Upgrade to Win2K

2001-09-11 Thread Joe Williams

I've upgraded a Win2k SP2 Netfinity 5100 to and am having problems.

When ever there is any activity to the server -- db backup, client backup or
restore - the server (dsmserv.exe or the Win2k Server service) abends

disabling the schedule and migration in the dsmsrv.opt file (DISABLESCHED
and NOMIGRRECL) will allow the server to start and run.

Has anyone running Win2K upgraded to 4.2.x.x?  Any suggestions?

Joe Williams

Backupset restore problems

2001-06-01 Thread Joe Williams

I am having problems restoring a large backupset from an IBM 3583 LTO to a
Network Appliance 720.
4.1.2 on the server -- W2K NetFinity 5100
4.1.1 on the client -- Linux
We have a switched TCP/IP network

The backup set is large -- 80K directories and almost 800K files totaling

During the restore we are getting about 3.0 GB/hour throughput once we get
past the directory creation -- we're going to be here for days to get the
full 350GB

We've gotten MUCH faster restore times restoring other data -- not backup
sets and not 350 GB worth.

We've also gotten an ANR8302E error about 150GB into the restore and at IBS
request updated our drive firmware to the latest revision.

Is there anything inherently goofy / different about restoring from
Is the volume and size of the directories and files causing me problems?
Any suggestions?