linux TSM4.2.1: backup problem w/ ext2

2002-03-22 Thread Christian Glaser

hello all,

i have a problem with my linux-client, TSM-server is 4.1.4

[urmel@moby urmel]$ uname -a
Linux 2.4.9-6custom #1 SMP Tue Oct 30 11:41:02 CET
2001 i686 unknown

[urmel@moby urmel]$ dsmc
Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup Client Interface - Version 4, Release 2, Level 1.0
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation, 1990, 2001, All Rights Reserved.

i recently noticed this entries in my dsmerror.log:
03/21/2002 16:51:05 TransErrno: Unexpected error from lstat, errno = 9
after some investigation it was clear that some files/dirs never got
backed up following this error-msgs.
this error seems to inidcate a bad filedescriptor.

so i made a filesystemcheck assuming the error there.
[root@moby /root]# fsck /dev/hda5
Parallelizing fsck version 1.23 (15-Aug-2001)
e2fsck 1.23, 15-Aug-2001 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
/dev/hda5 is mounted.

WARNING!!!  Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause
SEVERE filesystem damage.

Do you really want to continue (y/n)? yes

/home was not cleanly unmounted, check forced.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes

Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/home: 33232/2424832 files (43.4% non-contiguous), 4580356/4843589
nothing suspicious here.

i thought the error must be on client-system side as it is an error by the
'lstat' system function. but how come that the fsck went fine and no other
programs are compaining - at least as far as i noticed it yet.

any hel appreciated.

best regards /
mit freundlichen gruessen
christian glaser
  T-systems Solutions for Research GmbH
c/o DLR - 8234 oberpfaffenhofen   tel: ++49 +8153/28-1156
  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   fax:28-1136

Questions concerning size of DB (AIX 4.3.3; ADSM 3.1 or TSM 4.1)

2001-07-06 Thread Christian Glaser

hi *SM'ers,

currently we're having ADSM 3.1/AIX4.3 with an 9.5GB DB.
this DB is 90% full.

us is told not to increase the size as a DB-audit would take more than 30
hours, and this is a production system.

- what effects the duration of an DB-audit:
  the used pages or the total usable pages

- what other ADSM-parameters effect the duration of an DB-audit

- what pct. util is critical for the ADSM/TSM-performance

- what speed up for the DB-audit can be expected from a migration towards
TSM 4.1 (because of the kernerl-thread support?)

- what is the size of your ADSM-DB (AIX433) and your

i've scanned the very good quickfacts from richard.
following limits are mentioned:
500GB - hui, so enlarging shouldn't be a problem...
80% utilization, so should i enlarge?

thank you in advance for any help.

mit freundlichen gruessen
christian glaser
T-systems SfR c/o DLR - oberpfaffenhofen  tel: ++49 +8153/28-1156
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax:28-1136
PS: i speak for me, only forme; myopinionnottheoneofmyemployerand...ut

upgrade 3.1 - 4.1 lost STGs

2001-06-21 Thread Christian Glaser

hi all,

i have a problem:
AIX 4.3.3 with 3494 tape library and 3590E drives.

aim: migrate/update from ADSM 3.1 to TSM

atape; bos.rte.install OK
install basis
update to
$ dsmserv upgradedb
dsmadmc reg lic  for library, mgsyslan and spacemgr (yep - HSM too)

all seemed fine:
q se
q n
q v
q stg; q pr; q sys were hanging
and when i performed a backup it run out of server storage.

where have i lost may STGs?
as i can see the volumes?

do you have any ideas?

best regards

mit freundlichen gruessen
christian glaser
T-systems SfR c/o DLR - oberpfaffenhofen  tel: ++49 +8153/28-1156
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] fax:28-1136
PS: i speak for me, only forme; myopinionnottheoneofmyemployerand...ut