RE: [ActiveDir] exchange one more time(ot)

2005-09-26 Thread listmail
I just tested this, I sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and watched Exchange query DNS 
for the MX record, an SOA record was returned, it then queried the A record and 
got that and fired the message off.
If it isn't working, then I expect it is in the name res area as Hunter is 
indicating as well. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Coleman, Hunter
Sent: Mon 9/26/2005 9:34 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] exchange one more time(ot)

Why should Exchange not think that servername.domain.tld is a domain?
Can you resolve servername.domain.tld from the Exchange server? How about from 
the smarthost?

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] exchange one more time(ot)

when i had the smtp connector point to dns, it failed with remote host did not 
when pointing to a smarthost it worked.
maybe exchange while sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED], thinks servername.domain.tld 
is a domain and when it gets a nxdomain from domain.tld, it fails?
sillier things have been know to occur with exchange...

On 9/26/05, joe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

From my experience it should work fine. It doesn't have to know if the 
right hand side is a domain or host IP, it simply needs to try and look it up 
in DNS. I believe it will try an MX lookup and failing that, fall back to a 
host record lookup. 
A simple test would be to enable SMTP on some machine in your domain, 
make sure there is a host record for the given name and then send a message to 
it, you should see the message hit your configured drop folder. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2005 2:12 AM 
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] exchange one more time(ot) 


how does it figure out its a literal addy and not a domain? how does it 
know the RHS is not a domain name and fail trying to look it up?
or does it fail and then go up the list to the other part of the name?
I'd like to know because i can't find any exchange docs on it.
there's nothing in the app log.
i'll turn up diag logging..
mail didn't start flowing untill i changed the connector to point to a 
smart host rather than dns.
until then, it just sat in the queue. the error in the queue was 
remote destatination did not respond.

On 9/23/05, Al Mulnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote: 

Exchange should be able to deliver to a literal address as long 
as it is not its own. That's a valid and a common address in SMTP. 
Check the logs to see what the failure is. There's a lot of 
possibilities as to why it may not get to its destination.

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 3:07 PM
To: activedirectory
Subject: [ActiveDir] exchange one more time(ot)


If i set up a contact with the server name in the addy as in 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], will the message get delivered or will exchange think  
servername.domain.tld  is the domain name and throw an error?
Just a question i'm throwing out because an archive solution is 
giving me that kind of contact to send mail to and its not getting there.
I have a feeling its because of that and i should just create a 
connector to forward to that addy as a smarthost but i want to confirm with you 
guys that i can't write an address in that form and expect exchange(or any smtp 
server?) to deliver the mail. 


RE: [ActiveDir] Script to check on GCs response/health?

2004-11-11 Thread listmail
Title: [ActiveDir] Script to check on GCs response/health?

One quick and fairly easy 
method to partially do this is to set up a simple script that does a basic query 
(say against the schema which should be quick but not say a rootdse query) and 
have a baseline acceptable time frame for the response. I have done this in the 
past and found choked up GCs (specifically in relation to Exchange) using a 
little perl and a little adfind. 

Versus hardcoding GCs set up a dedicated 
Exchange site. This protects you main site from Exchange and Exchange from 
everything else. I.E. If Exchange tears down a DC, Exchange suffers. If 
something else tears down a DC, Exchange should be fairly protected as it 
shouldn't be a DC Exchange is using.ALSO and this is a point I have a 
strong opinion of. Most GCs can go down and things don't care, authentication 
will work, etc.Exchange GCs can't generally do this. This means that you 
can keep certain GCs in mind for monitoring and your response to them going 
offline. At the widget factory I worked for there were only a few GCs I cared 
about going down in terms of speed to get them back up and running. The Exchange 
GCs and the PDC's. The other DC's/GCs we cared about but we weren't running in 
the middle of the night because of them.

Anyway, set up a script that you specify a 
list of GCs or (better) takes a site or list of sites and then goes into a loop. 
In the loop it gets a list of GCs or DCs, it then does a basic schema query that 
will return some subset of objects and attributes. Unless you are going against 
a GC across some slow wires, any query should be back in a second or less for an 
idle DC. As you load up you will see 1,2,3,6,8 second responses. Once you hit 
20+ seconds on a query, you really need to be looking at things. You get to 30 
seconds and you most certainly have Exchange queue backups and probably store 

If you are monitoring this and you are 
normally at 3-4 seconds at main load and you hit 10 seconds consistently on a 
GC, then you page on that and start chasing.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Thommes, Michael 
M.Sent: Thu 11/11/2004 11:59 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ActiveDir] Script to check on 
GCs response/health?

