RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-21 Thread joe
I didn't see anywhere in the thread where anyone said you can't enumerate
the settings with scripts. MS hasn't exposed any functionality like that,
you could read the text files directly and try to work it out yourself
though. The only thing you can get from AD is that the GPOs are linked in
certain areas and what files they are linked to. The GPMC script extensions
don't do much more, they just wrap up the AD properties into nice titles.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 9:19 AM
To: activedirectory
Subject: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

Does anyone know of a tool to enumerate all GPO's in a domain listing all
the specific settings enabled that i can spit out to text file.
the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.
Also, gpotool doesn't seem to show specific links and what settings are

Second question is, does anyone have a script that can enumerate all the
local accounts and groups on domain memeber servers and workstations?

Thanks a lot.
I apologize for being so needy.
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RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-11 Thread Alain Lissoir
In XP/2003, you run WSH 5.6. In 2000, you have WSH 5.1, that could be the
If you have troubles with the script as mentioned in an other reply, try
this one. I just tweaked it a bit.

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
CN=Default-First-Site-Name (site)
(No Group Policy Defined)
Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'

DC=LissWare (domainDNS)
Found an existing Policy: 'Windows Service Policy' (groupPolicyContainer)
 cn={0154628E-C9EE-48C2-8FD3-306599C0B88D} (DirectoryString)
 instanceType=4 (INTEGER)
are,DC=Net (DN)
 displayName=Windows Service Policy (DirectoryString)
ystem,DC=LissWare,DC=Net (DN)
 flags=0 (INTEGER)
C2-8FD3-306599C0B88D} (DirectoryString)
 gPCFunctionalityVersion=2 (INTEGER)
FB-11D0-A0D0-00A0C90F574B}] (DirectoryString)
 name={0154628E-C9EE-48C2-8FD3-306599C0B88D} (DirectoryString)
 showInAdvancedViewOnly=True (Boolean)
 versionNumber=5 (INTEGER)
 whenChanged=21-Dec-2004 00:18:00 (GeneralizedTime)
 whenCreated=20-Dec-2004 23:50:40 (GeneralizedTime)

DC=LissWare (domainDNS)
Found an existing Policy: 'Default Domain Policy' (groupPolicyContainer)
 cn={31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9} (DirectoryString)
 instanceType=4 (INTEGER)
are,DC=Net (DN)
 displayName=Default Domain Policy (DirectoryString)
ystem,DC=LissWare,DC=Net (DN)
 flags=0 (INTEGER)
D2-945F-00C04FB984F9} (DirectoryString)
 gPCFunctionalityVersion=2 (INTEGER)
11D2-842D-00C04FA372D4}] (DirectoryString)
 isCriticalSystemObject=True (Boolean)
 name={31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9} (DirectoryString)
 showInAdvancedViewOnly=True (Boolean)
 systemFlags=-1946157056 (INTEGER)
 versionNumber=65546 (INTEGER)
 whenChanged=08-Jun-2004 21:11:01 (GeneralizedTime)
 whenCreated=01-Jun-2004 19:07:23 (GeneralizedTime)

OU=Domain Controllers (organizationalUnit)
Found an existing Policy: 'Default Domain Controllers Policy'
 cn={6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04fB984F9} (DirectoryString)
 instanceType=4 (INTEGER)
are,DC=Net (DN)
 displayName=Default Domain Controllers Policy (DirectoryString)
ystem,DC=LissWare,DC=Net (DN)
 flags=0 (INTEGER)
D2-945F-00C04fB984F9} (DirectoryString)
 gPCFunctionalityVersion=2 (INTEGER)
B4FB-11D0-A0D0-00A0C90F574B}] (DirectoryString)
 isCriticalSystemObject=True (Boolean)
 name={6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04fB984F9} (DirectoryString)
 showInAdvancedViewOnly=True (Boolean)
 systemFlags=-1946157056 (INTEGER)
 versionNumber=12 (INTEGER)
 whenChanged=31-Mar-2005 19:40:09 (GeneralizedTime)
 whenCreated=01-Jun-2004 19:07:23 (GeneralizedTime)


-Original Message-
From: Alain Lissoir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:29 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure some
folks here can feed you ...

The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH

' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir '
' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context, ' so,
you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
' Change in version 1.04
' - Add an error

Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-11 Thread Tom Kern
I think i'm screwing up the syntax.
this is a sample output in logfile.txt-

workstationpc psexec \\workstationpc net user 

thats all.


 For part 2
 Download psexec.exe (sysinternals)
 Create a computerlist.txt with all the pcnames (FQDN if you don't trust your 
 From command line (replace %i with %%i if using batch file) using your DA/EA 
 credentials for example
 For /F %i IN (computerlist.txt) do echo %i  logfile.txt psexec \\%i net 
 user  logfile.txt
 Note: Above will query remotely irregardless if computer is online or offline 
 (slow if offline) - you can modify to include ping test if you want.
 Thank you and have a splendid day!
 Kind Regards,
 Freddy Hartono
 Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
 Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
 For Agilent Technologies
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
 I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
 be found in the cache
 I'm running win2k native mode domain.
 thanks. sorry to bother.
 On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure some
  folks here can feed you ...
  The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH
  ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
  ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
  ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
  ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
  ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context,
  ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
  ' Change in version 1.04
  ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
  ' Change in version 1.02
  ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
  'groupPolicyContainer' class.
  ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
  ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be used by
  the property.
  ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be defined at the
  container level.
  ' Change in version 1.01
  ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
  ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Option Explicit
  Dim ObjRoot
  Dim Object
  Dim ObjMember
  WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
  Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
  Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
  Call LookInsideObject (Object)
  Set Object = Nothing
  Set objRoot = Nothing
  WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
  Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
  Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
  Call LookInsideObject (Object)
  Set Object = Nothing
  Set objRoot = Nothing
  WScript.Quit (0)
  Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)
  Dim objMember
  Dim Member
 Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)
 if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
objMember.Class  container And _
objMember.Class  configuration _
 Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)
 For Each Member in objMember
 If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
Member.Class = site Or _
Member.Class = container _
 Then Call LookInsideObject (Member.Name  ,  Object)
 Set objMember = Nothing
  End Sub
  Private Sub ShowMemberInfo (Object)
  Dim longStartPolicyPath
  Dim longEndPolicyPath
  Dim strPolicyPathSource
  Dim strPolicyPath
  Dim objPolicy
  Dim objPolicyClassDef
  Dim objPolicyProperty
  Dim strPropertyName
 If Object.GPLink =  Then
WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
WScript.Echo (No Group Policy Defined)
 End If
 strPolicyPathSource = Object.GPLink
 While (strPolicyPathSource  )
WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
' Extract each LDAP pointer from the GPLink.
longStartPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, [,

RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-11 Thread freddy_hartono
Hi Tom,

For my system it shows like these below

C:\Documents and Settings\fhartonopsexec \\xx net user

PsExec v1.57 - Execute processes remotely
Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals -

User accounts for \\

locadmin RenamedGuest TsInternetUser
The command completed with one or more errors.

net exited on xx with error code 1.

Permission issue?

Thank you and have a splendid day!
Kind Regards,
Freddy Hartono
Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
For Agilent Technologies

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 2:55 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

I think i'm screwing up the syntax.
this is a sample output in logfile.txt-

workstationpc psexec \\workstationpc net user 

thats all.


 For part 2
 Download psexec.exe (sysinternals)
 Create a computerlist.txt with all the pcnames (FQDN if you don't trust your 
 From command line (replace %i with %%i if using batch file) using your DA/EA 
 credentials for example
 For /F %i IN (computerlist.txt) do echo %i  logfile.txt psexec \\%i net 
 user  logfile.txt
 Note: Above will query remotely irregardless if computer is online or offline 
 (slow if offline) - you can modify to include ping test if you want.
 Thank you and have a splendid day!
 Kind Regards,
 Freddy Hartono
 Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
 Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
 For Agilent Technologies
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
 I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
 be found in the cache
 I'm running win2k native mode domain.
 thanks. sorry to bother.
 On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure some
  folks here can feed you ...
  The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH
  ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
  ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
  ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
  ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
  ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context,
  ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
  ' Change in version 1.04
  ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
  ' Change in version 1.02
  ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
  'groupPolicyContainer' class.
  ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
  ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be used by
  the property.
  ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be defined at the
  container level.
  ' Change in version 1.01
  ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
  ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Option Explicit
  Dim ObjRoot
  Dim Object
  Dim ObjMember
  WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
  Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
  Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
  Call LookInsideObject (Object)
  Set Object = Nothing
  Set objRoot = Nothing
  WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
  Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
  Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
  Call LookInsideObject (Object)
  Set Object = Nothing
  Set objRoot = Nothing
  WScript.Quit (0)
  Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)
  Dim objMember
  Dim Member
 Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)
 if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
objMember.Class  container And _
objMember.Class  configuration _
 Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)
 For Each Member in objMember
 If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
Member.Class = site Or _
Member.Class = container

Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-11 Thread Tom Kern
i'm running as EA, so i don't think so.

the command just echo's everything after echo' for some reason.

i'm running it from a winxp sp2 box.
it doesn't seem like perms but i'm screwing up the syntax.
turn echo off?
as it is now, it just echos the psexec invoking net user with no
output to the stdout and the logfile.

very strange.
i don't know where to begin to figure this out


 Hi Tom,
 For my system it shows like these below
 C:\Documents and Settings\fhartonopsexec \\xx net user
 PsExec v1.57 - Execute processes remotely
 Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Mark Russinovich
 Sysinternals -
 User accounts for \\
 locadmin RenamedGuest TsInternetUser
 The command completed with one or more errors.
 net exited on xx with error code 1.
 Permission issue?
 Thank you and have a splendid day!
 Kind Regards,
 Freddy Hartono
 Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
 Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
 For Agilent Technologies
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 2:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
 I think i'm screwing up the syntax.
 this is a sample output in logfile.txt-
 workstationpc psexec \\workstationpc net user
 thats all.
 On 8/10/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For part 2
  Download psexec.exe (sysinternals)
  Create a computerlist.txt with all the pcnames (FQDN if you don't trust 
  your wins)
  From command line (replace %i with %%i if using batch file) using your 
  DA/EA credentials for example
  For /F %i IN (computerlist.txt) do echo %i  logfile.txt psexec \\%i net 
  user  logfile.txt
  Note: Above will query remotely irregardless if computer is online or 
  offline (slow if offline) - you can modify to include ping test if you want.
  Thank you and have a splendid day!
  Kind Regards,
  Freddy Hartono
  Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
  Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
  For Agilent Technologies
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
  Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
  I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
  be found in the cache
  I'm running win2k native mode domain.
  thanks. sorry to bother.
  On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure 
   folks here can feed you ...
   The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH
   ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
   ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
   ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
   ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
   ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context,
   ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
   ' Change in version 1.04
   ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
   ' Change in version 1.02
   ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
   'groupPolicyContainer' class.
   ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
   ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be used by
   the property.
   ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be defined at 
   container level.
   ' Change in version 1.01
   ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
   ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Option Explicit
   Dim ObjRoot
   Dim Object
   Dim ObjMember
   WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
   Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
   Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
   Call LookInsideObject (Object)
   Set Object = Nothing
   Set objRoot = Nothing
   WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
   Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
   Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
   Call LookInsideObject (Object)
   Set Object = Nothing
   Set objRoot = Nothing
   WScript.Quit (0

RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-11 Thread freddy_hartono
Hi Tom

A big woops I guess - a  was missing :)

For /F %i IN (computerlist.txt) do echo %i  logfile.txt  psexec \\%i net 
user  logfile.txt

Try that - and see if it works - im using rcmd.exe (windows resource kit) 
instead of psexec (works faster)

Thank you and have a splendid day!
Kind Regards,
Freddy Hartono
Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
For Agilent Technologies

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

i'm running as EA, so i don't think so.

the command just echo's everything after echo' for some reason.

i'm running it from a winxp sp2 box.
it doesn't seem like perms but i'm screwing up the syntax.
turn echo off?
as it is now, it just echos the psexec invoking net user with no
output to the stdout and the logfile.

very strange.
i don't know where to begin to figure this out


 Hi Tom,
 For my system it shows like these below
 C:\Documents and Settings\fhartonopsexec \\xx net user
 PsExec v1.57 - Execute processes remotely
 Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Mark Russinovich
 Sysinternals -
 User accounts for \\
 locadmin RenamedGuest TsInternetUser
 The command completed with one or more errors.
 net exited on xx with error code 1.
 Permission issue?
 Thank you and have a splendid day!
 Kind Regards,
 Freddy Hartono
 Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
 Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
 For Agilent Technologies
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 2:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
 I think i'm screwing up the syntax.
 this is a sample output in logfile.txt-
 workstationpc psexec \\workstationpc net user
 thats all.
 On 8/10/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For part 2
  Download psexec.exe (sysinternals)
  Create a computerlist.txt with all the pcnames (FQDN if you don't trust 
  your wins)
  From command line (replace %i with %%i if using batch file) using your 
  DA/EA credentials for example
  For /F %i IN (computerlist.txt) do echo %i  logfile.txt psexec \\%i net 
  user  logfile.txt
  Note: Above will query remotely irregardless if computer is online or 
  offline (slow if offline) - you can modify to include ping test if you want.
  Thank you and have a splendid day!
  Kind Regards,
  Freddy Hartono
  Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
  Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
  For Agilent Technologies
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
  Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
  I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
  be found in the cache
  I'm running win2k native mode domain.
  thanks. sorry to bother.
  On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure 
   folks here can feed you ...
   The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH
   ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
   ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
   ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
   ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
   ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context,
   ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
   ' Change in version 1.04
   ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
   ' Change in version 1.02
   ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
   'groupPolicyContainer' class.
   ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
   ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be used by
   the property.
   ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be defined at 
   container level.
   ' Change in version 1.01
   ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
   ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Option Explicit
   Dim ObjRoot
   Dim Object
   Dim ObjMember
   WScript.Echo Looking inside

RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Alain Lissoir
For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure some
folks here can feed you ...

The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH

' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context,
' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
' Change in version 1.04
' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
' Change in version 1.02
' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
'groupPolicyContainer' class.
' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be used by
the property.
' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be defined at the
container level.
' Change in version 1.01
' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Option Explicit

Dim ObjRoot
Dim Object
Dim ObjMember


WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)

Call LookInsideObject (Object)

Set Object = Nothing
Set objRoot = Nothing


WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)

Call LookInsideObject (Object)

Set Object = Nothing
Set objRoot = Nothing

WScript.Quit (0)


Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)

Dim objMember   
Dim Member

Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)

if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
   objMember.Class  container And _
   objMember.Class  configuration _
Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)

For Each Member in objMember
If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
   Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
   Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
   Member.Class = site Or _
   Member.Class = container _
Then Call LookInsideObject (Member.Name  ,  Object)

Set objMember = Nothing

End Sub


Private Sub ShowMemberInfo (Object)

Dim longStartPolicyPath 
Dim longEndPolicyPath 
Dim strPolicyPathSource 
Dim strPolicyPath 

Dim objPolicy
Dim objPolicyClassDef 
Dim objPolicyProperty 

Dim strPropertyName


If Object.GPLink =  Then
   WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
   WScript.Echo (No Group Policy Defined)
End If

strPolicyPathSource = Object.GPLink
While (strPolicyPathSource  )

   WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  ) 

   ' Extract each LDAP pointer from the GPLink.
   longStartPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, [,
   longEndPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, ], vbTextCompare)
   strPolicyPath = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longStartPolicyPath + 1,
longEndPolicyPath - 4)
   strPolicyPathSource = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longEndPolicyPath + 1)

   Set objPolicy = GetObject(strPolicyPath)

   WScript.Echo Found an existing Policy: ' 
objPolicy.Get(displayName)  ' (  objPolicy.Class  )
   WScript.Echo  GPLink=  strPolicyPath

   Set objPolicyClassDef = GetObject (objPolicy.Schema)

   On error Goto ErrorHandler

   For Each strPropertyName In objPolicyClassDef.MandatoryProperties
Set objPolicyProperty = GetObject (objPolicyClassDef.Parent
+ / + strPropertyName)
WScript.EchostrPropertyName  = 
objPolicy.Get(strPropertyName)   (  objPolicyProperty.Syntax  )
Set objPolicyProperty = Nothing

   For Each strPropertyName In objPolicyClassDef.OptionalProperties
Set objPolicyProperty = GetObject (objPolicyClassDef.Parent
+ / + strPropertyName)
WScript.EchostrPropertyName  = 
objPolicy.Get(strPropertyName)   (  objPolicyProperty.Syntax  )
Set objPolicyProperty = Nothing

   Set objPolicyClassDef = Nothing

   Set objPolicy = Nothing



Exit Sub


WScript.Echo Err.Description  (  Err.Number  )
Resume Next

End Sub 

-Original Message-

Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Tom Kern
I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
be found in the cache

I'm running win2k native mode domain.

thanks. sorry to bother.

