RE: [ActiveDir] script to check the "inheritance" from the security Tab...

2005-10-25 Thread Ulf B. Simon-Weidner
Hallo Michel,

Look a the VB-Script in KB 817433 (
), especially the SetInheritanceFlag-Function.


|-Original Message-
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
|Bruyere, Michel
|Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:48 AM
|Subject: [ActiveDir] script to check the "inheritance" from 
|the security Tab...
|   I would like to make sure that all the following check boxe is
|Inherit from parent the permissions entries that apply to child object.
|I would like to do this as a batch job, without having to go 
|manually to each user objects. 
|Anyone has an idea on scripts or tools (freeware) that can 
|allow me to reset these?
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RE: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods

2005-10-25 Thread joe
Beta 2 is ready. Same download location.

I have fixed a couple of bugs I found and some others reported.

Also added a couple of items that I thought of and/or were recommended.

-tdcs   - time decode in more easily sortable format than -tdc. CSV really
helped drive this change. I had everything in place for it, just didn't have
it exposed via a switch. 

-utc- output -tdc/-tdcs in UTC instead of local TZ

Also have -tdc/-tdcs output TZ so you know what it is.

-nocsvheader  - doesn't list attribute header at top of csv output

-po  - print out all switches and attributes specified. This will dump out
everything set through command line as well as -e and -ef options.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:15 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ADFIND mods

I have finished the initial pass through the adfind updates. I have done
some testing and allowed a few others to test it and am now opening up the
beta to this list, please don't forward as I don't want a bunch of people
using the beta 2 months from now. 

o Phantom Root capability (-pr) - Allows you to search across all partitions
across a DC or ADAM instance based on specified base. I.E. -b ".com" would
retrieve *.com partitions.  -b "" would retrieve all partitions say all ADAM
partitions or default domain, config, and schema of a DC (even if it isn't a

o Added list (-list) - output from adfind is in list format. For instance
say you want a simple list of ldapdisplaynames of all the attributes in the
schema. You could use a query like 

Adfind -schema -f objectcategory=attributeschema ldapdisplayname -list

If you want the output sorted by ldapdisplayname, you do not have to specify
-sort ldapdisplayname, if you specify -sort or -rsort it will automatically
assume you want ldapdisplayname or whatever other attribute you are listing
by. However, if you want it sorted by some other attribute, you can still
specify it.

o Added -soao - Sorted order attribute output. Jerry Schulman asked me for
this and the next update. This sorts the attributes output for each object
by attribute name so they will be in a consistent order. This is nice for
scripting in the scripting languages that have minimal parsing capabilities
(like not Perl) ;o)

o -oao - Ordered attribute output. Attribute output for each object is in
the order you specify attributes to be returned in the command submitted.
Not only that, but if a specific object doesn't have one of the attributes,
it will still put a slot in the output for that attribute. By default that
slot will be empty (>attribname:) but if you like, you can specify a value
to insert (this is from Al Mulnick from some time last year) like say
#undef# so if an attribute you specify to be returned will have that value
in the output (>attribname: #undef#). This is done by specifying that string
after the -oao switch.

o CSV output... You must specify a list of attributes to be returned, if you
don't it will autoselect dn and name for you. If you don't want to specify a
list of attributes, you can still use (Should I compile that?).
Supporting switches are -csvdelim, -csvmvdelim, -csvq. The delim switches
let you specify delimiters for the attribs and the values of a mv attrib.
csvq lets you specify a different value to quote the attributes, default is
the quote character. -nodn is supported with -csv... 

o -incldn and -incldndelim - these are like -excldn and -excldndelim but
allows you to filter on what you want to see versus what you don't want to
see. Remember, all data from the query comes back, this will simply filter
out unwanted objects on display.

o Added the ability to decode msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed when using

o Added decode for AzMan groups (basic and query based) with -samdc on

o Fixed a bug in the filter expansion of the stats+ output. It would blow it
if there were parens in the output that wasn't related to the filter itself.

o Added environment option (-e). We discussed this functionality and the
next functionality on the list a while back. You can specify environment
variables and adfind will read them and use them like they were specified on
the command line. Switches provided at the command line will override
anything specified in the env vars. Attributes specified will be in addition
to what is specified on the command line. The default prefix for the env
vars is adfind-. So if you wanted to specify a host to use in the env vars,
say because you don't want to keep typing it, you could type


And then when you do adfind and specify the -e switch it will pull that in
and use it. 

If you want to specify a different prefix you specify it after the -e like
for instance -e adam1  -e adam2   -adam3 and then you could hav

RE: [ActiveDir]Group Policy Administrative Templates

2005-10-25 Thread Darren Mar-Elia

There's a few free and for pay tools to do it. Check out 
the following:
RegtoADM: turns .reg files into ADMs. Free 
tool that is part of the NUTS utilities at
ADM TEmplate Editor: This is a for pay 
tool found at
Policy Template Editor: a for pay tool at

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sadovskiy Artem 
NikolaevichSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:28 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir]Group Policy 
Administrative Templates

Are there any tools that can assist 
me to create .ADM (Group Policy Administrative Templates) 
If anybody knows, please send me a 

[ActiveDir]Group Policy Administrative Templates

2005-10-25 Thread Sadovskiy Artem Nikolaevich



Are there any tools that can assist me to create .ADM
(Group Policy Administrative Templates) files?

If anybody knows, please send me a link.




RE: [ActiveDir] secure subnet; no sharing of files or internet access

2005-10-25 Thread Brian Desmond
Are you opening the ports between the subnets or between the subnet and the
dc host IPs? If you do the latter, the only place your users could drop
files and what have you is on the DCs and they'd need to be domain admins or
someone has to create a share on the DC that they can access. You'll need to
trust your admins or take away their privs.

Your firewall rules should be permitting the traffic from the secure subnet
to host objects for the DCs not from the secure subnet to the subnet with
the DCs on them. 

Brian Desmond
c - 312.731.3132

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of sdgesa gaeharth
Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:31 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] secure subnet; no sharing of files or internet access

We have a single office with a single domain.  Our
physical network consists of a firewall with a set of
managed switches behind it.  I have partitioned the
network into multiple subnets using vlans.

