Upgradeing ADSM 3.1 to TSM 4.1

2001-02-06 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Geoffrey,

Have read your notes on ADSM Server upgrade to TSM 4.1.2. The
notes is great. I am also planning for upgrade  2 ADSM servers ( to
4.1.2 to 4.1.2). However, there are two very old HP10.01 boxes
which runs v2.1 client and a number of AIX4.1  HP10.20 boxes which run
v3.1 client and ADSMConnectAgent, As v3.7 client nor TDP for Oracle are not
supporting these old boxes, just want to know if you have any v2.1, v3.1
clients backup to new TSM Server. Any problem so far?

Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang

AIX TDP for Oracle v2.1.10 V4.1.2 API

2001-01-31 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

On AIX, In preparing to upgrade from ConnectAgent 2.1 (ADSM v3.1 client) to
TDP for Oraclev2.1.10,
anyone has experience if TDP Oracle v2.1.10 works with 4.1.2 API?
I have experience on HP-UX11.0, TDP for Oracle v2.1 only works with v3.7.1
Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang

Cleaning error

2001-01-29 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Wolfram,

With AIX server v3.7.3, I am having the same problem after tape drive
cleaning (DLT7000 in 7337 library) . I think that's fixed in v3.7.4 tsm
server. Although, I have not applied v3.7.4 fix yet. Thanks.

Eric Tang

DB2 Backups

2001-01-17 Thread Eric Tang

For a complete set of db2 online backup (v5.2 on AIX) image, should the log
currently active also be backup.
Someone told me the user exit will not pick up the log currently in use, is
it right?

As a result, our setup is to run 'db2 backup online use adsm'  'dsmc
archive' the logs with copygroup serialization=shared dynamic

Just want to check if dsmc archive with 'shared dynamic' is proper. Thanks
in advance.

Eric Tang

Question on Collocation with 7337 library

2001-01-12 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

- TSM v3.7.3
- IBM7337 library (15 slots) with around 10 tapes for onsite tape pool
status full, a cleaning tape and 3 to 4 scratch tapes
- Currently there are around 40 nodes defined in TSM
- a few more nodes are coming and backup data volume on existing nodes is
expected to grow, so there will be move media operation soon
- there is only one onsite tape storage pool defined and that is having
collocation off

To improve restore performance, I am thinking of turning on collocation for
onsite tape pool. But there are more nodes than number
of slot in library,  should I define maxscratch=N and let TSM to collocate
data on the 40 nodes within the N tapes. Keep monitoring tape usage and
adjust  N whenever necessary. Any suggestion on the setup and the number N?

Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang

Question on Collocation with 7337 library

2001-01-10 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

- TSM v3.7.3
- IBM7337 library (15 slots) with around 10 tapes for onsite tape pool
status full, a cleaning tape and 3 to 4 scratch tapes
- Currently there are around 40 nodes defined in TSM
- a few more nodes are coming and backup data volume on existing nodes is
expected to grow, so there will be move media operation soon
- there is only one onsite tape storage pool defined and that is having
collocation off

To improve restore performance, I am thinking of turning on collocation for
onsite tape pool. But there are more nodes than number
of slot in library,  should I define maxscratch=N and let TSM to collocate
data on the 40 nodes within the N tapes. Keep monitoring tape usage and
adjust  N whenever necessary. Any suggestion on the setup and the number N?

Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang

Re: HPUX11 tsm client 3.7.2 message in dsmerror.log

2000-12-19 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Thiha,

Yes, I have installed HP TDP Oracle v2.1.10 and according to APAR IC27223
replaced v3.7.2 libApiDS.sl with a v3.7.1 libApiDS.sl.
Yesterday I found that dsmc works fine with v3.7.2 libApiDS.sl but error
message "/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/plugins/libPiIMG.sl failed, errno:
215 "  when v3.7.1 libApiDS.sl is used. Have raised pmr 02508,000,738.
Is there any further workaround so that I can use v3.7.2 client with TDP
for Oracle?

