Dealing with defunct filespaces.

2007-07-12 Thread Stuart Lamble

Hi all.

Whilst investigating something else, we discovered a number of nodes
that have old filespaces still stored within TSM - eg:

  Node Name: (node name)
 Filespace Name: /data
 Hexadecimal Filespace Name:
   FSID: 4
   Platform: SUN SOLARIS
 Filespace Type: UFS
  Is Filespace Unicode?: No
  Capacity (MB): 129,733.3
   Pct Util: 92.1
Last Backup Start Date/Time: 06/09/05   20:03:56
 Days Since Last Backup Started: 764
   Last Backup Completion Date/Time: 06/09/05   20:05:16
   Days Since Last Backup Completed: 764
Last Full NAS Image Backup Completion Date/Time:
Days Since Last Full NAS Image Backup Completed:

  Node Name: (node name)
 Filespace Name: /Z/oracle
 Hexadecimal Filespace Name:
   FSID: 12
   Platform: SUN SOLARIS
 Filespace Type: UFS
  Is Filespace Unicode?: No
  Capacity (MB): 119,642.2
   Pct Util: 31.5
Last Backup Start Date/Time: 08/26/05   01:03:08
 Days Since Last Backup Started: 686
   Last Backup Completion Date/Time: 08/26/05   01:14:01
   Days Since Last Backup Completed: 686
Last Full NAS Image Backup Completion Date/Time:
Days Since Last Full NAS Image Backup Completed:

  Node Name: (node name)
 Filespace Name: /mnt
 Hexadecimal Filespace Name:
   FSID: 15
   Platform: SUN SOLARIS
 Filespace Type: UFS
  Is Filespace Unicode?: No
  Capacity (MB): 120,992.9
   Pct Util: 55.8
Last Backup Start Date/Time: 01/26/06   20:05:15
 Days Since Last Backup Started: 533
   Last Backup Completion Date/Time: 01/26/06   20:06:34
   Days Since Last Backup Completed: 533
Last Full NAS Image Backup Completion Date/Time:
Days Since Last Full NAS Image Backup Completed:

These are all filesystems which existed at some time in the past, but
which were removed as part of an application upgrade (or system
rebuild, or ...), and hence no longer exist. It seems that TSM is
taking the attitude of "if I can't see the filesystem, I'll not do
anything about marking files in that filesystem inactive", so the
data never expires. I can understand the reasoning behind this
approach, but it does mean that there's a large amount of data
floating around that is no longer needed (a quick and dirty estimate
says around 83 TB across primary and copy pools, although some of
that needs to stay).

A delete filespace will clear them up quickly, obviously, but there's
a twist: how can we identify filesystems like this, short of going
around to each client node and doing a df or equivalent? Searching
the filespaces table gives us some 600 filespaces all up; I *know*
that several of these have to stay - eg, image backups don't update
the backup_end timestamp, and there are some filespaces that are
backed up exclusively with image backups.

At the moment, the best I can come up with is to:
  * use a SELECT statement on the filespaces table to get a "first
cut" (select node_name, filespace_name, filespace_id from filespaces
where backup_end < current_timestamp - N days);
  * use QUERY OCCUPANCY on each of the filespaces mentioned in the
first cut; if the total occupied space is below some threshold,
ignore it as not being worth the effort;
  * use a SELECT statement on the backups table to confirm that no
backups have come through in the past N days. (select 1 from db where
exists (select object_id from backups where node_name=whatever and
filespace_id=whatever and state=ACTIVE_VERSION and current_timestamp
< backup_date+90 days) -- I use exists to try to minimise the effort
TSM needs to put into the query; I also have the active_version check
in there for the same reason (if there's only inactive versions,
they'll drop off the radar anyway in due course). Hopefully TSM's SQL
execution is optimised to stop in this case when it finds one match
rather than trying to find all matches ...)

Does anybody have any better ideas? Unfortunately, because of the
nature of Monash's organisation, simply having central policies
saying "you must do X when shuffling filesystems around" won't cut it
(and let's be h

Re: Cannot write to Tape (ANR8302E)

2007-07-12 Thread hshahizul

Tapes were label during checkin. Few scratch tape also available.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Robert Clark
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 6:02 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Cannot write to Tape (ANR8302E)

Were the tapes labeled at checkin?

On Thursday, July 12, 2007, at 06:02AM, "hshahizul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hi Tsmer,
>I have install a new TSM Server 5.3.2 on Windows 2000.
>Tape library IBM 3583 having 2 libraries and 4 drives.
>Library connected to TSM Server via HBA card through SAN Switch.
>Driver for Tape Drive and Medium changer has been installed and can been
>seen via Device manager
>Library, Drive and path configured via Wizards and can be seen via command
>'q library', 'q drive' and 'q path'.
>Backup destination is to Diskpool. Next storagepool is Tapepool.
>While I want to migrate data from Diskpool to Tapepool.
>Console shows "Scratch Tape is mounted in Drive" and try to write and then
>ANR8302E error
>I/O error on Drive01(mt1.2.0.3) with volume SKP001L1 (OP=Write, Error
>Number=1235, CC=0, Key=0B, ACS=08, ASCQ=FF83
>Description=An undetermined error has occurred). Refer to Appendix D in the
>'Messages' manual for recommended action.
>I have check on the error message for ACS=08 and ASCQ=83 but I cannot find
>for those number.
>I did try delete Library,Drive,Path and reconfigure manually (CLI instead
>Wizards). The still encounter the same error messages.
>I did try uninstalling driver and re-installing driver.
>I did try checkin cleaning tape.
>Please help me. I'm confused what next action.

Re: HSM practical limit?

2007-07-12 Thread Richard Sims

Paul -

Speaking from experience running HSM on AIX JFS for many years:
Applied to a file system, HSM turns it into the slowest you've ever
experienced, even on the fastest RS/6000 and disk systems.
Traversing it for an incremental backup is very painful.  Sizing an
HSM file system is a challenge: on the one hand you need a big enough
"window" for the largest file to fit through, but on the other hand
you want utilization moderate to avoid congestion.  With too many
utilized inodes, it's all the scout daemon can do to refresh the
migration candidates list in time to make space for new files.  As a
gross, simplistic number, I would advise limiting such a file system
to about 500K inodes used.

