[Fwd: iXsecurity.20020327.tivoli_tsm_dsmcad.a]

2002-04-11 Thread Kyle Sparger

Just in case somebody out there is not subscribed to BUGTRAQ :)

Kyle Sparger
"Dangerous to us all are devices of an art deeper than our own."

--- Begin Message ---

iXsecurity Security Vulnerability Report
No: iXsecurity.20020327.tivoli_tsm_dsmcad.a

Vulnerability Summary
Problem:The Tivoli Storage Manager webserver, running
on port 1581 has a buffer overflow condition.

Threat: An attacker could make the webserver crash and
possibly execute arbitrary code.

Affected Software:  Tivoli Storage Manager version 4.2.x.x.

Platform:   Windows NT4/2000.

Vulnerability Description
A request for the URL A.Aapproximately_1292_more_A's to the
webserver running on port 1581 (TSM Client Acceptor) will result in a
crash, overwriting EIP. The buffer overwriting EIP is in a widestring
format, making it a little more difficult, although not impossible,
to exploit.


See APAR IC33211
Apply Patch V4.2.1.32 currently available at
For additional information or assistance please contact your
IBM Service Representative at 1-800-IBM-SERV

Additional Information
Tivoli was contacted 20020327.

This vulnerability was found and researched by
Patrik Karlsson & Jonas Ldndin

This document is also available at: http://www.cqure.net/advisories/

--- End Message ---

Re: don´t aynone know anything about Encryption in TSM.

2002-04-04 Thread Kyle Sparger

> (unless they can hack it, but then any encryption scheme is subject to
> hacking).

And this is a very important point.  I could be wrong, but I seem to
recall that TSM's encryption uses straight up DES, which uses a 56 bit

It has been proven that very determined people can brute force 56 bit DES
-- distributed.net, which utilizes idle time of thousands of computers,
was able to do it in less than 24 hours.  There are design specs available
for theoretical computers which are supposed to be able to brute force 56
bit DES within minutes -- but the cost of these computers is generally
considered prohibitively expensive.  However:

1.  Consider the following -- KaZaa, a fairly popular napster-alike, has
been piggybacking programs for awhile now, one of which is designed to
allow remote users to utilize idle cycles on the computers it's installed
on.  KaZaa is used by thousands of users.  Also, how many thousands of
computers out there have been broken into, or are waiting to be broken
into?  All of these are sources of computing power that could be used to
crack DES keys.

2.  'Prohibitively expensive' is relative.  I've heard estimates that put
the price of building such a computer at a little over $1B USD.  But then,
consider how many billions of dollars countries have spent launching spy
sattelites -- don't you think that they would spend just one more billion
to be able to actually _use_ the encrypted information they intercepted?

And if Moore's Law holds true, I seem to recall estimates that place
56-bit key cracking in under a week at 2020-2030.  Will your data still
need to be secret then? :)

Basically, what I'm saying is, TSM's encryption is better than nothing,
and is suitable for many purposes, but your original statement,

"They have extremly valible data witch may not get in the wrong hands."

... that indicates that this may not be suitable for your case :)

If you _really_ need to make sure people can't get it, you need to use a
lot more than 56 bits.  128 is the bare minimum these days, and even that
is starting to come under fire :)

Kyle Sparger

Re: Point in Time Backups

2002-03-11 Thread Kyle Sparger

This may be totally unsuitable for your environment, but actually, I had
been thinking about the properties of 'REUSEDELAY' and database backups
recently, and I think maybe it could be used to create something to this
effect for your customers at large;  I wouldn't know how to drill it down
to individual nodes, however.  Also, because of the way it works, it would
only really be useful for archival purposes, not for data you anticipate
needing to restore on a regular basis.  The actual restore would be a
severe pain :)

The idea goes something like this:
  1.  Assume you have the following pools -- DISKDATA, TAPEDATA, and
  2.  DISKDATA is obviously a disk pool, TAPEDATA is your primary tape
  media, and COPYTAPE is your backup storage pool for both DISKDATA
  3.  Define a third storage pool, COPYPIT -- copy-point-in-time.