Eric Tang

HPUX11 tsm client 3.7.2 message in dsmerror.log

2000-12-18 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

I am upgrading HP-UX11.0  ADSM client from v3.1 to v3.7.2  connectAgent
v2.1.7 to TDP Oracle v2.1.10. (AIX ADSM Server v3.1.2.57)

After upgrade, dsmc can be invoked and backup/restore is working, however
the following message is displayed in dsmerror.log once dsmc is invoked.

12/18/00   23:19:00 shl_load() of
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/plugins/libPiIMG.sl failed, errno: 215

IBM support suggests the uninstall of old ADSM client is not clean, so I
swremove the 3.7.2 client  TDP Oracle; also manually remove the /usr/adsm
 /usr/adsmagent old directories and swinstall TSM 3.7.2 client and TDP
Oracle again.

But there is still the same error message in dsmerror.log when invoking
dsmc. Anyone encounters this before? Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang

Re: Error Messages for Microsoft Exchange Connect Agent

2000-12-17 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Robert,

What version of TSM client  TDP for MSExchange are you using and where do
you see these error messages.
Recently I setup a MSExchange server (on NT 4.0 SP5) with TSM client
v3.7.2.01/TDP v1.1.1.01  for testing and there is no problem.
I am going to install TSM/TDP in production MSExchange server tomorrow. I
would like to double check if mine has similar problem.

Eric Tang

TDP for Oracle v2.1

2000-12-07 Thread Eric Tang

I have download fix on TDP Oracle v2110  (for hp  AIX), as I am still
waiting for the TDP Oracle v2.1 CD delivery,
can I use the license file from TDP Oracle v1.1 CD together the v2110
download fix?

Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang

TSM backup DB2 under NT4.0

2000-12-06 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

Under DB2 v5.2 on NT4.0, TSM with client,
seems that the following two variables are not working for db2 backup but
are working for db2adutl.
set DSMI_CONFIG=c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\api\dsm.opt
set DSMI_DIR=c:\progra~1\tivoli\tsm\api

After reading an append dated 8Mar2000 from this forum, I copy dsm.opt to
and DB2 backup to TSM is working.

Does anyone know how to setup TSM with DB2 v5.2 under NT 4.0
and is there any sample script on backup/expire you can share?

Thank you in advance.

Eric Tang

Re: need generic inclexcl.txt for AIX

2000-11-30 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Kevin,

Your real experience is a valuable piece of information that cannot be
found in any manuals. Thanks a lot.

Eric Tang

Re: NT Backup/recovery

2000-11-30 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Eric,

Or if you know password of NodeA, issue dsmc restore \\nodeA\c$ to
sharedisk$ -nodename=nodeA -password= on NodeB. Thanks a lot.

Eric Tang

Re: need generic inclexcl.txt for AIX

2000-11-29 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Kevin,

Do you run  mksysb regularly (eg weekly).?
So, after restore from mksysb, you do not restore "/ /usr /var" system
filesystem from adsm?

Having no testing environment, I never have a chance to perform system
recovery testing. Thanks.

Eric Tang

Re: NT Backup/recovery

2000-11-29 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Eric,

Am I understand your procedures correctly?
1. The crashed machine is called NodeA. And there is another NT (NodeB) up
and running
2.  install NT to the crashed machine on c:\winnt.tmp and call it NodeA
3. At NT level, share \\NodeA\c$  to allow NodeB get acces to
4. On NodeB, run TSM restore to restore NodeA data to \\NodeA\c$
5. Logon NodeA and copy registry files from c:\adsm.sys and step 5  6

So the key point is sharing the drive to another machine and from there run
TSM restore? Thanks.

Eric Tang

NT Backup/recovery

2000-11-28 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

For NT 4.0, I have tested the Bare Metal Restore on a testing PC and the
procedures is fine.
However, it seems unrealistic to have a NT repair partition in particular
for a NT with only one harddisk.
Just wan to know how you cater for NT system recovery in a TSM environment.
Do you run additional backup utilities? If so, what is your procedures.
Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang

Re: TDP AIX/HP support for Oracle 8.1.6

2000-11-25 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Wanda,

Do you test TDP for Oracle v2.1.10 with TSM v4.1 client? I hear that it
works with v4.1 api client on aix  but not hp. Thanks.

