Re: Making client files inactive so they will age off

2004-03-19 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
This is what I do when I have a client that is no longer required on

1. delete all the file spaces for the client {delete filespace
This deletes all references to the filespace and the files backed up
for that filespace from the TSM database

2. delete the client {remove node  }
This removes all references to the node out of the database.

removing a node  can also be done using the Administration GUI

first delete all the filespaces
select object view
select clients
select client nodes
select the node to be removed
select filespace name
from operations drop down list select delete filespace
on delete filespace screen select finish

This submits a procedure to delete all filespaces for the node

remove the node
when the above procedure is completed
 select object view
select clients
select client nodes
select the node to be removed

from operations drop down list select remove this node
on the remove node confirmation screen select finish
This will submit a process that will remove the node from the TSM

IF any filespaces still exist on the TSM server for the node, the
remove will fail.

The data and the definition of the node/client now no longer exist as
far as TSM is concerned. No expiration is necessary.

Hope this helps


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/19/04 8:14:45 AM >>>

Hope I am not working from an incorrect premise.

We have a client which is disappearing.  I would like to do an
incremental to set everything to inactive so it will age off
However, when I gried this yesterday it went ahead and backed up
Tsm server v5.1.6.2 on solaris 2.8.
Client v5.1.5.9 running on windows nt v4.

Below is a q node,
Q filespace,
Activity log for the backup session,
And the dsm.opt from the client.
Someone, what m I missing?

Thanks for the help.

- info follows --

 Node Name: OP_DDS
  Platform: WinNT
   Client OS Level: 4.00
Client Version: Version 5, Release 1, Level 5.9
Policy Domain Name: CHARLIE1
 Last Access Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:41
Days Since Last Access: 1
Password Set Date/Time: 01/02/04   21:00:03
   Days Since Password Set: 77
 Invalid Sign-on Count: 0
   Locked?: No
   Contact: Phelps, Todd - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Compression: No
   Archive Delete Allowed?: Yes
Backup Delete Allowed?: Yes
Registration Date/Time: 07/09/02   15:33:55
 Registering Administrator: GARY
Last Communication Method Used: Tcp/Ip
   Bytes Received Last Session: 217.81 M
   Bytes Sent Last Session: 9.50 M
  Duration of Last Session: 602.82
   Pct. Idle Wait Last Session: 46.54
  Pct. Comm. Wait Last Session: 47.37
  Pct. Media Wait Last Session: 0.00
 Node Type: Client
Password Expiration Period:
 Keep Mount Point?: No
  Maximum Mount Points Allowed: 3
Auto Filespace Rename : No
 Validate Protocol: No
   TCP/IP Name: OP_DDS
TCP/IP Address:
Globally Unique ID:

--- q filespace ---

Node Name: OP_DDS
   Filespace Name: \\op_dds\c$
 FSID: 1
 Platform: WinNT
   Filespace Type: NTFS
Is Filespace Unicode?: Yes
Capacity (MB): 2,047.3
 Pct Util: 34.5

Node Name: OP_DDS
   Filespace Name: \\op_dds\d$
 FSID: 2
 Platform: WinNT
   Filespace Type: NTFS
Is Filespace Unicode?: Yes
Capacity (MB): 7,718.7
 Pct Util: 10.7

-- server side log from incremental backup --

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANR0403I Session 3475 ended for node OP_DDS (WinNT).

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANE4952I (Session: 3474, Node: OP_DDS)  Total number of
objects inspected:   35,306

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANE4954I (Session: 3474, Node: OP_DDS)  Total number of
objects backed up:1,549

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANE4958I (Session: 3474, Node: OP_DDS)  Total number of
objects updated:  0

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANE4960I (Session: 3474, Node: OP_DDS)  Total number of
objects rebound:  0

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANE4957I (Session: 3474, Node: OP_DDS)  Total number of
objects deleted:  0

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANE4970I (Session: 3474, Node: OP_DDS)  Total number of
objects expired: 98

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANE4959I (Session: 3474, Node: OP_DDS)  Total number of
objects failed:  21

Date/Time: 03/18/04   12:14:39
  Message: ANE4961I (Session: 3474, Node: OP_DDS)  Total number of
bytes transferred: 217.25 MB


Looking for information on Tivoli Data Warehouse

2004-03-23 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I am looking for information on a product that I received along with the
most recent set of CD for TSM.

The product is Tivoli Data Warehouse.

What does it do? what is it for? Is it something I need to install for
I also get CDs for something called Tivoli Monitoring ( we don't use it
as we use BMC) and for  Tivoli Management Frame work ( I think this is
the base component for Tivoli Monitoring; they work together)

I believe I get the software CDs because we are an enterprise edition
user of TSM.

Any information on these products would be gratefully appreciated

Thanks in advance


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

Re: Multiple space reclamation streams

2004-03-29 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
unfortunately it si not possible to run multiple reclamation streams on
a tape pool.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3/29/04 7:45:06 AM >>>
Can I run multiple reclaimation streams on a single tape pool
Where can I RTFM or find the syntax?

TIA ... JC

TSM and Windows 2003 server- Active Directory and system state backups

2004-04-01 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I am running the following environment
AIX 5.1
TSM server

I have 4 new clients coming on line soon that are Windows 2003 server
that have Active Directory installed on them.
I have been asked by my MS team if there is anything we need to do from
the point of view of the TSM client options file or anything else to
make sure that we get a good clean copy of the servers.

Most importantly they are concerned about the Active directory and the
"System State" of the servers being backed up.

Can any one help me out here?

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

Re: ?continue using 3590's or convert to LTO tape?

2004-04-06 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
we are in the process of setting up a High availability/disaster
recovery site and we have decided to go with a LTO library at the remote
site for the copy pool and keep our current 3 frame 3494 with 3590Es as
the primary sequential pool.

the reasoning behind it is that the LTO are great for highspeed
streaming backups (non collocated) (remote access) where the 3590Es are
better at co-located storage and faster at finding and restoring
individual files.

There is also a trade off in physical size, the HA/DR site is not as
large as the primary computer center.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/6/04 9:55:32 AM >>>

I'm going in the direction of the 3592 upgrade for my 3494.  I have an
w/2 drives for an offsite copy pool and I've had more problems with it
the 3590 drives in my 3494 primary storage pool.  I believe the 3592
technology to be much more stable and tested than the LTO models.  I
think IBM will phase out the 3592 line because it's there cash cow.
You pay
$30k for a 3592 or $10k for an LTO why would you phase out your money
Besides large mainframe environments highly use 3590 technology.
Although I
do believe LTO storage capacity will exceed 3592 drives in the near
and upgrades in capacity to 3592 line will be slower than those for

-Original Message-
From: Bob Booth - CITES [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2004 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: ?continue using 3590's or convert to LTO tape?

