Enabling the different........Shreya Ray
Jindal SAW's managing director works to make the Capital accessible to
the physically challenged

Q&A | Sminu Jindal

You can't expect the managing director of Jindal SAW Ltd to be made of
anything less than steel. And Sminu Jindal shows Herculean strength
because after
altering the face of Qutab Minar and Red Fort in New Delhi, she will
assist the Dalai Lama in making his temple in Dharamsala accessible to
challenged people. Jindal, who became wheelchair-bound after an
accident at the age of 11, also runs the non-profit organization
Swayam to make the city
accessible. She talks about the daily barriers in the life of a
physically challenged person when he or she is going into the
workplace. Edited excerpts
from an interview:

Do you feel the Indian workplace is sensitized to the needs of the
differently abled?

It is far from being sensitized. In fact, the problem starts even
before the workplace, it happens at the time we're getting educated.
If you aren't going
to make education accessible to (differently abled) youngsters, how
will they get the skill or training to even be employable? When I was
about to join
college, my father had to get a slope constructed at SRCC (Shri Ram
College of Commerce) because there was none. This was possible because
we could afford
it, but what about the ones who can't? It just means they will be
denied education. There's no point having 10% reservation for the
differently abled if
they can't access their colleges in the first place.

What are the most basic barriers a differently abled person faces in
accessing his/her office?

The physical infrastructure in our country does not cater to the needs
of a physically challenged person. For a person to go to work means
their mother/father/family
member has to leave their job and assist them the whole day, taking
them in and out of wheelchairs, etc. Restrooms are not accessible,
that is, they are
too small and leave no room for wheelchairs, or there are steps, and
level changes, and places that have ramps often have very steep
gradients, which can
be very hazardous.

But in addition to the internal access within the workplace, what also
matters is being able to access your workplace in the first place. The
basic infrastructure
is so poor that there was no way these people could even come in to work.

What are the most basic facilities a workplace must ensure for
differently abled employees?

First, make level changes accessible by having elevators and ramps.
Ramps must be the 1:12 gradient. Doors should be wider, about 3ft.
Every floor should
have a restroom that is accessible. Restrooms should also be
accessible, that is, they should have space for a wheelchair; wherever
required, there should
also be railings for support. And yes, at least make sure your
employee can get to his workstation without assistance.

Your organization has worked to make the Qutab Minar and Red Fort
accessible. Could you tell us about this process?

When Stephen Hawkins came to India in 2000, the inaccessible
infrastructure became glaringly evident. It was then that we started
getting involved to make
these structures accessible. We added an accessible restroom to Qutab
Minar. The Red Fort is now accessible all the way to the Diwan-i-Khas,
which I had
never seen until then.

What's the biggest hurdle in providing access in this country? Is it
lack of resources?

It is essentially the mindset. It's almost as if because we have an
enormous population, we seem to value human life less. In the West,
you see how every
person is valued, treated as a resource and asset to the economy.
Here, being disabled means being subjected to house arrest. People too
can be very insensitive
to the disabled. As I child, I recall a particular incident that made
me vow never to step outside my home: I was alone on a sidewalk and my
almost toppled into a manhole, the wheels had got stuck with the edge
of the hole. Nobody helped me out, they formed a circle around me, to
watch. Unless
the mindset changes, the infrastructure can't.



With Regards
Pradeep T.S
Email: pradeep_bana...@rediffmail.com
Mobile: 9845925188
Skype: pradeepsocialwork

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