Vlan 1: internal dmz(AD, DNS, DHCP)
Vlan 2: accounting
Vlan 3: business development
Vlan 4: secured vlan

We need to restrict the Vlan 4, "secured vlan" so no
confidential files can get out. No Internet , no file
sharing with the other subnets, no printers, etc.

I opened dns, dhcp, and AD ports from Vlan 4 to Vlan 1
in order to facilitate authenticationa ganist the DC.

However, I am still worried that users could possible
be able to get files out.  For example, it seems port
445 is needed for authentication and file sharing.

Does anyone have any hints except the obvious one of
separating the subnet physically which is not an


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[ActiveDir] secure subnet; no sharing of files or internet access

2005-10-25 Thread sdgesa gaeharth
We have a single office with a single domain.  Our
physical network consists of a firewall with a set of
managed switches behind it.  I have partitioned the
network into multiple subnets using vlans.

Vlan 1: internal dmz(AD, DNS, DHCP)
Vlan 2: accounting
Vlan 3: business development
Vlan 4: secured vlan

We need to restrict the Vlan 4, "secured vlan" so no
confidential files can get out. No Internet , no file
sharing with the other subnets, no printers, etc.

I opened dns, dhcp, and AD ports from Vlan 4 to Vlan 1
in order to facilitate authenticationa ganist the DC.

However, I am still worried that users could possible
be able to get files out.  For example, it seems port
445 is needed for authentication and file sharing.

Does anyone have any hints except the obvious one of
separating the subnet physically which is not an


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Re: [ActiveDir] OT: QuickBooks 2005 permissions

2005-10-25 Thread Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]
I will have to try that on the 2006 beta.  The last time I tried to do 
'just' certain Classes roots that I saw in filemon/regmon it would not load.

I also had to do \common files\Intuit

If it works I'll update the instructions

Crawford, Scott wrote:

A few weeks ago, there was some mention of the required permissions to
run Quickbooks as a non-admin user.  According to this site:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ the
perms needed are Users:W to the following locations:

C:\Program Files\Intuit

Whenever I've tracked these things down, I just give users full control
to the needed locations instead of trying to determine the exact perms
needed.  Furthermore, I generally apply the perms to the root of the
apps folder.  For example, I'll grant the perms at the root Intuit
folder instead of chasing down the one or two files that actually need
to be modified.  This tends to eliminate future problems when somebody
uses some new function of the app that hasn't been tested and it needs
to write to a different file.  Anyway, I thought some of you might be
interested.  I just tried it here and all seems good.
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Letting your vendors set your risk analysis these days?

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[ActiveDir] OT: QuickBooks 2005 permissions

2005-10-25 Thread Crawford, Scott
A few weeks ago, there was some mention of the required permissions to
run Quickbooks as a non-admin user.  According to this site:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ the
perms needed are Users:W to the following locations:
C:\Program Files\Intuit

Whenever I've tracked these things down, I just give users full control
to the needed locations instead of trying to determine the exact perms
needed.  Furthermore, I generally apply the perms to the root of the
apps folder.  For example, I'll grant the perms at the root Intuit
folder instead of chasing down the one or two files that actually need
to be modified.  This tends to eliminate future problems when somebody
uses some new function of the app that hasn't been tested and it needs
to write to a different file.  Anyway, I thought some of you might be
interested.  I just tried it here and all seems good.
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RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Are MS Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?

2005-10-25 Thread Brian Desmond

My interpretation is that you need an EC for anonymous availability and
cals for authenticated users – one SPS cal per authenticated user
enterprise wide is I think how it works. The best thing to do would be to call
your MS licensing person and ask them.





c -



Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005
6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT: Are
MS Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?


Right, but the extranet isn't publicly available.  It's
only available to a select few clients.  We'd rather purchase individual CAL's for the few
extranet users at ~$71 each rather than $30K for an unlimited number.  The
licensing didn't stipulate that the individual CAL's could not be used for external
users.  The External Connector License option seemed to be geared toward a
public sharepoint portal where you don't know how many users might be
connecting to it, or would have enough connecting that would make purchasing
individual CAL's


Regardless, I should clarify.  Suppose we have 20
employees, a license for Sharepoint and 30 CAL's.  We run an extranet
portal for sharepoint, which those employees access, as well as say, 5
clients.  Without buying more CAL's,
can we run an intranet portal for our employees using that Sharepoint server?



- Original Message - 

From: Tim Vander Kooi


Sent: Tuesday, October
25, 2005 3:27 PM

Subject: RE: [ActiveDir]
OT: Are MS Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?


For your described situation a CAL would not cover both
portals. Then again, if you are using it for an Extranet with CALs you are
incorrectly licensed as is. An Extranet setup would require an External
Connector license, as the people connecting to it are not employees of your
company. Using SharePoint Portal Server for an Intranet would require either user
or device CALs, just like Windows Server does.


Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005
5:14 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT: Are MS
Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?

I tried this question on the Sharepoint Newsgroup with no luck on
responses.  I'd like to know if MS Sharepoint CAL's will cover
multiple portals on sharepoint.  We are thinking of using sharepoint for
our company intranet (we already use it for an extranet) and want to make
sure we are covered if we go that route.  Does anyone know?

RE : [ActiveDir] script to check the "inheritanc e" from the security Tab...

2005-10-25 Thread TIROA YANN
Yes u can do it with dsacls command which i think is a part of 2k or 2k3 rkit. 
I have used it a long time ago to check the box and it wors great !
I did not remember the exact command but we will find easily by typing type 
dsacls /? 
The  /I:T switch stated for "This object and sub objects".

De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] de la part de Bruyere, Michel
Date: mer. 26/10/2005 00:47
Objet : [ActiveDir] script to check the "inheritance" from the security Tab...

I would like to make sure that all the following check boxe is
Inherit from parent the permissions entries that apply to child object.

I would like to do this as a batch job, without having to go manually to
each user objects.

Anyone has an idea on scripts or tools (freeware) that can allow me to
reset these?


