Dear Sir,
I visitted the site but could not get much. if only you could send some
practical exercises on mathematics preferably from the factorisation, then
only it may be possible to give a feedback on how good the talking software
is going to be.
- Original Message -
From: "Dipendra Manocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 7:53 AM
Subject: [AI] FW: Mathematics in DAISY modular extension call for review
> This could be a majour step forward in making mathematics accessible to
> persons with blindness. These specifications are being developed to become
> a
> part of the DAISY specifications itself.
> Thanks
> Dipendra
> -Original Message-
> From: George Kerscher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 September 2006 23:01
> Cc: daisy-staff-private; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Mathematics in DAISY modular extension call for review
> Dear Members, Friends, and All those interested in accessible mathematics,
> The DAISY Working Group on Mathematics has developed a draft specification
> for a modular extension to the DAISY/NISO Standard. This draft
> specification
> is based on the W3C's MathML recommendation. The working group is seeking
> feedback on the draft.
> We invite review and comments. A zip file of examples are provided from
> the
> draft modular extension.
> The working group would like comments to be submitted no later than
> October
> 10, 2006. Please use the "Contact Us" form from the DAISY Web site and
> select the category MathML-in-daisy.
> The draft specification is available from the math projects area from the
> DAISY Web site. The direct link to the specification is:
> Best
> George Kerscher, Secretary General
> On behalf of the MathML-in-DAISY Working Group
> ---
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