In our environment we have lots of GCs, most of which I don't 
control.While I run a dcdiag report each morning that checks the overall 
healthof my domain including whether a DC is advertising itself as a GC, 
wesee issues once in a while when a process does a GC discovery action 
andends up on a "bad" one, e.g., not available, busy, slow network, 
maybepermissions, etc.The other day our Exchange cluster was running 
like a dog since after areboot, it hooked itself up with a GC that was not 
performingparticularly well. As a solution for that particular 
problem, we wereable to hardcode into the Exchange servers specific GCs that 
I know workwell. Has anyone developed a script that checks on the 
health of GCfunctionality or dealt with this issue some other way? 
Thanks inadvance!Mike ThommesList info : 
FAQ : 

RE: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

2004-11-10 Thread listmail
Title: RE: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

All I said is I take showers. 
Didn't say I actually used soap and washed while there. :o)

Mostly I put the shower head on beat and 
let it thunk me on the neck in hopes of knocking me out. 


behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Wed 11/10/2004 12:36 
[ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

I second that :-pSincerely,Dèjì Akómöláfé, 
MCSE+M MCSA+M MCP+IMicrosoft MVP - Directory 
- we know ITwww.akomolafe.comDo you now realize that Today is the 
Tomorrow you were worried aboutYesterday? 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Mulnick, AlSent: Wed 
11/10/2004 9:22 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: OT: RE: 
[ActiveDir] Indexing an attributeReally, we should amend that to 
'Joe *says* he maintains good hygiene.' Justto be accurate and 
all.Al-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Tony MurraySent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 4:05 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 
attributeI just realised that legacyExchangeDN was a bad example to pick 
in my emailbelow because the syntax is "Case Insensitive String" and not 
"DistinguishedName". I guess this is to support the ADCDisabledMail 
value, which isclearly not DN format.Sorry Joe 
:-)TonyPS. This has been a great thread. I learned 
that linked attributes areindexed by default and that Joe maintains good 
bodily hygiene!-Original Message-From: Tony Murray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 
Dienstag, 9. November 2004 15:54To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute You still won't be able to do 
wildcard searches because it is a DNattribute.You can still use a 
wildcard where the beginning of the value is known, 
think this is where the indexing would help.Tony-- Original 
Message --From: "joe" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 06:03:07 
-0800You will have a little DIT growth, creation of new mailboxes might 
beimpacted a little in terms of speed as insertion of the attribute might be 
atrifle slower (nothing you would notice I expect unless doing a ton of 
newcreations quickly with MT C code and still you could blame it on the 
RUSfaster than blaming it on the indexing).Anything that searched on 
that attribute would possibly be more efficient orbe quicker.You 
still won't be able to do wildcard searches because it is a 
DNattribute.What are you looking to get out of it? Or to put it 
another way, why do youthink you should do it?Overall in the end, MS 
and pretty much anyone is going to say you need totest it in your test lab 
with a comparable test data set as production toreally know specifically 
what it will do. joe _From: 
On Behalf Of Holland Matthew BCGBSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 4:36 
AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 
attributeHi all,Does anyone know the potential 
impact of indexing an attribute in ActiveDirectory? The attribute is 
HomeMDB, it's Single Valued and is a member ofthe PAS (We have approx 17,000 
Mail Enabled User objects in 
via the WebMail system at 
info : 
FAQ : 
via the WebMail system at 
info : 
FAQ : 
info : 
FAQ : 
info : 
FAQ : 

RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

2004-11-10 Thread listmail

I sit corrected. 

I guess what I meant is that a linked 
attribute is used as an implied indexed attribute for queries in K3. 

Might be interesting to just have the 
engine light the indexed flag of any attributes that are linked and clear all 
confusion in K3. 

