Newbie Question

2008-07-21 Thread Matthews, Gary (GSD UK Production Services business)
Hi ,

I've inherited a TSM setup recently and it's been ticking over fine  but
now I need to make some changes, and thought I'd ask the  experts for
some help :-) . It's TSM 5.2 and a W2K/3 environment. One server we're
backing up is a sharepoint cluster, with different cluster drives active
on each node. Currenlty we backup the local drives on each node, and
also a SQL agent backup. The DBA's also backup SQL to a cluster drive.
They now want this drive backed up as well . How do I do this? Bear in
mind, all I've done with TSM so far is checked that the existing backups
worked, so in simple terms please!! :-)


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Newbie Question cluster backups

2006-09-25 Thread Matthews, Gary

Have a question about setting a backup. I've inherited a Tivoli backup
solution and am very slowly getting to grips with it ( have a NetBackup
background) and now need help in setting up a new backup. We've a sql
cluster wdccdb01 which has been set up backup the local drives via each
side of the cluster separately (wdccsq01/02) - The clustered disk
resource hold the SQL database and that backs up the SQL agent, so
there's a dsm.opt file  in TSM/baclient locally  for each node  and a
dsm.opt file in TSM/TDPsql locally on each client. Now we've just put on
another drive to the cluster( non SQL) - First time for me to set up a
new backup -  What's the best way to set this backup up



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Newbie question - Reruns

2006-07-26 Thread Matthews, Gary
Hi to all,

Have a quick question - what's the best way to rerun failed backups?
I've tried through the ISCADMINTSMPOLICY DOMAINS route  and using the
schedule wizard but al that happens is  the jobs sit there in pending
state all day - what am I doing wrong?? Using TSM 5.3.3 on a W2K3



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Job Failures

2006-07-12 Thread Matthews, Gary
Hi Chaps,

Another newbie question. Having some jobs fail over night but can't for
the life of me see why. There's nothing in the logs on the client
baclient folder and all I have in the logs is

2006-07-11 22:29ANR0403I
Session 34 ended for node WSSDCCT01 (WinNT).(SESSION: 34)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR0407I
Session 35 started for administrator ADMIN (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip 35)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR2017I
Administrator ADMIN issued command: select option_value as LANG from
options where UPPER(option_value) in
_BR')(SESSION: 35)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR0405I
Session 35 ended for administrator ADMIN (WinNT).(SESSION: 35)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR0407I
Session 36 started for administrator ADMIN (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip 36)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR2017I
Administrator ADMIN issued command: select count(*) as CSM from events
where LENGTH(domain_name) IS NOT NULL and scheduled_start between
'2006-07-11 21:30:52' and '2006-07-11 22:30:51' and
status='Missed'(SESSION: 36)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR2017I
Administrator ADMIN issued command: select pct_utilized from db(SESSION:
2006-07-11 22:30ANR2017I
Administrator ADMIN issued command: select max_pct_utilized from
log(SESSION: 36)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR2017I
Administrator ADMIN issued command: select (sum(est_capacity_mb *
pct_utilized ) / NULLIF(sum(est_capacity_mb),0) ) as DPU from volumes
where devclass_name='DISK'(SESSION: 36)

2006-07-11 22:30ANR2017I
Administrator ADMIN issued command: select count(*) as NDO from drives
where online='NO'(SESSION: 36)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR2017I
Administrator ADMIN issued command: select count(*) as SV from
libvolumes where status='Scratch'(SESSION: 36)
2006-07-11 22:30ANR0405I
Session 36 ended for administrator ADMIN (WinNT).(SESSION: 36)
2006-07-11 22:37ANR0406I
Session 37 started for node WSSDCIC01 (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip
WSSDCIC01(3735)).(SESSION: 37)
2006-07-11 22:37ANR0403I
Session 37 ended for node WSSDCIC01 (WinNT).(SESSION: 37)
2006-07-11 22:41ANR0406I
Session 38 started for node WSSDCIC02 (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip
WSSDCIC02(4184)).(SESSION: 38)
2006-07-11 22:41ANR0403I
Session 38 ended for node WSSDCIC02 (WinNT).(SESSION: 38)
2006-07-11 22:50ANR0406I
Session 39 started for node WSSDCCC01 (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip
WSSDCCC01(1416)).(SESSION: 39)
2006-07-11 22:50ANR0403I
Session 39 ended for node WSSDCCC01 (WinNT).(SESSION: 39)
2006-07-11 22:52ANR0406I
Session 40 started for node WSSDCPD01 (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip
WSSDCPD01(2675)).(SESSION: 40)
2006-07-11 22:52ANR0403I
Session 40 ended for node WSSDCPD01 (WinNT).(SESSION: 40)
2006-07-11 22:55ANR0406I
Session 41 started for node WSSDCUP01 (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip
WSSDCUP01(4577)).(SESSION: 41)
2006-07-11 22:55ANR0403I
Session 41 ended for node WSSDCUP01 (WinNT).(SESSION: 41)
2006-07-11 23:10ANR0406I
Session 42 started for node WSSDCUP01 (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip

006-07-12 03:00ANR2578W
Schedule DAILY_BACKUP in domain BA_CLIENTS for node WSSDCCT01 has missed
its scheduled start up window.
2006-07-12 03:00ANR2578W
Schedule DAILY_BACKUP in domain BA_CLIENTS for node WSSDCIC01 has missed
its scheduled start up window.
2006-07-12 03:00ANR2578W
Schedule DAILY_BACKUP in domain BA_CLIENTS for node WSSDCIC02 has missed
its scheduled start up window.
2006-07-12 03:00ANR2578W
Schedule DAILY_BACKUP in domain BA_CLIENTS for node WSSDCCC01 has missed
its scheduled start up window.
2006-07-12 03:00ANR2578W
Schedule DAILY_BACKUP in domain BA_CLIENTS for node WSSDCPD01 has missed
its scheduled start up window.
2006-07-12 03:00ANR2578W
Schedule DAILY_BACKUP in domain BA_CLIENTS for node WSSDCTSM01 has
missed its scheduled start up window.

Any help where to look/how to fix would be appreciated



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Library Barcodes

2006-07-07 Thread Matthews, Gary

Thanks for the help for a new user so far from you guys, been very
useful . Have another  for you. We're currently backing up to a
TS3310(3576) Library - SAN attached with 2 LTO-3 drives. We had a
problem with the touch panel screen on the front - it went dead. IBM
engineer reckoned it was a firmware issue, and had us reset the library
config, and update to the latest firmware. This cured the panel problem
but gave us another. The library is now reporting back to TSM 6 char
barcodes not 8 - so we're getting mismatches as the original tapes has
internal headers to match the barcodes  e.g. IA0010L3 but know TSM sees
them as IA0010 until it reads the header. Anyone come across this
before?? Is there any config changes I cam make ? ( if this was
NetBackup I'd know where lol ) TSM 5.3.3 and W2K3 



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Newbie questions - File locations

2006-07-04 Thread Matthews, Gary

New to TSM ( but learning - picking up bits slowly from this list :-) )
, looking after a W2K3 system that was set up by someone else. Trying to
collate some data that's hasn't been documented anywhere, and was hoping
you guys could help. 

1) Where are the server scripts kept?

2) Drives being backed up and include/excludes have not been documented
- I know you can check through the GUI on each client but where are
these selections kept? Are they in easily accessible files?



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DRP file email help

2006-06-21 Thread Matthews, Gary

Slightly off topic - I've just taken over a TSM 5.3 W2K3 system and am
very slowly getting to grips with it and as part of it I want to copy
off the DR files everyday. The only way to do this is via Email. I'm
using blat to several emails with attachments every morning. Eg :-

blat test.txt -subject test -server x -r -log send.txt -to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -attach c:\program

This is fine with the static named files like devcnfg.out but how do I
select the latest DRP file as an attachment. I'm think of  somehow using
the date to get the start of the file then copying to a static file and
sending that but vbscript etc is not my strongest point!! Anyone  doing
this already or have any idea?



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Retention Query

2006-06-08 Thread Matthews, Gary

Am a complete newbie when it  comes to TSM and have just been handed a
W2K3 system to look after with TSM 5.3. The system hasn't gone live yet
and I'm trying to work out how many tapes I'm going to need for
offsiting. We have four pools for onsite with the following setup

Vers Data  exits28
Retain extra(days)  31
Vers Deleted2
Retain Vers (days)  60

Do the copypools have the same characteristics?  If I'm sending four
tapes off a day how may tapes do I need for an offsite cycle ?? It's
just that the company that set things up have said that 30 LTO-3s should
be enough for onsite and offsite and I can't see how.


Gary (confused!) 

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[no subject]

2006-05-18 Thread Matthews, Gary

One of our clients has is in the process of putting in a system that
includes TSM 5.3 running on W2K3. Before this my background has been
predominantly Netbackup/backup exec. Can you guys recommend  reading
material / FAQs for a newbie to get up and running asap. Trying to get
to grips with retentions and thing, for example how do I work out when
offsite tapes will expire, the consultancy firm have recommended an
initial 30 LTO-3 tapes, but the copypools send 3 (1 per pool) off a day,
so how do I work out how many tapes I'll be using?



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