   Richard Sims   at Boston University

Re: separation of copypool tapes

2007-07-12 Thread Richard Sims

On Jul 12, 2007, at 3:14 PM, Haberstroh, Debbie (IT) wrote:

Deleting all of my copypool volumes could be a problem since I am
only moving half of the tapepool data and have over 600 copypool
tapes.  I will need to find a better way to remove the data. Thanks
for the answer about the data still being there, I wasn't sure how
that would work.

Keep in mind the basic principle that an object remains in the
copypool ONLY as long as it the original object remains in the
primary pool, a tenet which you can use to advantage.

Richard Sims

Re: Cannot write to Tape (ANR8302E)

2007-07-12 Thread Robert Clark
Were the tapes labeled at checkin?

On Thursday, July 12, 2007, at 06:02AM, "hshahizul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Hi Tsmer,
>I have install a new TSM Server 5.3.2 on Windows 2000.
>Tape library IBM 3583 having 2 libraries and 4 drives.
>Library connected to TSM Server via HBA card through SAN Switch.
>Driver for Tape Drive and Medium changer has been installed and can been
>seen via Device manager
>Library, Drive and path configured via Wizards and can be seen via command
>'q library', 'q drive' and 'q path'.
>Backup destination is to Diskpool. Next storagepool is Tapepool.
>While I want to migrate data from Diskpool to Tapepool.
>Console shows "Scratch Tape is mounted in Drive" and try to write and then
>ANR8302E error
>I/O error on Drive01(mt1.2.0.3) with volume SKP001L1 (OP=Write, Error
>Number=1235, CC=0, Key=0B, ACS=08, ASCQ=FF83
>Description=An undetermined error has occurred). Refer to Appendix D in the
>'Messages' manual for recommended action.
>I have check on the error message for ACS=08 and ASCQ=83 but I cannot find
>for those number.
>I did try delete Library,Drive,Path and reconfigure manually (CLI instead of
>Wizards). The still encounter the same error messages.
>I did try uninstalling driver and re-installing driver.
>I did try checkin cleaning tape.
>Please help me. I'm confused what next action.

Re: TSM and Windows Cluster Environment

2007-07-12 Thread Wanda Prather
I always wondered if it wasn't possible to do this without the failover.

> We deal with enough Windows clusters that we have developed a batch file
> to
> run on each potential failover host of a vnode within the cluster, to get
> the services set up (you still need to manually configure the cluster
> services that will control the local Windows services - I haven't scripted
> that part of it because we use both Windows clustering and Veritas
> clustering, and I haven't had the time to devote to it).
> This batch file allows you to set up the services on the failover
> platforms
> that are not the current host of the virtual node, WITHOUT failing them
> over!
> You do still need to plan ahead - you'll need to know what the cluster
> name
> is, whether or not you want all of the drives in the vnode backed up under
> one TSM node name, which drives are in the vnode, and which HTTP port the
> client acceptor will listen on (keeping in mind that every vnode in the
> cluster needs to use a unique HTTP port). It's assumed that the name of
> the
> vnode is the name of the TSM node, unless individual drives in the vnode
> are so big they need individual TSM nodes to handle them.
> Copy the following into a batch file (we call ours tsmclsvc.bat), make
> appropriate modifications, and then just copy the batch file onto each
> cluster server on which you need to set up clustered services.
> Double-click, and away you go. Remember, it needs to be run for EACH
> vnode,
> on EACH physical host that vnode can fail over to. So if you have three
> vnodes and two physical servers in your cluster, you'll need to run it six
> times - three on each physical server.
> @echo off
> echo.
> echo.
> echo Is this physical host machine currently in control of the vnode and
> its drives?
> echo i.e. Can you access the vnode's clustered drive from here at the
> moment?
> echo.
> set /p HOST=?
> echo.
> if (%HOST%) == () goto NOHOST
> echo.
> echo Enter the name of the virtual server (all caps).
> echo.
> set /p NODENAME=Nodename:
> echo.
> if (%NODENAME%) == () goto NONODE
> echo.
> echo Enter the name of the cluster.
> echo.
> set /p CLUSTERNAME=Clustername:
> echo.
> if (%CLUSTERNAME%) == () goto NOCLUST
> echo.
> echo Enter the drive letter in the virtual server
> echo where the dsm.opt file goes (no colon) (e.g. G).
> echo.
> set /p DRIVE=Drive:
> echo.
> if (%DRIVE%) == () goto NODRIVE
> echo.
> echo If there are other drives in this vnode, BUT they have so much data
> that
> echo you need multiple TSM nodes to back them up, type "yes" at the
> prompt.
> echo This will change the TSM node name to "%NODENAME%-%DRIVE%", and
> echo this TSM node will ONLY back up the one drive you specified above.
> echo.
> echo If the vnode only has a single drive, or you want to back up all
> echo of its drives under one TSM node, just press Enter.
> echo.
> echo Most of the time you should just press Enter here.
> echo.
> set /p RESTRICT=Restrict?
> if (%RESTRICT%) == () goto OTHERS
> goto MORE
> echo.
> echo Enter any other drive letters included in this virtual server (not
> the
> whole cluster), WITH colons.
> echo Separate multiple drives with spaces (e.g. H: J: K:).
> echo All of these drives will back up under the same TSM node, and should
> fail over together.
> echo Just hit the Enter key for no additional drives.
> echo.
> set /p OTHERDRIVES=OtherDrives:
> echo.
> goto :MORE
> echo.
> echo Enter the HTTPPORT that this node will use (e.g. 1591).
> echo Remember, no two virtual servers in a cluster can use the same port.
> echo.
> echo.
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == () goto NOHTTPPORT
> echo.
> echo Enter the TSM server that will back up this node.
> echo Use tsm1, tsm2, tsm3, ...
> echo (Update the above line to correspond with the definitions listed in
> the script below)
> echo.
> set /p SERVERNAME=Servername:
> if (%SERVERNAME%) == () goto NOSERVER
> rem
> ***
> rem %1 = SERVERNAME
> rem %2 = CLUSTERNAME
> rem %3 = Shared DSM.OPT location
> rem %4 = HTTPPORT
> rem
> ***
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1591) set TCPCLPORT=1571
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1592) set TCPCLPORT=1572
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1593) set TCPCLPORT=1573
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1594) set TCPCLPORT=1574
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1595) set TCPCLPORT=1575
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1596) set TCPCLPORT=1576
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1597) set TCPCLPORT=1577
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1598) set TCPCLPORT=1578
> if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1599) set TCPCLPORT=1579
> if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm1) set Svr=TSMSRV1
> if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm1) set
> if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm1) set PORT=1500
> if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm1) goto NEXT
> if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm2) set Svr=TSMSRV2
> if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm2) set SVRADDR=TSMHO

Re: separation of copypool tapes

2007-07-12 Thread Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
Excellent, thanks.  If I try to move nodedata before the new diskpool is in 
place, which would have migrated off to the new tapepool, will the node have 
issues after it's backup when it tries to migrate data to the tapepool I am 
moving it off of?

