Here is a tutorial about using the win10 mail app and calendar app on
a PC. This tutorial is straight from information that I have used from
a web site on a MS help page. The link is a little below my comments
and then the information is laid out. The step by step help to use the
win10 and calendar apps , given on this website, is what you will read
first. Then, all of the key commands for using the win10 mail and
calendar apps given on this web site will follow after the articles of
step by step help. .
Let me please
let you know this. When you import your email accounts into the win10 Mail app,
your contacts are automatically imported into the People app. Your
contacts from
your accounts that you imported are saved in the People app. So, if you want to
work with your contacts, you have to do this in the people app and not the mail
app. Think of it like this. Three apps work together to give you that
MS outlook
client experience. The people app has all of your contacts. The mail app is
where you work with and send your email messages. The Calendar app has all of
your appointments and much more. Now, while you are in the win10 mail app, you
can switch to the Calendar by pressing CTRL+2 and back to mail by
pressing CTRL+1.
Many of the commands are the same as in WLM. Now, even though your contacts and
their emails are in the people app, you will get a list of contacts you can
enter on as you type in an address. If you type a few letters into the address
field and down arrow, there will be a list of results you can enter to
send your
email to them. So, in that since, the people app and the mail app are working
together along with the calendar app. The first material I will put in this
message, is all of the articles that take you step by step to do everything in
the mail app. You will know how to send and download attachments, and even
format tables in the mail app by the time you read all of the info I
am about to
paste. After the Articles, there will be a very long section of every key
command in the win10 mail app and the calendar app. You can decide
which part of
this email you want to look at first. You can look at the section that has all
of the key commands first, or you can go through the articles step by step and
do everything from importing your accounts into win10 mail app to formatting
messages you send. It is all here, and if you use JAWS, it should all
work. Only
one thing if you use JAWS. For some reason, with me, there is one little but
important work around I must do. When I open a message, before I can read it
with the arrow keys like a document, I must press CTRL + R to reply to the
message. However, instead of replying, I just read that message normally with
the arrow keys and all normal navigation commands with JAWS. If I don't want to
reply, I just press escape and it puts me back on the list of messages. I have
to press CTRL + R before I can read any message, but that is quick to do. When
it comes to NVDA, there are even more work arounds that I must figure out to
make sure they are consistent so I can tell you what you must do. So,
if you use
NVDA, hold off a bit unless you can get NVDA to read the opened
message. That is
what I am having a lot of trouble with is reading the opened message. I am
having to use object navigation and other weird stuff, but I must see if these
work arounds are consistent. Well, Enjoy the information.
Help web site for using the Windows 10 mail app.


Mail for Windows 10 supports most types of email service.  You can add
any of these Microsoft accounts: Exchange, Office 365, Outlook.com,
Hotmail, Live.com,

and MSN.com.  You can also add any of these accounts: Gmail, Yahoo!
Mail, iCloud, or an account with a POP or IMAP server.

Add your first account

list of 8 items

1.  The first time you open Mail, you'll land on the Welcome screen.
Press Enter to select Get Started.

2.   This opens an Accounts page. Press the Add account button.

3.   In the Choose an account dialog, use the Down Arrow key to go
through the list of account types (Outlook.com, Exchange, Google,
Yahoo! Mail, and so

4.  When you hear the name of your account type, press Enter.

5.  Enter the email address for the account that you want to add.

6.  Press the Tab key to move to the Password box, and then enter your

7.  Press the Tab key to move to the Sign in button. Depending on the
account, you might be asked to provide more information, such as sign
in to Office
365 or to your organization network.

8.  When you finish, Mail confirms the account details and then
displays Done button.

Note: You might also see a What’s new notification. These appear in
the Mail app after an update.
list end

Add a Microsoft account

list of 5 items

1.  In the Choose an account dialog, press the Down Arrow key to move
through the list of account types, and press Enter to select the
account type you
want to add.

2.  Enter the email address for the account that you want to add.

3.  Press the Tab key to move to the Password box, and enter your password.

4.  Press the Tab key to move to the Sign in button. Depending on the
account, you might be asked to provide more information, such as sign
in to Office
365 or to your organization network.

