Running makedamaged on an object when the storagepool doesn'texist??

2010-02-01 Thread Niklas Lundström

I've got some objects in my database that points to a volume that does not 
exist anymore
but TSM still think it does and that gives me a lot of errors when I'm 
running expiration
An audit of the DB would solve these problem but the db is too big to do that 
in a reasonable

An example:

tsm: PROD-ADSM3show bfo 0 10554579

Bitfile Object: 0.10554579
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: PRIMARY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: 12  Volume ID: 88522  Volume Name: 007667
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: COPY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: -3  Volume ID: 38548  Volume Name: *unknown*
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: COPY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: -4  Volume ID: 75933  Volume Name: 006267

The pool -3 is an old copypool (bunkercopy), which doesn't exist anymore.

Trying to run makedamaged:
tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged 0 10554579
ANR2022E MAKEDAMAGED: One or more parameters are missing.
ANS8001I Return code 3.

tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged -3 0 10554579
Pool -3 is not Defined.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged bunkercopy 0 10554579
Pool BUNKERCOPY is not Defined.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

Makedamaged command wants you to specify the storagepool for the object,
does anyone know another way to mark the object damaged?

There's not so much documentation about makedamaged

Med vänlig hälsning
Niklas Lundström

Niklas Lundström
Storage Administrator

Swedbank AB (publ)
105 34  Stockholm
Telefon: +46 (0)8 5859 5164
Mobil: +46 (0)70 24 76 345

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TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

2010-02-01 Thread Mehdi Salehi
How much mainframe knowledge is necessary for an experienced TSM admin for
open systems to maintain TSM server for z/OS? I mean using Unix System
Services (USS) and the web-based administration center.

thanks so much

SV: Running makedamaged on an object when the storagepool doesn'texist??

2010-02-01 Thread Christian Svensson
Hi Niklas,
What's happening if you put the tape as destroyed? and do a restore media to 
reproduce that data so you can expire the information as normal? 

Best Regards
Christian Svensson

Cell: +46-70-325 1577
Skype: cristie.christian.svensson
Supported Platform for CPU2TSM::

Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] f#246;r Niklas Lundström 
Skickat: den 1 februari 2010 09:33
Ämne: Running makedamaged on an object when the storagepool doesn'texist??


I've got some objects in my database that points to a volume that does not 
exist anymore
but TSM still think it does and that gives me a lot of errors when I'm 
running expiration
An audit of the DB would solve these problem but the db is too big to do that 
in a reasonable

An example:

tsm: PROD-ADSM3show bfo 0 10554579

Bitfile Object: 0.10554579
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: PRIMARY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: 12  Volume ID: 88522  Volume Name: 007667
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: COPY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: -3  Volume ID: 38548  Volume Name: *unknown*
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: COPY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: -4  Volume ID: 75933  Volume Name: 006267

The pool -3 is an old copypool (bunkercopy), which doesn't exist anymore.

Trying to run makedamaged:
tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged 0 10554579
ANR2022E MAKEDAMAGED: One or more parameters are missing.
ANS8001I Return code 3.

tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged -3 0 10554579
Pool -3 is not Defined.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged bunkercopy 0 10554579
Pool BUNKERCOPY is not Defined.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

Makedamaged command wants you to specify the storagepool for the object,
does anyone know another way to mark the object damaged?

There's not so much documentation about makedamaged

Med vänlig hälsning
Niklas Lundström

Niklas Lundström
Storage Administrator

Swedbank AB (publ)
105 34  Stockholm
Telefon: +46 (0)8 5859 5164
Mobil: +46 (0)70 24 76 345

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SV: [ADSM-L] TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

2010-02-01 Thread Niklas Lundström

TSM 5.5 was the last version for MVS.

