Re: ANR8302E: How do I test new drive?

2003-12-02 Thread Tobias Hofmann

On 01.12.2003 20:22, Coats, Jack wrote:

Just a thought, take TSM server down.
Did so yesterday...

Use an OS native program (Microsoft Backup) using a hand fed scratch tape
or two to backup the local system and restore a few files until you believe
drive will hold its own.
...and failed to get it to work with ntbackup - several problems from
too many tapes in library to refusal to write to the tape in the
drive. grrr.
I see your point (and thanks for the input), but does anyone have
another approach?
It would be very much appreciated...

TIA, greets, tobi...

Then start with TSM.  If the same tapes are read and written OK in other
drives, then you still have a drive problem, IMHO.  (Or cable, or SCSI
If all the errors are on the same drive, you may still have a problem.
LOL ... JC

-Original Message-
From: Tobias Hofmann [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 11:19 AM
Subject:  ANR8302E: How do I test new drive?
Ladies, gentlemen,

a new, replaced LTO drive gives me headaches - in the following situation:

OS: MS Win2k Advanced Server, 5.00.2195, SP2
TSM: Storage Management Server for Windows - Version 5, Release 1, Level
After having worked with no probs afaik, last week one of my two HP
ultrium LTO drives died and was replaced by dell (guarantee/bronce
contract). Following this, i wittnessed for two days the cumbersome
process of firmware-updating the library (PV136T, equals a ADIC Scalar
100, or so I am told), after which the system seemed ok. I deleted drive
and path definitions and hoped for the best. This is what I have seen
two days later:
11/27/03   15:19:30  ANR0984I Process 22 for MIGRATION started in
the  BACKGROUND at 15:19:30.
11/27/03   15:19:30  ANR1000I Migration process 22 started for
storage pool  DISKPOOL.
11/27/03   15:20:17  ANR8337I LTO volume 02L1 mounted in drive
MT2.0.0.3  (mt2.0.0.3).
11/27/03   15:46:35  ANR8337I LTO volume 05L1 mounted in drive
MT1.0.0.3  (mt1.0.0.3).
11/27/03   15:46:38  ANR1340I Scratch volume 05L1 is now defined
in storage  pool LTOPOOL1.
11/27/03   15:49:53  ANR8302E I/O error on drive MT1.0.0.3
(mt1.0.0.3)  (OP=WRITE, Error Number=1117,
CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=0C,  ASCQ=00,
., Description=Drive or media  failure).
 Refer to Appendix D in the 'Messages' manualfor
recommended action.
11/27/03   15:49:53  ANR8359E Media fault detected on LTO volume
05L1 in  drive MT1.0.0.3 (mt1.0.0.3) of
library LB0.0.0.3.
11/27/03   15:49:53  ANR1411W Access mode for volume 05L1 now
set to  read-only due to write error.
11/27/03   15:49:53  ANR0523W Transaction failed for session 1837
for node CMS1  (WinNT) - error on output storage
11/27/03   15:49:59  ANR1341I Scratch volume 05L1 has been
deleted from  storage pool LTOPOOL1.
11/27/03   15:50:49  ANR8468I LTO volume 05L1 dismounted from
drive  MT1.0.0.3 (mt1.0.0.3) in library LB0.0.0.3.
11/27/03   15:51:41  ANR8337I LTO volume 09L1 mounted in drive
MT1.0.0.3  (mt1.0.0.3).
11/27/03   15:51:45  ANR1340I Scratch volume 09L1 is now defined
in storage  pool LTOPOOL1.
11/27/03   15:53:40  ANR8302E I/O error on drive MT1.0.0.3
(mt1.0.0.3)  (OP=WRITE, Error Number=1117,
CC=306, KEY=03, ASC=0C,  ASCQ=00,
., Description=Drive or media  failure).
 Refer to Appendix D in the 'Messages' manualfor
recommended action.
11/27/03   15:53:40  ANR8359E Media fault detected on LTO volume
09L1 in  drive MT1.0.0.3 (mt1.0.0.3) of
library LB0.0.0.3.
11/27/03   15:53:40  ANR1411W Access mode for volume 09L1 now
set to  read-only due to write error.
11/27/03   15:53:40  ANR0523W Transaction failed for session 1837
for node CMS1  (WinNT) - error on output storage
11/27/03   15:53:46  ANR1341I Scratch volume 09L1 has been
deleted from  storage pool LTOPOOL1.
11/27/03   15:54:16  ANR8468I LTO volume 09L1 dismounted from
drive  MT1.0.0.3 (mt1.0.0.3) in library LB0.0.0.3.
11/27/03   15:55:06  ANR8337I LTO volume 10L1 mounted in drive
MT1.0.0.3  (mt1.0.0.3).
11/27/03   15:55:11  ANR1340I Scratch volume 10L1 is now defined
in storage  pool LTOPOOL1.
11/27/03   15:56:47  ANR8302E I

ANR8302E: How do I test new drive?

