[Acegisecurity-developer] RainbowCrack service and Acegi

2005-11-10 Thread Andy Depue
Just found an interesting article over on the Register:
It's about a new online service that has built huge rainbow tables 
containing hashes and the associated passwords that generate those hashes for 
the most popular hashing algorithms.  They talk about how most security 
systems were not implemented carefully enough, and so become easy to crack 
with rainbow tables.  Now, someone correct me if I'm wrong, and this was even 
briefly mentioned in the article, but doesn't a good salt algorithm foil 
this?  Acegi has the ability to salt hashes, so I guess the next question is, 
is Acegi's implementation good enough to thwart such easy cracking?

  - Andy

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[Acegisecurity-developer] Acegi integration with ActiveMQ

2005-09-16 Thread Andy Depue
I need to integrate ActiveMQ's JMS security with Acegi.  Before I do this, I 
just want to make sure I'm not solving a problem that has already been 
solved.  Has anyone else integrated ActiveMQ's security with Acegi?  It 
should be fairly straightforward as ActiveMQ provides a single simple adapter 
interface to implement.


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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] Quartz acegi problems

2005-09-16 Thread Andy Depue
On Friday 16 September 2005 04:17 am, Achmad Arif Rachim wrote:
 I was thinking like that before. but how do i intercept quartz. This is
 becouse im using MethodSecurityInterceptor, every time targetMethod invoked
 by localhost it throws AuthenticationException.

 Im using MethodDefinitionAttributes using commons-attributes. The idea was
 to make every method invocation passed security concern.

 Unfortunately for method that was invoked by localmechine will throw
 AuthentificationCredentialsNotFoundException :(. I was wondering how to
 intercept quartz before invoking targetMethod, so i can put
 AuthenticationObject into ThreadLocal,... but seems doesnt have a clue. :(

You will need to authenticate a user in your quartz job before it actually 
calls your secured method.  See this thread: 
In particular, take a look at this message: 
I'm not yet familiar with Quartz, so it's up to you (or someone else on this 
list) to figure out how to accomplish this in relation to Quartz, but it 
should be simple enough to pull off.

  - Andy

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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] Acegi integration with ActiveMQ

2005-09-16 Thread Andy Depue
On Friday 16 September 2005 11:07 am, Andy Depue wrote:
 I need to integrate ActiveMQ's JMS security with Acegi.  Before I do this,
 I just want to make sure I'm not solving a problem that has already been
 solved.  Has anyone else integrated ActiveMQ's security with Acegi?  It
 should be fairly straightforward as ActiveMQ provides a single simple
 adapter interface to implement.

OK, I'm going to go ahead with this.  I've made a snap decision to continue 
conversation on the ActiveMQ user list.  Unless someone tells me otherwise, I 
plan on contributing the adapter to the ActiveMQ project rather than the 
Acegi project.  I've placed some initial thoughts in the ActiveMQ user list 
already.  As soon as it shows up in gmane, I'll post a link to the thread (as 
a response to this message).

  - Andy

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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] Quartz acegi problems

2005-09-16 Thread Andy Depue
On Friday 16 September 2005 01:26 pm, Achmad Arif Rachim wrote:
 Hi andy,

 Im using your suggestion to use SecurityFacade. i found very interesting
 result, yes its working but not 100% well. Every successfull invocations
 theres periode where AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException thrown. I
 found every 16 successful invocation always have one failed down :(

 I think the problem becouse we can only invoke
 securityFacade.authenticateUser inside targetMethod. Im using
 methodSecurityInterceptor with commons-attributes, so it will intercept any
 kind of method before they were being called. the issue will be how to
 intercept QUARTZ targetMethod before invoked so i can call

 Wish Ben can help me on this.