Eric Tang

TDP Support on Oracle8.1.7

2000-11-15 Thread Eric Tang

Is there a plan on Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle (AIX, HP-UX, Sun
Solaris  NT) to support Oracle8.1.7.
If so what is the requirement and planned available date. Thanks.

Eric Tang

Re: Windows 2000

2000-11-14 Thread Eric Tang

For v3.7.2.01 client on Windows NT4, can inactive version of system objects
be restored? Thanks.

Eric Tang

Re: TDP for Oracle on HP_UX

2000-10-11 Thread Eric Tang


For HP-UX, I am running ConnectAgent 2.1.7c/v3.1.0.6 client  API with AIX
Server v3.1.2.57 with the Oracle8.0.4/8.0.5/8.0.6 all on HPUX11, I guess it
will work on HPUX10.20.

Eric Tang

Re: Unknown system error in HP-UX client

2000-10-07 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Thomas,

I have Sun and AIX clients (3.7.2) with AIX server 3.7.3, some the clients
get the same error. The bad thing is event return code is 0. I notice the
error by looking into dsmerror.log of every single machine.

I think that's IC26775 documented in fixtest readme.
IC26775: Backup can fail with unknown system error 195.

Eric Tang

Re: extending an archive's retention period

2000-10-03 Thread Eric Tang

If all the archives are under the same archive copygroup, you can modify
retention of the corresponding archive copygroup. However, all other backup
archived via that archive copygroup will also be affected. So, retrieve and
archive them again is an alternative. Thanks.

Eric Tang

Re: TDP AIX/HP support for Oracle 8.1.6

2000-09-27 Thread Eric Tang

Hi Wanda,

Yes the webpage does mention 8.1.6 is supported. But the readme file from
download fix does not mention it.
I use 2.1.7 only and don't have any problem on message catalogue you've
mentioned. Thanks a lot and Good luck.

Eric Tang

v2 client and v3.7 server

2000-09-26 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

Is anyone running v2 client with v3.7 server (AIX)?
Currently I am planning to upgrade server from 3.1 to 3.7 and have 2
HPUX10.01 machines running v2.1.0.8 client. Thanks

Eric Tang

TDP AIX/HP support for Oracle 8.1.6

2000-09-26 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

Is anyone running Oracle8.1.6 with TDP on AIX , HP? Any problem
README files of TDP for Oracle mention support 8.1.5 but not 8.1.6. Thanks.

Eric Tang

Re: Oracle 64bit backups

2000-09-21 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

ForAIX, HP, NT, is Oracle8.1.6 supported or not by TDP?
From http://www.tivoli.com/support/storage_mgr/tdp_oracle.html, it is
supported. But from README files of TDP fixes, Oracle is supported upto
Furthermore, About HP, is Oracle 8.1.6 32-bit supported, but not Oracle
8.1.6 running 64-bit?

Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang

how to detect backup error from tsm scheduler

2000-09-21 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

AIX Server v3.7.3
AIX/SUN client v3.7.2

I think I am hitting IC26775 on a SUN client and a few AIX machines on
increment backup.

The worst thing is I don't get any error message on server and there is no
ANS1512E message.Form q event, result is zero and there is no exception.
e.g. ANS1512E Scheduled event 'SCHEDULE' failed.  Return code = 4.

I notice the error when checking dsmsched.log   dsmerror.log on each
machine. My question is, how to detect these kind of error?  Have I done
something wrong in the setup?

Apart from this particular case, From q event, I always get a zero result
- when a unix script that return non-zero code is scheduled via scheduler
- type something wrong in options or object in "define schedule"
- the schedule is not kicked off (maybe due to dsmc sched down or network

other than these, I never see a zero result even "ANE4959I Total number of
objects failed: is non-zero"

Thank you in advance.

