Re: TDP for SQL: does the id absolutely require SA priv?

2005-08-25 Thread Leonard, Christopher A
I would guess that the TDP account for SQL Server just has to be a
member of the db_backupoperator role in each database.  Once you give it
this role in each database (including model) it will automatically have
this role in any new database (because new databases start off as copies
of model).

Hope this helps.  


Chris Leonard, The Database Guy

Re: Multiple SQL Instances through the TDP

2005-06-18 Thread Leonard, Christopher A
Del said...
> Maybe some subscribers on this list with this SQL Server configuration
> will share what they have done in their environment?

We don't currently have many SQL Servers that are multi-instance, but
here's what we've done on the ones that are.  So far it seems to work
combination into a variable which our T-SQL script then passes in as the
/SQLServer parameter, as Del suggests.  However, in our case we only use
one TSM nodename.  By the way, for those times when somebody wants to
use the TDPSQL GUI application, we built a separate icon for each
instance, adding the appropriate /SQLServer parameter value to each
icon.  That way it's easy to pull up a GUI TDPSQL console for the
specific instance you want to work with.

Basically, our script (which is a stored procedure, really) does
something like the following.  Sorry for the heavy snipping, but there
should be enough here to make sense to T-SQL folks:

   create procedure usp_its_tdpsqlc_backup
  @bkupType varchar(4)= NULL, -- Valid choices are 'FULL',
'LOG', or 'DIFF' for backups or NULL for usage notes.
  @dbList   varchar(8000) = '*'   -- List of databases to back up,
or '*' for all databases



   declare @servername varchar(500)


   set @servername = cast(ServerProperty('ServerName') as varchar)


  set @bkupCmd = @tdpsqlPath + '\tdpsqlc.exe backup ' + @dbName + '
' + @bkupType 
 + ' /TSMPassword="' + @pwd + '" /MountWait /SQLServer="' +
@servername + '"'
  -- We used to print @bkupCmd, but it contained the /TSMPassword.
Since this output is piped to a log file,
  --we decided not to do that any more (!).
  print ''
  print '***'
  print '*** ' + cast (getdate() as varchar) 
  print '*** About to perform ' + @bkupType + ' backup for database
' + @dbName
  print '***'
  raiserror ('', 10, 1) with nowait -- flush io cache
  exec @rc = master..xp_cmdshell @bkupCmd

  if @rc = 0
 set @successes = @successes + 1


Hope that's enough to help somebody!



Chris Leonard, University of Iowa ITS
Institutional Data and Database Management
300 USB / 319-384-0801

The Database Guy
Brainbench MVP for Oracle Administration

Re: Backing up a 150GB Oracle DB on a datawarehouse server

2005-03-29 Thread Leonard, Christopher A
Not to nitpick, but you'd be better off putting the tablespaces into
backup mode one at a time in your shell script, because Oracle has to do
additional (larger) logging when a tablespace is in backup mode.
Basically it has to log OS block images instead of DB page or data
images.  Anyway, if you happen to hit a period when a tablespace is
backup mode and someone is loading into it, you can generate a terrific
amount of redo log.  So rather than put all your tablespaces into backup
mode at once, it's better to have your shell script do something like
this pseudo-code:

For each tablespace t {
   put t into backup mode;
   backup t using OS commands;
   take t out of backup mode;
backup your archive logs, pfiles, spfiles, pwfiles, etc.;

RMAN is a great help with hot database backups as well as the
incremental copies that have already been mentioned, by the way.
Regardless of whether you use RMAN, though, hot backups will require
that the database be run in ARCHIVELOG mode (shutdown immediate; startup
mount; alter database archivelog; alter database open;) and that means
that you need to set up archive log backups also.

Hope this helps,

| Date:Mon, 28 Mar 2005 17:12:16 +0100
| From:Andreas Almroth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Re: Backing up a 150GB Oracle DB on a datawarehouse server
| Luc Beaudoin wrote:
| >Hi all
| >
| >I have to take a new Oracle server (AIX), it's our new Datawarehouse
| >server 
| >
| >I know that I have to stop the Oracle DB before the backup 
| and restart it
| >after. ..
| >
| >
| Well, you really don't need to take if offline at all, 
| depending on how
| much work you are willing to spend on configuring the backup.
| Most of the DWH systems I have worked on had to be up at all time, as
| they constantly processed new inputs from other systems, so you would
| probably need to do hot backups. Unless you can have a backup window
| that is.
| >My question is .. the DB has to be up and running as fast as 
| it could ...
| >so what should be the best way to take that Oracle DB in 
| backup (incr,
| >image, snapshot or ???)
| >
| >
| If you have the TDP for Oracle, it is easy, use Oracle RMAN 
| to do online
| incremental 0 and 1 backups, with archive logs. The database 
| will never
| have to be taken offline.
| If you don't have TDP, well then you can do the good ole' 
| Oracle backup
| using some shell scripting. Essentially you would use a 
| prebackup script
| to put all tablespaces in backup mode, then backup all files 
| and archive
| log files, and the postbackup script would put all tablespaces back in
| normal mode.
| Regardless of method you will not have to take the database offline.
| /A

