Re: [AI] problems with mails

2007-01-17 Thread Tanya

Hello Dattu,

Try going to the "options" link and out there go to
general preferences. Change the required setting and
may be it should work. Sometimes it may happen that
the mail you post doesn't appear at the top but it
does appear somewhere later.

I hope the "options" link solves your problem.


"The visually challenged may not have sight, but they don't lack vision".


Tanya :)

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Re: [AI] problems with mails

2007-01-16 Thread Harish Kotian
Hi Daddu

As a solution, I am afraid there is none at present.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dattu Agarwal Agarwal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 6:47 AM
Subject: [AI] problems with mails

hi Kiran
  i am facing serious problems in recieving mails the problems are listed 
  1. irregular mails--many times old mails appears on the top and new mails 
go to the bottom.
  2. mails missing--many times i am not receiving the mails posted on 
  my own mails which i posted does not find place.
  3. many times the orginal mails does not appear but the replys to the 
orginal mails are recieved.
  please verified the problems and solve them as quikly as possible
  Dattu Agarwal

Prof Dattu Agarwal
President Bharatiya Welfare Association For The Blind Gulbarga
Personal e-mail Id [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mobile +919886678744
Skype id dattu.agarwal57

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[AI] problems with mails

2007-01-16 Thread Dattu Agarwal Agarwal
hi Kiran
  i am facing serious problems in recieving mails the problems are listed bellow
  1. irregular mails--many times old mails appears on the top and new mails go 
to the bottom.
  2. mails missing--many times i am not receiving the mails posted on 
  my own mails which i posted does not find place.
  3. many times the orginal mails does not appear but the replys to the orginal 
mails are recieved.
  please verified the problems and solve them as quikly as possible
  Dattu Agarwal

Prof Dattu Agarwal
President Bharatiya Welfare Association For The Blind Gulbarga
Personal e-mail Id [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mobile +919886678744
Skype id dattu.agarwal57

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