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Andy Huebner
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

When we move single nodes to balance the pools, we run this query to
locate tapes with the moved node's data and delete them a few at a time
allowing backup storage pool to recreate the tapes with the correct

select distinct volume_name from volumeusage where stgpool_name =
'Copy_Pool' and node_name = 'NODE_ABC'

Andy Huebner

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

Deleting all of my copypool volumes could be a problem since I am only
moving half of the tapepool data and have over 600 copypool tapes.  I
will need to find a better way to remove the data. Thanks for the answer
about the data still being there, I wasn't sure how that would work.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Andy Huebner
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

When we rearranged our tape pools, we did a move node.  We did not look
for a way to move the tape because we where changing tape technology.
Recreating the copy pool is easy; a backup storage pool to a new copy
pool will work fine.  Beware that the data will remain in the old copy
pool, to fix this you will need to delete the copy pool volumes.  We
moved all of the nodes and deleted every volume in the copy pool (about
1000 tapes) and let backup storage pool create new volumes. (about 50

Andy Huebner

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:02 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

We have a large database, 170Gb and are proposing to our customer that
it be separated into multiple servers.  Unfortunately when the system
was designed, more than half of the nodes were directed to the same
tapepool and copypool.  The tapepool is collocated by node, the copypool
is not.  Before migration, I would like to setup new disk,tape and copy
pools and split the nodes so they can be easily moved to the new servers
since multiple servers cannot own the same tape (the library will be
shared).  It is easy enough to change the diskpool and write new data to
the new tape/copypools, but I have a couple questions about the tapepool
and copypool moves of the old data.  

Is there an easy way to move the tapepool tapes to a new tapepool or do
I need to use the move nodedata commands.  I can't rename them since not
all of the nodes currently in a pool will be on the same server.  I also
don't see an update volume command that would allow me to change the
pool name.

 Second, once I have the data on the new tapepool tapes, can I simply
run a backup tapepool to the new copypool or do I need to do a move
nodedata specifying the old copypool to new copypool.  If I do a backup
of the new tapepool, what happens to the data currently on the existing
copypool, does it disappear or do I need to delete it.  Thanks. 

Debbie Haberstroh
Server Administration
Northrop Grumman Information Technology 
Commercial, State & Local (CSL)

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Thank you.

Re: TSM and Windows Cluster Environment

2007-07-12 Thread Robben Leaf
We deal with enough Windows clusters that we have developed a batch file to
run on each potential failover host of a vnode within the cluster, to get
the services set up (you still need to manually configure the cluster
services that will control the local Windows services - I haven't scripted
that part of it because we use both Windows clustering and Veritas
clustering, and I haven't had the time to devote to it).

This batch file allows you to set up the services on the failover platforms
that are not the current host of the virtual node, WITHOUT failing them

You do still need to plan ahead - you'll need to know what the cluster name
is, whether or not you want all of the drives in the vnode backed up under
one TSM node name, which drives are in the vnode, and which HTTP port the
client acceptor will listen on (keeping in mind that every vnode in the
cluster needs to use a unique HTTP port). It's assumed that the name of the
vnode is the name of the TSM node, unless individual drives in the vnode
are so big they need individual TSM nodes to handle them.

Copy the following into a batch file (we call ours tsmclsvc.bat), make
appropriate modifications, and then just copy the batch file onto each
cluster server on which you need to set up clustered services.
Double-click, and away you go. Remember, it needs to be run for EACH vnode,
on EACH physical host that vnode can fail over to. So if you have three
vnodes and two physical servers in your cluster, you'll need to run it six
times - three on each physical server.

@echo off
echo Is this physical host machine currently in control of the vnode and
its drives?
echo i.e. Can you access the vnode's clustered drive from here at the
set /p HOST=?
if (%HOST%) == () goto NOHOST

echo Enter the name of the virtual server (all caps).
set /p NODENAME=Nodename:
if (%NODENAME%) == () goto NONODE

echo Enter the name of the cluster.
set /p CLUSTERNAME=Clustername:
if (%CLUSTERNAME%) == () goto NOCLUST

echo Enter the drive letter in the virtual server
echo where the dsm.opt file goes (no colon) (e.g. G).
set /p DRIVE=Drive:
if (%DRIVE%) == () goto NODRIVE

echo If there are other drives in this vnode, BUT they have so much data
echo you need multiple TSM nodes to back them up, type "yes" at the prompt.
echo This will change the TSM node name to "%NODENAME%-%DRIVE%", and
echo this TSM node will ONLY back up the one drive you specified above.
echo If the vnode only has a single drive, or you want to back up all
echo of its drives under one TSM node, just press Enter.
echo Most of the time you should just press Enter here.
set /p RESTRICT=Restrict?
if (%RESTRICT%) == () goto OTHERS
goto MORE


echo Enter any other drive letters included in this virtual server (not the
whole cluster), WITH colons.
echo Separate multiple drives with spaces (e.g. H: J: K:).
echo All of these drives will back up under the same TSM node, and should
fail over together.
echo Just hit the Enter key for no additional drives.
set /p OTHERDRIVES=OtherDrives:
goto :MORE


echo Enter the HTTPPORT that this node will use (e.g. 1591).
echo Remember, no two virtual servers in a cluster can use the same port.
if (%HTTPPORT%) == () goto NOHTTPPORT

