Re: MacOS client failing with rc 12 troubleshooting

2007-06-09 Thread Andrew Raibeck
Yep, it is the ANS4047E that is setting the RC to 12. The other messages
related to skipped files are normal reasons for files to be skipped, so
by themselves, they would trigger only an RC 4. The ANS4047E is with
regard to a file I/O error encountered while reading the file, and is
indicative of a potential file system or disk problem that should be
investigated. Thus the RC 12.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Product Development
Level 3 Team Lead
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 2007-06-07

 Hello gurus,

 I have an Intel MacOS client running that's failing it's
 scheduled noon-window backup with an RC 12 message, and I'm not sure
 why.  I'm not sure what's a cause of what.  From the dsmerror.log:

 06/07/2007 12:44:47 ANS1228E Sending of object
 '/Library/Logs/tivoli/tsm/dsmsched.log' failed
 06/07/2007 12:44:47 ANS4037E Object
 '/Library/Logs/tivoli/tsm/dsmsched.log' changed during processing.
 Object skipped.
 06/07/2007 12:52:06 ANS1228E Sending of object
 '/private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/Acr1614669.tmp' failed
 06/07/2007 12:52:06 ANS4005E Error processing
 '/private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/Acr1614669.tmp': file not
 06/07/2007 12:52:07 ANS1228E Sending of object
 '/private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/Acr1616363.tmp' failed
 06/07/2007 12:52:07 ANS4005E Error processing
 '/private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/Acr1616363.tmp': file not
 06/07/2007 13:27:38 ANS1228E Sending of object
 '/Users/bob/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/Main
 Identity/Database' failed
 06/07/2007 13:27:38 ANS4037E Object '/Users/bob/Documents/Microsoft
 User Data/Office 2004 Identities/Main Identity/Database' changed during
 processing.  Object skipped.
 06/07/2007 13:39:41 ANS1228E Sending of object
 Support/Firefox/Profiles/ap5cuske.default/cookies.txt' failed
 06/07/2007 13:39:41 ANS4047E There is a read error on
 Support/Firefox/Profiles/ap5cuske.default/cookies.txt'. The file is

 06/07/2007 13:46:14 ANS1802E Incremental backup of '/' finished with 5

 06/07/2007 13:46:14 ANS1512E Scheduled event '1215PM' failed.  Return
 code = 12.
 06/07/2007 13:46:16 TCP/IP received rc 4 trying to accept connection
 from server.
 06/07/2007 13:46:16 Error -50 accepting inbound connection


 Other than the five file failing, did the backup finished correctly?

 Is the ANS1512E error occurring because there were individual file
 failures, or because of the networking errors that follow the message?
 I couldn't find those errors on the TSM site or listserv archives.  I'm
 not sure if those are a cause or effect of the ANS1512E or unrelated.
 The QuickFacts seem to imply it is just the failed files.  The
 serialization for the class is shared-static, so I expect ANS4037E
 errors -- and other clients in that schedule/domain are probably getting
 them too, but aren't failing their backups.  Is it the ANS4047E error
 that's tripping the ANS1512E?


Re: How to Incorporate a CDL into TSM environment?

2007-06-09 Thread Richard Rhodes
I'd love to have a couple vtl's . . . .

ADSM: Dist Stor Manager ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU wrote on 06/08/2007
05:34:03 PM:

 Yes, tape is still cheaper, but if you compare the price of a large VTL
 with de-dupe to an equivalently sized tape library, they'll be a lot
 closer than you think

I'd love to have a couple vtl's.  When we've priced them out they come
out to be much more costly (several times) that of tape for our
environment.  We keep lots of old/stale data around which drives seems
to drive the cost of the VTL way up.  I was hoping possibly use a vtl
for only primary data with the new feature of TSM v5.4, but that's not
going to work out.

 The second thing VTLs bring to the table is hardware compression.

 Then, of course, there's de-dupe, which most surveys are showing to be
 the got-to-have technology of this year.  It's here.  It's real.  And it
 really does shrink the amount of disk you need to use by a factor of
 10-20:1, and even more depending on how you do your backups.

Agreed.  I'm convinced that compression and de-dupe is what you're
purchasing in a vtl as opposed to just straight disk.  It would be
a lot cleaper to just purchase disk, but then no compression and
no de-dupe.

I personal opinion is that VTL's are a stop-gap solution.  I think
compression and de-dupe have much wider application within a normal
disk subsystem where it could apply to a much wider range of
situations.  A long time ago a company we purchased had
a old STK Iceberg disk subsystem . . .yea, the one with with log
based writes like NetApp except with hardware compression.  The
guys who used it have nothing but praise for it (although it had
it's problems!!!).