Do your normal client backup/migration/stgpool backup with DISKDATA,
TAPEDATA, COPYTAPE.  Whenever you want to do a point in time backup, do
_another_ backup of DISKDATA and TAPEDATA onto COPYPIT.  Take a database
snapshot.  Send COPYPIT and the DBSNAPSHOT offsite, and leave them offsite
forever (or out of library).  Take note of which volumes and database
snapshots correspond to which dates -- you might want to store these
offsite too.

In the future, if you need to restore from one of the point in time
backups, recall the tapes and the snapshot you took from the appropriate
day, and you should be able to restore to that point in time.

  1.  You have to be very, VERY careful about reclamation.  The TSM server
  is going to be expiring these files, and you'll likely have no real
  way of knowing which volumes to reclaim.  More than likely, your
  best, safest bet is to write off the tapes, and never reclaim them.
  2.  Restoration is a HUGE, MASSIVE pain.  You'll need to recall the
  tapes, restore the database, then restore the storage pool, etc,
  before you can even think about restoring the data.  This is
  certainly no help if you need to be able to restore from these PIT
  backups on a moments notice.  You'll also need lots of scratch tapes
  to do the restoration, and you'll have to take precautions to make
  sure that you don't accidentally restore over current data --
  probably by removing all 'current' tapes from the library, or using
  a totally different machine and compatible library.
  3.  I don't think you can easily do this only for a subset of nodes.

  1.  Easier to maintain than doing more than a certain amount of

Comments?  I may need to do something like this in the future, and if
anyone has any reasons why this is not really workable, it'd save me a
headache having to find it out the hard way.  And yes, I know this is a
horrible kludge. :)


Kyle Sparger

Re: Idea for a TSM feature

2002-02-27 Thread Kyle Sparger

Right now, AFAIK, there's no way to influence how Tivoli makes decisions
about which files to remove from the migrated file cache -- I think adding
ways to influence those decisions would probably be better than to add a
'special' disk storage pool type.

The ability to say "Okay, if there's a shortage of space in the cached
disk storage pool, prefer to keep files associated with management class A
in the cache over files associated with class Y.  Class Z should remain
cached no matter what -- if that means run out of space, then run out of
space."  That would be much slicker, and provide more management options
than just adding a whole different storage pool type :)

It would also be neat to be able to copy files that have been removed from
the cache back into the cache from the tape storage pools.

Ah, the beauty of storage management.

Kyle Sparger

Tape Copy pools and Colocation

2001-10-25 Thread Kyle Sparger


I'm starting to implement tape copy pools.  My primary pool has colocation
enabled, in order to speed up restores.  My primary storage pool currently
is using 27 tapes at varying degrees of usage.  When I did a test BACKUP
STGPOOL, the output indicated that it wanted to use another 27 tapes, even
though that would end up leaving unused space on each tape.

I expect that the copy pool will not be used a whole lot;  I intend to
move these tapes out of the library after each backup, and as such, prefer
density and tape efficiency to speed of recovery from these tapes.

I was wondering if there is a way to have it use the copy pool such that
it uses the fewest tapes possible, filling up each tape fully before
pulling another one from scratch.

Or, does it do this already, and is the test run just being


Kyle Sparger - System Administrator
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.dialtone.com
Voice - (954) 581-0097 x 122
Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas mixed up? OCT(31)=DEC(25)

Re: volume status being changed erroneously

2001-09-24 Thread Kyle Sparger

> So we can dismiss a error at the factory.

I wouldn't necessarily say so.  We recently purchased a 3583 library and
40 LTO tapes -- within the last 6 months or so.

My tape drives rejected three of them with error #6 (bad media).  So, I
RMA'd them, and got three replacements sent to me.  Of those three, two
were also rejected by the drive.  So, I RMA'd those -- my embarrased tape
provider sent me 10.  Of those, 2 were also rejected.  So, out of a grand
total of 53 tapes, 7 of them were bad; 13.2% of the total amount.  That's
a pretty high failure rate.

Now, your symptoms are a little different, but considering that I had
three separate tape deliveries, and there were a signifigant amount of bad
ones in each delivery, I wouldn't consider 30% of your LTO library's tapes
being bad to be beyond reason.

This is new technology.  I'll bet they're still ironing out some stuff ;)


Kyle Sparger