2004-12-06 Thread Stef Coene
On Saturday 04 December 2004 20:01, Bill Boyer wrote:
 Find the message number associated with all the select statements and any
 responses you  don't want in the actlog and then at the start of your
 script DISABLE EVENT ACTLOG , then re-ENABLE them when you're done.
The problem is that each time I use dsmadmc to query tsm, you see a line that
I logged on, a line with the command and a line that I logged of.  You can
get rid of these messages, but then you don't see these messages from any
Ideally, I should be able to disable the messages related to 1 specific user
that I use to poll tsm.


Re: Restore files using wildcards

2004-12-06 Thread Joni Moyer
This references backups.


Joni Moyer
Storage Systems

 Sent by: ADSM:cc
 Dist Stor
 Manager  Subject
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Re: Restore files using wildcards

 12/03/2004 07:51

 Please respond to
 ADSM: Dist Stor


Would that be a dsmc q backup ... or dsmc q archive ...??  Just want to
be sure.  Thanks

Michael MacGregor
Systems Analyst
Memorial Healthcare System

-Original Message-
From: Richard Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: Restore files using wildcards

Hello All!

I would like to use wild cards within a restore command and I was
how to do this for the following?


Would it just be dsmc restore

Hi, Joni -

Good to see the quotes around the filespec: that should do it, to restore
the data back to its original location.
Before doing most restores, I habitually put the same source filespec into
a 'dsmc query backup ...', which will in a simple way give me a preview
of what will be restored.  Allow time for the client and server to
interact to expand the wildcards relative to the filespace inventory.

Richard Sims

Ans1977e error in webclient.log

2004-12-06 Thread Timothy Hughes
Hello Tsmer's

We have a Win2000 5.2.3 client that keeps missing. I am
unable to start the client acceptor (ANS1977e in Webcl.log)
Anyone ever have this problem?

Here are the messages that are in the client's logs.


TcpOpen: Could not resolve host name.
sessopen: Failure in communications open call. rc: -53
ans1029e communications have been dropped
GetHostnameOrNumber(): gethostbyname(): errno = 11001


ANS1029E Communications have been dropped


(dsmcad) ANS1977e Dsmcad schedule invocation was unsuccessful will try

TSM version
AIX 5.2
Client version 5.2.3

Thanks for any help in advance!

Monthly TSM FAQ part 1 of 2

2004-12-06 Thread Stapleton, Mark
I've had to split this into 2 section in order to get it under the
1000-line limitation from the list server. Sorry about the

This Frequently Asked Question list for the ADSM-L mailing list is
posted on the first day of each month. It was created to  cut down on
the number of questions that are repeated regularly in the ADSM-L
mailing list from I would be  grateful for any requests
to include additional material. (Please send them directly to me, rather
than to the list.)

updated 11/30/2004

Questions marked with # are new or improved since the last posting.

QUESTIONS to sections 01-03

01.   About the list itself
01-01.  How do I subscribe to ADSM-L?
01-02.  How do I unsubscribe to ADSM-L?
01-03.  Why don't I see the questions I post to ADSM-L?
01-04.  How can I see the questions I post to ADSM-L?
01-05.  Who decides what questions go on ADSM-L?
01-06.  Is there a digest or archive of ADSM-L?
01-07.  How do I get more information about ADSM-L?
01-08.  Does IBM/Tivoli participate in ADSM-L?
01-09   How can I get just a digest of ADSM-L, instead of all the

02.   Types of questions asked
02-01.  What subjects are covered in this list?
02-02.  What kinds of questions can be asked?
02-03.  What kinds of questions can I expect answers to?
02-04.  What levels of netiquette are expected?
02-05.  What's the first thing to do when I have a question about TSM?
02-06.  What's the second thing to do when I have a question about TSM?
02-07.  What's the third thing to do when I still have a question about
02-08.  What's the fourth thing to do when I STILL have a question 
  about TSM?
02-09.  What's the fifth thing to do when I *STILL* have a question
  about TSM?
02-10.  What's the last thing to do when I *STILL* have a question
  about TSM? 
02-11.  What are those out of office messages I keep seeing in the
02-12.  What's the single best thing I can do to improve the list?
02-13.  Why don't I get answers to my I need comparisons between TSM
  and brandX backup software questions?
02-14.  What kinds of things shouldn't I post on ADSM-L?
02-15.  Is there some sort of acronym list?
02-16.  Whatever happened to Richard Sims?