On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 05:37:52AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ==> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, James R Owen
> > Are you [other sites substantially invested in 3590's] continuing
> > invest in 3590's -or- are you converting to other (LTO?) tape
> 3592.  Mmmm.
> tsm: GLMAIL>q vol T00054
> Volume Name   Storage  Device  EstimatedPct
>   Pool NameClass Name   Capacity   Util
> (MB)
>   ---  --  -  -

> T00054GLMAIL-3592  3592DEV 569,517.6   97.5
> > Is anyone considering/already doing a substantial 3590->LTO
> > If so, we would like to talk with you.
> And it fits in your extant 3494.

Ah.  Careful with this statement.  It does fit, however, you need a
conversion, library manager upgrade, and 3592's and 3590's can't
coexist in
the same frame.

We may not *convert*, but we may move our 3590's out of our L unit,
it, and move in a couple of these babies.  They do look nice, but I
the thought of the dataloss, if one cart gets damaged or fails.


> - Allen S. Rout
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Re: need solutions for offsite storage.

2004-04-08 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
We are currently implementing the first phase of a High Availability/
Disaster recovery Site within 10 miles of our primary location. One of
these HA/DR features is a redundant TSM server and a LTO tape Library.
This Tape library will become the Copypool for the primary onsite tape
library.  The copying will be done over the redundant dark fiber paths
we are installing.

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/8/04 8:13:25 AM >>>

We've heard from people who are pursuing the tradition of sending
tapes offsite.

Is anyone employing any kind of electronic transmission or
electronic vaulting to do away with the archaic trucking model?

Sadly, tapes *can* go astray when given over to an offsite service,
as most notoriously happened recently in Japan:

  Richard Sims

Re: No match found...

2004-04-13 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I would change the Tapepool tapes to Access=readwrite the use the move
data command to move the data off those volumes. This would make the
data on them available for the reclamation process.

You may want to use the move data command to move the data off the
archive pool and offsite pool to other tapes as well. Remember when
moving data from a tape that is not in the tape library to use the
recons parameter in the move data command.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/13/04 12:29:07 PM >>>

If damaged files are on those tapes, what next? I assuming that I have
consolidate this tape (good files) with another tape?

Etienne Brodeur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2004-04-13 11:35
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Re: No match found...

Hi Stephan,

You should not have tapes in OFFPOOL that are unavailable and
especially not in TAPEPOOL!  That means the tapes containing your data
that needs to be reclaimed is not available to TSM, since those
are unavailable.  If you check your activty log you'll see messages
'Volume  required for space reclamation.  Volume is unavailable'

Those tapes probably have write errors which is why they are

You should check those 'TAPEPOOL' volumes to be sure they are in the
library and maybe set them to READONLY and then run an audit on them
see if there really are damaged files there.

Etienne Brodeur
Serti Informatique

Stephan Dinelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
04/13/2004 10:24 AM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Re: No match found...

Here is the result of the Q VOL ACC=UNAVAIL command

Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Administrative Interface - Version 4, Release 2, Level
ANS8000I Server command: 'q vol acc=unavail'

Volume Name   Storage  Device  EstimatedPct

  Pool NameClass Name   Capacity   Util

  ---  --  -  -

099ACYL1  ARCHIVEPOOL  LTOCLASS141,962.7  100.0
101ACYL1  OFFPOOL  LTOCLASSO-  190,734.04.4
104ACYL1  OFFPOOL  LTOCLASSO-  190,734.01.1
162ACYL1  OFFPOOL  LTOCLASSO-  190,734.0   18.2

ANS8002I Highest return code was 0.

Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2004-04-13 10:06
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Re: No match found...

Are you reclamation tasks completing successfully? Also, did anyone
the reuse delay of the OFFPOOL storage pool? Are the tapes in a

I would check to make sure your reclamation tasks are running to
Maybe check to see if you have any onsite tapes that are unavailable?
ACC=UNAVAIL. That would explain why reclamation wasn't completing.

Bill Boyer
DSS, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Stephan Dinelle
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:31 AM
Subject: No match found...


It will be almost 2 weeks now that our TSM server (version 5, release
Level 6.4 for Windows) do not retrieving any "storage=offpool,

We normally had an average of 1 to 2 tapes every day that were
from the offsite storage.

Here is the command:

q vol stg=offpool access=offsite status=empty

Nothing was changed or modified for the last 6 months.

Any clue(s) where to check and what to check?

N.B. IBM Tape library 3583



2004-04-14 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I would use the Move node command to move the data from the original
Copypool to the new copy pool. that way you will not lose any of the
existing data for the nodes you want on the new copy pool.

As far as I know, there is no way to delete just the copy pool version
of data. At least not an easy way. The only way I know is to delete the
volumes containing the data. but prior to that would want to move any
data you don't want deleted to different volumes.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4/14/04 10:36:09 AM

Hi all,

A question about reorganisation of copy_pool.
We have only one copy_pool for all our clients (about 200
unix/w2k/vms/novell-clients). The data of the copy_pool are on our
TSM-server, the connection runs via server-to-server virtual volumes.
Now we want to split the copy_pool. There is no problem to make a
copy_pool for e.g. VMS and W2K, all data of primary pools go to the
copy_pool (so we have the data now three times).
Is there any possibility to delete the data of the VMS and W2K-Clients
the first copy_pool ?

Thanks for help


Re: OT?: 3590 cleaning scheduling

2004-06-04 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
we have a 3494 with 6 3590E1A and we have always let the drives decide
when to clean. I have a script that runs every morning on the AIX box
that has TSM on it and it creates a status report fort the Library and
one of the lines has to do with cleaning left on the cleaning
cartridges. When it gets below 50, I add another cartridge. been working
fine this way since 1998.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/4/04 2:10:28 PM >>>

Lately, I have been noticing lots of "Clean Me" messages in ERRPT of
TSM AIX system, for the 3590E1A drives it uses.

So, I started looking into the setting on the 3494, which controls
cleaning. Currently, it is set to clean by usage (65).

Upon digging through the "IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Tape - A
Guide" Redbook, I found the paragraph:

We recommend that drive cleaning be based on a drive request. Use
time-based cleaning
only if drive usage is very low. For 3590 tape drives, use a value of
mounts to perform
cleaning based on a drive request rather than an initiated library.

So, what do you use to control the cleaning cycle for your 3494/3590
drives ?  Do you follow the above recommendation ?Is this a global
recommendation that can be applied to *ALL* 359x drives ?

Inquiring minds want to know ?

Re: Long pause in the middle of an NT backup.