echo Enter the TSM server that will back up this node.
echo Use tsm1, tsm2, tsm3, ...
echo (Update the above line to correspond with the definitions listed in
the script below)
set /p SERVERNAME=Servername:
if (%SERVERNAME%) == () goto NOSERVER

rem %3 = Shared DSM.OPT location
rem %4 = HTTPPORT

if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1591) set TCPCLPORT=1571
if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1592) set TCPCLPORT=1572
if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1593) set TCPCLPORT=1573
if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1594) set TCPCLPORT=1574
if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1595) set TCPCLPORT=1575
if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1596) set TCPCLPORT=1576
if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1597) set TCPCLPORT=1577
if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1598) set TCPCLPORT=1578
if (%HTTPPORT%) == (1599) set TCPCLPORT=1579

if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm1) set Svr=TSMSRV1
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm1) set
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm1) set PORT=1500
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm1) goto NEXT
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm2) set Svr=TSMSRV2
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm2) set
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm2) set PORT=1500
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm2) goto NEXT
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm3) set Svr=TSMSRV3
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm3) set
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm3) set PORT=1505
if (%SERVERNAME%) == (tsm3) goto NEXT
rem Modify and expand the above list to fit your environment

goto W

Re: separation of copypool tapes

2007-07-12 Thread Andy Huebner
When we move single nodes to balance the pools, we run this query to
locate tapes with the moved node's data and delete them a few at a time
allowing backup storage pool to recreate the tapes with the correct

select distinct volume_name from volumeusage where stgpool_name =
'Copy_Pool' and node_name = 'NODE_ABC'

Andy Huebner

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:15 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

Deleting all of my copypool volumes could be a problem since I am only
moving half of the tapepool data and have over 600 copypool tapes.  I
will need to find a better way to remove the data. Thanks for the answer
about the data still being there, I wasn't sure how that would work.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Andy Huebner
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

When we rearranged our tape pools, we did a move node.  We did not look
for a way to move the tape because we where changing tape technology.
Recreating the copy pool is easy; a backup storage pool to a new copy
pool will work fine.  Beware that the data will remain in the old copy
pool, to fix this you will need to delete the copy pool volumes.  We
moved all of the nodes and deleted every volume in the copy pool (about
1000 tapes) and let backup storage pool create new volumes. (about 50

Andy Huebner

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:02 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

We have a large database, 170Gb and are proposing to our customer that
it be separated into multiple servers.  Unfortunately when the system
was designed, more than half of the nodes were directed to the same
tapepool and copypool.  The tapepool is collocated by node, the copypool
is not.  Before migration, I would like to setup new disk,tape and copy
pools and split the nodes so they can be easily moved to the new servers
since multiple servers cannot own the same tape (the library will be
shared).  It is easy enough to change the diskpool and write new data to
the new tape/copypools, but I have a couple questions about the tapepool
and copypool moves of the old data.  

Is there an easy way to move the tapepool tapes to a new tapepool or do
I need to use the move nodedata commands.  I can't rename them since not
all of the nodes currently in a pool will be on the same server.  I also
don't see an update volume command that would allow me to change the
pool name.

 Second, once I have the data on the new tapepool tapes, can I simply
run a backup tapepool to the new copypool or do I need to do a move
nodedata specifying the old copypool to new copypool.  If I do a backup
of the new tapepool, what happens to the data currently on the existing
copypool, does it disappear or do I need to delete it.  Thanks. 

Debbie Haberstroh
Server Administration
Northrop Grumman Information Technology 
Commercial, State & Local (CSL)

This e-mail (including any attachments) is confidential and may be
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Thank you.

Re: separation of copypool tapes

2007-07-12 Thread Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
Deleting all of my copypool volumes could be a problem since I am only moving 
half of the tapepool data and have over 600 copypool tapes.  I will need to 
find a better way to remove the data. Thanks for the answer about the data 
still being there, I wasn't sure how that would work.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Andy Huebner
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:01 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

When we rearranged our tape pools, we did a move node.  We did not look
for a way to move the tape because we where changing tape technology.
Recreating the copy pool is easy; a backup storage pool to a new copy
pool will work fine.  Beware that the data will remain in the old copy
pool, to fix this you will need to delete the copy pool volumes.  We
moved all of the nodes and deleted every volume in the copy pool (about
1000 tapes) and let backup storage pool create new volumes. (about 50

Andy Huebner

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:02 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

We have a large database, 170Gb and are proposing to our customer that
it be separated into multiple servers.  Unfortunately when the system
was designed, more than half of the nodes were directed to the same
tapepool and copypool.  The tapepool is collocated by node, the copypool
is not.  Before migration, I would like to setup new disk,tape and copy
pools and split the nodes so they can be easily moved to the new servers
since multiple servers cannot own the same tape (the library will be
shared).  It is easy enough to change the diskpool and write new data to
the new tape/copypools, but I have a couple questions about the tapepool
and copypool moves of the old data.  

Is there an easy way to move the tapepool tapes to a new tapepool or do
I need to use the move nodedata commands.  I can't rename them since not
all of the nodes currently in a pool will be on the same server.  I also
don't see an update volume command that would allow me to change the
pool name.

 Second, once I have the data on the new tapepool tapes, can I simply
run a backup tapepool to the new copypool or do I need to do a move
nodedata specifying the old copypool to new copypool.  If I do a backup
of the new tapepool, what happens to the data currently on the existing
copypool, does it disappear or do I need to delete it.  Thanks. 

Debbie Haberstroh
Server Administration
Northrop Grumman Information Technology 
Commercial, State & Local (CSL)

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HSM practical limit?

2007-07-12 Thread Paul Zarnowski

We're considering using HSM for storing large object-size files.

I'm curious if folks using HSM have comments on what the practical
object limit is for one HSM-managed filesystem.  I.e., how many
objects can you have in one HSM-managed filesystem before you start
running into problems?

If it matters, this will be on Solaris and VxFS.