As I said, I'm not yet familiar with Quartz, but it sounds like it is calling 
a target method on some object.  If I understand your problem correctly, then 
you are asking Quartz to invoke a target method that happens to be secured 
(MethodSecurityInterceptor?) by Acegi.  So, by the time you get inside your 
target method, Acegi has already tried to authenticate the user.  If this is 
all true, then why not have Quartz call some other object that then calls 
your target method?  For example:

public class SomeOtherObject
  private ActualObject actualSecuredObject;
  private SecurityFacade securityFacade;

  public void targetMethod(... args ) {
    securityFacade.authenticateUser(subsystemUserName, subsystemCredentials);
    try {
  actualSecuredObject.actualTargetMethod(... pass in args ...);
    } finally {

  public void setActualSecuredObject(ActualObject ao) { ... }
  public ActualObject getActualSecuredObject() { ... }
  public void setSecurityFacade(SecurityFacade sf) { ... }
  public SecurityFacade getSecurityFacade() { ... }

You could instantiate this in Spring:

bean id=quartzObject class=...SomeOtherObject
  property name=actualSecuredObject ref=someSecuredObject/
  property name=securityFacade ref=securityFacade/

Now, just pass a reference to quartzObject to Quartz instead of 

This is, of course, a very concrete example, but it could easily be made 
generic by employing interfaces, JDK Proxy, or even Spring's AOP.

  - Andy

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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] Quartz acegi problems

2005-09-16 Thread Andy Depue
OK, so my example might look like this for you (again, I'm going to use 
concrete code here).  First, define the class that will wrap the call to 
your actual target method:

public class CustomerReportQuartzAuthenticator
  private CustomerReport customerReport;
  pricate SecurityFacade securityFacade;

  public void authenticatedGeneratePerformance() {
try {
} finally {

  public CustomerReport getCustomeReport() {
return customerReport;
  public void setCustomerReport(CustomerReport cr) {
customerReport = cr;
  public SecurityFacade getSecurityFacade() {
return securityFacade;
  public void setSecurityFacade(SecurityFacade sf) {
securityFacade = sf;

Declare it in your spring config (note, I'm not familiar with commons 
attributes, so I'm showing you what this would look like in XML):

bean id=quartzAuthenticatedCustomerReport 
  property name=customeReport ref=customerReport/
  property name=securityFacade ref=securityFacade/

Note that it references your customerReport bean, which I'm assuming you've 
already declared in your Spring config (along with securityFacade) - in other 
words, you shouldn't need to change your current configuration of 
customerReport at all.  In fact, you should now remove any authentication 
code you may have put into customerReport.  Now, change your 
MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean to call 
quartzAuthenticatedCustomerReport instead.  Something like this:

bean id=quartzCustomerReportJob 
  property name=targetObject ref=quartzAuthenticatedCustomerReport/
  property name=targetMethod value=authenticatedGeneratePerformance/

  - Andy

On Friday 16 September 2005 02:17 pm, Achmad Arif Rachim wrote:
 Actually the architecture was like this

 First i create target class called CostumerReport which has method named
 generatePerformance. So generatePerformance will be called as
 targetMethod by acegi, becouse its the method that will be invoked daily.
 Then i declare CostumerReport as costumerReport bean in
 applicationContexta.xml and i also inject SecurityFacade and other Service

 Then costumerReport is wrapped inside MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean by
 declaring targetMethod that will be invoked (obviously it is
 costumerReport.generateSalesPerformance), basically this is the easiest way
 to declare quartz job detail bean.

 My last step is creating quartz trigger using simple trigger bean, and set
 the interval periode.

 Im using commons-attributest to make easy configuration (rather than
 editing the xml). I belive this attributeSource (commons-attributes) couse
 inspection every time method being called, any kind of method which
 registered in applicationContext.xml.

 Thats why every time quartz MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean executed,
 security concern will check if theres any Authentication in SecureContext.

 So the case was like this, CostumerReport automatically becoming secured
 object becouse MethodInvocationInterceptor using attributes
 commons-attributes. Even if i dont declare


 still acegi check if theres any AuthenticationObject every method
 invocation in every bean thats registered in applicationContext.xml

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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] missing voting facilities?

