Re: Backup of Sun OS

2002-01-28 Thread Robert Cross

Andrea MacMurray wrote:
>The problem is that our Unix team wants to backup a running Sun OS and
then later on restore this
>backed up OS backup and boot the machine from there, which of course did
not work.

Andrea: the answer is to use ufsdump/ufsrestore. We're in the same position
as you, and we ended up
with the locally-developed low-tech solution of using 8mm tapes with a tar
archive followed by the O/S ufsdumps. What we
then do in a DR is:
1:   Boot the destination system with an OS CD. This doesn't even have to
be the same OS level as
the one we're restoring, we just need a running system.
2:   Restore the tar archive and unpack it. This gives us a whole load of
documentation plus a script. We then run this
script which formats out the OS filesystems we need, (/, /usr, /var, etc).
3:   The script then restores the data from the tape, (only the OS areas,
not application/data areas), and finally does
an installboot using the boot block, (and installboot), just restored from
4:   Reboot with the newly restored OS, and TSM-restore everything else.

One of the things we're looking at is making boot images that could be
saved into TSM, and then reloaded via 'boot net -s', or
failing that a customised boot CD.

As other people have said you might want to seriously look at the Kernel
Group's 'Bare Metal Restore' product. However, if you check this
list's archive's you'll see that there are doubts over it's long term
future, given that Veritas now own it.

Oh, the other thing would be to use Sun's Jumpstart system along with
customised boot media. We're also looking at this, (as a low priority
since it's standard and free, (I've got printed Jumpstart docs that came
with the installation media, but they're also available on


Robert Cross, EDS UK Ltd.

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Restore an archive with the description?

2000-11-21 Thread Robert Cross

Sorry if this is a "doh!" question 

Is it possible to restore an entire named archive in a single command, i.e.
selecting on the contents of the "Description" field. This is easy in the GUI
client, but I'd like to be able to do this without needing an X display.

What I'm looking for is something like
 dsmc retrieve -subdir=yes -des="Archive 1104" "/*"
(this doesn't work)

I can restore the archive if I know the filesystems it contains and select
each individually, but I'd really like to be able to do it in a single
command, without necessarily knowing exactly what it contains.


Bob Cross.

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TSM/Solaris 2.6 client problems

2000-10-26 Thread Robert Cross

Has anyone run into problems running either the TSM 3.7.2 or 4.1.1 clients
on Solaris 2.6 with the latest patch level?

I've got a 105181-23 kernel running and the GUI client collapses with
a segmentation fault, the command line gives
"ANS9505E unkown: cannot initialize DM services. Reason: Operation not

I've checked back and this appears to a problem that's happened before and been
solved before, (related to HSM which I've not installed), but now seems to have
come back.

Any solutions to this?



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ADSM time?

2000-10-26 Thread Robert Cross

Two small questions, hopefully with small answers [ :-) ]:

1. Time changes - what's the best way to deal with these, i.e. does the server
have to go
 down for the clock change (especially the impending 'clocks back' one)?

2. We've got an SP node AIX ADSM server connected to a 3494 library - any idea
 the server software would take it's date/time from? Reason I ask is that
currently the
 ADSM server is about one month and one hour ahead of the AIX server upon which
it sits.

Thanks for the input.

Robert Cross.

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Referencing archives by name

2000-10-23 Thread Robert Cross

This might be an RTFM question, in which case, many apologies.

Is there anyway to reference an archive (for retrieval, deletion, etc), purely
by the
text in the description field from the command line?

It's a piece of cake to do from the GUI, but I'm trying to work out how to do a
when I've got no X-windows. The archive itself covers a couple of filesystems
so it's
not convenient to have to name them all specifically.

I've tried
 dsmc retrieve -des="some description" -subdir=yes "/*"   and
 dsmc retrieve -des="some description" -subdir=yes "*"and
 dsmc retrieve -des="some description" -subdir=yes

and none of them seem to work (even I can understand why the last one doesn't!)

Any suggestions *SM genii?



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2000-09-04 Thread Robert Cross

This might be a dumb question - in which case apologies.

Has anyone got any good reason why we shouldn't go directly
from ADSM server (AIX) to TSM 4.1, missing out the TSM3.7 step?

Just wondering if there were any 'gotchas' that meant it was better to do the
upgrade as ADSM->v3.7->v4.1. Obviously if it's do-able in one step we'd prefer

Any contributions gratefully received.


Bob Cross.

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Impatient clients on ADSM with 3494

2000-08-09 Thread Robert Cross

I've got a funny 'fault' with our system, ( server with attached four
drive 3494),
as follows:

Clients set restores going, and most of the time there's no problems. But,
every so
often, we get a restore which needs data on a lot of tapes, (for example 30 or
Invariably this restore will fail at some point, and the problem appears to be
it thinks that there are no mount points (drives) free. Most of the time this
to true, although the drives are at status 'idle', (why doesn't it dismount the
Other times it appears that the server just cannot load the tape quick enough to
satisfy the client - which ends up with the now-dreaded 'data unavailable to
message. Worst still, on occasion we have drives 0 and 2 free, 1 and 3 in use
the clients regard this as 'no mount points available' - why?

Our most consistent workaround appears to be keep an eye on the restore and
manually dismount the tape it's just finished with, especially if the restore
is using
drives 1 or 3. We've tried setting the mountretention's on both drive and
device classes down to five minutes but this doesn't help.

Is there some other timeout value, esp. on the client, that I've overlooked?

And has anyone seen problems like this with the 3494's?

Any assistance greatly welcome, even 'no idea - report to Tivoli/IBM'.

Bob Cross.

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