2003-12-01 Thread Tobias Hofmann
., Description=Drive or media  failure).
 Refer to Appendix D in the 'Messages' manualfor
recommended action.
11/27/03   16:00:04  ANR8355E I/O error reading label for volume
10L1 in  drive MT1.0.0.3 (mt1.0.0.3).
11/27/03   16:00:11  ANR0482W Session 1836 for node CMS1 (WinNT)
terminated -  idle for more than 15 minutes.
11/27/03   16:00:35  ANR8381E LTO volume 10L1  could not be
mounted in  drive MT1.0.0.3 (mt1.0.0.3).
11/27/03   16:00:35  ANR1402W Mount request denied for volume
10L1 - volume  unavailable.
11/27/03   16:00:35  ANR1410W Access mode for volume 10L1 now
set to  unavailable.
This is taking up my already few scratch tapes too fast...

(By the way: What is the correct way to turn these tapes into scratch
tapes again? move data into the storagepool, and then manually turn them
to scratch-status again? or do i miss something there?)
Tests done with the Dell-provided software tools have not given any hint
on problems occuring in the library. I have now been advised to swap the
two drives (one becomes two and vice versa) and see if the problem
persists - but my problem now is that I would not know how to do
reasonable testing.
I don,t know how to trigger migration process manually (searched the
admin ref pdf to no avail),
but even if I did, there is only so many migrations I can do, and then I
am stumped.
I don,t know how to advise TSM to move data using a defined drive - say,
from 1 to 2, and not from 2 to one - how can this be done?
I am quite limited in space and don,t have copy pools, so I am a bit
hesitant to move data with a possibly faulty drive and breaking
something - is there a clever approach doing a copy onto a single tape
volume? Again, I checked the guide but did not see anything wrt this...
Any input would be very much appreciated,

greets, tobi

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Perl TSM daily reporting script (source link)

2003-11-06 Thread Tobias Hofmann

thanks for sharing this - for me, this is yum! :)

On 06.11.2003 18:35, Patrick Audley wrote:

  I've placed the script on my website rather than send it out
individually.  This is a preliminary version and might not work for
everyone nor is it fully documented yet.   Any feed back is welcome.
my 2c:

If I run
select library_name, status, count(*) as NO_OF_Tapes from
adsm.libvolumes group by library_name, status
it tells me i have 6 scratch tapes,
your script does not say anything:
7. Scratch Volumes

  Scratch volumes are the volumes that TSM uses to do... well pretty
 much everything.  If you run out then the server will break and bad
 juju will happen. All of the numbers below should be greater than at
 least 5.
8. Paths and Drives
Is that how it is supposed to work?

TIA for input,

greets, tobi... :)

Good luck :)

P.S.  Thanks for all those who send suggestions, I'll work on
integrating them.
Patrick Audley  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
High Performance Computing Manager
Computational Biology  Bioinformatics
University of Dundee
Dundee, Scotland+44 1382 348721
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

How does replace=no work?

2003-11-05 Thread Tobias Hofmann
Ladies, Gentlemen,

following up to my (maybe confused) question yesterday, I think my
question boils down to this:
How does 'restore ... replace=no' work?

That is, what does it take for a file to not be replaced?
Is name and location already sufficient?
Or does the client check for creation/modification date, size, or
something like md5-hash?
tia for any info on that,

kind regards, tobi... :)

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How does replace=no work?

2003-11-05 Thread Tobias Hofmann
Hi Andy, all,

On 05.11.2003 16:01, Andrew Raibeck wrote:

I would recommend that you consult the client manual, which includes a
reference chapter for client options.
This is from ansbc550.pdf, page 194, obtained from
, which I hope to be the correct document for the linux clients version
The replace option specifies what you want the system to do when it
restores files that already exist on your workstation. This option
applies to the restore, retrieve, and restore backupset commands only.

All existing files are overwritten, including read-only files. If access
to a file is denied, you are prompted to skip or overwrite the file. No
action is taken on the file until there is a response to the prompt.
[This is clear to me. All files will be restored, given they are not
access protected]
Any existing files are overwritten, except read-only files. If a file is
read-only, you are prompted to overwrite the file or skip it. No action
is taken on the file until there is a response to the prompt. If access
to a file is denied, the file is skipped.
[This is clear to me, too]

Existing files are not overwritten. No prompts will display.
If, after reading the information on REPLACE you still don't understand
it, let me know what is not clear.
To me, not clear is the meaning of existing file.

Given a file in my backup, foo.avi, with a creation and modification
date, and a size of 1 Gigabyte.
Given a file foo.avi (same name) on my harddisk in the same location
from which the backup has been created, with the same creation date as
in the backup, but later mod-date, and a filesize of only 500Kb.
Now I restore this file to the original location, with replace=no - what
Does TSM not replace the file, since the existing file (even though
with different size, and different modification date - are there any
other criteria?) is there with the same name and in the same location?
Or is it replaced, as it is different from the one in the backup?