On another topic,I know everyone on 
the list is jealous, I actually met ~Eric face to face today. He looks amazingly 
like Tom Cruise.


behalf of Eric FleischmanSent: Wed 11/10/2004 5:56 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

Thats not entirely 
true either, but close. A more accurate statement: the index is not used 
_by query processor_ in 2k, but 
is in 2k03. The index is used by other things in AD in 2k, like a simple read of 
the member attribute of a group.


On Behalf Of joeSent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 6:03 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

Note what he indicates 
though. Indexed for free due to the nature of being a linked attribute, ***but 
the index isn't used unless it is on Windows Server 2003 AD***. I actually spoke 
to ~Eric about this in the past and it had completely slipped my mind when 
discussing here. The whole idea is that someone at MS realized, hey wait, 
basicallyall of the linking info needed for these attributes is already 
available and so theyenhanced the engine to take advantage of it. This is 
just one more reason to use Windows Server 2003 for your Domain Controllers. 

But again, use the BL 
if it is possible for you. Much much faster.


On Behalf Of Holland Matthew BC 
GBSent: Wednesday, November 
10, 2004 2:08 AMTo: 
[ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute
Interesting, I didnt 
realize HomeMDB is indexed for free!
Although, as you 
mentioned, it seems to make sense to use homeMDBBL.
Thanks for your 

From: Eric 
Fleischman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 09 November 2004 20:51To: 
[ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

HomeMDB need not be 
indexed. Linked values are implicitly indexed and those indexes will be used by 
QP in 2k03 out of the box. If you run it with STATS spew, youll see that the 
index type is L, for linked.


On Behalf Of listmailSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 11:10 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

First off, your 
initial query isn't optimal. ObjectClass user is not a valid objectcategory 
attrib, it would be converted to objectcategory=person which includes contacts, 
inetorgpersons, and contacts. A good solution there, IMHO, is to index 
objectclass and go a search with objectclass=user.

For the second piece, concerning 
what you do for homeMDB, if you are looking at all users across the board, I 
would switch it around and do it from the back end (shush Al - security term, I 
am sitting here in Microsoft Conference Center listening to Mike Nash and 
thinking security). Anyway, anytime you have to do something with all of the 
Exchange users based on their database/sg/server I look at the homeMDBBL 
attribute. That is an attribute in the Exchange config info section under the 
Exchange server objects and you can go from taking many minutes to gather the 
homeMDB info to seconds. 

The more I think about it though, 
the less I think you will get a performance benefit for indexing homeMDB or any 
DN based attrib. 


on behalf of Holland Matthew BC GBSent: Tue 11/9/2004 10:55 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: 'Eric Fleischman'; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

The gain we are seeking 
is to speed up the LDAP query.

The background: 
We have a scheduled process that populates groups with members based upon 
matching results from LDAP queries for department, location and country-name 


Search filter for 
country mycountry is 
Results from query 
populate a group called mycountry-allusers

Although location was 
indexed, c and department so the process was unacceptably slow as we use the 
domain root as a SearchBase, hence we decided to index these two attributes  
which solved the problem!

Now we have a new 
requirement to populate groups with members based upon the Mail Storage Group 
/Server hence we want to query the HomeMDB attribute. Or course, this is 
again slow due to the attribute not being indexed.

This raised a small 
concern of indexing a DN attribute and what the impact of this would be. 
It would be great to get your thoughts, let me know (after your next 
shower maybe ;-)). 

Thanks for your 

RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

2004-11-09 Thread listmail
Title: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

Not for this one. homeMDB is 
a true AD DN attribute like say member. AsI understand it, it is stored 
not as a string but as a pointer (which is why I wonder how much help indexing 
will give...)that is why it auto updates when you change the name of the 
object. legacyExchangeDN isn't a real DN to AD. Take a look at the attribs 
definition in the schema, contrast with homeMDB.