03.   Available TSM resources
03-01.  What FAQs are already out there?
03-02.  What other sources of help can I find?
03-03.  How do I get official TSM support?

ANSWERS to section 01-03

01-01.  How do I subscribe to ADSM-L?
Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a blank subject line and a
message consisting only of the line SUBSCRIBE ADSM-L.

01-02.  How do I unsubscribe to ADSM-L?
Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a blank subject line and a
message consisting only of the line UNSUBSCRIBE  ADSM-L. Do NOT try to
unsubscribe by sending email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] All that does is
annoy the list members, and it  doesn't get you unsubscribed.

01-03.  Why don't I see the questions I post to ADSM-L?
That's the normal behavior of ADSM-L.

01-04.  How can I see the questions I post to ADSM-L?
If you want to see your own questions, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a blank subject line and a message that
consists only of the line SET ADSM-L REPRO.

01-05.  Who decides what questions go on ADSM-L?
The list members. There appears to be no active moderation of the list.
(That's not a license to abuse the list. Complaints  from the list
members are heeded by the list administrator.)

01-06.  Is there a digest or archive of ADSM-L?
Indeed. There is an indexed version of the mailing list at (Interestingly enough, the page has been
given a real facelift lately. If you want to see the old page
format, go to

01-07.  How do I get more information about ADSM-L?
Send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a blank subject line and a
message consisting only of the line INFO. This will  cause an email to
be returned to you with a list of documents available about the
listserver and instructions on how to get  them.

01-08.  Does IBM/Tivoli participate in or post to ADSM-L?
From Andy Raibeck, of the TSM client development group: This list
server is owned and operated by Marist College, and is not  in any way
affiliated with IBM. While some IBMers do participate on ADSM-L, they do
so on an unofficial, voluntary basis, and  thus are not *required* to
answer your questions. If you require an answer from IBM, or if your
situation is of an urgent  nature, then you should (also) go through
IBM's official support channels for assistance. 

01-09   How can I get just a digest of ADSM-L, instead of all the
(from Andy Raibeck) Send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In the body of the email, put *only* the following:
   info refcard
You do not need a subject line. You will get reference information back
from the list server that tells you, among other  things, how to

Monthly TSM FAQ part 2 of 2

2004-12-06 Thread Stapleton, Mark
I've had to split this into 2 section in order to get it under the
1000-line limitation from the list server. Sorry about the

This Frequently Asked Question list for the ADSM-L mailing list is
posted on the first day of each month. It was created to  cut down on
the number of questions that are repeated regularly in the ADSM-L
mailing list from I would be  grateful for any requests
to include additional material. (Please send them directly to me, rather
than to the list.)

updated 11/30/2004

Questions marked with # are new or improved since the last posting.