2004-06-08 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I was under the impression that Journalized backups only work if both
client and server are windows. That journalizing was not possible with
an AIX TSM server.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/8/04 12:42:25 PM >>>
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Anderson, Matt
>I'm experiencing behavior on some NT nodes where, in the middle of a
>scheduled backup, there will be a long pause where no activity seems
>occur. It would appear to occur after the backup of one drive
>finishes, but
>before the next one starts. For example, see this log excerpt from
>06/08/2004 01:30:46 ANS1898I * Processed 1,911,000 files *
>06/08/2004 01:30:47 ANS1898I * Processed 1,916,000 files *
>06/08/2004 01:30:49 ANS1898I * Processed 1,916,500 files *
>06/08/2004 01:31:50 Normal File-->   141,971,832
>\\my-server\f$\PerforceETC\Logs\Log.txt  Changed
>06/08/2004 01:32:34 Retry # 1  Normal File-->   141,971,832
>\\my-server\f$\PerforceETC\Logs\Log.txt [Sent]
>06/08/2004 01:32:34 Successful incremental backup of '\\my-server\f$'
>06/08/2004 07:56:10 ANS1898I * Processed 1,917,000 files *
>06/08/2004 07:56:13 ANS1898I * Processed 1,917,500 files *
>06/08/2004 07:56:15 ANS1898I * Processed 1,918,000 files *
>06/08/2004 07:56:17 ANS1898I * Processed 1,918,500 files *
>There's almost 6.5 hours where no activity was logged in the
>There is a (possibly) corresponding message in the dsmerror.log:
>06/08/2004 01:30:48 win32NpWrite(): Error 233 writing to named pipe
>The client is Windows 2000 running TSM client version
>The TSM server is AIX 5.2 running TSM server version

What's (probably) happening is that TSM is doing a scan of directories
of the drive it's about to backup. If the upcoming drive is as large
the one described in your log excerpt above, that's almost assuredly

Take a look at the TSM Journaling service described in the Window
manual. The use of that should greatly alleviate the delay in backups
(and an even greater delay with large-scale restores).

Mark Stapleton

Re: Redefining drives and paths

2004-06-16 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I am not sure of the 3584 tape system, but on our 3494 tape system,
connected to an AIX box, when a tape drive it taken off line and then
set back to on line, the drive goes into a state of "unknown". The first
time that drive is accessed by the library, it changes state again.

also make sure that the drives and paths are on line.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 6/16/04 10:20:02 AM >>>

Have just had to delete both the paths and drives which we use
TSM backups on an IBM3584 tape library because of issues regarding
not being defined to use LTO2 tapes. Once successfully deleted the
and paths were re-defined in the correct order. However upon redeining
drives thay all appear to have a drive status of unknown. Does anyone
why this happens and more importantly how to rectify this so the
actually shown their correct state   i.e empty or loaded. Will a reboot
the server clear this issue up ?

Any help would be appreciated
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The St. Paul Travelers e-mail system made this annotation on
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Problem Restoring Netware

2003-07-31 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have a client that is trying to restore to a Novell server 

data was saved from Novell 5.1 server to TSM using TSM client 4.2.2 (even tho I have 
repeatedly told them to go to 5.1.X)

novel server was upgraded to Novell 6.0 

some files were missing and they tried to restore using the existing TSM 4.2.2 client.

The restore worked for a while then it failed. After the failure, any attempt to 
restore files to the server, even after upgrading to client 5.1.6 produced a series of 
messages that the files could not be written. 

The TSM environment is a RS/6000 running AIX 4.2.3 

I think maybe the original restore on an unsupported client not designed to support NW 
6 may have caused a problem. 

Any one able to help me understand why it would not restore? Any suggestions?

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

move of Database and Logfile

2003-08-01 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I am in the process of moving the database, log file, and the disc based storage pool 
from SSA drives to a FastT-600.

the move of the storage pools is straight forward adding space on the T-600 and then 
deleting the space from the other drives when the pool is empty

the db and log is what I need help with. 
Has any one done this? what is the best way to do it? any tips, pit falls, or advice 
you can give me is appreciated

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Re: move of Database and Logfile

2003-08-01 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
when you say mirrored, do you mean

on the new storage
create copy of db file using define dbvol
delete dbvol
define DBcopy (syncing to file on old 
after the synicing 
delete dbvol (on the old storage)
does that make the newly created copy the primary? 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/01/03 12:07PM >>>
When we've done this in the past, we've mirrored everything onto the new
volumes and then deleted the old volumes.

At 11:57 AM 8/1/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I am in the process of moving the database, log file, and the disc based
>storage pool from SSA drives to a FastT-600.
>the move of the storage pools is straight forward adding space on the
>T-600 and then deleting the space from the other drives when the pool is empty
>the db and log is what I need help with.
>Has any one done this? what is the best way to do it? any tips, pit falls,
>or advice you can give me is appreciated
>William Fitzgerald
>Software Programmer
>Munson Medical Center

Re: 3590 Upgrades help required .

2003-08-14 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
does anyone have this information for converting from 3590B to the 3590E drives? I 
know I am behind the tech curve, but that's life.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/14/03 09:27AM >>>
> >and I will be free to start running some movedata commands to start
> >consolidating tapes (using the new higher compression).
> ...
> 3590H upgrading is fully covered in the server README file.
> I must apologise for being a bit thick here, but exactly which README is
> this. I can find no reference to necessary steps when upgrading from B1A to
> the H1A 3590 drives in the manuals or the the README file in
> /opt/tivoli/tsm/server etc รก(I'm running TSM on Solaris by the way).

you should have:


and this section goes into conversion strategies in detail:

* $$6 Support for IBM 3590 Model Hxx Tape Drives*

TSM now supports the IBM 3590H Tape drive.

The 3590H tape drive writes data in a new 384 track data tape format.
3590H drives can not write in 3590 128 track format or 3590E 256 track
format however, they can read data from the tapes previously written in
128 track format on 3590 drives or 256 track format on 3590E drives.

With new 3590H drives available, the existing 3494 libraries with 3590/3590E
drives may either be completely upgraded with 3590H drives or they may
have an intermix configuration (3590, 3590E and 3590H drives).

TSM administrators must follow certain rules to transition from old
3590/3590E drives to new 3590H drives and/or maintain both kinds of
drives within the same physical library.

Minimum Configurations:

Device Driver level:  Atape. ( 

Tape formats for 3590H:
  - 3590H-B - uncompressed mode (similar to 3590E-B)
  - 3590H-C - compressed mode (similar to 3590E-C)
  - DRIVE   - the most advanced available format
  Note: For 3590E and 3590H tape drives the most
advanced formats are respectively 3590E-C and 3590H-C

 1. All 3590/3590E drives within physical library are upgraded
with 3590H drives at the same time.

Consider an example with one 3590/3590E drive physically
defined as /dev/rmt0. Assume that there were originally
defined devclass, logical library, and
storage pool for 3590 drive.
There were also some volumes (tape cartridges) checked
in the library with data written on that drive.
Replaced 3590/3590E drive with 3590H drive.