On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure some
 folks here can feed you ...
 The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH
 ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
 ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
 ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
 ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
 ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context,
 ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
 ' Change in version 1.04
 ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
 ' Change in version 1.02
 ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
 'groupPolicyContainer' class.
 ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
 ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be used by
 the property.
 ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be defined at the
 container level.
 ' Change in version 1.01
 ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
 ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Option Explicit
 Dim ObjRoot
 Dim Object
 Dim ObjMember
 WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
 Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
 Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
 Call LookInsideObject (Object)
 Set Object = Nothing
 Set objRoot = Nothing
 WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
 Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
 Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
 Call LookInsideObject (Object)
 Set Object = Nothing
 Set objRoot = Nothing
 WScript.Quit (0)
 Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)
 Dim objMember
 Dim Member
Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)
if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
   objMember.Class  container And _
   objMember.Class  configuration _
Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)
For Each Member in objMember
If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
   Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
   Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
   Member.Class = site Or _
   Member.Class = container _
Then Call LookInsideObject (Member.Name  ,  Object)
Set objMember = Nothing
 End Sub
 Private Sub ShowMemberInfo (Object)
 Dim longStartPolicyPath
 Dim longEndPolicyPath
 Dim strPolicyPathSource
 Dim strPolicyPath
 Dim objPolicy
 Dim objPolicyClassDef
 Dim objPolicyProperty
 Dim strPropertyName
If Object.GPLink =  Then
   WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
   WScript.Echo (No Group Policy Defined)
End If
strPolicyPathSource = Object.GPLink
While (strPolicyPathSource  )
   WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
   ' Extract each LDAP pointer from the GPLink.
   longStartPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, [,
   longEndPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, ], vbTextCompare)
   strPolicyPath = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longStartPolicyPath + 1,
 longEndPolicyPath - 4)
   strPolicyPathSource = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longEndPolicyPath + 1)
   Set objPolicy = GetObject(strPolicyPath)
   WScript.Echo Found an existing Policy: ' 
 objPolicy.Get(displayName)  ' (  objPolicy.Class  )
   WScript.Echo  GPLink=  strPolicyPath
   Set objPolicyClassDef = GetObject (objPolicy.Schema)
   On error Goto ErrorHandler
   For Each strPropertyName In objPolicyClassDef.MandatoryProperties
Set objPolicyProperty = GetObject (objPolicyClassDef.Parent
 + / + strPropertyName)
WScript.EchostrPropertyName  = 
 objPolicy.Get(strPropertyName)   (  objPolicyProperty.Syntax  )
Set objPolicyProperty = Nothing
   For Each strPropertyName In objPolicyClassDef.OptionalProperties
Set objPolicyProperty = GetObject (objPolicyClassDef.Parent
 + / + strPropertyName)
WScript.EchostrPropertyName  = 
 objPolicy.Get(strPropertyName)   (  objPolicyProperty.Syntax  )
Set objPolicyProperty = 

Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Tom Kern
Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use a
tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a
specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.

am i correct?

On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
 be found in the cache
 I'm running win2k native mode domain.
 thanks. sorry to bother.
 On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure some
  folks here can feed you ...
  The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH
  ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
  ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
  ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
  ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
  ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context,
  ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
  ' Change in version 1.04
  ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
  ' Change in version 1.02
  ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
  'groupPolicyContainer' class.
  ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
  ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be used by
  the property.
  ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be defined at the
  container level.
  ' Change in version 1.01
  ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
  ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Option Explicit
  Dim ObjRoot
  Dim Object
  Dim ObjMember
  WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
  Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
  Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
  Call LookInsideObject (Object)
  Set Object = Nothing
  Set objRoot = Nothing
  WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
  Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
  Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
  Call LookInsideObject (Object)
  Set Object = Nothing
  Set objRoot = Nothing
  WScript.Quit (0)
  Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)
  Dim objMember
  Dim Member
 Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)
 if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
objMember.Class  container And _
objMember.Class  configuration _
 Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)
 For Each Member in objMember
 If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
Member.Class = site Or _
Member.Class = container _
 Then Call LookInsideObject (Member.Name  ,  Object)
 Set objMember = Nothing
  End Sub
  Private Sub ShowMemberInfo (Object)
  Dim longStartPolicyPath
  Dim longEndPolicyPath
  Dim strPolicyPathSource
  Dim strPolicyPath
  Dim objPolicy
  Dim objPolicyClassDef
  Dim objPolicyProperty
  Dim strPropertyName
 If Object.GPLink =  Then
WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
WScript.Echo (No Group Policy Defined)
 End If
 strPolicyPathSource = Object.GPLink
 While (strPolicyPathSource  )
WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
' Extract each LDAP pointer from the GPLink.
longStartPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, [,
longEndPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, ], vbTextCompare)
strPolicyPath = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longStartPolicyPath + 1,
  longEndPolicyPath - 4)
strPolicyPathSource = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longEndPolicyPath + 1)
Set objPolicy = GetObject(strPolicyPath)
WScript.Echo Found an existing Policy: ' 
  objPolicy.Get(displayName)  ' (  objPolicy.Class  )
WScript.Echo  GPLink=  strPolicyPath
Set objPolicyClassDef = GetObject (objPolicy.Schema)
On error Goto ErrorHandler
For Each strPropertyName In objPolicyClassDef.MandatoryProperties
 Set objPolicyProperty = GetObject (objPolicyClassDef.Parent
  + / + strPropertyName)
 WScript.EchostrPropertyName  = 
  objPolicy.Get(strPropertyName)   (  objPolicyProperty.Syntax  )

RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Grillenmeier, Guido
 the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.

Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this

If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client - this
will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the
GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC (typically in the
C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder). 

This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including the links
where the GPOs are applied.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use a
tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a
specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.

am i correct?

On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
 be found in the cache
 I'm running win2k native mode domain.
 thanks. sorry to bother.
 On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm
sure some
  folks here can feed you ...
  The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition.
  ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
  ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
  ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
  ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the
  ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user
  ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
  ' Change in version 1.04
  ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
  ' Change in version 1.02
  ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
  'groupPolicyContainer' class.
  ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
  ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be
used by
  the property.
  ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be
defined at the
  container level.
  ' Change in version 1.01
  ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
  ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Option Explicit
  Dim ObjRoot
  Dim Object
  Dim ObjMember

  WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
  Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
  Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
  Call LookInsideObject (Object)
  Set Object = Nothing
  Set objRoot = Nothing

  WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
  Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
  Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
  Call LookInsideObject (Object)
  Set Object = Nothing
  Set objRoot = Nothing
  WScript.Quit (0)

  Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)
  Dim objMember
  Dim Member
 Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)
 if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
objMember.Class  container And _
objMember.Class  configuration _
 Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)
 For Each Member in objMember
 If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
Member.Class = site Or _
Member.Class = container _
 Then Call LookInsideObject (Member.Name  ,  Object)
 Set objMember = Nothing
  End Sub

  Private Sub ShowMemberInfo (Object)
  Dim longStartPolicyPath
  Dim longEndPolicyPath
  Dim strPolicyPathSource
  Dim strPolicyPath
  Dim objPolicy
  Dim objPolicyClassDef
  Dim objPolicyProperty
  Dim strPropertyName
 If Object.GPLink =  Then
WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
WScript.Echo (No Group Policy Defined)
 End If
 strPolicyPathSource = Object.GPLink
 While (strPolicyPathSource  )
WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
' Extract each LDAP pointer from the GPLink.
longStartPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, [,
longEndPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, ],
strPolicyPath = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longStartPolicyPath +
  longEndPolicyPath - 4

Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Tom Kern
yeah, unfortunately, i'm saying there is not one xp box to be seen...

can this be done from a win2k box somehow?

On 8/10/05, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.
 Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this
 If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client - this
 will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the
 GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC (typically in the
 C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder).
 This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including the links
 where the GPOs are applied.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
 Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use a
 tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a
 specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.
 am i correct?
 On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
  be found in the cache
  I'm running win2k native mode domain.
  thanks. sorry to bother.
  On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm
 sure some
   folks here can feed you ...
   The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition.
   ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
   ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
   ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
   ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the
   ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user
   ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
   ' Change in version 1.04
   ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
   ' Change in version 1.02
   ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
   'groupPolicyContainer' class.
   ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
   ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be
 used by
   the property.
   ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be
 defined at the
   container level.
   ' Change in version 1.01
   ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
   ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Option Explicit
   Dim ObjRoot
   Dim Object
   Dim ObjMember
   WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
   Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
   Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
   Call LookInsideObject (Object)
   Set Object = Nothing
   Set objRoot = Nothing
   WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
   Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
   Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
   Call LookInsideObject (Object)
   Set Object = Nothing
   Set objRoot = Nothing
   WScript.Quit (0)
   Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)
   Dim objMember
   Dim Member
  Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)
  if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
 objMember.Class  container And _
 objMember.Class  configuration _
  Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)
  For Each Member in objMember
  If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
 Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
 Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
 Member.Class = site Or _
 Member.Class = container _
  Then Call LookInsideObject (Member.Name  ,  Object)
  Set objMember = Nothing
   End Sub
   Private Sub ShowMemberInfo (Object)
   Dim longStartPolicyPath
   Dim longEndPolicyPath
   Dim strPolicyPathSource
   Dim strPolicyPath
   Dim objPolicy
   Dim objPolicyClassDef
   Dim objPolicyProperty
   Dim strPropertyName
  If Object.GPLink =  Then
 WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
 WScript.Echo (No Group Policy Defined)
  End If
  strPolicyPathSource = Object.GPLink
  While (strPolicyPathSource  )

Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Phil Renouf
Upgrade your workstation to XP and run it from there? Install a VPC
that is running XP and run it from there?


On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 yeah, unfortunately, i'm saying there is not one xp box to be seen...
 can this be done from a win2k box somehow?
 On 8/10/05, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.
  Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this
  If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client - this
  will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the
  GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC (typically in the
  C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder).
  This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including the links
  where the GPOs are applied.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
  Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
  Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
  Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use a
  tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a
  specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.
  am i correct?
  On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
   be found in the cache
   I'm running win2k native mode domain.
   thanks. sorry to bother.
   On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm
  sure some
folks here can feed you ...
The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition.
' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the
' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user
' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
' Change in version 1.04
' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
' Change in version 1.02
' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
'groupPolicyContainer' class.
' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be
  used by
the property.
' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be
  defined at the
container level.
' Change in version 1.01
' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Option Explicit
Dim ObjRoot
Dim Object
Dim ObjMember
WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
Call LookInsideObject (Object)
Set Object = Nothing
Set objRoot = Nothing
WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
Call LookInsideObject (Object)
Set Object = Nothing
Set objRoot = Nothing
WScript.Quit (0)
Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)
Dim objMember
Dim Member
   Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)
   if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
  objMember.Class  container And _
  objMember.Class  configuration _
   Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)
   For Each Member in objMember
   If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
  Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
  Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
  Member.Class = site Or _
  Member.Class = container _
   Then Call LookInsideObject (Member.Name  ,  Object)
   Set objMember = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub ShowMemberInfo (Object)
Dim longStartPolicyPath
Dim longEndPolicyPath
Dim strPolicyPathSource
Dim strPolicyPath
Dim objPolicy
Dim objPolicyClassDef
Dim objPolicyProperty

Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Tom Kern
everything is locked down in this enviorment. there's 802.1x security
on the switchport,etc so its a major pain to introduce any new
i have an xp laptop that i can't plug in without going thru 5 diff
people so in the end i just thought this might be done thru win2k
somehow via vbscript or some third party tool.

if no one can figure out a solution to this query, how 'bout my second one-
enumerate every local account/group(non-default) on every local
machine sam  in the domain?