QUESTION to section 04-05

04.   Frequently-asked questions on ADSM-L
04-01.  Is it called ADSM, or TSM, or ITSM? What's the deal here?
04-02.  What are backupsets? How can I use them?
04-03.  How does TSM do full/incremental/differential backups, just like
  my old backup software fillintheblank used to?
04-04.  How do I unsubscribe to ADSM-L?
04-05.  How do I do mailbox-level restores of Exchange using the Tivoli 
  Data Protection Agent for Exchange?
04-06.  How do I force TSM to do a full backup of a client?
04-07.  Where can I download the latest version of TSM/TDP?
04-08.  What's the very first thing I do after TSM is delivered to me?
04-09.  I'm getting message ANRX from the TSM server. What does it
04-10.  I'm getting message ANSX from the TSM client. What does it
04-11.  My large-scale restores are slow. How can I speed them up?
04-12.  How do I back up normally open files, like database files?
04-13.  What's all this about TSM and SQL select statements?
04-14.  My boss wants disaster recovery procedures. What's the best way 
  to do it?
04-15.  How do I get TSM to report problems to me?
04-16.  Why does version X of TSM have this bad bug in it?
04-17.  How come my copy pool tape reclamation runs so slowly?
04-18.  I keep getting these server out of license compliance
  messages. Why?
04-19.  My scheduled backups fail (or are incomplete), but my manual 
  ones work fine. Why?
04-20.  While backleveling my TSM client from 4.2.1 to 4.1.3, I get a
  downlevel message. Why?
04-21.  Why do I get an ANR1440I All drives in use. Process being
  preempted by higher priority operation message when my 
  storage pool backup fails?
04-22.  I've deleted all data from a tape volume, but it hasn't come
  back as a scratch tape. Why?
04-23.  What is this ANRD error message? I don't understand it.
04-24.  I'm upgrading my TSM server/client from version X.X to version
  Y.Y Any pitfalls?
04-25.  How do I restore one client's data onto another client?
04-26.  Will my new tape library work with TSM?
04-27.  My Windows client backs up the same 3,000 files or so everyday.
04-28.  I'm moving TSM to a new physical server. What's the best way
  to do that?
04-29.  How do I back up my NetWare NDS license files?
04-30.  What's all this fuss about cleanup backupgroups?
04-31.  I'm trying to include some files for backups, but it's not
  working. Why?
04-32.  Can I put TSM db and log volumes on raw devices?
04-33.  Why is my client backup {taking so long|running so
04-34.  I have a tape volume that Q CONTENT says is empty,
  but I can't delete the volume. Why?
04-35   I'm upgrading my TSM server from version x.x.x.x to
  y.y.y.y. What's the best way to do it?
04-36   TSM is asking me to convert my archives? Why?
04-37   What kind/how many/what configuration should I set up for
  database disks/volumes/RAIDs?
04-38   How do I move/resize my database/recoverylog volumes?
04-39   I'm moving my TSM server from operating system BrandX
  to operating system BrandY. Can I just move my database
  volumes from one machine to another? Why not?
04-40   My library is out of space. What's wrong with TSM?
04-41   What's the difference between a TSM database backup and a
  TSM database snapshot?
04-42   How can I change the retention time for an archive I've
  already created?
04-43.  Boss and/or the political situation is forcing me to move my 
  TSM server from one operating system to another. Help!
04-44.  What kind of tape drive technology should I consider for my
  TSM server?
04-45   What is the Deadly Embrace?
04-46   What does the message 'Error 2 deleting row from table 
  Expiring.Objects.' mean? Is it bad?
04-47  #I've had problems using the TSAFS module on my NetWare 6.x
   client. How can I make it work?
04-48  #How do I back up my SharePoint Portal database?
04-49  #How do I perform both full and incremental backups of my
   database/mail server?

and from IBM, questions about the new web site. (Thanks for posting
these, Andy!)

05-01.  I have a Tivoli ID and an registered ID. Which one do I 

ITSO Residency - Using Tivoli Storage Manager in a SAN Environment

2004-12-06 Thread Charlotte Brooks
This residency will re-write the popular Redbook Using Tivoli Storage
Manager in a SAN Environment.  and is a great opportunity to pass on your
years of TSM wisdom to the world at large.

Residency Announcement:  TI-A503-R01 Using Tivoli Storage Manager in a SAN

Benefits to Resident:  Residents will further their skills with Tivoli
Storage Manager and other TotalStorage products, working in a SAN
environment. They will get indepth exposure to various TSM topics,
including LAN-free backup, server-free backup and tape library sharing.