Steps below will allow you to use the new 3590H drives
with minimum changes to TSM server:

 - Using SMIT utility or manually, remove /dev/rmt0 device
 example: rmdev -l 'rmt0' '-d;
 - Using SMIT utility or manually, define the 3590H device
 example: mkdev -c tape -t '3590' -s 'scsi' -p 'scsi0'
-w '0,0' -l 'rmt0';
 - Run TSM server (dsmserv);
 - Issue TSM command: UPDate DEVclass devclassname FORMAT=DRIVE
 update devclass devclass_3590 FORMAT=DRIVE;
 - Issue TSM command: DELete DRive libname drivename
 delete drive lib_3590 drive_3590;
 - Issue TSM command:
 DEFine DRive libname drivename DEVIce=devicename
 define drive lib_3590 drive_3590 device=/dev/rmt0;
 - Users must update storage pool volumes to have ACCESS=READONLY
   under the following conditions.  Users do not have to follow
   this procedure for database backup, dump or export volumes.

   For storage pool volumes:
   1) The volume currently has READWRITE access.
   2) The volume was previously written on 3590 drive.
   For example,

   This also applies to DRM-managed copy storage pool volumes that
   are in the MOUNTABLE state.

   For DRM-managed volumes that are not available to the TSM server
   (i.e., the volumes are not in MOUNTABLE state), the user does
   not need to take any action.  If copy storage pool volumes are
   brought back on-site to recover the ADSM server, the COPYSTGPOOL
   VOLUMES AVAILABLE macro will update the access of the copy
   storage pool volumes to READONLY.

   For any other off-site volume (ACCESS=OFFSITE), the user must
   update the access to READONLY after the volumes are brought
   back on-site.

 2. Intermix of 3590/3590E and 3590H drives in a single 3494 library

Consider an example of a physical library with
one 3590/3590E drive defined  on /dev/rmt0 and
a new 3590H drive defined on /dev/rmt1.
Assume that there were originally defined devclass,
logical library, and storage pool for 3590/3590E drives.
With addition of a new 3590H drive to the
library that already has 3590/3590E drives in it, new DEVCLASS,
new logical LIBRARY, an

Re: IBM is not eating their own dog food

2003-08-22 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
Lets be truthful, IT really stinks as a support tool. 
Does anyone actually like the site? I doubt it. IBM, in their rush to control access 
to the software has destroyed a great support site and replaced it with junk. 

having to jump thru all of IBMs hoops and still not being able to find what I need is 
my grievance. What they need is to go back to the site format that Tivoli had. I cant 
even find a list of clients and what level of OS they support.. 

Are you listening IBM 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/22/03 09:26AM >>>
Yes, it is awkward getting into the support sites for patches and info.
I got so many userid's and passwords, and each place thinks they are
important enough in my life to remembers thiers!

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/21/03 05:44PM >>>
I am not asking for advice or help but want to discuss am I the only
person seeing the symptom.
Today I've got it trying to look different libraries. Supported
list does not require authorization but library element addresses are
protected (maybe again SCO is having IP claims :-)).
Visiting IBM support site (not only for TSM) every now and then I am
facing an ugly message:
"We apologize for this inconvenience. Please wait a few minutes and
try your request again. If the problem persists, please use our
assistance page to report it. "

It seems that with introduction of single-logon and single-id ideology
introduced another bottleneck or single point of failure. And recalling
2-3 years old analysis I can remember a statement that IBM is one of
companies which do not eat their own dog food - in this case IBM is
selling high-performance and high-availability solutions to customers
their own systems are not in this class.

BTW: for all IBMers reading the list - I am sick to death of IBM web
support irresponsibility and abandoned any attempts to report
problems. This one also will *not* receive my click on that stupid

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

Re: IBM is not eating their own dog food

2003-08-27 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I agree.
With the old Tivoli site I could find anything I needed in a few minutes, no log ins, 
no dead links, no fuss, no mess, no junk.

I don't want to have to go through all the sales material to find what I need. 

I don't want to have to search through a hundred database entries to find what client 
I need to load on a given platform and more hoops to download the client I need. 

And if you call them on the phone and tell them that you need information they will 
tell you that it is on the website. If you try to explain that you cant find it on the 
website, you are given a URL to make comments about the site 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/27/03 02:55AM >>>

I really do not know how to interpret your comment. Does it mean we
shouldn't complain and must be happy with current IBM junk on the site
just because their major competitors are worse??? In our rapidly changing
world, this may quickly approve a new leader coming from nowhere.

One TSM selling mantra is saying that NetBackup is still leading but TSM
growth is better and TSM is eating NetBackup's market share. What if IBM
becomes in that same situation - to lose market because they lost the
connection to the reality!! It will hit them where it really hurts - the
big bucks. A TSM entusiast will make his way out of IBM site's jungle but
an ordinary admin at a company will have no time to waste. Recently I have
done what a *prospective* customer would do - check for TSM supported
devices without using password. It was a real nightmare - I've spent half
hour digging to find a way through the links and hit about ten times the
lock and login.

The site is having bad ergonomics, it is slow, overloaded, ugly, stinks,
etc. I can find too many ways to express my frustration.
In short-term I can benefit from the situation, providing paid support to
our customers for nearly everything. But in long-term the customers will
rush away and both we and IBM will lose.

Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant

"Stapleton, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
27.08.2003 07:05
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Re: IBM is not eating their own dog food

From: Jolliff, Dale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>Obviously not, they lost the $$$ types with the licensing
>shuffles and now the techie types with the abysmal support site.


Have you ever been to the Veritas site? the Legato one? How about
ArcServe, or BrightStore?

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627

help needed include/exclude/rebind

2003-08-28 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have a client running Sun Solaris 5.8  with client version 5.1.5
TSM server is AIX 4.3.3 running TSM

Below is the  include/exclude list from the  dsm.sys

   include * shared_dynamic_60
   include /adsmorc/.../* database_class
   include /dev/.../* database_class
   include /udb/.../* database_class
   include /MOUNT/.../* database_0
   include /usr1/.../* database_0

   exclude /tmp/.../*

we recently add the last two includes, stopped and started the client, and the objects 
were rebound. 

my problem is that in the expire inventory process i get this

08/27/03 15:02:02 ANR4391I Expiration processing node PACSARCH_SOLARIS, 
   filespace /usr1/GATE, fsId 7, domain STANDARD, and   
   management class SHARED_DYNAMIC_60 - for BACKUP type 
08/27/03 15:02:03 ANR4391I Expiration processing node PACSARCH_SOLARIS, 
   filespace /usr1/EXPORT, fsId 8, domain STANDARD, and 
   management class SHARED_DYNAMIC_60 - for BACKUP type 
08/27/03 15:02:04 ANR4391I Expiration processing node PACSARCH_SOLARIS, 
   filespace /MOUNT/MISC, fsId 9, domain STANDARD, and  
   management class SHARED_DYNAMIC_60 - for BACKUP type 
08/27/03 15:02:05 ANR4391I Expiration processing node PACSARCH_SOLARIS, 
   filespace /usr1/ICACHE/1, fsId 10, domain STANDARD, and  
   management class SHARED_DYNAMIC_60 - for BACKUP type 

notice that the management class is not what the include says it should be. 