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RE : [ActiveDir] Microsoft password notification s ervice

2005-10-25 Thread TIROA YANN
Sorry for the delay, i was a bit busy these days ;)
So, this message appears when changing a password in AD...
Some thought
1) Have u enabled password synchronisation on miis side? Go to tools->options 
and check the enable password sync. check box.
2) the  "Access is denied" stated that the account associated to the pcns have 
not enought right to proceed the change notification passord for users.  Try to 
associate pcns (with setspn.exe) with admin right (administrator) and see if 
that works.
Tell us how it works,

De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] de la part de Antonio Aranda
Date: jeu. 20/10/2005 16:53
Objet : RE: [ActiveDir] Microsoft password notification service 

yes, your directions worked

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:07 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Microsoft password notification service 

Before continuing, Is your first problem resolved ?

De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Antonio 
Envoyé : jeudi 20 octobre 2005 01:15
À :
Objet : RE: [ActiveDir] Microsoft password notification service 

Event Type: Error
Event Source: PCNSSVC
Event Category: Error 
Event ID: 6025
Date:  7/10/2005
Time:  1:08:29 PM
User:  N/A
Computer: POLICE
Password Change Notification Service received an RPC exception 
attempting to deliver a notification.  
Thread ID: 1988 
Tracking ID: e6656f05-0f1a-4fb7-b04c-a3f23deb8114 
User GUID: 0146a5d7-774b-47b8-aeb3-72db14d038ac 
User: MCOM\agnew_s237 
Target: personality 
Delivery Attempts: 1097 
Queued Notifications: 3 
0x0005 - Access is denied.
could you help me with this error message?
 -Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:58 PM
Subject: RE : [ActiveDir] Microsoft password notification service 

Hi, seems like a collision problem while created 2 objects with 
same name and same DN on differents DCs. So the most recently named objects 
keeps the original DN attribute, AD renames the remaining duplicates to a name 
as "originalRdn#CNF:objectGuid", where CNF is a tag to denote that the object 
was renamed due to a name conflict.
In order to resolve this issue u may delete 3 of them, 
logically, those which have the CNF tags:êrsonnaly, i will delete all of them 
and recreate them with pcnscfg.exe
So open ADUC, go to "System" container (in advanced feature 
mode of ADUC), find the "Password Change Notification Service" container, u 
will see all your targets created. Delete all of them and recreate them again. 
Wait before for the end of replication to take place *BEFORE* recreatings 

De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] de la part de Antonio Aranda
Date: mer. 19/10/2005 18:59
Objet : RE: [ActiveDir] Microsoft password notification service 

Here is what I typed and the responds.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Password Change Notification>pcnscfg 
Error deleting the target. The target was not found.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Password Change Notification>pcnscfg 
Error modifying the target. The target was not found.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Password Change Notification>pcnscfg 
MODIFYTARGET /N:miisdemo /a:personality /s:PCNSPER2/PERSONALITY /fi:"domain 
Users" /f:3
Error modifying the target. The target was not found.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Password Change Notification>pcnscfg 
The service configuration is not set. Defaults will be used by 
the service.
Default Service Configuration
  MaxQueueLength: 0
  MaxQueueAge...: 259200 seconds
  MaxNotificationRetries: 0

[ActiveDir] script to check the "inheritance" from the security Tab...

2005-10-25 Thread Bruyere, Michel
I would like to make sure that all the following check boxe is
Inherit from parent the permissions entries that apply to child object.

I would like to do this as a batch job, without having to go manually to
each user objects. 

Anyone has an idea on scripts or tools (freeware) that can allow me to
reset these?


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Re: [ActiveDir] OT: Are MS Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?

2005-10-25 Thread J B

Right, but the extranet isn't publicly 
available.  It's only available to a select few clients.  We'd rather 
purchase individual CAL's for the few extranet users at ~$71 each rather than 
$30K for an unlimited number.  The licensing didn't stipulate that the 
individual CAL's could not be used for external users.  The External 
Connector License option seemed to be geared toward a public sharepoint portal 
where you don't know how many users might be connecting to it, or would have 
enough connecting that would make purchasing individual CAL's 
Regardless, I should clarify.  Suppose we 
have 20 employees, a license for Sharepoint and 30 CAL's.  We run an 
extranet portal for sharepoint, which those employees access, as well as say, 5 
clients.  Without buying more CAL's, can we run an intranet portal for our 
employees using that Sharepoint server?

  - Original Message - 
  Tim Vander 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:27 
  Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Are MS 
  Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?
  For your described situation a CAL would not cover both 
  portals. Then again, if you are using it for an Extranet with CALs you are 
  incorrectly licensed as is. An Extranet setup would require an External 
  Connector license, as the people connecting to it are not employees of your 
  company. Using SharePoint Portal Server for an Intranet would require either 
  user or device CALs, just like Windows Server 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of J 
  BSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:14 PMTo: 
  ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] OT: Are MS 
  Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?
  I tried this question on the Sharepoint Newsgroup with no luck on 
  responses.  I'd like to know if MS Sharepoint CAL's will cover 
  multiple portals on sharepoint.  We are thinking of using sharepoint for 
  our company intranet (we already use it for an extranet) and want to make 
  sure we are covered if we go that route.  Does anyone 

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Are MS Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?

2005-10-25 Thread Tim Vander Kooi

For your described situation a CAL would not cover both 
portals. Then again, if you are using it for an Extranet with CALs you are 
incorrectly licensed as is. An Extranet setup would require an External 
Connector license, as the people connecting to it are not employees of your 
company. Using SharePoint Portal Server for an Intranet would require either 
user or device CALs, just like Windows Server does.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of J 
BSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:14 PMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] OT: Are MS 
Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?

I tried this question on the Sharepoint Newsgroup with no luck on 
responses.  I'd like to know if MS Sharepoint CAL's will cover 
multiple portals on sharepoint.  We are thinking of using sharepoint for 
our company intranet (we already use it for an extranet) and want to make 
sure we are covered if we go that route.  Does anyone 

[ActiveDir] OT: Are MS Sharepoint CAL's good for multiple portals?