Are you meaning that you are running a TSM server in USS? Is that even 
possible, I thought that the only way to run 
TSM 6.1 on a mainframe was to use a Linux LPAR and use z-Linux


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] För Mehdi Salehi
Skickat: den 1 februari 2010 10:49
Ämne: [ADSM-L] TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

How much mainframe knowledge is necessary for an experienced TSM admin for
open systems to maintain TSM server for z/OS? I mean using Unix System
Services (USS) and the web-based administration center.

thanks so much

Re: SV: [ADSM-L] TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

2010-02-01 Thread Mehdi Salehi
I mean TSM 5.5 for z/OS

SV: [ADSM-L] SV: [ADSM-L] TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

2010-02-01 Thread Niklas Lundström

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We run TSM 5.5 on MVS, USS has nothing to do with it.

When I started working with TSM I had no knowledge about z/OS and you reall=
y don't need it.
Just learn how to create and format the data sets that TSM is using, so you=
 don't have to go to the system programmer=20
everytime you need a new db volume.

But since the MVS version will be unsupported in 2012, everyone who's using=
 it should be planning for a migration

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Fr=E5n: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] F=F6r Mehdi S=
Skickat: den 1 februari 2010 11:44
=C4mne: Re: [ADSM-L] SV: [ADSM-L] TSM administration difference between z/O=
S and open systems

I mean TSM 5.5 for z/OS

Re: Running makedamaged on an object when the storagepool doesn'texist??

2010-02-01 Thread Richard Sims
On Feb 1, 2010, at 3:33 AM, Niklas Lundström wrote:

 I've got some objects in my database that points to a volume that does not 
 exist anymore
 but TSM still think it does...

The obvious question: What happened when you attempted Delete Volume 
Discarddata=yes ?

SV: [ADSM-L] SV: Running makedamaged on an object when thestoragepool doesn'texist??

2010-02-01 Thread Niklas Lundström
All the volumes from the original copypool are already deleted and the
pool is removed , but TSM still have references to it.

Storage Pool ID: -3  Volume ID: 38548  Volume Name: *unknown*

The volume_id is the internal volumename in TSM, it has nothing to to with the 
So since the Volume Name is *unknown* I can't do anything with it..
That's why I want to mark the object as damaged, but themakedamaged command 
requires the storagepool-name,
and that name doesn't exist anymore.
The best thing would be if there were a deleteobject command in which you could 
enter the pool-id

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] För Christian 
Skickat: den 1 februari 2010 11:06
Ämne: [ADSM-L] SV: Running makedamaged on an object when the storagepool 

Hi Niklas,
What's happening if you put the tape as destroyed? and do a restore media to 
reproduce that data so you can expire the information as normal? 

Best Regards
Christian Svensson

Cell: +46-70-325 1577
Skype: cristie.christian.svensson
Supported Platform for CPU2TSM::

Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] f#246;r Niklas Lundström 
Skickat: den 1 februari 2010 09:33
Ämne: Running makedamaged on an object when the storagepool doesn'texist??


I've got some objects in my database that points to a volume that does not 
exist anymore
but TSM still think it does and that gives me a lot of errors when I'm 
running expiration
An audit of the DB would solve these problem but the db is too big to do that 
in a reasonable

An example:

tsm: PROD-ADSM3show bfo 0 10554579

Bitfile Object: 0.10554579
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: PRIMARY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: 12  Volume ID: 88522  Volume Name: 007667
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: COPY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: -3  Volume ID: 38548  Volume Name: *unknown*
**Archival Bitfile Entry
  Bitfile Type: COPY  Storage Format: 9
  Bitfile Size: 0.46143257  Number of Segments: 1
  Storage Pool ID: -4  Volume ID: 75933  Volume Name: 006267

The pool -3 is an old copypool (bunkercopy), which doesn't exist anymore.

Trying to run makedamaged:
tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged 0 10554579
ANR2022E MAKEDAMAGED: One or more parameters are missing.
ANS8001I Return code 3.

tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged -3 0 10554579
Pool -3 is not Defined.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

tsm: PROD-ADSM3makedamaged bunkercopy 0 10554579
Pool BUNKERCOPY is not Defined.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

Makedamaged command wants you to specify the storagepool for the object,
does anyone know another way to mark the object damaged?