Thanks for all your help guys!

On 8/10/05, Phil Renouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Upgrade your workstation to XP and run it from there? Install a VPC
 that is running XP and run it from there?
 On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  yeah, unfortunately, i'm saying there is not one xp box to be seen...
  can this be done from a win2k box somehow?
  On 8/10/05, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.
   Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this
   If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client - this
   will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the
   GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC (typically in the
   C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder).
   This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including the links
   where the GPOs are applied.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
   Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
   Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
   Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use a
   tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a
   specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.
   am i correct?
   On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
be found in the cache
I'm running win2k native mode domain.
thanks. sorry to bother.
On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm
   sure some
 folks here can feed you ...

 The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition.

 ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
 ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
 ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
 ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the
 ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user
 ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
 ' Change in version 1.04
 ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
 ' Change in version 1.02
 ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
 'groupPolicyContainer' class.
 ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
 ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be
   used by
 the property.
 ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be
   defined at the
 container level.
 ' Change in version 1.01
 ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
 ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Option Explicit

 Dim ObjRoot
 Dim Object
 Dim ObjMember


 WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
 Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
 Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)

 Call LookInsideObject (Object)

 Set Object = Nothing
 Set objRoot = Nothing


 WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
 Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
 Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)

 Call LookInsideObject (Object)

 Set Object = Nothing
 Set objRoot = Nothing

 WScript.Quit (0)


 Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)

 Dim objMember
 Dim Member

Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)

if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
   objMember.Class  container And _
   objMember.Class  configuration _
Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)

For Each Member in objMember

RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Al Mulnick
Scripts to enumerate users on the workstations and member servers, would likely 
take you enumerating that class and then iterating through each one (connecting 
and gathering the information).  Chock full of reasons why that might not work. 
 That said, I think a pretty good approach would be to use a logon script for 
the workstations and use a centralized script for the member servers. 

Something like:


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

everything is locked down in this enviorment. there's 802.1x security on the 
switchport,etc so its a major pain to introduce any new machine. i have an xp 
laptop that i can't plug in without going thru 5 diff people so in the end i 
just thought this might be done thru win2k somehow via vbscript or some third 
party tool.

if no one can figure out a solution to this query, how 'bout my second one- 
enumerate every local account/group(non-default) on every local machine sam  in 
the domain?

Thanks for all your help guys!

On 8/10/05, Phil Renouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Upgrade your workstation to XP and run it from there? Install a VPC 
 that is running XP and run it from there?
 On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  yeah, unfortunately, i'm saying there is not one xp box to be 
  can this be done from a win2k box somehow?
  On 8/10/05, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.
   Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this 
   If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client - 
   this will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the 
   GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC (typically 
   in the C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder).
   This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including the 
   links where the GPOs are applied.
   -Original Message-
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
   Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
   Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
   Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use 
   a tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a 
   specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.
   am i correct?
   On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I get errors with this script- the active directory  property 
cannot be found in the cache
I'm running win2k native mode domain.
thanks. sorry to bother.
On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but 
   sure some
 folks here can feed you ...

 The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy 

 ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir '
 ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
 ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
 ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the
 ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user
 ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects. '
 ' Change in version 1.04
 ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
 ' Change in version 1.02
 ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
 'groupPolicyContainer' class.
 ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
 ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be
   used by
 the property.
 ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be
   defined at the
 container level.
 ' Change in version 1.01
 ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to 
 extract some properties. '
 ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Option Explicit

 Dim ObjRoot
 Dim Object
 Dim ObjMember



Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Phil Renouf
I'm not an SMS guy, but would SMS have that information (or the
ability to gather it with the SMS agent)? Not too useful if you don't
already have SMS...


On 8/10/05, Al Mulnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Scripts to enumerate users on the workstations and member servers, would 
 likely take you enumerating that class and then iterating through each one 
 (connecting and gathering the information).  Chock full of reasons why that 
 might not work.  That said, I think a pretty good approach would be to use a 
 logon script for the workstations and use a centralized script for the member 
 Something like:
 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
 everything is locked down in this enviorment. there's 802.1x security on the 
 switchport,etc so its a major pain to introduce any new machine. i have an xp 
 laptop that i can't plug in without going thru 5 diff people so in the end i 
 just thought this might be done thru win2k somehow via vbscript or some third 
 party tool.
 if no one can figure out a solution to this query, how 'bout my second one- 
 enumerate every local account/group(non-default) on every local machine sam  
 in the domain?
 Thanks for all your help guys!
 On 8/10/05, Phil Renouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Upgrade your workstation to XP and run it from there? Install a VPC
  that is running XP and run it from there?
  On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   yeah, unfortunately, i'm saying there is not one xp box to be
   can this be done from a win2k box somehow?
   On 8/10/05, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.
Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this
If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client -
this will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the
GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC (typically
in the C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder).
This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including the
links where the GPOs are applied.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use
a tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a
specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.
am i correct?
On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get errors with this script- the active directory  property
 cannot be found in the cache

 I'm running win2k native mode domain.

 thanks. sorry to bother.

