,400 per child
> Maulshree Seth
> Lucknow, January 6:
> In a statement that shocked even officials of the
> state Health Department, Ahmad Hasan, the family planning minister of 
> Uttar Pradesh, today announced that Muslim women can produce as many 
> healthy
> children as they want, and that the state government would give Rs 1,400 
> to
> take care of each child.=0A
>  Hasan made the statement while addressing a gathering today, after a
> Pulse Polio awareness rally was taken out by Muslim women in the Old City 
> on
> eve of the next phase of Pulse polio drive, starting on Sunday.=0A=0A=0A
>  The support extended by the minister, though, had one condition: "You
> (Muslim women) can produce as many healthy children as you can afford and 
> I
> am there to support you. But do come out and support us in need (read
> upcoming state Assembly elections). We will make all your dreams come true
> in the next five years."=0A
>  Hasan said the Congress government had advocated the two-child policy
> but the Samajwadi Party government would help them in all possible way to
> have more children. "Congress ki sarkar ne do bachhon ke bad rok laga di
> thhi, par hum samajhte hain ki yeh apka faisla hai (Congress government 
> had
> put the two-child norm in place but we feel it's your decision to put a 
> cap
> on your family)," Hasan said. "So, you can produce as many healthy 
> children
> as you want."=0A
>  Though the statement shocked and surprised even the women at the
> gathering, they applauded the minister the moment he announced that the
> government would give Rs 1,400 for every child.=0A
>  Hasan also put the onus of the increasing number of polio cases in 
> the
> state on the Centre and said the state health Department could not pursue
> the Pulse Polio programme as it desired due to the Centre's negligence.=0A
>  Meanwhile, making evident that the Assembly polls are round the
> corner, Hasan went on with his announcements: "You give us land on rent of
> Rs 5,000 and we will give you hospital wherever you want. You select the
> doctors, we will appoint them at Rs 10,000."=0A
>  Interestingly, while Hasan and the Health officials claimed a good
> response, Newsline found that the younger lot of women with children was
> lured to the rally with promises of money, while the elder ones were told
> that they would get pension. Many women from different localities of the 
> Old
> City confirmed the fact, though Health Department officials refuted these
> charges.=0A
>  "There was an announcement in our area that we will be paid money if
> we come here, and that's why I am here with my one-year-old daughter. I 
> also
> called other women from the locality," said Shanno of Chowk area. Asked
> about the polio drop, she said her daughter, Sheher, was not administered
> the drop.=0A
>  The elderly women, meanwhile, could be seen with ration cards in 
> hand.
> "We were told that they would give us pension if we participated in the
> rally," said Munnavar Jahan, from Kashmiri Mohalla in the Old City.=0A
>  But Dr S K Srivastava, director general, Medical and Health, said: 
> "No
> such bait was given, neither did we make any promises. They have all come
> here willingly,"=0A
>  Meanwhile, the Health officials present at the meeting preferred to
> Vedprakash Sharma
> Ph 011-32440078, M 09350158273
> skype Id: ved1234
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Re: [AI] Coming to Mumbai

2007-01-16 Thread Taraprakash
Congrats Veena.

When I met Veena for the first time, she said something interesting about my 
messages on Access India. That is, she was part of the list.

I think she is still on the list. Thanks Veena for making the list proud of 
your achievement.

Keep the good work going.

- Original Message - 
From: "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 11:56 AM
Subject: [AI] Coming to Mumbai

> Hello Accessindia,
> I am proud to tell you that my wife Veena Mehta Verma has been chosen for 
> the Neelam Kanga Award by NAB India this year. This award as I understand 
> is given for distinguished achievement in a professional field.
> Myself and Veena will be in Mumbai on 18, 19 & 20th January for the award 
> function and would be very happy to meet our Accessindia friends there.
> Please do mail me your numbers on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and tell me about 
> the possibility of coming to NAB India on 19th.
> Thanks,
> Prashant Ranjan Verma
> Project Manager
> National Association for the Blind
> Sec-5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi- 22 India
> Website:
> Office Phone: +91 11 26102944
> International Trainer for DAISY DTB Production
> Moderator DFAResource mailing list
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] Issues on the CIEFL campus. Re: an introduction

2007-01-10 Thread Taraprakash
A lot has changed since. Now UGC makes it mandatory to put some funds for 
the equipments for accesissebility.
The best places to go to will be the VC office and the librarian's office.
Even the department can help. JNU professors used to arrange funds for 
expensive reading machines in some cases when there was no concept of 
computers earlier.
Contacting JNU and DU libraries won't help, contacting UGC will. However, 
while meeting the VC at CIEFL you can refer to JNU and DU, where it can be 
easily proved, at least in the case of JNU, where they have one computer on 
every 2 students. At least one computer equipped with Jaws and Kurzweil 
softwares has to be there in CIEFL too.
I know the university is very well equipped. A couple computers can easily 
be reserved for the visually challenged.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan, Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:04 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Issues on the CIEFL campus. Re: an introduction

> Hi Reem,
> Welcome to the group and I have the following suggestions to offer:
> First of all, although JNU presently facilitates visually impaired 
> students,
> those facilities have been achieved as the result of the constant struggle
> that we faced for years in convincing the University authority about our
> requirements. When I joined JNU in 1997, it was also lagging behind it's
> foreign counter parts in terms of the fulfillment of certain basic
> requirements of the visually impaired students. But I myself and a few 
> other
> visually impaired students took the following steps.
> First, we made an appointment with the University's vise chancellor and 
> met
> him with a well drafted letter describing our difficulties and challenges,
> the role of modern computer technology in liberating us from those
> difficulties and so on. More significantly we had a VC who was willing to
> listen to us. In fact he was convinced by us so much that he sanctioned
> funds for the purchase of two computers within a week after our meeting. 
> So
> that's what should be done and although I cannot give you surety about the
> sensitivity of your VC since I am afraid to say that Indian administrators
> mostly turn their back on our issues. As for as the orientation of the
> campus is concern, you should approach some organizations in Hyderabad
> working on issues related to Visually impaired people and although I am 
> not
> sure to what extent they can provide personal training in University 
> campus.
> Perhaps other members from the city can throw light on this issue. Present
> JNU campus improved so much, but it was certainly a big challenge for us 
> in
> the beginning and conservation of nature was given as the reason for not
> doing anything to remove certain barriers. But of course things have 
> changed
> there at the moment and the JNU visually impaired forum continues to be
> active in sensitizing the administrators about our requirements. If
> possible, you and the other visually impaired person in your university
> should contact JNU and get details regarding their services to the
> physically challenged in general and visually challenged students in
> particular. An official letter from them may become handy for reinforcing
> your demands to your administrators. Perhaps present JNU students on the
> list can help you in getting a detailed letter from JNU? What do other
> members think on this issue? Any other workable suggestions to Reem?
> Vetri.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Sudhir R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 7:43 PM
> Subject: [AI] Issues on the CIEFL campus. Re: an introduction
>Hi Reem and folks,
> Glad to welcome Reem, a very determined and hard-working student from a
> rural hamlet in Kerala who has made it to one of India's premier 
> educational
> institutions, CIEFL, Hyderabad through sheer willpower and 
> self-propulsion.
> (smile)
> In this context, I wish to bring forth a few issues that she faces on the
> CIEFL campus.
> a) Unlike JNU or University of Hyderabad campuses, CIEFL has just two
> persons with vision impairment and I think they are not getting due
> attention from the authorities in terms of computer facilities and 
> support.
> I understand the two students tried to take up the issue several times, 
> but,
> to no avail.  Would appreciate some guidance from AI members on how best 
> to
> resolve their difficulties.
> b) Reem is a person with very little usable vision and does not have
> mobility skills.  Would it be possible to arrange a Orientation & mobility
> training for her on the campus so that she could navigate independently ?
> It seems the campus is teeming with stray dogs and zooming motorbikes,
> though both are technically banned.  Since she is quite new to Hyderabad,
> some kind intervention from local NGOs will be appreciated to help  her in
> this potentially unsafe environment.
> c) She has just sta

Re: [AI] girl needs help

2007-01-08 Thread Taraprakash
I don't know the genesis of this information. But sounds not quite accurate.
Percentile cannot be the basis of deciding on a cut off, moreover,
percentile varies from paper to paper and category to category. If I found
the right thing the following information should throw more light on it.
They consider PWD as one category, which is legally not allowed. Please read
the following, if someone can draw some conclusions from it.


Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
This document provides information related to the candidates who applied to
the Post
Graduate Program ( PGP) 2007 at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
( IIMB). It
summarizes the profile of all the applicants to the program in comparison to
the profile of
those who have been short- listed for the group discussion and interview on
dimensions that are used in the selection process.
The excerpt below from the CAT Bulletin indicates the parameters used in the
process at IIMB.
" Candidates are short listed for the interview on the basis of their
performance in the Common Admission test ( CAT), their
scholastic record and relevant work experience. . The CAT score is but one
of the inputs at every stage of the selection
process. It is possible for a candidate with a lower CAT score to be
selected for interview and group discussion, and to be
offered admission in preference to a candidate with a higher CAT score on
account of better performance in other criteria
mentioned above."
Accordingly, this document reports the comparative information on
performance in the
Common Admission Test ( CAT) 2006, past scholastic performance and relevant
experience. In addition, it also summarizes some demographic dimensions of
the applicants
and those short- listed that are of general interest to applicants.
Out of the total of 176600 candidates who appeared for CAT 2006 held on
November 19,
2006, 171709 have applied for PGP. 2007 at IIMB. Among them 1065 have been
short- listed
for the group discussion and interview stage: 707 in the General, 104 in the
OBC, 147 in the
SC, 79 in the ST and 28 in the PWD categories.
Profile of Total Applicant Pool
Table 1 a: Performance in CAT 2006 of all Applicants to PGP 2007 at IIMB
table with 9 columns and 7 rows

Percentage Marks in CAT

CAT Percentile scores

Category GE
Logical and Data Interpretation 20.91
Verbal 6.55
Quantitative 17.62
Total 15.03
Logical and Data Interpretation 53.49
Verbal 52.57
Quantitative 52.55
Total 52.76
table end

Table 2a: Past Academics and Work Experience of All Applicants to PGP 2005-
07 at IIMB
table with 10 columns and 8 rows

Percentage marks obtained

Prior Work Experience

Xth Board
XII- th Board
0- 1 Yr
1- 2 Yr
2- 3 Yr
3- 4 Yr
> 4 Yr
table end

Table 3a: Bachelors Discipline Table 4a: Gender
Of All Applicants of All applicants
table with 2 columns and 6 rows

Comp Science
Mgmt, Law & others
table end
table with 3 columns and 7 rows

table end

Profile of Candidates short- listed for GD and PI
Table 1 b: Performance in CAT 2006 of Candidates Short- listed for GD& PI
table with 9 columns and 8 rows

Percentage Marks in CAT

CAT Percentile scores

Logical and Data Interpretation
Logical and Data Interpretation
table end

Table 2b: Past Academics and Work Experience of Candidates Short- listed for
table with 10 columns and 8 rows

Percentage marks obtained

Prior Work Experience

Xth Board
XII- th Board
0- 1 Yr
1- 2 Yr
2- 3 Yr
3- 4 Yr
> 4 Yr

Re: [AI] girl needs help

2007-01-07 Thread Taraprakash
Very true sir.

It is so surprising that we have apologists for mainstream and IIM's amongst
us. Reservation is primarily needed to bring social justice and give the
forgotten and neglected ones their well deserved right.
Let me remind the list of a case in bihar when an SC candidate got just one
mark out of 500 in a pre-medical test and he got through. No doubt there
were concerns against such practice, but then their legitimacy is again a
moot point.

Here the question is that of a girl who has done quite well in the exam. and
medical profession should have been much discriminatory (thinking from the
perspective of the champions of so called propriety), than management where
you are taught to ... well, whatever.

Let me also answer Asif's mail and request people not to get deluded by such
mendacious claims as, "we don't find suitable candidates." Let us read
suitable as sighted. The suitability criteria is one of the oldest ploy and
very suitable for these institutions. The Reservation should be considered
literally and applied properly. Out of 1200 seats 12 should be "reserved"
for the visually challenged. Reserved means that no one else should get
admissions on those seats. If no visually challenged available, "no suitable
candidate" as they put it, then those seats should be kept vacant under the
law. Once that thing is clear to them, all the candidates will be suitable.
In all such institutes like IIM there are seats reserved for Foreign
students and in their case "suitability" does not matter much, as also in
the case of quota seats. What matters is money.

Let me also add that just because some visually challenged candidates were
accepted in a particular institute in the past, does not mean that the
acceptability level will not go down. The policy have changed with the
managements. And as the reservation for OBC's is strictly imposed, there
will be reduction everywhere in the acceptability of the differently abled.

The managements will definitely like to have control on some seats. Visually
challenged being the softest targets, they will be the worst sufferers. The
organizations must get ready for the battles to come. There is another cause
for concern. The Supreme Court has always maintained that the reservation
cannot cross 50% limit. After the reservation for OBC's becomes applicable,
how is the government going to reconcile with this problem is anybody's
guess. (on this particular matter, those with legal knowledge might correct

Coming to an earlier mail by Subramani. IIm Bangalore, like many other
institutes, might be under an illusion that 3 % seats should be reserved for
differently abled. They perhaps need to be told how the reservation is
distributed among various categories. And always remember, first seat goes
to visually challenged. Now if you read the PWD act, it would seem to be
applicable only to the jobs not in the institutes of higher/lower  learning,
but the court has made it clear that it also applies to the latter case.

Another thing. Do file a complaint in the office of commissioner of
disabilities. But do not trust the office too much for action. It will neet
to be done at individual level. The commission is a toothless body.
Moreover, in the past we have found from a former employee of the commission
that the current commisioner is not favorable to the blind.
The latest example to prove my point is a case where I myself and Mr. Nikhil
Jain, Sambhavana president, had a long and not so friendly argument with the
commissioner on his ruling on case we filed in the office. Our
interpretation of the PWD act happened to be different from his. I told him
on his face that we are not satisfied and we will go to court. Some of the
individuals pooled in resources and did go to court, won the case. As far as
I remember the court also passed strictures against the commission, even
though  we did not make commission a party to the case.

coming now to Vaishnavi's case. She, and whoever talks on her behalf, must
talk tough, file in a complaint in the commissioner of disabilities office,
also write to HRD ministry. Read the PWD act and related cases properly, ask
for information under the RTI act. Tell them repeatedly that 12 seats are
reserved only and only for visually challenged. And first reserved seat
belongs to the visually challenged no matter what the IIM and its apologists
think, she must get the admission.

All the best

- Original Message - 
From: "srmittal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;

Sent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] girl needs help

> dear madam.
> There is no question of surpassing  the meritorious candidates. When a
> seatr
> is reserved for a particular catagory of student the aspirants of that
> catagory has got highest marks which are 10 percent less no body can do
> anything the candidate under the reserved catagory has to get the admition
> even if he is surpassing 15000 meritorious candidates 

Re: [AI] happy Louis Braille birth day

2007-01-04 Thread Taraprakash
Very well said. Happy birthday Louis Braille. Let us also wish Access india 
the same? Isn't it Access India anniversary today?
Long live Braille, equal "access" and India.

- Original Message - 
From: "Nikhil Jain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:08 PM
Subject: [AI] happy Louis Braille birth day

Dear list,

Wishing you a very happy Louis Braille birth day. This day comes every year 
and reminds us about the great person who challenged the existing social 
attitude towards the visually disabled persons prevalent at that time. He 
invented Braille and provided us the possibility of self learning.
Braile is not merely a script but it is a way of life for visually chalenged 
persons. I have grown in strength with braille. It has prvided me the 
muchneeded individuality and sense of belongingness to myself and the 
society. So today i once again thank that great mesiah: the God who built 
the world of hopes and aspirations for the person with visual disability.

Nikhil Jain
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Re: [AI] Which is best scanner today?

2007-01-04 Thread Taraprakash
Must also add that if you ask Kurzweil customer care, they tell you that HP 
engines work much better with Kurzweil. For some reason though, Epson is 
preferred in the US.
- Original Message - 
From: "shobhan singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Which is best scanner today?

> HP Scanjet 4370 is best and latest model in market nowadays. If want HP
> Scanner.
> (A collective action can turn the world in our favor)
> Shobhan Singh
> Programme: PHD (Modern Indian History)
> Room # 019
> Brahmaputra Hostel
> Jawaharlal Nehru University
> Contact # 91-09313468732
> SKYPE ID: shobhan_foucault
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Prashant Naik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:02 PM
> Subject: [AI] Which is best scanner today?
>> Hi list,
>> Please tell me which one is the best scanner model at present for
>> educational purpose and which supports OCR softwares Kurzweil, Open book
>> or
>> Fine Reader well.
>> Regards,
>> Prashant Naik
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>> please visit the list home page at
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Re: [AI] Which is best scanner today?

2007-01-04 Thread Taraprakash
Try if USB 4100 by Umex is still available. The problem with scanners is 
they disappear from the market irritatingly fast. USB 4100 is inexpensive 
and gives very good results, at least it used to, till the time i could use 

Another favorite is Perfection v100 (Epson) It is very good and fast, but 
not sure if it is available in India.

I was also impressed by the features of bookedge 3600 (plustech) scans a 
page in 4 seconds. but it is very expensive. Since, I couldn't find it any 
of the local stores and  there was no return policy on it if purchased 
online,  I couldn't try it.

These days all in one machines are in vogue, and very often they are cheaper 
than the stand alone scanners, don't ask me why.

I am using photosmart 3140 (HP) it can scan, print and photo copy. Good 
results but takes a little more than 10 seconds per page.

Keep in mind that these days very often packaging does not include USB 
cable. Make sure you have a USB cable before leaving the shop.

All the best
Happy shopping.

- Original Message - 
From: "Prashant Naik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 8:02 PM
Subject: [AI] Which is best scanner today?