2005-08-05 Thread Andy Depue
We did something very similar, only chose a more verbose route.  We created a 
SuperiorVoter that can inspect a parameter, determine the owner of that 
parameter (object), and then only allow the owner or the owner's superior 
through.  We chose this syntax: OWNER_OR_SUPERIOR_OF(PARAM_IDX=#) - Here is 
an example:

  - Andy

On Thursday 04 August 2005 05:56 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I would have liked to secure all methods in an object by implementing
 a voter that does

 if the USERID parameter is present, and the principal does not have
 superuser role, then

 USERID must be equal to principal.

   However, because the Method class only reifies the parameter types and
 not their names,

 one if forced to go by argument position, and it would be really bad to
 do the check for every method

 on argument #n blindly.

   So, one needs to go for a the more verbose way of specifying a method
 definition source with entries for

 each method in the target class.

   Now, ideally one could have some more complex configuration attributes
 that just a token string specifying some access,

 to allow for some comparisons to be specified just in XML without having
 to write custom voters.

   In my case, I could live with some more basic framework which does
 some basic parsing of the tokens with a determined pattern,

 much in the same style as the RoleVoter, for example, tokens that start
 with ARGUMENT_ and a number, eg:


   Then one could subclass such an abstract class and just implement the
 specific check that you want for the argument.

 Fernando Mato Mira

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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] How to use Acegi in this situation?

2005-06-20 Thread Andy Depue
As I originally mentioned, in one particular case we created a special user 
just for our background task (because it made sense in this particular 
context).  So, assuming you have already created a user in your system for 
the background task, I can share the code we use to log in as a user.  
Note, that this code works with Acegi v. 0.8.2, and I'm not sure if it has 
changed for later versions.
First, you are going to need an AuthenticationManager, which is usually setup 
in your Spring configuration.  In our security facade, we keep a reference to 
the AuthenticationManager:



  private AuthenticationManager authenticationManager;


  public AuthenticationManager getAuthenticationManager()
return this.authenticationManager;

  public void setAuthenticationManager(final AuthenticationManager 
this.authenticationManager = authenticationManager;


We then use Spring to inject a reference of the AuthenticationManager into our 
security facade bean.

We then have an authenticateUser method that goes something like this:

  public void authenticateUser(final String principal,
   final String credentials)
final UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken request = new 
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(principal, credentials);
final Authentication result = 

// Setup a secure ContextHolder (if required)
if(ContextHolder.getContext() == null || !(ContextHolder.getContext() 
instanceof SecureContext)) {
  try {
ContextHolder.setContext(new SecureContextImpl());
  } catch(Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);

// Commit the successful Authentication object to the secure
// ContextHolder
final SecureContext sc = (SecureContext) ContextHolder.getContext();

We then have a matching unauthenticateUser() method:

  public void unauthenticateUser()
// Make the Authentication object null if a SecureContext exists
if(ContextHolder.getContext() != null  ContextHolder.getContext() 
instanceof SecureContext) {
  SecureContext sc = (SecureContext) ContextHolder.getContext();

Note that we wrote this code way back when Acegi will still young, so it might 
be the case that Acegi now has utility methods somewhere that do this for 
you.  I haven't looked recently, so maybe someone can comment.
We also wrote some support interfaces to allow subsystems to authenticate 
themselves in a safer manner, but it is a lot of code.  So, for now, I will 
show you what it all basically boils down to.  In your background process, 
you would do something like this:

  securityFacade.authenticateUser(subsystemUserName, subsystemCredentials);
  try {
// Background process code goes here
  } finally {

  - Andy

On Monday 20 June 2005 09:26 am, Marco Mistroni wrote:
   few time ago Mr Andy Depue reply tomy message on how to use
 acegi in a situation where the user does not log in, (for example in
 the case in which a  background process - cron like - periodically
 In this situation, how will i create a contextHoldert to associate it
 with the call?
 how will i create a 'default user' (from javacode) so that i can
 safely call my code and being authorized by acegi?

 any help?

 thanx in advance and regards

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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] How to use Acegi in this situation?