5.  When you finish, press the Done button, which appears after Mail
confirms the details for your new account.
list end

Add a Gmail account

list of 11 items

1.  Go to the Inbox pane, press the Tab key until you hear 'Settings
button", and then press Enter to open the Settings menu.

2.  In the Settings menu pane, press the Tab key to move to Manage
accounts, and then press Enter.

3.  In the Manage accounts pane, press the Tab key to move to the Add
account button, and then press Enter.

4.  Press the Down Arrow key until you hear "Google", and then press
Enter to select it.

5.  Enter your email address and then press Next.

6.  Press the Tab key twice to go to the Password box, and then enter
your password.

7.  Press the Tab key to move to the Sign-in button, and press Enter.

8.  On the Connecting to a service page, press the Tab key to go to
the Allow button. Press Enter to allow Windows to retrieve your email
and settings
from Google.

9.  When you get to the Done button, press Enter.

10.  Press Esc to close the Accounts pane and then press Esc again to
close the Settings pane. The cursor moves to the Inbox pane.

11.  Press the Tab key or the F6 key to move to the other options in
the Inbox pane.
list end

Add an additional account

To add another account, do the following:

list of 9 items

1.  Press F6 to go to the Inbox pane, and then press the Tab key until
you hear "Settings button". Press Enter to open the Settings menu.

2.  In the Settings menu, press the Tab key to move to Manage accounts
and press Enter.

3.  Press the Tab key to move to the Add account button, and then press Enter.

4.  Press the Down Arrow key until you hear the name of your email
account type, and then press Enter.

5.  Follow the instructions to enter your email address, password, and
any other required information.

6.  When you finish entering account information, press the Tab key to
move to the Sign in button. Depending on the account, you might be
asked for more
information, such as permission for Mail to sign in to the email server.

7.  When you reach the Done button, press Enter.

8.  Press the Esc key to close the Accounts pane, then press Esc again
to exit the Settings pane. The cursor moves to the Inbox pane.

9.  Press the Tab key or the F6 key to move to other options in the Inbox.
list end

To create an email message

list of 8 items

1.  To create an email message, press Ctrl+N. Mail opens a new message
and puts the cursor on the To address line.

Mail for Windows 10 automatically looks for the recipient's name in
your Contacts list.

2.   Begin typing the name of the person you want to send the email
to. As you type, a suggestion list will appear based on the characters
you have typed.
Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to navigate through the suggestion list.

3.   Press Enter to select a person's name and email address from the
suggestion list.

If the recipient is not in your Contact list, just type the email
address in the To line.

4.  You can continue to add names until you're finished. When you
finish, press the Tab key to move past the Cc & Bcc button, and then
press the Tab key
again to go to the Subject line.

If you want to copy someone on your email message, press Enter at the
Cc & Bcc button to open the Cc address line. After you add additional
names, press
the Tab key to move to the Subject line.

5.  Type the subject of your email.

6.  Press the Tab key to move to the body of the email message and
then type your email message.

7.  If you want to format your message, see
Use the keyboard to format an email message in Mail for Windows 10.

8.  When you’re ready to send your message, press Alt+S.
list end


Reading email messages is one of the most important reasons people use
a computer. With Mail for Windows 10, you can navigate quickly through
your message
list to the message you want, and open it.

list of 5 items

1.  Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to move to the message you want to
read, and then press Enter.

2.   Use your screen reader’s read commands to read the text of the message.

3.  To read other information, such as the sender's name and the
subject from the message body, press Shift+Tab to move to the message

list of 2 items nesting level 1

•  If the message has attachments, Narrator reads the file name of the
first attachment. Use the Right Arrow key to move focus to other
attachments, if
any, and hear their file names. Press Shift+Tab to move focus to the
sender’s name and address.