> Hi list,
> Please tell me which one is the best scanner model at present for
> educational purpose and which supports OCR softwares Kurzweil, Open book 
> or
> Fine Reader well.
> Regards,
> Prashant Naik
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> with the subject unsubscribe.
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> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] access news from US:

2007-01-02 Thread Taraprakash
The problem stated in the mail do not apply to all the counties. I never had 
such problems in the Orange county buses.
US is definitely is a land of litigations.
Any update on the so called enabling bus terminuses in Delhi? the special 
low floor buses are an achievement but they ply on a route not very 
frequently used by differently abled.

- Original Message - 
From: "Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 11:59 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] access news from US:

> Dear Veera Kumar,
> Thanks alot for letting me know this update.
> Being a regular user  of public transportation in US, I had several
> difficulties that you cited in this message.  I really appreciate your
> effort for sending this article  to  list members.
 "B.V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/2/2007 9:22:34 AM >>>
> A new settlement of a federal lawsuit promises to bring sweeping
> changes to Suffolk's public transportation system to accommodate
> disabled riders, attorneys
> said this week.
> Nassau/Suffolk Law Services in 2004 sued the county's department of
> public works, which operates Suffolk County Transit, in federal court on
> behalf of eight
> people with disabilities.
> A year earlier, the group filed a formal complaint with the U.S.
> Department of Transportation alleging the county's bus routes did not
> comply with the Americans
> with Disabilities Act, mandating that all buses have operational lifts
> for disabled riders and that bus stops be announced for
> visually-impaired passengers.
> The problems persisted for several years, despite repeated complaints
> by disabled commuters and advocacy groups, attorneys said Friday.
> The lawsuit further stated that Suffolk County Accessible
> Transportation, the county's paratransit system that provides
> door-to-door bus services for disabled
> riders by appointment, was plagued with problems and federal
> violations, including riders unable to book trips within 24 hours.
> Suffolk officials say the
> system provides more than 230,000 trips a year.
> The court-ordered settlement calls for the county to purchase 59 new
> fixed-route buses and to complete the installation of a fully automated
> stop announcement
> system in all bus routes by 2008. The county has 162 buses in its
> fleet, including most of the new buses mandated by the settlement.
> New buses also will be added to the paratransit system, which has 81
> vehicles. The county will also completely revamp its paratransit
> reservation system.
> The settlement also requires the county to provide alternative
> transportation for passengers when bus lifts are not working or when
> they miss stops that
> are not announced.
> Law services attorney Robert Briglio said the settlement was "very
> substantial" and a groundbreaking victory for the disabled, who struggle
> with inadequate
> public transportation systems throughout the country.
> Briglio noted that the county showed "good faith" by agreeing to
> changes not mandated by federal law, such as more comprehensive
> training, monitoring and
> disciplinary measures for transit employees.
> "I'm happy that we settled it finally," said plaintiff Frank Perino, of
> Islip, who is visually impaired. "But I'm certainly not happy that it
> took several
> years to do it and that we had to do all this to get them to comply
> with the simple regulations that they should have been complying with."
> Deputy county attorney Gail Lolis said the settlement was "something
> we're very comfortable with" and added that, regardless of the
> settlement, the county
> planned implementing many of the improvements.
> "It's good for the county and it's certainly good for our disabled
> residents," she said.
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Re: [AI] Help required - JAWS.

2007-01-02 Thread Taraprakash
Have you changed your view to classic? Check your display settings in 
control pannel.
Tel.: 1-407-381-2868
- Original Message - 
From: "Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ; "Vedprakash Sharma" 
Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Help required - JAWS.

> I have done them before but it didn't work. Anyhow thanks alot , ved
> prakash.
>>>> "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1/2/2007 3:11 AM
> open word, go to view menu, enter on normal. if the problem still
> persists,
> change the view to print and then to normal again.
> hope it helps.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 5:42 AM
> Subject: [AI] Help required - JAWS.
> Dear Friends,
>  I am facing the following problems while using
> newly installed JAWS in my new laptop and I never had
> such a problems in my desktop.
> 1,  While using Microsoft word (2003),  I am having
> problems in navigating with up arrow and down arrow.
> For example, I could able to read word by word by
> using control+ left arrow and control +  right arrow
> and letter by letter by using left and right arrows.
> However, I could not able to read line by line , using
> up and down arrows. If I try to use up and down
> arrows, it simply says blank.
> 2, while sending my E-Mails, I am having problems in
> navigating with up, down, right and left arrows in the
> message edit boxes. Similar to MS word, if I attempt
> to use up, down, right and left arrows, it says blank.
> Dear friends, I don't really know what kind of
> problem  I am having and what kind of changes do I
> need to bring in my laptop  settings. Your immediate
> assistance and step by step information in this matter
> will help me to get rid of this problem and I would
> really appreciate your time and consideration.
> Sathiyaprakash.
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> with
> the subject unsubscribe.
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> please
> visit the list home page at
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Re: [AI] Writer

2007-01-02 Thread Taraprakash
No. You don't have to pay a penny extra to ETS for GRE and TOEFL, I am not 
sure about GMat though. And you get 50 to 100 % extra time.

- Original Message - 
From: "pamnani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Writer

> Vetri,
> Dont forget this is India and that too a state and we are talking of all
> kinds of exams. To get this far it has taken so long.
> We can fine tune these guidelines in future.
> For eg. How will the exams be conducted on the computer - the actual
> modalities will be the subject of another matter in the future.
> Forget audio, large print etc the last 2 months experience in Maharashtra
> has been that candidates were not allowed to write the exam if they had a
> writer.
> Many years ago when I gave the GRE and GMAT  I had been given all the
> facilities suggested by you. If I remember correctly I had to pay extra 
> for
> the exams- dont remember for sure. However it would not cover the cost of
> the materials sent.
> Therefore lets be practical and get as much as we can in the case of a
> traditional writer and build the ground work for the use of a computer.
> Kanchan
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vetrivel Murugan Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 21:59
> Subject: Re: [AI] Writer
>>I think there should be several options made available. Say for example,
>> based on someone's visual status he/she may feel comfortable in having
>> their
>> questions in brail, in zoom text, in e-text, or even in audio tapes. So
>> those things should be specified while completing the form itself and if
>> the
>> government is committed, then I don't see any reason for not making
>> question
>> papers available in different formats.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Keshav Kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 5:20 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Writer
>>> in that case, would the question paper too be available in braille? or, 
>>> a
>>> reader would be made available to read it?
>>> think about the size of a question paper in braille, also keep in mind
>>> the
>>> fact the examining body would require a trust worthy braille press to
>>> properly print and proof read, before sending them to the examining 
>>> body,
>>> that too, with no chanses of paper leeking!
>>> if a reader is to be arranged, just to read the question paper, what 
>>> type
>>> of
>>> qualificational terms should be laid down? and finally, who should be
>>> responsible to arrange a reader?
>>> regards,
>>> Keshav.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Harish Kotian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 4:57 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Writer
 Braille  is only an enabling provision and is optional. If the 
 comfortable with it, and the board is willing to give it then, why
 scuttle it.

 I don't see any merrits in dropping it.

 - Original Message - 
 From: "Sanjay Prasad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 12:16 AM
 Subject: Re: [AI] Writer

> Hello
> I can partially agree with your points numbered 16, 17 and 18 provided
> you are not going to insist these points to be implemented in
> graduate/post graduate levels.  my views are:
> if a blind person is pursuing career in a nontraditional
> field--computers, engineering and other branches of sciences, then
> that individual is responsible to manage graphs, figures etc.  on
> his/her own behalf through accessible tactile devices.
> insofaras writing answer sheets in Braille is concerned, it is not
> possible in graduate and post graduate levels as we do not have
> standard Braille symbols for scientific and technical languages.  Of
> course one minus point of writing examination papers in Braille may be
> difficulty in re-evaluation of the papers--may be in rare cases--as
> we have very few experts to decide a person's ability in any given
> subject.  It is also difficult to prove the sighted world I mean, the
> Education Department which ultimately certifies a blind person in 10th
> and 12th Exams.  I think this option of writing public exams in
> Braille can be eliminated.
> Let me tell you that I am an avid reader of Braille books and
> magazines.  I have mentioned only some technical difficulties and
> their consequences which have to be overcome.
> thanks,
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> with the subject unsubscribe.
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2007-01-02 Thread Taraprakash
Raj and list. Let me start by congratulating you all for successfully 
reaching 2007. Hope this year proves to be a fulfiller of all your dreams, 
ambitions, desires and wishes.

For myself I don't believe in the newness of the years.

Daykhiyay paatay hain ushaaq buton say  kya faiz
Ek baraahman ne kaha hai
Ye saal atcha hai.

Raj. Coming to your mail.

Roughly speaking Hinduism is an umbrella term for various religious beliefs 
and practices which have their foundation in pre-Buddha and  pre-jain India. 
Rather than restricting your search to Ramayana and Geeta, I would advise 
you to look for texts in Sanatana tradition. I can send you translation of 
some of the Upanishads if you think you won't mind reading them on your 
I can also try to find you audio version of Geeta for download, but all that 
is Sanskrit.
Contact me off list for more discussion on that.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 11:24 PM

> Hello,
>   If you have any web address of religious audio
> tracks of Hinduism like Bhagvad Gita or Ramayan for free down load, in 
> Hindi
> version. kindly inform me because I am quite interested to know about my
> religion.
> _
> Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
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> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] Bad News

2006-12-12 Thread Taraprakash
I sincerely wish it wasn't true. My fingers fail me to write an obituary for 
a person who had low vision but who was highly visionary.
He was an intellectual with serious ambition to work in favour of blind 
students without making much noise. He remained on several committees formed 
by University of Delhi and was a major force in changing the mindset of the 
University authorities towards the blind.

Despite significant vision loss, he could read print. Hence it will be 
erroneous to think that he built an audio book library for himself. He took 
help from his students in the university to record books in general interest 
and he had a great collection of professionally recorded books. He donated 
his entire audio book library to the DU braill library.

Meeting him used to be a great experience. Memories of various rendezvous 
with him are still vivid in my mind. With me, he always was in an 
infotaining mood. He was a classicist and could recite large chunks of 
poetry from memory. I got to know this when once I complained to him, 
"teaching poetry without Braille is impossible." He said, "why not memorize 
them." Then he started reciting and I could not help marveling at his 
capacity to memorize and remember things at such an old age.

I didn't realize for a long time that he was a fan of Cricket. Significantly 
dejected and wanting to talk to someone nice, I called him up one evening. 
After 40 minutes of talk he perhaps had enough of it and exclaimed, "Tara, 
Why are you not listening to the match?" I asked him what was there in it 
and that we were anyway going to lose the ask being more than 320 and India 
already 5 wickets down for less than 70 runs. He assured that India was to 
win that match. That was the match that made Md. kaif and Youvraj Singh 
heroes in the world of cricket.

Once he asked me for my biographical details for a book he was about to 
publish in which the lives of some great blind people were to be described. 
I declined stating that I was neither great and nor I was going to be. My 
reasoning to him that greatness leads to isolation, was so untrue in the 
context of his life.

It is agonizing to believe that the great soul has left us. Prof. Sena may 
not physically be with us anymore, he will live with his books, his memories 
and his inspirational lectures.
His soul hes left us, he has left us a spirit to live with, the spirit of 
hardwork and perseverance to be successful despite obstacles.
With a very heavy heart I bid farewell to the great man. Long live Prof. 

- Original Message - 
From: "Col. Pradeep Kapoor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:53 AM
Subject: [AI] Bad News

> Dear Friends,
>  This mail is to inform you of the sad demise of Prof Vinod
> Sena, at New Delhi on 10 Dec 06. He succumbed to a cardiac arrest.
>   Prof Sena was visually challenged himself, while working
> for the blind on issues he felt were important. He ran an NGO -
> Shruti, which focusses on aspects affecting access to higher education
> for the Print disabled. He helped to highlight issues like books for
> the blind & corresponding benefits from modifications to the Copyright
> laws. He was instrumental in establishing the first computer facility
> for the Blind at Delhi University. He had also established a web site
> for the Blind. Recently, on 2 Dec, he had been honoured with the
> Hellen Keller award.
>   with best wishes
>   yours sincerely
> Col P Kapoor
>General Secy.
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Re: [AI] A Burning Issues(replies)

2006-12-11 Thread Taraprakash
Hi. Below is the remainder of the report as promised.

. The labor market does not adequately accommodate disabled women, nor are 
there sufficient laws to prevent and punish harassment - either sexual 
or harassment on the basis of disability. According the United Nations, only 
one quarter of women with disabilities worldwide is in the workforce. They
are twice as unlikely to find work as disabled men. In the United States, 
disabled men earned 55 percent more than disabled women in 1994-95.
. There are reports of high rates physical and sexual abuse against disabled 
women and girls living in institutions for the disabled. In some countries,
disabled women living in institutions are abused at twice the rate as those 
living in the community.
. In Africa, where the myth that having sex with a virgin can cure a person 
of HIV/AIDS, women and girls with disabilities are targeted for rape because
they are presumed to be asexual and thus virgins.
. The combination of discrimination on the basis of gender and disability 
results in low literacy rates for women and girls with disabilities and low 
of school attendance. UNESCO estimates that the overall literacy rate for 
persons with disabilities worldwide is 3 percent, and for disabled women and
girls it is 1 percent. One source says that less than 2 percent of children 
with disabilities are attending any form of schools, but no gender breakdown
of that number is available. In the U.S., disabled women are five times more 
likely than non-disabled women to have fewer than eight years of schooling.
Particularly for girls who do not attend school, information on reproductive 
health is less available, leading to the unsurprising result in the U.S. 
young women with disabilities are significantly more likely to be mothers 
three to five years after leaving school than non-disabled young women. 
in the U.S. also show that disabled students experience higher rates of 
sexual harassment in schools, and disabled girls face higher rates than 
. Disability benefits are lower for disabled women than for disabled men in 
some countries, such as Canada. These benefits are tied to work and earning
histories, thus penalizing women who face discrimination in the labor sector 
and lower wages than men.
list end

Although human rights abuses against women and girls are rampant, they are 
largely ignored. Justice systems fail to accommodate disability, making it 
for women to prove abuses of their human rights. For example, some courts 
will not entertain allegations of sexual violence brought by blind women, 
of supposed difficulties in identifying the perpetrator. In terms of donor 
attention, bilateral assistance to address the needs of disabled people is 
and poverty reduction strategies often ignore both the issues of disabled 
people and issues of gender.

Background on the Draft Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the 
Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities

Since 2001, there has been serious movement toward an international treaty 
on disability rights. The General Assembly adopted resolution in 2001 which 
an ad hoc committee to work on such a treaty. By July 2005, the ad hoc 
committee has had five major meetings and has produced a draft treaty 
covering a
wide variety of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. The 
ad hoc committee's sixth meeting takes place from August 1-12, 2005.

In terms of women's rights in the draft convention, they are addressed in 
many of the articles (e.g., ones dealing with statistics and data 
equality and nondiscrimination, violence, work, participation in political 
and public life, education, health care, privacy and family issues, and 
security.) There is also a proposal that there be an additional article 
specifically on women's rights to highlight the fact that disabled women 
distinct discrimination from disabled men.

The United Nations "
website has comprehensive information on the drafting process for the 
disability treaty.

The language of the current draft of the treaty must be drawn from four 
different documents that reflect the status of negotiations on various 
They key documents are:
List of 4 items
. The
original draft convention from January 2004,
which proposed language for Articles 1-25.
. A series of
from member states on the treaty as a whole, set forth in the 3rd ad hoc 
committee report from May-June 2004. This document includes proposed article 
specifically on women.
. The
4th ad hoc committee report from August - September 2004,
which summarizes the member states' basic agreement on Articles 4-7(4).
. The
5th ad hoc committee report from January-February 2005,
which summarizes the member states' basic agreement on articles 
list end

original message

> Here   is a bit for those who want to work more in this

Re: [AI] A Burning Issues(replies)

2006-12-08 Thread Taraprakash
Here   is a bit for those who want to work more in this field.

Women and Girls with Disabilities

Human Rights Watch is committed to promoting the human rights of all 
persons, and is supportive of the movement toward codification of a specific 
human rights treaty on disability rights. We are concerned that the current 
draft of the treaty does not yet adequately protect the human rights of 
and girls. This website and the linked documents provide background on this 
issue and suggest improvements for the treaty.
List of 3 items
. Background on Abuses of Disabled Women's and Girls' Rights
. Background on the Draft Comprehensive and Integral International 
Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of 
Persons with
. Human Rights Watch letter outlining concerns about the draft disability 
list end

Background on Abuses of Disabled Women's and Girls' Rights

Approximately 300 million women around the world have mental and physical 
disabilities. Women constitute 75 percent of the disabled people in low and 
income countries. Women with disabilities comprise 10 percent of all women 

Women are more likely than men to become disabled during their lives, due in 
part to gender bias in the allocation of scarce resources and in access to
services. When ill, girls and women are less likely to receive medical 
attention than boys and men, particularly in developing countries where 
care may be a considerable distance from home. They are also less likely to 
receive preventive care, such as immunizations. Due to social, cultural and
religious factors, disabled women are less likely than men to make use of 
existing social services, including residential services, and it is 
that disabled women worldwide receive only 20 percent of the rehabilitation. 
A study in the Asia Pacific region found that more than 80 percent of 
women had no independent means of livelihood, and thus were totally 
dependent on others. According to the World Health Organization, girls with 
may be more readily institutionalized than boys.

Disabled women and girls face the same spectrum of human rights abuses that 
non-disabled women face, but their social isolation and dependence magnifies
these abuses and their consequences. Women and girls with disabilities fare 
less well on most indicators of educational, professional, financial, and 
success than their non-disabled female and disabled male counterparts. In 
some countries, laws overtly discriminate against disabled women and men, 
by barring them from marrying if they have any form of mental disability.

