Slow Domino backups

2005-01-10 Thread David DeCuir
My Domino backups are slow - average about 10 gb/hr. I'm wondering what I
might have configured wrong or not optimally.
Regular backup client 5.2.2 backups are not slow, just Domino.
I don't know much about TDP Domino setups. Any ideas?

TSM server 5.2.2 on AIX 5.2
Domino TDP 5.1.5
Domino ver 6.5 on Win2003 server

BUFFers  3
BUFFERSIze   1024
LOGFile  domdsm.log
LOGPrune 30
REPlace  yes
SUBDir   no
LastPruneDate  01/09/2005 11:02:48

commm   tcpip
tcpport 1505
tcpwindowsize 63
passworda   generate
schedlogname  c:\Progra~1\Tivoli\Tsm\domino\domsched.log
schedlogretention 3
compression on

Include *

Should I turn compression off
Should I change buffer and buffersize settings
Am I using problematic TSM/Domino/TDP/OS versions or combination


Restoring the oldest version

2004-07-30 Thread David DeCuir
A customer wants restored the oldest version of every fileTSM has for a
certain node. What's the best way to do this?

If there is only one copy of a file and it is active, they want that one.
If there are 2 inactives and 1 active, they want the oldest inactive.


Data on my tapes

2001-06-20 Thread David DeCuir


Ok, how much data are you getting on a 3590 K tape. From reading past
posts, I know the Pct Util and Est. Capacity method is suspect at best. All
I need is an average you guys have seen using the following:
assume the tape is full and has had no files expired or reclaimed
3590 E1A drive
devclass FORMAT is set to DRIVE (should I be using something else?)
no client compression
drive compression
3590 extended K tapes

additional info if it helps:
data per tape is either all NT or all UNIX
mostly small files on NT
about half small files on UNIX and half Oracle database files (2-20gb)

The reason I ask is that my best guess seems to be such a wide range - I
think between 60 and 150 gb per tape.
Also, according to est. cap. and pct util, UNIX volumes shows about twice
the capacity of NT volumes

I know IBM says these are 40gb native and 120gb at 3:1 compression but what
is your real world experience of just how much data fits on a tape?

Thanks for your input
(still new, but learning everyday)

LTO and 3590

2001-05-31 Thread David DeCuir

I have read some archives about LTO vs 3590. I get  mixed feelings about
which is better depending on the situation. I would like to ask for your
opinions on my specific case. Here are the facts:

I am a TSM newbie  6 months.
Current hardware is:
3494 w/2 3590E1A drives
3466-C00 w/H50 server
288gb SSA 7133-D40
We are needing to about double our current hardware (rough estimate)
The additional backups will be 70/30 small file/large file (all from NT)

The are 3 options on the table
1) add 3590EA1 drives (and additional frame)
2) add LTO drives (and whatever frame)
3) sell 3590 system and replace with LTO system

My first thoughts are to just add 3590's. Been working fine for a year.
I'm still gathering price info. but if cost was basically the same what
would you do?
I don't think cost will be significantly less for any of the three. Maybe
I'm wrong.
Advantages/disadvantages to these options?
If cost were much lower for LTO would you go with it?
If complete LTO replacement, would data migration off 3590 be a nightmare?
Also, I don't really need fast restore times

Thanks for any advice

MSCS and the GUI

2001-05-24 Thread David DeCuir


Is it possible to see the shared drives in a MSCS through
the backup GUI? I see only the local node drive. I have
created schedules for the cluster groups that seem to be
working(according to their log files). I have clusternode=yes
in the opt file for the cluster groups and not in the opt file for
the cluster node. If I put clusternode=yes in the opt file for the
node the GUI errors out with invalid line clusternode=yes


MSCS and GUI oops

2001-05-24 Thread David DeCuir

Please forgive my ignorance.
clusternode=yes is the problem
should be just clusternode yes (no =)
Yes, I feel dumb.

wrong stgpool

2001-05-18 Thread David DeCuir

I have 20 NT servers with a dsm.opt that has an include * ntclass line.
These run a nightly backup that has worked fine for months, backing
up to the backup copygroup of mgmtclass ntclass with a dest. of
ntdiskpool. This is all normal.

Here is my problem.  I created a new mgmtclass called notesclass,
which has a backup copygroup with a dest. of notespool
(this is a tape pool). Now, keep in mind the 20 NT servers have
include * ntclass as the only mgmtclass. I'm seeing that q content of
some of the volumes in notespool show data paths from most of the
20 NT servers.

Notesclass is not a default mgmtclass and the notespool volumes
were aquired empty from scratch. How could this data get on the wrong
stgpool volumes?

Also, the NT servers data paths on the volumes in notespool point to
directories only, no files.
I'm also seeing this with my UNIX mgmtclass (having data paths
on notespool).

I am new to this and have never run any audits or unloads or
anything on the database or volumes. Could that help?
Still too new and dumb to know why this is happening. Thanks.

db vols and disk pools

2001-05-11 Thread David DeCuir

I have sixteen 18gb SSA disks (one adapter, two loops, one 7133-D40 shelf).
I've estimated I'll need a 36gb database and a 4gb recovery log. The rest
of the
storage will be divided into two disk pools. My question is:
How to setup physical disk wise?
Should I keep the db on four 18gb disks (includes mirrors) and the disk
pools on
their own disks. Or should I spread out the db on more disks and share
those disks
with the disk pools. Which has less contention? looking for advice. Thanks.

block level backups

2001-05-04 Thread David DeCuir

Does anyone know if TSM does, or will in the future do, block level
I want to back up large files (5 to 10gb and databases) that have only
small daily changes.
They will be backed up over slow links (128k lines). As far as I know, TSM
only file level but there are other products out there(VytalVault) who
claim they backup
only the changes to a file at the block level.
I want to use TSM for this but I have to show the advantage. Anyone
familiar with VytalVault?
Sorry, but I am kinda new to all this backup stuff.