Re: [AI] FW: Mathematics in DAISY modular extension call for review

2006-09-11 Thread Vedprakash Sharma
Dear Sir,
I visitted the site but could not get much. if only you could send some 
practical exercises on mathematics preferably from the factorisation, then 
only it may be possible to give a feedback on how good the talking software 
is going to be.
- Original Message - 
From: "Dipendra Manocha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 7:53 AM
Subject: [AI] FW: Mathematics in DAISY modular extension call for review

> This could be a majour step forward in making mathematics accessible to
> persons with blindness. These specifications are being developed to become 
> a
> part of the DAISY specifications itself.
> Thanks
> Dipendra
> -Original Message-
> From: George Kerscher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 September 2006 23:01
> Cc: daisy-staff-private; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Mathematics in DAISY modular extension call for review
> Dear Members, Friends, and All those interested in accessible mathematics,
> The DAISY Working Group on Mathematics has developed a draft specification
> for a modular extension to the DAISY/NISO Standard. This draft 
> specification
> is based on the W3C's MathML recommendation.  The working group is seeking
> feedback on the draft.
> We invite review and comments. A zip file of examples are provided from 
> the
> draft modular extension.
> The working group would like comments to be submitted no later than 
> October
> 10, 2006. Please use the "Contact Us" form from the DAISY Web site and
> select the category MathML-in-daisy.
> The draft specification is available from the math projects area from the
> DAISY Web site. The direct link to the specification is:
> Best
> George Kerscher, Secretary General
> On behalf of the MathML-in-DAISY Working Group
> ---
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[AI] FW: Mathematics in DAISY modular extension call for review

2006-09-10 Thread Dipendra Manocha
This could be a majour step forward in making mathematics accessible to
persons with blindness. These specifications are being developed to become a
part of the DAISY specifications itself. 

-Original Message-
From: George Kerscher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 10 September 2006 23:01
Cc: daisy-staff-private; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mathematics in DAISY modular extension call for review

Dear Members, Friends, and All those interested in accessible mathematics,

The DAISY Working Group on Mathematics has developed a draft specification
for a modular extension to the DAISY/NISO Standard. This draft specification
is based on the W3C's MathML recommendation.  The working group is seeking
feedback on the draft.

We invite review and comments. A zip file of examples are provided from the
draft modular extension.

The working group would like comments to be submitted no later than October
10, 2006. Please use the "Contact Us" form from the DAISY Web site and
select the category MathML-in-daisy.

The draft specification is available from the math projects area from the
DAISY Web site. The direct link to the specification is:

George Kerscher, Secretary General
On behalf of the MathML-in-DAISY Working Group

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