Below are dsm.sys, dsm.opt, dsmsched.log  dsmerror.log

SErvername  tsm
   COMMmethod TCPip

   ERRORLOGName   /dsmerror.log
   SCHEDLOGName   /dsmsched.log
   SCHEDMODe  prompted
   SCHEDLOGRetention  7

   Domain all-local
*  InclExcl   /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/inclexcl.lst
   Nodename   s0007hks
   Password   s0007hks
   Editor On
   Users  root

Servername  tsm
Subdir  yes

09/19/00   22:01:29 Successful incremental backup of '/bkup_dbpr01'

09/19/00   22:01:30 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
09/19/00   22:01:30 Total number of objects inspected:   35,037
09/19/00   22:01:30 Total number of objects backed up:   22
09/19/00   22:01:30 Total number of objects updated:  0
09/19/00   22:01:30 Total number of objects rebound:  0
09/19/00   22:01:30 Total number of objects deleted:  0
09/19/00   22:01:30 Total number of objects expired:  0
09/19/00   22:01:30 Total number of objects failed:   0
09/19/00   22:01:30 Total number of bytes transferred:10.83 MB
09/19/00   22:01:30 Data transfer time:0.15 sec
09/19/00   22:01:30 Network data transfer rate:69,991.71 KB/sec
09/19/00   22:01:30 Aggregate data transfer rate:461.88 KB/sec
09/19/00   22:01:30 Objects compressed by:   89%
09/19/00   22:01:30 Elapsed processing time:   00:00:24
09/19/00   22:01:30 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
09/19/00   22:01:30 Unknown system error
Please check the TSM Error Log for any additional information

09/19/00   22:01:30 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END S0007HKS 09/19/00   22:00:00
09/19/00   22:01:30 Scheduled event 'S0007HKS' completed successfully.

09/19/00   22:01:30 Sending results for scheduled event 'S0007HKS'.
09/19/00   22:01:30 Results sent to server for scheduled event 'S0007HKS'.

09/19/00   22:01:30 Return code 195 unknown
09/19/00   22:01:30 Return code 195 unknown
09/19/00   22:01:30 Unknown system error
Please check the TSM Error Log for any additional information

Eric Tang

NT Workstation TSM client installation

2000-09-15 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

I have installed TSM on several NT Servers and I am going to
install it to NT workstation the first time tomorrow, just want to ask if
there is any difference between the two. Thanks

Eric Tang

NT client installation

2000-09-10 Thread Eric Tang

Hi all,

I am installing TSM NT client to NT4.0 SP5 for customer today.
During installation, there are a few problems:
1) During installation, there are two prompts of "Severe: The service
cannot be installed due to an unknown error".
2) I uninstall TSM client, and reboot machine. Reinstall TSM client got the
same two prompts of error.
3) I skip these errors and finished installation. in command line, run dsmc
archive (or inc) on a small file (dsm.opt) Dr watson: dsmc.exe Exception:
access violation (0xc005) Address 0x0047b1cb
4) In GUI, archive a file, there is ANS5148W message found in dsmerror.log
as below.
The node is newly registered on TSM server (AIX TSM3.7.3.0) and I don't why
there is such an message.

ANS5148W The server needs to do a one-time conversion of your archive data
before you can continue.
This operation may take a long time, and cannot be canceled once it has
Are you willing to wait for the conversion to complete?

5) I reply this message and archive on GUI works OK. Retrieve is also OK.
6) From "Services" in "Control panel", found that "Client Acceptor" 
"Remote Client Agent" are installed but not
"Central Scheduler Service".
7. Perform "dsmctuil installl scheduler" and scheduler service install OK.
8. In TSM Server, Define schedule to selective backup a small file on NT
client, scheduler is running OK and the file is backup.

1) how to determine what is the "service" cannot be installed. Does TSM
install the 3 services "CAD, Scheduler,  Remoteagent" by default, if so,
will it be an indicator on scheduler installation error?
2) why command line got Dr watson but not GUI or scheduler?
3) The node is newly created on server, why is there ANS5148W message?
4) MS Exchange  Arcserve (evaluation copy)  are installed on the NT box,
any conflict to TSM? (although I don't think there is)


Compression  Yes
* CHAngingretries  0
* schedmodepolling
* querysch 1
nodename n7007hmx
password n7007hmx

Thank you in advance.