Even where the laws are not discriminatory, disabled women and girls face a 
host of abuses at the hands of their families, communities, and the state. 
definitive data is rare, there is some evidence that disabled women and 
girls face higher rates of violence and discrimination than non-disabled 
List of 8 items
. Disabled women's sexual and reproductive rights are grossly abused. They 
experience forced sterilization; forced abortion due to discriminatory 
about their parenting abilities; and denial of information about 
reproductive health and contraceptives. When seeking reproductive health 
care, disabled
women often face abusive treatment at the hands of physicians who do not 
understand their particular circumstances. A study in the U.S. showed that 
with disabilities were significantly less likely to receive pelvic exams 
than non-disabled women.
. Disabled women also face limitations on their rights to marry and found a 
family, and often lose of custody of their children. In some countries, it 
almost impossible for disabled women to adopt children.
. Disabled women face high rates of violence, both at the hands of family 
members and of personal assistants. Their dependence on their caregivers 
it even more difficult for them to pursue a remedy than for non-disabled 
women. Even where shelters are available for survivors of domestic violence, 
are rarely accessible for disabled women. Research indicates that the 
violence faced by disabled women may be more chronic and severe, and takes 
some unique
forms, such as withholding of essential care and medication. It seems also 
to be more prevalent: surveys conducted in Europe, North America, and 
have shown that over half of disabled women have experienced physical abuse, 
compared to one-third of non-disabled women. In the United States, children
with disabilities are almost twice as likely to experience sexual abuse as 
non-disabled children.

(To be continued on Monday Unless the "law" stops me)
- Original Message - 
From: "smriti singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 3:54 PM
Subject: [AI] A Burning Issues(replies)

> Dear list members,
> I don't have regular access to internet, otherwise I
> wo

Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on

2006-12-08 Thread Taraprakash
Dear sir. Talking about sex and sexual harassment are two different things. 
If the mail I am responding to was written by a college lecturer, I am 
afraid, we can't stop this evil. You really need a refresher course for 
social and gender sensitization.
Good luck

- Original Message - 
From: "Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on

> At least my friends have realized that this topic is a deviation from the
> central focus of this group.
> I hope in future they would find a legitimate forum to raise such issues.
> As far as my friend who suggested that this issue could be raised on a 
> group
> called dreams and romance. I don't think he made any invaluable 
> suggestion.
> The issue of sexual harassment is a love crime it could always be dealt on
> such  forums. If we could discuss issues arising out of virus and malwares
> on this list related to technology. Than why not such maladies be 
> discussed
> in the pertinent list. It is a crime related to romance and emotions. So 
> its
> remedy  could always be sought on such list. Where people should 
> understand
> the value of some one's emotions.
> Discussing sex is not a crime rather as Freud puts it is the motive force 
> in
> guiding human behavior whether professional or otherwise.
> In this list we can discuss cyber crimes not crimes related to sex.
> The discussion should be conclusive only when every body is convinced 
> about
> certain things which are related to his argument and presumptions.
> It is always good to argue only healthy arguments could lead us towards a
> rational approach in life!
> I would keep on writing till you people are convinced that law has its on
> importance. No one could let himself be convinced that he or she is above
> law!
> With regards,
> Vip
> - Original Message - 
> From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 12:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>> What is wrong in discussing issues of sexual harassment particularly 
>> those
>> raised Smirthi Singh? Although our group is for discussing accessibility,
>> once a while there could be a deviation.  This topic does really concern
>> all
>> of us.  In any group for that matter, there will be some deviation of
>> topics
>> sometimes. So why don't accept and go on rather than otherwise.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Vetrivel Murugan Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 1:08 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>>> Dear Members, I have personally written to the moderator on this issue.
>>> So
>>> could we wait until a decision is made on this? Please...
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 11:52 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
I am putting the things in clear words again! Emphasis added it is not a
 question of discussing matters pertaining to sexual harassment or some
 else and their relevance for VCs. Question is since we have disowned
 members from this list already. Why to just pick and choose. It is a
 fact that this group is related to issues arising out of accessibility
 otherwise. its not that we are that we are not concerned about these
 issues. But again the question is,  is it a proper forum to rays such
 Though our parliament is competant to make laws for whole of the
 of india. But it can not alter the basic structure of our consitution.
 Likewise, the basic structure of this group here is to discuss issues
 related to accessibility.
 Then, a bonafide plaint is: Each member shal follow these guide lines 
 is law abiding enough.
 If you want to flout with existing laws than law would take its own
 With regards,

 To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with the subject unsubscribe.

 To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
 please visit the list home page at
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home 

Re: [AI] Launch of Advance Programming Course

2006-12-08 Thread Taraprakash
Hitendra. Very good news. Congratulations to you, Mrs. Nayyer and Ms. Joshi. 
. What is the duration of this training course? And how many hours a day? Is 
the course content ready? how about the instructors?
If not on the list, Please write to me personally.
- Original Message - 
From: "hitendra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 4:18 PM
Subject: [AI] Launch of Advance Programming Course

> Hello list members,
> Venu Institute of universal Education, a NGO working for upliftment of 
> blinds and under priveledge section of the society,now announces 
> commencement of
> Advance Programming Course. The details of this course has been given 
> below. Please take time to go through this detail.
> Venu Institute of Universal Education
> N O W P R E S E N T S
> Programming
> Course
> Programming CourseNEW
> Eligibility :  Basic in Computers
> Duration   :  4 months
> The course commences on1st week of January 07
> Last date of application, 23rd Dec.06
> Hurry! Limited seats
> Preference given to visually challenged students
> For further information
> Contact : Director, Venu Institute of Universal Education,
> 1/31, Sheikh Sarai Institutional Area, Phase 2, New Delhi-110017
> tel.: 29251951/29251155/29251156/25254758
> Application forms available at:
> Venu Institute of Universal Education 1/31, Sheikh Sarai, Institutional 
> Area, Phase-2 New Delhi-110017
> Phone Nos.: 29251951/29251155/29254758, 9312304284
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

2006-12-07 Thread Taraprakash
Exactly. The airport is not our university canteen to be visited frequently. 
No matter how good one's mobility, it is virtually impossible to move about 
in the airports for a blind person on one's own.
This airline is going to be in serious trouble if it can be proved that a 
third person was disturbed by the airline staff for not accompanying her to 
the airport. Today it happened with Madhuji, tomorrow it might happen to 
others, time to wake up.
- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

> Perhaps it could be valid. But the crucial factor is that the air-lines 
> are
> suppose to provide assistance from the beginning of your journey up to the
> port of entry irrespective of someone's mobility status. So any such
> discriminatory attitude of the air-lines employs cannot and should not be
> tolerated.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 9:33 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>> How do you define layers?  It can start another interesting discussion
>> thread if you define the basis of hierarchy.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 7:08 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>> This a ill-treatment cannot be accepted in any manner. But I would like
>>> to
>>> stress  and point out that  most if not all,  of the top layer of the
>>> community of blind persons, are very poor in mobility. Many never move
>>> without assistance. During AI conference last year, I found very few
>>> persons
>>> using canes and totally blinds in particular were quite immobile.
>>> Whereas,
>>> at the lower end of the society, most of the blind persons are
>>> exceptional
>>> in mobility and orientation. Many move about quite independently  on
>>> roads
>>> and public transport which is lacking  at the other end of the 
>>> community.
>>> I
>>> am sorry to say the above. But it is an undeniable fact. If anybody
>>> doubts
>>> my observations, please ask O&M instructors.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "srmittal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:28 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the 
>>> airlines
>>>>I shall certainly let you know the details and would also ask Ms Madhu
>>>> to write a complaint. The problem with airlines is that most of them
>>>> spend large sums of money advertising in the media and so, media houses
>>>> are not really able to put them to shame. In fact, they get away with
>>>> blood in their hands like this.
>>>> Subramani
>>>> -Original Message-
>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of srmittal
>>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:13 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the
>>>> airlines
>>>> Dear Shri Subrimani.
>>>> Please do let me know if I can do some thing from Delhi. This matter
>>>> should
>>>> be taken very serriously and after obtaining the details from Madhu
>>>> Singal,
>>>> I will personally meet Shri Manoj Kumar CCPD and will lodge a written
>>>> complaint. I feel it would be better if Madhuji also lodges a complaint
>>>> .
>>>> RGDS
>>>> - Original Message - 
>>>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> To: "K Ramkrishna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:25 PM
>>>> Subject: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>>>> Folks:
>>>>> I received a call from Ms Madhu Singhal of Mithra Jyothi, who had to
>>>>> receive a humiliating and undignified treatment from the ground staffs
>>>>> of Go-Air airlines.

Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

2006-12-07 Thread Taraprakash
How do you define layers?  It can start another interesting discussion 
thread if you define the basis of hierarchy.

- Original Message - 
From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

> This a ill-treatment cannot be accepted in any manner. But I would like to
> stress  and point out that  most if not all,  of the top layer of the
> community of blind persons, are very poor in mobility. Many never move
> without assistance. During AI conference last year, I found very few 
> persons
> using canes and totally blinds in particular were quite immobile. Whereas,
> at the lower end of the society, most of the blind persons are exceptional
> in mobility and orientation. Many move about quite independently  on roads
> and public transport which is lacking  at the other end of the community. 
> I
> am sorry to say the above. But it is an undeniable fact. If anybody doubts
> my observations, please ask O&M instructors.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "srmittal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>I shall certainly let you know the details and would also ask Ms Madhu
>> to write a complaint. The problem with airlines is that most of them
>> spend large sums of money advertising in the media and so, media houses
>> are not really able to put them to shame. In fact, they get away with
>> blood in their hands like this.
>> Subramani
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of srmittal
>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:13 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the
>> airlines
>> Dear Shri Subrimani.
>> Please do let me know if I can do some thing from Delhi. This matter
>> should
>> be taken very serriously and after obtaining the details from Madhu
>> Singal,
>> I will personally meet Shri Manoj Kumar CCPD and will lodge a written
>> complaint. I feel it would be better if Madhuji also lodges a complaint
>> .
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "K Ramkrishna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:25 PM
>> Subject: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>> Folks:
>>> I received a call from Ms Madhu Singhal of Mithra Jyothi, who had to
>>> receive a humiliating and undignified treatment from the ground staffs
>>> of Go-Air airlines.
>>> She was scheduled to travel to Delhi from Bangalore at 3.00 pm today
>> and
>>> has gone to the airport alone. Some ground staffs have asked her to
>> give
>>> the telephone number of someone who usually accompanies her and Ms
>>> Madhu, without knowing why it was asked, had provided the number of Ms
>>> Sundhari, her colleague at MJ.
>>> Ten minutes or so later, she received a call from Ms Sundari, who told
>>> her that she had received a call from the ground staffs of Go-Air, who
>>> shouted at her for having left (Madhu) alone at the airport.
>>> Friends, this is utterly despicable and undignifying way of treating a
>>> disabled person. I am sure IAAI guidelines suggest offer of support
>> for
>>> persons with disability which these ground staffs are ignorant about.
>>> It's time that we need to put a permanent end to this series of
>>> discriminatory treatment by airlines.
>>> I have asked Ms. Madhu to pass on details of the flight no, names of
>> the
>>> ground staffs and even the airport manager of Go-Air and probably we
>> can
>>> lodge a complaint at CCPD immediately and urge action.
>>> I would certainly explore the possibility of writing about it.
>>> Subramani
>>> -Original Message-
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of K
>>> Ramkrishna
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:41 AM
>>> To: Chetan Sharma;
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] EMI CALCULATOR!!
>>> Me too:
>>> or
>>> thanks
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Chetan Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:35 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] EMI CALCULATOR!!
 Hi Rajesh and others,

 I will send the file to all persons who have express the desire to
>>> receive
 it through this forum or privately.


 Chetan Sharma
 - Original Message - 
 From: "rajesh asudani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To: "srmittal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
 Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 11:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [AI] EMI CALCULATOR!!

>I wonder why the requests for a particular file/book are not directed
>>> to
> personal ID even when 

Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on

2006-12-07 Thread Taraprakash
I simply don't feel like writing anything to contribute to this thread. It 
is off topic. Anybody writing to the list, and not to the moderator, 
claiming something is off topic is violation of the rules. so please stop.
I too must stop but before that I will reitterate the topic is well with in 
the conventions of the list.
- Original Message - 
From: "Hari Raghavan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Chetan Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on

> Hi friends,
> Frankly I have  always felt that topics not central to our charter attract
> the maximum responses. Having said this, the point has got lost somewhere 
> in
> the verbal volleys that have been circulating. Noone disagrees that
> everybody's time IS important and any topic important to any member is not
> to be trivialised. But the fact is that there are many other groups where
> such general topics can be raised and an exchange of views sought.
> And while I can always unsubscribe if I find the number of irrelevant 
> mails
> too much, as someone had suggested, the fact remains that AI really helps 
> us
> solve our technology, accesibility and work related problems which is why 
> we
> cannot afford to get off the list. And that's why we joined it in the 
> first
> place.
> However the final say on this matter rests with our moderator Kiran and we
> have to respect that.
> Warm regards,
> Hari
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Chetan
> Sharma
> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 11:29 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
> Hi list,
> I am not able to understand, why this group can not or should not discuss
> the  sexual harassment of Blind women.  If an extended discussion on stray
> dogs is relevant, if we can discuss reservations and concessions for VIs,
> and if any other problem faced by Blind and Visually impaired is a part 
> and
> parcel of this list, why can't we discuss sexual harassment of Blind 
> women?
> If somebody has joined group to discuss issues pertaining to computers and
> technology only then i think he/she misjudged the objectives of this 
> group.
> There has been a persistent argument about the precious time. Please
> understand   Everybody's time is equally important and precious.   Do you
> think when smriti raise this issue, she was free and had no business at 
> all?
> Is she passing her time by raising such issues? not at all.  more over,
> first one or two lines, even subject can also suggest, what is written in
> the message. If one does not like something, he or she can easily delete 
> the
> message. it is nowhere in the group's policy that every member has to read
> entire message and can not delete the message before reading it 
> completely.
> With regards,
> Chetan Sharma
> - Original Message -
> From: "Divyanshu Ganatra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 10:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>> With all due respects, I believe this group is ment for discussing
>> technology  and computer related issues, and not sexual harassment. Let 
>> us
>> not forget what we have joined this group for, and  respect everyone's
>> time
>> and space on this forum.
>> Having said that I leave it to the moderators  judgement.
>> Regards,
>> Divyanshu
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Subramani L
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 9:53 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>> The subject here is how we can help VI girls to safeguard themselves, so
>> the
>> topic can't be irrelevant to the group. Also, we don't merely discuss
>> technology, disability-related issues are therefore allowed for
>> discussion.
>> Subramani
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vetrivel
>> Murugan Adhimoolam
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 2:41 AM
>> To: Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra;
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>> Hi everyone,
>> I certainly understand the concerns of the member who finds lack of time
>> in
>> going through so many messages. However I would like to request the
>> members
>> to be careful while choosing certain expressions. For example the
>> statement:
>> "We should not put our nose in
>> each and every discussion to which we have no idea or have little
>> knowledge
>> to contribute". In my view this is unwarranted since none of us are
>> specialized in all the fields and at the same time it cannot and should
>> not
>> be a barrier in contributing to the group. Believe me or not, my work 
>> load
>> here in the US is so much and still I find tim

Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

2006-12-07 Thread Taraprakash
Oops. This was not meant to be here on the list. I am very very sorry. This 
was purely unintentional.

- Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

>> 1. What language is spoken in France?
>> 2. Give a dissertation on the ancient Babylonian Empire
>> with particular reference to architecture, literature, law and
>> social conditions -OR- give the first name of Pierre Trudeau.
>> 3. Would you ask William Shakespeare to
>>   A. build a bridge
>>   B.sail the ocean
>>   C. lead an army or
>> 4. What religion is the Pope?
>>   A. Jewish
>>   B. Catholic
>>   C. Hindu
>>   D. Polish
>>   E. Agnostic (check only one)
>> 5. Metric conversion. How many feet is 0.0 meters?
>> 6. What time is it when the big hand is on the 12 and the
>> little  hand is on the 5?
>> 7. How many commandments was Moses given? (approximately)
>> 8. What are people in America's far north called?
>>   A. Westerners
>>   B. Southerners
>>   C. Northerners
>> 9. Spell -- Bush, Carter and Clinton
>> 10. Six kings of England have been called George, the last
>> one being George the Sixth. Name the previous five.
>> 11. Where does rain come from?
>>   A. Macy's
>>   B. a 7-11
>>   C. Canada
>>   D. the sky
>> 12. Can you explain Einstein's Theory of Relativity?
>>   A. yes
>>   B. no
>> 13. What are coat hangers used for?
>> 14. The Star Spangled Banner is the National Anthem for what
>>   country?
>> 15. Explain Le Chateliers Principle of Dynamic Equilibrium
>> -OR-spell your name in BLOCK LETTERS.
>> 16. Where is the basement in a three story building located?
>> 17. Which part of America produces the most oranges?
>>   A. New York
>>   B. Florida
>>   C. Canada
>>   D. Wisconsin
>> 18. Advanced math. If you have three apples, how many apples
>> do you have?
>> 19. What does NBC (National Broadcasting Corp.) stand for?
>> 20. The University of Miami tradition for efficiency began
>> when? (approximately)
>>   A. B.C.
>>   B. A.D.
>>   D. still waiting
>> *You must answer three or more questions correctly to
>> qualify.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vetrivel Murugan Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 1:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>I can also extend my hand in launching a complain against the airlines and
>> it is the violation of the international law according to which it is
>> mandatory for all the air-lines to ensure accommodations for people with
>> disability.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 5:28 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>> it is really very disgusting and needs attention. the case must be
>>> referred
>>> to all concerned for appropriate action.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "K Ramkrishna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:25 PM
>>> Subject: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>>> Folks:
>>>> I received a call from Ms Madhu Singhal of Mithra Jyothi, who had to
>>>> receive a humiliating and undignified treatment from the ground staffs
>>>> of Go-Air airlines.
>>>> She was scheduled to travel to Delhi from Bangalore at 3.00 pm today 
>>>> and
>>>> has gone to the airport alone. Some ground staffs have asked her to 
>>>> give
>>>> the telephone number of someone who usually accompanies her and Ms
>>>> Madhu, without knowing why it was asked, had provided the number of Ms
>>>> Sundhari, her colleague at MJ.
>>>> Ten minutes or so later, she receive

Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

2006-12-07 Thread Taraprakash
Sorry folks. I instantly sent an apology mail but I can't see it here. May 
be it decided not to reach. Again I am very sorry.