There's not so much documentation about makedamaged

Med vänlig hälsning
Niklas Lundström

Niklas Lundström
Storage Administrator

Swedbank AB (publ)
105 34  Stockholm
Telefon: +46 (0)8 5859 5164
Mobil: +46 (0)70 24 76 345

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SV: [ADSM-L] Running makedamaged on an object when the storagepool doesn'texist??

2010-02-01 Thread Niklas Lundström
I don't think there were any problems deleting the volume, I got rid of it and 
could remove the whole

-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] För Richard Sims
Skickat: den 1 februari 2010 13:28
Ämne: Re: [ADSM-L] Running makedamaged on an object when the storagepool 

On Feb 1, 2010, at 3:33 AM, Niklas Lundström wrote:

 I've got some objects in my database that points to a volume that does not 
 exist anymore
 but TSM still think it does...

The obvious question: What happened when you attempted Delete Volume 
Discarddata=yes ?

DSMADMC running from Target server?

2010-02-01 Thread Eric Vaughn
Could someone tell me if I am using incorrect syntax. I am trying to run 
dsmadmc from my target server in order to query some volumes that may have 
potential problems.  I was getting the error ANS8019E before I added the (-) in 
front of id and password. After adding (-) I dont get an error, but it does not 
establish a connection with the correct server.  It establishes a connection 
with my source server.  I am using the following and running from the baclient 

dsmadmc -id=admin -password=admin is my target server. The command is being ran from this server as 

My output establishes a connection with the source. Anyone have any thoughts or 
ideas as to what I could be doing wrong?

Eric Vaughn
Technical Administrator
Stevenson University
Office (443)334-2301

ORACLE Encryption

2010-02-01 Thread Fred Johanson
We register the TDPO as a distinct client.  Most are on various flavors of 
UNIX.  So where do we put the include.encrypt.  Does it go in the dsmi_opt 
file or an incleexcl file referenced in that file?  The manual isn't very clear.

Fred Johanson
TSM Administrator
University of Chicago


Re: DSMADMC running from Target server?

2010-02-01 Thread PAC Brion Arnaud

The -server option is just a pointer to a TSM stanza instance in your DSM.SYS 
configuration file.
It is there that you will have to provide the TCPSERVERADRESS for your target 
server  ...


Corporate IT Systems  Datacenter Responsible
Panalpina Management Ltd., Basle, Switzerland,
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Phone: +41 (61) 226 11 11, FAX: +41 (61) 226 17 01
Direct: +41 (61) 226 19 78

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Eric 
Sent: lundi 1 février 2010 15:39
Subject: DSMADMC running from Target server?

Could someone tell me if I am using incorrect syntax. I am trying to run 
dsmadmc from my target server in order to query some volumes that may have 
potential problems.  I was getting the error ANS8019E before I added the (-) in 
front of id and password. After adding (-) I dont get an error, but it does not 
establish a connection with the correct server.  It establishes a connection 
with my source server.  I am using the following and running from the baclient 

dsmadmc -id=admin -password=admin is my target server. The command is being ran from this server as 

My output establishes a connection with the source. Anyone have any thoughts or 
ideas as to what I could be doing wrong?

Eric Vaughn
Technical Administrator
Stevenson University
Office (443)334-2301

Re: DSMADMC running from Target server?

2010-02-01 Thread Eric Vaughn
I figured out the issue instead of server used tcps and it worked. 

 PAC Brion Arnaud 2/1/2010 9:47 AM 

The -server option is just a pointer to a TSM stanza instance in your
DSM.SYS configuration file.
It is there that you will have to provide the TCPSERVERADRESS for
your target server  ...


Corporate IT Systems  Datacenter Responsible
Panalpina Management Ltd., Basle, Switzerland,
CIT Department Viadukstrasse 42, P.O. Box 4002 Basel/CH
Phone: +41 (61) 226 11 11, FAX: +41 (61) 226 17 01
Direct: +41 (61) 226 19 78

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf
Of Eric Vaughn
Sent: lundi 1 février 2010 15:39
Subject: DSMADMC running from Target server?

