I believe you said:

Article has_many Topics
Article has_many Regions

Is this correct? If it is then you might have something like this:

* id
* name
* [other attributes]

* id
* name
* [other attributes]

* topic_id
* region_id
* hit (always 1)

With this structure you'd be able to aggregate your facts by the
various attributes in both topic and dimension. Is this starting to
look like what you are trying to do or am I still missing something


On Jan 15, 2008 8:41 AM, Devin Mullins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anthony, thanks for responding so promptly.
> On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 08:03:18AM -0500, Anthony Eden wrote:
> > Regions and topics should probably be dimensions and article a fact.
> > What I can't figure out is what the measurements are in this (aside
> > from counts perhaps) since there is very little to go on.
> Yes, counts is it, at least for now. Maybe aggregate hits some day.
> Assuming the idea of three fact tables is out, then, the question
> remains: How do I implement multivalued dimensions in ActiveWarehouse?
> > you want to minimize or
> > completely remove joins to large tables, hence your dimensions should
> > be small.
> Well, that's a problem. The bridge table would be huge -- more rows than
> the fact table. (Though, granted, only two columns -- it's essentially a
> :through table.) But saying "no" to the customer isn't really an option
> I'd like to take right now...
> Thanks,
> Devin
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