- Original Message - 
From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:25 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

>> 1. What language is spoken in France?
>> 2. Give a dissertation on the ancient Babylonian Empire
>> with particular reference to architecture, literature, law and
>> social conditions -OR- give the first name of Pierre Trudeau.
>> 3. Would you ask William Shakespeare to
>>   A. build a bridge
>>   B.sail the ocean
>>   C. lead an army or
>> 4. What religion is the Pope?
>>   A. Jewish
>>   B. Catholic
>>   C. Hindu
>>   D. Polish
>>   E. Agnostic (check only one)
>> 5. Metric conversion. How many feet is 0.0 meters?
>> 6. What time is it when the big hand is on the 12 and the
>> little  hand is on the 5?
>> 7. How many commandments was Moses given? (approximately)
>> 8. What are people in America's far north called?
>>   A. Westerners
>>   B. Southerners
>>   C. Northerners
>> 9. Spell -- Bush, Carter and Clinton
>> 10. Six kings of England have been called George, the last
>> one being George the Sixth. Name the previous five.
>> 11. Where does rain come from?
>>   A. Macy's
>>   B. a 7-11
>>   C. Canada
>>   D. the sky
>> 12. Can you explain Einstein's Theory of Relativity?
>>   A. yes
>>   B. no
>> 13. What are coat hangers used for?
>> 14. The Star Spangled Banner is the National Anthem for what
>>   country?
>> 15. Explain Le Chateliers Principle of Dynamic Equilibrium
>> -OR-spell your name in BLOCK LETTERS.
>> 16. Where is the basement in a three story building located?
>> 17. Which part of America produces the most oranges?
>>   A. New York
>>   B. Florida
>>   C. Canada
>>   D. Wisconsin
>> 18. Advanced math. If you have three apples, how many apples
>> do you have?
>> 19. What does NBC (National Broadcasting Corp.) stand for?
>> 20. The University of Miami tradition for efficiency began
>> when? (approximately)
>>   A. B.C.
>>   B. A.D.
>>   D. still waiting
>> *You must answer three or more questions correctly to
>> qualify.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vetrivel Murugan Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 1:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>I can also extend my hand in launching a complain against the airlines and
>> it is the violation of the international law according to which it is
>> mandatory for all the air-lines to ensure accommodations for people with
>> disability.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 5:28 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>> it is really very disgusting and needs attention. the case must be
>>> referred
>>> to all concerned for appropriate action.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "K Ramkrishna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:25 PM
>>> Subject: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>>> Folks:
>>>> I received a call from Ms Madhu Singhal of Mithra Jyothi, who had to
>>>> receive a humiliating and undignified treatment from the ground staffs
>>>> of Go-Air airlines.
>>>> She was scheduled to travel to Delhi from Bangalore at 3.00 pm today 
>>>> and
>>>> has gone to the airport alone. Some ground staffs have asked her to 
>>>> give
>>>> the telephone number of someone who usually accompanies her and Ms
>>>> Madhu, without knowing why it was asked, had provided the number of Ms
>>>> Sundhari, her colleague at MJ.
>>>> Ten m

Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

2006-12-07 Thread Taraprakash

> 1. What language is spoken in France?
> 2. Give a dissertation on the ancient Babylonian Empire
> with particular reference to architecture, literature, law and
> social conditions -OR- give the first name of Pierre Trudeau.
> 3. Would you ask William Shakespeare to
>   A. build a bridge
>   B.sail the ocean
>   C. lead an army or
> 4. What religion is the Pope?
>   A. Jewish
>   B. Catholic
>   C. Hindu
>   D. Polish
>   E. Agnostic (check only one)
> 5. Metric conversion. How many feet is 0.0 meters?
> 6. What time is it when the big hand is on the 12 and the
> little  hand is on the 5?
> 7. How many commandments was Moses given? (approximately)
> 8. What are people in America's far north called?
>   A. Westerners
>   B. Southerners
>   C. Northerners
> 9. Spell -- Bush, Carter and Clinton
> 10. Six kings of England have been called George, the last
> one being George the Sixth. Name the previous five.
> 11. Where does rain come from?
>   A. Macy's
>   B. a 7-11
>   C. Canada
>   D. the sky
> 12. Can you explain Einstein's Theory of Relativity?
>   A. yes
>   B. no
> 13. What are coat hangers used for?
> 14. The Star Spangled Banner is the National Anthem for what
>   country?
> 15. Explain Le Chateliers Principle of Dynamic Equilibrium
> -OR-spell your name in BLOCK LETTERS.
> 16. Where is the basement in a three story building located?
> 17. Which part of America produces the most oranges?
>   A. New York
>   B. Florida
>   C. Canada
>   D. Wisconsin
> 18. Advanced math. If you have three apples, how many apples
> do you have?
> 19. What does NBC (National Broadcasting Corp.) stand for?
> 20. The University of Miami tradition for efficiency began
> when? (approximately)
>   A. B.C.
>   B. A.D.
>   D. still waiting
> *You must answer three or more questions correctly to
> qualify.
- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 1:14 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines

>I can also extend my hand in launching a complain against the airlines and
> it is the violation of the international law according to which it is
> mandatory for all the air-lines to ensure accommodations for people with
> disability.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 5:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>> it is really very disgusting and needs attention. the case must be
>> referred
>> to all concerned for appropriate action.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "K Ramkrishna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:25 PM
>> Subject: [AI] another case of discriminatory practice by the airlines
>>> Folks:
>>> I received a call from Ms Madhu Singhal of Mithra Jyothi, who had to
>>> receive a humiliating and undignified treatment from the ground staffs
>>> of Go-Air airlines.
>>> She was scheduled to travel to Delhi from Bangalore at 3.00 pm today and
>>> has gone to the airport alone. Some ground staffs have asked her to give
>>> the telephone number of someone who usually accompanies her and Ms
>>> Madhu, without knowing why it was asked, had provided the number of Ms
>>> Sundhari, her colleague at MJ.
>>> Ten minutes or so later, she received a call from Ms Sundari, who told
>>> her that she had received a call from the ground staffs of Go-Air, who
>>> shouted at her for having left (Madhu) alone at the airport.
>>> Friends, this is utterly despicable and undignifying way of treating a
>>> disabled person. I am sure IAAI guidelines suggest offer of support for
>>> persons with disability which these ground staffs are ignorant about.
>>> It's time that we need to put a permanent end to this series of
>>> discriminatory treatment by airlines.
>>> I have asked Ms. Madhu to pass on details of the flight no, names of the
>>> ground staffs and even the airport manager of Go-Air and probably we can
>>> lodge a complaint at CCPD immediately and urge action.
>>> I would certainly explore the possibility of writing about it.
>>> Subramani
>>> -Original Message-
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of K
>>> Ramkrishna
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:41 AM
>>> To: Chetan Sharma;
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] EMI CALCULATOR!!
>>> Me too:
>>> or
>>> thanks
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Chetan Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 10:35 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] EMI CALCULATOR!!
 Hi Rajesh and others,

 I will send the fi

[AI] for new music lovers

2006-12-06 Thread Taraprakash
Cassette to Cd to Dvd to... ?

Yash Raj Music unveils DVD-audio format of 'Dhoom:2' Team

(27 November 2006 10:25 pm)

MUMBAI: Yash Raj Music has unveiled the music of Dhoom:2 in the
DVD-audio format. Surround Sound and audiophiles can choose from the
audio menu the format they want to hear the songs in.

The album makes use of the DVD-Audio format in other ways as well. The
lyrics can be viewed on-screen as the music is playing, thus enabling
Karaoke sing-along. The theatrical trailer of the movie is also
available on the DVD, as well as a credits page that can be viewed

Additionally, four tracks have also been include - Chand Sifarish
(Fanaa), Kajra Re (Bunty aur Babli), Salaam Namaste (Salaam Namaste)
and Halla Re (Neal 'n' Nikki), the lyrics for which are also available
on screen. Rounding up the package is a gallery of pictures from the
movies, as an optional feature, states an official release.

This disc can be played on both DVD-Video and DVD-Audio Players. All
tracks have been re-mastered in 5.1 Surround Sound. This DVD Audio
disc features quality sound formats featured below (which can be
individually selected from the audio menu options):

Tel: 1.407.381.2868
12013, Solon Dr, Apt. 214, Orlando, Fl. 32826
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Re: [AI] Examinations using pc

2006-12-05 Thread Taraprakash
That's what we do, balance the western excesses. I said that university 
arbitrarily decide on the extra time. Delhi university allows 1 3rd extra 
time (1 hour to be more precise for 3 hour exam).
JNU provides 50% extra time for the entrance exams. In the US you can get 
double of normal time even for a test like GRE. But the standard is 50 % 
extra. I will try to fish out the UGC circular in the matter. May be you'll 
need to wait till summers.

- Original Message - 
From: "pamnani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 6:44 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Examinations using pc

> Tara,
> Universal where?
> Do you know if it is written anywhere? I have never got more than 30 mins
> extra for a 3 hour paper.
> We must check this out completely. It will be really helpful. I would have
> stood first in all my exams if I had had more time to finish the paper.
> If anybody has a circular or any reference please mail it to the group.
> Kanchan
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 21:48
> Subject: Re: [AI] Examinations using pc
>> That is the universal standard. universities arbitrarily decide the 
>> amount
>> of extra time. But that can be legally challenged.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "rajesh asudani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 11:29 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Examinations using pc
>>> Well, the ratio of 50% extra time is something new for me. Has it been
>>> recently fixed by UGC? hitherto we used to get either half an hour or in
>>> case of some universities like Nagpur and [perhaps delhi also], one full
>>> hour extra..
>>> Rajesh
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 9:50 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Examinations using pc
>>>> UGC provides for 50 % extra time. so If the total time allowed is 3
>>>> hours,
>>>> you should get 4.5 hours. The computer crash or load shading all depend
>>>> on
>>>> your luck. You have no legal right on asking for more extra time. what
>>>> you
>>>> can however, ask for is uninterupted power supply.
>>>> - Original Message - 
>>>> From: "Shadab Husain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> To: 
>>>> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 11:02 PM
>>>> Subject: [AI] Examinations using pc
>>>>> Friends, I have some questions on giving examinations using pc.
>>>>> 1. what if the electricity goes off during the exam, and the
>>>>> substituting device takes time to start? Will we get extra time for
>>>>> that?
>>>>> 2. we are not getting any extra time, but almost everyone makes
>>>>> typographical errors, and it is easier for sighted people to catch
>>>>> their mistakes because they look at the screen when they type; but we
>>>>> don't look. Do we not deserve any extra time for proof reading?
>>>>> 3. the speed of the computer, in my humble opinion, plays a crucial
>>>>> role while typing. For example, if we are using the option of both
>>>>> characters and words while typing on pentium 4, and the ram is less
>>>>> than 256, jaws takes a little time to speak the typed letter, and when
>>>>> we press the space bar in order to listen the word, it takes half a
>>>>> second to speak the word. And sometimes this takes more than this!
>>>>> Will we get a p 4 with 512 ram to take our examination?
>>>>>  trusting a reply from you
>>>>>  Shadab Husain
>>>>> To unsubscribe send a message to 
>>>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>>>> please visit the list home page at
>>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any ot

Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on

2006-12-05 Thread Taraprakash
Thanks for clarity but the motive is not yet clear.
I do respect your respect for the law of the list. I however, regret your 
insensitivity towards the socially relevant issues concerning blind men and 
women and also that of the conventions of the list. We all break laws 
sometimes and you have yourself done it recently by raising your objections 
on the list. Just to refresh your memory, you yourself have been part of 
discussion threads which did not have anything to do with access technology. 
Why such a move towards 'propriety' now? Are we smelling a sabotage tactics 

Will you please give any example when someone was banned from the group 
while raising issues directly concerning the blind?

You are right that forming a group is very easy these days. It, however, 
always has been easier to hit a delete key if you thought the message was 
not relevant or useful to you. I beg to ask you for that sacrifice when it 
concerns such an important issue.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on

>I am putting the things in clear words again! Emphasis added it is not a
> question of discussing matters pertaining to sexual harassment or some 
> thing
> else and their relevance for VCs. Question is since we have disowned 
> several
> members from this list already. Why to just pick and choose. It is a known
> fact that this group is related to issues arising out of accessibility and
> otherwise. its not that we are that we are not concerned about these 
> social
> issues. But again the question is,  is it a proper forum to rays such
> issues?
> Though our parliament is competant to make laws for whole of the territory
> of india. But it can not alter the basic structure of our consitution.
> Likewise, the basic structure of this group here is to discuss issues
> related to accessibility.
> Then, a bonafide plaint is: Each member shal follow these guide lines if 
> one
> is law abiding enough.
> If you want to flout with existing laws than law would take its own 
> course!!
> With regards,
> Vip
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on

2006-12-05 Thread Taraprakash
For heaven's sake! Dream romance and sexual harassment!
It shows what is the value of discussion on issues of academic and social 
interest for you. I wish you apologise, or may be explain how is the said 
issue fit for discussing at dream romance list but not here.
- Original Message - 
From: "Neeraj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on

> yes that is write,
> we can discus these type of issues on different groupe also, like
> sayeverything, and dreamromance,
> With Regards
> Neeraj Manglik
> Mobile number: 9312902018
> Yahoo id:
> msn id:
> skype id:
> neerajmanglik
> We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to
> pain.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Divyanshu Ganatra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 10:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>> With all due respects, I believe this group is ment for discussing
>> technology  and computer related issues, and not sexual harassment. Let 
>> us
>> not forget what we have joined this group for, and  respect everyone's
>> time
>> and space on this forum.
>> Having said that I leave it to the moderators  judgement.
>> Regards,
>> Divyanshu
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Subramani L
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 9:53 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>> The subject here is how we can help VI girls to safeguard themselves, so
>> the
>> topic can't be irrelevant to the group. Also, we don't merely discuss
>> technology, disability-related issues are therefore allowed for
>> discussion.
>> Subramani
>> -Original Message-
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vetrivel
>> Murugan Adhimoolam
>> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 2:41 AM
>> To: Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra;
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>> Hi everyone,
>> I certainly understand the concerns of the member who finds lack of time
>> in
>> going through so many messages. However I would like to request the
>> members
>> to be careful while choosing certain expressions. For example the
>> statement:
>> "We should not put our nose in
>> each and every discussion to which we have no idea or have little
>> knowledge
>> to contribute". In my view this is unwarranted since none of us are
>> specialized in all the fields and at the same time it cannot and should
>> not
>> be a barrier in contributing to the group. Believe me or not, my work 
>> load
>> here in the US is so much and still I find time to go through the message
>> list and choose which ones to read and which one to ignore based on
>> certain
>> priorities and availability of my time. This is not to show to the group
>> how
>> much hard working I am, but to show that My inconveniences cannot and
>> should
>> not be used as tools to request other members to restrict their
>> participation. Perhaps it would be great if we could receive comments 
>> from
>> other members on this.
>> Best Regards,
>> Vetri.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Dr. Vipin K. Malhotra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 9:15 AM
>> Subject: [AI] Proposal for starting a separate group on
>>>Dear Members,
>>> I think this group is purpose specific.
>>> However, WE have reduced it in to a forum for general discussion.
>>> When we started the group  there was a specific purpose behind it.
>> There
>>> are
>>> so many things which could be discussed about the problems of VCs. I
>> think
>>> we should have group purpose specific.
>>> So that we could be specialized in our approach in dealing with the
>>> problems
>>> related to us. Just casual remarks on issues are mere wastage of time
>> for
>>> so
>>> many people here around. I received more than 300 messages on the
>> issue of
>>> definition regarding the word blind.
>>> So many things which are important but do not fit in the scheme of
>> this
>>> group could be taken up with free mind else where. Now initiating a
>> group
>>> is
>>> not a big thing. Any body could start a group. We should not put our
>> nose
>>> in
>>> each and every discussion to which we have no idea or have little
>>> knowledge
>>> to contribute to others.
>>> With regards,
>>> VIP
>>> I hope the group would not take it otherwise. This is a specialized
>> world.
>>> and we are part and parcel of the same integrated globe.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Naushad C A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 7:36 PM
>>> Subject: [AI] question
   hello friends my name is Naushad and I am putting a
 question first
 time in access india.
 I am lea

Re: [AI] Good news.

2006-12-04 Thread Taraprakash
It is definitely not useless to us.
You have contributed to Access India discussions very significantly. On this 
list however, there are people working for private sector as well as for the 
government. The confusion of issues cannot always be ruled out.
- Original Message - 
From: "rakesh kumar gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Good news.