2005-10-25 Thread J B

I tried this question on the Sharepoint Newsgroup with no luck on 
responses.  I'd like to know if MS Sharepoint CAL's will cover 
multiple portals on sharepoint.  We are thinking of using sharepoint for 
our company intranet (we already use it for an extranet) and want to make 
sure we are covered if we go that route.  Does anyone 

RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

2005-10-25 Thread Ulf B. Simon-Weidner

I did those too, and some other things to consider 
* Putting them inside a virtual machine with faked Subnetting in AD: Take 
a class C Network and split it in AD Sites and Services, not TCP/IP, then you 
can spare the router
* Assign the site membership for the host via GPO if it is in one of the 
virtual subnets of the virtual lag-dcs (depending on the subnetting 
possibilities you have)
* Configure a firewall between the sites to make sure the machienes only 
talk to the ones they are supposed to (if available)
* Use scripting to shut down virtual networks if available in the times 
they are not supposed to replicate
* Make sure that you configure replication that it runs a couple times 
during the allowed timeframe
* Configure terminal services access on the lag DCs
* Configure boot.ini to be able to boot into DSRM by changing the default 
without querying for the boot.ini parameter when necessary.
For the replication I usually configured replication every 15 minutes 
(the Lag-Sites were on the same LAN), Site 1 replicates Tuesday 10pm to 
Wednesday 2am, Site 2 replicates Saturday 10am to 2pm (each 4 hrs, exactly 1/2 
Week apart).

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Almeida Pinto, 
  Jorge deSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:57 PMTo: 
  ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site 
  Guido and Gil wrote a great 
  ebook about recovery whereas information about lagsites is 
  Take a look at: (registration 
  For starters some 
  * Place at least on DC for 
  each domain in the lag site
  * Allow the DCs in the lag 
  site to register only the replication record (CNAME) in the DNS zone 
  * Don't assign WINS server IP 
  addresses for the DCs in the lag sites
  * Make sure the site link 
  between the lag site and the hub site has a higher cost than all other 
  site links that connect the hub site and other sites (reason: Exchange AD 
  topology discovery for the out-of-site list of DCs/GCs)
  *You might want to use lag 
  sites (e.g. 2) that replicate in steps (1st site replicates like each 3 days 
  and the other each week) whereas the second lag site is connected to the first 
  and the first is connected to the second and the hub site
  This might be expensive though 
  and you also might have a look at objectrecovery tools available by third 
  party vendors
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shawn 
  HayesSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 15:31To: 
  ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site 
  Anyone have any 
  pointers (documentation or real life experience) on setting up an AD Lag 
  Thanks in 
  This e-mail and any 
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  contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to 
  legal privilege. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by, 
  any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly 
  delete this e-mail and any attachment and all copies and inform the sender. 
  Thank you.

RE: [ActiveDir] domain controller that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 may stop responding

2005-10-25 Thread Al Mulnick

Looks like a great reason to install SP1 :)

From: "Medeiros, Jose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ActiveDir] domain controller that is running Microsoft Windows 
Server 2003 may stop responding

Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:02:32 -0700


A domain controller that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 may stop 
responding for 2 to 15 minutes several times a day

Has any one run into this?

Jose Medeiros
ADP | National Account Services
ProBusiness Division | Information Services
925.737.7967 | 408-449-6621 CELL

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Re: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

2005-10-25 Thread Mark Parris
As far as I know you can only achieve this objective with a WSUS implementation.
-Original Message-
From: "Whaley, Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 15:34:56 
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

Is it possible to give a user enough rights to install patches on a Windows 
2000 Domain Controller but not give him the rights to administer the domain?
Thanks in advance
 AUTOTEXTLIST \s E-mail Signature Greg Whaley
Consulting LAN Engineer
St. John Health
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Re: [ActiveDir] domain controller that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 may stop responding

2005-10-25 Thread Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]
Not sure... seen some folks complain about slow opening of files on SBS 
and need to go back into the newsgroup and follow up with them on that.

Medeiros, Jose wrote:


A domain controller that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 may stop 
responding for 2 to 15 minutes several times a day

Has any one run into this? 

Jose Medeiros

ADP | National Account Services
ProBusiness Division | Information Services
925.737.7967 | 408-449-6621 CELL

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Letting your vendors set your risk analysis these days?

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RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

2005-10-25 Thread Almeida Pinto, Jorge de
this has been answered quite a lot of times so you might wanna search the 
archives for all kinds of reactions...
simple answer: NO

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Whaley, Greg
Sent: Tue 10/25/2005 9:34 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

Is it possible to give a user enough rights to install patches on a Windows 
2000 Domain Controller but not give him the rights to administer the domain?
Thanks in advance
Greg Whaley
Consulting LAN Engineer
St. John Health

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RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

2005-10-25 Thread Whaley, Greg

Is it
possible to give a user enough rights to install patches on a Windows 2000 Domain
Controller but not give him the rights to administer the domain?



Thanks in


Greg Whaley

Consulting LAN Engineer

St. John Health



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RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

2005-10-25 Thread Tony Murray

And here's an article that covers the 
I think Rick Kingslan has done a lot of work in this area, 
so you might want to ping him too.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Almeida Pinto, 
Jorge deSent: Wednesday, 26 October 2005 2:57 a.m.To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site 

Guido and Gil wrote a great 
ebook about recovery whereas information about lagsites is 
Take a look at: (registration 
For starters some 
* Place at least on DC for each 
domain in the lag site
* Allow the DCs in the lag site 
to register only the replication record (CNAME) in the DNS zone 
* Don't assign WINS server IP 
addresses for the DCs in the lag sites
* Make sure the site link 
between the lag site and the hub site has a higher cost than all other site 
links that connect the hub site and other sites (reason: Exchange AD topology 
discovery for the out-of-site list of DCs/GCs)
*You might want to use lag sites 
(e.g. 2) that replicate in steps (1st site replicates like each 3 days and the 
other each week) whereas the second lag site is connected to the first and the 
first is connected to the second and the hub site
This might be expensive though 
and you also might have a look at objectrecovery tools available by third party 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shawn 
HayesSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 15:31To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site 

Anyone have any 
pointers (documentation or real life experience) on setting up an AD Lag 
Thanks in 
This e-mail and any 
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contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to 
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RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command..

2005-10-25 Thread Comeau, Steven

FYI, I’ve used CopyRite XP (don’t
know if it is still available) on top of robocopy as it is a graphical
interface, so I don’t have to worry so much about typing in the switches.