Re: SQL database restore question

2004-08-27 Thread Leonard, Christopher

You need to name each file shown in the metadata in the relocate parameter
only if you don't want the location listed in the metadata for that file to
be used by the restore command.  For example, several of the files listed a
location on the E: drive (sorry, don't have the details in front of me any
more), meaning they were on the source server's E: drive someplace.  If you
want those files to be restored to the *same* location on the *target*
server, then you can omit them from the /RELOCATE and /TO clauses.

Another way of putting this is that, for each file, the metadata supplies
the file location that will be used by a restore unless you override that
specific file's location with the /RELOCATE and /TO clauses.

Make sense?  Hope so.  :o)


From: Moses Show [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 9:23 AM
To: Leonard, Christopher
Subject: Re: SQL database restore question

Does this mean   I have to include  each of the files shown in meta data  in
the relocate parameter and then for each of these files specify a location
for them individually on the to parameter. (i.e have the locations I would
like the files to be restored to tbe set for each of the files which showed
up under meta data listing so the relocate and to parameters should look
something like this

/relocate=DWH_Data,DWH_Log,DWH_1_Data,DHWPROD_Log,DWH_2_Data, DWHPROD_Log1

"Leonard, Christopher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

27/08/2004 15:05

Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



Re: SQL database restore question


Your metadata shows the following 6 files:  3 data files named DWH_Data,
DWH_1_Data, and DWH_2_Data and 3 log files named DWH_Log, DWHPROD_Log, and
DWHPROD_Log1.  However, your TDPSQLC RESTORE command is only relocating two
of them, DWH_Data and DWH_Log.  Therefore, the other 4 files are trying to
restore themselves to locations that are determined from the metadata stored
with the backup set.  In the case of DHWPROD_Log, the file was located on
the F: drive on the original SQL Server, as you can see from your /FILEINFO
query.  Therefore, since your TDPSQLC RESTORE command does not RELOCATE the
file, TDPSQLC is trying to restore it on the F: drive on the target server
as well.  The solution is that you need to RELOCATE _all_ the files that
should have different physical names on the target server.

Hope this helps,


Chris Leonard

The Database Guy

Brainbench MVP for Oracle Admin

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Re: SQL database restore question

2004-08-27 Thread Leonard, Christopher

Your metadata shows the following 6 files:  3 data files named DWH_Data,
DWH_1_Data, and DWH_2_Data and 3 log files named DWH_Log, DWHPROD_Log, and
DWHPROD_Log1.  However, your TDPSQLC RESTORE command is only relocating two
of them, DWH_Data and DWH_Log.  Therefore, the other 4 files are trying to
restore themselves to locations that are determined from the metadata stored
with the backup set.  In the case of DHWPROD_Log, the file was located on
the F: drive on the original SQL Server, as you can see from your /FILEINFO
query.  Therefore, since your TDPSQLC RESTORE command does not RELOCATE the
file, TDPSQLC is trying to restore it on the F: drive on the target server
as well.  The solution is that you need to RELOCATE _all_ the files that
should have different physical names on the target server.

Hope this helps,


Chris Leonard

The Database Guy

Brainbench MVP for Oracle Admin

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Restoring an SQL database

2004-08-18 Thread Leonard, Christopher
Hi Moses,

The way I do this is as follows.  First of all, we use PasswordAccess=Prompt
in our dsm.opt.  If it's possible to do this using Generate, I'd appreciate
somebody chiming in, because I could not figure that out.

Having said that, assume that I want to restore a backup made from MSSQLA
onto MSSQLB.  Suppose also that the TDPSQL client is installed on both
MSSQLA and MSSQLB.  In that case, I get a command prompt on SQLServerB and
run commands such as the following:

To query the tsm catalog for information about database backups made on
MSSQLA, run this on MSSQLB (all one line, of course - I'm just splitting
lines here for legibility):

tdpsqlc query tsm 

To run the command, replace the tokens in angle brackets with the
appropriate values for your environment (but do not include the angle
brackets themselves).

To restore from SQLServerA to SQLServerB, run this on SQLServerB (again, all
on one line):

tdpsqlc restore 

An alternative approach would be to use copies of each server's config
files, and then use the appropriate parameters to select the correct config
file for use each time you run tdpsqlc.  In the future, we might do that,
but right now our configurations are similar enough across servers that we
can get by with just specifying the paramters that we need to override from
our otherwise-identical config files.  Make sense?