> Hello to all,
> Actually, my previous views are based on my own experience which is 
> related
> from the attitude of higher officers of Government department and
> institutions like my department of Education NCT.DELHI. For example, I had
> to attempt for so many time for getting permission for regarding to 
> learning
> computer training from NAB., R.K. PURAM, NEW DELHI and even though there 
> are
> so many computers are available in my school, but they are useless for me.
> After all, I have to buy it from my own resources, otherwise, this 
> computer
> training looked useless for me.
> Thanks,
> Rakesh.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 5:39 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Good news.
>> The main reason why employers are complacent about the promotion issue 
>> (at
>> least in the private sector) is that most of them assume that disabled
>> people are very unlikely to leave a job and will stick with it for a long
>> time when compared to their able-bodied counterparts.
>> While there might be a grain of truth in this, employers should bear in
>> mind
>> that disabled people are capable of as much ambition as their able-bodied
>> employees, and they are as much likely to leave a job for greener 
>> pastures
>> if available. In other words, they cannot take it for granted that their
>> disabled employees will stay on indefinitely and unconditionally.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 2:53 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Good news.
>>> To those who think employees are not given means to improve, here is a
>>> news item which I did for my newspaper a few days back. What is not
>>> included in this item is the comment by the VPHR that the disabled will
>>> be favourably considered for promotions, if they performances merrit it.
>>> Bangalore, Nov 29: These are exciting times for Ankit Jindal and Ranjini
>>> Ramanujam. A few months into their jobs with Infosys BPO, the duo enjoys
>>> their work. And their disabilities never get in the way. "I feel a lot
>>> more motivated now," says Ankit, who is visually challenged.
>>> "Getting a good job used to be my concern at college and working with
>>> one of the well-known names was like dream. Most of all, the fact that I
>>> could learn several new things is quite intriguing and is helping my
>>> confidence a great deal," says the 21-year-old Process Executive.
>>> Champion in Badminton for the hearing impaired and a chess buff, Ranjini
>>> also sees her job as the best opportunity to learn. "Competing with
>>> able-bodied people is a challenge I am learning to tackle," says the
>>> 28-year-old Rajyotsava awardee (2001), also a Process Executive at the
>>> BPO.
>>> As the world disability day approaches, the giant strides Ankit and
>>> Ranjini have made in their few months at the BPO dominate talks here.
>>> Infosys is one of several BPO's who have adapted equal opportunity
>>> initiatives, which has turned their campuses more accessible and their
>>> attitude towards disability more positive.
>>> "It all began with a full review of our system and see how conducive it
>>> can be made for persons with disability to work in it," says Nandita
>>> Gurjar, Vice President HR at the BPO. "That not only meant putting up
>>> ramps and wide entrances for wheelchairs, but also things like the teams
>>> learning sign language so as to co-ordinate with our hearing impaired
>>> employees."
>>> She accepts when the BPO began the initiatives, attitude among some
>>> officials were anything but positive. "They (senior executives) used to
>>> find it difficult accepting disabled employees," Nandita explains. "But,
>>> as they start to work with them, most of them are happy about it and in
>>> fact, have no complaints if persons with disabilities are assigned to
>>> their team."
>>> She also insists equal opportunity doesn't come at the expense of
>>> quality: "Our service to customers is non-negotiable. We make sure
>>> persons with disability get whatever facility it takes to work
>>> efficiently -such as using special software or converting all voices
>>> into text-but we must say that nearly all of them either live up to or
>>> exceed service requirements."
>>> In the last 18 months, the number of persons with disability working
>>> here has exceeded a hundred, a sign that the organisation is largely
>>> happy with the outcome of the equal

Re: [AI] A Burning Issues(replies)

2006-12-04 Thread Taraprakash
Let us try to answer some of them.

1. Can the sexual harassment of women in general and visually impaired women
in particular be comprehended in isolation from the larger structural and
cultural variations such as caste, class, gender, race, the state and other
forms of social communities?

Not really. However, since the blind women is a very small minority in the 
vast multitude, with some issues not effecting their sighted counterparts, 
there has to be an independent consideration for this problem.
Long back we have entered the age of smaller narratives, today there is not 
one grand truth, there are several small truths/ narratives. There is not 
one universal feminism there are several branches. The way western style 
feminism cannot and should not subsume the issues facing the women from 
east, the blind women in India can and should start a separate discourse. A 
feminist discourse not lead by the award seeking recognition hungry elite 
group but by the ones at the grass root level.

2. Should we reduce the gender discrimination within the visually impaired
community to the existing dominant social attitude that considers man and
woman as the two opposing categories?
That is not possible. The two opposing categories are the victim and the 
predator (can even can be replaced with have's and have not's). In some 
cases, the exploitation of the women can even be happening under the 
supervision of women themselves.
3. While talking about various institutions for the visually impaired women
it is absolutely essential to ask the question: What kind of institutions
are available for women and who controls them?
Who controls them is a bigger and more important question. If an 
organization is controlled by a pleasure seeking or money minded person, 
there are possibilities of ugly dealings. To actually find about the 
person/s who control them may be quite difficult sometimes.

4. Should the awareness campaign be confined only to the sensitization of
women? Isn't it essential to realize the fact that it is men in general and
visually impaired men in particular need to be told that women are not just
the readily available sexual objects, rather they are also active human
beings who deserve a meaningful and respectable human life with dignity?
Both. However, more often it is the men who need to be sensitized. 
Complicity of some women in such shady stuff cannot be ruled out, however, 
the ultimate beneficiary is a male.

5. Shouldn't it be necessary to extend any such awareness campaign beyond a
few handful of English speaking audience?

It really is. That is where the limitation of the computer technology comes. 
It cannot be done by Access India, however, it can be done by Access 

6. Can such awareness campaigns be materialized without the support of
certain institutions like the state, advocacy groups, NGOs, and activist
I have made my views on this clear in an earlier mail. Without them you can 
have a report of academic interest, nothing more than that.
Now a question from me. Can men be a voice for blind women? My answer is no. 
so I must shut up.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vetrivel Murugan Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issues(replies)

> Hi Smriti and others,
> I thought that Smriti's response in it's encapsulated form was
> self-clarificatory in many ways. Although I have not expressed my views on
> this so for, I have been paying close attention to the views of the list 
> on
> this topic and being a male researcher specialized in Gender I have the
> following views. I would like to list them in the form of some questions 
> so
> as to make them thought provoking.
> 1. Can the sexual harassment of women in general and visually impaired 
> women
> in particular be comprehended in isolation from the larger structural and
> cultural variations such as caste, class, gender, race, the state and 
> other
> forms of social communities?
> 2. Should we reduce the gender discrimination within the visually impaired
> community to the existing dominant social attitude that considers man and
> woman as the two opposing categories?
> 3. While talking about various institutions for the visually impaired 
> women
> it is absolutely essential to ask the question: What kind of institutions
> are available for women and who controls them?
> 4. Should the awareness campaign be confined only to the sensitization of
> women? Isn't it essential to realize the fact that it is men in general 
> and
> visually impaired men in particular need to be told that women are not 
> just
> the readily available sexual objects, rather they are also active human
> beings who deserve a meaningful and respectable human life with dignity?
> 5. Shouldn't it be necessary to extend any such awareness campaign beyond 
> a
> few handful of English speaking audience?

Re: [AI] Examinations using pc

2006-12-04 Thread Taraprakash
That is the universal standard. universities arbitrarily decide the amount 
of extra time. But that can be legally challenged.

- Original Message - 
From: "rajesh asudani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 11:29 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Examinations using pc

> Well, the ratio of 50% extra time is something new for me. Has it been
> recently fixed by UGC? hitherto we used to get either half an hour or in
> case of some universities like Nagpur and [perhaps delhi also], one full
> hour extra..
> Rajesh
> ----- Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 9:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Examinations using pc
>> UGC provides for 50 % extra time. so If the total time allowed is 3 
>> hours,
>> you should get 4.5 hours. The computer crash or load shading all depend 
>> on
>> your luck. You have no legal right on asking for more extra time. what 
>> you
>> can however, ask for is uninterupted power supply.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Shadab Husain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 11:02 PM
>> Subject: [AI] Examinations using pc
>>> Friends, I have some questions on giving examinations using pc.
>>> 1. what if the electricity goes off during the exam, and the
>>> substituting device takes time to start? Will we get extra time for
>>> that?
>>> 2. we are not getting any extra time, but almost everyone makes
>>> typographical errors, and it is easier for sighted people to catch
>>> their mistakes because they look at the screen when they type; but we
>>> don't look. Do we not deserve any extra time for proof reading?
>>> 3. the speed of the computer, in my humble opinion, plays a crucial
>>> role while typing. For example, if we are using the option of both
>>> characters and words while typing on pentium 4, and the ram is less
>>> than 256, jaws takes a little time to speak the typed letter, and when
>>> we press the space bar in order to listen the word, it takes half a
>>> second to speak the word. And sometimes this takes more than this!
>>> Will we get a p 4 with 512 ram to take our examination?
>>>  trusting a reply from you
>>>  Shadab Husain
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please 
visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] A Burning Issue

2006-12-03 Thread Taraprakash
You are agreeing with what viraj hasn't said. Nowhere he maintained that 
women from this group should express their opinions about the issue, it is 
up to them and they are well with in their rights to maintain a silence. 
What he is trying to do is draw the attention back to the issue of the 
organizations meant for blind women being in fact against them. Some 
previous mails turned the focus of the discussion more towards women than 
the organizations. It seems to be in the interest of the organizations. To 
say that women should learn the martial arts is kind of divesting those 
organizations from their responsibility.
That women haven't written their opinion is not surprising, what surprises 
is anyone not coming with a mail stating that it is our business, we will 
investigate it. There are members who claim to be working for the blind, if 
there are some working for blind women may take this initiative. Or someone 
could say, we work in this area and Smriti's statement is incorrect.

- Original Message - 
From: "rakesh kumar gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue

> Hello to all,
> Yes, I am agree with Viraj Kafle.
> I think, this should be great surprising for our group that we have not
> received any single comment from a single female in this regard till now,
> even though after moderating this important and relevant issue, Smriti has
> not given any such remark or direction for forwarding this talk, while it 
> is
> very important that the girls should express their views, suggestions and
> also their feelings in this regard.
> Thanks,
> Rakesh.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Viraj Kafle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 7:04 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue
>> The debate going on about this issue is very insightful. However, As far
>> as
>> I feell, we should remember the key issue raised in the beginning by
>> Smriti.
>> More than about direct sexual assault or rape, what she was trying to
>> point
>> out is the indirect, but well covered- up cases of sexual harassments
>> taking
>> place in very institutions which are meant to be protective for them.
>> Best regards.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 4:30 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue
>>> Dear Rakesh:
>>> I can't say anything about unusual circumstances, because it is hard for
>>> anyone to do anything if a reliable person turn out to be the culprit.
>>> The idea of marshal arts isn't something I plucked out from emptiness.
>>> There organisations in Chennai, for instance, and I am sure you would
>>> find them elsewhere as well, who teach marshal arts to girls, especially
>>> vulnerable to sexual assaults.
>>> I had a friend, Reshma Sharma, a black belt in Karate, who taught
>>> marshal arts to batch of girls who came to her for help and was awarded
>>> by the T N govt. So, assuming such things work for normal girls, you can
>>> replicate the idea easily with some changes for VI girls as well.
>>> -Original Message-
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of rakesh
>>> kumar gupta
>>> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 5:38 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue
>>> Hello Subramani, Smriti and to all,
>>> I think that your suggestions are cheerful and implementable and even
>>> though
>>> may be relevant in present context because "self defense is best weapon
>>> for
>>> self protection."
>>> But, I have some little doubt to implement in practical specially for:
>>> Firstly, totally blind girls, who may not be able to see to "the rapper"
>>> and
>>> Secondly, that crucial time, specially when the rappers are in a group
>>> because in this situation, normal trained girls in self defense find to
>>> themselves "helpless".
>>> Perhaps, all of you are aware better from this real fact that several
>>> girls
>>> are raped by their relatives even though by their "real Father and real
>>> Brother". So, we can't rely upon them completely.
>>> Now, please write me if either of you ,have any specific suggestion for
>>> regarding to this issue specially for which I have pointed out.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rakesh.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Subramani L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 1:39 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue
 Dear Smrithi:

 I happened to read in a report that mentally retarded girls specially
 those young, are vulnerable to sexual assaults and the fact that they
 are vulnerable doesn't help their cause. They have to be protected by
 parents and those blood-relatives, though it is easier said than done.

 But, in my opinion, blind girls can learn Karate, carry stuffs like
 mirchi powder 

Re: [AI] A Burning Issue

2006-12-03 Thread Taraprakash
I agree.
But when a student writes a report even if well supported with accurate data 
but not supported by any relevant organization, it remains a mere study. The 
chances that it makes a difference in policies of the government or 
organizations, is very slim.
Smriti is a research fellow, working on a topic related to blind,  keeps in 
touch with me for guidance, it was just a suggestion with a kind of warning 
of isolation to her to conduct  a study in the matter .

I again wish her luck if she works on the topic.
It might ultimately be quite useful.

- Original Message - 
From: "Harish Kotian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 03, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue

> Hello Tara Prakash
> I differ with you that is merely of accademic interest.
> If that be the case, all forms of exploitation can be reduced to that one
> line. However, in reality that is not the case. Changes are brought about
> when one fights against exploitation. The expression of resistance  can 
> vary
> on a case by case basis.
> Harish.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 8:31 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] A Burning Issue
>> So why don't you initiate the discussion? it is a burning issue, agreed.
>> But
>> what makes you think that there are not enough laws to prevent such a
>> despicable thing?
>> There are several instances to prove that organizations supposedly 
>> working
>> for the disabled, exploit disability and disabled to maximum extent. It
>> requires courage to say and do such stuff. It will make in to a good
>> study,
>> should you decide pursuing it. But be prepared for isolation in this
>> field.
>> Ultimately it remains the matter of academic interest, nothing more. Is
>> there any organization which claims to be a voice of the disabled and has
>> more than 50 % of the disabled employees? How many organizations are 
>> there
>> which can claim they have a written rule that 3 % of the seats will be
>> reserved for the disabled according to our constitution?
>> I am not trying to sidetrack the issue you raised but expecting something
>> significant from NGO's in this regards is expecting a little too much.
>> They
>> themselves don't practise what they preach.
>> Unless things have drastically changed recently, with the exception of
>> NAB,
>> none of the major organizations employ disabled readily.
>> You can start collecting data and publish an interesting study. Rather
>> than
>> always criticizing media, there is nothing wrong in it, and criticizing
>> government, another well -deserved  criticism, we must sometime self
>> introspect. Is our house really in order?
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "smriti singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 9:22 PM
>> Subject: [AI] A Burning Issue
>>> Hello Accessindia,
>>> Some of you must have come across a recent NDTV news
>>> report, which tells us about a case of a
>>> mentally-challenged girl being sexually harassed in
>>> some institution for the mentally-challenged women in
>>> Gaziabad. The issue is, and must be, a matter of great
>>> concern for each one of us. Like it or not, several
>>> visually challenged girls also are being victimised of
>>> such malpractices in several institutions. In Delhi,
>>> for instance, we often hear about such cases in many
>>> hostels for college-going visually challenged girls in
>>> muffled voices.
>>> In this list, we have many people who are working for
>>> NGOs and various other kinds of such activities.
>>> Therefore, I find this list a very significant
>>> plateform for the discussion of issues of an extreme
>>> concern like this. I strongly feell, and would like to
>>> assert, that there must be some law or some kind of
>>> code of conduct to prevents such instances of the
>>> visually challenged women's sexual harassments.
>>> Therefore, I would like to have a discussion on this
>>> matter in the list.
>>> Regards,
>>> Smriti.
>>> Smriti Singh
>>> Programme: M. Phil (English Literature)
>>> Room # 03
>>> Sabarmati Hostel
>>> Jawaharlal Nehru University

[AI] Useful info about audio books

2006-12-01 Thread Taraprakash
The following is a part of the response I recieved from BBC7 to a question. 
It may be useful to some of the listers.

has all BBC Radio Collection and Cover to Cover products available as well 
as those from several other publishers. You can buy by mail order for 
overseas on the site - select to see prices in US dollars, and 'HELP' then 
'Delivery charges' will give you p&p costs.

is a dedicated website where you can get lots of information about BBC Radio 
Collection's products.

** Cover to Cover, who publish lots of unabridged book readings, are at

is the BBC Shop's website - they have a good range of BBC products. They 
don't carry all of our published titles, but they do do mail order overseas.

Alternatively, you can buy by mail order by post or phone from BBC 
Audiobooks, St James House, The Square, Lower Bristol Road, Bath BA2 3SB; 
 01225 443400 or 0 800 136919; fax: 01225 448005; e-mail:
There is a postage and packing charge, depending on the number of items you 
buy, so check this when you place an order.

Hope this helps.
Thank you again
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Re: [AI] Examinations using pc

2006-12-01 Thread Taraprakash
UGC provides for 50 % extra time. so If the total time allowed is 3 hours, 
you should get 4.5 hours. The computer crash or load shading all depend on 
your luck. You have no legal right on asking for more extra time. what you 
can however, ask for is uninterupted power supply.

- Original Message - 
From: "Shadab Husain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 11:02 PM
Subject: [AI] Examinations using pc

> Friends, I have some questions on giving examinations using pc.
> 1. what if the electricity goes off during the exam, and the
> substituting device takes time to start? Will we get extra time for
> that?
> 2. we are not getting any extra time, but almost everyone makes
> typographical errors, and it is easier for sighted people to catch
> their mistakes because they look at the screen when they type; but we
> don't look. Do we not deserve any extra time for proof reading?
> 3. the speed of the computer, in my humble opinion, plays a crucial
> role while typing. For example, if we are using the option of both
> characters and words while typing on pentium 4, and the ram is less
> than 256, jaws takes a little time to speak the typed letter, and when
> we press the space bar in order to listen the word, it takes half a
> second to speak the word. And sometimes this takes more than this!
> Will we get a p 4 with 512 ram to take our examination?
>  trusting a reply from you
>  Shadab Husain
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Re: [AI] Another good news

2006-12-01 Thread Taraprakash
Congratulations to Nafisa ji.
I was wondering what was so auspicious about a politician's hands.
Let's modify it to "the award will be conferred to the auspicious hands of 
Nafisa Bohariwala" by Somnath Chatterjee.

- Original Message - 
From: "Suhas Karnik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 12:01 PM
Subject: [AI] Another good news

> Hello,
> Mrs. Nafisa Bohariwala is nominated for this year's Shell Helen Keller 
> Award
> as Best Blind Role Model. The said award is instituted by National Centre
> for Promotion of Employemnt of Disabled Persons. The award will be given
> today i.e. 1st December at India International Centre, New Delhi at the
> auspicious hands of Shri. Somnath Chatterjee, Speaker, Lok Sabha.
> Nafisa is a senior manager with Central Bank of India's HRD Department at
> Mumbai.
> Hats off to Nafisa or this feat!
> Amities,
> Suhas Karnik
> _
> Shah Rukh fan? Know all about the Baadshah of Bollywood. On MSN Search
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
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Re: [AI] problem pertaining to kurzweil

2006-12-01 Thread Taraprakash
That perhaps means the drivers are not installed.
Look for your installation CD and install the  scanner.
- Original Message - 
From: "Shadab Husain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] problem pertaining to kurzweil

> after pressing ault + t and then s and then tab again and again, no
> option like source or interface is coming. it is telling that the mode
> is read and recognise, scanner brightness and other settings, but not
> this option.
>  thanks
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Re: [AI] disability and media

2006-12-01 Thread Taraprakash
Anjali. I no longer like such studies, I have been part of several such 
studies conducted by leading institutions like School of Planning and 
Architecture, IIT and IIMC, and I decide finally to discourage all such 
disabled based studies unless they are not restricted with in the confines 
of the book shelves.
However, since you have asked I will suggest you to look for Access India 
archives. You will find a long discussion on this topic when the list was on 
free list.