2005-06-10 Thread Andy Depue
I have a very similar situation in my own application where our workflow 
engine can invoke (Acegi protected) service methods from a background task.  
This also arises when you are using JMS - your message receiver will execute 
without any user context, and yet often you need to call into service methods 
to handle the JMS message.  I'm not sure if this is the best approach, but in 
the case of our workflow engine, we created a specific workflow user.  In the 
case of JMS messages we encrypt the user's credentials into each message.  In 
the message handler we authenticate against those credentials for the 
duration of the message handler (the user is automatically unauthenticated 
once the message handler exits).

  - Andy

On Friday 10 June 2005 01:31 am, Marco Mistroni wrote:
 Hello all,
  i have a webapp (spring-based) that is used to insert some entries in
 a MYSQL database via a PersistenceManager.
 I recently came across Acegi and i want to use it in my application,
 so proper place in which put permissions will be PersistenceManager.
 Thtere is however a small problem with that.
 In my application, i am using Quartz job scheduler, and some of the
 jobs scheduled use PersistenceManager in order to update my database
 (yes, i am lazy, i have my code update the database for me
 now, here is the challenge: normally, an user logs in and insert
 entries in the database via webinterface, and so Acegi can
 authenticate and authorize the user.
 But when Quartz launches the Job that updates the database, user does
 not need to log in since the job is fired automatically.
 And in this case, i must skip authorization at all, since if a job has
 been scheduled, that means that the user that did it (via the web
 interface) had the rights to do that.
 Thing is that if i user Acegi interceptor and apply it to
 PersistenceManager, that interceptor will be invoked also from the
 Quartz Job, since ultimately the Quartz Job calls PersistenceManager.
 In my view i have two possible solutions:
 1 - since i can grab the user that scheduled the job, i can try to
 'authenticate' and authorize it via Acegi  since in my QuartzJob i can
 get hold of Spring context
 2 - make so that when the Quartz Job invokes PersistenceManager, a
 special user is used so that the operation on PersistenceManager is

 But i don't know the code to write for doing either 1 or 2.
 anyone can help and give me suggestions?

 thanx in advance and regards

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[Acegisecurity-developer] Acegi not working with latest (cvs) version of Spring

2005-04-08 Thread Andy Depue
Just so you know, Acegi is not working with the latest cvs version of Spring.  
I'm not sure yet how many problems there are, but I'm currently running into 
the fact that Acegi expects org.springframework.util.PathMatcher to contain a 
static boolean match(String, String) but PathMatcher is now an interface.  
I'm currently trying to patch my version of Acegi to use an implementation of 
PathMatcher (AntPathMatcher).  This problem is happening in 

  - Andy

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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] Acegi not working with latest (cvs) version of Spring

2005-04-08 Thread Andy Depue
Well, I will post the quick and dirty patch I made.  Everything compiles and 
tests seem to pass.  However, this patch will work only with the very latest 
version of Spring, and so breaks backward compatibility.  I'll leave it to 
the powers-that-be to determine how they want to approach this situation.  In 
the meantime, this patch should allow anyone on the bleeding edge of Spring 
to continue using Acegi...

  - Andy

On Friday 08 April 2005 04:22 pm, Andy Depue wrote:
 Just so you know, Acegi is not working with the latest cvs version of
 Spring. I'm not sure yet how many problems there are, but I'm currently
 running into the fact that Acegi expects
 org.springframework.util.PathMatcher to contain a static boolean
 match(String, String) but PathMatcher is now an interface. I'm currently
 trying to patch my version of Acegi to use an implementation of PathMatcher
 (AntPathMatcher).  This problem is happening in