You may need to use other options also (we frequently need to use /RELOCATE
and /TO when restoring, for example) but this should be enough to get you

Good luck,

| --
| Date:Wed, 18 Aug 2004 17:03:49 +0100
| From:Moses Show <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Restoring an SQL database
| Hi chaps,
| Can anybody enlighten me as to whether it is possible
| using TDP
| for SQL to restore a a backup taken on one SQL server to a
| different SQL
| server. I have been asked to perform the said task, but if it is not a
| workable practice then I would need to find a way around this.
| Any help would be gratefully received.
| ==

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Restoring SQL Database Question

2004-08-18 Thread Leonard, Christopher

I didn't see anybody reply with anything better than what I know, so I
thought I'd chime in.  To do this, you will need to use TDPSQLC to query the
TSM database for /ALL backups - not just the active ones.  For example,
"tdpsqlc query tsm mydatabase /all".  Then you need to parse the output,
looking at the "Backup Creation Date / Time" to select the backups you
require.  Then you need to make appropriate calls to tdpsqlc, using the
strings listed as the "Database Object Name," so that you can perform the
restores.  Remember, if you are restoring more than just a single full
backup, each restore command except the last one should specify
/recovery=no.  This prevents the rollback portion of the recovery process so
that subsequent backups can be applied to move the recovery forward in time.
The last restore command should specify /recovery=yes.  This allows the
rollback portion of recovery to complete so that the database can be opened
for normal use.

I don't know of any way to force the /all query to return a subset of
objects based on the time you want to recover to, or how to get the output
in a more usable format.  That would be nice, by the way, Del:  a command to
show me just the objects required to perform a PIT recovery to a time prior
to the currently active backup.  It would be even better if the objects came
back in a more immediately usable format, such as a comma-separated list of
TSM database object names or (to shoot the moon) a list of appropriate
TDPSQLC commands.  Maybe I can submit a request for that once my AIX friends
tell me where to send them.  Without such output, doing what Jeff is talking
about is a little tedious ... and we haven't written a script yet to parse
the "query tsm ... /all" output and automatically produce the correct
restore commands.  Has anybody else written an automatable script that can
do this?


| --
| Date:Mon, 16 Aug 2004 17:25:36 +
| From:Jeff White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Restoring SQL Database Question
| Hi,
| TSM Server
| TDP/SQL 2.2.1
| TSM Client
| What is the full command syntax, that i would enter from the
| SQL/TDP command line client, to recover a database, but not
| the latest database.
| The user's guide shows the command syntax for recovering the
| latest, but i have a DB Administrator who has asked that i
| recover the backup PRIOR to the latest. This would be fine
| via the GUI, but he asked if it was possible to do this on a
| regular basis, overnight, so that it is recovered for him
| prior to starting work. I was going to put this into a batch
| file and run it via a schedule.
| Any suggestions would be appreciated.
| Jeff White

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: ADSM-L Digest - 1 Aug 2004 to 2 Aug 2004 (#2004-204)

2004-08-03 Thread Leonard, Christopher
Thanks Del.  I will try to do just that.

The number of SQL Server instances and databases we have, plus the hardware
we currently have available (not to mention the admistrative issues
associated with restoring from one SQL Server node onto another in sqltdp!)
make doing "actual" restores of each backup a fairly uninviting scenario
right now.  I mean, we can periodically restore backups, but I don't know if
we have the bandwidth available to test them all!  VERIFYONLY is nice, since
it gives you a high level of assurance that everything is OK in between the
actual test restores.  Also, I've never met anyone who actually had the
verify succeed only to have a subsequent restore fail.  But then again,
maybe I'm just leading a sheltered life.  :o)   The frustrating thing is
that it seems that this would be such an easy component to add to the
interface, and it saves so much time versus setting up the
restore-to-another-server scenario.

Thanks again.  I'll ask our systems people who our IBM representative is,
and forward the request to them.