•  If there are no attachments, Narrator reads the recipient’s name.
list end nesting level 1

4.  Use Shift+Tab again to move focus to the subject line, and press
Shift+Tab again to hear the sender’s name.
5.  When you finish reading the message, press the Esc key to return
to the message list.
list end

By default,  Mail for Windows 10 groups messages by conversation. To
un-group messages, and instead to list them one at a time in
chronological order,
follow these steps:

list of 4 items

1.  From the Inbox pane, press the Tab key until you reach the
Settings button and then press Enter.

2.  Press the Down Arrow key until you reach the Reading settings and
then press Enter.

3.  Press the Tab key to go to the Show messages arranged by
conversation toggle switch, and press Enter to turn it off.

4.  Press the Esc key to close Reading settings, and then press Esc
again to close the Settings pane.

Focus returns to the Inbox message list.
list end

Mail for Windows 10 helps you respond to email messages quickly. With
just a keyboard shortcut, you're ready to reply, reply to all the
senders, or forward
a message to a different person.

To reply or forward a message

You can select to reply only to the sender, reply to all recipients,
or forward a message from the Reading pane.

list of 3 items

1.  Depending on whether you want to reply to or forward an email
message, do the following:

list of 3 items nesting level 1

•  To reply only to the sender, press Ctrl+R to open a message
addressed to the sender, with the cursor in the message body, ready to
compose a response.

•  To reply to everyone,  press Ctrl+Shift+R to open a message
addressed to everyone on the To and Cc address lines, with the cursor
in the message body,
ready to compose a response.

•  To forward a message, press Ctrl+F to open the message ready for
your input, with the cursor on the To address line so you can enter
the name of the
list end nesting level 1
2.   After you address the message, press the Tab key to move to the
message box and compose your message.

3.   When you finish, press Alt+ S to send the message.
list end

Here’s how to add an attachment:

Note: It can save time to know the location of the attachment file
before you get started.

list of 9 items

1.  Open the message that you want to attach a file to in the Reading pane.

2.   Press the Alt key to move to the ribbon, and then press the Right
Arrow key until you reach the Insert tab.

3.   Press the Down Arrow key to move to the lower ribbon. The first
button is the Attach button.

4.  Press Enter to select the Attach button and open File Explorer
with the cursor in the File name box, ready to type.
5.  Type the name of the file that you want to attach, or press
Shift+Tab to browse for it.

6.  When you find the file that you want, press the Spacebar to select it.

7.  Press the Tab key to move to the Open button, and then press Enter.
8.  Mail for Windows 10 attaches the file you selected to the email message.

9.  When you’re ready to send your message, press Alt+S.
list end


Format buttons in Mail for Windows 10  are on the Format tab ribbon,
which appears only when you're composing an email message. The ribbon
contains three
tabs: Format,Insert, and Options.

To format an email message
list of 5 items

1.  Select the text in the message body that you want to format.

2.  Press the Alt key to move to the ribbon, and use the Left Arrow
key or Right Arrow key to move between the tabs.

3.   Choose the Format tab, and then press the Down Arrow key to move
into the lower ribbon.

4.  Press the Tab key or Shift+Tab to move between the buttons on the
Format ribbon. For more information about formatting, see
Format, Insert, and Options buttons on the Format tab
later in this topic.

5.  Press Alt+S to send the message.
list end

Format, Insert, and Options buttons on the Format tab

The following sections contain detailed information about buttons on
the Format, Insert, and Options tabs.

Buttons on the Format tab
The following list provides more detail about the buttons on the
Format tab and their associated menus.

Font button

list of 4 items

•  Font style and font size

•  Text format: bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, subscript, and

•  Highlight

•  Font color
list end

Alignment button

list of 5 items

•  Bulleted and numbered lists

•  Indent, out dent

•  Alignment (left-, right-, centered, and justified)

•  Line spacing

•  Space before and after paragraphs
list end

Paragraph styles button

list of 3 items

•  Headings

•  Titles and subtitles

•  Other styles from template
list end

Undo button
 list of 1 items

•  Simple undo of previous action, no menu
list end

Buttons on the Insert tab

The following list provides more detail about the buttons on the
Insert tab on the ribbon.

list of 4 items
•   Attach button -  Opens the File Explorer dialog so you can select
a file to attach. For more information, see
Use a screen reader to add an attachment to an email message in Mail
for Windows 10.