I am sorry to bother you with this, but from the docs it is not clear to
us. Thanks in advance for your time, it is very much appreciated -
Kind regards, tobi...



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Tobias Hofmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
11/05/2003 07:18
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
Subject:How does replace=no work?
Ladies, Gentlemen,

following up to my (maybe confused) question yesterday, I think my
question boils down to this:
How does 'restore ... replace=no' work?

That is, what does it take for a file to not be replaced?
Is name and location already sufficient?
Or does the client check for creation/modification date, size, or
something like md5-hash?
tia for any info on that,

kind regards, tobi... :)

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
 Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
   e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How does replace=no work?

2003-11-05 Thread Tobias Hofmann

On 05.11.2003 17:58, Andrew Raibeck wrote:

Now I restore this file to the original location,
with replace=no - what happens?
Because foo.avi already exists, foo.avi is not restored.
Ok, got that. Thanks! :)

Does TSM not replace the file, since the existing
file (even though with different size, and different
modification date - are there any other criteria?) is
there with the same name and in the same location?
Correct. Because a file already exists with the same name,
That was (for me) the crucial point.

it is not

Or is it replaced, as it is different from the one in
the backup?
The decision is based solely on the file name. Therefore the content and
attributes of the file have no bearing on the decision.
Pity. Well... :)

Thanks for clarification,

greets, tobi... :)



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Tobias Hofmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
11/05/2003 09:37
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
Subject:Re: How does replace=no work?
Hi Andy, all,

On 05.11.2003 16:01, Andrew Raibeck wrote:

I would recommend that you consult the client manual, which includes a
reference chapter for client options.

This is from ansbc550.pdf, page 194, obtained from
, which I hope to be the correct document for the linux clients version
The replace option specifies what you want the system to do when it
restores files that already exist on your workstation. This option
applies to the restore, retrieve, and restore backupset commands only.

All existing files are overwritten, including read-only files. If access
to a file is denied, you are prompted to skip or overwrite the file. No
action is taken on the file until there is a response to the prompt.
[This is clear to me. All files will be restored, given they are not
access protected]
Any existing files are overwritten, except read-only files. If a file is
read-only, you are prompted to overwrite the file or skip it. No action
is taken on the file until there is a response to the prompt. If access
to a file is denied, the file is skipped.
[This is clear to me, too]

Existing files are not overwritten. No prompts will display.

If, after reading the information on REPLACE you still don't understand
it, let me know what is not clear.

To me, not clear is the meaning of existing file.

Given a file in my backup, foo.avi, with a creation and modification
date, and a size of 1 Gigabyte.
Given a file foo.avi (same name) on my harddisk in the same location
from which the backup has been created, with the same creation date as
in the backup, but later mod-date, and a filesize of only 500Kb.
Now I restore this file to the original location, with replace=no - what
Does TSM not replace the file, since the existing file (even though
with different size, and different modification date - are there any
other criteria?) is there with the same name and in the same location?
Or is it replaced, as it is different from the one in the backup?

I am sorry to bother you with this, but from the docs it is not clear to
us. Thanks in advance for your time, it is very much appreciated -
Kind regards, tobi...



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
Good enough is the enemy of excellence.

Tobias Hofmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent by: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
11/05/2003 07:18
Please respond to ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
   Subject:How does replace=no work?
Ladies, Gentlemen,

following up to my (maybe confused) question yesterday, I think my
question boils down to this:
How does 'restore ... replace=no' work?

That is, what does it take for a file to not be replaced?
Is name and location already sufficient?
Or does the client check for creation/modification date, size, or
something like md5-hash?
tia for any info on that,

kind regards, tobi... :)

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto

Re: How does replace=no work?

2003-11-05 Thread Tobias Hofmann

On 05.11.2003 19:04, Alex Paschal wrote:


To (kind of, but not really) address your question from yesterday, when
doing a restore of large disk volumes, it's good to use the command line
client and tee your output into a file.  You can often avoid these kinds of
issues by looking at that output file to see which file the restore last
Noted. Thanks! Cunning Plan... :)

greets, tobi... :)

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

compare and restore only certain files - how?

2003-11-04 Thread Tobias Hofmann
Ladies, gentlemen,

[Environment: Server Win2k,, Client Win2k,]

I am in the process of restoring about 500gig of data on a Win2k client
after having experienced some raid-problems. While restoring, the client
went into a freeze and could only be started with a hard reboot, after
already having restored about 180gig of data. Restarting the restore was
not possible.
The question now is the following:

I am afraid that the system froze with maybe a large file (film) being
restored only partially - would a restore with the option not to
overwrite existing file still restore this only partially restored file?
Or put differently: can I do a compare of files in my backup with the
current state of files on my HD to find the files I would have to
restore to have all files on my HD be of the exact state as in my backup?
I searched the archive to no avail and would be very thankful for any
pointer or RTFM/RTFFAQ on this.
TIA and kind regards,

tobi... :)

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Vedr.: define devclass file on w2k not working on mounted share?