If you and your friend want to see how an innocent looking depiction of the 
disabled can have dangerous ramification when considered with seriousness, 
listen/watch "Tom Dick and Harry".
Good luck

- Original Message - 
From: "Anjali Arora" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 6:13 PM
Subject: [AI] disability and media

> friends,
> a friend of mine is conducting some field research of responses about how 
> disability is represented in the electronic media.  she has certain set of 
> questions which I am pasting at the end of this E-mail.
> i request you all to go through these and reply  to me off the list.  In 
> addition, the discussion if permitted by the  moderator  can be done  on 
> the list itself.
> I see it as an opportunity to voice the manner in which disability and 
> disable are represented in the media-good or otherwise. say whatever you 
> like/ dislike, prefer or discard, want to change or undo.
> Please be as detailed in your responses as you want as there is no limit 
> of words.
> Also, the responses are not going to be evaluated and you can say whatever 
> you feel-its perfectly right...its your personal view/ response/ reaction/ 
> opinion.
> each of us can have different or diverse responses and each is equally 
> important and valuable.  there is nothing like right or wrong.  its about 
> how you perceive the representation. your view is important.
> I hope to receive many responses on these questions in particular and 
> relating to the issue if anyone has to say something more.
> list of questions:
> 1. Do you watch or have you seen any of these serials?
> -Sindoor
> -Dulhan
> -Saat Phere
> -Disha
> -Kkoshish ek asha
> -Astitva
> -Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi
> -Mehndi tere naam ki
> 2. Can you recall any character with disability in these serials?
> 3. What disability was it?
> 4. Did the depiction of the disability and people's responses to it, match 
> you personal experiences? Can you explain your response?
> 5. Was the character with disability integral to the plot and story?
> 6. What there a justification for his/her disability in the storyline?
> 7. What did you like/dislike about the character. If you could change 
> something about the story or their traits what would they be and why?
> 8. With the frequency of characters with disability increasing on TV do 
> you think the media has fulfilled its responsibility towards the disabled?
> 9. Is the representation inclusive and empowering?
> 10. Do you recall and instances where the portrayal was sensitive and 
> intelligent? Could you tell us why?
> thanks for your responses
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Re: [AI] A Burning Issue

2006-12-01 Thread Taraprakash
So why don't you initiate the discussion? it is a burning issue, agreed. But 
what makes you think that there are not enough laws to prevent such a 
despicable thing?
There are several instances to prove that organizations supposedly working 
for the disabled, exploit disability and disabled to maximum extent. It 
requires courage to say and do such stuff. It will make in to a good study, 
should you decide pursuing it. But be prepared for isolation in this field.
Ultimately it remains the matter of academic interest, nothing more. Is 
there any organization which claims to be a voice of the disabled and has 
more than 50 % of the disabled employees? How many organizations are there 
which can claim they have a written rule that 3 % of the seats will be 
reserved for the disabled according to our constitution?
I am not trying to sidetrack the issue you raised but expecting something 
significant from NGO's in this regards is expecting a little too much. They 
themselves don't practise what they preach.
Unless things have drastically changed recently, with the exception of NAB, 
none of the major organizations employ disabled readily.
You can start collecting data and publish an interesting study. Rather than 
always criticizing media, there is nothing wrong in it, and criticizing 
government, another well -deserved  criticism, we must sometime self 
introspect. Is our house really in order?

- Original Message - 
From: "smriti singh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 9:22 PM
Subject: [AI] A Burning Issue

> Hello Accessindia,
> Some of you must have come across a recent NDTV news
> report, which tells us about a case of a
> mentally-challenged girl being sexually harassed in
> some institution for the mentally-challenged women in
> Gaziabad. The issue is, and must be, a matter of great
> concern for each one of us. Like it or not, several
> visually challenged girls also are being victimised of
> such malpractices in several institutions. In Delhi,
> for instance, we often hear about such cases in many
> hostels for college-going visually challenged girls in
> muffled voices.
> In this list, we have many people who are working for
> NGOs and various other kinds of such activities.
> Therefore, I find this list a very significant
> plateform for the discussion of issues of an extreme
> concern like this. I strongly feell, and would like to
> assert, that there must be some law or some kind of
> code of conduct to prevents such instances of the
> visually challenged women's sexual harassments.
> Therefore, I would like to have a discussion on this
> matter in the list.
> Regards,
> Smriti.
> Smriti Singh
> Programme: M. Phil (English Literature)
> Room # 03
> Sabarmati Hostel
> Jawaharlal Nehru University
> Want to start your own business?
> Learn how on Yahoo! Small Business.
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Re: [AI] Need Guidance

2006-11-30 Thread Taraprakash
And can be mailed on a simple post card.
However, if the case is really in the public interest can be a moot point.

- Original Message - 
From: "Harishkumar Kotian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Need Guidance

> Hi Vedri
> Rather, the information has to be provided within a time frame or else 
> there
> is also a penelity clause under RTI.
> PIL is no way expensive, you can make a petition by yourself. It does not
> require it to be drafted by a person having a legal background. It is to 
> be
> addressed to Chief justice to which the High court has its jurisdiction.
> Harish.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vetrivel Murugan Adhimoolam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Need Guidance
>> If I were you, then I would just go ahead and file a PIL against the bank
>> since the information has not been disclosed without any reason. the 
>> right
>> to information act although looks fantastic at the surface level, it
>> actually takes ages to expect justices of some sort. Of course I know 
>> that
>> it is an expensive suggestion, but worth doing it since it's fruits can 
>> be
>> extended beyond a particular situation. It is also a good idea to see
>> whether you can mobilize at least some of those handicapped candidates 
>> who
>> appeared and see if they can share the cost in filing a PIL.
>> Vetri.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "pushkar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 7:36 AM
>> Subject: [AI] Need Guidance
>>> Hello Access India ,
>>> I am Pushkar Raj Pandey , working in Union Bank Of India . Recently I
>>> cleared Written Test organised by our Bank for promotion. I was called
>>> for
>>> interview and it was also fine . But I was not in Merit List. Then I
>>> asked
>>> my colleagues who   are in Mumbai (Central Office) . They informed me
>>> that
>>> list of all the 31 Handicapped Persons were made before Interview and
>>> pannel decided not to promote these persons. Our Bank is also not
>>> declaring  Marks(Written+Interview ) of the persons who have cleared the
>>> written test . I am unable to understand what to do ? Therefore I want
>>> your valuable suggestions.
>>> I also want to ask that is any person in our group working in Union Bank
>>> Of India who is sufferer  of  this problem.
>>> Thanking You
>>> pushkar raj pandey
>>> phone 01122579873
>>> mob no. 9868838673
>>> sk id pushkar74
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
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2006-11-30 Thread Taraprakash
Generally Hadley doesn't make the proceedings of such seminars available for 
you to download.
So my subjective answer would be "no".

- Original Message - 
From: "Sudhir R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] FW: New [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi folks !
> Any idea whether the proceedings of this seminar would be later posted on
> the Hadley site (or any other) either as a podcast or as a transcript ?
> Thanks and regards
> RS
> M: 98 472 76 126
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ch. Srinivasu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 12:07 AM
> Subject: [AI] FW: New [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> -Original Message-
>> From: The Hadley School for the Blind [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: None
>> Subject: New [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> November 29, 2006
>> The Hadley School for the Blind
>> Phone: (800) 323-4238
>> Beat the Rush with Online Shopping
>> Winnetka, IL- Avoid the frenzy of the stores this holiday season and shop
> at
>> your convenience from the comfort of your own home. The Hadley School for
>> the Blind will present a free Web seminar, "Online Shopping," December 5,
> at
>> 1 p.m. Central Time and 7 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time.
>> This one-hour interactive seminar will be presented by three of Hadley's
>> visually impaired staff. They will share tips for safeguarding your
>> computer, protecting your identity and making secure transactions while
>> shopping online. Techniques and resources ranging from retail stores to
>> online auctions to travel sites will be discussed.
>> Registration is required and space is limited. Register by going to
>> and follow the "Registration" link. You
> will
>> receive a confirmation email containing instructions to log in to the
>> seminar. Please note registration will only be taken online, and not by
>> phone.
>> Technical requirements to participate in the seminar are:
>> For Windows: Windows98, ME, 2K, XP or 2003 (XP recommended) system,
> Pentium
>> 3 500 MHz or better CPU, 512 MB RAM, Internet Explorer 6 or FireFox,
>> JavaScript and cookies enabled in the browser, 56K or faster Internet
>> connection (broadband recommended), full duplex audio device, speakers,
> and
>> microphone (optional).
>> For Macintosh: Mac OS 10.3 system or later, 512 MB Ram, Safari or FireFox
>> browser, JavaScript and cookies enabled in the browser, 56 K or faster
>> Internet connection (broadband recommended), full duplex audio device,
>> speakers and microphone (optional).
>> If you wish to be permanently removed from The Hadley School for the 
>> Blind
>> mailing list, please send your request to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Do not
>> reply to this message. It was sent from an automated system and replies
> will
>> not be answered.
>> Editor's Note: The Hadley School for the Blind is the single largest
>> worldwide distance educator of blind and visually impaired people. Since
> its
>> founding by William Hadley and Dr. E.V.L. Brown in 1920, all of Hadley's
>> distance education courses have been provided free of charge. Today, the
>> school serves more than 10,000 students annually in all 50 states and 100
>> countries. Hadley relies on contributions from individuals, foundations
> and
>> corporations to fund its programs. Visit us on the Web at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the subject unsubscribe.
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> with the subject unsubscribe.
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Re: [AI] Help.

2006-11-30 Thread Taraprakash
Thanks for clariffication.
And great to see you here.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ashok Kanaujiya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:19 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Help.

> Sir,
> the number of AICB you gave is for fax only and the number to call is:
> 011,27054082.
> regards,
> Ashok Kanaujiya.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Help.
>> The person in this particular context wants books in the cassette form.
>> Blind Relief Association recording studio is a great repository for books
>> containing these topics.
>> Again i cannot trust my memory too much but you can try the following
>> phone
>> number to ask about the availability of books.
>> 011-2436-1376
>> AICB Rohin can also be contacted. Again a number from a faulty memory.
>> 011-2705-0915.
>> NAB Delhi, surely has such books in English but I am not sure if they are
>> still maintaining the cassettes. But you can check with them. The number
>> surely is
>> 011-2610-2944
>> You can ask on the list particular authors prescribed in the course.
>> People
>> belonging  to these organizations are members of the list and  s time
>> permits, they might be willing to check the availability of the specific
>> books.
>> BB Chaudhary is one who writes Political Science and History books 
>> keeping
>> the curricula in mind, covering as many topics as possible. his books 
>> will
>> surely be available.
>> Best of luck
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:20 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Help.
>>> please contact Nfb library at bahadurgarh. some books in braille 
>>> covering
>>> the topics mentioned, are available there.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> From: "Devendra Nikose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:11 PM
>>> Subject: [AI] Help.
>>>> Hi friends
>>>> Yesterday a college student of B. A.  part one, came to me for help. 
>>>> She
>>>> is a totally blind girl by birth. She completed her higher secondary
>>>> education in normal school. She got 75% marks in higher secondary. She
>>>> doesn't know Braille. She is studying in Hindi medium. She is facing
>>>> difficulties in college study. I suggested her to purchase a PC for
>>>> study
>>>> but her economic condition is not so good.She has taken Political
>>>> science,
>>>> Sociology and history.She wants recorded chapters of each subjects on
>>>> cassettes.
>>>> I want to know that from where she can get those recorded cassette in
>>>> Hindi.I am pasting below the syllabus of Political science.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Devendra Nikose
>>>> Contense
>>>> First paper
>>>> 1: definition scope and nature of political science.
>>>> 2: methods of study: traditional and behavioral
>>>> 3: relation of political science with other social science.
>>>> 4: states and its essential elements.
>>>> 5: various theories of the origin of the states.
>>>> 6: functions of the states.
>>>> 7: the welfare state.
>>>> 8:  theories of the nature of the state.
>>>> 9: sovereignty and pluralism.
>>>> 10: law
>>>> 11: liberty and equality.
>>>> 12: rights, universal, declaration of human rights and duties.
>>>> 13: forms of governments: democracy and dictatorship.
>>>> 14: parliamentary and presidential type of government.
>>>> 15: unitary and federal government.
>>>> 16: organs of governments:  legislature, executive and judiciary.
>>>> 17: theory of the separation of powers.
>>>> 18: constitution and constitutionalism.
>>>> 19: party system.
>>>> 20: pressure groups

Re: [AI] Problem pertaining to Kurzweil please help

2006-11-30 Thread Taraprakash
And remember via if it is just "HP scanner" not "via HP scanner", you will 
land in the same trouble again.

- Original Message - 
From: "Viraj Kafle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Problem pertaining to Kurzweil please help

> Problem is with the source itself. Don't reinstall it. Just do the steps 
> we
> have suggested. To repeat:
> 1. Press alt T to go to the scanner dialogue box.
> 2. press tab till you reach to the source option.
> 3. Press down errow till you find the option called something like Via HP
> Scanner and press enter.
> 4. Press alt T again, and then press V, which will take you to the save
> setting dialogue box.
> 5. Just Press enter there and you are done.
> It is a very known issue with HP scanners and, since I am using this and 
> we
> have the same HP scanner in our university library, I'm dead sure about 
> it.
> Original Message - 
> From: "Shadab Husain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Problem pertaining to Kurzweil please help
>> but it is scanning the first page, not the second. to scann the second
>> page, I have to restart my computer. so, the source is ok. I think, I
>> have to again install the kurzweil, and, once Mr. viraj you sent me
>> the steps regarding kurzweil. can you please sent it to me again?
>>  thanks.
>> On 11/30/06, rajpal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> One more thing is there to keep in mind that before exiting from 
>>> kurzweil
>>> go
>>> to the settings menu and hit enter on save settings. The system will ask
>>> for
>>> a file name you can save your setting in a different file or also in the
>>> default file.
>>> Rajpal
>>> -Original Message-
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Viraj Kafle
>>> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 6:34 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Problem pertaining to Kurzweil please help
>>> Press alt T and S, which will take you to the scanning dialogue box.
>>> Press
>>> tab till you reach the scanner source option. Press down errow and 
>>> select
>>> via HP scanner. This will solve the problem.
>>> Take care.
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with
>>> the subject unsubscribe.
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>>> please
>>> visit the list home page at
>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with
>>> the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please
>>> visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
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> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] Need Guidance

2006-11-30 Thread Taraprakash
If the PWD act has not been recently amended, there is no provision for 
reservations in promotions.

- Original Message - 
From: "rajesh asudani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 

Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Need Guidance

> Hello Ved Prakash
> I will be much obliged if you could cite the relevant section of the
> disability act?!
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 5:25 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Need Guidance
>> No. there is reservation in promotions also. please refer to the
>> disability
>> act.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "rajesh asudani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 2:15 AM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Need Guidance
>>> Well, I don't think there is any quota or reservation for disabled
>>> employees
>>> in promotions!
>>> Rajesh.
>>> - Original Message - 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 10:27 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [AI] Need Guidance
 hello pushkar, in interview,, it is a discretionary power of 
 they never want to promote a blind person, however, you should ask for
 kota of handicapped, they have to recrute 3% from handicapped category.
 don't waste your time and take legal advice, you must take action
 UBI.  while residing at delhi, you are facing such problems, what
 for those people like us, are residing at small cities and sub urban

 - Original Message - 
 From: "pushkar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 9:06 PM
 Subject: [AI] Need Guidance

> Hello Access India ,
> I am Pushkar Raj Pandey , working in Union Bank Of India . Recently I
> cleared Written Test organised by our Bank for promotion. I was called
> for
> interview and it was also fine . But I was not in Merit List. Then I
> asked
> my colleagues who   are in Mumbai (Central Office) . They informed me
> that
> list of all the 31 Handicapped Persons were made before Interview and
> pannel decided not to promote these persons. Our Bank is also not
> declaring  Marks(Written+Interview ) of the persons who have cleared
> the
> written test . I am unable to understand what to do ? Therefore I want
> your valuable suggestions.
> I also want to ask that is any person in our group working in Union
> Bank
> Of India who is sufferer  of  this problem.
> Thanking You
> pushkar raj pandey
> phone 01122579873
> mob no. 9868838673
> sk id pushkar74
> To unsubscribe send a message to 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
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 The Information transmitted in this email is solely for the addressee.
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 delete the mail from your system. Any opinion or views expressed in 
 mail may not necessarily reflect that of Punjab National Bank. The bank
 considers unencrypted email as an insecure mode of communication.

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 To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
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>>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>>> please visit the list home page at
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] Help.

2006-11-30 Thread Taraprakash
The person in this particular context wants books in the cassette form.
Blind Relief Association recording studio is a great repository for books 
containing these topics.
Again i cannot trust my memory too much but you can try the following phone 
number to ask about the availability of books.

AICB Rohin can also be contacted. Again a number from a faulty memory.

NAB Delhi, surely has such books in English but I am not sure if they are 
still maintaining the cassettes. But you can check with them. The number 
surely is


You can ask on the list particular authors prescribed in the course. People 
belonging  to these organizations are members of the list and  s time 
permits, they might be willing to check the availability of the specific 
BB Chaudhary is one who writes Political Science and History books keeping 
the curricula in mind, covering as many topics as possible. his books will 
surely be available.
Best of luck
- Original Message - 
From: "Vedprakash Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Help.