Steven Comeau
Manager of Corporate IT Systems
Main Tape
1 Capital Drive, Suite 101
Cranbury, NJ 
1-800-526-8273 x332

Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005
3:00 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT:
Robocopy command..


What about dfs ?




De :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Frank Abagnale
Envoyé : mardi 25 octobre
2005 12:05
À : Active
Objet : [ActiveDir] OT:
Robocopy command..



I have used robocopy to copy an entire folder content from
oldserver1 to newserver1.


I want to keep this data on the newserver consistent however, I
only want it to copy file changes and additional files that have
been created, not the entire folder content.


I was thinking of using robocopy d:\source d:\destination /e
/IT /log:e:\log.txt /r:1 


does anyone have any thoughts about the parameters I've used? 




FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 

RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command..

2005-10-25 Thread TIROA YANN

What about dfs ?

De : 
De la part de Frank AbagnaleEnvoyé : mardi 25 octobre 
2005 12:05À : ActiveObjet : [ActiveDir] OT: 
Robocopy command..

I have used robocopy to copy an entire folder content from oldserver1 
to newserver1.
I want to keep this data on the newserver consistent however, I only 
want it to copy file changes and additional files that have been 
created, not the entire folder content.
I was thinking of using robocopy d:\source d:\destination /e 
/IT /log:e:\log.txt /r:1 
does anyone have any thoughts about the parameters I've used? 

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 

Re: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command..

2005-10-25 Thread Phil Renouf
I know it's not really what you've asked, but would VSS be a good option for you? It seems like a good alternative to what you're talking about, but would need a client on the desktops of people who you want to be able to recover items on their own.

On 10/25/05, Frank Abagnale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Alain,
I have thought about this, but the supervisor of this dept does not want the files removed in the target directory if they are deleted in the source, he kind of wants this as an archived/backed up copy. 
Alain Lissoir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:

Have you looked at /MIR? (Mirror)
It adds files in the target folder added in the source folder.
It updates files in the target folder updated in the source folder.
It removes files in the target folder removed in the source folder.
Untouched files just stay as they are and they are not copied over.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Frank AbagnaleSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:05 AMTo: ActiveSubject: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command.. 

I have used robocopy to copy an entire folder content from oldserver1 to newserver1.
I want to keep this data on the newserver consistent however, I only want it to copy file changes and additional files that have been created, not the entire folder content.
I was thinking of using robocopy d:\source d:\destination /e /IT /log:e:\log.txt /r:1 
does anyone have any thoughts about the parameters I've used? 

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 

Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 

[ActiveDir] domain controller that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 may stop responding

2005-10-25 Thread Medeiros, Jose

A domain controller that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003 may stop 
responding for 2 to 15 minutes several times a day

Has any one run into this? 

Jose Medeiros
ADP | National Account Services
ProBusiness Division | Information Services
925.737.7967 | 408-449-6621 CELL

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Re: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command..

2005-10-25 Thread Kamlesh Parmar
does /M  help, it will behave like ntbackup with incremental backup type

i.e. if archive bit is set then only copy.
and as we know archive bit is set for new files and changed files.
On 10/25/05, Frank Abagnale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have used robocopy to copy an entire folder content from oldserver1 to newserver1.
I want to keep this data on the newserver consistent however,
I only want it to copy file changes and additional files
that have been created, not the entire folder content.
I was thinking of using robocopy d:\source d:\destination /e /IT /log:e:\log.txt /r:1 
does anyone have any thoughts about the parameters I've used? 
Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.


-- ~~~"Fortune and Love befriend the bold"~~~

Re: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones

2005-10-25 Thread Tom Kern
Now I get it!!
Thanks a lot!
I was confusing the contents of the app partition with the dns rr needed for the app partition/nc itself.
sorry. i'm sure that was obivious.
Thanks again, Jorge. You saved me some sleepless nights thinking about it. 
On 10/25/05, Almeida Pinto, Jorge de <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The DNS subdomain "ForestDNSZones" is for the DNS app partition itself.
By default a W2K3 DC registers certain SRV RRs record for a domain partition/naming context it hosts. The ForestDNSZones (per AD forest) and the DomainDNSZones (per AD domain in an AD forest) are application partitions/naming contexts for DNS. Again by default the DCs hosting the ForestDNSZones (all the DCs in the AD forest!) register SRV RRs in that subdomain and DCs hosting the DomainDNSZones (per domain and all DCs in a certain AD domain) register records in that subdomain.

If you create a custom app partition beneath some domain and enlist several DCs as replica members, those DCs will host replica's for that partition and thus register SRV RRs for that partition

When creating a DNS zone and choosing a replication scope you are just saying: store the data for that DNS zone in that app partition and replicate to the DCs that are replica members of that partition

For more info:

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tom KernSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 15:48 
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject:
 Re: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones 

I found that.
I guess what my question is, what is the point/relationship of the ForestDnsZones subdomain folder in your dns zone?
Its my understanding there is an App partition called dc=ForestDnsZones,Dc=root,DC=com which houses the root dns entries and srv rr for GC's and DC guid's.
How does that relate to the subdomain i see in DNS called ForestDnsZones?
This subdomain only contains  site specific records for ldap servers.
On 10/25/05, Almeida Pinto, Jorge de <
If you have configured the DNS ZONE _MSDCS.FORESTROOT with the "to all DNS/DC servers in the forest" you must have a separate DNS zone configured as such. 
To see more you could fire up LDP and browse to CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=,DC= and see the contents of the DNS app partition/NC. If you have configured DNS zones with the forest replication scope you'll see them listed there 
 on behalf of Almeida Pinto, Jorge deSent: Tue 10/25/2005 8:20 AM To:
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZonesI think you are looking inside the wrong are looking into the DNS subdomain folder ForestDnsZones within the forestroot DNS zone. Either look inside the DNS subdomain _MSDCS within the forestroot DNS zone or look inside the DNS zone _MSDCS.forestroot DNS zone if you have configured it with its own replication scope (DNS-domain, DNS-forest or DCs-domain) 
 on behalf of Tom KernSent: Tue 10/25/2005 1:24 AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones
It is.I think i'm missing something.In ForestDnsZones folder in dns management, I just have ldap site info.There is the usual _msdcs.forestroot subdomain folder in the root domain zone but i thought that stuff should be in the ForestDnsZones folder thats in the app partition? 
I know i'm not getting something obivious because this same thing happens in every test win2k3 forest i create.thanksOn 10/24/05, Almeida Pinto, Jorge de <
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   true.. they should be there. if your replication is working the CNAME records must be available otherwise you would have little replication ;-)   Are you sure the replication scope is set to all dns servers in the forest, secure dynamic updates are enabled, etc. 
   Jorge      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on behalf of Tom Kern   Sent: Mon 10/24/2005 11:05 PM    To: activedirectory   Subject: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones   Ok, am I missing something here?   I thought one of the main points of this concept was so the forest which contained the GC RR's and the DC GUID cname records could be accessed and updated from any child domain in the forest? 
   But the ForestDnsZones app partition only has site specific ldap records DC's.   What happened to the GC/DC GUID records?   Thanks   This e-mail and any attachment is for authorised use by the intended recipient(s) only. It may contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any attachment and all copies and inform the sender. Thank you. 