2003-08-14 Thread Tobias Hofmann
Imre, Allan,

thanks for the quick reply, but:

Allan Hansen wrote:

Hi Tobias,

Don't use the drive letter. It will work with the server name of the
remote machine.

define devclass remoteshare devtype=file dir=\\servername\tsmbackups
tsm: CMS2_SERVER1define devclass remoteshare devtype=file 
ANR8366E DEFINE DEVCLASS: Invalid value for DIRECTORY parameter.
ANS8001I Rückkehrcode 3.

Whereas i can see \\cms1\tsmbackups in the file explorer on the machine 
CMS2, as well as do

C:\net view \\cms1
Freigegebene Ressourcen auf \\cms1
Name Typ  LokalBeschreibung

tsmbackups   Platte
videos   Platte
Der Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.
in a CLI on CMS2...

I do have to logon to cms1, though, before i can see it in the file 
explorer - could that be a security thing, that the tsm-server on cms2 
is running under anoter user context?

any ideas? thanks for the input,

kind regards, tobi...

Allan Hansen
Munk IT A/S
Egelundsvej 18
5260 Odense S

Tobias Hofmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt af: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
06-08-2003 11:31
Besvar venligst til ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
Vedr.:  define devclass file on w2k not working on mounted share?
hi all,

I would like to create a devclass of devtype=file on a windows 2000
server (w2k) running tsm5.1.0.0 using as dir-path a mounted share of
another machine. So what I do is I mount the share of the other machine,
using the gui-analogon to net use (sorry, German OS here, don,t know
the English terms by heart), on, say, drive f:, and then do
define devclass remoteshare devtype=file dir=f:\tsmbackups on the
admin command line. result is
ANR8366E DEFINE DEVCLASS: Invalid value for DIRECTORY parameter.

I am told that on a Unix-machine, it is possible to define a devclass of
type file on mounted volumes...
Am I missing something here? What could be the solution to my problem?

Thanks in advance for any input,

kind regards, tobias hofmann :)

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
 Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
   e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

define devclass file on w2k not working on mounted share?

2003-08-14 Thread Tobias Hofmann
hi all,

I would like to create a devclass of devtype=file on a windows 2000
server (w2k) running tsm5.1.0.0 using as dir-path a mounted share of
another machine. So what I do is I mount the share of the other machine,
using the gui-analogon to net use (sorry, German OS here, don,t know
the English terms by heart), on, say, drive f:, and then do
define devclass remoteshare devtype=file dir=f:\tsmbackups on the
admin command line. result is
ANR8366E DEFINE DEVCLASS: Invalid value for DIRECTORY parameter.

I am told that on a Unix-machine, it is possible to define a devclass of
type file on mounted volumes...
Am I missing something here? What could be the solution to my problem?

Thanks in advance for any input,

kind regards, tobias hofmann :)

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Restore: Gui vs. CLI - Differences?

2003-08-14 Thread Tobias Hofmann

Richard Sims wrote:


Is there anywhere I could vote for new features in TSM? :)

The ADSM-R mailing list was a place for that, but is dormant.
The standard method is to submit product requirements in general
through your IBM rep.
Thanks for the info, will consider doing so.

Greets, tobi... :)

  Richard Sims, BU

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Restore: Gui vs. CLI - Differences?

2003-08-11 Thread Tobias Hofmann
Hi all,

last week we survived a RAID-Crash (6 of 8 HDs bad blocks - don,t
ask...), and restored all data completely and timely, to my surprise... :)
Afterwards, I took a closer look at the restore process, and found the
following, which irritates me quite a bit:
Given a directory on drive D: of the W2k-Server by the name of
backups. Into this dir, a PRESCHEDULECMD is run, which copies dumps of
databases running on that machine into this directory. This is done by
both, copying a single file as well as complete directories there.
After that, an incremental backup of all of D: is run. The backup copy
group applied looks like this:
Policy Domain Name
  Policy Set Name
  Mgmt Class Name
  Copy Group Name
  Versions Data Exists
  Versions Data Deleted
  Retain Extra Versions
  Retain Only Version
and is (of course) derived from the default settings, which seem
sufficient to our needs and space limitations of the lib we have.
I would expect to be able to restore, in the worst case, every file to a
timespan of up to 60 days after deletion and, if a file had changed
multiple times, up to two versions before the current one, up to 30 days.
Now, if I fire up the GUI and take a look at different points of time at
which (to which?) I could restore the folder or files to, I see (view
also deleted files is enabled) today the folder and files, yesterday the
folder with the little blue cross (for deleted?), and the day before
yesterday nothing. The folder backups is not there.
If i use the CLI and type

tsm query backup -pitt=06:00:00 -pitd=20.07.2003 d:\backups\

I still get listed a whole bunch of files, of which I assume that they
are all younger than 6am, 20.7.03 - which is what i would expect. Note
that currently I would not know how to restore such a state using the GUI.
Is the difference in behaviour between GUI and CLI a bug, a feature, or
something which I don,t understand since I am missing something?
Thanks in advance for any input,

kind regards, tobi... :)
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Restore: Gui vs. CLI - Differences?