Could someone tell me if I am using incorrect syntax. I am trying to
run dsmadmc from my target server in order to query some volumes that
may have potential problems.  I was getting the error ANS8019E before I
added the (-) in front of id and password. After adding (-) I dont get
an error, but it does not establish a connection with the correct
server.  It establishes a connection with my source server.  I am using
the following and running from the baclient directory.

dsmadmc -id=admin -password=admin is my target server. The command is being ran from this
server as well.

My output establishes a connection with the source. Anyone have any
thoughts or ideas as to what I could be doing wrong?

Eric Vaughn
Technical Administrator
Stevenson University
Office (443)334-2301

Re: TSM Clients on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

2010-02-01 Thread Werner Korsten
Hi Zoltan,

No real issues to date yet. Most of our TSM problems have been due to lack
of access to the clients or the firewall settings not being correct (both
of these are the responsibilities other teams).
I was really just looking for some suggestions for making sure the clients
are running effectively and smootly.

But Richard Sims pointed me in the direction of the ADSM-L archives (which
I did not know about) and that's proven really helpful already (only had a
browse through today.).


Werner Korsten
IS Graduate Trainee


Date:Wed, 27 Jan 2010 11:45:00 -0500
From:Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
Subject: Re: TSM Clients on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

What your issues/problems?.

We backup hundreds of Linux, Solaris, Netware, Windows, IRIX and Mac
clients daily.

Our Linux of choice is exclusively RedHat with versions/kernels from
2.4.2-28 (client 5.2) up to  2.6.9-89 (client 6.1).

Date:Wed, 27 Jan 2010 16:23:18 +
From:Werner Korsten
Subject: TSM Clients on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Hello all,

The business is in the process of building a number of new Linux clients,
and we will then need to back these up. We are new to Linux, most of the
estate that we backup are Windows, AIX  Netware clients.

I've been able to install the TSM clients on the a few test servers and
these have been backing up without many issues presenting themselves. We
currently use TSM Server, and TSM client installed on Red
Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3.

Is anyone else running TSM Clients on Red Hat? I'm looking for suggestions
so we can optimise the option files for these new servers. I've had a look
at a performance redbook IBM have previously pointed me to, but it doesn't
contain anything specific for Linux. IBM have advised there doesn't seem
to be too many problems with performance on Linux, though I would still
like to make sure we have it as streamlined as possible.

Any ideas?


Werner Korsten
IS Graduate Trainee

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Please consider the environment. Think - before you print.

Re: ORACLE Encryption

2010-02-01 Thread Mark Yakushev
Hi Fred,

To encrypt all files, add the following options to dsm.sys

include.encrypt /.../*



From: Fred Johanson
Date: 02/01/2010 06:42 AM
Subject:[ADSM-L] ORACLE Encryption

We register the TDPO as a distinct client.  Most are on various flavors of
UNIX.  So where do we put the include.encrypt.  Does it go in the
dsmi_opt file or an incleexcl file referenced in that file?  The manual
isn't very clear.

Fred Johanson
TSM Administrator
University of Chicago


Re: ?anyone using TSM to backup Panasus PanFS?

2010-02-01 Thread Josh Davis
You could attach the TSM server to the clustered filesystem and allow it to 
perform the backup from its own client.  This might get you better bandwidth if 
it's done properly.

MEMORYEFFICIENT YES will scan one directory at a time per producer
thread.  This keeps from eating up all system memory, at the expense of
some scan speed.  Memory usage is 400-1200 bytes per file in the list to be 
backed up.

RESOURCEUTIL 10 is the limit and gets you only 4-6 producers.  If you have good 
bandwidth, and a large number of execution threads, it may be beneficial to run 
parallel backups.

Parallel backups can be used to spread the workload across more threads
and/or more systems.  virtualnodename or asnode can be used if

VIRTUALMOUNTPOINT can be used to get around scanning areas which should
not be backed up rather than excluding those areas.

To prevent retransmits, you could perform backups of a replica or a snapshot.

Incremental by Date is valuable for your busy days.  It won't expire
files, but it saves a bunch of time scanning.