Am i doing something wrong?


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Re: Tsm not using drives

2003-09-05 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
do a "q path" to see if all the tape drive paths are online. 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/05/03 10:10AM >>>
Have a devclass 3590 with mountlimit=4.  However, when doing migration, I never see 
more than three drives in use.  Even though I seem to have available mountpoints, 
always there is at least one process waiting for mountpoint.

I do a "q mount" and never shows all four in use.

TSM v5.1.6.2 on solaris 2.8, library is 3494 with four 3590b drives.

All drives show on-line and available from "q dr".

Any ideas of where to start looking?

Gary Lee
Senior Operating Systems Analyst
Ball State University
phone 765-285-1310

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Slow Backup of Solaris Client

2003-09-18 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have a client server a sun micro system running Solaris 5.6 with a TSM client of 

TSM is running on a AIX 4.3.3 with TSM

network is 100 megabit

this client is running extremely slow backups. over a 24 hour period it has only been 
able to backup 16 gig. 

This is the only server that is running slow. I have over 150 servers, of various 
types including one other Solaris, using TSM,

Anyone have any ideas?


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Re: TSM and DR

2003-09-19 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
very true. 

we do a DB backup every day after all the copying and migration is done. 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/19/03 01:28PM >>>
If someone has not taken a TSM DB backup for 3 months, they weren't
really serious about DR in the first place.

Steve Schaub
Systems Engineer
Haworth, Inc
616-393-1457 (desk)
616-412-0544 (numeric page)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (text page)

-Original Message-
From: Gerald Wichmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 1:19 PM
Subject: TSM and DR

Say for a moment you're faced with recovering a TSM server in a DR
situation. You have your DB backup and copypool tapes and perform a
database recovery. If that DB was created back in January and it's now
March, isn't there a potential for objects getting expired the first
time you start the TSM server? E.g. when the TSM server is started it
typically performs an expire inventory as part of that sequence. I would
imagine that now that it's 2 months later, would it therefore start
expiring objects that you probably don't want to have expired?

If not, why not?
If so, whats the appropriate step to take before starting the TSM server
(or perhaps even before recovering the DB) to ensure expire inventory
doesn't ruin your recovery? I recall there being an option in
dsmserv.opt that allows you to turn off automatic expire inventory. That
seems like a good idea.. but what if there was an admin schedule that
runs expire inventory back then and you happen to start the recovery
while in the schedule's window?

I think you can see what I'm getting at with all this. I want to make
sure all my bases are covered..

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notify the sender immediately by telephone or directly reply to the
original message(s) sent.  Thank you.

Backup Storage Pool Process

2003-09-24 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have a situation that is puzzling me and maybe some one here can enlighten me as to 
why it is happening 

I am running  AIX 4.3.3 TSM with a 3494 library with 4 3590B extended 
drives(soon to be replaced with E) 

when I am running the backup of my primary disc storage pool to tape, I use a max 
process of 4. I make sure that there are plenty of scratch tapes available and that 
the max scratch value for the copy pool is larger than the used. so tapes are 
available. the copy pool is non collocated.

What I am trying to find out is why
4 processes start correctly and run. over time, the jobs end successfully so I end up 
with only one drive backing up data. The jobs that complete do so when there is still 
data to be copied to tape.

Why would they end if there are tapes available and data to be copied? 

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

empting a read only tape.

2003-10-03 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
Does anyone know if a tape in read only status becomes a scratch tape when it is 
emptied by expiration or reclamation?

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Windows Server 2003 and TSM

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
My company is moving to use Windows server 2003 Active directory. 

Is there a TDP for backing up serves using this?

What is the process for backing up a server using Active directory on a Win 2003 


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Upgrading to TSM 5.2 on a AIX 4.3.3

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
operating system AIX 4.3.3
TSM server software level 5.1.65
IBM 3494 Tape Library with 4 3590B upgrading to 6 3590E 

Can I upgrade to TSM Server 5.2.X without upgrading to AIX 5.X?

Is TSM Serve 5.2 a 32 or 64 bit application?

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Re: Upgrading to TSM 5.2 on a AIX 4.3.3

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
Interestingly enough, I went to the technical documentation on the TSM website and 
looked at the installation information, and it says that it can be run on 4.3.3. 

in the quick start document under system requirements. 

i am not disagreeing with you, I am looking for information. 
What is the problem of ITSM 5.2 and AIX 4.3.3?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/14/03 08:57AM >>>
I just asked this question less than a week ago.

The answer is a resounding ***NO***.

ITSM 5.2 AIX SERVER requires AIX 5.x.

Bill Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/14/2003 07:48 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Upgrading to TSM 5.2 on a AIX 4.3.3

operating system AIX 4.3.3
TSM server software level 5.1.65
IBM 3494 Tape Library with 4 3590B upgrading to 6 3590E

Can I upgrade to TSM Server 5.2.X without upgrading to AIX 5.X?

Is TSM Serve 5.2 a 32 or 64 bit application?

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Re: Upgrading to TSM 5.2 on a AIX 4.3.3

2003-10-14 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
thank you for the time and most helpful information. 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/14/03 09:24AM >>>
That seems to be the issue..incomplete/incorrect documentation.

Here is the message I posted and the response I received:


This sentence means that it will NOT INSTALL. (it won't be supported
either).   :)

At 08:54 AM 10/9/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>Based on the sentence:   "Based on IBM support for AIX 4.x Operating
>systems being withdrawn
>December 2003 ITSM V5R2 is not supported on AIX 4.x Operating Systems."
>does this mean that it also won't INSTALL/RUN on AIX 4.3.3 ?  or can we
>install/run TSM 5.2 on AIX 4.3.3 and it just isn't SUPPORTED ?
>Sam Giallanza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>10/08/2003 05:48 PM
>Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
> cc:
> Subject:New TSM Flash #10251
>TSM Community,
>Please see the new Flash text below.
>Registration to "My Support page"  will automate the Flash notification
>information you are now receiving.
>Flash 10251 Text:
>   Abstract: Installation of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V5R2 requires AIX
>   5.1 ML1 or higher levels of AIX
>  Who is Effected:
>  IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Version 5, Release 2 customers using AIX 4 .
>  Problem:
>  Installation of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V5R2 requires AIX 5.1 ML1 or
>  higher levels of AIX.
>  Based on IBM support for AIX 4.x Operating systems being withdrawn
>  December 2003 ITSM V5R2 is not supported on AIX 4.x Operating Systems.
>  GA Publications and README files do not identify the change in AIX and
>  ITSM Support. Future releases of ITSM Publications and README files
>  no longer list AIX 4 as a supported platform.
>  Recommendation:
>  To install and use IBM Tivoli Storage Manager v5r2 for AIX, first
>  your Operating system to AIX 5.1 ML1 or later.
>One or more of the following URL links (depending on the selected
>for the document) will show you the document:
>Sam J. Giallanza
>Tivoli Certified Consultant
>Pervasive Issues Manager
>Product Performance Customer Satisfaction (PPCS)
>520.799.5512 - T/L 321.5512
>Our new web Support site and KB is at :

Dave Canan
TSM Performance
IBM Advanced Technical Support

Bill Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/14/2003 09:19 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Re: Upgrading to TSM 5.2 on a AIX 4.3.3

Interestingly enough, I went to the technical documentation on the TSM
website and looked at the installation information, and it says that it
can be run on 4.3.3. 

in the quick start document under system requirements.

i am not disagreeing with you, I am looking for information.
What is the problem of ITSM 5.2 and AIX 4.3.3?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/14/03 08:57AM >>>
I just asked this question less than a week ago.