> Date:Mon, 2 Aug 2004 10:10:23 -0400
> From:Del Hoobler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: TDP for SQL - VERIFYONLY?
> Chris,
> I remember you asking about this last year as well.
> You are correct that Data Protection for SQL does not have
> a "VERIFYONLY" function at this time. To be completely honest
> we have only heard this request from one or two customers.
> Since it means that you need to read and restore all of the data from the
> backup set anyway, many people have decided to just do the actual
> restore to an alternate server to do a *real* verification that their
> data will restored and actually see it work, versus a message that
> says "The backup set is valid."
> I encourage you to submit an official requirement through your
> IBM representative that you need this function added to Data Protection
> for SQL. If the requirement is heard from enough customers, the priority
> will rise and it has a much better chance of being implemented.
> Thanks,
> Del

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature


2004-07-31 Thread Leonard, Christopher
As long as I'm posting, here's a question for Del.  There is one glaring
omission in the TDP client for SQL Server, namely the lack of any command
that would expose Microsoft's RESTORE VERIFYONLY command.  This command
saves tons of time in verifying backups, since it greatly simplifies the
process.  Are there any plans by IBM to build something into the TDP Client
for SQL Server that will let us run this command?  It really doesn't seem
like it should be very hard to do, and it's a big enough omission that
initially we considered scrapping TDP for SQL because of it - and we still
consider this from time to time.  It's really an integral part of the T-SQL
backup and restore API.

Thanks for any response,

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

TDP SQL errors backing up SQLSERVER Cluster on Windows2003

2004-07-31 Thread Leonard, Christopher
I am a SQL-Head (as Mark so elegantly put it), and one with more experience
than most.  The fact that the DBAs can do a backup from SQL Enterprise Manager
(or whatever) does *not* prove that this is not a SQL Server error.  It may,
sadly, give substantial evidence that they are stubborn or relatively
inexperienced DBAs if that's how they diagnose things.

I have seen this error pop up in different circumstances, and I urge you to
try the workaround that Del mentions below (which is the same as the one from
the MS KB article).  If this works, then it *is* most definitely a Microsoft
problem that can be resolved either by a Hotfix or by using the tcp:servername
syntax when registering or connecting to a SQL Server.

The first time I saw this error, my intuition told me it was "probably not a
SQL thing," but note the word "probably."  When I took the time to replicate
the connectivity environment of the client (which your SQL-Heads appear not to
have done), I saw the error, which led me to the KB.

We don't use SQL failover clusters at my current job (and I've only used
mostly DTC-bound clusters at other jobs) ... yet ... and this is the first job
I've had where we've used TDP for SQL Server.  Since we are likely to start
using failover clusters for SQL Server in the fairly near future, I'd really
appreciate it if you could post the resolution of this problem to the list.



Chris Leonard

The Database Guy

Brainbench MVP for Oracle Admin

| Date:Fri, 30 Jul 2004 16:45:03 -0400
| From:Del Hoobler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Re: TDP SQL errors backing up SQLSERVER Cluster on
| Windows2003
| Bill,
| Did you try this?
|tdpsqlc backup dbname full /
| for example:
|tdpsqlc backup master full /
| What happens?
| If you can't get it working, please ask that the PMR be
| forwarded to IBM Level 2 support. Level 2 can gather traces
| and work with Microsoft support to identify the problem.
| Thanks,
| Del

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: TDP for MSSQL 5.2.1 performance issues and questions.

2004-07-01 Thread Leonard, Christopher

This may not help you right now, but in case you're wanting to throw SQL
Server out the Window because of this "feature," I thought I'd mention that
this will change in SQL Server 2005.  As others have mentioned, SQL Server
2000 (and prior) must initialize all of the database pages before proceeding
with a restore.  This is because the restore only writes out pages that are
in use, so you can't rely on the restore to initialize all the pages for

As I understand it, in SQL Server 2005, SQL Server still must allocate the
file space before doing a database restore, but the time-consuming
initialization of database pages is no longer required.  This should
considerably alleviate, or perhaps even practically eliminate, the problem
you are experiencing.

Like I said, although this might not help you now, I thought it might be
good to know as you look down the road.


Chris Leonard

The Database Guy

Brainbench MVP for Oracle Admin

| Date:Wed, 30 Jun 2004 16:07:51 -0400
| From:Del Hoobler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Re: TDP for MSSQL 5.2.1 performance issues and questions.
| John,
| This is normal.
| SQL Server is pre-formatting the files in preparation for the restore.
| Data Protection for SQL restores a small bit of information that
| the SQL Server requires to properly set up and preformat the files.
| After that, Data Protection for SQL must wait around until the
| SQL Server starts requesting more data to fill the files.
| There is a README entry and a User's Guide note about this:
|   We recommend that the COMMTIMEOUT value on the TSM Server be
|   set to at least 600 seconds. The SQL Server must preformat
| the database
|   files prior to restoring the database in those files. This occurs
|   after a small amount of data has already been restored from the
|   TSM Server. When restoring very large databases, it may be necessary
|   to set COMMTIMEOUT to even larger values than 600. Failure to do
|   so may result in restores that fail due to a severed TCP/IP
| connection
|   caused by the TSM Server thinking that DP for SQL is hung.
| Thanks,
| Del

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