Re: deleteing client filespace

2005-10-13 Thread Rafael da Cruz Martins
 When you want delete a especific files ,you need to
use the parameter nametype=unicode.

Rafael da Cruz Martins - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Service IT Solutions -
SP: +55 11 30541400
RS: +55 51 33146000
PR: +55 41 3635586
Argentina: +54 11 4322355

-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Brown
Sent: terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2005 14:13
Subject: deleteing client filespace

Have tsm client with following filespaces

EPO \\epo\c$   3 WinNTNTFS Yes 8,197.2  56.0
EPO \\epo\d$   4 WinNTNTFS Yes26,458.6   6.4
EPO SYSTEM 5 WinNTNTFS Yes 0.0   0.0

Want to delete  \\epo\d$

Issued comand

delete fi epo \\epo\d$ type=any

Received message

ANR0852E DELETE FILESPACE: No matching file spaces found for node EPO.

What am i doing wrong ??

Tim Brown
Systems Specialist
Central Hudson Gas  Electric
284 South Ave
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Phone: 845-486-5643
Fax: 845-486-5921

RES: Scripts for summary

2005-07-28 Thread Rafael da Cruz Martins
In your script add:
select sum(cast(bytes/1024/1024/1024 as decimal(8,2))) Total GB Backed Up
from summary where start_time=current_timestamp - 1 day and
activity='BACKUP' and schedule_name '  '


De: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager em nome de Joni Moyer
Enviada: qui 28/7/2005 08:17
Assunto: Scripts for summary

Hello All,

I currently have a summary report that tells me a total of how much data
was backed up/node and also a summary of the total amount of GB backed up
in a 24 hour time period.  I was wondering if it would be possible to get a
summary of how much data was backed  up in a 24 hour time period per backup
schedule?  If so, how would this be done?  Thank you in advance!

Here are the 3 I currently run for a summary report of the day.
select entity as Admin Task,date(start_time) as Date,time(start_time)
as Start,time(end_time) as End,cast(substr(cast(end_time-start_time as
char(20)),3,8) as char(8)) as Duration, schedule_name as
Schedule,examined as Examined,affected,failed,cast(bytes/1024/1024 as
decimal(6,0)) as MB,successful from summary where
start_time=current_timestamp - 24 hours and activity in('STGPOOL BACKUP')

select sum(cast(bytes/1024/1024/1024 as decimal(8,2))) Total GB Backed Up
from summary where start_time=current_timestamp - 1 day and

select sum(cast(bytes/1024/1024/1024 as decimal(8,2))) Total GB Archived
from summary where start_time=current_timestamp - 1 day and
q act begint=09:00 msg=6900

Joni Moyer
Storage Systems