Hi guys,


            Recently, I started getting these errors in the dsmerror.log:


04/16/07   18:37:13 sessInit: Transitioning: sInit state ===> sTRANSERR

04/16/07   18:37:21 sessRecvVerb(): Invalid verb received.

04/16/07   18:37:21 sessRecvVerb(): length=4845, verb=41,magic=44

04/16/07   18:37:21 sessInit: Starting communications initialization

04/16/07   18:37:21 sessInit: Transitioning: sInit state ===> sTRANSERR

04/16/07   18:37:42 sessInit: Starting communications initialization

04/16/07   18:37:42 sessInit: Transitioning: sInit state ===> sTRANSERR

04/16/07   18:37:44 sessRecvVerb(): Invalid verb received.

04/16/07   18:37:44 sessRecvVerb(): length=0000, verb=00,magic=02

04/16/07   18:37:44 sessInit: Starting communications initialization

04/16/07   18:37:44 sessInit: Transitioning: sInit state ===> sTRANSERR

04/16/07   18:37:52 sessRecvVerb(): Invalid verb received.

04/16/07   18:37:52 sessRecvVerb(): length=0300, verb=00,magic=0b

04/16/07   18:37:52 sessInit: Starting communications initialization

04/16/07   18:37:52 sessInit: Transitioning: sInit state ===> sTRANSERR

04/16/07   18:38:01 sessRecvVerb(): Invalid verb received.

04/16/07   18:38:01 sessRecvVerb(): length=00c8, verb=00,magic=00

04/16/07   18:38:01 sessInit: Starting communications initialization

04/16/07   18:38:01 sessInit: Transitioning: sInit state ===> sTRANSERR

04/16/07   18:38:13 sessRecvVerb(): Invalid verb received.

04/17/07   07:58:16 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'RESP_PPRD01DB' failed.  Return
code = 12.

04/17/07   07:58:21 ANS2050E TSM needs to prompt for the password but cannot
prompt  because the process is running in the background.

04/17/07   07:58:21 ANS2050E TSM needs to prompt for the password but cannot
prompt  because the process is running in the background.

04/17/07   07:58:21 ANS1029E Communication with the  TSM server is lost.


I have AIX tsm server 

My clients are  tsm ba client on AIX, Linux but  this errors occur
only in Solaris 9 and mostly solaris 10 



I reset the password in the server and prompted in the client and it works
for a few days. After all, it comes back again with the errors in the


Any idea?



Best regards


Ing. Guillermo Palos Luna

Administrador de Servidores y Estrategia de Respaldos.
Dirección de Operaciones y Estrategia Tecnológica
Vicerrectoría de Tecnologías de Información (VITI)
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Ave. Eugenio Garza Sada 427 Sur esq. av. Luis Elizondo, Edificio Pabellón
Tec. Local 12 y 13, Planta Baja
CP 64840
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, México
Tel: +52 (81) 83581400 ext. 2936 y 2937. Fax: +52 (81) 81582287
 <http://www.itesm.mx/> http://www.itesm.mx/

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