2003-08-09 Thread Tobias Hofmann

Andrew Raibeck wrote:

See one of my prior posts on this topic in the ADSM-L archives at for explanation and
Thanks for that very quick answer and the link (I had searched, but too
many results...). That pretty much explains why the GUI client does what
it does (actually, we had thought of the missing entry point [no dir
for that date] as a possibility, but then excluded that, thinking this
could never be...), unfortunately not, why such a design decision has
been taken... :)
We will now take a closer look at this and choose from one of the
possibilities outlined in your post.
Is there anywhere I could vote for new features in TSM? :)

Thanks again,

regards, tobias hofmann
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: AW: Vedr.: define devclass file on w2k not working on mounted sha re?

2003-08-07 Thread Tobias Hofmann
Salak, all,

my view of what you describe inline:

Salak Juraj wrote:

I played around between TSM server and an test file server, 
both NT2000, 
TSM server beeing in a workgroup 
and test file server beeing in a domain.
From what i see here, this has the following effect (btw: if we get OT 
here, please let me know - we might carry this offlist?):

Once a machine is in a domain, it normally does authentication only 
against the domain unless you specify otherwise. Example:

I work on my notebook as a local notebook user, and want to mount a 
share of a machine in a domain, but with a user context of a local user 
on _that_ machine.

Once i type the \\server_in_domain\share into the file explorer, my 
notebook sends along with the request the user info of my local context, 
which is unknown to the server - so i have to specify and log on with 
another account.

If i then enter as user Server_local_username and Password, the 
authentication will fail as long as this username and pw-combination is 
not also available in the domain, since the server assumes domain 

I can log on with server_in_domain\Server_local_username and 
Password, though.

The other solution, as mentioned, would be to have a domain user with 
the same name and pw as my local user, which would also let me log on, 
without even having to type/provide this info myself. This is what I now 
did for my TSM-Server, which is not in the domain of the server I want 
to backup to.

I defined very same local users on both,
plan NET USE Z: ... 
from TSM server to test file server works, no password input necessary (same
This should not be possible. :)

But define devclass remoteshare devtype=file ...
fails both with Z:\ and \\server\ressource parameter.
Yesterday, I found it very useful to check by loggin onto the machine 
with the user account i intended to have TSM-Server running under, and 
do net view \\other_server\share - if i get access denied, it won,t 

I tried to mount Z: using NET USE pointig to the very same TSM server
(remote drive on local server)
Even in this case 
 define devclass remoteshare devtype=file dir=z:  
failed, should as the others have let me know? :)

 define devclass remoteshare devtype=file dir=\\TsmServer\TMP  

Conclusio #1:
 define devclass remoteshare devtype=file dir=z:  
works apparently for local drives only.	
dunno. :)

Conclusio #2:
 define devclass remoteshare devtype=file dir=\\server\ressource  
should work, but we seem to have problem with user/password passing to the
to me, it seems as not provided by tsm...

I found nothing in tsm admin reference.
Who can help?
I hope the info given above might have shed some light, but I am still 
curious to any additional info... :)

regards, tobi... :)


-Ursprngliche Nachricht-
Von: Tobias Hofmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 06. August 2003 15:39
Betreff: Re: Vedr.: define devclass file on w2k not working on mounted
Imre, all,

Imre Kloknicer wrote:

Hi Tobias,

Windows services by default run as a Local System account and this
account usually does not have access to network resources.


  I usually

create a user for running TSM services and give appropriate
permissions to this user.

ok, familiar with the concept. And after playing around with it for a 
bit I started to realize that for the setup I had in mind here, I face 
the problem of having to pass along user- and passwordinformation, which 
does not seem to be possible within the define devclass... syntax - is 
that correct?

As effect of that, I would have to either take my backup-server-machine 
into the same domain as the machine I intend to create my backups on, or 
allow guest and anonymous login on that machine - is that correct also?

thanks again for the input and any further comments,

kind regards, tobi...

Regards, Imre

-Original Message- From: Tobias Hofmann
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday,
August 06, 2003 12:12 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:
Vedr.: define devclass file on w2k not working on mounted share?
Imre, Allan,

thanks for the quick reply, but:

Allan Hansen wrote:

Hi Tobias,

Don't use the drive letter. It will work with the server name of
the remote machine.

define devclass remoteshare devtype=file

tsm: CMS2_SERVER1define devclass remoteshare devtype=file 
dir=\\cms1\tsmbackups ANR8366E DEFINE DEVCLASS: Invalid value for
DIRECTORY parameter. ANS8001I Rckkehrcode 3.

Whereas i can see \\cms1\tsmbackups in the file explorer on the
machine CMS2, as well as do
C:\net view \\cms1 Freigegebene Ressourcen auf \\cms1

Name Typ  LokalBeschreibung

- tsmbackups   Platte videos   Platte Der
Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgefhrt.

in a CLI on CMS2...