 On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but
sure some
  folks here can feed you ...
  The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy
  ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir '
  ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
  ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
  ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the
  ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user
  ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects. '
  ' Change in version 1.04
  ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
  ' Change in version 1.02
  ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
  'groupPolicyContainer' class.
  ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
  ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be
used by
  the property.
  ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be
defined at the
  container level.
  ' Change in version 1.01
  ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer

RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Al Mulnick
I don't honestly know if it would be inherent or if you'd have to write a 
script and get SMS to deliver/run it for you. I suspect the latter but I'm not 
an SMS type either. 
Be interesting to hear if anyone who has SMS knows that answer. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Phil Renouf
Sent: Wed 8/10/2005 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

I'm not an SMS guy, but would SMS have that information (or the
ability to gather it with the SMS agent)? Not too useful if you don't
already have SMS...


On 8/10/05, Al Mulnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Scripts to enumerate users on the workstations and member servers, would 
 likely take you enumerating that class and then iterating through each one 
 (connecting and gathering the information).  Chock full of reasons why that 
 might not work.  That said, I think a pretty good approach would be to use a 
 logon script for the workstations and use a centralized script for the member 

 Something like:


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

 everything is locked down in this enviorment. there's 802.1x security on the 
 switchport,etc so its a major pain to introduce any new machine. i have an xp 
 laptop that i can't plug in without going thru 5 diff people so in the end i 
 just thought this might be done thru win2k somehow via vbscript or some third 
 party tool.

 if no one can figure out a solution to this query, how 'bout my second one- 
 enumerate every local account/group(non-default) on every local machine sam  
 in the domain?

 Thanks for all your help guys!

 On 8/10/05, Phil Renouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Upgrade your workstation to XP and run it from there? Install a VPC
  that is running XP and run it from there?
  On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   yeah, unfortunately, i'm saying there is not one xp box to be
   can this be done from a win2k box somehow?
   On 8/10/05, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.
Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this
If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client -
this will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the
GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC (typically
in the C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder).
This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including the
links where the GPOs are applied.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use
a tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a
specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.
am i correct?
On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get errors with this script- the active directory  property
 cannot be found in the cache

 I'm running win2k native mode domain.

 thanks. sorry to bother.

 On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but
sure some
  folks here can feed you ...
  The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy
  ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir '
  ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
  ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
  ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the
  ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user
  ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects. '
  ' Change in version 1.04
  ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
  ' Change in version 1.02
  ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated

Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Tom Kern
no sms here.
i just need to know all the local accounts on workstations and member servers.
my managers want to know this info now that they broke from this
outsourcing company.
they need to know what accounts they may have created locally.
paranoia, i guess..

On 8/10/05, Al Mulnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't honestly know if it would be inherent or if you'd have to write a 
 script and get SMS to deliver/run it for you. I suspect the latter but I'm 
 not an SMS type either.
 Be interesting to hear if anyone who has SMS knows that answer.
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Phil Renouf
 Sent: Wed 8/10/2005 5:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
 I'm not an SMS guy, but would SMS have that information (or the
 ability to gather it with the SMS agent)? Not too useful if you don't
 already have SMS...
 On 8/10/05, Al Mulnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Scripts to enumerate users on the workstations and member servers, would 
  likely take you enumerating that class and then iterating through each one 
  (connecting and gathering the information).  Chock full of reasons why that 
  might not work.  That said, I think a pretty good approach would be to use 
  a logon script for the workstations and use a centralized script for the 
  member servers.
  Something like:
  -Original Message-
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
  Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
  everything is locked down in this enviorment. there's 802.1x security on 
  the switchport,etc so its a major pain to introduce any new machine. i have 
  an xp laptop that i can't plug in without going thru 5 diff people so in 
  the end i just thought this might be done thru win2k somehow via vbscript 
  or some third party tool.
  if no one can figure out a solution to this query, how 'bout my second one- 
  enumerate every local account/group(non-default) on every local machine sam 
   in the domain?
  Thanks for all your help guys!
  On 8/10/05, Phil Renouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Upgrade your workstation to XP and run it from there? Install a VPC
   that is running XP and run it from there?
   On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
yeah, unfortunately, i'm saying there is not one xp box to be
can this be done from a win2k box somehow?
On 8/10/05, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is out.

 Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this

 If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client -
 this will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the
 GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC (typically
 in the C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder).

 This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including the
 links where the GPOs are applied.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

 Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or use
 a tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or a
 specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.

 am i correct?

 On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I get errors with this script- the active directory  property
  cannot be found in the cache
  I'm running win2k native mode domain.
  thanks. sorry to bother.
  On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but
 sure some
   folks here can feed you ...
   The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy
   ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir '
   ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
   ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
   ' This should facilitate the search of created

RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread freddy_hartono
For part 2

Download psexec.exe (sysinternals)

Create a computerlist.txt with all the pcnames (FQDN if you don't trust your 

From command line (replace %i with %%i if using batch file) using your DA/EA 
credentials for example

For /F %i IN (computerlist.txt) do echo %i  logfile.txt psexec \\%i net user 

Note: Above will query remotely irregardless if computer is online or offline 
(slow if offline) - you can modify to include ping test if you want.

Thank you and have a splendid day!
Kind Regards,
Freddy Hartono
Windows Administrator (ADSM/NT Security)
Spherion Technology Group, Singapore
For Agilent Technologies

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

I get errors with this script- the active directory  property cannot
be found in the cache

I'm running win2k native mode domain.

thanks. sorry to bother.