You can't wildcard the real DN attribs. The 
string form is constructed.


behalf of Tony MurraySent: Tue 11/9/2004 9:53 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

 You still won't be able to do wildcard searches because it 
is a DN attribute.You can still use a wildcard where the beginning of 
the value is known, 
think this is where the indexing would help.Tony-- Original 
Message --From: "joe" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 06:03:07 
-0800You will have a little DIT growth, creation of new mailboxes might 
beimpacted a little in terms of speed as insertion of the attribute might be 
atrifle slower (nothing you would notice I expect unless doing a ton of 
newcreations quickly with MT C code and still you could blame it on the 
RUSfaster than blaming it on the indexing).Anything that searched on 
that attribute would possibly be more efficient orbe quicker.You 
still won't be able to do wildcard searches because it is a 
DNattribute.What are you looking to get out of it? Or to put it 
another way, why do youthink you should do it?Overall in the end, MS 
and pretty much anyone is going to say you need totest it in your test lab 
with a comparable test data set as production toreally know specifically 
what it will do. joe _From: 
On Behalf Of Holland Matthew BCGBSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 4:36 
AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 
attributeHi all,Does anyone know the potential 
impact of indexing an attribute in ActiveDirectory? The attribute is 
HomeMDB, it's Single Valued and is a member ofthe PAS (We have approx 17,000 
Mail Enabled User objects in 
via the WebMail system at 
info : 
FAQ : 

RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

2004-11-09 Thread listmail

First off, your initial query 
isn't optimal. ObjectClass user is not a valid objectcategory attrib, it would 
be converted to objectcategory=person which includes contacts, inetorgpersons, 
and contacts. A good solution there, IMHO, is to index objectclass and go a 
search with objectclass=user.

For the second piece, concerning what you 
do for homeMDB, if you are looking at all users across the board, I would switch 
it around and do it from the back end (shush Al - security term, I am sitting 
here in Microsoft Conference Center listening to Mike Nash and thinking 
security). Anyway, anytime you have to do something with all of the Exchange 
users based on their database/sg/server I look at the homeMDBBL attribute. That 
is an attribute in the Exchange config info section under the Exchange server 
objects and you can go from taking many minutes to gather the homeMDB info to 

The more I think about it though, the less 
I think you will get a performance benefit for indexing homeMDB or any DN based 


behalf of Holland Matthew BC GBSent: Tue 11/9/2004 10:55 
AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: 'Eric Fleischman'; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

The gain we are seeking 
is to speed up the LDAP query.

The background: 
We have a scheduled process that populates groups with members based upon 
matching results from LDAP queries for department, location and country-name 


Search filter for 
country mycountry is 
Results from query 
populate a group called mycountry-allusers

Although location was 
indexed, c and department so the process was unacceptably slow as we use the 
domain root as a SearchBase, hence we decided to index these two attributes  
which solved the problem!

Now we have a new 
requirement to populate groups with members based upon the Mail Storage Group 
/Server hence we want to query the HomeMDB attribute. Or course, this is 
again slow due to the attribute not being indexed.

This raised a small 
concern of indexing a DN attribute and what the impact of this would be. 
It would be great to get your thoughts, let me know (after your next 
shower maybe ;-)). 

Thanks for your 


From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 November 2004 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: 'Eric Fleischman'; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

You know though as I 
took a shower and thought about this[1]. This is a DN attribute, I am wondering 
if indexing may not help a lot or at all; not that I implied it would be any 
great help below. I look forward to reading a response from the likes of Dean or 
~Eric and what they have to say.


[1] Yes sick I know. I 
would read books in the shower too if I could figure out a way to keep the pages 
dry. Showers area huge waste of time, right behind commuting if you drive 
yourself though I refuse to take short showers both for the benefit of those 
around me and because I feel hot showers are the culmination of great western 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joeSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 6:03 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 
You will have a little 
DIT growth, creation of new mailboxes might be impacted a little in terms of 
speed as insertion of the attribute might be a trifle slower (nothing you would 
notice I expect unless doing a ton of new creations quickly with MT C code and 
still you could blame it on the RUS faster than blaming it on the indexing). 

Anything that searched 
on that attribute would possibly be more efficient or be 

You still won't be able 
to do wildcard searches because it is a DN attribute.

What are you looking to 
get out of it? Or to put it another way, why do you think you should do 

Overall in the end, MS 
and pretty much anyone is going to say you need to test it in your test lab with 
a comparable test data set as production to really know specifically what it 
will do.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Holland Matthew BC 
GBSent: Tuesday, November 09, 
2004 4:36 AMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 
Hi all,

Does anyone know the potential 
impact of indexing an attribute in Active Directory? The attribute is 
HomeMDB, its Single Valued and is a member of the PAS (We have approx 17,000 
Mail Enabled User objects in Active Directory).



RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

2004-11-09 Thread listmail
It is linked. homeMDB and homeMDBBL.
Not using adfind will not irritate me at all. Go ahead and use dsquery... oh 
wait, that doesn't do search stats. Use search.vbs... oh oops... I guess you 
are stuck with ldp if you don't use adfind. ;oP

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Dean Wells
Sent: Tue 11/9/2004 11:57 AM
To: Send - AD mailing list
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

First and foremost, I assume the attribute in question isn't linked ... there, 
I've asked the obvious.  Assuming it is not; that's an interesting question.  I 
can't say that I've thought about this before.  AD would be performing minor 
trickery if indexing were to help since attributes using DN syntax are 
maintained internally using the DNT ... not that the trickery required is hard 
to do but I don't know if it would since I haven't tried.
In all honesty, I don't hold out much hope but I also don't have a large enough 
DIT to hand at the moment to test against.  One idea did jump out at met though 
 ... perhaps you'd like to try a few iterations of the query below -
... obviously, replace the GUID I've used above with the GUID of the DN you are 
querying upon.   I'd like to see the results using the search stats control 
(1.2.840.113556.1.4.970) for accuracy (you could use Joe's ADFIND tool if you 
like but let's not ... it'll almost certainly irritate him :-)
The iterations of the above query would be something along the lines of -
1. Query with search stats using the DN
- record results
2. Query with search stats using the GUID (syntax above)
- record, compare and post the results back here :)
... (now for the part that'll require courage or no courage at all and a 
suitable lab environment)
3. Index the attribute
- wait for the index to complete construction
- you can determine completion by checking the DS event log for 
something along the lines of:
  An index on the attribute index ID index name was created
4. repeats steps 1  2
- record, compare and post the results back here 

Dean Wells 


From: Holland Matthew BC GB [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 10:55 AM
Cc: 'Eric Fleischman'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute


The gain we are seeking is to speed up the LDAP query.


The background:  We have a scheduled process that populates groups with members 
based upon matching results from LDAP queries for department, location and 
country-name (c)



Search filter for country 'mycountry' is ((objectCategory=user)(c=mycountry)))

Results from query populate a group called mycountry-allusers


Although location was indexed, c and department so the process was unacceptably 
slow as we use the domain root as a SearchBase, hence we decided to index these 
two attributes - which solved the problem!


Now we have a new requirement to populate groups with members based upon the 
Mail Storage Group /Server hence we want to query the HomeMDB attribute.  Or 
course, this is again slow due to the attribute not being indexed.


This raised a small concern of indexing a DN attribute and what the impact of 
this would be.  It would be great to get your thoughts, let me know (after your 
next shower maybe ;-)). 


Thanks for your help!



From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 November 2004 15:22
Cc: 'Eric Fleischman'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute


You know though as I took a shower and thought about this[1]. This is a DN 
attribute, I am wondering if indexing may not help a lot or at all; not that I 
implied it would be any great help below. I look forward to reading a response 
from the likes of Dean or ~Eric and what they have to say.





[1] Yes sick I know. I would read books in the shower too if I could figure out 
a way to keep the pages dry. Showers are a huge waste of time, right behind 
commuting if you drive yourself though I refuse to take short showers both for 
the benefit of those around me and because I feel hot showers are the 
culmination of great western civilization. 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 6:03 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

You will have a little DIT growth, creation of new mailboxes might be impacted 
a little in terms of speed as insertion of the attribute might be a trifle 
slower (nothing you would notice I expect unless doing a ton of new creations 
quickly with MT C code and still you could blame it on the RUS 

RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

2004-11-09 Thread listmail

Keep up you old guy, I 
recommended that 

Dean you need to be in Redmond. Hop a 



behalf of Dean WellsSent: Tue 11/9/2004 12:24 PMTo: Send - 
AD mailing listSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

OK, so 
is there a reason that I'm missing as to why we can't use the BL'd 
-- Dean Wells MSEtechnology* Email: 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
listmailSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 12:19 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Send - AD mailing listSubject: RE: 
[ActiveDir] Indexing an attribute

It is linked. homeMDB and 

Not using adfind will not irritate me at 
all. Go ahead and use dsquery... oh wait, that doesn't do search stats. Use 
search.vbs... oh oops... I guess you are stuck with ldp if you don't use adfind. 


behalf of Dean WellsSent: Tue 11/9/2004 11:57 AMTo: Send - 
AD mailing listSubject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

First and foremost, I assume the attribute in question 
isn't linked ... there, I've asked the obvious. Assuming it is not; that's 
an interesting question. I can't say that I've 
thought about this before. AD would be performing minor trickery if 
indexing were to help since attributes using DN syntax are maintained internally 
using the DNT ... not that the trickery required is hard to do but I don't know 
if it would since I haven't tried.