> please contact Nfb library at bahadurgarh. some books in braille covering
> the topics mentioned, are available there.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Devendra Nikose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 5:11 PM
> Subject: [AI] Help.
>> Hi friends
>> Yesterday a college student of B. A.  part one, came to me for help. She
>> is a totally blind girl by birth. She completed her higher secondary
>> education in normal school. She got 75% marks in higher secondary. She
>> doesn't know Braille. She is studying in Hindi medium. She is facing
>> difficulties in college study. I suggested her to purchase a PC for study
>> but her economic condition is not so good.She has taken Political 
>> science,
>> Sociology and history.She wants recorded chapters of each subjects on
>> cassettes.
>> I want to know that from where she can get those recorded cassette in
>> Hindi.I am pasting below the syllabus of Political science.
>> Regards
>> Devendra Nikose
>> Contense
>> First paper
>> 1: definition scope and nature of political science.
>> 2: methods of study: traditional and behavioral
>> 3: relation of political science with other social science.
>> 4: states and its essential elements.
>> 5: various theories of the origin of the states.
>> 6: functions of the states.
>> 7: the welfare state.
>> 8:  theories of the nature of the state.
>> 9: sovereignty and pluralism.
>> 10: law
>> 11: liberty and equality.
>> 12: rights, universal, declaration of human rights and duties.
>> 13: forms of governments: democracy and dictatorship.
>> 14: parliamentary and presidential type of government.
>> 15: unitary and federal government.
>> 16: organs of governments:  legislature, executive and judiciary.
>> 17: theory of the separation of powers.
>> 18: constitution and constitutionalism.
>> 19: party system.
>> 20: pressure groups.
>> 21: various theories and system of representation.
>> 22: local self- government.
>> 23: rural and urban local government.
>> 24: district government: concept and organization.
>> Second paper
>> 1: rise of Indian national movement and foundation of the congress.
>> 2: moderate wing of the congress and their policies.
>> 3: extremist wing of the congress and their policies.
>> 4: government of India act, 1909
>> 5: government of India act, 1919 and dyarchy.
>> 6: government of India act, 1935
>> 7: gandhian era and non-co-operation movement.
>> 8:  civil disobedience movement.
>> 9:  quit India movement and Indian policies.
>> 10:   revolutionary movement and its contribution.
>> 11:  communalism in India: origin growth and result.
>> 12: the Indian independence act, 1947
>> 13: preamble of the constitution: philosophical basis.
>> 14: main features of the Indian constitution.
>> 15:  federal structure.
>> 16: fundamental rights and fundamental duties.
>> 17: directive principles of the state policy.
>> 18: the union legislature: parliament
>> 19: union executive: president.
>> 20: the union council of ministers and prim minister
>> 21: Supreme Court: organization, powers and judicial activities.
>> 22: state executive: governor and council of the ministers.
>> 23: the state legislature
>> 24: high court and judicial system  at the state legal
>> 25: factors influencing the Indian politics.
>> 26: Indian political parties
>> 27: pressure groups in Indian politics
>> 28: defection politics
>> 29: electoral system: reforms
>> 30: politics of coalition government
>> 31: powerisation the weaker section of the society.
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
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[AI] talking crayons

2006-11-29 Thread Taraprakash
Chronicle Herald, Nova Scotia, Canada
> >Tuesday, November 28, 2006
> >
> >Talking crayons developed to help toddlers learn colours and
> >spelling
> >
> >
> >A totally new take on crayons
> >
> >Caption: Rachel Yorke, 7, is a blind Salmon River Elementary School
> >student
> >who is using a set of crayons with an attachment that tells her the
> >colour
> >name
> >and helps her spell it. The device, which helps toddlers learn to
> >spell,
> >creates independency for Rachel. (JOEL JACOBSON)
> >
> >Blue. Spell it with me. B-L-U-E.
> >
> >That's a talking crayon, one developed to help toddlers learn
> >colours and
> >how to spell.
> >
> >It talks through a battery-operated plastic base in which it is
> >inserted.
> >The base reads the colour and relates the information. However,
> >six-year-old
> >Rachel
> >Yorke has found another use for the crayon.
> >
> >Because she is blind, the Grade 1 student at Salmon River
> >Elementary School
> >is able to 'see' each of the six colours in the package by using
> >the base.
> >
> >They're called Dora i-crayons -- 'i' for interactive, which is
> >becoming a
> >norm with many of today's children's toys and learning methods.
> >Many of the
> >tools
> >Rachel uses in school and at home have interactive components so
> >she can
> >sense what she cannot see.
> >
> >LINK:
> >
> >
> >She hugs a Winnie the Pooh bear that talks to her, asking questions
> >for her
> >to answer aloud about his (and her) favourite Pooh characters.
> >
> >She has learning tools such as colouring pages with raised images
> >for her to
> >fill in areas with her talking crayons. She learned braille as a
> >toddler and
> >now has an older machine at home and a sleeker, more modern one at
> >school to
> >type in Braille, which helps her keep up with her classmates.
> >
> >But it's the talking crayons that have created the most enjoyment
> >for this
> >youngster since her grandmother Linda Babineau accidentally found
> >them in a
> >Truro
> >department store a couple of weeks ago.
> >
> >Candace Yorke picks up the story. 'I was in Halifax at the IWK
> >Health Centre
> >for an eye checkup with Rachel. My mother took our four-year-old,
> >Kaytlen,
> >shopping and Kaytie saw the crayons and wanted them.'
> >
> >She laughs. 'Of course, her grandmother gave in, not knowing they
> >talked,
> >but just that her granddaughter wanted them. When we realized they
> >talked,
> >the
> >first thought was how perfect they were for Rachel. Now she can
> >colour
> >without having to ask anyone for help. She has independence when
> >colouring.'
> >
> >Candace says she had attached braille labels to her earlier crayons
> >for
> >Rachel to identify the colours but this had the advantage of the
> >crayons
> >talking
> >to the little girl.
> >
> >Candace e-mailed International World of Toys in Montreal, which
> >created and
> >patented the crayons a year before, expressing her delight with the
> >product
> >and explaining how Rachel is blind and able to use this wonderful
> >new tool
> >to help her learn.
> >
> >'I was overwhelmed to hear from Candace,' says Laurie Verrelli,
> >president of
> >the company, which has sold more than 300,000 sets of six crayons
> >worldwide
> >since the launch a year ago.
> >
> >'When we developed this a year or so ago, our aim was to teach
> >toddlers. I
> >was so happy to hear Rachel received such pleasure, and
> >independence, from
> >the
> >crayons. We had never thought that far ahead, that the crayons
> >would help
> >blind children.'
> >
> >She reacted instantly. The next day, an express van pulled up to
> >the Yorke
> >house with a parcel for Rachel: Laurie had sent her a few extra
> >sets of
> >crayons.
> >
> >'Through Candace, we've started to make contacts with schools to
> >provide
> >them with crayons,' says Laurie. The Atlantic Provinces Special
> >Education
> >Authority,
> >which provides education and programs for children and teens who
> >are deaf,
> >deaf and blind, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, is
> >one.
> >
> >Rachel nibbles on an after-school cookie and drinks some milk as
> >she talks
> >about her crayons.
> >
> >'My favourite colour is magenta. I like it. It's a dark colour, but
> >I don't
> >like black and green. I like most of them though,' she says of the
> >package
> >that
> >contains red, yellow, blue, green, purple and orange crayons.
> >
> >Rachel was born sighted, but cataracts, which she had from birth,
> >weren't
> >diagnosed until she was two. By then, she had developed glaucoma
> >and other
> >eye
> >diseases. By four, her vision was gone. She's had various tests and
> >
> >procedures to try to save some sight, but Candace says all hope for
> >that is
> >gone now.
> >
> >'Rachel is doing awesome,' Candace says proudly. 'She has a little
> >white
> >cane and boogies around the school very easily. The other kids and
> >all the
> >staff
> >are aware of her and are careful not to move things. If they do,


2006-11-29 Thread Taraprakash
Wow Niraj.
You have a true sportsman's spirit. Despite the drubbing our team is 
enjoying! Congratulations.
Well. Google for Bharat army audio commentary. You'll have to create an 
account. Log in with your user name and password and listen to it free of 
cost. No ads and no noise from the spectators. Good luck.

- Original Message - 
From: "Neeraj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] AIR HINDI NEWS

> can anybody tell the direct link of current cricket news? or comantary?
> through that we can listen this online also.
> With Regards
> Neeraj Manglik
> Mobile number: 9312902018
> Yahoo id:
> msn id:
> skype id:
> neerajmanglik
> We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to
> pain.
> - Original Message - 
> To: "accessindia" 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 3:37 PM
> Subject: [AI] AIR HINDI NEWS
>> hello accessindia! here is the direct download link for AIR hindi news,
>> download mp3 file and listen it.  just hit enter or copy paste the link.
>> cell : 91-9893-466637.
>> OFFICE : 91-771-2235626/2235640/2228231.
>> FAX : 91-771-2224559.
>> The Information transmitted in this email is solely for the addressee. It
>> is confidential and may be legally privileged. Access to this email by
>> anyone else is unauthorized. Any disclosure, copying, distribution or any
>> action taken by anyone other than by the intended recipient is prohibited
>> and may be unlawful. If you are not the intended recipient then kindly
>> delete the mail from your system. Any opinion or views expressed in this
>> mail may not necessarily reflect that of Punjab National Bank. The bank
>> considers unencrypted email as an insecure mode of communication.
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
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> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] Intro Dr. Ibrahim Ali

2006-11-29 Thread Taraprakash
Really impressive Dr. ali. .
A warm and hearty welcome to the group.
Waiting for your dulcet symphonies.

- Original Message - 
From: "Ibrahim Ali" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Access India" 
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2006 12:29 AM
Subject: [AI] Intro Dr. Ibrahim Ali

> Hello Dear All,
> I am glad to join you via Access India. My brief introduction is as 
> follow:
> I Passed M. A. Music [Vocal] in 1985. In 1986, I became disciple of well 
> I have been awarded Ph. D. in Music for my research on the subject 
> published by
> Classical Publishing Company, New Delhi.
> For five years, I worked in GOVT. MUSIC COLLEGE, UJJAIN. Since 1993, I am 
> Besides institutional teaching, I am giving training of Khayal Gayaki to 
> my disciples, according to the Gharana Tradition.
> My self composed music compositions and articles has been published in 
> recognized research journals of music.
> I am a regular member of ROTARY CLUB, UJJAIN.
> DELHI, on 3rd December 2005. This NATIONAL AWARD was given to me by 
> Government of India,
> Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Delhi, IN PUBLIC RECOGNITION OF 
> Besides music, my Interests are Computer, sound recording, Editing and 
> processing sound files, Reading informative material etc.
> With best Regards,
> Dr. Ibrahim Ali
> Ph. D.
> Asst. Prof. Music.
> Address 20 Khara Kuwa,
> Ujjain,M.P. Pin-456006
> Ph.No.-0734-2551949
> Mobile-094250-93621
> Email:
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Re: [AI] Problem pertaining to Kurzweil please help

2006-11-29 Thread Taraprakash
Was it scanning earlier fine?
I would play with scanner settings, especially try changing scanner source.

- Original Message - 
From: "Shadab Husain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:09 PM
Subject: [AI] Problem pertaining to Kurzweil please help

> Friends, I am using kurzweil version 8.0, and after scanning the first
> page, it is not scanning the next page. When I press f9 in order to
> scan the next page, immediately it says that recognition complete, but
> there is no action in my hp scanner. Also, I am even unable to save
> the scanned page. Please, please and please again tell me how to solve
> this problem!
>  Trusting a reply from you
>  Shadab Husain
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
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> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.

2006-11-28 Thread Taraprakash
I wish this was the place to carry on the argument further. But since it is 
not, with due respect to your views, I hold on to mine. I don't think there 
is anything derogatory in the term 'escapist'. I wish luck to you and 
everyone who wants to escape the mainstream reality.
Further mails regarding this are welcome offlist.
- Original Message - 
From: "Rishi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "accessindia" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.

> Well Sir,
> With all due respects and an assurance of my non-affectation, I find it
> obligatory on my part to state for the benefit of others that labelling 
> the
> study, love, assimilation, implementation and propagation  of the
> highest values of life, which culminates
> into dynamism at the relative level and the realization of ones essential
> being at the absolute level, as " the escapist route to
> the Ashram" just goes to highlight ones deep-rooted ignorance. I wouldn't
> blame you for this since that is the wide-spread misconception about
> spirituality which in its purest form is beyond ones wildest of
> imaginations! Wise people
> can just sympathise with such ignoramuses!
> Never mind, thank you for your suggestions,
> Take care/Warm regards,
> Rishi.
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 4:36 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.
>> Sorry for this late reply.
>> I was away from home and not checking my mails.
>> I can't trust my memory, but I think a friend of yours told me about you
> and
>> was eager to take the escapist route to the Ashram.
>> Anyway, welcome back to the world of technology.
>> Coming to my suggestions, well, isn't commiting to memory and chanting
> part
>> of what you planning to teach? I know several people who have memorised
>> entire 18 chapters of the "holy" book and mantras are chanted from memory
>> and not read.
>> Feel free to write for the address of the people who produce books of 
>> your
>> interest in Braille once you have learnt Braille, they send the books 
>> free
>> of cost.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: "Rishi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "accessindia" 
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 4:15 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.
>> > Hi all,
>> > My name is Rishi Kewalramani and I am from Bangalore. Though I'm not a
> new
>> > member to the A I group, but since there would be many entrants to this
>> > list
>> > after I unsubscribed a year back due to my commitment to my present
>> > course,
>> > I shall introduce myself again. I'm partially sighted - macular
>> > degeneration. Regarding the level of my impairment, I would say that I
>> > have
>> > 40% of my vision. I can read large print for a few minutes but then it
>> > becomes straineous. So the PC with the screen reader suits me the best.
>> >
>> > I was interested in the ancient phillosophy of our country and after my
>> > M.comm I joined an institute which is situated in Lonavala( near Pune)
> for
>> > their 3 year residential course on Vedanta. I'm through with half my
>> > course.
>> >
>> > I'm feeling very nice to join the A I list back and I'm sure I would
> have
>> > missed many valuable discussions on various subjects in the last one
> year.
>> > Though I've been using the computer for quite some time now, I still
> feel
>> > like a novice and please excuse me for the elementary querries that I
>> > would
>> > be henceforth troubling you all with.
>> >
>> > As regards me learning braille, I was looking at it as an option for
>> > taking
>> > classes on Vedanta. For instance, conducting a class on the Holy Geetha
>> > would include chanting the Sanskrit verse, reading the translation and
>> > then
>> > through the main points pertaining to that verse, expounding the
>> > phillosophical import of the same. My sighted folks overhere accomplish
>> > this
>> > task by reading their printed material, notes, runners etc. Braille
> seems
>> > to
>> > be an option for the same. However other suggestions by you all shall 
>> > be
>> > highly appreciated.
>> >
>> > And lastly thank you for the details regarding my previous querry-I
> still
>> > have to get 

Re: [AI] Skype Handset Sheds the PC

2006-11-28 Thread Taraprakash
Such phones are very convenient. A cordless skype phone was available was 
being sold for as less as $20 in the leading stores for such items in the US 
during thanks giving sale. The voice quality is quite good. it has a toggle 
key to move from skype connection to regular phone connection. It gets 
signals from USB enabled device.
Once the VOIP is legal everywhere, the regular phone service providers may 
need to pack up.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vikas Kapoor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Access India" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:04 PM
Subject: [AI] Skype Handset Sheds the PC

> Skype Handset Sheds the PC
> Nov 27, 2006
> A Danish company has begun selling a cordless telephone handset that works 
> with Skype and doesn't require a personal computer.
> The DualPhone 3088's base station connects to both a broadband Internet 
> connection for Skype
> Internet telephony
> calls and a traditional analog landline connection for making calls over 
> the public switched telephone network.
> The maker, RTX Products, says its the first such handset that can connect 
> with Skype without the need for a personal computer to manage the calls. 
> The only
> requirement for use is that the Internet connection is "always on." 
> Connections that time-out after a period of no use are unsuitable, 
> according to RTX.
> However, several
> vendors have introduced
> cordless handsets so Skype users need not be physically tethered to their 
> PCs.
> Handset Specs, Price
> The handset has a color display on which the current Skype status of 
> contacts is displayed. Users have the option of making a Skype call or 
> landline call
> to the party when their name is selected. It supports Skype PC calls, 
> SkypeOut, SkypeIn, and Voicemail.
> The DualPhone
> will be available in Europe through retailers that distribute RTX products 
> and from December 1 at the company's online store. It $206.
> RTX already sells
> a Skype-compatible cordless phone that requires a PC and a model that 
> doesn't require a PC and works with voice over IP services that conform to 
> the Session
> Initiation Protocol (SIP) standard, but not Skype. Other vendors have
> introduced handsets
> for using Skype at Wi-fi hotspots.
> Vikas Kapoor,
> Yahoo ID:
> Skype ID: dl_vikas
> Mobile: (+91) 9891098137.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] Visually impaired models walk the ramp in Gujarat

2006-11-27 Thread Taraprakash
Are we going to have beauty pageants organized specially for the blind women 
sometime soon?
Not sure if it is reason to celebrate.

- Original Message - 
From: "Vikas Kapoor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Access India" 
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 6:56 PM
Subject: [AI] Visually impaired models walk the ramp in Gujarat

> Visually impaired models walk the ramp in Gujarat
> Press Trust of India
> Ahmedabad, November 26, 2006
> Twenty-year-old Ekta Rangani walked down the ramp in a designer saree, 
> swaying to the beat of a pop tune and giving no indication of her visual 
> impairment.
> Ekta and 30 other participants from across Gujarat participated in the 
> country's first beauty and fashion show for the visually impaired held on 
> Sunday
> morning in Surendranagar town, 112 km from Ahmedabad.
> "This is the first time that a fashion show of this nature is being 
> organised in India wherein the models and their groomers are all visually 
> impaired.
> Only the choreographer is sighted and she guides the models," Muktaben, 
> who heads the NGO Pragna Chakshu Mahila Seva Kunj that organised the 
> event, said.
> She added it was a major challenge to organise the beauty contest due to 
> "inexperience in the field" but the NGO was happy to get an overwhelming 
> response
> from across the state.
> "It was tough initially to wear the clothes and to walk to the beat of 
> music. But the choreographer has been very patient and we enjoyed it," 
> Ekta said.
> Vikas Kapoor,
> Yahoo ID:
> Skype ID: dl_vikas
> Mobile: (+91) 9891098137.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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[AI] jaws 8 update

2006-11-27 Thread Taraprakash
It rhymes!
Well, the first update to jaws 8 has been posted.
Rather, it can be obtained by the check for updates command.
To get to the what's fixed, you need to dig through the fs site under the 
jaws 8 link.