Thanks in advance,

Paul ZarnowskiPh: 607-255-4757
Manager, Storage Services Fx: 607-255-8521
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801Em: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: separation of copypool tapes

2007-07-12 Thread Andy Huebner
When we rearranged our tape pools, we did a move node.  We did not look
for a way to move the tape because we where changing tape technology.
Recreating the copy pool is easy; a backup storage pool to a new copy
pool will work fine.  Beware that the data will remain in the old copy
pool, to fix this you will need to delete the copy pool volumes.  We
moved all of the nodes and deleted every volume in the copy pool (about
1000 tapes) and let backup storage pool create new volumes. (about 50

Andy Huebner

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:02 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] separation of copypool tapes

We have a large database, 170Gb and are proposing to our customer that
it be separated into multiple servers.  Unfortunately when the system
was designed, more than half of the nodes were directed to the same
tapepool and copypool.  The tapepool is collocated by node, the copypool
is not.  Before migration, I would like to setup new disk,tape and copy
pools and split the nodes so they can be easily moved to the new servers
since multiple servers cannot own the same tape (the library will be
shared).  It is easy enough to change the diskpool and write new data to
the new tape/copypools, but I have a couple questions about the tapepool
and copypool moves of the old data.  

Is there an easy way to move the tapepool tapes to a new tapepool or do
I need to use the move nodedata commands.  I can't rename them since not
all of the nodes currently in a pool will be on the same server.  I also
don't see an update volume command that would allow me to change the
pool name.

 Second, once I have the data on the new tapepool tapes, can I simply
run a backup tapepool to the new copypool or do I need to do a move
nodedata specifying the old copypool to new copypool.  If I do a backup
of the new tapepool, what happens to the data currently on the existing
copypool, does it disappear or do I need to delete it.  Thanks. 

Debbie Haberstroh
Server Administration
Northrop Grumman Information Technology 
Commercial, State & Local (CSL)

This e-mail (including any attachments) is confidential and may be legally 
privileged. If you are not an intended recipient or an authorized 
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separation of copypool tapes

2007-07-12 Thread Haberstroh, Debbie (IT)
We have a large database, 170Gb and are proposing to our customer that it be 
separated into multiple servers.  Unfortunately when the system was designed, 
more than half of the nodes were directed to the same tapepool and copypool.  
The tapepool is collocated by node, the copypool is not.  Before migration, I 
would like to setup new disk,tape and copy pools and split the nodes so they 
can be easily moved to the new servers since multiple servers cannot own the 
same tape (the library will be shared).  It is easy enough to change the 
diskpool and write new data to the new tape/copypools, but I have a couple 
questions about the tapepool and copypool moves of the old data.  

Is there an easy way to move the tapepool tapes to a new tapepool or do I need 
to use the move nodedata commands.  I can't rename them since not all of the 
nodes currently in a pool will be on the same server.  I also don't see an 
update volume command that would allow me to change the pool name.

 Second, once I have the data on the new tapepool tapes, can I simply run a 
backup tapepool to the new copypool or do I need to do a move nodedata 
specifying the old copypool to new copypool.  If I do a backup of the new 
tapepool, what happens to the data currently on the existing copypool, does it 
disappear or do I need to delete it.  Thanks. 

Debbie Haberstroh
Server Administration
Northrop Grumman Information Technology 
Commercial, State & Local (CSL)

NY TSM User Group Meeting Announcement

2007-07-12 Thread Connor, Jeffrey P.


The next NY TSM User Group meeting is Thursday July 19th from 10:00-4:30
at National Grid in Syracuse NY.

If you are interested in attending, please go to and register as a member of our group 
and as an attendee for the meeting on 07/19.  Or email Jeff Connor at

Thank you
Jeff Connor - NYTUG Group Leader

Introductions   10:00   - Jeff Connor
TSM Update/Directions   10:15   - Hershel Harris
(IBM VP Tivoli Storage/Security Product Dev)
TSM 5.4 Differences 11:15   - IBM
Lunch   12:15   
Optimizing Data Backup and Restoration  01:15   - IBM
Shell, Perl Scripts to Generate TSM Reports 02:15   - Keith
Rodrigues (NYS OFT)
Open Forum/Group Roundtable 03:15   - Jeff
Set fall meeting date and location  04:15   - Jeff

Location - National Grid
300 Erie Blvd West (Corner of Erie Blvd and Franklin Street) 
Syracuse, NY 13202 
Meeting room A38/A39 
Lost? - Call Jeff Connor, Office (315-428-6096), Cell
Food - Sandwiches, Water/soda(a.k.a. pop), cookies/brownies, and other
"healthy" snacks 
Parking - Pay parking lot on the corner of Franklin St and Washington St
one block
from National Grid
Please use the main entrance on Erie Blvd.  Tell the guard you are
meeting with
Jeff Connor for the TSM User Group Meeting.

Driving Directions from South of Syracuse:
1. Take I-81 North 
2. Merge onto I-690 W toward BALDWINSVILLE. 0.40 Miles 
3. Take the WEST ST exit- exit number 11. 0.34 Miles 
4. Merge onto N WEST ST. 0.23 Miles 
5. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto ramp. 0.07 Miles 
6. Keep RIGHT at the fork in the ramp. 0.04 Miles 
7. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto NY-5/ERIE BLVD W. 0.10 Miles 

Driving Directions from North of Syracuse:
1. Take I-81 South 
2. Take the CLINTON ST/SALINA ST exit- exit number 19. 0.04 Miles 
3. Take the SALINA ST ramp. 0.13 Miles 
4. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto N SALINA ST. 0.22 Miles 
5. Turn RIGHT onto West Genesee St/James St. 0.010 Miles 
6. Turn LEFT onto Clinton St. 0.10 Miles 
7. Turn RIGHT onto NY-5/ERIE BLVD W. 0.30 Miles 

Driving Directions from East of Syracuse:
1. Take I-90 West toward BUFFALO 
2. Merge onto I-81 S via exit number 36 toward SYRACUSE/BINGHAMTON. 3.50
3. Take the CLINTON ST/SALINA ST exit- exit number 19. 0.04 Miles 
4. Take the SALINA ST ramp. 0.13 Miles 
5. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto N SALINA ST. 0.22 Miles 
6. Turn RIGHT onto West Genesee St/James St. 0.20 Miles 
7. Turn LEFT onto Clinton St. 0.10 Miles 
8. Turn RIGHT onto NY-5/ERIE BLVD W. 0.30 Miles 

Driving Directions from West of Syracuse: 
1. Take I-90 East/NEW YORK STATE TRWY 
2. Merge onto I-690 E via exit number 39 toward SYRACUSE. 8.76 Miles 
3. Take the WEST ST exit- exit number 11- toward ONCENTER. 0.27 Miles 
4. Merge onto N WEST ST. 0.23 Miles 
5. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto ramp to Erie Blvd. 0.07 Miles 
6. Keep RIGHT at the fork in the ramp. 0.04 Miles 
7. Turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto NY-5/ERIE BLVD W. 0.10 Miles 

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TDP DOMINO for E-mail missing backup

2007-07-12 Thread Frank Tsao, email is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
We are experiencing missing backup for TDP DOMINO on Lotus notes E-mail.
Does anyone had similar experiences/fixes?