This residency begins 07 Mar 2005, ends 15 Apr 2005 (6 weeks), and
requires 3 residents. The residency is running in San Jose CA.

Nominations should be submitted online on the Web by 28 Jan 2005.

The residency leader is Charlotte Brooks whose email address is

Note:  ITSO pays authorized travel and living expenses for all residents,
but does not compensate for the time or services of its residents.  For
IBMers, ITSO residency travel is pre-approved.

Description:  This residency will produce a new redbook on using Tivoli
Storage Manager in a SAN environment. Topics to be covered are LAN-free
backup, server-free backup, tape library sharing, as well as TSM with
other SAN products (such as SAN Volume Controller, SAN File System).

Objectives:  The objective of the residency is to produce an indepth
technical document describing setup, configuration, operation and problem
determination of TSM when used in SAN environments.

To submit a nomination, you must use the online web nomination form:

Customers and business partners can go directly to this announcement and
its online nomination form using this link:

IBMers with access to the IBM Intranet can go directly to this
announcement and its online nomination form using this link:

All residency information is available by clicking Residencies on the IBM
Redbooks Internet site at  Employees of IBM will
prefer using the IBM Intranet site  The websites
fully describe the residency process and offer online nomination forms.

Regards, Charlotte
Project Leader and Certified IT Specialist
IBM Storage Solutions, ITSO San Jose
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ph: (408) 927-3641 t/l:  8-457-3641 fax: (408)

how to I install patch

2004-12-06 Thread Timothy Hughes
 Hello, I Need help with installing patch  (first time

  How would I do the first two steps?

1. Get (bin) TSMSRVAIX5235.tar.gz
2. unzip and untar the file to extract all the install packages

3. Halt your server to install the server patch
4. Start SMIT and select the following options
   o Software Install and Maintenance
 o Install and Update Software
   o Install and Update from ALL Available Software
 o Specify INPUT device/directory
   o List SOFTWARE to Install - Select all the filesets
   o set COMMIT software updates? to no
   o set  SAVE replaced files? to yes
5. restart the server.

Thanks for any help in advance!

TSM version
AIX 5.2

Re: Virtualnodename

2004-12-06 Thread William Rosette
FYI to all TSMers,

My problem was my syntax, in that my file space name was not vol1:\home\*
but was X\vol1:  (X being the client node name)

I checked it from my client nodes and file space name on the TSM server.

Thank You,
Bill Rosette
Data Center/IS/Papa Johns International

| |   Robert Ouzen |
| |   A.AC.IL |
| |   Sent by: ADSM:  |
| |   Dist Stor|
| |   Manager |
| |   .EDU|
| ||
| ||
| |   12/04/2004 12:01 |
| |   PM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   ADSM: Dist Stor |
| |   Manager |
| ||
  |   cc:   
  |   Subject:  Re: Virtualnodename 

I will try to put too the real name of the lost client before the

Robert Ouzen
Haifa University

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
William Rosette
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: Virtualnodename

Hello TSMers

I am currently in a disaster and they are wanting me to restore from the
box that is down to another box while the box is v-repairing (Novell term).
I tried using the following command:

dsmc rest vol1:\home\* vol1:\home\* -pick -virtualn=pjihome01

but got results of:

ANS1084E  No files have previously been backed up for 'vol1:\home\*'

Is there something I am missing???  Thanks in advance for y'alls answer

Thank You,
Bill Rosette
Data Center/IS/Papa Johns International

Storage Pool Locking

2004-12-06 Thread Wholey, Joseph (IDS DMDS)
Does anyone know of a quick way of determining who is locking space in the 
storage pool?

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2004-12-06 Thread Wholey, Joseph (IDS DMDS)
When running a TDP for Oracle backup, does TDP lock the estimated amount of the 
storage pool which it thinks it needs to complete the backup?

