Re: Housekeeping

2001-08-18 Thread Joe Faracchio

We run  on a basis of constant data sent.

So a   backup stg diskpool copypool
is run every half hour or so.
Backups are heaviest (but not exclusive) overnight.
In the morning its:
 backup db type=full(takes 1 hour)
a   backup stg diskpool copypool usually runs simultaneously
expire inventory   (takes 1-3 hours
migrations are  'pushed along' during expiration
onsite reclamation is given over to the rest of the day
if we are not 'stressed' by extra data causing migrations
to be needed. another backup db at 7 pm
more onsite reclamations  then
the the first half of the overnight backups start at 9pm.

Weekends are exclusively devoted to offsite reclamations after
getting the diskpool down to a 'no migration needs' state
and an expiration plus db backup are run.

Weekend offsite reclamations (of 15-25 tapes) usually takes from
noon Saturday to sometime late Sunday or the wee hours of Monday AM.

This is a two drive 3494/3590 system.  I plan to re-do this all when I
get one or two more drives.  I use a mixture of perl programs and
the (inadequate) TSM scheduling mixed with scripts.
My migration script is:
 backup stg tapepool copypool wait=yes
 backup stg diskpool copypool wait=yes
 upd stg diskpool migproc=2 hi=59 low=49

Then I usually complement it with a scheduled script that
has   diskpool changed to  hi=80 low=65  to get it to stop.

With a 3rd and maybe 4th drive I hope to eliminate the pre-req processing.
And this works best when you have diskpool that is 1+n times bigger than
what gets sent over a 24 hour cycle. (My diskpool has ranged from 70 gig
down to 45 Gigs)  I get about 25 gigs overnight and 15 gigs during the
day.   The key is to have a more than adequate diskpool size and avoid
tapepool to copypool as much as possible.

 ... joe.f.

Joseph A Faracchio,  Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Maurice van 't Loo wrote:

> Hi,
> Can anybode say if i have the housekeeping in the right order..
> Just checkin'
> There are no backups between 06:00 and 12:00 and the startup period is 5 min.
> 06:00   DB Backup Incremental (devcl=3Dfile)
> 06:05   Migration Start
> 06:10   Migration Reset Settings
> 08:00   Expire Inventory
> 09:00   Reclamation Start
> 09:50   Reclamation Stop (reset settings)
> 10:00   Backup STGpool
> 11:00   Delete Volhist (db & all)
> 11:00   Audit License
> 11:05   DB Backup Full (devcl=3Dtape)
> Thanks,
>Maurice van 't Loo
>The Netherlands

Re: how can inactive old backup data ???

2001-08-18 Thread Mark Stapleton

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 15:40:37 -0400, you wrote:
>Well, i can not delete the filespaces, because i have a archive data that
>will be exist for at less five year...

Then may I suggest backupset tapes to be made with a five year
expiration on them. Backupsets are created from data already stored
within TSM, they can be given any expiration date desired, and moving
the data to tape will allow you to get the filespaces cleared out. (It
also gives you the added option of local restores without the use of
your TSM server. It has the disadvantage of not allowing a search for
a desired file by browsing--individual file restores can only be done
from a backupset if you know the entire path and file name of the
desired file.)

the usual disclaimers--YMMV, caveat emptor, free advice is worth $0 blahblah
Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Migration question

2001-08-18 Thread Kelly J. Lipp

I'd change it to:

backup stg disk copy
backup stg tape copy (for anything that might have been migrated during the
night.  Do it this way since the copy pool tapes are already mounted and
ready to go)
migrate disk tape

Kelly J. Lipp
Storage Solutions Specialists, Inc.
PO Box 51313
Colorado Springs CO 80949-1313
(719) 531-5926
Fax: (240) 539-7175

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Alan Davenport
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: Migration question

Thank you, and all the others who have responded. I inherited *SM and those
who set it up before me were under the impression that it WOULD back the
data up twice. I believed otherwise but I gave them the benefit of the doubt
and asked. Again, thank you very much for responding to my question. Looks
like I've be able to shave 2 hours off of my morning processing. (That tape
to tape copy AFTER migration was a killer. Especially with 3490 tapes!)