RE: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones

2005-10-25 Thread Almeida Pinto, Jorge de

The DNS subdomain 
"ForestDNSZones" is for the DNS app partition itself.
By default a W2K3 DC registers 
certain SRV RRs record for a domain partition/naming context it hosts. The 
ForestDNSZones (per AD forest) and the DomainDNSZones (per AD domain in an 
AD forest) are application partitions/naming contexts for DNS. Again by 
default the DCs hosting the ForestDNSZones (all the DCs in the AD forest!) 
register SRV RRs in that subdomain and DCs hosting the DomainDNSZones (per 
domain and all DCs in a certain AD domain) register records in that 
If you create a custom app 
partition beneath some domain and enlist several DCs as replica members, those 
DCs will host replica's for that partition and thus register SRV RRs for that 
When creating a DNS zone and 
choosing a replication scope you are just saying: store the data for that DNS 
zone in that app partition and replicate to the DCs that are replica members of 
that partition
For more info:

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom 
KernSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 15:48To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] 

I found that.
I guess what my question is, what is the point/relationship of the 
ForestDnsZones subdomain folder in your dns zone?
Its my understanding there is an App partition called 
dc=ForestDnsZones,Dc=root,DC=com which houses the root dns entries and srv rr 
for GC's and DC guid's.
How does that relate to the subdomain i see in DNS called 
This subdomain only contains  site specific records for ldap 
On 10/25/05, Almeida 
Pinto, Jorge de <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  you have configured the DNS ZONE _MSDCS.FORESTROOT with the "to all DNS/DC 
  servers in the forest" you must have a separate DNS zone configured as such. 
  To see more you could fire up LDP and browse to 
  CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=,DC= and see 
  the contents of the DNS app partition/NC. If you have configured DNS zones 
  with the forest replication scope you'll see them listed there 
  on behalf of Almeida Pinto, Jorge deSent: Tue 10/25/2005 8:20 AM To: 
  RE: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZonesI think you are looking inside the 
  wrong are looking into the DNS subdomain folder 
  ForestDnsZones within the forestroot DNS zone. Either look inside the DNS 
  subdomain _MSDCS within the forestroot DNS zone or look inside the DNS zone 
  _MSDCS.forestroot DNS zone if you have configured it with its own replication 
  scope (DNS-domain, DNS-forest or DCs-domain) 
  on behalf of Tom KernSent: Tue 10/25/2005 1:24 AMTo: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: 
  Re: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZonesIt is.I think i'm missing 
  something.In ForestDnsZones folder in dns management, I just have ldap 
  site info.There is the usual _msdcs.forestroot subdomain folder in the 
  root domain zone but i thought that stuff should be in the ForestDnsZones 
  folder thats in the app partition? I know i'm not getting something 
  obivious because this same thing happens in every test win2k3 forest i 
  create.thanksOn 10/24/05, Almeida Pinto, Jorge de < 
  wrote:   true.. they should be 
  there. if your replication is working the CNAME records must be available 
  otherwise you would have little replication 
  ;-)   Are you sure the replication 
  scope is set to all dns servers in the forest, secure dynamic updates are 
  enabled, etc.    
  on behalf of Tom Kern   Sent: Mon 
  10/24/2005 11:05 PM    To: 
  activedirectory   Subject: [ActiveDir] 
  ForestDnsZones   Ok, am I 
  missing something here?   I thought one 
  of the main points of this concept was so the forest 
  which contained the GC RR's and the DC GUID cname records could be accessed 
  and updated from any child domain in the forest? 
     But the ForestDnsZones app 
  partition only has site specific ldap records 
  DC's.   What happened to the GC/DC 
  GUID records?   
  Thanks   This e-mail and any 
  attachment is for authorised use by the intended recipient(s) only. It may 
  contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to 
  legal privilege. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by, 
  any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly 
  delete this e-mail and any attachment and all copies and inform the sender. 
  Thank you.    List info   :   
  List FAQ: 
     List archive:

RE: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

2005-10-25 Thread Almeida Pinto, Jorge de

Guido and Gil wrote a great 
ebook about recovery whereas information about lagsites is 
Take a look at: (registration 
For starters some 
* Place at least on DC for each 
domain in the lag site
* Allow the DCs in the lag site 
to register only the replication record (CNAME) in the DNS zone 
* Don't assign WINS server IP 
addresses for the DCs in the lag sites
* Make sure the site link 
between the lag site and the hub site has a higher cost than all other site 
links that connect the hub site and other sites (reason: Exchange AD topology 
discovery for the out-of-site list of DCs/GCs)
*You might want to use lag sites 
(e.g. 2) that replicate in steps (1st site replicates like each 3 days and the 
other each week) whereas the second lag site is connected to the first and the 
first is connected to the second and the hub site
This might be expensive though 
and you also might have a look at objectrecovery tools available by third party 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shawn 
HayesSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 15:31To: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: [ActiveDir] AD Lag Site 

Anyone have any 
pointers (documentation or real life experience) on setting up an AD Lag 
Thanks in 
This e-mail and any attachment is for authorised use by the intended recipient(s) only. It may contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any attachment and all copies and inform the sender. Thank you.