The answer is a resounding ***NO***.

ITSM 5.2 AIX SERVER requires AIX 5.x.

Bill Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
10/14/2003 07:48 AM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

Subject:Upgrading to TSM 5.2 on a AIX 4.3.3

operating system AIX 4.3.3
TSM server software level 5.1.65
IBM 3494 Tape Library with 4 3590B upgrading to 6 3590E

Can I upgrade to TSM Server 5.2.X without upgrading to AIX 5.X?

Is TSM Serve 5.2 a 32 or 64 bit application?

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Database backup retention.

2003-10-28 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
what controls the retention period for the database backups? and how do I change it?

William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Re: Upgraded Tape Drives and Scratch Tapes

2003-11-05 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
actually I just did a migration from 4 3590B to 6 3590E

You do not have to change access on all tapepool tapes to read-only, only the ones 
with the status of FILLING although doing it to the entire pool will not cause any 
problems. you will however have to move the data from the filling volumes to new 
volumes using the move data command as TSM does not reclaim space from tapes in the 
primary sequential pool in the filling mode. 

I checked out all the scratch and then checked them back in just to be safe. 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/05/03 10:14AM >>>
Hi again all

TSM on Solaris 2.7

Tomorrow we are having our B1A drives upgraded to H1A (housed in a 3494
library). Once this has been done, I understand that I will need to mark
all TAPEPOOL volumes as readonly (see prev post), but can I assume that I
need to relable all the scratch tapes that are in the lib at present, so
that they use the new formatting?

Many thanks again

All the best

Farren Minns - John Wiley & Sons

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Re: Upgraded Tape Drives and Scratch Tapes

2003-11-06 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
we found that we had to delete the devices from the TSM and recreate them as the TSM 
still thought that the drives were 3590B's 

Do a "show library"  command from a TSM command line and look for the drive 

I have a doc that was sent to me by Tivoli about the problem if you want it. 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/06/03 09:47AM >>>
Hi TSMers

TSM running on Solaris 2.7

Regarding the upgrade from B1A to H1A tape drives (housed in a 3494

The drives and library code are being upgraded as I speak (or type).
Yesterday I upgraded the IBMtape level to and the lmcpd code to, so I can assume that I'm pretty up to date here. Can I also
assume, that all being well the OS will pick up these devices itself and
assign it the necessary device special file names. I know it does normally,
but being H1A devices I just want to check.

Also, is there any real reason to create a new device class within TSM or
will the following device configuration still be correct.

/* Device Configuration */
DEVICE=/dev/rmt/0stc ONLINE=YES
DEVICE=/dev/rmt/1stc ONLINE=YES

Thanks in advance

All the best

Farren Minns - John Wiley & Sons
||   Bill Fitzgerald ||
||   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  ||
||   Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor   |   To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
||   Manager"|   cc:  |
||   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |   Subject:Re: Upgraded |
||   |   Tape Drives and Scratch Tapes|
||   11/05/2003 04:28 PM ||
||   Please respond to "ADSM:||
||   Dist Stor Manager"  ||
||   ||

actually I just did a migration from 4 3590B to 6 3590E

You do not have to change access on all tapepool tapes to read-only, only
the ones with the status of FILLING although doing it to the entire pool
will not cause any problems. you will however have to move the data from
the filling volumes to new volumes using the move data command as TSM does
not reclaim space from tapes in the primary sequential pool in the filling

I checked out all the scratch and then checked them back in just to be

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/05/03 10:14AM >>>
Hi again all

TSM on Solaris 2.7

Tomorrow we are having our B1A drives upgraded to H1A (housed in a 3494
library). Once this has been done, I understand that I will need to mark
all TAPEPOOL volumes as readonly (see prev post), but can I assume that I
need to relable all the scratch tapes that are in the lib at present, so
that they use the new formatting?

Many thanks again

All the best

Farren Minns - John Wiley & Sons

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Used 3590 J type tapes available

2003-12-02 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
We have recently upgrade our tape drives from 3590 B to 3590E and are in the process 
of converting over to all K type tapes. 

Currently I have about 220 used K type tapes that I am trying to dispose of. 

Are these of value to anyone? If you are interested in discussing these tapes send me 
an email 



William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

Used 3590 J type tapes available

2003-12-02 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
Sorry for the double post, I mistyped the first one.

We have recently upgrade our tape drives from 3590 B to 3590E and are in the process 
of converting over to all K type tapes. 

Currently I have about 220 used J type tapes that I am trying to dispose of. 

Are these of value to anyone? If you are interested in discussing these tapes send me 
an email 



William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

DRM and checkin

2003-12-04 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
If I take a copypool volume and insert it into my tape library and run the checkin 
process and check it in as a private volume will the DRM Manager update the status of 
the volume?

What I am trying to do is figure out the best way to move data that is in the copypool 
 from  J type tapes to K type tapes. 

I could do it with the move data using a reconstruct=yes, but this is quite slow. I 
was thinking I could load a few of the copy pool tapes into the library, copy the data 
to a higher capacity tape, then use the Move DRMedia command to move it the newly 
filled tape to vault status

Does this sound like it is possible? 


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

TSM 5.2.1 questions

2003-12-11 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I just upgraded my system to TSM on AIX 5.1

I have a few questions that maybe you all can help me with.

1. Is the operational monitoring tool available for this release? I cant seem to find 
it or any reference to it 

2. I didn't get a copy of the system documentation on CD like I did with 5.1.5 any 
idea why? where can I get the documentation? 

3. Any idea when IBM/Tivoli will fix the problem with the q proc display? 

Thanks for your help in advance


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

Re: tape drive errors

2003-12-11 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I just had this same error on a AIX 5.1 using a 3494 tape lib with 3590E drives. 

we found that the only solution that worked was to delete and redefine the device 
description in the AIX environment. you can also try cycling your server. 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/11/03 02:47PM >>>
We have a shared 3584 LTO library.  We are getting the following errors:

Was logged as a hardware problem but may need to open it up as a TSM problem.  No 
errors show up with "errpt -a" on the AIX server.

12/11/03 13:13:36 ANR8779E Unable to open drive /dev/rmt3, error number=6.
12/11/03 13:20:41 ANR8779E Unable to open drive /dev/rmt5, error number=6.