+ -Original Message-
+ Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 1:31 PM
+ Subject: Re: Migration question
+ Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 13:31:08 -0400
+ Subject: Re: Migration question
+ 'Course TSM is smart!
+ We do what you describe every night - saves a lot of tape mounts,
+ especially
+ since our onsitetape is collocated:
+ backup stgpool diskpool offsitecopypool
+ migrate to onsitetape
+ backup stgpool onsitetape offsitecopypool
+ BACKUP STGPOOL is always INCREMENTAL - TSM checks the DB and only copies
+ files that aren't in the destination copy pool already.
+ -Original Message-
+ From: Alan Davenport [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
+ Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 12:58 PM
+ Subject: Migration question
+ Hello fellow *SMers! I'm thinking of redoing how our backup pool
+ migration/tape copies process is done to increase efficiency. We are
+ currently processing this way:
+ Backuppool (disk) migration to primary onsite tape pool (3490).
+ Tapepool (onsite) copy backed up to vault (offsite) tape copy pool.
+ What I would like to do is this:
+ Backup disk pool to vault tape (offsite) copy.
+ Migrate disk to tape (primary onsite) copy.
+ Backup primary tape pool to offsite pool to catch any migration etc. that
+ may have occurred during the last 24 hours.
+ My concern is this. I do not want to back up the data TWICE from the disk
+ pool to the offsite pool. (Once from disk to offsite pool and again from
+ onsite tape pool to offsite tape pool.) That is, is *SM smart
+ enough to know
+ that the data that was backed up to the vault (offsite) pool prior to
+ migration has already been backed up and will not back it up
+ again from the
+ onsite tape pool to the offsite pool when the "BACKUP STG
+ command is executed?
+ My environment is TSM on OS390 with 24 3490 tape drives.
+ Thanks for listening!
+ Alan Davenport
+ Selective Insurance

Re: IBM 7337 DLT library question

2001-08-18 Thread Joe Faracchio

We orginally used our 3466 with 7337s and I don't remember any door.
(That is the DLT box with 15 cart slots right?)

We would routinely open up the 7337 and pull out the tapes after
checking them our of the library and replace with scratches.

Joseph A Faracchio,  Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :

On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Maurice van 't Loo wrote:

> Hi,
> I'v got a question about the IBM7337 DLT Library on a RS/6000 server.
> The library is able to push the tapes further than the standard place, to
> push them to the door, the tapes are in that case checked out. I saw it
> happend in the full-automatic mode of the library.
> Now the library is in control by TSM, i want that it can do the same thing.
> In stat of using the input/output, i want to checkout the tapes by push the
> tapes to the door, so i can checkout more than one tape and i can see which
> tapes are checked out.
> TSM is not able to do this.
> I tried to find a way that AIX can do it for me, but i'm not succesful.
> I tried tapeutil, and don't know any other util. who can do this for me.
> Does anybody knows the answer?
> TIA,
>Maurice van 't Loo
>The Netherlands

Re: Macros/scripting

2001-08-18 Thread Hamilton, Dustin

Steve - it is actually pretty easy...after your original eMail I have
included the 'source' of two files that do what you looking for when used
together...they are pretty self-explanitory.  If you know a better way to do
anything, let me know...I am pretty new to scripting and TSM...


-Original Message-
From: Automatic digest processor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 5:07 AM
To: Recipients of ADSM-L digests
Subject: ADSM-L Digest - 16 Aug 2001 to 17 Aug 2001 (#2001-225)

 18. Macros/scripting (2)


Date:Fri, 17 Aug 2001 13:58:24 EDT
From:"Stephen A. Cochran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Macros/scripting

I'm still fairly new to ADSM, so bear with me here : )

I'm using ADSM 3.1 server

I want to create a macro which does a 'q volume', but only on the volumes in
library currently (the ones listed with 'q libv').

Is there an easy way to do this?

Steve Cochran
Dartmouth College


YESTERDAY=$(date +%Y-%m-$(($(date "+%d")-1)))
uname -n > $REPORT
date >> $REPORT
dsmadmc -server=b5 -id=query -password=query macro
mailx -s "Apsb5 Report - AHEA - $YESTERDAY" $mail_list < $REPORT

q ev * AHEA begind=-1 begint=08:00 endd=today endt=08:00 >>
and DATE_TIME>=(cast(current_date -(1 day) as timestamp) + (8
and DATE_TIME<(cast(current_date as timestamp) + (8 hours))-
and MESSAGE LIKE '%bytes transferred%' >>
=END AHEA.MACRO= (notice the use of minus as a line-continuation)

Re: Upgrading to TSM 4.2 on WIN/NT (2000) with Server1 already es ists

2001-08-18 Thread Ron Pavan

I just performed the upgrade from 4.1.2 to 4.2 on win2000 and it worked
fine.  It should leave the server1 directory in place as that is the
instance of the server and the install will detect that the instance is
already there and do the conversion of the data to the 4.2 version.  You
should not have to perform the initial configuration wizards (except for the
license one) unless you want to start a new server instance.  Starting
server1 instance should put you into the same database that you were using
prior to the upgrade minus the licenses.  Run the license wizard to entire
your correct number of license for all pieces.