•   Table button – Adds a  a table in a format of three cells by three
cells in the message body.  It also opens a new ribbon with options to
modify or
format the table. For more information, see

Use a screen reader to insert a table in an email message in Mail for
Windows 10.

•   Pictures button– Opens the File Explorer dialog so you can select
a picture file to add. It also opens a new ribbon tab with options you
can use to
modify the picture. For more information, see
Use a screen reader to insert a picture in an email message in Mail
for Windows 10.

•   Link button – Opens a dialog box where you can enter the web
address and text to display for a hyperlink. For more information, see
Use a screen reader to insert a hyperlink in an email message in Mail
for Windows 10.
list end
Buttons on the Options tab

The following list provides more information about the buttons on the
Options tab.

list of 6 items

•   High Importance button – Adds a High Importance flag to a message.

•  Low Importance button – Adds a Low Importance flag to a message.

•   Language menu – Drop-down menu of languages for setting the
default language.

•   Spelling button – Scans words in the message. If an error is
found, Mail for Windows 10   opens a ribbon with spelling suggestions
for a selected word.
•   Proofing and language button – Opens a menu for selecting whether
to show proofing marks.
•   Zoom button – Opens a menu of zoom options listed as percent of
increase. For more information, see
Use a screen reader to zoom in Mail for Windows 10.
list end


Tables are perfect for conveying data and other  information that is
structured. Mail for Windows 10 lets you insert a table in an email
message, and provides
helpful tools for you to format the table.

To insert a table in an email message

list of 6 items

1.  In the body of an email message, place your cursor where you want
to insert a table.

2.   Press the Alt key to go to the ribbon.

3.   Press the Tab key to move to the Insert tab, and then use the
Down Arrow key to move to the lower ribbon.

4.  Press the Right Arrow key to go to the Table button, and then press Enter.

By default, Mail for Windows 10 inserts a table of three cells by
three cells  in the message body, and positions the cursor in the
first cell on row 1.
In addition, Mail for Windows 10 adds the Table tab to the ribbon when
your cursor is in the table.

5.  Press the Alt key to move directly to the Table tab on the ribbon,
and then press the Down Arrow key to move to the to lower ribbon. For
more information
about the Table tab, see
Options on the Table tab.

6.  Use the Right and Left Arrow keys to move between table style
buttons. To select an option, press Enter.

Options on the Table tab

The following list provides more detail about the buttons that you can
choose to format a table:

list of 7 items

•   Delete button

list of 3 items nesting level 1

•  Delete columns

•  Delete rows

•  Delete table
list end nesting level 1
•   Insert button

list of 4 items nesting level 1

•  Insert rows above current row

•  Insert rows below current row

•  Insert column to the left of current column

•  Insert column to the right of current column
list end nesting level 1

•   Style options button

list of 7 items nesting level 1

•  Set a header row

•  Create a totals row

•  Make banded rows

•  Set a first column

•  Set a last column

•  Set banded columns

•  Repeat header row on new page

•   Table Styles button
list of 1 items nesting level 1

•  Opens a gallery of 49 table styles. Use the arrow keys to navigate,
and then press Enter to select.
list end nesting level 1

•   Text button

list of 2 items nesting level 1

•  Text alignment (left, right, center)

•  Text rotation (horizontal, 90 degrees, 270 degrees)
list end nesting level 1

•   Cell size button

list of 4 items nesting level 1

•  Autofit row height to text

•  Autofit column width to text

•  Set fixed column width

•  Distribute rows or columns evenly
list end nesting level 1
•   Alt text button

list of 1 items nesting level 1

•  Add a title and description for people who can’t see the table
list end nesting level 1
list end

Add alt text to a table

list of 7 items

1.  When you want to add alt text to a table in the body of your
email, move the cursor within the table to select it and show the
Table tab in the ribbon.