Explanation - The drive cannot be opened by the server.  In AIX, error number is the 
value of errno returned by the operating system.

System Action - The transaction needing the drive fails.

User Response - User error number in conjunction with operating system documentation 
to narrow the scope of the cause.  Inspect the drive.  Ensure the dirve is powered on 
and ready, the cables are properly connected and terminated and that the device is 
properly configured to the operating system.

The drives have been cleaned, power cycled, etc.

Has anyone seen this or have any ideas?

> Kathie
> Kathie Foresti
> Lockheed Martin Corporation
> Enterprise Information Systems
> Phone (315)456-1941

Auditing Offsite volume

2003-12-12 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have a volume in my copypool that is a problem

it is access=offsite

it will not reclaim and if I try to delete it, it say it is empty offsite and can not 
be delete

I know that there is a way to Audit this volume while it is still offsite 

how do I do that? 


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center


2004-01-05 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
My users have recently upgraded to Novell 6.5 on many of the Novel serves and they are 
having problems with the backups failing to complete

We are running TSM 5.2.13 on an AIX 5.1 server 

Is there a problem with NETWARE 6.5 and TSM at this level 

thanks for your help 


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

TSM 5.2. X Clients and Windows XP

2004-01-06 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have several Users that are running Windows XP desk top and they tell me that when 
they install a client on a server (NT,XP,Novell) the client install attempts to 
install Sun Java on the workstation When this happens, and they try to run the GUI 
interface to the server, the interface locks up. They also tell me that there is a 
problem with other applications failing 

here are the facts

AIX 5.1
TSM Server 5.2.13
TSM Clients 5.X
Desk top is Windows XP SP1

How can we fix this so they can use the GUI interface?

Thanks in advance 


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

Re: Netware upgrade to 6.5 and TSM client upgrade 5.2.2

2004-02-05 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
there is a problem with the client 5.2.2 and the NLM from NW

In late December and early January we were having the same problem 

After working with IBM and Novell, the NW people installed a service pac 

the service pac that the NW people installed had these NLMs

TSAFS.NLM v 6.50.06 December 4, 2003
SMDR.NLM  v 6.54 December 1, 2003

you may also wish to go to the TSM FTP site and download the latest version of the TSM 
Client for Novell 

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/05/04 09:28AM >>>
Hi Gang, wish I could repay you guys for all your help you have given me
in the past, but once again, need some help please.

We have just upgraded our NetWare servers to 6.5. In the process, we
are also upgrading the TSM client to 5.2.2. The backups seem to be
running ok, but I am getting a "Sytem program Error" that I can't find a
answer to. Below are my logs from a Client we just upgraded both the OS
and the TSM client. You will see after the Jan. 3rd backup, that we
start seeing a lot more errors, which most are just open files. But in
both the DSMerror.log and the dsmsched.log, you will see the System
program error. I will also include my Dsm.opt file as well.Thanks
for all your help...

Thanks, Mark Hayden
Informations Systems Analyst

TSM Operational Reporting help

2004-02-12 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
Can any one point me to documentation as to the OS requirements for the
ITSM operational Reporting tool?

I have tried to install it on a WinNT 4 server several times and each
time it freezes up.
The Win NT server person wants to see documentation as to the supported

Can anyone help me?



William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center


2004-02-19 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
one of the text documents describes the process of migration fro the
Driver 7 to the GA version. I have not heard of a GA version before.
What is a GA version, and how do I go about getting a copy of it.

I would rather install the latest version than install a beta driver
version and then have to update.

Any one know what is going on here?

I have scanned through all my TSM V 5.2 CDs and find nothing on
Operational Reporting.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/19/04 09:32AM >>>
There is a powerpoint presentation on the ftp site that convers
installation and configuration, as well as the driver7 executable that
installs on a windows machine.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 2/19/2004 8:51:11 AM >>>
thanks, i know that but someone has said that it comes with TSM 5.2
where ? on CD's ?


- Original Message -
From: "rh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2004 2:41 PM


> --- goran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi to all ...
> >
> > if someone can explain this to me, operational
> > reporting comes with tsm 5.2
> > ? what means that "comes with", where can i find it
> > ?
> >
> > thanks
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard - Read only the mail you want.

Re: TSM Operational Reporting Information - part 2 of 2

2004-02-20 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
Please clarify something for me.

I am running TSM 5.2.13 on an AIX 5.1 system
TOR would be running on a Win2003 server

is the GA version of TSM Operational Reporting compatible with this set

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/20/04 02:32AM >>>
Here is some download information for TSM operational reporting.


Note that the PowerPoint presentation (same one that's been available)
located with the migration tool ref below is still a good source of
info.  The readme that goes with the 5.2.2 (tsmrept_readme.txt)
version is a good source and so is the online help that goes with the
migration tool - has some useful QA's. Operational reporting is also
covered in the quick start and admin guide for 5.2.2 available at:

Download Information:

Operational reporting is included with TSM 5.2.2 as part of the
Windows TSM server packaging.  You can get it via the tivoli web site
under the 5.2.2 windows downloads or directly from the ftp site at:

The standalone operational reporting package is named
tsmcon5220_win.exe.  It is also included in the TSM Windows server and
Windows storage agent packages.  If operational reporting is to run on
the same machine as a TSM Windows server or storage agent you'll need
to upgrade the server or storage agent to 5.2.2 as (unlike the beta)
the standalone version can't be installed on the same machine as a TSM
server or storage agent. If you want to install operational reporting
on any other windows machine you should install the standalone version.

NOTE: The TSM patch includes fixes a nested HTML table problem,
color coding in client schedule section, and text formatting issues. You
may want to apply this patch or just install it to begin with.

- IC38910 5698ISMSV 52W
- IC38913 5698ISMSV 52W


If you have been using the beta or technology preview version of
operational reporting there is a migration tool available at the
following location.

The migration package is named tsmmigrate.exe and there is a
readme_migrate.txt file there too that describes how to get started.
When you start the migration tool a detailed help file will be
displayed that covers details as well as some common questions and
answers - including a good description of using the windows scheduler
to get better scheduling granularity.

Best Regards,

Mike Collins
Tivoli Storage Product Architecture

Re: Format Question

2004-02-24 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have the same problem using the GUI and the command line if I do a q
I am running TSM 5.2.13 on a AIX 5.1 box

do I need to stop the TSM server software prior to running the suggested

Thanks in advance


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/24/04 01:27PM >>>
Did you run

 dsmserv runfile dsmserv.idl

after your upgrade? If not, do so and see if the problem persists.

Mark Stapleton

-Original Message-
From: Sam Rudland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 2/24/2004 07:39
Subject: Format Question

So this is not really a problem for me but since updating my TSM
to 5.1.8 I have noticed in the web interface that the format of
when I issue a "q proc" is distorted. Has anyone else seen this??