Eric Tang

NT client installation

2000-09-02 Thread Eric Tang

Hi all,

I am installing TSM NT client to NT4.0 SP5 for customer today.
During installation, there are a few problems:
1) During installation, there are two prompts of "Severe: The service
cannot be installed due to an unknown error".
2) I uninstall TSM client, and reboot machine. Reinstall TSM client got the
same two prompts of error.
3) I skip these errors and finished installation. in command line, run dsmc
archive (or inc) on a small file (dsm.opt) Dr watson: dsmc.exe Exception:
access violation (0xc005) Address 0x0047b1cb
4) In GUI, archive a file, there is ANS5148W message found in dsmerror.log
as below.
The node is newly registered on TSM server (AIX TSM3.7.3.0) and I don't why
there is such an message.

ANS5148W The server needs to do a one-time conversion of your archive data
before you can continue.
This operation may take a long time, and cannot be canceled once it has
Are you willing to wait for the conversion to complete?

5) I reply this message and archive on GUI works OK. Retrieve is also OK.
6) From "Services" in "Control panel", found that "Client Acceptor" 
"Remote Client Agent" are installed but not
"Central Scheduler Service".
7. Perform "dsmctuil installl scheduler" and scheduler service install OK.
8. In TSM Server, Define schedule to selective backup a small file on NT
client, scheduler is running OK and the file is backup.

1) how to determine what is the "service" cannot be installed. Does TSM
install the 3 services "CAD, Scheduler,  Remoteagent" by default, if so,
will it be an indicator on scheduler installation error?
2) why command line got Dr watson but not GUI or scheduler?
3) The node is newly created on server, why is there ANS5148W message?
4) MS Exchange  Arcserve (evaluation copy)  are installed on the NT box,
any conflict to TSM? (although I don't think there is)


Compression  Yes
* CHAngingretries  0
* schedmodepolling
* querysch 1
nodename n7007hmx
password n7007hmx

Thank you in advance.

Eric Tang

Re: 3494 and RS6000 SP connection

2000-08-20 Thread Eric Tang

Yes, the 9-pin port on the rear. As the cable is having 25-pin connector on
both end, you will need a 9to25pin rs232 connector on the RS6000 side.

Eric Tang

Re: 3494 and RS6000 SP connection

2000-08-17 Thread Eric Tang

Yes, previously I have 3494 connected to sliver node (tty port)  via rs232.
A few months ago, that adsm server was migrated from sliver node to
nighthawk, again 3494 is connected to tty port via rs-232. Thanks.

Eric Tang

7337 cleaning tapes

2000-08-16 Thread Eric Tang

CE tells me 7337 tape library with 2 DLT7000 drives need 2 cleaning tapes
in cell 13  14. (I think he is refering from the 7337 tape library setup
and operator guide - Page 79 and that may not apply for TSM).

For TSM v3.7 (aix) environment, Instead of two cleaning tapes and in cell
13  14, should I just checkin one cleaning tape in any cells
and define the drives with cleanfrequency=asneeded?

Thanks in advance.

Eric Tang


2000-08-01 Thread Eric Tang

Hi All,

I am new to DB2  HACMP and I am going to setup ADSM backup for DB2 (v5.2)
in AIX/HACMP environment (NodeA primary, NodeB secondary).

1 ADSM/DB2 backup question:
I have exported DSMI_DIR, DSM_DIR, DSMI_CONFIG, DSM_CONFIG to point to
different set of dsm.sys and dsm.opt; but it seems that
"db2 backup db dbname online use adsm"
always look for dsm.sys  dsm.opt in /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin. If I
remove dsm.sys  dsm.opt under .../api/bin/, backup failed.
However, db2adutl is using the set pointed by DSMI_DIR ...
Have I done something wrong such that DSMI_CONFIG  DSMI_DIR take no effect
to db2 backup command?

2. ADSM setup in HACMP:
I desire to backup DB2 using ADSM nodename NodeA, so backup will be saved
under filespaces of ADSMNode NodeA no matter it is running on primary or
secondary machine and that will ease future db2/adsm expiration. So I will
set ADSM_NODENAME  ADSM_PASSWORD in db2 by "db2 upd db config
ADSM_NODENAME  NodeA" and password = prompt in dsm.sys
Any comment on my approach?  About the ADSM nodename, is it a matter NodeA
or NodeB should I use for filesystem backup  db2 backup.

Eric Tang