Hello all, I am posting this information here for the benefit of those who are not enrolled with the Hadley school. They are starting a new course on using the Internet. For additional information, please write to the addresses in the mail.
Geetha FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Student Services The Hadley School for the Blind Phone: 800.526.9909 Fax: 847.446.0855 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Exploring the Online World These days everyone is using the Internet for communication, research, shopping and travel planning, but many are concerned with the security of the Internet. Hadley's new online course "Internet: Beyond the Basics" teaches you about Internet security and shows you how to discover the wonderful opportunities of the Internet with confidence. This tuition-free course first explains Internet security. It teaches you to identify the types of attackers who want to get into your computer, as well as the actual computer threats they use. Then the course explains what you can do to combat these attackers and threats. After you become familiar with Internet security, you can discover the wealth of information on the Internet. This course walks you through the activities of researching information, making your travel plans, and shopping online. You can do this without leaving your home, often without even picking up the phone! "This course allows you to confidently use the Internet's wealth of information," said Dawn Turco, Hadley's senior vice president. "Even if you consider yourself somewhat familiar with the Internet, the Internet security information provided in this course will improve your online experience." Professionals may want to refer their eligible clients or students. This course is open to students in the Adult Continuing Education and High School Programs. So if you'd like to go beyond the basics of using the Internet, why not contact Student Services to enroll today? To do so, just call 800.526.9909, or visit the school's Web site: www.hadley.edu to enroll. Founded in 1920, The Hadley School for the Blind is the largest worldwide distance educator of persons who are visually impaired. Hadley offers over 100 tuition-free courses to eligible students. The school's 10,000 annual enrollments are from all corners of the United States and more than 100 countries. Courses are available to students who are visually impaired, family members, and professionals. Visit us on the Web at www.hadley.edu. ### To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe. To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, please visit the list home page at http://accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/accessindia_accessindia.org.in