We are running DOMINO 6.5.5, TDP for DOMINO and with NT 2000
operating system.


Frank Tsao
PAX 25803, 626-302-5803
FAX 626-302-7131

Re: Backup Storage Pool Issue

2007-07-12 Thread Allen S. Rout
>> On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:50:25 -0500, Andrew Carlson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Is this really a good answer?  I know it's "working as designed", as
> IBM is sometimes fond of saying.  TSM knows whats on what tapes.  It
> seems like, unless the processing required to do it would be
> substantial, TSM could split the processes so this doesn't occur, at
> least as often.  With non-collocated tapes, I can see that it could
> happen sometimes, but I would think TSM could be smart enough to
> minimize it.

A threshold would be nice: So I could express the idea

"If you've waited more than 10 minutes for a volume, then skip it, in
that case I prefer the 'skipped work' failure mode to the 'stalled
process' failure mode"

I've had as many as 4 tape drives idle, (2 processes, one reader one
writer each) waiting for an in-use volume, and sometimes it's been
hours before I noticed them.

- Allen S. Rout

Re: TSM and Windows Cluster Environment

2007-07-12 Thread Bos, Karel

Yep, we and others have. 

What are the problems you are running into? Installing ITSM clients in a
cluster is described in the ITSM client documentation.



-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Richard Mochnaczewski
Sent: donderdag 12 juli 2007 17:19
Subject: TSM and Windows Cluster Environment

Hi *,

Has anyone successfully implemented TSM in a Windows Cluster environment
? We are running into various problems when trying to configure the TSM
client on certain servers in the cluster and IBM is not being very

TSM Server : running on AIX 5.2 ML9


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TSM and Windows Cluster Environment

2007-07-12 Thread Richard Mochnaczewski
Hi *,

Has anyone successfully implemented TSM in a Windows Cluster environment ? We 
are running into various problems when trying to configure the TSM client on 
certain servers in the cluster and IBM is not being very helpful.

TSM Server : running on AIX 5.2 ML9


Re: Backup Storage Pool Issue

2007-07-12 Thread Andrew Carlson

Is this really a good answer?  I know it's "working as designed", as IBM is
sometimes fond of saying.  TSM knows whats on what tapes.  It seems like,
unless the processing required to do it would be substantial, TSM could
split the processes so this doesn't occur, at least as often.  With
non-collocated tapes, I can see that it could happen sometimes, but I would
think TSM could be smart enough to minimize it.

On 7/12/07, Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Charles - See IBM Technote 1208545.

Andy Carlson
Gamecube:$150,PSO:$50,Broadband Adapter: $35, Hunters License: $8.95/month,
The feeling of seeing the red box with the item you want in it:Priceless.

Re: SATA disk?

2007-07-12 Thread Ian-IT Smith
Fortunately the disk storage pools on TSM have a larger block size which
is much more suited to throughput.

Again the RAID type and read cache available will have an effect on this.
But as Allen says, you will see the performance ceiling much quicker on
SATA than FC, as random IO will have to come directly from the spindle(s).

Ian Smith
Core Engineering - Storage

"Allen S. Rout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 
12/07/2007 15:19
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 


Re: [ADSM-L] SATA disk?

>> On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 07:32:27 -0500, Andy Huebner

> To me it is not the incoming, but the outgoing that is the greatest
> concern.  If the next pool is physical tape, be sure you have enough
> speed to keep up with your tape drives.  If the disks cannot keep up
> with the physical tape drives then performance will not be acceptable.
> Since many VTLs use ATA disks we know it can be done.

This is a really good point.  Keeping the number of read streams under
control will make a huge difference in your performance.

When I drain a SATA pool with a single thread, I can drive one of my
3592s at 80-90 MB/s.  When I put three of them on the job, aggregate
throughput drops to ~30 MB/s (yes, each drive getting ~10MB/s).

- Allen S. Rout


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Cannot add server to TSMReporter

2007-07-12 Thread Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM
Hi *SM-ers!
I'm trying to add a new TSM server to the TSM Operational Reporter, but
when I right-click the tree, the "Add a New TSM Server" option is grayed
Does anybody know what could be causing this?
Thank you very much in advance!
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

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Re: SATA disk?

2007-07-12 Thread Allen S. Rout
>> On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 07:32:27 -0500, Andy Huebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> To me it is not the incoming, but the outgoing that is the greatest
> concern.  If the next pool is physical tape, be sure you have enough
> speed to keep up with your tape drives.  If the disks cannot keep up
> with the physical tape drives then performance will not be acceptable.
> Since many VTLs use ATA disks we know it can be done.

This is a really good point.  Keeping the number of read streams under
control will make a huge difference in your performance.

When I drain a SATA pool with a single thread, I can drive one of my
3592s at 80-90 MB/s.  When I put three of them on the job, aggregate
throughput drops to ~30 MB/s (yes, each drive getting ~10MB/s).

- Allen S. Rout

Re: SATA disk?

2007-07-12 Thread Johnny Lea
My potential setup with this TSM server is to add a single Dell MD1000 with 15 
750GB SATA drives.  I'm currently using all SCSI disk (12TB) and an LTO3 
library.  No problems yet.  I'm just needing more primary storage.  The MD1000 
does have the option for SAS drives but only in 300 GB drives.  I guess I'm 
leaning toward the SAS drives and give up some storage space.  I can't really 
afford a performance hit.
Thanks for all the responses.