Limitations for path/filename depth:

AIX HP-UX  Solaris:
   File_space_name   1024
   Path_name or directory_name   1023
   File_name  256

   File_space_name   1024
   Path_name or directory_name768
   File_name  256

Windows XP/2000/2003
   File_space_name   1024
   Path_name or directory_name248
   File_name  248 With friendly regards,
Josh-D. S. Davis

From: James R Owen
Sent: Tue, January 26, 2010 5:09:53 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] ?anyone using TSM to backup Panasus PanFS?

Yale uses Panasus PanFS, a massive parallel storage system, to store research 
data generated from HPC clusters.  In considering feasibility to backup PanFS 
using TSM,
we are concerned about whether TSM is appropriate to backup and restore:

1. very large volumes,
2. deep  subdirectory hierarchy  with 100's to 1000's of sublevels,
3. large numbers of files within individual subdirectories,
4. much larger numbers of files within each directory hierarchy.

Are there effective maximum limits for any of the above, beyond which
TSM becomes inappropriate to effectively perform backups and restores?

Please advise about the feasibility and any configuration recommendation(s)
to maximize PanFS backup and restore efficiency using TSM.

Thanks for your help.
--   (w#203.432.6693, c#203.494.9201, h#203.387.3030)

Re: TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

2010-02-01 Thread Gee, Norman
Learn JCL and batch scheduling.

Create linear VSAM files for all TSM pools. Each TSM pool file will be
limited to 4GB on a 3390 volume.
Forget everything you learn about TSM library manager, most mainframes
will have RMM or equivalent to manage the Tape library.
Cannot use LTO or DLT tape drives.
Can only use enterprise IBM or STK tape drives. Do not use VTS for tape
Use the message automation package to your advantage.
TSM server does not use USS.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of
Mehdi Salehi
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 1:49 AM
Subject: TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

How much mainframe knowledge is necessary for an experienced TSM admin
open systems to maintain TSM server for z/OS? I mean using Unix System
Services (USS) and the web-based administration center.

thanks so much

Re: TSM Clients on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

2010-02-01 Thread Josh Davis
Nothing specific to Linux or Redhat.

General things:
If your TSM server is *NIX, you can increase your TCPWINdowsize to 262144 on 
the server and use a TCPBUFfersize of 131072.
Older Windows will have problems with anything over 63.
Enabling jumbo frames also helps with CPU load from network transmission.
TXNBytelimit and TXNGroupmax can be cranked up to improve the transmit 

From: Werner Korsten
Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 10:23:18 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] TSM Clients on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Hello all,

The business is in the process of building a number of new Linux clients,
and we will then need to back these up. We are new to Linux, most of the
estate that we backup are Windows, AIX  Netware clients.

I've been able to install the TSM clients on the a few test servers and
these have been backing up without many issues presenting themselves. We
currently use TSM Server, and TSM client installed on Red
Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.3.

Is anyone else running TSM Clients on Red Hat? I'm looking for suggestions
so we can optimise the option files for these new servers. I've had a look
at a performance redbook IBM have previously pointed me to, but it doesn't
contain anything specific for Linux. IBM have advised there doesn't seem
to be too many problems with performance on Linux, though I would still
like to make sure we have it as streamlined as possible.

Any ideas?


Werner Korsten
IS Graduate Trainee

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Re: TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

2010-02-01 Thread Mehdi Salehi
What will happen to TSM for MVS on 2012?

define drive without defining a library

2010-02-01 Thread Mehdi Salehi
Can a tape drive be defined in TSM while it is not controlled by a library?
The syntax of define drive needs a library.


Re: BMR for Exchange server - Fastback

2010-02-01 Thread Josh Davis
If TBMR is actually Fastback, that's interesting. Fastback is FilesX, a product 
and company that IBM purchased April 21, 2008.

FilesX is a block level filesystem incremental backup product for MS Windows.  
They can use VSS for 2003 OS and 2005 Exchange/SQL.  For older Exchange/SQL it 
will initiate a quiesce and will be filesystem aware and will manage the 
backups properly.

Exchange individual mailbox restore is to mount up the backup over the network 
as a drive.  The Exchange agent can access the exchange DB on disk and can pull 
out individual messages and save them to the running exchange server.

For normal files, you can just copy them out of the mounted drive (looks like 
local, RW, NTFS but changes are lost on unmount).

