Hi all,

   The discussion of mass marriage is interesting and teaching many lessons.
First of all, I am completely against mass marriage.  Marrying a sited or
blind partner is a personal choice and marriage ceremonies should be
arranged depending on once economic strength. But why do we need mass
marriages? Is this   to catch attention and receive sympathy? I would be
fine if both blind couple get married according to once culture and among
their relatives, friends and   community members. I don't really understand
why charitable organizations are trying to   do something which is not
inclusive.   We are sending wrong message in to the society with these kinds
of mass marriages.  General people might think that this might be the first
time that blind people are getting married.   Why do we need press coverage
for our marriages like the celebrities? Is this what happening among sited
couples? Why do blind people need gifts and donations for their marriages
from charitable organizations and common people whom they don't know? Is
this what is happening in the sited world? If someone does not have any
money, they get married without any grand function. So I don't understand
the necessity of public blind mass marriage this will become a charitable
practice and many donors will donate money, gold and other gifts for blind
people. We always say we don't need sympathy but why are we going for public
mass marriages? I would   have felt very happy if this mass marriage was
between blind and sited couple. I agree this might teach a lesson to sited
people and inspire them but what do we get   with this blind couple mass
marriage? I don't mean to hurt anyone guys but it's high time that we should
think of not expecting any kind of sympathy. Why do we go and tell that we
need   charitable help as always? We should work and earn for our living
like sited people. If we don't have, we should starve but not beg donors for
money. This will not protect our self-respect.  In a way, we are the people
stopping from blind people getting in to main streaming. We always want help
in exams, we need own scribes, want exceptions in pass marks, diagrams and
much more and we want our scribes to write answers for us. Why all this?
Can't we work hard and study?  Can't we prove ourselves that we can do
wonders?  Even auto drivers know about us. Many people asked me about this
issue. When I tell them that I do engineering, they simply tell owe yes!
Someone will write for you right? Do I need to hear these comments?? These
kinds of incidents are spoiling the reputation of the entire blind
community.  Even blind schools want their students to sit in a single room
and write the exam. They want smart students to help   other students who
cannot pass. Why blind schools    are encouraging this anti-social
practice?? This is in fact spoiling the careers of blind people when they go
for higher education in main stream colleges. We will never become main
streaming until we change our behavior and become proactive. Sorry if my
feelings hurt anyone.  I don't mean to target anyone. I am very much upset
the way blinds are treated and respected in the Indian society. Thank you,



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