In all honesty, I don't hold out much hope but I also 
don't have a large enough DIT to hand at the moment to test against. One 
idea did jump out at met though ... perhaps you'd like to try a few 
iterations of the query below -


obviously, replace the GUID I've used above with the GUID of the DN you are 
querying upon. I'd like to see the results using the "search stats" 
control (1.2.840.113556.1.4.970) for accuracy (you could use Joe's ADFIND tool 
if you like but let's not ... it'll almost certainly irritate him 

iterations of the above query would be something along the lines of 

Query with search stats using the DN
 - record results
Query with search stats using the GUID (syntax above)
 - record, compare and post the results back 
here :)

(now for the part that'll require courage or no courage at all and a suitable 
lab environment)

Index the attribute
 - wait for the index to complete 
- you can determine completion by checking 
the DS event log for something along the lines of:
 "An index on the attribute 
index ID index name was created"

repeats steps 1  2
 - record, compare and post the results back here 

-- Dean Wells MSEtechnology* Email: 

From: Holland Matthew BC GB 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 
10:55 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: 'Eric 
Fleischman'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] 
Indexing an attribute

The gain we are seeking 
is to speed up the LDAP query.

The background: 
We have a scheduled process that populates groups with members based upon 
matching results from LDAP queries for department, location and country-name 


Search filter for 
country mycountry is 
Results from query 
populate a group called mycountry-allusers

Although location was 
indexed, c and department so the process was unacceptably slow as we use the 
domain root as a SearchBase, hence we decided to index these two attributes  
which solved the problem!

Now we have a new 
requirement to populate groups with members based upon the Mail Storage Group 
/Server hence we want to query the HomeMDB attribute. Or course, this is 
again slow due to the attribute not being indexed.

This raised a small 
concern of indexing a DN attribute and what the impact of this would be. 
It would be great to get your thoughts, let me know (after your next 
shower maybe ;-)). 

Thanks for your 


From: joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 09 November 2004 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: 'Eric Fleischman'; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Indexing an 

You know though as I 
took a shower and thought about this[1]. This is a DN attribute, I am wondering 
if indexing may not help a lot or at all; not that I implied it would be any 
great help below. I look forward to reading a response from the likes of Dean or 
~Eric and what they have to say.


[1] Yes sick I know. I 
would read books in the shower too if I could figure out a way to keep the pages 
dry. Showers area huge waste of time, right behind commuting if you drive 
yourself though I refuse to take short showers both for the benefit of those 
around me and because I feel hot showers are the culmination of great western 


RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not return modifyTimeStamp attribute...

2004-11-09 Thread listmail

Because you didn't request 
it. That one needs to be specifically requested, you can instead use whenChanged 
which is returned in the default * set.

behalf of ADSent: Tue 11/9/2004 4:24 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ActiveDir] LDP does not return 
modifyTimeStamp attribute...

Does anyone know why LDP does not 
return the modifyTimeStamp attribute? 

RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not return modifyTimeStamp attribute...

2004-11-09 Thread listmail

Nope. Not every attribute is 
returned. I don't know personally what the logic is that specifies what is 
returned and what isn't. I would like to think it is something you can query out 
of the schema but I have never seen anything to substantiate that thought. 

It is easy to see it in action though, 
query the schema on 2K and do the same on K3. You will certain attribs on 
certain objects returned in 2K but not in K3, you have to ask for them meaning 
that MS backed out the default return set. Why I don't know but helped someone 
with an App that blew up because of it. I don't recall exactly what the 
attribute was though, I purposely forgot it so I could have enough room in my 
head to remember the thing about ntsecuritydescriptors...

What about ntsecuritydescriptors you ask? 
ntsecuritydescriptor should be on every object but when have you seen a query 
where you didn't specifically specify you needed it that it did get returned? 
Answer, you have to ask for it.