Full restore is to overmount the filesystem with the fastback server copy.  At 
that point, it's similar to a mirror with one copy being the FB server and one 
copy being the local disk.  You can mount/start your apps as soon as you 
initiate the restore.  Any data overwritten will not be restored, and any data 
requested will be restored first in queue.  No dismount is requred at the end 
of the restore.

Bare Metal Recovery uses a PEmode CD to boot and initiate the beginning 

Fastback DR is formally through replication to a DR hub via FTP.  Repository 
files are sequential access on disk.

To integrate this with TSM, you use TSM to back up the Fastback repository, 
whether it's a local repository, or the repository of a DR hub.  Fastback comes 
with scripts to integrate with TSM and a couple of other vendors' enterprise 

With friendly regards,
Josh-Daniel S. Davis

From: Johnny Lea
Sent: Wed, January 27, 2010 1:20:50 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] BMR for Exchange server

I'm lost trying to come up with a bare metal restore product for our Exchange 
Cristie's CBMR says it treats Exchange data as plain files with nothing to 
handle the internal structure of Exchange.
Not sure about Cristie's TBMR. (my IBM re-seller tells me he talked to Cristie 
and they told him that their TBMR is IBM Fastback BMR.  That sounds strange.  
Did IBM buy them?)
I haven't found anyone yet at IBM who can tell me how Fastback for Bare Metal 
Restore works with Exchange.
Acronis...I know nothing about.

I'd love something that would work with my TSM environment.
Can anyone suggest anything?


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Re: ORACLE Encryption

2010-02-01 Thread Grigori Solonovitch
I am using InclExcl list for include.encrypt. For example:

include * AIX
include /.../* FSLPAR05
include /ifns_ifns/.../* DBLPAR05
include /patm_patm/.../* DBLPAR05
include /ptel_ptel/.../* DBLPAR05
exclude.dir /home/oracle/admin/ifns/adump
exclude.dir /home/oracle/admin/patm/adump
exclude.dir /home/oracle/admin/ptel/adump
exclude.dir /home/oracle/product
exclude.compression *.Z
exclude.compression /backup05/ias/FS.*
include.encrypt /ifns_ifns/.../*
include.encrypt /patm_patm/.../*
include.encrypt /ptel_ptel/.../*
include.encrypt *.dmp.Z

It means I have include.encrypt in include/exclude list for the both file 
systems and databases.

Grigori G. Solonovitch

Senior Technical Architect

Information Technology  Bank of Kuwait and Middle East

Phone: (+965) 2231-2274  Mobile: (+965) 99798073  E-Mail:

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-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] On Behalf Of Fred 
Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 5:41 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] ORACLE Encryption

We register the TDPO as a distinct client.  Most are on various flavors of 
UNIX.  So where do we put the include.encrypt.  Does it go in the dsmi_opt 
file or an incleexcl file referenced in that file?  The manual isn't very clear.

Fred Johanson
TSM Administrator
University of Chicago


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SV: [ADSM-L] define drive without defining a library

2010-02-01 Thread Anders Räntilä
Can a tape drive be defined in TSM while it is not controlled by a library?
The syntax of define drive needs a library.

In TSM a drive is always in a library. You can however define a manual library 
in which you are the robotics

DEFine LIBRary name LIBType=MANUAL

Anders Räntilä

Re: SV: [ADSM-L] define drive without defining a library

2010-02-01 Thread Mehdi Salehi
the problem of a manual library is that there is no medium changer and so
you cannot define a path to the library. correct me if I am mistaken:
1- define library
2- define path for library
3- define drive
4- define path for drive

SV: [ADSM-L] TSM administration difference between z/OS and open systems

2010-02-01 Thread Niklas Lundström

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IBM will stop supporting it, but I guess you could pay for longer support
just as you can today with the older TSM Server versions


-Ursprungligt meddelande-
Fr=E5n: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [] F=F6r Mehdi S=
Skickat: den 2 februari 2010 07:27
=C4mne: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM administration difference between z/OS and open sy=

What will happen to TSM for MVS on 2012?