>>> Lawrence Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 7/12/2007 7:47 AM >>>

In our situation we plan on putting primary storage pools on SATA,
keeping copypools on cartridge because of the constraint that copypools
behave like virtual volumes.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/12/2007 9:32 AM >>>
To me it is not the incoming, but the outgoing that is the greatest
concern.  If the next pool is physical tape, be sure you have enough
speed to keep up with your tape drives.  If the disks cannot keep up
with the physical tape drives then performance will not be acceptable.
Since many VTLs use ATA disks we know it can be done.

Andy Huebner
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Ian-IT Smith
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] SATA disk?


I have been doing some extensive testing on the entire disk storage

The first question, is what is the feed? i.e. how many network
does the TSM Server have. I am assuming all your larger systems are
to go LAN FREE direct to tape. Also, what volume are you backing up.

The disk geometry that I have used for testing is 146GB 15K FC, 300GB
FC and the 500GB 7.5K SATA drives. All in RAID 5 configurations,
for the array that they are in. Any cached disk subsystem, will cache
Io writes and to an extent 'hide' disk performance from the host.
with TSM, the sustained high write profile through a backup window
the disk array cache becomes filled with 'write pending' data when
SATA drives. This is data in cache waiting to be destaged, i.e.
the physical spindles. The FC disks showed a write pending amount, but
once the array starts to favour the destage, the disks can keep up-
retaining a good host performance- 4 times that of the SATA.

In this case the disk array usually has to throttle the host, and I
been seeing 50%+ wait_io on the SAR output of the TSM server.

I personnally would advise, for larger systems do not use SATA. It's
profile is more suited to a low IO activuity and certainly not the
susteined IO that is seen during the TSM daily operation.

Also, bare in mind rebuild times on SATA. RAID 6 (dual parity) will
the write down even more, RAID 5 may present a 30 hour + period of
exposure to data in the pools.

Ian Smith

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 
11/07/2007 19:01
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 


[ADSM-L] SATA disk?

Has anyone used SATA drives for primary storage.  Is it really a bad

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Library server getting confused about tape status?

2007-07-12 Thread Allen S. Rout
I've been seeing series of messages like these in my library manager log.

07/11/07   06:59:40 ANR8945W Scratch volume mount failed T00142. (SESSION: 
07/11/07   06:59:40 ANR8381E 3592 volume T00142 could not be mounted in 
drive DRIVE2 (/dev/rmt6). (SESSION: 125022)
07/11/07   06:59:40 ANR9790W Request to mount volume *SCRATCH* for library 
client EXT failed. (SESSION: 125022)

07/11/07   11:01:11 ANR8945W Scratch volume mount failed T00142. (SESSION: 
07/11/07   11:01:11 ANR8381E 3592 volume T00142 could not be mounted in 
drive DRIVE7 (/dev/rmt17). (SESSION: 126990)
07/11/07   11:01:11 ANR9790W Request to mount volume *SCRATCH* for library 
client IGLMAIL09 failed. (SESSION: 126990)

which makes me feel somewhat nervous, because:

tsm: CTRL>select * from libvolumes where volume_name='T00142'

   VOLUME_NAME: T00142
STATUS: Private
  LAST_USE: Data

So, on the one side I'm glad it's not just mounting the tape and
handing it over to another server.  On the other hand, I'm feeling a
tad bit neurotic that it's trying.

Anybody seen something like this?

- Allen S. Rout

Re: Backup Storage Pool Issue

2007-07-12 Thread Richard Sims

Charles - See IBM Technote 1208545.

Backup Storage Pool Issue

2007-07-12 Thread Welton, Charles
I have two "backup stgpools" running and one of them is waiting for the
tape being used by the other.  I have seen this error before and it will
resolve itself eventually when the first one finishes, and the second
one gets the tape it is waiting for.  But it does cause a delay.  I
thought TSM's process for identifying which files get picked up by each
thread in a "backup stgpool" would correctly prevent them from needing
the same tape.  Is this problem preventable?
Thank you...

Charles Welton

Cannot write to Tape (ANR8302E)

2007-07-12 Thread hshahizul
Hi Tsmer,

I have install a new TSM Server 5.3.2 on Windows 2000.

Tape library IBM 3583 having 2 libraries and 4 drives.

Library connected to TSM Server via HBA card through SAN Switch.

Driver for Tape Drive and Medium changer has been installed and can been
seen via Device manager

Library, Drive and path configured via Wizards and can be seen via command
'q library', 'q drive' and 'q path'.

Backup destination is to Diskpool. Next storagepool is Tapepool.

While I want to migrate data from Diskpool to Tapepool.

Console shows "Scratch Tape is mounted in Drive" and try to write and then
ANR8302E error

I/O error on Drive01(mt1.2.0.3) with volume SKP001L1 (OP=Write, Error
Number=1235, CC=0, Key=0B, ACS=08, ASCQ=FF83

Description=An undetermined error has occurred). Refer to Appendix D in the
'Messages' manual for recommended action.

I have check on the error message for ACS=08 and ASCQ=83 but I cannot find
for those number.

I did try delete Library,Drive,Path and reconfigure manually (CLI instead of
Wizards). The still encounter the same error messages.

I did try uninstalling driver and re-installing driver.

I did try checkin cleaning tape.

Please help me. I'm confused what next action.


Re: SATA disk?

2007-07-12 Thread Lawrence Clark
In our situation we plan on putting primary storage pools on SATA,
keeping copypools on cartridge because of the constraint that copypools
behave like virtual volumes.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/12/2007 9:32 AM >>>
To me it is not the incoming, but the outgoing that is the greatest
concern.  If the next pool is physical tape, be sure you have enough
speed to keep up with your tape drives.  If the disks cannot keep up
with the physical tape drives then performance will not be acceptable.
Since many VTLs use ATA disks we know it can be done.

Andy Huebner
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Ian-IT Smith
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] SATA disk?


I have been doing some extensive testing on the entire disk storage

The first question, is what is the feed? i.e. how many network
does the TSM Server have. I am assuming all your larger systems are
to go LAN FREE direct to tape. Also, what volume are you backing up.