If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, please notify the sender, 
delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain or 
redistribute it. Click here for important additional terms relating to this 

TSM Backup Client and AIX 5.3

2004-12-06 Thread Hart, Charles
Dumb question... I have searched / waded through the IBM horrific website and 
am just looking for a Backup Client to OS compatibility matrix.  Our AIX admins 
are asking me what TSM client supports AIX 5.3? Does anyone have a good http 
link for this?  I'm resorting to the ftp client patch readmes now.



2004-12-06 Thread David Longo
Yes.  And in my experience it tends to slightly overestimate what is
needed.  Maybe 5 or 10 % I have seen, depends a lot on the Oracle
DB size and version  I think.

I guess it's better to overestimate than underestimate.

David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH  321.434.5536
Pager  321.634.8230

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/06/2004 11:08:24 AM 
When running a TDP for Oracle backup, does TDP lock the estimated
amount of the storage pool which it thinks it needs to complete the

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the message states such views or opinions are on behalf of
a particular entity;  and (2) the sender is authorized by
the entity to give such views or opinions.


2004-12-06 Thread Neil Rasmussen
Keep in mind that TDP Oracle just passes on what Oracle/Rman asks it to.
So for DB estimation, TDP Oracle uses the value that Oracle passes to it
(which probably is overestimated). If compression is turned on then this
value is grossly overestimated.


Neil Rasmussen
Software Development
Data Protection for Oracle

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/06/2004 08:08 AM
Please respond to
ADSM: Dist Stor Manager



When running a TDP for Oracle backup, does TDP lock the estimated amount
of the storage pool which it thinks it needs to complete the backup?

If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, please notify the
sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain
or redistribute it. Click here for important additional terms relating to
this e-mail.

New admin interface for a 5.2.?? version

2004-12-06 Thread Timothy Hughes
Hi all,

Is there new ADmin Web Interface: that comes
with a certain TSM version? I know TSM 5.3 has a
couple of new Interfaces I was just curious If there
is a New Interface that comes with 5.2.??? If so how
do I get it.

Thanks for any replies in advance!


2004-12-06 Thread Wholey, Joseph (IDS DMDS)
Is it possible to change the estimated size?  

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Neil Rasmussen
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: TDP/ORACLE Backup

Keep in mind that TDP Oracle just passes on what Oracle/Rman asks it to.
So for DB estimation, TDP Oracle uses the value that Oracle passes to it
(which probably is overestimated). If compression is turned on then this
value is grossly overestimated.


Neil Rasmussen
Software Development
Data Protection for Oracle

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/06/2004 08:08 AM
Please respond to
ADSM: Dist Stor Manager



When running a TDP for Oracle backup, does TDP lock the estimated amount
of the storage pool which it thinks it needs to complete the backup?

If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, please notify the
sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain
or redistribute it. Click here for important additional terms relating to
this e-mail.


2004-12-06 Thread Neil Rasmussen
Yes there is a way to change this. By specifying the option:

TDPO_AVG_SIZE   n  (where 'n' is the size estimate, in MB, you want TDP
Oracle to use with the TSM Server)

Using this option overrides any size that Oracle specifies and can cause
other performance problems on the the TSM Server. However, this option is
very useful if you are using compression and the TSM Server is up against
the wall with regards to availabe storage space for backups.


Neil Rasmussen
Software Development
Data Protection for Oracle

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/06/2004 09:24 AM
Please respond to
ADSM: Dist Stor Manager



Is it possible to change the estimated size?

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Neil Rasmussen
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: TDP/ORACLE Backup

Keep in mind that TDP Oracle just passes on what Oracle/Rman asks it to.
So for DB estimation, TDP Oracle uses the value that Oracle passes to it
(which probably is overestimated). If compression is turned on then this
value is grossly overestimated.


Neil Rasmussen
Software Development
Data Protection for Oracle

Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/06/2004 08:08 AM
Please respond to
ADSM: Dist Stor Manager



When running a TDP for Oracle backup, does TDP lock the estimated amount
of the storage pool which it thinks it needs to complete the backup?