   - Andy

Index: PathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap.java
RCS file: /cvsroot/acegisecurity/acegisecurity/core/src/main/java/net/sf/acegisecurity/intercept/web/PathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap.java,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 PathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap.java
--- PathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap.java	28 Feb 2005 22:06:53 -	1.3
+++ PathBasedFilterInvocationDefinitionMap.java	8 Apr 2005 23:38:13 -
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
 import org.springframework.util.PathMatcher;
+import org.springframework.util.AntPathMatcher;
 import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
 private List requestMap = new Vector();
 private boolean convertUrlToLowercaseBeforeComparison = false;
+private PathMatcher pathMatcher = new AntPathMatcher();
 //~ Methods 
@@ -77,6 +79,16 @@
 return set.iterator();
+public PathMatcher getPathMatcher()
+  return this.pathMatcher;
+public void setPathMatcher(final PathMatcher pathMatcher)
+  this.pathMatcher = pathMatcher;
 public void setConvertUrlToLowercaseBeforeComparison(
 boolean convertUrlToLowercaseBeforeComparison) {
 this.convertUrlToLowercaseBeforeComparison = convertUrlToLowercaseBeforeComparison;
@@ -113,7 +125,7 @@
 while (iter.hasNext()) {
 EntryHolder entryHolder = (EntryHolder) iter.next();
-boolean matched = PathMatcher.match(entryHolder.getAntPath(), url);
+boolean matched = getPathMatcher().match(entryHolder.getAntPath(), url);
 if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
 logger.debug(Candidate is: ' + url + '; pattern is 

Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] PostInvocation and Hibernate Sessions

2005-02-10 Thread Andy Depue
We utilized a Hibernate interceptor in our solution, though that is only a 
part of the solution (the interceptor didn't give us everything we needed).

  - Andy

On Wednesday 09 February 2005 09:40 pm, Ben Alex wrote:
 Gavin Terrill wrote:
 We recently adopted Acegi Security for one of our enterprise products
 security requirement, and we will be facing the same issues, so this
 thread is very useful and timely.
 Thought out of the blue: instead of mutating the domain objects, would
 it be possible to wrap them up in a dynamic 'secure' proxy? The proxy
 would essentially act in the role of a 'caretaker'
 (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CaretakerPattern), preventing access to the
 secured properties. I guess the downside would be that a dynamic proxy
 would require your domain objects implementing an interface, which may
 be cumbersome. Ok, what about utilizing CGLIB to extend the class then

 I have previously played with GCLIBing domain object instances, but that
 caused some complications with Hibernate. In the end that's what
 motivated me to write the AspectJ integration, but I was disappointed by
 the poor incremental compilation reliability in the Eclipse IDE. That's
 going back probably six months, so it might have improved and using
 AspectJ is a realistic/viable option for a caretaker-style solution to
 method invocation.

 Alternatively, I am just wondering if a Hibernate Interceptor
 might be able to help in this case? It seems to offer the necessary
 hooks to introspect the object.


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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] PostInvocation and Hibernate Sessions

2005-02-10 Thread Andy Depue
In our model, the lazy approach wouldn't have bought us too much since we have 
rich clients, meaning that all service invocations happen remotely.  One of 
our goals was to prevent sensitive information from even being transmitted to 
the client.  This means that we would have had to apply the lazy ACL before 
transmitting the objects to the client anyway.  We considered the caretaker 
approach at first, and I think it is a very good idea.  The downside is that 
it would require you to either define a different access strategy for your 
domain objects (instead of plain POJO get/set methods) or proxy/AOP your 
domain objects.  This is perfectly acceptable in many cases, and again, is a 
good solution.  In our case it would not have interacted well with other 

  - Andy

On Thursday 10 February 2005 07:58 am, Tim Kettering wrote:
 I am quite relieved to find that I'm not the only person facing this issue.

 The discussion so far is quite invaluable and I hope we can continue this
 thread.  I have tried looking at Hibernate Interceptor, but I don't think
 it is the ideal solution because not all of my objects are obtained by
 Hibernate (most of them are, but not all).  So I need whatever solution
 that I ultimately go with to work outside of Hibernate.

 To me, it seems the following conditions are important if we are looking at
 scrubbing the object instance.

 1. ability to apply specific security to variable, or method level

 2. persistence strategy independent.

 3. ideally participate in the same transaction as the data load itself to
 guarantee a consistent version of the data.

 For the last option - however, if a caretaker pattern is applied, then
 caretaker implementation itself might choose to take a more lazy-load
 approach, not actually checking ACL permissions until the method is
 actually invoked.  Is that a feasible option?  This particular approach
 would happen outside the transaction though, so there could be a mismatch
 in the database object graph and the instanced object.