-Original Message-
From: Gerd Becker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 1:29 AM
Subject: Upgrading to TSM 4.2 on WIN/NT (2000) with Server1 already

Hi *sm'ers,
I tried to upgrade my TSM-Server 4.1 to 4.2. In the readme file I read,
that I first should do an uninstall of all components. I did this, but the
directory ../Tivoli/TSM/server/server1 still exists with all informations.
I think the registry-entry also still exists. After installing the new
software, I am only able to create a new Server2. The new Wizzard (MMC)
shows me only Server2 in his Displays. But I can start Server1 manually.
What is the right way, to do an upgrade, so that Server1 works afterwards
as before?

Can anyone tell me the exactly steps or in what manual I can read this?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards

Gerd Becker

Verantwortlich für die Business-Unit
Solution Competence Center S/390 and zSeries

Albstr. 14
70597 Stuttgart

Tel.: 0711/990083-0 oder Mobil: 0172/4036581
Fax: 0711/990083-9

AW: TDP for Oracle on AIX

2001-08-18 Thread Rupp Thomas (Illwerke)

There is a redpiece titled "Backing Up Oracle using Tivoli Storage

Thomas Rupp

Dieses eMail wurde auf Viren geprueft.

Vorarlberger Illwerke AG

Antwort: Win 2K anomolies

2001-08-18 Thread Gerd Becker

Hi Lawrence,
be carefully with W2k. This needs special attention. There is a very good
redbook available.
See -> Deploying the Tivoli Storage Manager Client
in a Windows200 Environment (SG246141-00)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards

Gerd Becker

Verantwortlich für die Business-Unit
Solution Competence Center S/390 and zSeries

Albstr. 14
70597 Stuttgart

Tel.: 0711/990083-0 oder Mobil: 0172/4036581
Fax: 0711/990083-9

Lawrence Clark 
ATE.NY.US> Kopie:  (Blindkopie: Gerd 
Gesendet von: "ADSM:   Thema:  Win 2K anomolies
Dist Stor Manager" 
17.08.2001 20:36   
Bitte antworten an 
"ADSM: Dist Stor   

   One of our NT servers is running Windows 2000 and TSM 4.2.  It is
scheduled to run and incremental backup nightly, and every night reports
"failed".  After looking into it as much as we can, we've determined the
 - The "failed" is a result of 4 unsuccessful attempts to backup opened
files.  The 7 opened files are related to the logged on user, and the
system registry.  When we look at other servers in our system running
Windows NT 4.0 with TSM 4.1.1, these files are backed up into an c:
\ADSM.SYS folder.  This folder does not exist in the Windows 2000 server.
Furthermore, when we run the gui for TSM 4.2 on the Win 2K server, there's
nothing in the System Objects.  I believe that should contain the registry
   We're in the process of upgrading approximately 50 servers from Windows
NT to Windows 2000.  Neither excluding these files, nor viewing 50 log
files to verify successful backups are desirable

Upgrading to TSM 4.2 on WIN/NT (2000) with Server1 already esists

2001-08-18 Thread Gerd Becker

Hi *sm'ers,
I tried to upgrade my TSM-Server 4.1 to 4.2. In the readme file I read,
that I first should do an uninstall of all components. I did this, but the
directory ../Tivoli/TSM/server/server1 still exists with all informations.
I think the registry-entry also still exists. After installing the new
software, I am only able to create a new Server2. The new Wizzard (MMC)
shows me only Server2 in his Displays. But I can start Server1 manually.
What is the right way, to do an upgrade, so that Server1 works afterwards
as before?

Can anyone tell me the exactly steps or in what manual I can read this?


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / best regards

Gerd Becker

Verantwortlich für die Business-Unit
Solution Competence Center S/390 and zSeries

Albstr. 14
70597 Stuttgart

Tel.: 0711/990083-0 oder Mobil: 0172/4036581
Fax: 0711/990083-9