If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, please notify the
sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain
or redistribute it. Click here for important additional terms relating to
this e-mail.

Re: New admin interface for a 5.2.?? version

2004-12-06 Thread Stapleton, Mark
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
Behalf Of Timothy Hughes
Is there new ADmin Web Interface: that comes with a certain 
TSM version? I know TSM 5.3 has a couple of new Interfaces I 
was just curious If there is a New Interface that comes with 

No. You'll have to wait for 5.3.

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627  

Re: New admin interface for a 5.2.?? version

2004-12-06 Thread Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
It depends on what version you are coming from.

IIRC, V5.2 (5.??) was tweaked to make it Mozilla/Netscape compatible
(e.g. follow the standards, not IE's way of doing things).  Got rid of the
double-echo headers, among other things,

Stapleton, Mark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
12/06/2004 02:12 PM
Please respond to


Re: New admin interface for a 5.2.?? version

From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Timothy Hughes
Is there new ADmin Web Interface: that comes with a certain
TSM version? I know TSM 5.3 has a couple of new Interfaces I
was just curious If there is a New Interface that comes with

No. You'll have to wait for 5.3.

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627

Re: how to I install patch

2004-12-06 Thread Luc Beaudoin
Hi all

Is the TSM client for Windows 2000/2003 server is available ?



Re: New admin interface for a 5.2.?? version

2004-12-06 Thread Stef Coene
On Monday 06 December 2004 20:31, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:
 It depends on what version you are coming from.

 IIRC, V5.2 (5.??) was tweaked to make it Mozilla/Netscape compatible
 (e.g. follow the standards, not IE's way of doing things).  Got rid of the
 double-echo headers, among other things,
I just tested if with TSM Server

Server Administration


FRAMESET ROWS=70,* border=0 frameborder=0
Content-type: text/html

Administrator Login


BODY bgcolor=#FF
IMG SRC=/file/ADSMSERV.GIF ALT=Administrator Login

Storage Management Server for Linux/i386 - Version 5, Release 2, Level 3.3

I don't think this is clean html code ..


 Using Linux as bandwidth manager


2004-12-06 Thread Miles Purdy
There are two scripts that you can run:
run q_ses_stats
run q_proc_stats

Run these from within the administrative command console.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03-Dec-04 3:45:03 PM 
Does anyone know how to get TSM real time statistics, including disk pool util, 
bytes backed up per 15 or 30 minutes.

Jason Cain


2004-12-06 Thread Cain, Jason (Corporate)
These are not default scripts that come with TSM, what is the SQL statement 

q script q_ses_stats f=d
q script q_proc_stats f=d

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Miles Purdy
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 2:38 PM

There are two scripts that you can run:
run q_ses_stats
run q_proc_stats

Run these from within the administrative command console.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03-Dec-04 3:45:03 PM 
Does anyone know how to get TSM real time statistics, including disk pool util, 
bytes backed up per 15 or 30 minutes.

Jason Cain


2004-12-06 Thread Richard Sims
These are not default scripts that come with TSM, what is the SQL
statement behind.

q script q_ses_stats f=d
q script q_proc_stats f=d

The q_* scripts have historically been provided in the scripts.smp
file.  They need to be installed per the Quick Start manual in order
to be available for use.

Richard Sims

Don't access to Web administation

2004-12-06 Thread nghiatd
Dear all,

I'm using TSM 5.2 on Win2K. This morning, I can use command-line interface but 
can't access to Web Administation. I checked TSM service and saw it still 
started. I also used 'Query status' command on commad-line and saw it operate 

Pls help me to fix it,

Thanks in advance,


Move data from sequential stgpool to disk stgpool

2004-12-06 Thread Robert Ouzen

What will be the most efficient way to move data from a primary storage pool 
(sequential) to a new primary storage pool (disk). My TSM version is

Robert Ouzen