The disk geometry that I have used for testing is 146GB 15K FC, 300GB
FC and the 500GB 7.5K SATA drives. All in RAID 5 configurations,
for the array that they are in. Any cached disk subsystem, will cache
Io writes and to an extent 'hide' disk performance from the host.
with TSM, the sustained high write profile through a backup window
the disk array cache becomes filled with 'write pending' data when
SATA drives. This is data in cache waiting to be destaged, i.e.
the physical spindles. The FC disks showed a write pending amount, but
once the array starts to favour the destage, the disks can keep up-
retaining a good host performance- 4 times that of the SATA.

In this case the disk array usually has to throttle the host, and I
been seeing 50%+ wait_io on the SAR output of the TSM server.

I personnally would advise, for larger systems do not use SATA. It's
profile is more suited to a low IO activuity and certainly not the
susteined IO that is seen during the TSM daily operation.

Also, bare in mind rebuild times on SATA. RAID 6 (dual parity) will
the write down even more, RAID 5 may present a 30 hour + period of
exposure to data in the pools.

Ian Smith

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 
11/07/2007 19:01
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 


[ADSM-L] SATA disk?

Has anyone used SATA drives for primary storage.  Is it really a bad

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Re: SATA disk?

2007-07-12 Thread Andy Huebner
To me it is not the incoming, but the outgoing that is the greatest
concern.  If the next pool is physical tape, be sure you have enough
speed to keep up with your tape drives.  If the disks cannot keep up
with the physical tape drives then performance will not be acceptable.
Since many VTLs use ATA disks we know it can be done.

Andy Huebner
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Ian-IT Smith
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 3:24 AM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] SATA disk?


I have been doing some extensive testing on the entire disk storage pool

The first question, is what is the feed? i.e. how many network
does the TSM Server have. I am assuming all your larger systems are
to go LAN FREE direct to tape. Also, what volume are you backing up.

The disk geometry that I have used for testing is 146GB 15K FC, 300GB
FC and the 500GB 7.5K SATA drives. All in RAID 5 configurations,
for the array that they are in. Any cached disk subsystem, will cache
Io writes and to an extent 'hide' disk performance from the host.
with TSM, the sustained high write profile through a backup window means
the disk array cache becomes filled with 'write pending' data when using
SATA drives. This is data in cache waiting to be destaged, i.e. waiting
the physical spindles. The FC disks showed a write pending amount, but
once the array starts to favour the destage, the disks can keep up-
retaining a good host performance- 4 times that of the SATA.

In this case the disk array usually has to throttle the host, and I have
been seeing 50%+ wait_io on the SAR output of the TSM server.

I personnally would advise, for larger systems do not use SATA. It's IO
profile is more suited to a low IO activuity and certainly not the
susteined IO that is seen during the TSM daily operation.

Also, bare in mind rebuild times on SATA. RAID 6 (dual parity) will slow
the write down even more, RAID 5 may present a 30 hour + period of
exposure to data in the pools.

Ian Smith

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 
11/07/2007 19:01
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 


[ADSM-L] SATA disk?

Has anyone used SATA drives for primary storage.  Is it really a bad

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AW: SATA disk?

2007-07-12 Thread Salak Juraj
To get good random access (and sustained read/write) performance 
be sure to have command queuing (either TCQ or NCQ)
 - available, 
 - configured and 
 - working 
on all components used: Disk, controller and driver. 
The latest is particulary an issue with XP.

Still, similar 15 kRPM SCSI raid will easily outperform SATA,
So the true question is whether you need the high (SCS, FC, ..) performance at 
high costs or not.

We here estimated which sustained write rate we need,
found a supplier who promised us (a much better) througput,
so we made a contract with acceptancy check based, among other things, 
on the sustained write rate as well.
The real write rate was much smaller than promised but still much higher than 
so we got an rebate and kept the 3 TB raid - and are happy with it.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Richard 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2007 20:40
Betreff: Re: SATA disk?

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"  wrote on 07/11/2007
02:01:16 PM:
> Has anyone used SATA drives for primary storage.  Is it really a bad

I've been using some SATA disks for a primary staging pool for a few months.
It was the only storage we had at the time . . . so I used it.  This was SATA 
in a EMC Clariion.  Config'ed as raid5

In general, I was quite happy with it's performance.

Now . . .the BUT's . . .

I grabed about 1tb across 30-40 lightly used spindles in multiple Raid5 
raidsets.  In other words, I had enough spindles to get the iops/throughput I 
According  to EMC's docs,  these SATA disks are capable of around 60 iops.


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Command line backup Estimate

2007-07-12 Thread Douglas Currell
The TSM client Backup-Archive GUI provides a button to estimate the time needed 
for backup. Thus far I have not been able to determine how to do this from the 
dsmc command line.

Any ideas? Thank you.. 

Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to Yahoo! 

Re: SATA disk?

2007-07-12 Thread Ian-IT Smith

I have been doing some extensive testing on the entire disk storage pool

The first question, is what is the feed? i.e. how many network connections
does the TSM Server have. I am assuming all your larger systems are likely
to go LAN FREE direct to tape. Also, what volume are you backing up.

The disk geometry that I have used for testing is 146GB 15K FC, 300GB 10K
FC and the 500GB 7.5K SATA drives. All in RAID 5 configurations, optimised
for the array that they are in. Any cached disk subsystem, will cache the
Io writes and to an extent 'hide' disk performance from the host. However,
with TSM, the sustained high write profile through a backup window means
the disk array cache becomes filled with 'write pending' data when using
SATA drives. This is data in cache waiting to be destaged, i.e. waiting on
the physical spindles. The FC disks showed a write pending amount, but
once the array starts to favour the destage, the disks can keep up- whilst
retaining a good host performance- 4 times that of the SATA.

In this case the disk array usually has to throttle the host, and I have
been seeing 50%+ wait_io on the SAR output of the TSM server.

I personnally would advise, for larger systems do not use SATA. It's IO
profile is more suited to a low IO activuity and certainly not the
susteined IO that is seen during the TSM daily operation.

Also, bare in mind rebuild times on SATA. RAID 6 (dual parity) will slow
the write down even more, RAID 5 may present a 30 hour + period of
exposure to data in the pools.

Ian Smith

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 
11/07/2007 19:01
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 


[ADSM-L] SATA disk?

Has anyone used SATA drives for primary storage.  Is it really a bad idea?

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