Experiences with FileWizard TSM

2002-01-31 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

I am thinking of evaluating FileWizard TSM for NetWare by Knozall

It seems no one at Tivoli has any knowledge of this product. Does anyone
have experience with this software ?
Is it reliable ?
Easy to use ?
How well does it tie in with TSM ?
Experienced any problems ?
Any Gotcha's ?

Much appreciated.

Anthony Langford
Systems Programmer
Sydney Water Corporation IT
Tel: 9350 6690  Fax: 9267 6475

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How reliable are your 3590 K media

2002-01-09 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

We have recently installed two 3494 libraries utilising 3590 K media.

I am experiencing media failures (I/O errors) for about 1 in 10 media
when initializing with label libv. Some of the media does successfully
initialize on the second or third attempt but this does not fill me with

I have even had a situation were a tape was torn then wrapped itself
around the internals of the drive when the mechanism snagged on a very
poor splice on the tape.

My question ... is anyone else noticing problems with K media.  Yes
or No, either way I am interested to know so I can see if there is a
correlation between the media vendor (IE IBM, Immation BASF etc).


Peter Griffin
Sydney Water

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Re: STARTUP proc for OS390 client?

2001-11-01 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

I believe that you could start the procedure by adding an entry to the sys1.parmlib 
member BPXPRMnn

I do not know the exact format.

Before adding it you will also have to consider if the task has to be shut down when 
you want to IPL the system. Not only will you need to consider the efffect on the 
application but also the shutting down of the OMVS segment.

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How do you start the web client daemon on MVS client

2001-07-03 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

I have just started the TSM client for OMVS and would like to start the web client 

The expected DSMCAD binary was not installed as a part of the client install.

Should it be there or is there another process / method for MVS.

The one thing I did note is there is not much in the way of doco for the poor old 

Peter Griffin
Sydney Water

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Who is still keeping Y2K backups and how long to you intend to keep them?

2001-05-22 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

It appears to me that there is a large amount of Y2K backup data being stored,  not 
only in the TSM environment but for just about everything.

My guess is prior to Y2K,  the powers that be set a long retention policy based on the 
risk of post Y2K litigation.

Gifted with hind-sight, the apocalypse never occurred and as far as I am aware 
litigation has not eventuated therefore the long retention of the backups possibly is 
not justified.

I am interested in opinions and policy on the retention of this data.

For the record, I would like to get rid of them now.

Peter Griffin

Port Number question

2001-05-21 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

Currenlty we do a  dbbackup to local DLT media on week days and on the week-end it is 
done to another remotely located server.

I would like to do the backup remotely everyday however bandwidth is a problem. We now 
have a capability to cap the bandwidth usage to ensure that the dbbackup does not 
have a negative effect on normal business traffic. However the capping is based upon 
 either or both the IP addresses and ports.

Does anyone know if the server to server communication uses a dedicated port (37 712) 
or a range etc etc? I do not want to restrict any other TSM traffic.

Peter Griffin
Sydney Water

Re: Number of scratch tapes?

2001-05-06 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

To simply get a count of the number of scratches

select count(*) from libvolumes where upper(status)= 'SCRATCH'

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/05/01 01:13am 
Here the select part running from a script.

Volumes where libvolumes.status = 'Scratch'

[backup] /home/root/bin # more dsmcmd
dsmadmc -id=admin -pa=your password -displaymode=table $1

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/04/01 10:57AM 
Hi there,

I am a newbie. We have TSM 3.7. running. I want to run a batch command from
my root prompt which give me the number of scratch tapes, I will put it in
cron to mail me every morning as to how much scratch tapes I have in my lib.
How can I do that?  I don't want to go to interactive mode to run it.

Thanks for help


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Re: Identify tape volumes

2001-05-03 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

select volume_name from contents where file_name like (???%)

file_name is the client's name for the file

you possible could replace file_name with filespace_name since the oracle db probably 
would be in it's own file space

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/03/01 11:45pm 
I am looking for a select statement to identify tape volumes used during an
oracle db backup
for a specific date (04/20/01).  Can anyone help me?


William M. Jolley
9014 Research Drive
Charlotte, NC  28226



Re: Building the DRM Characteristics - How to dynamically createthem

2001-05-02 Thread PETER GRIFFIN


   The method to enter the information is pretty much under control, my problem is how 
to get the specific info required automatically.

   The method to get the info into the database will go something like this.

1)  A script, BAT file (what ever is suitable) is run to generate the base information.

2) The information is usually verbose and needs to be reduced, In the case of NT I 
used REXX (the rexx executable from the resource kit).  

3) The reduced report is FTP'd to the TSM server

4)  On the TSm server  a second file pertaining to the client exists which contains 
info that I am unable to get dynamically (usually there because I do not know how to 
get it rather than not be possible to find). A script (Korn shell in our case)  will 
concatenate the two reports and generate the appropriate TSM batch commands.

I am yet to decide if a client schedule (CMD) should be used to generate the dynamic 
report  ftp process to if I should run it as a post process of the incr backup.

The loading of the info into the database via the ksh script will be executed a step 
in the backup db  prepare script


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/03/01 06:54am 
  I too have toyed with this concept but never really come up with anything
concrete. The winmsd command will extract a lot of information to a text
file. This would be nice to import into the DRM feature of TSM, but how? If
we can find a way to pump the output of winmsd into DRM via pre and post
backup commands, we may have something here!!!

  Please, keep me informed and I will do the same.