I do have to logon to cms1

Re: Vedr.: define devclass file on w2k not working on mounted share?

2003-08-06 Thread Tobias Hofmann
Imre, all,

Imre Kloknicer wrote:

Hi Tobias,

Windows services by default run as a Local System account and this
account usually does not have access to network resources.

 I usually
create a user for running TSM services and give appropriate
permissions to this user.
ok, familiar with the concept. And after playing around with it for a 
bit I started to realize that for the setup I had in mind here, I face 
the problem of having to pass along user- and passwordinformation, which 
does not seem to be possible within the define devclass... syntax - is 
that correct?

As effect of that, I would have to either take my backup-server-machine 
into the same domain as the machine I intend to create my backups on, or 
allow guest and anonymous login on that machine - is that correct also?

thanks again for the input and any further comments,

kind regards, tobi...

Regards, Imre

-Original Message- From: Tobias Hofmann
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday,
August 06, 2003 12:12 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re:
Vedr.: define devclass file on w2k not working on mounted share?
Imre, Allan,

thanks for the quick reply, but:

Allan Hansen wrote:

Hi Tobias,

Don't use the drive letter. It will work with the server name of
the remote machine.

define devclass remoteshare devtype=file

tsm: CMS2_SERVER1define devclass remoteshare devtype=file 
dir=\\cms1\tsmbackups ANR8366E DEFINE DEVCLASS: Invalid value for
DIRECTORY parameter. ANS8001I Rckkehrcode 3.

Whereas i can see \\cms1\tsmbackups in the file explorer on the
machine CMS2, as well as do
C:\net view \\cms1 Freigegebene Ressourcen auf \\cms1

Name Typ  LokalBeschreibung

- tsmbackups   Platte videos   Platte Der
Befehl wurde erfolgreich ausgefhrt.

in a CLI on CMS2...

I do have to logon to cms1, though, before i can see it in the file
 explorer - could that be a security thing, that the tsm-server on
cms2 is running under anoter user context?
any ideas? thanks for the input,

kind regards, tobi...

Allan Hansen Munk IT A/S Egelundsvej 18 5260 Odense S Denmark

Tobias Hofmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sendt af:
ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06-08-2003 11:31
 Besvar venligst til ADSM: Dist Stor Manager
Til:[EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: Vedr.:  define devclass file on
w2k not working on
mounted share?

hi all,

I would like to create a devclass of devtype=file on a windows
2000 server (w2k) running tsm5.1.0.0 using as dir-path a mounted
share of another machine. So what I do is I mount the share of
other machine,

using the gui-analogon to net use (sorry, German OS here,
don,t know

the English terms by heart), on, say, drive f:, and then do

define devclass remoteshare devtype=file dir=f:\tsmbackups on
the admin command line. result is
ANR8366E DEFINE DEVCLASS: Invalid value for DIRECTORY parameter.

I am told that on a Unix-machine, it is possible to define
a devclass of

type file on mounted volumes...

Am I missing something here? What could be the solution to
my problem?

Thanks in advance for any input,

kind regards, tobias hofmann :)



Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar
D99423 Weimar

Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt

SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,
D99421 Weimar

Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7
Zimmer 111

Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701 e-mail:

 Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423
Weimar Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt
medienquadrat SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak.
Medien,  D99421 Weimar Location: D99423 Weimar
Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111 Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780
Fax : -3701 e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dell PV136T and general Media Management

2002-11-04 Thread Tobias Hofmann
Hello all,

we are still not finished setting up our backup environment and rules here,
using TSM5.1.1.0 on Windows 2000 and a Dell Power Vault with two LTO-drives
and 42 slots. After some unforeseen data movements from one server to
others, I was running low on available tapes, and encountered the following:

- As all my slots in the lib were full and I feel better with a couple of
scratch tapes, i remembered a sales rep telling me that the lib could also
use the mailbox slots for storing tapes. Consequently, I tried to checkin
new tapes with the search=bulk parameter, which did not work -
shows that i am not the only one who had encountered this.

Does anybody have a solution to this behaviour?

- Next, I tried to be clever and manually put tapes from internal slots
into the mailbox, and the new tapes into the lib - bad idea. Now i could
checkin the new tapes, but the lib did not recognise the tapes in the
mailbox and TSM marked them removed.

I put the tapes back and did a checkin of the removed tapes as private, but
now i wonder how to tell TSM that these tapes are to be used like they were
before - full, scratch or whatever?

- Coming back to my original problem, I would like to free space on my
tapes. A bunch of rather large media files has been moved across a couple
of servers, and has been backupped on each, which is a total waste.

Is there a method to selectively delete backups of files on the tapes?
These files have been part of ordinary incremental daily backups, and now
use up space worth a couple of my tapes I,d rather have them deleted - how?

Sorry if these questions have been asked recently - I did some searching
through my list mailbox and also rtfm on the introduction and reference
manuals, but to no avail - pointers would be heartily welcomed!

thanks in advance to all,

kind regards, tobi...