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visit the list home page at

Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.

2006-11-27 Thread Taraprakash
Sorry for this late reply.
I was away from home and not checking my mails.
I can't trust my memory, but I think a friend of yours told me about you and 
was eager to take the escapist route to the Ashram.
Anyway, welcome back to the world of technology.
Coming to my suggestions, well, isn't commiting to memory and chanting part 
of what you planning to teach? I know several people who have memorised 
entire 18 chapters of the "holy" book and mantras are chanted from memory 
and not read.
Feel free to write for the address of the people who produce books of your 
interest in Braille once you have learnt Braille, they send the books free 
of cost.
- Original Message - 
From: "Rishi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "accessindia" 
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 4:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.

> Hi all,
> My name is Rishi Kewalramani and I am from Bangalore. Though I'm not a new
> member to the A I group, but since there would be many entrants to this 
> list
> after I unsubscribed a year back due to my commitment to my present 
> course,
> I shall introduce myself again. I'm partially sighted - macular
> degeneration. Regarding the level of my impairment, I would say that I 
> have
> 40% of my vision. I can read large print for a few minutes but then it
> becomes straineous. So the PC with the screen reader suits me the best.
> I was interested in the ancient phillosophy of our country and after my
> M.comm I joined an institute which is situated in Lonavala( near Pune) for
> their 3 year residential course on Vedanta. I'm through with half my 
> course.
> I'm feeling very nice to join the A I list back and I'm sure I would have
> missed many valuable discussions on various subjects in the last one year.
> Though I've been using the computer for quite some time now, I still feel
> like a novice and please excuse me for the elementary querries that I 
> would
> be henceforth troubling you all with.
> As regards me learning braille, I was looking at it as an option for 
> taking
> classes on Vedanta. For instance, conducting a class on the Holy Geetha
> would include chanting the Sanskrit verse, reading the translation and 
> then
> through the main points pertaining to that verse, expounding the
> phillosophical import of the same. My sighted folks overhere accomplish 
> this
> task by reading their printed material, notes, runners etc. Braille seems 
> to
> be an option for the same. However other suggestions by you all shall be
> highly appreciated.
> And lastly thank you for the details regarding my previous querry-I still
> have to get in touch with Zenab.
> Warm regards,
> Rishi.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
> Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 8:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.
>> What is the level of visually impairment? What is your ultimate goal of
>> learning Braille? How often can you access the net?
>> Based on your answers to these questions, I, and others on the list, will
> be
>> able to give you more resources.
>> No matter how good Hadley courses are, you might have to wait for the
>> materials to arrive.
>> You can write to me at
>> TaraPrakash
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Geetha Shamanna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: 
>> Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 7:04 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.
>> > Hi Rishi,
>> >
>> > I have no information about institutes in Pune, but you can enroll in
>> > Hadley
>> > School's braille courses. They do a very good job of teaching braille.
>> >
>> > Geetha
>> > - Original Message -
>> > From: "Rishi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > To: "accessindia" 
>> > Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 1:12 PM
>> > Subject: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.
>> >
>> >
>> >> Hi all,
>> >> I'm in Pune( in Lonavala to be precise)  and wanted to learn to read
> and
>> >> type braille. Can anyone let me know the institutes situated in Pune
> for
>> >> the same. Also is there any institute in Lonavala?
>> >>
>> >> Rgds,
>> >> Rishi.
>> >> To unsubscribe send a message to 
>> >> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> >>
>> >> To change your subscription to digest mode

Re: [AI] A get togather of access india members living in and aroundMumbai.

2006-11-27 Thread Taraprakash
Access India local chapter!
How about keeping it open for everyone who can make it to the venue? Last 
time it happened in erstwhile Bangalore how about it in the west this time?

- Original Message - 
From: "Suhas Karnik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:44 PM
Subject: [AI] A get togather of access india members living in and 

> To Kiran Kaja, moderator Access India group.
> Dear Sir.
> Some of the members of AI group residing in and around Mumbai are planning
> to have a get together of a informal nature. The purpose behind this
> gathering is to bring like minded people together and meet the members in
> person.
>   Mostly this will be arranged on a Saturday evening. The date and venue
> will be announced later.
> To conduct such event we wish to seek your permision to go ahead.
> Thanks in anticipation.
> Suhas Karnik.
> _
> Eat well and eat right. Get tips on nutrition from Naini Setalvad
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] About world space radio

2006-11-27 Thread Taraprakash
It is not.
If you have a particular station in mind, please go ahead and ask. BBC and 
NPR are for instance available for online listening.
- Original Message - 
From: "Ashwani Jassal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 11:20 PM
Subject: [AI] About world space radio

> Hi friends
> Is it possible to listen world space radio on the net? If yes, Then how?
> Ashwani Jassal
> ph.D Scholar
> Skipe id:
> Mobile: 9312315964
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
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> please visit the list home page at

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Re: [AI] mute, instead of dumb?

2006-11-19 Thread Taraprakash
Won't say much on these particular definitions as we would be crossing the 
boundaries of the list, I will write to you personally sometime soon to 
discuss the etymology of these words.

- Original Message - 
From: "Arun Mehta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2006 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] mute, instead of dumb?

On 11/19/06, Taraprakash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deaf and mute?
> It will need getting used to.

here is what wikipedia has to say:
"Deaf-mute was a term historically used by hearing people to identify
a person who was deaf and could not speak. This term first appears in
the Code of Hammurabi, an ancient set of laws from the near east, in
1700 BC. [1] It is also referenced in ancient Greek writing of the 7th
century BC. It continues to be used to refer to deaf people, mainly
within a historical context, to indicate deaf people who cannot speak,
or have some degree of speaking ability, but choose not to speak
because of the negative or unwanted attention atypical voices
sometimes attract."

> Rather than confusing these terms, the ideal situation will be to educate
> the society to use the words like blind and dumb only in their original
> sense. Dictionaries must remove the metaphorical meanings of these words 
> and
> word blind should be used only for someone can't see and dumb only for
> someone who can't speak. There is nothing derogatory about these words
> unless we start making them so.

I beg to differ. Here is the word dumb in wiktionary:
   1. Unable to speak; lacking power of speech.

  His younger brother had been born dumb, and communicated
with a self-taught kind of sign language.

   2. (informal, pejorative) Describing something, especially a
person, that is extremely stupid.

  You big dumb oaf! You can't fix an engine by hitting it with a 

   3. (informal) Describing something unintellectual.

  Harry had a dumb, brainless job moving boxes from one
conveyor belt to another.

   4. (figurative) Pointless, or serving to create more problems than it 

  This is so dumb! We're just driving in circles; we should
have asked for directions an hour ago.


You will note that definitions 2, 3 and 4 are all negative.

As opposed to this, "mute" in wiktionary has the following definitions:

   1. A person who does not have the power of speech.
   2. An acting part where no speaking (and in opera, no singing) is 
   3. In music, an object for dulling the sound of an instrument,
especially a brass instrument.
   4. One refusing to speak;
   5. An undertaker's assistant;
   6. The deadening of an appliance's or musical instrument's volume;
   7. In falconry, a mute is a hawk's or falcon's droppings.
   8. In wine making, mute, from the French, is the grape juice from
pressed grapes kept aside in chilled stainless steel tanks and used at
later stages of wine making by adding to the dry wine base to achieve
the desired residual sugar level in the final product. (Usually
spelled "muté " in this case and pronounced "mju:te".)

Please note that definitions 1-4 and 6 have something to do with the
non-production of sound, none of which are negative. 5, 7 and 8, I
would wager, were unknown to us all before now.

While I would be delighted if the world stopped using many words in
negative ways, I am not holding my breath. Until that happens, I
prefer to use a word that is equally short, more precise and less

Just my $0.02...

> - Original Message -
> From: "Arun Mehta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 12:39 PM
> Subject: [AI] mute, instead of dumb?
> > We've just had a discussion on whether use of the word blind was
> > appropriate, and I do not wish to reopen it. However, this sort of
> > discussion is far more needed in the case of the word dumb, which is
> > commonly used to mean stupid.
> >
> > We have a much more precise word to indicate inability to speak, which
> > is mute. I would urge we use that, instead of dumb.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Arun
> >
> > On 11/15/06, Vishal M Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> I happened to meat a Dumb and Def boy
> >
> > To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > with the subject unsubscribe.
> >
> > To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
> > please visit the list home page at
> > 
> >
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscri

Re: [AI] mute, instead of dumb?

2006-11-19 Thread Taraprakash
Deaf and mute?
It will need getting used to.
Rather than confusing these terms, the ideal situation will be to educate 
the society to use the words like blind and dumb only in their original 
sense. Dictionaries must remove the metaphorical meanings of these words and 
word blind should be used only for someone can't see and dumb only for 
someone who can't speak. There is nothing derogatory about these words 
unless we start making them so.

- Original Message - 
From: "Arun Mehta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 12:39 PM
Subject: [AI] mute, instead of dumb?

> We've just had a discussion on whether use of the word blind was
> appropriate, and I do not wish to reopen it. However, this sort of
> discussion is far more needed in the case of the word dumb, which is
> commonly used to mean stupid.
> We have a much more precise word to indicate inability to speak, which
> is mute. I would urge we use that, instead of dumb.
> Thanks,
> Arun
> On 11/15/06, Vishal M Jain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I happened to meat a Dumb and Def boy
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Re: [AI] news about talking books marathon reading session

2006-11-18 Thread Taraprakash
The national Library Service, NLS, a A great resource for electronic and 
talking books is celebrating 75th anniversary of the talking books. the 
first talking book in the US, and perhaps in the world, was produced in 
1931. To commemorate the occasion a non-stop reading has been organized. The 
reading itself is not necessarily relevant to the list, 75th anniversary is.
Hope the message gets clearer.

- Original Message - 
From: "rakesh kumar gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2006 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] news about talking books marathon reading session

> Please try to clarify your this email in details.
> Thanks,
> ----- Original Message - 
> From: "Taraprakash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 9:23 AM
> Subject: [AI] news about talking books marathon reading session
>>>>Talking book effort marks 75 years
>>>>Marathon recording session is planned
>>>>By Martha Elson
>>>>Lou Harpenau was immersed in the world of the eastern Caribbean,
>>>>reading aloud in a recording studio about iguanas and hurricanes in
>>>>"The Ancestor's Tale," a book about evolution by Richard Dawkins.
>>>>Harpenau, of the Jeffersontown area, was recording Dawkins' book at
>>>>the American Printing House for the Blind in Clifton this week.
>>>>Tomorrow, the long-time professional talking book narrator will join
>>>>about 40 others in a marathon volunteer session to record 
>>>> "Gulliver's
>>>>Travels," by Jonathan Swift.
>>>>They'll read in 20-minute shifts from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. to celebrate
>>>>the 75th anniversary of the National Library Service's Talking Book
>>>>Program for the blind and physically handicapped. In 1937,
>>>> "Gulliver's
>>>>Travels" became the first book the local printing house recorded for
>>>>the program.
>>>>The public is invited to watch and listen to the narrators and tour
>>>>the Callahan Museum at the nearly 150-year-old printing house, 1839
>>>>Frankfort Ave. Museum director Mike Hudson came up with the idea of
>>>>the marathon recording session.
>>>>The printing house produces about 500,000 tapes of recorded books
>>>> each
>>>>year under contract with the National Library Service, which 
>>>> operates
>>>>a lending library for people who qualify under the auspices of the
>>>>Library of Congress.
>>>>Among the other Gulliver narrators will be local broadcasting
>>>>professionals Milton Metz, Gary Roedemeier, Terry Meiners and Barry
>>>>Bernson, and theater performer Mitzi Friedlander.
>>>>Popular narrators can be the equivalent of movie stars to talking
>>>> book
>>>>users, said Roberta Williams, the printing house's public relations
>>>>and special projects manager.
>>>>Harpenau, a retired news director for WAVE Radio who began narrating
>>>>for the printing house in 1970, also has recorded the Merck Manual
>>>>medical guide -- which took more than 123 hours and is thought to be
>>>>the longest book ever recorded for the national program.
>>>>"I read a lot of learned things," he said. "I wish I could say I
>>>>retained all" of it. Harpenau and the others work with a monitor, 
>>>> who
>>>>follows along in the book and listens to the narrators, checking for
>>>>Down a hall marked with "Quiet Please" signs, long-time narrator 
>>>> John
>>>>Polk of Lyndon, who also will participate tomorrow, was recording
>>>> "The
>>>>First Mountain Man: Preacher," a Western by William W. Johnstone.
>>>>Polk, who was production director for WHAS Radio for 10 years, still
>>>>does freelance voice-overs, but said "this is the job I love the
>>>>Another of tomorrow's narrators will be Megan Burnett of Buechel, 
>>>> who

[AI] query about daisy converters

2006-11-18 Thread Taraprakash
Hi all.

Is there a freeware or shareware daisy converter available online?
Any details are welcome.
Thanks in anticipation.
- Original Message - 
From: "zainab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.

> hello i am in pune u can call me i know some one
> my mob nom is +919822344562
> zainab
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Rishi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "accessindia" 
> Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 1:12 PM
> Subject: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.
>> Hi all,
>> I'm in Pune( in Lonavala to be precise)  and wanted to learn to read and
>> type braille. Can anyone let me know the institutes situated in Pune for
>> the same. Also is there any institute in Lonavala?
>> Rgds,
>> Rishi.
>> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> with the subject unsubscribe.
>> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes,
>> please visit the list home page at
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> with the subject unsubscribe.
> To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at

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visit the list home page at

[AI] news about talking books marathon reading session

2006-11-18 Thread Taraprakash
>>Talking book effort marks 75 years
>>Marathon recording session is planned
>>By Martha Elson
>>Lou Harpenau was immersed in the world of the eastern Caribbean,
>>reading aloud in a recording studio about iguanas and hurricanes in
>>"The Ancestor's Tale," a book about evolution by Richard Dawkins.
>>Harpenau, of the Jeffersontown area, was recording Dawkins' book at
>>the American Printing House for the Blind in Clifton this week.
>>Tomorrow, the long-time professional talking book narrator will join
>>about 40 others in a marathon volunteer session to record "Gulliver's
>>Travels," by Jonathan Swift.
>>They'll read in 20-minute shifts from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. to celebrate
>>the 75th anniversary of the National Library Service's Talking Book
>>Program for the blind and physically handicapped. In 1937, "Gulliver's
>>Travels" became the first book the local printing house recorded for
>>the program.
>>The public is invited to watch and listen to the narrators and tour
>>the Callahan Museum at the nearly 150-year-old printing house, 1839
>>Frankfort Ave. Museum director Mike Hudson came up with the idea of
>>the marathon recording session.
>>The printing house produces about 500,000 tapes of recorded books each
>>year under contract with the National Library Service, which operates
>>a lending library for people who qualify under the auspices of the
>>Library of Congress.
>>Among the other Gulliver narrators will be local broadcasting
>>professionals Milton Metz, Gary Roedemeier, Terry Meiners and Barry
>>Bernson, and theater performer Mitzi Friedlander.
>>Popular narrators can be the equivalent of movie stars to talking book
>>users, said Roberta Williams, the printing house's public relations
>>and special projects manager.
>>Harpenau, a retired news director for WAVE Radio who began narrating
>>for the printing house in 1970, also has recorded the Merck Manual
>>medical guide -- which took more than 123 hours and is thought to be
>>the longest book ever recorded for the national program.
>>"I read a lot of learned things," he said. "I wish I could say I
>>retained all" of it. Harpenau and the others work with a monitor, who
>>follows along in the book and listens to the narrators, checking for
>>Down a hall marked with "Quiet Please" signs, long-time narrator John
>>Polk of Lyndon, who also will participate tomorrow, was recording "The
>>First Mountain Man: Preacher," a Western by William W. Johnstone.
>>Polk, who was production director for WHAS Radio for 10 years, still
>>does freelance voice-overs, but said "this is the job I love the
>>Another of tomorrow's narrators will be Megan Burnett of Buechel, who
>>started reading about a year ago. An actress with the Pleiades Theatre
>>Company, she also teaches drama at St. Raphael Catholic School in the
>>Upper Highlands.
>>She said she had hoped to become a narrator when she received her
>>master's degree in fine arts from the University of Louisville in 1991
>>but was told she needed more voice training. In contrast to being on
>>stage, "It's a unique experience being alone with a book, reading it
>>aloud, with just you and a monitor," she said. "I call it swimming in
>>the book."
>>Computers make the recording process faster and easier, but in the
>>early days the recordings were on 20-minute wax cylinders and
>>narrators had to start over if they made a mistake, said Steve
>>Mullins, studio director at the printing house.
>>Mullins said narrators do extensive research before beginning to
>>record, looking up pronunciations, familiarizing themselves with the
>>text and perhaps planning when to present graphs and charts. Narrators
>>may read for two hours at a stretch.
>>"It takes a certain kind of person," he said. "It's a really skilled
>>Reporter Martha Elson can be reached at (502) 582-7061.
- Original Message - 
From: "zainab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 10:32 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.

> hello i am in pune u can call me i know some one
> my mob nom is +919822344562
> zainab
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Rishi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "accessindia" 
> Sent: Saturday, November 18, 2006 1:12 PM
> Subject: [AI] Learning Braille in Pune.
>> Hi all,
>> I'm in Pune( in Lonavala to be precise)  and wanted to learn to read and
>> type braille. Can anyone let me know the institutes situated in Pune for
>> the same. Also is there any institute in Lonavala?
>> Rgds,
>> Rishi.
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