TSM and Windows 98

2004-03-08 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have 3 clients that are currently using Windows 98se and have
standalone applications that cannot  run on the Novell network.
They need to be backed up automatically on a daily basis, but because
the information on them is highly sensitive (we are a hospital) the
desktop can not be left signed on 24X7. Even a password protected screen
saver is not really acceptable as far as the data security people are

If there a way to run the Windows 9X client and still have the PC not
signed on? As a "service"?

Thanks in advance


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

Re: TSM and Windows 98

2004-03-08 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I realize this to be the case. But as TSM administrator, I was/am
obligated to ask the question just so I have the information. Have to
cover all the bases as it were. In truth, I hope this will force them
into going to XP pro as the desktop or spend the money and migrate the
application to the Novell network servers.

Again, I think you for confirming what I thought to be the truth.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 03/08/04 10:15AM >>>
> If there a way to run the Windows 9X client and still
> have the PC not signed on? As a "service"?

In answer to your question, no.

I'm sure I'm stating the obvious, but Windows 9x is certainly not the
platform for highly sensitive data. My advice would be to move the data
an NT-based (or other secure) operating system.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

Bill Fitzgerald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/08/2004 08:06
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"


TSM and Windows 98

I have 3 clients that are currently using Windows 98se and have
standalone applications that cannot  run on the Novell network.
They need to be backed up automatically on a daily basis, but because
the information on them is highly sensitive (we are a hospital) the
desktop can not be left signed on 24X7. Even a password protected screen
saver is not really acceptable as far as the data security people are

If there a way to run the Windows 9X client and still have the PC not
signed on? As a "service"?

Thanks in advance


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
TSM Administrator
Munson Medical Center

Tape Supplier

2002-10-08 Thread Bill Fitzgerald

I am looking for help in locating a good supplier of tapes for My TSM system

I am running a 4.2.2 TSM environment under AIX 4.3.3 
I have 4 3590E1A drives in a 3594 robotic library

Can anyone suggest a supplier for the extended High performance Tapes?


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

Re: query storage group

2002-10-16 Thread Bill Fitzgerald

Your situation is similar to one I had when I first took over Administrating our TSM. 

the PCT Migr is the Percent that can be migrated. This is lower than the 70 percent 
High Migration Threshold. Therefore no migration can take place. 

To  get some space back, set the high and low to 0 and let all the data that can be 
migrated be moved.  Then reset the values to something more reasonable for your setup. 

Turning off the caching will help migrate data, but remember that the files will 
remain in cache until they reach expiration. 

Hope this helps


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/16/02 09:24AM >>>
When I run a Query Storage Group ( Q stg) on the Disk Pool, I get the following 
(puzzling) results

Name: Diskpool
Device: Disk
Capactity: 15 gig
Pct Util: 92.1
Pct Migr: 54.2
High Mig: 70
Low Mig: 40

   My question is, If my Migration parameters are 70/40 (and there is no migration in 
progress) why do I have a 92% utilized and a 54% migrated? I just had the thought that 
this could be because we have caching turned on. Is this correct?

   As a side note, has anyone had problems with caching slowing things down rather 
than speeding them up?

Thanks, Doug

Douglas C. Nelson
Distributed Computing Consultant
Alltel Information Services
Chittenden Data Center
2 Burlington Square
Burlington, Vt. 05401

Re: OK IBM _ ENOUGH ALREADY with the IBM/Tivoli TSM website -

2002-10-23 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
well have had a few minutes to check out the NEW website and I will say this,

It is an obvious ploy by IBM to force TSM users to register with them to be able to 
download and updates/fixes.

go there 
select  Downloads under self help

notice on the displayed page that it is now ITSM not TSM. 

Select any "ptf"  and you will be asked to sign in. 

Thank goodness the ftp site works 

and if you go to 
and select link to old page, you can get to the old html support download page. 

This is another one of IBMs NOT so swift ideas..

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/23/02 03:49PM >>>
> The new IBM/Tivoli Storage Manager pages are now Circular, and have been
> that way for days.
> We RELY on the web pages to do client downloads.
> DOES ANYBODY KNOW who we can call to get this mess straigtened out?!?
> I've had people from Tivoli asking ME how to get to the downloads page -
> WHY don't you ever ask WHAT YOUR CUSTOMERS NEED BEFORE screwing with this
> stuff?!?

I wanted to let everyone know that the parties controlling this
have been notified and they are currently looking into the issue.

The migration from to has been a large effort
and some things are obviously not quite right yet.

We are sorry for any problems this has caused you.



Del Hoobler
IBM Corporation

- Never cut what can be untied.
- Commit yourself to constant improvement.

Re: Transferring data from an old server to a new one.

2002-10-22 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
One possibility is to connect your old tape drives or the equivalent to the new 
system, define them as a separate library if that is what you are using, and then 
restore the database to the new server.

Once they are connected, you can used the move data or move node command to transfer 
the data from the old tapes to the new tapes. 

Then when all the data is moved, remove the old drives from the system. 

time necessary to do the moves may exceed the 5 week time frame
cost of connecting the old drives to the new server.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/22/02 10:35AM >>>

We are (finally) doing some upgrades to our TSM system to bring it up to
date (and onto a support version of the software).  We are planning to go
from to 5.1.5.x.

Now we will be implementing the new TSM server on a new physical server and
using new tape hardware (IBM 3584). Then we can migrate our client systems
across from the old server to the new one.

Our problem is what to do with the data currently in the old system.  We
need to be able to restore from any point in the last 5 weeks.

Now, I'm sure people have come across this before, what is the best way of
doing this?
Our initial thoughts were:

1). transfer the data across to the new systems in some way, (server to
server connection) ... but we aren't really sure how to do this, (I've done
something like it but that was on a course 12 months ago and in a much
smaller scale).

2). repoint the client, if a restore is needed, to the old server ... but
then we get into issues with software level compatibility's between
different client and server releases, (e.g. a 5.1.x client restoring off of
a 3.7.4 server) and complications due to using TDP's for Oracle and Domino.

Has anyone else been in this situation and what method did they use to get
around it?



Tim Hempstead, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Unix Technical Specialist

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Question about 4.2.2 to 5.1.X upgrade problem

2002-10-11 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
Could some one explain to me what the problem is with the "system objects", 
expiration, and upgrading to 5.1.X

Is this a problem caused by 4.2.2? 

what is going on?

Thanks in advance.


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center

question about scheduling

2002-11-18 Thread Bill Fitzgerald
I have set up a schedule to run ever 3 months with a day of the week being Saturday. 
If I were to use a start date on of 11/23/2002, the second execution would be on 
12/28/2002 as, according to the manul, TSM sets the start time ahead 24 hours until 
the day of the week selection would equal Saturday

My question 
part a, does this work
part b. does TSM remember that the start date was the 23 for all future executions or 
does the 28th become the new start date?


William Fitzgerald
Software Programmer
Munson Medical Center