2.  Press the Alt key to go to the ribbon, and then press the Tab key
to go to the Table key.

3.  Press the Down Arrow key to move to the lower ribbon.
4.  Press the Tab key to go to the Cell Size button, and then press
Enter to open it.

5.  Press the Down Arrow key to go to the Alt Text button, and then
press Enter to open the box.

6.  Type a title, press the Tab key, and then type a description.

7.  Press Esc to close the Alt Text box.
list end


Hyperlinks are the basic action on the web. With Mail for Windows 10
you can add hyperlinks to your email, including text to display, so
your friends can
read ordinary text instead of URLs.

For more information about the Insert tab, see
Format, Insert, and Options buttons on the Format tab.
To insert a hyperlink in an email message

list of 9 items

1.  When you're editing an email message, press the Alt key to get to
the ribbon.

2.   Press the Right Arrow key until you reach the Insert tab, and
then use the Down Arrow key to move to the lower ribbon.

3.   Press the Tab key to go to the Link button.

4.  Press Enter to open the link dialog.

5.  Mail for Windows 10 places the cursor in the Address box, ready
for you to enter the URL for the link.

6.  Press Shift+Tab to move to the Text to display box.
7.  Type a meaningful phrase for the link. The phrase should give
someone a clear idea of the link destination.

8.  Press the Tab key twice to move to the Insert button.

9.  Press Enter to insert the link in the email message.
list end


Mail for Windows 10 has a powerful search option that makes looking
for information in your email fast and reliable.

To search for information in an email message

list of 4 items

1.  Press Ctrl+E to move directly to the Search box.

2.   Type a key word in the Search box, such as a word that might be
in the Subject line or a recipient's name, and then press Enter.

3.  Mail for Windows 10 places the search results in the message list,
and moves the keyboard focus there. You can move through the items in
the message
list to review the results to find the item you want.

4.  When you find  a message you want to open, press Enter.
list end

Short cut key commands
Frequent navigation shortcuts
To do this
Switch to Inbox
Ctrl + Shift + 1
Switch to Calendar
Ctrl + 2

Switch to Mail

Ctrl + 1

Move to a different region



Ctrl + E

Zoom in

Ctrl + + (Ctrl and plus sign)

Zoom out

Ctrl + - (Ctrl and minus sign)

Frequent Mail shortcuts

table with 2 columns and 6 rows

To do this


Reply to a message

Ctrl + R

Create a message

Ctrl + N

Add an attachment

Alt + 1

Send a message

Alt + S

Delete a message or conversation

Ctrl + D
able end

Frequent Calendar shortcuts

table with 2 columns and 7 rows

To do this


Create an appointment


Delete an appointment


Accept a meeting invitation


Decline a meeting invitation


Show my calendar in Day view


Show my calendar in Work Week view

table end

All shortcuts, Mail app in Windows 10

table with 2 columns and 30 rows

To do this


Toggle the important
property on a conversation


Delete a conversation


Delete a conversation


Archive a conversation


Mark as read


Mark as unread


Reply to current mail


Reply all


Forward current mail






Accept Meeting Invitation


Decline Meeting Invitation


Tentative Meeting Invitation


Create a new mail


Create a new mail


Move to View


Switch to calendar


Switch to Inbox


Switch to Outbox


Add Attachment


Account Manual Sync


Account Manual Sync


Zoom in


Zoom out


Send mail


Send mail

Ctrl + Enter

Move between regions


Toggle Caret Browsing

table end

All shortcuts, Calendar app in Windows 10

table with 2 columns and 15 rows

To do this


Switch to Mail


Remove appointments


Add recurrence




Reply all


Save  changes on a
calendar item


Save  changes on a
calendar item


Forward calendar item


New Appointment




Show Day view


Show Work Week view


Show Week view


Show Month view


nothing is difficult unless you make it appear so.

r. aravind,

Assistant manager
Department of sales
bank of baroda retail loan factory, Chennai.
mobile no: +91 9940369593, 9710945613.
email id : aravind_...@yahoo.com, aravind.andhrab...@gmail.com.

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