NetApp is adding de-dupe to their disk systems . . . .now
if they would only add hdwr compression . . .

 The reason that VTL/disk can outperform tape is that
 disk can go whatever speed your backup is going and tape cannot.

This is the bit problem I see with Tape.  It seems to me that the
latest generations of tape drives have rated speeds that almost
defy the any ability to supply them with data.  I almost which
I could purchase a modern tape drive that actually was slower.

 Most environments never get anywhere near their tape's capabilities and
 about half or so are getting a small fraction of their tape drive's

Exactly . . . .

 Just my $.02.

 W. Curtis Preston

Add my $.02


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Re: TSM ANR1163W question

2007-06-09 Thread Schneider, John
You haven't given us enough out of the activity log to spot the
problem.  The unfiltered log will show you which stgpool tapes it was
trying to access during the failure.  Frequently this is caused when a
tape or group of tapes from a primary stgpool gets marked unavailable
even though they are still in the library.  Have you had any library or
tape drive problems that would have caused that?  Do a 'q vol stg=x
acc=unavail' on each stgpool that should be in the library at all times,
and see if there are any like this.  If so, and if the tape drive
problem has been resolved, you can just 'update vol stg=x
whereacc=unavail acc=readwrite' to put them right.
The other cause of this would be if you checked tapes from a
primary stgpool out of the library, and later offsite reclamation needed
them.  The activity log will show you which tapes it needed in this
case, too.  Take a look and let us know what you see.

Best Regards,

John D. Schneider
Sr. System Administrator - Storage
Sisters of Mercy Health System
3637 South Geyer Road
St. Louis, MO.  63127
Office: 314-364-3150, Cell:  314-486-2359

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Lamb, Charles P.
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 10:54 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM ANR1163W question
Importance: High


Has anybody started to experience more ANR1163W messages after upgrading
to TSM V5.3.4.2 from V5.2.7.3??

 From: Lamb, Charles P.  
 Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 10:50 PM
 To:   Hartman, Thomas J.
 Cc:   'Brian C Nguyen'
 Subject:  FW: TSM ANR1163W question
 Importance:   High
 I ran q ac begind=-90 s=anr1163w.  It has gotten bad after May 22, 
 2007 which is the TSM upgrade date.  ANR1163W is we have off-site data

 without on-site data for space reclamation.
 From: Lamb, Charles P.  
 Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 10:35 PM
 To:   Hartman, Thomas J.
 Cc:   'Brian C Nguyen'
 Subject:  TSM ANR1163W question
 Importance:   High
 I am seeing more and more of these ANR1163W messages in the TSM 
 activity log.  Thoughts??

Question on filespace type

2007-06-09 Thread Robert Ouzen Ouzen
Hi to all


A little question after changing a computer to a faster one (OS Windows) , keep 
the same data on it . The only thing changed is the Filespace  Name (for 
inventor purpose part of the computer name is the inventor serial number).


Before doing an incremental backup I renamed my old filespace to the new one ( 
\\x-2 file:///\\x-2 777\d$ to \\y-2 file:///\\y-2 777\d$ ) 
and run the backup , everything run O.K .


06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4952I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of  objects inspected:6,263 (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4954I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of  objects backed up:  758 (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4958I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of  objects updated:  0 (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4960I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of  objects rebound:  0 (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4957I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of   objects deleted:  0 (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4970I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of   objects expired:943 (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4959I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of   objects failed:   0 (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4965I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of   subfile objects:  0 (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4961I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Total number 
of   bytes transferred: 228.04 MB (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4963I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Data transfer 
time:   19.76 sec (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4966I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Network data 
transfer rate:11,814.20 KB/sec (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4967I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Aggregate data 
transfer rate:  4,595.66 KB/sec (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4968I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Objects 
compressed  by:0% (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4969I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Subfile 
objects  reduced by:   0% (SESSION: 29959)

06/10/2007 08:15:36  ANE4964I (Session: 29959, Node: ENBAL)  Elapsed 
processing time:00:00:50 (SESSION: 29959)


My question is why when I do a query fi after the backup  I still see on the 
Filespace Type FAT32 (my old type) instead NTFS (my new one) 


Node NameFilespaceFSID  Platform  Filespace  Is Files-  

Type   pace (MB)   Util


---  ---    
--  -

ENBAL\\y-2777\d$  1WinNT  FAT32 Yes 
   27,760.7   14.4


My TSM Client Windows version is 5.4.04




Robert Ouzen