John G. Talafous  IS Technical Principal
The Timken CompanyGlobal Software Support
P.O. Box 6927 Data Management
1835 Dueber Ave. S.W. Phone: (330)-471-3390
Canton, Ohio USA  44706-0927  Fax  : (330)-471-4034
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.timken.com 

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 12:54 AM
Subject: Building the DRM Characteristics - How to dynamically create

I would like to be able to run a post backup command that will generate the
characteristics of the clients which will in turn be read as input for
defining the DRM characteristics.

For example, on NT I intend run a winmsd /fs  and extract info from the
generated output

I appreciate any help on how to generate the characteristics for HP and SUN
that would be required to rebuild a server

eg  lanscan on HP  ifconfig on HP


Peter Griffin

What needs to be done - HP TCP/IP tuning when converting from ATM the GB ethernet

2001-04-25 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

The network between a HP client and a SUN server was recently changed from ATM to GB 

Since that conversion the rate of transfer  for the backups has become ridiculously 

We have yet to prove that the change of network topology is the cause though  it is 
the obvious place to start.

Can anyone offer any suggestions how to check if the IP config on HP  is tuned for ATM 
and what would the appropriate settings for ethernet.

The HP box is a HP 9000 K class


Peter Griffin
Sydney Water

Re: Autosys and ADSM???

2001-04-16 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

Have at look at Control M from BMC. 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/13/01 01:43am 
We currently have Autosys scheduling a series of ADSM backups or Oracle databases as 
well as numerous batch jobs all of which are running on AIX client mahines on an SP 
system.  The Autosys server currently resides on a seperate NT server.  Management 
wants to migrate the Autosys server to an AIX platform.

The instability of the NT platform has prompted us to consider this migration to AIX.  
However, considering the level of support we have received from Computer Associates, 
or lack of regarding their Autosys product, in fixing our Autosys/ADSM problems, as 
well as the fact that  we will upgrade our ADSM system to the latest version of TSM, 
we are seriously considering another scheduler.  Does anybody have this kind of AIX / 
ADSM / AUTOSYS setup?   Any ideas or successes?

Jaime Diaz
SP2 Administrator
House2Home Support Services, MIS

Re: Backup Sets

2001-04-10 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

I would disagree that the backup set would serve little reason other than a portable 
backup media (though this is a good enough reason in itself).

Coming from a mainframe back round I tend to emulate the storage management processes 
that have evolved with the mainframe over the past decade or two. Ignoring the 
scenario of operating two remote sites,  the most common mainframe method to prepare 
for a DR recovery is to create full backups of your storage volumes once per week and 
incr for the remainder.

This method allows for;
a) a percentage of your storage to be restored to it's most current point in time in a 
single restore process, therefore minimising the total recovery time
b) minimise the amount of data to be recovered from incr media which can involve a 
large number of tapes and network bandwidth - again minimising the total recovery time

Because most of us still backup over the network the ability to create "regular"  full 
backups was restricted or totally prevented by bandwidth limitations. This then brings 
into question the ability to perform a full recovery.

Backupsets have solved this restriction and allow for the creation of the "weekly 
backup" removing the major bottleneck being the network. 

I am testing a  plan to implement the afore mentioned methodology  by  creating the 
backupsets to a "transportable" media on a weekly basis. For example, backupsets  for 
server A B and C will be created on Mondays, E, F and G on Tuesdays etc etc.

For what would be considered the most critical servers the backupset would be created 
more regularly than the weekly cycle. However,  because of other technologies such as 
EMC's timefinder / SRDF  being available to these critical servers this probably will  
not be required.

Hopefully the major benifit of this process  - a full serve restore, will not be 
required however a more immediate benifit I hop to realise is being able to turn off 

Wait, there is more

In the near future a SAN infrastructure will be implemented which allows for greater 

The scenario I would like to investigate is; (for servers not normally participating 
in the SAN)

- on the storage create a minimal DR boot image of each of the operating systems  - 
including the TSM code
- create the backup set to devc type of file (located on the SAN storage )
- in the event of a failure the server or the replacement server would be temporarily 
connected to the SAN and booted from the appropriate boot image on the SAN storage 
(standardisation is the key)
- the volume on which the backupset was create will be made available to the server
- restore via normal BMR processes

Peter Griffin

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/11/01 07:28am 
Currently I do regular TSM ncremental backups of my servers every night.  I
was wondering is there any reason I should start creating Backup Sets.  I
still have the ability to restore my server to its last backed up state if
it were to fail.  Therefore I don't see much reason for doing Backup Sets
accept for the ability to restore the downed server from portable media if
TSM isn't available.  Does anyone have any opinoins on types of backups to
do on NT, and AIX systems that will give me the best recoverablity in case
of a failure.

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SQL Query - what is wrong with this statement

2001-03-25 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

A tape containing some 11 000 files has become unreadable. The I/O error was 
discovered in a BACKUP STG process and  these is no other backup of the data.

What I am trying to ascertain / list  is what data will be lost. As far as I can see 
only "inactive" data is going to be lost permanently.

The following SQL is what I issued to list the content of the tape . 

select state,  hl_name, ll_name, backup_date from BACKUPS, CONTENTS  where 

The output was so large that the hard drive I directed the output and the recovery log 

Is there something wrong with this statement that would produce so much output or is 
it valid? I would like to find this out before I submit it with the added limiting 
statement of where state=inactive

Peter Griffin

A consensus on scheduling methodology

2001-03-19 Thread PETER GRIFFIN

I have never have been very happy with the scheduler in TSM because it is basically a 
time dependant process were I prefer an event dependant process.

I would like to know what is the generally accepted method to schedule both admin and 
client processes

Comment Please.

Peter Griffin