On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close but I'm sure some
 folks here can feed you ...
 The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy addition. HTH
 ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir
 ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
 ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
 ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in the Active
 ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current user context,
 ' so, you should have enough rights to access AD objects.
 ' Change in version 1.04
 ' - Add an error Handler in the ShowMemberInfo Private Sub
 ' Change in version 1.02
 ' - Query the schema to get the property list associated to the
 'groupPolicyContainer' class.
 ' - Display only the defined properties for that class.
 ' - For the defined properties, the scripts shows the syntax to be used by
 the property.
 ' - Take in account the fact that more than one policy can be defined at the
 container level.
 ' Change in version 1.01
 ' - Add some code to bind to the GPLink LDAP Pointer to extract some
 ' Any comments or questions:EMail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Option Explicit
 Dim ObjRoot
 Dim Object
 Dim ObjMember
 WScript.Echo Looking inside 'configurationNamingContext'
 Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
 Object = objRoot.Get(configurationNamingContext)
 Call LookInsideObject (Object)
 Set Object = Nothing
 Set objRoot = Nothing
 WScript.Echo Looking inside 'DefaultNamingContext'
 Set objRoot = GetObject(LDAP://RootDSE)
 Object = objRoot.Get(DefaultNamingContext)
 Call LookInsideObject (Object)
 Set Object = Nothing
 Set objRoot = Nothing
 WScript.Quit (0)
 Private Sub LookInsideObject (Object)
 Dim objMember
 Dim Member
Set objMember = GetObject (LDAP://  Object)
if objMember.Class  sitesContainer And _
   objMember.Class  container And _
   objMember.Class  configuration _
Then Call ShowMemberInfo (objMember)
For Each Member in objMember
If Member.Class = domainDNS Or _
   Member.Class = organizationalUnit Or _
   Member.Class = sitesContainer Or _
   Member.Class = site Or _
   Member.Class = container _
Then Call LookInsideObject (Member.Name  ,  Object)
Set objMember = Nothing
 End Sub
 Private Sub ShowMemberInfo (Object)
 Dim longStartPolicyPath
 Dim longEndPolicyPath
 Dim strPolicyPathSource
 Dim strPolicyPath
 Dim objPolicy
 Dim objPolicyClassDef
 Dim objPolicyProperty
 Dim strPropertyName
If Object.GPLink =  Then
   WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
   WScript.Echo (No Group Policy Defined)
End If
strPolicyPathSource = Object.GPLink
While (strPolicyPathSource  )
   WScript.Echo Object.Name   (  Object.Class  )
   ' Extract each LDAP pointer from the GPLink.
   longStartPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, [,
   longEndPolicyPath = InStr(1, strPolicyPathSource, ], vbTextCompare)
   strPolicyPath = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longStartPolicyPath + 1,
 longEndPolicyPath - 4)
   strPolicyPathSource = Mid(strPolicyPathSource, longEndPolicyPath + 1)
   Set objPolicy = GetObject(strPolicyPath)
   WScript.Echo Found an existing

RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

2005-08-10 Thread Free, Bob
Not an SMS guy either, but ours says it's not inherent although it can
be done :-)

From: Al Mulnick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Al Mulnick
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:16 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

I don't honestly know if it would be inherent or if you'd have to write
a script and get SMS to deliver/run it for you. I suspect the latter but
I'm not an SMS type either. 
Be interesting to hear if anyone who has SMS knows that answer. 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Phil Renouf
Sent: Wed 8/10/2005 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

I'm not an SMS guy, but would SMS have that information (or the
ability to gather it with the SMS agent)? Not too useful if you don't
already have SMS...


On 8/10/05, Al Mulnick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Scripts to enumerate users on the workstations and member servers,
would likely take you enumerating that class and then iterating through
each one (connecting and gathering the information).  Chock full of
reasons why that might not work.  That said, I think a pretty good
approach would be to use a logon script for the workstations and use a
centralized script for the member servers.

 Something like:


 -Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Kern
 Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 2:47 PM
 Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors

 everything is locked down in this enviorment. there's 802.1x security
on the switchport,etc so its a major pain to introduce any new machine.
i have an xp laptop that i can't plug in without going thru 5 diff
people so in the end i just thought this might be done thru win2k
somehow via vbscript or some third party tool.

 if no one can figure out a solution to this query, how 'bout my second
one- enumerate every local account/group(non-default) on every local
machine sam  in the domain?

 Thanks for all your help guys!

 On 8/10/05, Phil Renouf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Upgrade your workstation to XP and run it from there? Install a VPC
  that is running XP and run it from there?
  On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   yeah, unfortunately, i'm saying there is not one xp box to be
   can this be done from a win2k box somehow?
   On 8/10/05, Grillenmeier, Guido [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 the enviorment i work in is all win2k pro/server so GPMC is
Are you saying you don't even have a single WinXP box in this
If you have one, you could still install GPMC on the XP client -
this will work fine against a win2k AD.  Then execute the
GetReportsForAllGPOs.wsf script that comes with GPMC
in the C:\Program Files\GPMC\Scripts folder).
This will dump all settings of all GPOs in a domain including
links where the GPOs are applied.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Mittwoch, 10. August 2005 19:26
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] 2 quick favors
Ok, I think i'm finding it impossible to create a VBScript or
a tool to enumerate all the settings which are enabled in all or
specific gpo in a win2k domain from a win2k workstation.
am i correct?
On 8/10/05, Tom Kern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I get errors with this script- the active directory  property
 cannot be found in the cache

 I'm running win2k native mode domain.

 thanks. sorry to bother.

 On 8/10/05, Alain Lissoir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For 1/, try this one below. For 2/ I don't have one close
sure some
  folks here can feed you ...
  The script doesn't dump in a text file, but that's an easy
  ' FindGPOLinks v1.04.vbs - Version 1.04 - Alain Lissoir '
  ' WSH Script browsing the 'DefaultNamingContext' and the
  ' to retrieve the Group Policies linked to AD objects.
  ' This should facilitate the search of created policies in
  ' The script is using a basic LDAP access in the current
  ' so, you