 I have previously played with GCLIBing domain object instances, but that
 caused some complications with Hibernate. In the end that's what
 motivated me to write the AspectJ integration, but I was disappointed by
 the poor incremental compilation reliability in the Eclipse IDE. That's
 going back probably six months, so it might have improved and using
 AspectJ is a realistic/viable option for a caretaker-style solution to
 method invocation.

 Alternatively, I am just wondering if a Hibernate Interceptor
 might be able to help in this case? It seems to offer the necessary
 hooks to introspect the object.

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Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] PostInvocation and Hibernate Sessions

2005-02-09 Thread Andy Depue
How would that solve this flow:
1. Get object from service call (the object has been modified by ACL 
2. Change object.  Something like obj.setProperty(newValue) or 
obj.addSomething(something) or obj.getSomeSet().add(something)
3. Pass changed object to service method for processing (persisting).

At step #3 you want to persist the changes that were made by the client but 
not the changes made by ACL filtering.

  - Andy

On Wednesday 09 February 2005 03:39 pm, March, Andres wrote:
 Can't all the ACL filtering be done when initially loading the object
 from the Session/Cache/DB but before the object is part of a

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf


  Andy Depue
  Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 3:23 PM
  To: acegisecurity-developer@lists.sourceforge.net
  Subject: Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] PostInvocation and Hibernate
  We developed our current ACL type system before Acegi had its ACL


  planned for this behavior from the beginning (we work with Hibernate


  well).  Our system has these abilities:
  1. Property level ACLs.  If the user does not have read access for a
  then somehow blank it out so that sensitive data is not transmitted on


  wire.  If the user does not have write access to a property and the


  attempts to change a value on the property, then throw a security
  when they attempt to persist the object.
  2. Instance level ACLs.  If the user does not have read access to an
  then filter that instance out:
a. If the instance is the return value of a service method, throw


  denied exception.
b. If the instance appears in a collection, remove it from the
c. If the instance appears as the value of a property, secure the
  (via the same process used in #1).
  Apply these symantecs to all returned objects wherever they appear in


  object graph, which, of course, implies recursion.  Now consider the
  usage pattern for our rich client application:
  1. Rich client makes remote invocation to server side service via


  interface.  The interface is a proxy that calls the remote service via
  2. Enter server side:
a. We first encounter the general security proxy that does basic


  security checks against the service method itself.
b. Next, we encounter the transaction proxy which establishes a
  context for the remainder of the method invocation.
c. Invoke the actual service method.
d. Service method returns object graph.
e. Leave transaction proxy, meaning the transaction is committed (or
  back in case of error/exception).
f. If there was no error or exception, then we return back to the
  proxy which now performs ACL security on the returned graph (note that
  is outside of the transaction).  The object graph may be mutated


  securing phase.
  As you can imagine, this gets real complicated when using POJOs and
  (and your Hibernate model doubles as your DTOs), which is exactly what


  use.  If you retrieve an object graph from one service method, make
  modifications, and then persist those changes via another service


  invocation you are dealing with two totally separate transactions and
  Hibernate Sessions.  The ACL mechanism performs actual modifications


  POJOs in order to secure them, but you do not want these


  persisted back to the DB as they were temporary and specific to the
  of securing transmission of data.  This is about when you start


  the more dynamic nature of some other languages - it would be so much
  if I could set dynamic metadata against a property (a property


  remove a property altogether.  Anyway, you somehow have to merge the
  allowable mutations made by the client with the original object state
  persisting to Hibernate.  The version of Hibernate we use ( 3.0) does


  make this any easier, though it is possible.  There are a lot of


  interactions that can bite you if you aren't very careful with your
  implementation.  I don't have time now to elaborate on how we solved


  various issues.  For now, I'll say that we used a combination of AOP,
  Hibernate Interceptor, and special secured placeholders for objects.
  solution is not optimal at the moment.  Our version of Hibernate just


  not provide any easy way to optimize things, so we end up reading each


  every object from the DB before updating it.  This means at the time


  update we have two copies of each object: the one passed in from the
  (which is mutilated, so to speak, because of the ACL mods), and one we
  reloaded from the DB via Hibernate.  We end up applying

Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] MSc Thesis on middle tier security

2004-12-30 Thread Andy Depue
The new model object filtering is a fascinating area in my mind.  One thing 
we've implemented (before Acegi had its own filtering) is the ability to 
filter down to the property level on an object.  In other words, you can 
secure a specific property and if someone doesn't have clearance then the 
property will be cleared.  This introduces all sorts of interesting problems 
in some scenarios.  For example, in our case the value objects passed back 
and forth between clients and server side services double as our Hibernate 
data object model.  In other words, we don't have separate value objects but 
instead use a single data object model for both data access and service 
invocation.  This gets quite tricky when you combine it with property level 
filtering.  Imagine a service method that returns a model object with several 
properties filtered out.  The user then makes some changes to the object and 
sends it back in another service call to be updated.  What the user sends 
back to the server is a partial object in that some of the properties are 
blank since they were secured from the client to begin with.  If you 
persisted the object as-is, then Hibernate would blindly write those cleared 
property values back to the DB - very bad.  Oh, and don't forget that some 
properties could be secured for a particular client so that they are 
read-only or even write-only.  And don't forget to throw a security exception 
if the client tries to pass a value in a non-writeable field.  And then 
there's recursive data structures to contend with... property values that are 
themselves collections of securable objects... and if you filtered a 
collection of securable objects from a property, and the client returns that 
object to the server to be updated, how do you determine if the client 
legitimately removed an object from the collection, or if the object was 
filtered due to security?  You wouldn't want to have hibernate persist the 
collection as-is, or it would remove from the DB objects that were only 
filtered for security reasons.  Fun stuff, eh?

  - Andy

On Thursday 30 December 2004 01:49 pm, Vladimir Horev wrote:
 Hello list!

 I'm planning to write a MSc thesis on the subject of business tier
 security. My idea was to take part of some open source project (acegi)
 and develop some component that I could use in my thesis. Could you
 recommend me something on that?

 regards, Vladimir

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[Acegisecurity-developer] Custom login form

2004-09-16 Thread Andy Depue
I'm looking at the spring rich client security package 
(org.springframework.richclient.security).  I would like to customize the 
login form to include an additional field, but it looks the form fields are 
hardcoded.  I guess at the moment I have to create my own LoginForm and 
LoginCommand.  Not that there is a lot of code in these two classes, but I 
hate duplicating any amount of code.  Even if I could just supply my own 
LoginForm to LoginCommand that would save a lot of duplication as I could 
then extend LoginForm.

  - Andy

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[Acegisecurity-developer] Instance based security

2004-07-22 Thread Andy Depue
Has any thought been given to adding instance based security support to Acegi?  
This seems to be a common requirement.  Basically, what I mean by this is 
that you can apply security constraints (hopefully in a declarative fashion) 
to an object class with rules that are capable of discriminating on instance 
data.  As an example, say you have an Employee object with a salary property.  
Only some roles should be allowed to view the salary.  And only some roles 
should be able to view any information related to a CEO Employee.
As an implementation example, I have recently had to implement something 
similar to this, and I did so by applying aspects to my service instances.  
As DTOs enter and leave a service, my aspect would inspect the various object 
instances and apply the declarative security constraints.  In our case, it 
was even more involved, as we needed the ability to actually modify the DTO: 
if a property was off limits, then its value would be replaced with a 
secured value.  This way, when the DTO is transmitted to a client (via a web 
service), the sensitive information will not be sent across the wire.  Such 
security constraints also had the ability to enforce data operations: create, 
read, update, delete.  So, for example, I could say that a role can read the 
salary field, but not be allowed to change the salary field.  We also 
provided a mechanism whereby a client can ask for a security map of an 
instance (or a class, for more general cases), so that it can know what 
security constraints are in effect for a particular object.  This is useful 
to dynamically alter a UI based on what is allowed on an instance.

Thoughts, comments?

  - Andy

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