With adfind you would do something 

adfind -b somebase -f 
somefilter * ntsecuritydescriptor

That will return what I call the * set 
(star set) and also the ntsecuritydescriptor attribute. 

I started to talk to ~Eric about this once 
before but I don't think we ever got to the part of the discussion concerning 
how it was determined what is returned and what isn't. 


behalf of ADSent: Tue 11/9/2004 6:00 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not 
return modifyTimeStamp attribute...

Hmm, I am a little bit confused joe. I did not ask for 
msExchAlObjectVersion but it returns it anyways. Isn't LDP suppose to return 
every attribute that is set for a an object?


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
listmailSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 4:31 PMTo: 
RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not return modifyTimeStamp 

Because you didn't request 
it. That one needs to be specifically requested, you can instead use whenChanged 
which is returned in the default * set.

behalf of ADSent: Tue 11/9/2004 4:24 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ActiveDir] LDP does not return 
modifyTimeStamp attribute...

Does anyone know why LDP does not 
return the modifyTimeStamp attribute? 

RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not return modifyTimeStamp attribute...

2004-11-09 Thread listmail

Understoodon the 
constructed. Though it makes you wonder why that one is and whenChanged isn't. 

How about the overall more 
general question, is there a way to ascertain what would and wouldn't be 
displayed? For instance, isthere something "query-able" that tells me 
ntsecuritydescriptor would or wouldn't be displayed. 


on behalf of Eric FleischmanSent: Tue 11/9/2004 6:19 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not 
return modifyTimeStamp attribute...

In this 

1 lDAPDisplayName: modifyTimeStamp; 
systemFlags: 0x814 

Constructed attributes 
are only returned 1) If requested AND 2) if requested in a base search against 
the object


On Behalf Of listmailSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 5:16 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not 
return modifyTimeStamp attribute...

Nope. Not every 
attribute is returned. I don't know personally what the logic is that specifies 
what is returned and what isn't. I would like to think it is something you can 
query out of the schema but I have never seen anything to substantiate that 

It is easy to see it in action 
though, query the schema on 2K and do the same on K3. You will certain attribs 
on certain objects returned in 2K but not in K3, you have to ask for them 
meaning that MS backed out the default return set. Why I don't know but helped 
someone with an App that blew up because of it. I don't recall exactly what the 
attribute was though, I purposely forgot it so I could have enough room in my 
head to remember the thing about 

What about ntsecuritydescriptors you 
ask? ntsecuritydescriptor should be on every object but when have you seen a 
query where you didn't specifically specify you needed it that it did get 
returned? Answer, you have to ask for it.

With adfind you would do something 

adfind -b somebase -f 
somefilter * ntsecuritydescriptor

That will return what I call the * 
set (star set) and also the ntsecuritydescriptor attribute. 

I started to talk to ~Eric about 
this once before but I don't think we ever got to the part of the discussion 
concerning how it was determined what is returned and what isn't. 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of ADSent: Tue 11/9/2004 6:00 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not 
return modifyTimeStamp attribute...

Hmm, I am a little bit 
confused joe. I did not ask for msExchAlObjectVersion but it returns it anyways. 
Isn't LDP suppose to return every attribute that is set for a an 


On Behalf Of listmailSent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 4:31 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] LDP does not 
return modifyTimeStamp attribute...

Because you didn't 
request it. That one needs to be specifically requested, you can instead use 
whenChanged which is returned in the default * set.



[EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of ADSent: Tue 11/9/2004 4:24 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ActiveDir] LDP does not return 
modifyTimeStamp attribute...


Does anyone know why 
LDP does not return the modifyTimeStamp attribute? 

Re: [ActiveDir] Domain Local Group

2003-06-16 Thread listmail
In mixed mode, Domain Local Groups have scope only on Domain Controllers
like with NT4. In Native mode, any machine in the domain can use the

 What exactly can they be used for?  Can I create a DLG and add global
 groups and assign permissions?  Can I assign sql2000 permissons

 According to this article, I should be able to... Or am I reading it

 I created a dlg and assigned it to a db and it didn't work.  I am in
 mixed mode.  Does that affect it? Sp2 affect it?

 Thanks for any info
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