Re: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones

2005-10-25 Thread Tom Kern
I found that.
I guess what my question is, what is the point/relationship of the ForestDnsZones subdomain folder in your dns zone?
Its my understanding there is an App partition called dc=ForestDnsZones,Dc=root,DC=com which houses the root dns entries and srv rr for GC's and DC guid's.
How does that relate to the subdomain i see in DNS called ForestDnsZones?
This subdomain only contains  site specific records for ldap servers.
On 10/25/05, Almeida Pinto, Jorge de <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If you have configured the DNS ZONE _MSDCS.FORESTROOT with the "to all DNS/DC servers in the forest" you must have a separate DNS zone configured as such.
To see more you could fire up LDP and browse to CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=,DC= and see the contents of the DNS app partition/NC. If you have configured DNS zones with the forest replication scope you'll see them listed there
JorgeFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Almeida Pinto, Jorge deSent: Tue 10/25/2005 8:20 AM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZonesI think you are looking inside the wrong are looking into the DNS subdomain folder ForestDnsZones within the forestroot DNS zone. Either look inside the DNS subdomain _MSDCS within the forestroot DNS zone or look inside the DNS zone _MSDCS.forestroot DNS zone if you have configured it with its own replication scope (DNS-domain, DNS-forest or DCs-domain)
JorgeFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tom KernSent: Tue 10/25/2005 1:24 AMTo: 
ActiveDir@mail.activedir.orgSubject: Re: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZonesIt is.I think i'm missing something.In ForestDnsZones folder in dns management, I just have ldap site info.There is the usual _msdcs.forestroot subdomain folder in the root domain zone but i thought that stuff should be in the ForestDnsZones folder thats in the app partition?
I know i'm not getting something obivious because this same thing happens in every test win2k3 forest i create.thanksOn 10/24/05, Almeida Pinto, Jorge de <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   true.. they should be there. if your replication is working the CNAME records must be available otherwise you would have little replication ;-)   Are you sure the replication scope is set to all dns servers in the forest, secure dynamic updates are enabled, etc.
   Jorge      From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tom Kern   Sent: Mon 10/24/2005 11:05 PM
   To: activedirectory   Subject: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones   Ok, am I missing something here?   I thought one of the main points of this concept was so the forest which contained the GC RR's and the DC GUID cname records could be accessed and updated from any child domain in the forest?
   But the ForestDnsZones app partition only has site specific ldap records DC's.   What happened to the GC/DC GUID records?   Thanks   This e-mail and any attachment is for authorised use by the intended recipient(s) only. It may contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any attachment and all copies and inform the sender. Thank you.
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Re: [ActiveDir] Need ADSI Scripting help.

2005-10-25 Thread Jitendra Kalyankar
Thanks much I really appreciate your help!

Thanks again,

Jitendra Kalyankar

On 10/24/05, AD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Assuming file containing computer names is Computers.txt located in the same
> folder as vbs. This creates an outputfile called "Computers – Results.txt".
> You can add any attributes to your outputfile as needed.
> ' Start of Script
> Option Explicit
> ' Objects
> Dim oFS
> Dim oInputFile
> Dim oOutputFile
> Dim rootDSE
> Dim objConnection
> Dim objCommand
> Dim objRecordSet
> Dim rsComputers
> ' Arrays
> Dim aComputers
> ' Strings
> Dim sComputer
> Dim sDomain
> Dim sStatus
> Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set oInputFile = oFS.OpenTextFile("Computers.txt", 1)
> Set oOutputFile = oFS.CreateTextFile("Computers - Result.txt", True)
> ' Doing AD Stuff
> Set rootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
> sDomain = rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
> Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> Set objCommand =   CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
> objConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
> objConnection.Open "Active Directory Provider"
> Set objCOmmand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
> objCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
>"Cache Results") = True
> ' Reading Text File
> aComputers = Split(oInputFile.ReadAll, VbCrLf)
> ' looping every computer
> For Each sComputer In aComputers
> objCommand.CommandText = " ">;(&(objectcategory=computer)(cn=" & sComputer & "));Name,
> userAccountControl;Subtree"
> Set rsComputers = objCommand.Execute
> If rsComputers.EOF Then
> oOutputFile.WriteLine sComputer& vbTab &
> "Can't find computer"
> Else
> Do Until rsComputers.EOF
> If
> rsComputers.Fields("userAccountControl").value And 2 Then
> sStatus = "Disabled"
> Else
> sStatus = "Enabled"
> End if
> oOutputFile.WriteLine sComputer & vbTab &
> sStatus
> rsComputers.MoveNext
> Loop
> End if
> Next
> ' Closing Text file
> oInputFile.Close
> oOutputFile.Close
> objConnection.Close
> ' End of Script
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Kamlesh Parmar
> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 5:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Need ADSI Scripting help.
> I was hoping someone will direct him to dsquery  :o)
> Assuming file containing computernames is Comps.txt
> put this in the batch file and keep it in same folder as comps.txt
> for /f %%A in (comps.txt) do (
> dsquery computer -samid %%A$ | dsget computer -samid -disabled
> )
> You should get the two column listing computername with YES or NO for
> disabled.
> -
> Kamlesh
> On 10/21/05, Jitendra Kalyankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> I know about the Oldcmp.exe, but the thing is the tool is really
> powerful and I don't want Jr. Sys. Admins doing something or
> deleting something that they are not suppose to. And again
> I will have to go through the security department route to use
> it. Too much hassel
> Hope that explains my situation.
> Sincerely,
> Jitendra Kalyankar
> On 10/20/05, Creamer, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Before you do this, see oldcmp at
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >
> > -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> > Jitendra Kalyankar
> > Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:14 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [ActiveDir] Need ADSI Scripting help.
> >
> > I am looking for some example script and/or help for the script I am
> writing for
> > my company. What I want to achieve is if I run the script against the
> machine
> > list which will be in the text file, it should give me the output in
> > the text file
> > saying which machine account is enabled, disabled or not found.
> >
> > I know how to manipulate the text files using fso object but I am not sure
> > what do I need to use to get the attributes of computer container in AD.
> Any
> > help in this regard is highly appreciated and valued.
> >
> > Please let me know if you need more information abou this.
> >
> > --
> > Thanks,
> > Jitendra Kalyankar
> > List info   :
> > List FAQ:
> > List archive:
> >
> > This e-mail transmission contains information that is intended to be
> confidential and privileged.  If y

[ActiveDir] AD Lag Site

2005-10-25 Thread Shawn Hayes

Anyone have any 
pointers (documentation or real life experience) on setting up an AD Lag 
Thanks in 

Re: [ActiveDir] Folder redirection permissions

2005-10-25 Thread John Singler

David J. Kinsella wrote:

When I’ve redirected various folders to a network share I’m finding that 
administrators cannot access users’ folders on the server itself, is 
there any way to configure permissions so that administrators can access 
such folders?