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
  e-mail: mailto:tobias.hofmann;

Re: FW: web admin interface: problem with install

2002-07-17 Thread Tobias Hofmann

Hi Rob and all,

At 03:08 13.07.2002, you wrote:
We just had this problem on our Unix Server.  TSM support instructed us to
shut down the TSM server then the following command should be run: dsmserv
runfile in the /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/webimages/dsmserv.idl.  Unfortunately
I do not have a Win2K server to transfer this directory and file to

this would translate to ?:\Programme\tivoli\tsm\server\dsmserv runfile

and solved my problem after a crucial hint from glen hattrup:

it only worked after i had stopped the server, changed the language from
deu to ameng, restarted, then restopped, and ran the command above.

then, after rechanging the language to deu, it even worked in german.

go figure...

thanks to all answering and trying to help, it is very much appreciated! :)


tobi... :)

but the
gentleman at TSM knew immediately what the problem was just by the error

Hope this helps,


-Original Message-
From: Tobias Hofmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 10:40 AM
Subject: web admin interface: problem with install

ladies, gentlemen,

i just subscribed to this list, since i found no clues on the problem i am
facing - i would be very happy if anybody could provide me with some hints
as to how to troubleshoot the following:

installing the version of the tsm server on a dell multiprocessor
computer running win2k advanced server and going through the init-process
after setup gives me a running server, which i can administrate using the
mmc-commandline and wizards included with the mmc.

i cannot, however, use the web admin interface (neither locally nor from
another machine), since the frame on the left hand of the browser window
gives me 404. i can, however, logon to the server and have a command line
in my webbrowser - also the show events option seems to work fine.

installing the same server on a win2kpro machine (with no backup device) in
the same manner as before shows me the left frame with all the options, so
i suppose the install-file is good.

both os are german, and the version of tsm server i chose is german as well
(hoping to thus avoid lang problems - why i would choose to install german
in the first place might be discussed elsewhere...).

if anybody could provide me with info concerning how to troubleshoot why i
get a 404 for the admin tools, and where the settings for the webserver are
stored (paths?), i would be very happy.

after having tried to install the last version 4 tsm server on this
machine, which even refused to initialise the server, and going through a
couple of install/uninstall/registry_clean/..., i succeeded in installing
the new only after killing the windows installation (which was only
set up for backup, and had things like change admin account name - security
policy here - and some shut down services) and do a plain vanilla
reinstall, so that it at least works now with my library and we can do some
backups. i would like to avoid going through that reinstall circle again,
if possible.

the above makes me think if there is something peculiar about the way
either dell has you install the server or our win2kadvanced installation
material, since all these problems did not arise on a test install on my
win2kpro workstation. maybe it could also be possible that deactivating
services like
- dhcp
- print spool
- licence protocol
- remote registry service
- smtp
- snmp
- phone
- iis-admin and
- www-publishing
might keep the admin tools from working?

thanks in advance for any input,

kind regards from germany,

tobi hofmann

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
  Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
 Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
   e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423

Re: FW: web admin interface: problem with install

2002-07-16 Thread Tobias Hofmann

Hi Rob,

thanx for your answer -

At 03:08 13.07.2002, you wrote:
We just had this problem on our Unix Server.  TSM support instructed us to
shut down the TSM server then the following command should be run: dsmserv
runfile in the /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/webimages/dsmserv.idl.  Unfortunately
I do not have a Win2K server to transfer this directory and file to

this would translate to ?:\Programme\tivoli\tsm\server\dsmserv runfile

I was informed offlist that there is an update available to, which
i tried first, to no avail.

Then, I tried running the above command, but the effect is still the same -
no icon tree in the left frame, 404 instead.

Any further ideas, anybody?

Curious, Tobi...

but the
gentleman at TSM knew immediately what the problem was just by the error

Hope this helps,


-Original Message-
From: Tobias Hofmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2002 10:40 AM
Subject: web admin interface: problem with install

ladies, gentlemen,

i just subscribed to this list, since i found no clues on the problem i am
facing - i would be very happy if anybody could provide me with some hints
as to how to troubleshoot the following:

installing the version of the tsm server on a dell multiprocessor
computer running win2k advanced server and going through the init-process
after setup gives me a running server, which i can administrate using the
mmc-commandline and wizards included with the mmc.

i cannot, however, use the web admin interface (neither locally nor from
another machine), since the frame on the left hand of the browser window
gives me 404. i can, however, logon to the server and have a command line
in my webbrowser - also the show events option seems to work fine.

installing the same server on a win2kpro machine (with no backup device) in
the same manner as before shows me the left frame with all the options, so
i suppose the install-file is good.

both os are german, and the version of tsm server i chose is german as well
(hoping to thus avoid lang problems - why i would choose to install german
in the first place might be discussed elsewhere...).

if anybody could provide me with info concerning how to troubleshoot why i
get a 404 for the admin tools, and where the settings for the webserver are
stored (paths?), i would be very happy.