This article might help:

Enabling the administrator to have access to redirected folders;en-us;Q288991

Also, on some clients were finding that folder redirection simply wont 
work because of a permissions error, this is strange as it has never 
happened before and configuration has not changed.

To create a detailed log file for folder redirection, use the following 
registry key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Diagnostics Set: 
FdeployDebugLevel = Reg_DWORD 0x0f

The log file can be found at: %windir%\debug\usermode\fdeploy.log

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Re: [ActiveDir] OT: Server With Hyperthreading/Multicore Licensing

2005-10-25 Thread Andre' Franciosi

Hi Marc and Edwin,

Edwin wrote:

More info on this topic,


André Franciosi
Consultor em TI

Franciosi Consultoria
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RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command..

2005-10-25 Thread Frank Abagnale
Hi Alain,
I have thought about this, but the supervisor of this dept does not want the files removed in the target directory if they are deleted in the source, he kind of wants this as an archived/backed up copy.Alain Lissoir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Have you looked at /MIR? (Mirror)
It adds files in the target folder added in the source folder.
It updates files in the target folder updated in the source folder.
It removes files in the target folder removed in the source folder.
Untouched files just stay as they are and they are not copied over.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frank AbagnaleSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:05 AMTo: ActiveSubject: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command..

I have used robocopy to copy an entire folder content from oldserver1 to newserver1.
I want to keep this data on the newserver consistent however, I only want it to copy file changes and additional files that have been created, not the entire folder content.
I was thinking of using robocopy d:\source d:\destination /e /IT /log:e:\log.txt /r:1 
does anyone have any thoughts about the parameters I've used? 

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		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command..

2005-10-25 Thread Alain Lissoir

Have you looked at /MIR? (Mirror)
It adds files in the target folder added in the source 
It updates files in the 
target folder updated in the source folder.
It removes files in the 
target folder removed in the source 
Untouched files just 
stay as they are and they are not copied 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Frank 
AbagnaleSent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:05 AMTo: 
ActiveSubject: [ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy 

I have used robocopy to copy an entire folder content from oldserver1 
to newserver1.
I want to keep this data on the newserver consistent however, I only 
want it to copy file changes and additional files that have been 
created, not the entire folder content.
I was thinking of using robocopy d:\source d:\destination /e 
/IT /log:e:\log.txt /r:1 
does anyone have any thoughts about the parameters I've used? 

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 

[ActiveDir] Folder redirection permissions

2005-10-25 Thread David J. Kinsella



When I’ve redirected various folders to a network
share I’m finding that administrators cannot access users’ folders
on the server itself, is there any way to configure permissions so that
administrators can access such folders?


Also, on some clients were finding that folder redirection
simply wont work because of a permissions error, this is strange as it has
never happened before and configuration has not changed. 





[ActiveDir] OT: Robocopy command..

2005-10-25 Thread Frank Abagnale
I have used robocopy to copy an entire folder content from oldserver1 to newserver1.
I want to keep this data on the newserver consistent however, I only want it to copy file changes and additional files that have been created, not the entire folder content.
I was thinking of using robocopy d:\source d:\destination /e /IT /log:e:\log.txt /r:1 
does anyone have any thoughts about the parameters I've used? 
		 Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.



RE: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones

2005-10-25 Thread Almeida Pinto, Jorge de
If you have configured the DNS ZONE _MSDCS.FORESTROOT with the "to all DNS/DC 
servers in the forest" you must have a separate DNS zone configured as such.
To see more you could fire up LDP and browse to 
CN=MicrosoftDNS,DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=,DC= and see the contents 
of the DNS app partition/NC. If you have configured DNS zones with the forest 
replication scope you'll see them listed there

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Almeida Pinto, Jorge de
Sent: Tue 10/25/2005 8:20 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones

I think you are looking inside the wrong folder...
you are looking into the DNS subdomain folder ForestDnsZones within the 
forestroot DNS zone. Either look inside the DNS subdomain _MSDCS within the 
forestroot DNS zone or look inside the DNS zone _MSDCS.forestroot DNS zone if 
you have configured it with its own replication scope (DNS-domain, DNS-forest 
or DCs-domain)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tom Kern
Sent: Tue 10/25/2005 1:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones

It is.
I think i'm missing something.
In ForestDnsZones folder in dns management, I just have ldap site info.
There is the usual _msdcs.forestroot subdomain folder in the root domain zone 
but i thought that stuff should be in the ForestDnsZones folder thats in the 
app partition?
I know i'm not getting something obivious because this same thing happens in 
every test win2k3 forest i create.

On 10/24/05, Almeida Pinto, Jorge de <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

true.. they should be there. if your replication is working the CNAME 
records must be available otherwise you would have little replication ;-) 

Are you sure the replication scope is set to all dns servers in the 
forest, secure dynamic updates are enabled, etc.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Tom Kern
Sent: Mon 10/24/2005 11:05 PM
To: activedirectory
Subject: [ActiveDir] ForestDnsZones

Ok, am I missing something here?
I thought one of the main points of this concept was so the forest which contained the GC RR's and the DC GUID cname records 
could be accessed and updated from any child domain in the forest? 

But the ForestDnsZones app partition only has site specific ldap 
records DC's.

What happened to the GC/DC GUID records?

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