after having tried to install the last version 4 tsm server on this
machine, which even refused to initialise the server, and going through a
couple of install/uninstall/registry_clean/..., i succeeded in installing
the new only after killing the windows installation (which was only
set up for backup, and had things like change admin account name - security
policy here - and some shut down services) and do a plain vanilla
reinstall, so that it at least works now with my library and we can do some
backups. i would like to avoid going through that reinstall circle again,
if possible.

the above makes me think if there is something peculiar about the way
either dell has you install the server or our win2kadvanced installation
material, since all these problems did not arise on a test install on my
win2kpro workstation. maybe it could also be possible that deactivating
services like
- dhcp
- print spool
- licence protocol
- remote registry service
- smtp
- snmp
- phone
- iis-admin and
- www-publishing
might keep the admin tools from working?

thanks in advance for any input,

kind regards from germany,

tobi hofmann

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
  Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
 Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
   e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Scheduled TSM Policy Will Not Run

2002-07-16 Thread Tobias Hofmann

Hi Ken,

At 20:03 15.07.2002, you wrote:
I'm new to TSM  AIX (so new that, last month I could not spell TSM nor AIX).

I am as new to this as you are, even though on Win2K, but that shouldn,t
make too much a difference. Here is what I would do:

   So here's my dilemma.


  The new policy does not run and I receive the following message on the
 TSM server.

ANR2578W Schedule DAVINCI_BACKUP_DAILY in domain
has missed its scheduled start up window.

on the server, run
q sched to see what schedules are planned.

run q assoc to see if the nodes you want to have are associated (even
though to me it seems like that davinci was scheduled, hence the missed

run q event *domain* *schedule* to see if the events are scheduled as

on the client, run (in dsmc) q sched to see if the node has picked up the
schedule provided by the server.

if i got this correctly, running this command on the client should update
the schedule for the node (here it did, iirc).

if no schedule shows up, in a next step i would check the schedmode setting
for both the client and the server - see set schedmode in the admin-ref
and the schedmode-line in the dsm.sys-file on the client.

on a further node, the files dsmsched.log and dsmerror.log (which have to
be defined in the dsm.sys of the client as well) might help you along.
after a succesfull connection with the server, i find the next scheduled
backup at the end of the dsmsched.log.

take all this with a grain of salt - newbie-alert! :)

hoping that this helps, and please do correct me if i went wrong somewhere,

regards, tobi

What did I miss?  Where did I go wrong?

Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to lead me through the process, or
just clear up the error of my ways.


Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
 Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
   e-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

web admin interface: problem with install

2002-07-11 Thread Tobias Hofmann

ladies, gentlemen,

i just subscribed to this list, since i found no clues on the problem i am
facing - i would be very happy if anybody could provide me with some hints
as to how to troubleshoot the following:

installing the version of the tsm server on a dell multiprocessor
computer running win2k advanced server and going through the init-process
after setup gives me a running server, which i can administrate using the
mmc-commandline and wizards included with the mmc.

i cannot, however, use the web admin interface (neither locally nor from
another machine), since the frame on the left hand of the browser window
gives me 404. i can, however, logon to the server and have a command line
in my webbrowser - also the show events option seems to work fine.

installing the same server on a win2kpro machine (with no backup device) in
the same manner as before shows me the left frame with all the options, so
i suppose the install-file is good.

both os are german, and the version of tsm server i chose is german as well
(hoping to thus avoid lang problems - why i would choose to install german
in the first place might be discussed elsewhere...).

if anybody could provide me with info concerning how to troubleshoot why i
get a 404 for the admin tools, and where the settings for the webserver are
stored (paths?), i would be very happy.

after having tried to install the last version 4 tsm server on this
machine, which even refused to initialise the server, and going through a
couple of install/uninstall/registry_clean/..., i succeeded in installing
the new only after killing the windows installation (which was only
set up for backup, and had things like change admin account name - security
policy here - and some shut down services) and do a plain vanilla
reinstall, so that it at least works now with my library and we can do some
backups. i would like to avoid going through that reinstall circle again,
if possible.

the above makes me think if there is something peculiar about the way
either dell has you install the server or our win2kadvanced installation
material, since all these problems did not arise on a test install on my
win2kpro workstation. maybe it could also be possible that deactivating
services like
- dhcp
- print spool
- licence protocol
- remote registry service
- smtp
- snmp
- phone
- iis-admin and
- www-publishing
might keep the admin tools from working?

thanks in advance for any input,

kind regards from germany,

tobi hofmann

Dipl.-Ing. Tobias Hofmann   Bauhaus-Universitaet Weimar  D99423 Weimar
Professur fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung  Projekt medienquadrat
SnailMail:  Bauhaus-Universitaet  Weimar,  Fak. Medien,  D99421 Weimar
Location: D99423 Weimar Karl-Haussknechtstr. 7  Zimmer 111
 Fon: ++49-(0)3643-58-3780  Fax : -3701
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